Elizabeth & Me LS Swapping Johnny Cash the Crew Cab part 2

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so it has started off as a Beautiful Morning Sun has just now come up I have done my three S's and I've drank a cup of coffee my goal today is pretty ambitious and that is to test fit the 6 OLS that come out of the garbage salt truck that you see there tests fit that in Johnny Cash Elizabeth's crew cab Dooley that is setting a slightly off camera there it's a pretty ambitious goal because I've got a ton to do before I can really you know it's not just simple to put that on an engine stand and drop it in I wish it was but it's not I got things that I got to do before that and I'm just going to wing the video in today I'm going to take you through everything that I'm gonna do until I get to that point because just I want you to see it quickly that is so thanks for watching let's get started and see if we can't by the end of the day be test fit in this engine in the crew cab so my first goal of the day is to get this junk pulled back into that parking spot and get it kind of out of the driveway me and Elizabeth just rolled it out of the shop hoping it would have enough momentum to get back to where it's out of my way until it goes to the scrap yard but we didn't I still got to pull the transmission and transfer case out of this thing and then it's gonna [Music] up yard so let's use Loretta Lynn that's what Elizabeth named my truck Loretta Lynn let's use Loretta and her winch and pull this thing back into back into its grave putting a winch on the front of this thing that was just an awesome decision I'm so glad I did that this has come in handy so much what I'm going to do is just kind of triangulate to the back of that there's some trees behind me behind where you guys are standing and I'm gonna take a snatch block and hook winch line and just pull it right back into the into the spot there poison ivy well that tree's just not gonna do it that didn't work very well but we did clean up around the place a bit you need to hook to a bigger tree trying to pull that tree down you can feel the ticks on me now [Music] I think that'll do it I changed my mind let's pull it back a little more thank you that's about it oh yeah foreign what are you guys doing every time I use this winch on this truck I just smile oh gosh ripped my pants even more [Applause] so now I need to get this Transmission in the shop now this is a 4L80E this is a two-wheel drive version that come out of a this overdrive which that truck didn't have originally so it'll be nice should help with the gas mileage this transmission come out of a motorhome an RV whatever RVs are a lot like boats people buy them with good intentions and they end up sitting around and rotting around the motor and transmission and that was the case with this one it's like less than 100 000 miles so was told it was good I'm hoping that it is so I got to get this thing in the shop get it mated up to that engine and uh I'm gonna try to stab them in together I'm hoping that this emergency brake Bell which you normally only see on heavier equipment I'm hoping that this won't hit the floor in that truck and that I'll be able to use it because I don't want to have to buy anything else to be honest so let's see if we can't get this heavy thing in the shop it's over 200 pounds I'm sure pull back goodness okay okay all right I got it so the next job is to quickly bleed at least the front brakes so when we move this thing you know to be able to stop so if you would just press that brake pedal all right Pump It Up foreign hold on just for a second now let me look how fat that little guy is full of bugs I'm sure [Applause] all right hold it push it push all the way down all right we're getting some fluid all right pop it up foreign [Music] all right that should be good enough is it does it feel like it's got a pedal that's it does it feel like it's not going to the floor okay let's bleed the back real quick so here's Chloe the collie she's a Barky butt she's normally she's normally inside don't show her too much there's jealous tail we normally don't show her too much because she's normally inside she's got she's got some issues with her joints and stuff which she's had for ever since she grew as a puppy so she don't get around all that great she kind of just she loves to play but just very careful I know I know of course she bothering you ow quit biting so something that I see all the time I mean you can go on Marketplace or face space or Craigslist or whatever and you'll see them from lists of them projects that people have started they get to a point about where I'm at and they just give up for one they underestimate how much work that it's going to be because it is there is a gazillion Parts on these if you got to go over an old vehicle and sort it out and it's in its most dangerous phase right now where it's worth less than the day the day that I pulled it out of the field right now even though I've done a ton of work to it doesn't make any difference not many people are interested in a project that somebody's tore down and blown apart in a million pieces right they don't even know if you got everything so be mentally strong and get through this rough section of the restoration rebuild whatever and just push forward even if you don't have the finances to buy the parts that you need to finish the project usually there is still other things that you can work on polish up a piece of trim I mean do something because if you don't work on your project it's definitely not