Building a Legit Blade Runner Blaster Kit Part 1 - Cleaning up Kit Parts

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[Music] that could have gone better hey there fellow maker welcome down to my shop I'm bill today I'm gonna be tackling the Blade Runner gun well this is just the grip obviously but I have a whole kit sitting right here that needs to be sorted cleaned up together I have no idea which kit this is I bought it from a friend a couple years ago and it had been collecting dust in his shop for a couple of years so I'm not quite sure which one it is but I am sure that I can probably figure it out especially with the help of our prop tarts in the chat that's right I'm putting this guy together live over on our twitch channel so without further ado let me dive straight into this get some pieces organized and start the build here are all the parts ok step one I'm gonna channel my inner Adam Savage and nolé all of these so that we know what we have to deal with there we go this is what we have to deal with now some of the resin pieces for example this guy here have some extra flashing I need to trim off I think that's a safe place to start so I'm going to just how to collect all those parts and slowly figure out if that's what I should do because I don't want to cut off any material that I might need got my stuff Nold and also I have a really great tip from Yann willeth our prophet art found this guide to putting together the world con blaster gun I don't know I don't think this is the world conversion but it's close enough so basically this is a metal casting that gets taken apart and painted and put back together so kind of halfway through this is where I'll start but what's great is I can go and check the parts list so here's all the screws so I'm gonna do that and to do that I'm going old-school got a pen and paper I got a which is the 20 millimeter 120 yeah so I can go find that hopefully I have it this looks like it no that's short this is 20 millimeters that looks a little long cool so I'm just gonna stored all these screws and parts make sure I have everything I'll check back in in a few minutes I made some progress here as these screws will probably be used later but I just taped them down by length and diameter to keep them organized the rest of those parts are just in this tray again that's us probably gonna wait till later the first thing I need to do is really clean up these pieces a lot of them have flashing that needs to get trimmed off and cleaned up so that they can fit all together so the next bit of work is just gonna be some trimming and some sanding to get these pieces to fit together time to make some dust which means I've got some goggles on got my dust mask on and I'm gonna use this guy here to just slowly remove material until I'm down to my parting lines there the seam lines [Music] actually some of these parts have a lot of flash I'm gonna trim it off on the bandsaw then come back here and sand it off there we go I just cut off a bunch of this so I don't have to turn it all into dust now that's pretty good I don't want to go too much I can finish this by hand there's a little bit right there I don't again don't want to do too much I only have one of these I don't want to have to do any extra filling if I don't have to so a gentle touch there we go that's pretty good I can still tell there's a bit of material on there and I'll run this over some sandpaper to get it nice and smooth but that's good enough this piece here has some weirdness going on up there and I think I may need to go in with like a little saw or something to get that right but most of this here I can remove [Music] that's about as much as I want to do right now I'll do the rest by hand and then this piece here I'll figure out what needs to get trimmed off when I'm trying to fit it together later so the rest of the work on these parts is gonna be hand work and I'm gonna sneak up on it there's little bits like this there's a little bit of metal on there and I can kind of use these to get it most of the way they're in it these look like bits that squeezed out on the parting line of the mold but yeah I'll trim it a little bit like this is supposed to go in there and it works very good there's a little bit of interference I think that this part here needs to get sanded down I'll check my reference pictures to make sure I do that but I can get sanded down on that sander but the rest of this here can get start to get cleaned up by hand with like an exacto knife there's a little bit of flash left there I can carefully cut most of it away and then come back in with a small file to finish it up the files are these little needle files for this internal part here I have a round needle file I can go in and just sort of carefully get it down to where it needs to go for this external part here I can use this flat needle file clean that up a little bit do a little at a time sneak up on it this is the dirtiest file on planet Earth fortunately I have a brush for cleaning off my bottle so there we go I'm gonna just do that on all these parts just start cleaning up all the bits and bobs and if I run into any specific issues I'll let you know some good progress here the the bullet holder and the revolving bullet holder goes on here and then that's supposed to go and here man that clearly doesn't fit