Testing More Viral Woodworking TikTok Techniques

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hundreds of you have been sending me woodworking tick tocks for the past few months and it's about time we test a few of them let's go we've got five juicy ones for you here and ranging from like two million views all the way up to 126 million views this is gonna get out of hand today we're coming off the gate hot with a 126 million views yes one two six that is a ridiculous amount of views we've got this like insanely sharp chisel that is just so buttery cutting the top off an end grain piece of wood I think I can sharpen some of my stuff up and give this a shot let's go all right first things first he's using a Japanese style chisel which has a hollow ground back here I've got a pair of Japanese chisels I typically use more of a traditional chisel but we're gonna give it a shot with these Japanese digitals I'm not gonna lie don't really love this chisel but we need to sharpen it first to make this thing as close to a razor as I possibly can I'm gonna use my diamond stones and a glass stone and hop on my tormec to do the bevel I'll and use the tormex stropping system to get it polished and hopefully it's sharp enough to cut us a sliver time for wood in the video he's using pine so we're gonna do the same and just got that nice single shaving I think I'm too I think I'm too deep to get a single shave we're gonna kind of try that again let me figure hold on a second hold on a second it's too much okay all right let's try this again this is crazy wow crazy let's try it over here this steel does not stay very sharp I grabbed a different chisel we're gonna try it with this one a lot of it I think is about to start man this is hard [Music] how do you live in one clean peel the dude is my goodness first two chisels were a failure let's go with the timber frame chisel uh-oh maybe I'll just bring it up more huh [Music] I'm trying to do like a paper thin cut I wondered too how much the grain orients it like you hear it racking against that grain in the video he's got a much I think it's a straighter Green Piece the more I'm trying this the more I'm like damn dude whatever chisel that guy is using is on another planet of sharpness and it's absolutely ridiculous I wonder if I'm it looked like he was using pine he might be using like a cedar though I will say I suck but this rolls 126 million views worth every single one of them on to the next we've got at 7.8 million views a leg being turned on the table saw this is ridiculous I've seen this done before by Michael Alm he's got a plan available I bought it we're testing it Michael's Plan called for a bunch of stuff when I went to the depot I grabbed a bunch of stuff and then I also needed t-track which they don't have there nor do I have any of it so we're just going to make my sled fixed so we're going to start with the tail stock which will be the this more or less it's gonna just be a chunk of wood that's gonna hold the butt of the thing in place I tried to do one I suck let's try again [Music] so we're going to use one of these like threaded inserts that has little Grabbers on it this is all the t-track we have stuff it's the weed with the tea truck I need to create like a foot that can slide around so I can get the piece to go inside of it what I'll do is I'll do a plywood plate a couple holes in that sucker just like Michael did it and I wanted a few pieces of food [Music] our new pig that'll do so I think we're ready to actually maybe try and cut something so I gotta find Center on both sides of this blank here ready for a test insert that on the nail side and then enter piece it's nuts too too big [Music] so I'm going to Flap the corners off first do I think we might be close my friend so the next thing we're doing here I'm going to add the runner I'm just going to put some CA glue on this the piece of Maple and then I can bring our jig over a musty glass pick up the wood but that should be where we want it to go let's let that CA glue set I'm sticking you suck there we go [Music] what you would call pretty puckered I did everything I think I needed to do now there's nothing to it but to do it shut up and get to work there's nobody here foreign [Music] okay it's working but I'm having an I could feel it binding I need to extend my my Runner one second let's try that again [Music] I don't know I don't know what it is but I'm having a lot of problems with the nut backing out this doesn't want to stay in the hole but it's so close and it's terrifying because I'm spinning it at the table saw it's like when it's tight it's good but then it then loosens up we're so close I think I figured it out I put a little bit of a bigger nut on there foreign I don't know if it's something I'm insanely comfortable with but like this is pretty darn cool that's pretty sick I gotta say okay that's enough of that for now and that my friends is a perfect dowel on the table saw super cool on to the next one all right this one's got 2.7 million views it's from one of those like shared accounts which I hate but it looks pretty awesome let's see what this dude's up to we've got a buttload of glue oh a bunch of curve Cuts these are probably gonna create a little curvy curve yep there it is oh and then it just magically turns into like two floors standing little ovular things why not let's make one okay I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing here but I've got about 60 good inches of what I think is Elm I don't know it was in the pile and I'm wondering if I can like curf it into a box which means I need four curves so if I was to do something that was like in a perfect world if it's 60 I can go 15 15 15. 15 but the problem is I want to meet at a square spot here I'll go seven and a half I'm just just by estimating on that our boy probably has about a cut every quarter inch so if we do something like that maybe nine cuts let's see how that bends and we'll come back and measure the rest now if only I was as cool as the dusty Lumber Company I'd have a radial arm saw that could do all this but I did buy one of those didn't I what I'm going to do instead is use a miter saw here with a stop I could do something similar you just have to put this spacer block back here so give her the old College try nothing to it but to shut up and work I don't want to bend at all right even deeper you're probably done a test but I'm a freaking [Music] oh my goodness I wonder if I should wet it there's no way they're using solid wood on that I think I got to go deeper buddy I gotta dig a Little Deeper hey hey screw you Sam it's gonna look like absolute dog on the edge but figure something out how many did I do 20 21. I bet you I didn't have to do these last two over here one two I can get away with 20. 