going to move forward and working on just even the littlest part can motivate you to continue forward and you know help in finishing the project so I forgot I've got to change the rear main oil seal on this thing it's got a hundred thousand miles on it and I'd hate to have this engine doesn't I hate to put it together and then six weeks the rear main starts leaking on it when it's the easiest to get to it it's going to be right now so that's what I'm gonna do quickly change the rear pane oil seal so instead of buying just the rear main seal itself and pressing it into that old cover I bought the whole back cover not much more money really if you count the cost of the gasket this thing came with brand new bolts this factory GM so coal kitten caboodle whole nine yards entire ball of Wax that's the way I decided to do it I just think you're better off that way I'm not for sure what a kitten caboodle is but I did get the whole kit caboodle instead of just the gasket so in my opinion I am doing a very budget LS swap now everybody's budget's different I am reusing the original wiring harness I'm changing the very minimal things at least in my opinion to get this engine reliable I do want to change this rear main oil seal simply because I don't want to have to get back in there once I get this engine in the truck and have to change that it it is very very cheap part but you start changing everything like a lot of people you know fall into that trap might as well do it while we're in there and you're going to have a fortune or you will have a fortune in it because gaskets and stuff for these ain't cheap and you wind up spending a bunch of money on parts that just are not bad these engines easily go a couple hundred thousand miles if they get the oil changed in them twice this thing's got just slightly over 100 on it probably should have changed that little dog bone at that time there it's a little oil diverter but I didn't I did change the engine oil pickup tubo ring because it's like five bucks and uh what else I mean you know you see people do it all the time and I just not gonna fall into that that trap of let's pull it and check the uh rod and main bearings and let's look at the cam and change the intake gaskets because they're old and what about the you know what about the everything yeah yeah it's not a new engine and never will be again so just trying to do my best to save as much money as possible and you know get a reliable engine for Elizabeth so I'm just about to try to Jam these two together carefully Jam them together here's a little piece of advice it's absolutely free not going to charge you a penny for it and that is be very careful with a regular Jack underneath these types of Transmissions the pans are not super thick on them and what you can do and what I've seen done is a jack will bend the transmission pan it'll Smash Up Against the filter in there because they sit super close and it'll shut off the inlet shut off the suction side of the filter and you'll starve the transmission of fluids from just a little Bend in the pan it don't even have to be much and then you'll burn up the transmission so be careful I know just like me a lot of you guys don't have dedicated transmission jacks and you use regular Jack out in the driveway I know just be careful put a block of wood or something on there spread that load out that way you don't crush that pan shut off your Inlet suction and burn your transmission up so this is a little older version for l80e it's a front Oiler to the newer versions will have the one one of these will be near the back also be an older version it doesn't have the single bolt up here in the top so there you don't get that on on the older bell housing not that it really matters that make much difference but there are differences but they still bolt up just the same basically [Laughter] let's check our Turk converter turret converter hmm I don't know what the clearance should be I'll have to check so the space I was referring to the spacing is the distance between the torque converter the gap between the torque converter and the flex plate and that says a sixteenth of an inch to an eighth of an inch is what uh what's what I looked up I was right on the maximum so I made a couple shims to go in between each torque converter bolt that way I don't pull the torque converter out of the transmission pump any more than what is necessary so we're still above the minimum up below the maximum spacing so now I need to get this truck at least the nose of it anyway in the garage so that's going to be tough I'm going to pull it back I'm just going to use my I'm going to sit in there steer hope the brakes work use the winch with a remote pull myself back then I've got a winch in the garage and I'll pull the crew cab in there foreign driver's side back wheel I need to pull it over I don't want to remove that stake that's what's holding up my weeping willow tree and if I just pull that up and back on up well then I have to mess with the tree pull it back and attach it don't want to do all that so I'm just going to drag the back of the truck over see that Willow Tree I planted that I don't know 10 years ago eight years ago I'm guessing and it weeped because it's a weeping willow it weeped over a lot and you can see it only growed Groot growed it only grew like leaves and stuff on one side and I pulled it up to try to get it to grow a little more even will it work I have no idea but I'd rather it be standing a little more straight than just sagged all the way over whatever that's what that's