so that needs to get trimmed off and I think I'm just gonna go over to the belt sander to do that [Music] that could have gone better the piece is so thin it got pulled down into the end of the sander [Music] that looks pretty good the rest I can do by hand working on some of these pieces still just cleaning up the parts I've sanded this is kinda there but to finish it I'm just gonna run it on a piece of sandpaper I just have some 220 here as slowly as possible I don't want to tilt it while I'm working I'm just removing the rest of the sprue there was a little bit of a sprue left over from the casting so I'm just trying to remove as much of that as possible without cutting into the piece too much tell you what - if I want this to be a nice 90 degrees I can run it against my one two three block like that oh that's so much better do that let's take this and then run it of course this surface should be flat it's not it's not very flat if you have like a piece of glass or something if you're really concerned about you should run down a piece of glass this should be fine so I'm just gonna keep doing that till it's nice and smooth time to commit drill some holes so these pieces here go into here like that like that I don't know but I need to drill these holes out and I went through my screws I'm pretty sure I have the right sized hole and I'm gonna drill it from the back so that's went right through okay let's do this one I'm gonna drill this from this side now it looks pretty good and then I believe it's this screw that goes through there and then that gets threaded under there I tried screwin these together it looks like I may have to read rill this hole it's not quite in line the way it ought to be but I'm gonna wait to do that till later so I don't totally goop this up let's just continue cleaning up these parts this part here needs to fit together within that like so it's not quite there yet so I'm just removing a little material at a time and I'm checking it and see how how it looks and sneaking up on it [Music] making more progress cleaning up all the edges on this this part here goes in the end of the barrel and this part here is supposed to go through it and I just need to finish off this hole with it drill bit I'm super careful here and then I believe this goes here and eventually this will run yeah like that anyway all I've been doing is sanding a lot and drilling holes whenever it makes sense so I drilled out the hole on the front of this where the catch is there and so on so more sanding we some of these castings do have a couple of small bubbles in them and I'm gonna clean them up before I do though bubbles are perfectly shiny because they were just exposed to air so I got my rotary tool here I'm just gonna carve them out a little bit so they have a little tooth for our filler it's pretty good so now those are ready to get a little bit of filler I think for this I'm just gonna use some good old fashioned super glue and baby powder so I just mixed up a tiny bit of superglue with baby powder to make a paste and that can be used to fill in those bubble poles so that looks pretty good can I hit that with a little bit of this accelerant get going what I like about this is if I'm filling in an area like here that's not just an indent there's I gotta fix this corner I can put a little bit on spray it it'll set up very quickly and then I can basically sculpt a little bit more on there because I have to make this repair bigger it has to extend beyond the the bubble there so that I can then sand it back to shape hit it again call it good and then there was one more right where's the other one right here cool well let those dry a bit more or cure a bit more and then sand it flush now that my super glue is all dry I'm gonna use a rotary tool just have like a spiral II Kutty bit in there to remove the bulk of the material okay I got it close with the rotary tool but not too far I don't want to have to add more filler I can go in now with my files and just kind of bring it back to the final shape that I want slowly and gently carefully actually this can be sanded flat like this looks good with a flat one get this all the shape with my files until I'm happy with it and then do the rest of the finishing work my hand with some sandpaper just making sure that Phil is all flush with the surrounding plastic now once this is painted you'll never know there was a bubble there hit it with a scouring pad real quick that'll do I think that'll do nicely so this piece here is kind of interesting someone already did some work on it I'm not sure if it was my buddy or not clearly been sanded I'm just filling in some bubbles this is where the electronics go though so I need to drill some holes for these lights I also need to clean this up a tiny bit with my rotary tool let's do the lights real quick this is the this drill bit is the diameter of the LEDs I should just be able to poke that through carefully and then let's check and see if an LED fits in there sure enough that's where those red LEDs come peeking out awesome so I can drill all of those and get this guy out cleaned up most of my plastic pieces are cleaned up some of these metal pieces need a little work too I think this part here actually that end part will need to get drilled and tapped and pretty sure so that it lines up with there now the end