60 of them ready set go [Music] so the piece started springing up and I'm an idiot and I wasn't putting down hard enough so it actually cut through on like all of this complete I still think we got a chance here I can match it kind of cool this piece here wanted to break off and then freaking tried to jump off the Saw like the wood itself was cracked I don't know about you that's pretty cool I'm going for it so that dude just like gobs and gobs and gobs of glue and then he just kind of works it down into it I need more than that so it's way off very very interesting my friend nice so funky it's probably why in the video he doesn't do two he doesn't one because it's easier I can try and use these this freaking glue on everything like in my mouth let this thing sit overnight and see if it doesn't explode apart in the morning I'm giving it an 85 chance that it does Rio link so I'm super pumped to finally be getting a security system in the shop Rio link has a ton of options out there and what I love the most about them is they have options that don't need hardwired that link directly to your phone you can simply download the app and access your security cameras from anywhere I am extremely excited about this because we need a lot of them we've got their real link Duo to Wi-Fi and the arduous PT Ultras which are going to be inside and outside and I'm super stoked about it we can mount these directly to the building really simple to use come with a battery if you want to take them off you can plug it in and charge we're going to be using a solar panel on this one so we can hook up these really rad solar panels with our units and get continuous power without Ever Changing batteries or having to worry about power outages we need to be inside we need to be outside and running wires to those would have been an absolute pain in the butt they have onboard storage as well as cloud storage which is super cool and I am really excited to be able to capture the moments on camera in the shop that we may or may not miss besides that they're going to keep my business safe and these things work awesome at home or at your shop my buddy Johnny actually had a break-in at his building recently and I don't want that to happen here so I'm super excited to get these real links up and installed if you're interested in getting some more security around your shop or home you definitely got to check these out they are fantastic and I'm really excited thank you really for sponsoring this video now let's get back to it alrighty it's been overnight Moment of Truth see if this sucker explodes apart I will say that's pretty cool that's super cool it's interesting to say the least you can probably make a thing I don't know I don't know but I think for the intents and purposes of testing out viral crazy I'll get the Domino out on benefit of a domino it took me three minutes ugly joints it probably looks to the same quality because those things are usually built like by children in factories overseas and some of those kids are Master Craftsmen but this video I don't know this is definitely some of my worst work I could put up one bottle of booze inside of it I think it's a lost cause oh you do I think I'm gonna glue it up just to spite you the only reason we're doing this is because Joe thinks it's a lost cost Joe's our new camera guy so I'm going to prove him wrong make it awesome I can live with this hunk of it doesn't even look slightly above average all right we let it dry I gotta go wash the glue off of my brand new Enron with trust shark that I've already sweat through if you haven't grabbed yourself one go ahead and do that down below we got an awesome giveaway that you're going to want to check out going on as well right now it's only available through the month of August 2023 depending on when you're watching it check it out okay turn it on [Music] it's been about I don't know 12 hours or so she's dry ish well it's staying together so far let me uh let me try and clean it up with a little bit of sanding let's see how it looks it's pretty bad like the radius here is different than the radius here they're all different it's probably why they didn't do it in the way I did it I could pretty it up I think if I just kept sanding I could put a laminated piece inside here I could also put some trim on the front of it but more or less it's like it was a fun experiment first time I've done something this much Turf cutting mine turned out like the video looks good so I I'll go out and I'll say give this one a shot if you're into it it's not that hard it will take some practice so do a couple tests first video is awesome I think it deserves the views my build does not deserve the view so sorry for that but let's go on to the next one all right up next we've got 24 million views and this is a finger joint really really fun beginner joint that anyone can do you need only a couple things a table saw and you're good to go so I guess let's get to it all right so this Finger Joint technique is relatively simple you want to make sure of a few things one you're using a ripping blade that has a flat bottom on it that will make for a better looking joint one and two you can get away with just using your good old-fashioned miter gauge that comes with your table saw so let me get this blade in show you guys how to do this tune I'm gonna rip a two and a half inch piece ah let's go three and next you're going to want to get your miter gauge put it in the table if you look in the back of your miter gauge see these two slots here if you didn't know those are four screwing stuff to your miter gauge you can simply just fasten this to your miter gauge and there you go next I've got some material here I've got Walnut and I got Maple you want to set your blade height to be just a smidget above your material thickness okay that's important when you get into it the next thing that I'll do is turn this on run this over it now that is going to be where your key goes so out of some scrap you now want to cut your key I've got a little bit of Walnut here and I know that if I put my piece here and I mark it I can line up my saw to hopefully make the off cut of what I'm pushing through fit into that key [Music] it's still a little bit heavy so as my daughter likes to say try again now we have a perfect key okay so cut these