what I'm trying to do yeah foreign [Music] I think we should take a walk on the moon [Music] have a blow my Rockies kapow got this thing in here this first time I've had it in the shop so what I need to do I'm certain that I'll have to pull that transmission cross member because I know that emergency brake Bells not not probably going to go over top of it and it's got an old Mount that's broke off on it anyway so I'm going to pull that transmission crossmember and then there's really nothing stopping me from setting that motor in here trying to set it in here [Music] foreign [Music] doing an excellent job it's a lot easier yeah a lot nicer to clean this stuff up instead of putting it back in dirty that way if you have an oil leak or something just so much easier to find if everything's not covered in [Music] so see these motor mounts how they're adjustable I've got these hoping that that would give me enough adjustment to take makeup for the difference in extra length on this transmission it's a little longer than the I think 30 about three inches longer than the turbo 400 that this come with originally this was a big block turbo 400 truck this is heavy but it's definitely not big block heavy let's see how that's adjustable and I'm hoping that that'll give me just enough to where I don't have to cut the drive shaft but I may and if I do it's not that big a deal but I'm hoping that I don't have to [Music] yeah I probably will that's okay to get past there if you can see it but it's on both sides hitting that edge of that bell housing those are easy enough to pull off they just pull those off that'll give me the clearance that I need to squeeze by and I gotta put a jack under the end of that transmission and kind of you know get it in that way so I decided to take a risk and just pull that strap off the transmission and put a jack under it it's kind of pushing on the intake there that's why people pull those off and put those lift plates on them because they don't want to break all that plastic stuff but I think if it doesn't slide off that Jack I may be able to just squeeze that by the mounts without pulling them off I think yeah you can um I'm going to just pull back on the jack and I want you to just try to try to shimmy this back if you would all right see if you can't uh just push it back yeah just carefully okay hold on okay go ahead and push back a little bit okay hold on okay a little more okay hold on okay let me crawl out and see what's going on okay oh yeah we can go down now okay that's good yeah just just uh hold on to it there don't push it back okay here let me let me get this and I don't want to go back too far that's about where it needs to be oh okay yeah we're getting close we're getting close love Johnny's almost got his art I only get a bolt in this set the engine mount is pretty much lined up over here wait but it will [Music] nope I had no idea probably not possible so there's that one all the way through whoa well that went right in all right motor mounts are in yeah we'll see well I made a mistake I put these engine mounts on the wrong side so now I'm gonna have to take this this one off put it on that side and that one off and put it on this side not that big a deal but I need it to where it will adjust back not forward because we got like plenty of space back there too much and I need to flip those so Elizabeth's doing a great job cleaning up these mounts it's amazing how good something can look that's being this being as old as this thing is I always used to love getting old motorcycles that were covered in Greece especially when the engine was covered in grease chances are underneath that grease everything was still okay so looks really good I'm gonna stick this under there and hopefully hopefully this will be in place close to the position that it should be in or that it was originally in hopefully hopefully we'll see I doubt it will be are you helping I think so so I know this is a very well-lit professional shot that you're getting here it's kind of hard to film underneath [Music] [Music] guess what Jack's in the way [Music] so I'm having to pull this emergency brake drum off because I can't Slide the cross member in the cross member goes up and above frame rails and there's just no way to get this cross member in with this in place all right [Music] foreign thank you oh yeah [Music] so this engine is set in hopefully I get those headers in I would think that I could not not hard really it kind of just went right in did have to mess with it transmission crossmember some but that's no surprise yeah no surprise at all now I don't know if the drive shaft is going to fit probably will not the original drive shaft but I don't know that it won't so I'm hopeful yeah if anything the drive shaft is going to be um it's gonna be too long [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so my brother stopped by he helped me test fit this drive shaft and obviously it was too long I wouldn't cut this chunk out of it about three and a half inches too long about what I figured um there wasn't enough adjustment in those engine mounts to make up for this this extra length in the shaft and if I I could have pushed the engine forward farther but there was some interference issues between the oil pan and the steering linkage on that C30 so just decided to put the motor in the original position use the original holes that the cross transmission cross member and stuff come out of and uh you know just decided hey shortening driveshaft's not all that hard pretty self-explained towards what