Building a High RPM 400ci SBC to Replace Broken "Compression Obsession" - Engine Power S10, E6&7

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[Music] you're watching Power Nation our compression Obsession small block Chevy had an unfortunate mishap but it's coming back better than ever with more cubic inches and more power [Music] welcome to engine power and today here in the shop it's actually kind of a sad day it might be hard to recognize but this is our compression Obsession 360 cubic inch dynomial and this thing actually performed amazing it was a diamond mule that we built with high compression and solid roller valve train so it would turn a bunch of RPM and it did just that on the dyno it made 576 horsepower on E85 and when we put it on 104 octane oxygenated racing fuel and made 591 horsepower and turned 7 000 RPM and this thing was a rocket and if it performs so well you're probably wondering why did we take it all apart well just like anything else there's a story behind that now the engine didn't blow up that might be the first thing that you're thinking it actually had a structural failure after the effect while the engine wasn't even running when we pulled it apart all the parts looked great the rods Pistons bearings valve train everything looked awesome but we had a structural failure that usually happens to something thing in the northern climates not here in Tennessee back a little bit ago we had a rash of bad weather and that meant freezing rain but also freezing temperatures and what happened is the building had lost power while we weren't here our dining room obviously heated is not going to be heated if there's no power and since it's hooked to outside air the inside of that room got extremely cold cold enough to let the engine freeze and actually externally break the block the first thing you might ask is well why didn't the freeze plugs pop out and help it well a freeze plug is technically not a freeze plug it's actually a core plug that is used to get the casting sand out when the block is made it is not a safety feature of the block so just by the power of freezing and expanding water it pushed the sides of the block out very easily rendering it junk and that sucks a lot and so we sat around trying to figure out what we were going to do with all these great parts and a busted block but we think we came up with a pretty good solution Tommy and Joel from Detroit Muscle recently started a 1971 Chevy Caprice project and when they pulled the original engine they set it aside well we pulled it off the shelf to become our new compression Obsession dynomial and this is that engine it is the infamous small block Chevy 400 which is pretty cool because dimensionally it's the exact same as our small block Chevy 350 that's busted that means that even though it has a longer stroke and a bigger bore we should be able to take all of our old parts and bolt it into this engine that means we can use the same camshaft valve train and induction package as before it's gonna be pretty interesting because not only is it gonna show that there's no replacement for displacement but it also will tell us if the RPM range will change for the peak power and if it will make the same specific output this is going on the dyno and running exactly like it came out of the car we are not changing the timing we are not changing anything about this two-barrel carburetor all we have done is hooked fire and fuel to it and we're gonna see how it runs it should be pretty interesting but underwhelming all right we got the 400 on the dyno we hooked fuel to it and we hooked ignition to it and this thing started right up we've got it up to Temp we didn't change the timing we actually haven't changed anything but we did check the timing just to see where it was and it's at 16 degrees of Base timing so we're gonna see how much this thing makes they didn't make a ton from the factory so if it makes over 200 I'll be impressed and excited oh yeah it loads in at two thousand two barrel action not bad okay one of the O2 look at the torque that's not bad [Music] well I think the headers are smoking a little bit there um it's got a little bit of oil there's a little bit of Earl on the okay 225.5 at 3 900. 373 pound-feet of torque wow I mean it's flat up until it starts to distance that's pretty nice I mean we're loading in at 2 000. it's nice and flat the manifold vacuum at you know peaking at six inches probably isn't helping us so I think that's what I classify as a restriction just for fun we added two degrees of Base timing to see if it'd make a little more power Maybe [Music] Definitely Maybe a smidgen [Music] 376.7 yeah 226. all right I guess we get started the fun is over but really the fun has just begun yeah up next the 400 small block Chevy performed pretty well on the dyno but what will we find once we crack it open a little bit of crusties oh in today's Summit Tech tip we're going to talk about something that's very important and that is testing your valve spring pressure we're going to do it with somebody that's super famous clay Milliken Top Fuel dragster driver now clay let's talk about why valve spring pressure is really important and why it's important to get it right it is such a huge part of the performance of your vehicle this valve spring controls keeping the lifter against the camshaft and that push rod touching that rocker arm if this is not right your engine ain't right yeah if you don't have enough it's it doesn't control it if you have too much you can kind of prematurely wear out parts right 100 no doubt about it you got to hit it just right and thankfully the folks