Building a CUSTOM FNAF MOVIE PIZZERIA in Minecraft! (True Finale)

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warning this video contains Major Spoilers for the FNAF movie watch at your own risk just like William Aton himself I always come back a little while back I made the ultimate Freddy fazbears Pizzeria in Minecraft and I told you that was it I'm not doing anymore I don't feel like it and I lied to you at the time of recording this video uh it's been about a day and a half since I watched the FNAF movie and I am in love it was amazing and I loved every piece of it I don't care how corny some pieces were I don't care I I don't it was great and in order to celebrate it and also to appease some of the comments from some of the other builds that you guys have left because you guys have also wanted to see this uh in actually vast quantities I going to be making a custom Five Nights at Freddy's movie Pizzeria in Minecraft honestly I think this is going to be a really interesting one for me to make because we don't really know the layout at all but with the help of a Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock map that was made by someone named cough there is a very cool FNAF movie map that is based off of the FNAF movie trailers and is a pretty rough but honestly seemingly accurate layout of the Five Nights at Freddy's movie Pizzeria so I'm using that as a bit of a rough reference for uh what I'm going to be making today but I am going to be adjusting some things I did notice that since it's base off of the trailers there are some pieces that like as I was going through it it's yeah no there in the movie it's much different so there are going to be some adjustments being made but honestly I'm super excited because this is going to be this is going to be a different kind of thing and it's still going to allow me to have some creative freedom with it because you know it's just a series so you guys know the drill I'm going to hop into a layout and then uh yeah we'll see what happens but before I get around to any of that I do want to let you guys know that if you want to make something like this for yourself there is a link in the description to the curse Forge mod pack called Tony's FNAF pack you can check it out in the description there's also links to the other mods that I've put in here here as well some of them are just more furniture or simple things that add a little bit more to this world um so if you want to do this for yourself go down there and go ahead and check that out as well there's also going to be a World download for this in the description as well right below those so make sure if you want to check this out for yourself go to the link there and download it for yourself and check it out I also want to take this moment to Quick ask you guys if you haven't already to please consider liking and subscribing trying to hit 10,000 subscribers before the end of the year so we'll see if that actually happens or not but that would be much appreciated if you did that anyway let's get back into it all righty I think this is about the best I'm going to be able to get this to be this looks really really weird but let me just explain what all is going on here uh first of all this kind of looks like a bunny head like you know there's the ear there there's the ear there and then you can see like it kind of Curves around there almost looks like the the the the glitch trap suit dude freaky huh but yes up at the top there is the lobby that purple section there and that is basically where you walk in and you see that big Archway that lights up that leads into the main entertainment room which is the pink blob in the middle here and you'll see that there's those two yellow squares those are where the stages are Foxy's Cove and the main stage respectively uh we also have the orange Square which is the priz counter and then we also have that kind of diagonal like magenta piece there that goes in there as well and that's actually that kind of diagonal area with the arcade and the ball pit so that's uh they going to be interesting to figure out I think towards the right there we have the blue hallway which leads to the security office and then connecting to that is like that little extra storage room which has the uh different supplies for the prize corner and stuff like that and then also in that area is the kitchen which is the brown section at the bottom right there and then leading out from the bottom of that is this green tunnel which these green tunnels are actually going to be what are like connecting up all the like separate like employee only areas so right there in that big space at the bottom right is the warehouse door that you see um Hank and Max and her brother and everybody break in through um so those those will be the double doors leading to the kitchen that he kicks in etc etc blah blah blah you'll see that that leads towards also the main area and then another set of tunnels which the other set of tunnels is where we see Hank run away from seeing Carl getting munched and that's the little Supply Closet that he gets got by Bonnie in and as we follow that along further you'll see this dark blue section in the left there and that is going to be the kind of parts and service or like Workshop room and this is where we see the extra suits and where we see uh chica trying to stuff Abby into the weird spring lock like offbrand circus baby or I guess people are saying it's like Ella from the from the uh FNAF books I guess there's a doll that looks EX exactly like that freaky uh but yeah that's going to be that room there's also going to be another Warehouse door in there I think just to be just to be kind of logical about it cuz I feel like how would they get all the parts all the way from the warehouse door at the bottom right there it just wouldn't make sense so then following along that tunnel again there's actually going to be a chain link fence quote unquote probably met out like iron bars or something but that's going to be separating that off and that's going to be uh what we see at the beginning of the movie with the first security guard who gets trapped behind that and eventually gets got by foxy that's going to be bring that off and then following that tunnel and that little blue square up at the top that is going to be where technically from the vents that the first security guard emerged from and then ran away um in that area up there so this