I'm doing here just cutting off the piece that the extra metal off the shaft so I can slide this end piece that'll be left back into the shortened shaft and then weld it up thank you so because I don't want to take my parting blade and just cut through the original weld on this and risk cutting into the the part that I'm going to be pressing back on I just decided I've done this in the past to thin out the shaft basically and then peel it off like a piece of foil once I turn it down real thin but I did have some problems with the whatever metal the scrap shaft's made of not sure cut like mild steel very gummy and I could not get it to pull a chip with the carbide insert at all I'm trying here it's just kind of tearing the metal off I switched to a couple inserts then I just end up end up using a piece of high speed steel that was really sharp and that gave me the gave me the best chip and best cut I'll say sometimes you just gotta go back to the old school high-speed steel there's things that it works really well for and a really sharp edge is something you can get on well you can get it on carbide too but it's a lot easier to get on high speed Steel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so because I know somebody in the comments gonna go why didn't you just use the press that you're standing by to press that in let me tell you why because it's too long and it doesn't fit in the Press so had to drive it in so boom this drive shaft is just about ready to be welded back up and in my lifetime I've done more than a handful of these and mostly keep in mind on all four wheel drive pickup trucks and hot rods where you know you may hit a top speed of 80 on average maybe 100 on a Saturday night who knows but they're not land speed record not six second quarter mile stuff obviously you probably had one to have one professionally done otherwise but in the past out of necessity because it's kind of expensive to have one of these cut and remade you know I've I've done the most of them out in the driveway gravel slicing dice wheels on an angle grinder put a piece of tape around them cut them cut the weld air hammer off the section drive them back together roll them on top of a 55 gallon drum to see if you got any run out and you know adjust it with a hammer if you do weld them back together and you know you're Off to the Races I've done them for myself and I've done them for other folks who were in the same situation financially as me and I've always had good luck never had one that was noticeably uh you know noticeably out I'm sure they weren't perfect but you get the idea something you could do so we cut it and remove three and a half inches because that transmission is longer than the transmission that come in that truck originally uh heated it drove it back together with a big piece of copper and a sledgehammer because it's definitely an interference fit here and uh took it out test fit it looks like it's within the range that it should be in and now I've got it on a set to do all rollers big rollers here and I'm just how about on the run out making sure it's within a acceptable range and then uh you know if it is I'm going to weld it up and install it and this drive shaft will be complete and behind me which is nice both literally and figuratively behind me so this is not a perfect setup here the shaft is kind of rough on the outside so we get a lot of noise on the indicator and I'm not looking at the noise I'm looking at the average the the Max and the Min movement on on this indicator here so I'm going to check it out here and I'm going to check it where the where the carrier bearing runs now this has a center on the end here and you probably it doesn't have one on the other end but you would probably have a flange or something on the end that would have a center in it but this is the best that I got I don't have any other way to really check it so let me show you you see the needle jittering and that's just the rough surface here that is reading we're looking at the you know the soft deflection so it's looking like we're within about ten thousands Maybe a little less which is pretty dang good if you ask me check it in over here where the carrier bearing runs because there's going to be one section on this that runs perfectly true and you that's why you check in multiple spots zero so I mean to me that's looking like that's in there pretty good so I'll just mark it go out here find the spot where it's the highest I'll mark that and then I'll tack weld it my first tack weld to be on the other side so I can counteract any bit hopefully counteract any run out that this has and I'll come over the other side and Tack yet and then once I've welded it I'll check it again and you could heat straighten this shaft as well you guys have seen me do that in the past but I'm not going to do it unless it's necessary so that is my what looks to be anyway my highest spot so I'll just come 180 degrees from that and I'll tack weld over here first that'll pull it just a little bit and I'll come over the other side tack weld that and it'll pull it back but not quite as much probably as it was originally and then I'll just tack around it and then buzz it that's what I plan to do anyway this metal is just far too crusty to take weld [Music] foreign [Music] that well down a little bit good so there we go all welded up and you go this will either work or it won't we haven't lost anything here the I checked it after it's welded I just need to spray a little paint on that and if it moved at all it moved a couple thou not