at Summit Racing got the springs they got the tester everything you need to get your engine performing exactly right yeah they got you know all the way from economy style ones up to this professional grade intercom so why don't we go ahead and test one we'll see where it comes out and uh go from there perfect first we'll check the pressure at its installed height or where it would be when the valve is closed then we check it at its open position or where the valve reaches Max lift all right Frankie one down 15 to go but it looks like this is going to work great in our hydraulic roller situation here it's going to be good yeah I think we'll make sure the rest match and we'll be good to go after a successful Baseline Dyno session the tear down of our 400 cubic inch small block Chevy begins even though we won't reuse most of the engine's Parts we'll still take note of their condition because it reveals a lot about how the engine ran oh wow holy there's all kinds of like sharp like Rusty stuff on it yeah that's an owner unmaintanced oil smell let's think that was making uh I mean it made okay power right okay there you go yeah a little bit of crusties oh that's like a crust you get on the outside of like a brownie pan I would almost venture to say this is the first time this engine's been apart it's got like the original the original style gasket on the on the China wall the actual intake gaskets look like they're stocked don't hit me I'm not gonna hit you all right come on come on here in the face don't hit me in the face oh it doesn't want to come apart there we go that feels good there we go yeah I feel something happens oh there we go keep an order get those in order all right you didn't notice I everywhere but you know major and minor thrust I have good cross hatch below the first inch which is pretty cool all the Pistons look good inside the chambers look good what's the over under standard bore I think at this point it's pretty good because I think this thing has never been apart it's standard work yep look at that that's that's good news for us because we already are Pistons we already have pistons for it so I mean we've obviously but we kind of banked on that yeah just from what we had been told about it and stuff but yeah that's encouraging um all the lifters obviously spin yep they had the free ride around the pre-load this thing had this thing made no noise good oil flow I mean not bad beautiful Foundation original head gaskets basically this thing was it's a it's a timepiece really it's a time capsule it's cool the engine oil is dark but it appears free of sludge or grit that's because it was all trapped in the bottom of the oil pan after removing the balancer and the front cover we'll check the condition of the timing chain [Music] [Music] since the lifters had some crusty old buildup on them it was easier to take the camshaft out after rotating the engine upside down you know what's cool about this is that factory four bolt Mains which is is encouraging yep up until it's like 72 the 400s 70 and 70 through 72 were were four bolts 73 to 79 or whatever these things were they all went to two bolt which that big like pyramid looking yeah yeah but like yeah because we weren't sure okay I mean at this point we're probably pretty much determined that this is the original engine out of that car but there was still a little doubt in my mind we're like maybe somebody had swapped in one later you know or something you never know [Music] that has a GM bearing in it really yeah something interesting is that this engine has Factory bearings some that are oversized and some that are undersized from standard this was common practice to set bearing clearances on stock engines back in the day these engines that would be not up to spec on the line were called Target Master engines and what they would do is if they found a crank a bore or something that was out of spec they would take that engine off the line set it aside put put stuff in it that actually works and then put the engines back in circulation [Music] all the bearings were in great shape which is promising for the condition of the block the oil buildup meant we had to gently tap out the lifters but they have no excessive wear [Music] up next we prep our bores for bigger pistons and give them the correct finish in the cylinder home here in the shop we primarily build engines but something that goes with that is welding with our Forney Mig and TIG welders and today we have a really cool opportunity to have Gabby from Forney in the shop and she brought one of their new machines a 190 multi-process welder now this welder is a little bit different than what we already have and it has a bunch of cool features so why don't you walk us through what this machine can do yeah so this 190 MP it can stick Mig and TIG weld you can also use a spool gun on it you also have features of flux core welding so most mig welders can also Flex core weld this machine has our true set settings so that means you can select what thickness of wire you're using in this machine and then the thickness of material that you're going to be welding the machine will then set the settings for you and then you have the option to trim so everybody weld's a little bit different so if you want it a little hotter a little colder you can adjust that trim and it does have manual settings as well if you don't want to deal with the true set but it is a good setting for anybody who's just starting out and wanting to know how to make well perfect and another really cool feature that we have here is our set and forget de-spooler so what that means is that most