into little pieces now [Applause] [Music] Okay so we've got our key now what I'm going to do a little bit of CA glue from the back to speed the process up that convenience of the new miter table with that in there superb put that back you're going to take the rest of the piece you have left over bump it up against the saw blade with your key so there's a gap there okay then you're going to want to go ahead and screw your plate back in all right so for this first cut I will start with my piece butted up against the key [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so when you start the next piece you want to put your last one here butt this against it [Music] remove and then start your cuts [Music] okay super super easy and then boom there you go that's how she fits together a little bit of glue and that sucker is well I went backwards there but a little bit of glue and that sucker is a beaut really cool joint super easy any beginner can use it if you've got a table saw you can make this joint you don't need any crazy tools put some glue in there and show you guys what she looks not finished gotta say that is a good looking joint well worth it you got to give this one a shot super easy next up has 12.8 million views and I think it's a joinery piece which we've done a ton of in this series oh yes we've got Olaf Davidson this guy is actually incredible I've seen a bunch of his stuff this is just so soothing he's using a bunch of hand tools creating a oh snap I've never seen that it's like a lap joint with an X in it and then showing off some of his other super buttery joints let's try this x joint though this thing looks pretty rad so I've milled up some stock here we've got a piece of Oak and a piece of Walnut you use Walnut and maple but I don't have any chunky Maple I don't think okay so I need to lay out some lines here all right so we're just getting a little cross line here there's no points of reference on there but our material here three quarters of an inch to center before I do anything else I'm actually gonna take my own advice and I'm gonna put blue tape right on the edge you can still see my cut mark [Music] the next thing we want to do is use a marking gauge and our piece is one inch thick so we want to go a half inch Center great I ruined my brick and triangle so we're going to remove all of this all this and all that and then it'll be the opposite on this guy that triangle gets removed the whole way and then this part here stays as well so all of this that gets removed that gets removed that gets removed and the triangle gets removed he uses hand tools but I don't think he cuts the first part with hand towards I think he just dials it in with hand tools and he's got a little hand router there dials that in we're going to hybrid this sucker yeah it's a hybrid we'll do some table saw cuts and we'll do some Cuts with the hand tools we're not going to fit these off the Saw I'll get them super close the next thing I have this line here that's going to tell me the edge of my cut so I can line up the back and just give it a smidge inside to make it clean okay so it's important on this one that I don't screw this up as you can see I have a cut line there I just want to transfer that all the way up that way when I'm lining it up to my cut here on the fence I'm not screwing myself that should leave me in with my triangle still existing it's a good start let's go dial it in on the workbench so I think the first thing I want to do here is just relieve the cuts that are inside there so we'll just start here pretty satisfying and then come back through and start cleaning it up so in his example he did this so I'm just going to take a little bit more of the meat off of those and then I'll come back on the other side then he comes back with one of these which is going to be perfectly just like adhered here it's a little double-sided tape I'll just make sure this thing's perfect before putting it down right up to that line excellent and then I'll come back through just like he did oak on the cross green it's not as nice as Maple be able to use this and it's a backer okay I'll take that [Music] I'm gonna do the bottoms of both of those at the same time I have to do a little bit of tweaking once we get into it but I think it should be good so I'm gonna do the same thing here but this time it's gonna be much smaller Cuts because I don't have any throw on there foreign so for this one we're literally just going up and down vertical I've got this big old block here and then I'll come back in and clean up the uh the bottom [Music] okay two things I typically don't do that I did exactly as the video said go me old ass tools I don't even know how old this is I rarely use it so this is a handheld router plane if you're not familiar but you just kind of you use it to do exactly this you flatten the bottom of rabbits and I would use a just like a palm router if I wanted to bust out my palm router pretty cool tool and come back in and I'll clean it up with my chisel to avoid tear out you want to come from the outside in it's pretty darn close I think I got a little out of square with this part here trying to do it the way he did it that tape might actually be it okay so now it's seated you snug but it'll go so I'm gonna clean this one up you don't see the inside of this joint so I'm just going to put a slight chamfer on it to help everything go and seat that's also why I didn't care that we got tear out where we did okay Moment of Truth hi no it's a tight joint okay let's bust her out ain't as good as his but it's there and she's seated that's a to be it's as simple as it is that is a tough joint it looks pretty good I mean I could if I sanded it it would look a lot a lot better um there's a little bit of Gap there and it's not perfectly seated here but you know awesome stuff that dude is an absolute beast in the shop highly recommend this channel worth every single view good stuff and that's going to be a wrap on this one a lot of woodworking here this is a lot of fun though some cool stuff I definitely suggest you guys give it a shot make sure you're following me on social that way you can send me all the examples of ridiculous stuff like this you want me to try in the next video and then leave a comment down below and let me know what are we going to build next
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 271,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To
Id: lIueBa5608Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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