even noticeable through the noise of this so as best as I can check this with the setup that I got I think that we're good and I know there's a lot of a lot of guys out there who clutch their pearls when you start messing with drive shafts and stuff but it'll either work or it won't and if it doesn't it's you know this is towards the back of the vehicle so it'll just flop down maybe take out the back floor board if I was you know jamming it but you get the idea it's it's going to be fine I'm super happy with the way that it turned out now I can install this in the truck so here's something some of you guys may find interesting this is considered a conversion joint technically that's its name in automotive shops around the world they call it a bastard joint that's what I've always heard it referred to and that's because it's different length Than One Direction than it is in the other because this transmission come out of a motorhome that took much larger drive shafts than this truck you know I had to get a joint instead of buying all new shafts had to get a joint took and do the conversion so it's like 1350 to a 1410 or 13 10 to 1450 not exactly for sure but you get the idea it's longer in One Direction than it is in the other to adapt one size shaft to another conversion joint so I'm just about to weld these connectors couplers whatever you want to call it they're stainless steel onto my stainless steel headers and what I don't want to happen is the other side of the pipe that I'm welding on I'm welding on this side the inside will be exposed to oxygen and it'll oxidize sugar is what I call it well unless you the way to combat that is to back gas whatever you're welding set up another gas system to purge the inside of the vessel or tube or whatever you're welding so it's an oxygen free environment and you don't get that oxidation in there well there's another way and this was this was introduced to me by a viewer some time ago and I've just you've been using the Daylights out of this stuff ever since super handy seven lifetime supply here for the home shop guy by the way type B solar flux now I'm gonna this is a powder I'll show you I'm going to mix a little bit of that and put a little bit of that into this bottom of this water bottle mix a little bit of methanol with it and make a paste and then I can use this brush and I can brush it on the opposite side of the tube or whatever that I'm welding then this acts as a flux because it is a flux and shields the other side of the Weld and keeps it from sugaring or oxidizing hopefully that all made sense I'll show you you'll see so these are kind of thick and they slide up on here so it's really not the best example but it'll make sense anyway what I'm going to do if I can get this hopefully it go up on there that's it probably knock it up on there I'm gonna clean this really good I'm Gonna Knock It Up on there and I'm gonna weld this from the inside that way I don't have an exposed weld bead on the outside because it's just not necessary to weld this both ends out and out and what I'm going to do is use some of this stuff and I'm going to brush it on out here that way when I weld the inside it doesn't burn on the outside and look like garbage so that's what I'm going to do or vice versa you get the idea you can weld on the outside put this stuff on the inside it's just to protect the opposite side of the metal when you're welding to keep and also keeps you from having to set up a whole back gas system so it says mix a pound of flux with six to seven ounces of alcohol methanol preferred I'm using methanol but I have used alcohol and it works just as well seems to stir thoroughly form the thick to form the thin paste about the consistency of thick cream permit mix to stand for several minutes to allow chemical reaction between the flux and alcohol apply a good even coat on the back side of the seam before welding so where possible apply a light coat between edges of the joint before tacking weld in your normal manner see solar flux brochure for complete information yeah a little splash of this stuff probably way too much and it was but that's okay try to look through my arm but anyway that's kind of what it looks like when you add too much methanol anyway I let this evaporate just for a minute and then we'll brush it on it'll be fine so it doesn't take very much of this stuff just a light coat like this will do a really good job of protecting the metal from oxidizing when you're welding it foreign super quick that's it now I can weld it and it won't oxidize out here [Music] thank you and then after you're done welding just the stuff brushes off pretty easy so I just got done butchering this set of headers the passenger side fit great well I say great I had to trim off a little bit of the ear of the transmission also head to relieve the frame about eighth of an inch and a couple couple small spots but typical header woes driver's side not even close to fitting in my defense I bought the wrong ones these said that they did a C10 in the description and I just assumed that the C10 and the C30 are close enough well they'll work well guess what these don't fit a C30 with a LS in it not even close on the on the driver's side what I decided to do was beat the Daylights out of this tube because I thought that's where it was hitting um and come to find out it was also hitting down here at the collector so I got this big booger here on this header and uh it was I would have had to remove at least an inch and a half of web on the bottom of the frame rail so this