these spoolers have Springs and washers and a nut and you have to tighten that in there and what happens is people can over tighten the spool which can cause extra wear and tear on your drive motor as well as the gears inside of there so what we did here is we just allowed this to be set up and then it has all the tension that it needs right here in the spool from the spring and everything that we've put together there it comes with all the things that you need so it comes with your electrode holder your Mig gun a ground clamp your regulator and a gas hose and so everything that you need except for maybe your TIG torch if you wanted to TIG weld with it or a spool gun if you were going to school yeah I think it's cool you can buy one machine and then you can get so much functionality out of it you can do a bunch of different things and yeah definitely this machine also runs off at 240 and 120 volts so you have dual voltage so anywhere you're working you can plug it in it's also generator friendly we might have to get you to leave this one here for yeah definitely I'm sure you guys have plenty of projects to use it on oh yeah we'll go ahead and leave this one here for you excellent after running the block through the jet washer we can start prepping it by porting the oil Galleries and deburring the block we did this to our previous 350 block so we're going to put the same amount of attention and Care into this one we'll also chamfer every hole in the block and tap the threads in the front oil galleries for threaded pipe plugs our previous version of our compression Obsession dynomial made really impressive power and this one since it's bigger is going to make more so we know we needed to start with a good solid foundation we ran our small block Chevy 400 through the jet washer to knock off some of the metal debris and the oil sludge that was there before so we could visually look at it and make sure it was sound we've also mag checked it and measured the main bores to make sure they are round and straight and they are which is awesome means we can save a little bit of money and not have it aligned hone we're also going to save a little bit of money by reusing our ARP main bolt kit for a four bolt small block Chevy we were pretty lucky to find a 400 with four bolt Mains they're a little bit more rare and that means we can reuse our high quality Fasteners these are made from 8740 Chrome Moly steel and they have a tensile strength of a hundred and eighty thousand PSI which is going to be way stronger than the stock Fasteners and even way stronger than a grade 8 bolt that you could get at the hardware store it's also important that you follow the torque specification in the instructions not the stock specific location we'll get these bolts in our Mains and get them torqued up the next operation we're going to do on our 400 is finish the cylinders to size to match our new Pistons we're going to have to take 30 thousands out of the bore but we're not going to rough it out in a boring bar first we're going to do the entire operation in our cylinder hone and we can do that because we use Diamond abrasives here that are very rigid and they maintain proper board geometry throughout the entire process another thing we're going to be using is a torque plate this is an ICT Billet 4200 bore torque plate for a small block Chevy and what it does is recreate the cylinder Distortion that happens when a cylinder head is bolted to a block anytime a cylinder head is bolted down to an engine there's going to be a little bit of distortion in the bores depending on how close the head bolts are to the cylinders themselves our 400 has a very big bore and the bolts are very close to the cylinder so it is especially prevalent and you'll see that sometimes when you drop the hone in and you'll see hone marks where the cylinder head bolts are so we know that it's making some Distortion when the torque plate is bolted down it recreates that cylinder Distortion so when it's together it has a nice round true cylinder another important factor in this is to use the same style head gasket that you will when you're assembling the engine so we have another cometic MLS head gasket that goes under the torque plate adding to that we're going to be using a set of actual head bolts in our torque plate these are the same ARP 8740s that will be going in the actual cylinder head and they have to protrude out of the back of the torque plate the same amount as they protrude out of the cylinder head to get an accurate Recreation of cylinder distortion [Music] it's installed just like a cylinder head would be and torque to a final value of 70 pound feet then the block is ready for our sun and sv-15 cylinder hone oh listen to that bore is really out of whack it's crazy looking that'll smooth out as it starts to hold more material off the auto dwell feature is getting a workout on this particular block focusing on the tight spots to get the cylinders straight look how much nicer the cylinder is looking now everything's starting to come in really nice all right we've taken nine thousandths out of the cylinder and it's within a couple of ten thousands of being dead straight roughing cylinders is going to take about 25 to 30 minutes a piece because there's so much material to remove but it's easy to do in this sv15 because it has a lot of power keeps things very straight with the abrasive now to get it to that point then we're going to have to do something else with the cylinder we're going to have to let it cool down re-measure it change our stones and put in our finishing stones and that starts the process all over but