of this was cast and it's a little cruddy I think that's the that may have been the pouring spout so I should be able to clean it up a little bit so again using my rotary tool here I can just clean that up a little bit [Music] just rounding it ah rounding it a little bit should be it should be nice and flat actually I can probably round it a little bit so that it fits in there more snug not sure how snug it needs to be also the edges on this can use just a little bit of cleanup there's a little bit of flash leftover from the mold but these files make quick work of that same thing on the edge of this here there's a little bit of flash right there and again it's my round file there it is just got my file here I can go through around that over so it looks all pretty all of our pieces are mostly cleaned up and I'm gonna for the first time after quite a few hours try and put all the parts together kind of see how they look now I'd still have some holes to drill I still have some work to do all right this is like my first sort of dry run and I'm gonna see if I can put together let's start with the barrel like so and then this part goes on top of that look but these pieces go inside of it first and then the this thing goes on there like so and that part goes in there and that part goes in there like so and then this goes in there okay not bad for a first step there everything seems to fit fairly well I think that this will go next that kind of wants to stay together so this goes like so that goes in there and on top of that on this side is that you know the other side is that like so oops and that just wants to come out so I go back in there okay cool so far so good awesome sort of kind of feel where all this stuff goes um let's see that goes together oh this this actually goes in there awesome like that this goes like that it's just not this does not want to stay together without screws but basically like that cool this part goes in like that I'm just gonna leave it thank you throw this away this part goes together that goes in there that goes under there nope actually if I do this that should help that and I need some way to prop this up Oh I'll use one of these triggers hold that up awesome then that goes basically like that then that'll go there and then that'll go there like that here look at kinda how that goes together feel pretty good about that feel pretty good and let's see light so I don't need to worry about that right now there we go I'm just gonna stop touching it obviously I need to screw everything together but everything looks like it fits together the way it's a poster which is good news let's see that needs to fit in like that so I may need to like round that over a little bit the back of this you'll see I think the back of these looks and the back of this part here needs to be shaped a little bit more I'll figure that out the rest of the parts seem to fit together really well except for just now and they all fell apart but cool that's pretty awesome I'm feeling good that this is going to go through there that's true now I'm going to drill all the way through with the tap sized drill bit and here's the problem well my tap fit all the way through there I think it will yeah since that's plastic I should be able to use this tap to cut it easily without fear of breaking the tap and that should fit through there and thread through there just like that that goes there that goes there it all fits together and the screw should hold it in place just like that this will get pinned down later but then this can open what look at that it worked hooray not a bad first step I think I'm feeling a lot more confident about how this kits gonna go together next I have to drill a bunch of holes I'm gonna figure out where all those screws go and mostly just drill holes and because a lot of them are plastic or really soft metal I think I'm just touching screws right now I think I can self tap the holes with those screws we'll find out but I'm gonna go do that thank you for checking out the video I'll be doing this again on the livestream the next step you'll see which should be a good time head on over to our twitch channel give us a follow other than that thanks so much for checking out our videos and joining me in the shop today I hope you go out there and make your own supercool prop maybe go find a kit you can put together and follow along in the fun thanks again for watching I'll see you in the next build hey thanks for watching if you're new to the channel please subscribe so you don't miss any of our new weekly prop and costume tutorial videos for more goodies head over to our website where you'll find blueprints tutorial books articles and more we also have a second channel for our Q&A show and extra behind-the-scenes videos thanks again and happy crafting
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 62,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: punished props, kit, blade runner, gun, weapon, prop, props, cosplay, DIY, how to, tutorial, guide, tips, tools, tricks, techniques, chinbeard, blaster, build, replica, part, prop shop, bill doran, prop making, deckard, blade runner 2049, movie, bladerunner, 2049, maker, ridleyscott, rickdeckard, replicants, costume, make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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