collector wouldn't hit it and I just wasn't I wasn't going to do that I figured there has to be a better way so what I decided to do is take my slice and dice wheel big thick hundred thousandths of an inch cut off wheel which I I love cut off wheels by the way and I cut all of these tubes at the bottom right above the flange here cut them all about three quarters of the way through and I've got this the flange mounted to the workbench here and what that'll allow me to do is close up that Gap Bend these headers in because it takes a lot less movement up here than it does down here uh you know I can cut an eighth of an inch up here it'll move it an inch or better here so I decided to do that and then when I push it together I can close up that Gap they won't be as beautiful as they were before but once I wrap them you won't see that anyway and no one will know that these are butchered but that's just the way it goes sometimes especially with headers and then you're doing a custom swap I'm sure that they probably make a set of headers that will just bolt right on that but I didn't buy them plus I waited like I said too long to return them so this is what it's getting which will be fine you know so I had to move this dude outside so see that header this is the passenger side side it fit pretty good I did have to just barely trim the frame rail there and and clicker not not bad you know typical header stuff now this side different story although I got it bolted up right now it's not I have welded up my cuts that I made you can see I just left it right at the top there cut all the way through everywhere down at the bottom all the way but the top so because it was originally it was hitting here that's where I boogered up the uh yeah I regret doing that but I did it the tube there but the main part was down at the bottom let me take you under there and show you with those wires still got a few miles left on her show you what's going on oh goodness [Music] okay see how that's hitting the frame rail there and there and that's this pushed in yeah I would have had to have trimmed all the way through here probably a good inch or so and I wanted to do that to this chassis so now that I've cut that watch this oh I'll just bend it into it touches I weld it up and that'll be plenty of clearance so I think that's gonna work no we're good well I got those headers whooped finally what a pain in the tail that was a battle royale to get those headers in but it did you know I wish I would have cut them I wish I'd have thought about cutting them before I started you know boogering them up not that that's going to hurt anything but you get the idea would be nice because they would have fit just fine did I cut it and re-welded it to begin with now my most beautiful welds or just trying to get done to be honest drilled my bolts you see so once I'm done I'll do this just like my other truck and tie wire these that way you know they can't they're not relying on lock washer or lock tied or anything like that those tie wires at least on my truck have worked great I've had no header leaks at all the bolts haven't worked out because they can't they're wired together anyway you see motor transmission headers installed really you know most people can put in a motor that's not uh that's not that big a deal on transmission the wiring is the part that trips up most people on on these LS swaps but there you go she has a heart or he Johnny Johnny Cash identifies as a as a he so heart and legs this transmission I guess so there you go really happy with it so far so here's a quick shot of me working on the wiring harness now what I'm doing is reworking the factory harness that came with the the truck that I bought with that motor and uh this is the most feared part at least for most people including myself I'd never done one of these before now obviously you can buy these pre-made but you're going to spend probably 150 to 200 probably from the cheapest for the cheapest overseas harness that money can purchase or maybe 800 to even thousand possibly for some of the name brand um you know American-made harnesses and I just decided that hey I'm gonna bite the bullet even though I'm not a electrical guy I'm gonna follow the online tutorials I went to LS1 swaps.com printed off some information then went to the LS1 swaps.com YouTube channels and just followed his video tutorial on how to do it and I'm telling you it was about a straightforward as it gets you don't even have to be able you don't have to be Electronics got to do it so you know if you were to do an LS swap you ever just decided to tackle it don't be afraid of the wiring harness it's really it's not that hard if I could do it I believe about anybody could so there you go guys that is it for me this week I am out of time I've been on vacation for the last uh the past week you know trying to take it easy and uh you know just relax so maybe next week we'll get back to schedule hopefully next week back on uh on some Machining content but I figured I'd give you a you know a big update on Johnny Cash Elizabeth crew cab Dooley and uh there should be one maybe two more and then this project will be complete I'm excited to get this thing wrapped up thanks for watching guys viewers Patron subscribers anyone who's helped me out whatsoever it is much appreciated and that's it thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 28,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: 7k4e5ZNBvzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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