and our finishing Stone it's going to take a lot less material out so it'll be a little bit faster after that but we got to get there after a couple of hours of honing we're finally ready for the finishing Stones the 220 grit stones are replaced with 600s for final size and finish we'll accurately check every cylinder surface profile with our profilometer these numbers are right on spec for our application and the parts we're using [Music] up next if you want a high powered long lasting engine you need a properly balanced crankshaft the next thing we're going to do is balance our rotating assembly and our cwt multibow 5500 since we used the stock crankshaft before we wanted to continue that Trend so we had this crankshaft thoroughly cleaned magnaflux to check for cracks and turn 10 000 under on the rods and Main journals to make sure that they are round and straight and that we're starting with a good foundation since this is a stock 400 crankshaft it is externally balanced on the front and rear and what that means is that the counterweights don't have enough Mass to counteract the rotating and reciprocating forces of the Pistons and rods mostly because the space constraints inside the crank case so the cost-effective solution that GM came up with was to use the balancer and the flex plate or flywheel to counteract those forces and externally bounce the engine what this means is that the crankshaft has to be balanced with the damper and the flywheel or Flex blade installed so we're going to be using our Billet steel SFI approved externally balanced Dyno flywheel and a brand new Summit Racing bracket racer harmonic damper with a front weight installed in it we're also going to be reusing our scat Pro Series I-beam rods that are 5 700 long we've gone ahead and taken the 350 Pistons off and thoroughly cleaned them so that they're ready to go since we are using a longer stroke crankshaft but the same length connecting rods and the same deck height we not only needed a piston with a larger bore but the right compression height for this build so we found this Mali power pack piston and ring kit from Summit Racing Equipment and it's going to work perfect in our application these are a really nice piece and they come with the Rings wrist pins and locks this seems like a lot of stuff but if you're going to take your crankshaft to a machine shop you need to take all of this with you to make sure it's done accurately and if it's externally balanced on the front and rear you need to make sure you take the damper and flywheel or flex plate with you as well we'll start grabbing some weights of our components and then we can start balancing this machine makes it really easy to generate bobweeds when a component is weighed simply hit the print button and the value is uploaded to the computer with the damper and flywheel installed we can set the crank into the machine and start installing our bobwigs we know our new piston and Rod assemblies are more than 200 grams lighter than the originals so we'll have to remove roughly 120 grams from the front and rear counterweights since we have so much to remove a cleaner looking and easier way to do it is turning down the counterweights in the lathe we'll remove roughly 300 thousands from the front and rear counterweights and to fine tune it we'll use the drill on our balancer wow that's really nice we had a target of eighth ounce inch and we are way under that and the forces on the crank are almost 180 degrees apart from each other so that really cancels the the force on the center of the crank you can see it's been minimized down so we're going to save that as our last spin and get our print out here which you can tell that if you hadn't got this crank balanced there'd be a ton of force that we don't want on the crank and now that we have it's really minimized down so we're going to print that and keep it all right how'd you do look at that I think it's pretty good for a stock crank I mean this is going to be really nice in our Dyno wheel now before it was balanced it had 1124 pounds of force on the crank and now at 7000 it will have two pounds yeah I mean huge difference so definitely an important aspect of building this now I think that we did a lot of good stuff today we got a lot accomplished with our block our crank and it's all good but we ran out of time so next time you see all the stuff it's going to be going together and getting it on the dyno for more information and to see more cool Tech check out power Nation [Music] it may just be a dino mule but this small block Chevy sure can kick our revamped compression Obsession engine makes a strong impression on the dyno [Music] engine power is back on our 406 cubic inch small block Chevy Dyno mule project this project came about by taking all the parts out of our Frozen broken 360 compression Obsession engine putting them in this cylinder case along with some new goodies to see what would happen if we just add cubic inches to this combo now we've gotten a lot accomplished so far and we are on the Homeward stretch of getting this thing on the dyno and making some horsepower just in case you missed it here's what we've done so far we torque plate honed the bores in our sun and sv-15 cylinder hone removing 30 thousands of material and increasing the engine's displacement from 400 to 406 cubic inches we swapped in some finishing stones to give the bores the proper finish for our application after that we used the cwt industries multi-val 5500 to get our externally balanced stock crankshaft tuned to perfection we had to remove roughly 820 grams from the front and rear counterweights in our lathe and do some fine tuning with the balancers drill the result was a rotating assembly balanced well under our eighth ounce inch Target now that was a ton of great work and it really set the foundation for a great Dyno mule we've gone ahead and done some work off camber to get this thing ready for assembly we final cleaned the block and installed new cam bearings and new freeze plugs we've also set the main and rod bearing oil clearances exactly where we want them we've even polished and final cleaned our crankshaft so that's ready to be installed and final clean the rods and pistons so they're ready to be assembled we've even gone ahead and gapped the Rings so that this thing can go together nice and smooth because we want to get to the dyno session because we have some cool testing we want to do so let's get it together I think we should call this compression progression we'll Workshop we'll start our assembly by applying some engine assembly Lube to the main bearings then we'll install a new felpro two-piece rear main seal that we found at Summit Racing Equipment following the instructions the seal is set offset 3 8 of an inch to help prevent leaks our crankshaft is dropped in and the main caps can be installed one by one before torquing the main caps the thrust faces of the rear bearing are aligned in the forward Direction by wedging a screwdriver between the counterweight and the block itself following arp's instructions the main bolts are torqued in sequence to 70 pound feet with the crank fully installed we can measure the crankshaft and play which comes in nicely at five thousands our Mali power pack Pistons are assembled with the scat I-beam rods this is a floating wristband design so the pins are retained by two round wire locks these locks can be installed easily with a small screwdriver and a measure of patience the Mali Pistons came with a one millimeter one millimeter two millimeter thin ring pack with a steel Napier second ring and an hv385 steel top ring the Pistons rings and cylinder boards are coated with total seal assembly lube and are installed with a summit racing or 155 piston ring compressor [Music] the 8740 Rod bolts are loosened and measured for free length torqued to 45 pound-feet and measured for the proper amount of stretch next we slid the gently used custom Comp Cams camshaft from the previous build into the new block duration at 50 000 lift is 252 degrees on the intake and 260 degrees on the exhaust the lobes are set on a 110 degree lobe separation angle and lifted the valve is 652 thousands on the intake and 660 thousands on the exhaust before we install the timing set we'll tighten down our threaded oil Gallery plugs which is an improvement we made to the block over the stock pressed in plugs we're reusing our trick flow double roller timing set and it is mocked up with the ARP camo kit in order to keep everything the same we are degreeing the cam and setting the intake Center Line exactly where it was before at 105.5 degrees which is four and a half degrees advanced now that we've verified that the cam is in the right spot we can install the cam button and torque the bolts to 25 pound-feet with orange thread Locker applied coming up will a bunch of old Parts make new power we'll find out [Music] on today's Summit Tech tip we're going to talk about seeing how well your engine is running and a great way to do that is a cylinder Elite down test I have Clay Millican NHRA Top Fuel driver here to talk about it clay why do you like chicken leak down one of my favorite tools in the toolbox such a simple way to check the health of your engine pretty simple put a little air in the cylinder you can either hear it leaking through the intake out the exhaust or into the oil pan or nowhere which is what we really want such a good tool check the health of your engine just like that Summit Racing has a lot of great tools for engine builders for Diagnostic and they have a great leak down tester so what do you say we put some air to this one and see how it's doing let's see if it's in good shape well looks like we're on four or five now this is a fully dynoed hammered on engine so what do you think about that well I'll tell you 20 is good 10 is great I would say this little small block Mopar is healthy I would say so to made great power and uh but this is a great thing where you can go through all the cylinders do it on everyone and if you're having a problem maybe it's not a little bit of power you're gonna be able to find it I love it and the cool thing is if you got questions you can always call Summit Racing to get those experts on the phone to help you out um note to self don't forget the timing corner we're getting back on the 406 sealing it up with the front timing cover and a summit racing damper that is part of our freshly balanced rotating assembly next up we'll reinstall our slightly used but Dyno proven roller lifters it's time to start putting some induction on our new dynomial 406 but we needed a new set of heads because like the froze broke block the heads did not fare very well either so we went to Summit Racing and picked up a brand new set of heads just like the ones that were on our compression Obsession 360. these are an AFR 220 Eliminator competition series heads now if you remember these heads flow a ton of air up to 326 CFM at 700 left to 100 intake valve 1 600 exhaust and a 65 cc chamber they also have pack Springs with manly retainers it will be interesting to see what this induction package does on 46 more cubic inches cometic MLS head gaskets that are 27 thousands thick go on first combined with our 65 cc chamber and a 4cc effective Dome piston we have a measured compression ratio of 12.42 to 1. the heads are torqued in multiple steps to a final value of 70 pound feet our gessel shaft rocker stands are reinstalled with the correct amount of shims which is the same number as the previous engine we are also reusing the 3 8 diameter comp chromoly push rods because this engine is dimensionally the same as the old engine swapping over the valve train components was very straightforward and easy everything fit great the gessel Rockers are 1.5 ratio and they get installed in the firing order of the engine we'll set cold lash afterwards the next thing we're going to do is install our oil pump and oil pan we're going to be reusing the oil pump from before because it had perfect oil pressure and it looks great inside we did have to clean up the stock 400 pan though because the oil dipstick location is on the wrong side and we want to use a stock pan for a fair comparison one thing we found when we were tearing down our 400 is that the stock oil pump mounting bolt actually protruded a little too far into the main cap and was pressing on the back of the bearing and this caused some uneven wear it's something that's really important for you to check in an application where the oil pump bolts to the main cap because it could cause catastrophic failure but we're going to be fixing that by reusing our ARP oil pump mounting stud kit this is made from high strength 8740 Chrome Moly steel this means it's going to be able to take the stress we're going to put this engine under thrashing it on the dyno but it also means that we're going to be able to reuse it again and again and that's the great thing about ARP products is that they're made with high quality materials and they're made with high quality manufacturing processes so we can reuse things like oil pump drive shafts and oil pan bolts and accessory bolts sometimes things that you wouldn't think about like distributor hold down Fasteners carburetor Fasteners and header Fasteners these are Fasteners that have to take the stress of an engine running but also in an application like a dynomial or a race car they have to go through several rebuild Cycles so they need to be strong enough to take those stresses but also durable enough to outlive the life of the engine and the great thing about ARP products is that they can do that and as an added bonus they're going to look good doing it has a three-quarter pickup tube which is larger than the stock 5 8 small block Chevy we've already checked our pickup to pan clearance which is spot on so we'll torque the nut to 60 pound feet since the oil pan will be removed several times during this engine's life a reusable one-piece oil pan gasket seals up the stock oil pan I don't mind the patina finish but I'm sure a lot of people are going to say we should leave it looking just like that but I just can't I just it's Gotta It's gotta look good you know especially we've spent all this time and effort into building this thing we're gonna we're gonna have to make it look good so Chevy orange Maybe not maybe maybe not that good how about that maybe not that good wow up next we've got 46 more cubic inches and gallons of E85 let's get to work we wanted to paint this engine a different color because if we painted it our previous blue it would look exactly like our 350. so we picked a color that we really think is one of our favorites and that is British racing green this along with all the aluminum and black pieces on the engine are going to look great and as an added bonus we have brass freeze plugs which are really going to pop against the Green we like to paint every engine because it's something that just takes a little bit of time and a little bit of masking tape and not only can you come up with an engine that performs well but also looks great and we think even though this is a dynomial it deserves that quick tip you can oil the timing chain after the timing cover and oil pan are installed that way you don't end up with oil dripping all over your floor these AFR intake gaskets are matched to the cylinder heads and the intake to provide uninterrupted airflow like before our intake manifold is held down with a set of ARP 12 point stainless bolts the valve train receives a coating of comp Cam's valve train assembly spray before the valve covers go on this engine is sealed up and sent to the dyno cell Hot Shot Secrets tagline is powered by science well we really love that and they make a wide variety of products that can benefit your vehicle and engine today we're going to be talking about their oil additive fr3 fr3 is an oil additive that reduces friction and contains three proprietary synthetic lubricants it is a carbon Nano based molecule that is used for anti-wear properties obviously friction reduction and improves Shear stability and oxidation stability of the oil it also increases film strength for added protection the carbon nanomolecule fills in microscopic irregularities in machine services and it can be added to any oil not only your oil for your diesel or gas but also things like your differential your transmission and even your power steering they even make their own Pao based oil infused with the fr3 molecule today we'll be using some 5W20 adrenaline R2 for our spicy small block all right we have our new compression of session 406 small block Chevy on the dyno we got it completely together and it is running this thing looks great it's running great and effectively this is the exact same engine that we have before except for it is 46 cubic inches bigger but we have the same induction package the same valve train the same camshaft we have the same setup going on so we have our one and seven eighths primary three inch collector long tube headers we have our Edelbrock super Victor with a two inch Four Hole tapered spacer and our drag race E85 850 CFM qft carburetor that's the exact same one we used before and we are using the same 85 as before we're going to start with E85 to get a fair comparison and then later we'll switch it to race gas we are a little bit lower on compression because the way the deck height is and we don't have a way to surface the decks our compression ratio static came out to 12.42 to 1 which is a little bit lower it's going to be worth a few percentage Points of Power but it won't make a major difference in this application but the thing sounds good does isn't it I know I want to run it but you keep talking I'm sorry let's go I'm excited oh yeah [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Laughter] 554 pound via torque look how sweet wow that graph is yeah 554.2 at 4 900 and 603.3 at 6 500 so yeah that Peak is a little bit down which went down just just like it should right that's not necessarily a bad thing with with you know the setup that we have going on with the I-beam rods and stuff that's right in that range where they're supposed to be so first thing we're going to do is everything looked great Jam a couple degrees of timing in it yeah let's do it oh wow [Applause] [Music] oh wow I like that 617 horsepower 562 points 62. wow wow wow indeed wow indeed so do we keep going until she stops or do you want to stop there I mean I say we keep going until it stops let's put two more in it and it'll either make more or it will not make any more or it'll make less and then we'll know [Music] maybe 6 16. torque is about the same yeah 559 so yeah I would kind of consider that right there or very close to the limit so I don't think there's a huge point in putting any more into it increased timing and the torque doesn't go up I think uh we're pretty much there pretty much so that is the comparison between our 360 and this engine or this 406 which it's interesting how the graph looks pretty much the same but it's kind of shifted down a little bit which is exactly what's supposed to do you know with the small relatively smaller Cam and induction compared to the engine torque per cubic inch has gone up but our horsepower per cubic inch has kind of come down which again is what you'd have with that combination that's a beautiful curve and a really nice engine and if it's the same as last time race cash should make more yeah I think I think it might make a little bit more there's only one way to find out put the put the new mixer valve on yeah up next yes wow holy moly we are almost to the point of Internet pump gas numbers yeah that is oh man that that's super cool though the next round of Dyno testing is on gasoline so we'll reinstall our qft Black Diamond 950 and run 104 octane oxygenated race fuel now what we did do is we went back on our timing loop we're going back to all the way to 32 degrees of timing just like we were on our Baseline for our E85 so we're comparing Apples to Apples or apples to Corn yeah I don't know you have any corn fused there for a second so all right 32 degrees gas here we go oh [Applause] [Music] snap 631.3 horsepower and 566 pound-feet so this thing is up already it's up already everything was uh snazzy tastic I'm gonna put while you're just looking at over I'm gonna put two degrees Yeah the fuel looks good so I would say go ahead put two degrees in it this thing is gonna this thing's gonna rock the house [Music] thank you [Music] well I think that's all she's got Captain Maybe I mean that's pretty good um yeah good cut off yeah it's not in a detonation so that's good I mean that is pretty stout 1.56 horsepower per cubic inch not bad and 1.39 so we've kind of traded a little bit there going to a bigger size of the same size components sure all right by the way the plug looked I think two more degrees this is going to be it okay so we're at 36 now correct it's 36. all right I think it snuck some good ones in there I think it did go ahead and kill it yes wow holy moly 42 6 42.5 568.8 pound feet you know we're starting to pull at 4 000 but this thing is making you know over 500 pound feet at 4 000 so yeah 1.58 horsepower per cubic inch 0.40.4 we are almost to the point of Internet pump gas numbers yeah that is oh man that that's super cool though I still can't uh reiterate more this is a 1971 block I mean it has a stock cast crank it's 10 10 in it and uh this thing's cranking out some power now would this live in a Circle Track application uh maybe maybe not maybe maybe not live in a street application though oh yeah with you know 100 I think we have a we have a winner with this one yeah and this is look at that that's the difference between our 360 compression Obsession and this 400 on race gas I think it's up on power it's it is up everywhere which is awesome but died that is great success now we have an awesome Dino mule that we can do other stuff with a new mule yeah so I think we can do something thank you Happy Times all right for more quality builds and quality Tech go check out power Nation [Music]
Views: 182,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, PowerNation, howto, how-to, diy, automotive, cars, trucks, automobile, do it yourself, automobiles, auto, powerblock, engine power, horsepower, High RPM 400ci SBC, 360ci Small Block Chevy, engine dyno, chevy engine, 400ci Small Block
Id: ucV1wXSb3JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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