is a very very very custom layout I don't think that this is going to be super accurate to the movie but it's to the best of my understanding of where things are I also forgot to mention that the green square up at the top there is the bathrooms just because there aren't any anywhere else so I thought I'd put them there so now it's time for you guessed it building up all the different areas and getting this bad boy started so I think I'm just going to hop into it and um yeah I'll I'll I'll see you guys in a [Music] second [Music] and here we are with a fully walled and roofed interior of the building now obviously some things are a little bit different from the movie themselves uh like this little Al Cove here I think is a bit bigger than what we saw in the movie but you know that's a minor d but you know this this whole area here I feel like is pretty accurate to what the movie is obviously I need to get the uh tables and stuff set up in here but that's going to be part of the next phase of creation um but we have the stage set up and I already went ahead and put in the animatronics just to make sure that uh the stages were tall enough and they are and honestly they look really good like with this little border across the top it feels like it's a complete and like centered attraction to the actual place so that's really cool we also have the ball pit area and the arcade uh I don't know what I'm going to use for the actual ball pit just yet but we'll I I'll figure it out honestly you may also notice that I've used some vertical slabs that's part of one of the mods that is in the uh mod pack here it is called quark and it features a bunch of vertical slabs that you can use for extra detailing in your builds and honestly I don't I don't know why vertical slabs aren't just a regular vanilla thing cuz these are so useful like look at this I wouldn't have this barrier to the curtains here if this didn't if if these didn't exist like I I don't understand why they're not already a thing but you know that's Mojang you notice also in these uh maintenance or service tunnels that there are these hanging lamps that kind of flicker on and off and there is this quote unquote chain link fence um where the first security guard kind of gets got so I thought I thought that was a nice detail to have there and then there's also the storage room here which I'm also making the same storage room as where um in the beginning where he comes out of the vent and then also from later on where they discover the first spring lock like doll suit which that thing was creepy did anybody else think that that thing was like eerily creepy compared to everything else we also have the setups for the bathrooms here and honestly the uh the vertical slabs make these a lot more interesting to walk through you know it's like an actual like sectioned off piece of the area so that's really cool you also have the prize counter which is also featuring the vertical slabs as the actual counter itself little storage area for all the stuff back there and then of course there's the security room which I went ahead and also put in the breaker box which I feel like it's kind of clever obviously I wish it was a red light coming out of that but you know it is what it is then of course the other exit as well and the kitchen is all set up in here with its lighting and I think the lighting here is perfect if I'm going to be completely honest there is so much happening in terms of the actual decoration of the place or at least there will be so having the lack of lighting I feel like will add to that kind of mystery of the place and it doesn't feel like it's too harsh at all like especially in these hallways they feel eerie and on and of course there's also the parts and service area which I don't like that the the doors don't block out the light I wish they would cuz that actually that that's kind of frustrating but I guess without further Ado let's go ahead and start decorating some of this place up so here we go and here we are with the main party room all decorated and set up now I'm honestly really happy with how this has turned out and obviously this isn't as decorated nearly as much as the other locations that I've done but that's because I want this to feel like it's abandoned there's not really much going on here and uh I think it has been pulled off pretty well so we've got a range of different things like tables booths party supplies plates cups all that kind of stuff on these tables and it looks pretty much like it's been kind of just left behind which is exactly what I was going for so that's really awesome but we also got different signs and decorations and H things hanging from the ceiling and of course the drawing wall we have the funny yellow bunny featured in the middle of all of the other drawings here and I think this is a really nice detail that I used here cuz this is one of the old fredbear posters and uh you know it's just a nice reference to the actual film so that's pretty cool I also have little machines here that are for your tokens for playing the arcade machines and then also the ticket counter as well over by the prize counter which uh this is actually pretty accurate to the movie cuz there's this big like vent ch that goes across uh the top here so definitely something that I'm really happy with as well because there's these little vent blocks and stuff that they have in this mod so that's really cool and as per usual we also have all of the different plushies and stuff at the prize counter nothing super new here cuz you know it's it's about the same as everything else we've done so you know I'm pretty happy with it though and the vertical slabs definitely help with like framing it so that's really cool I went ahead and also did the bathrooms as well and there's nothing really super special going on in here uh you know just your usual bathroom stalls and then also your kitchen sink and all that stuff as well as the trash can which actually I didn't realize that you can actually throw stuff in there and destroy it that's pretty cool we also have little gumball machines which are nice because you know gum it's good and then of course the arcade area as well I did not put in the uh ladder to the slide because it just didn't seem like there was enough room so I didn't include that but if you want to add it when you download this world cuz I know that you're going to want to download it oo you can definitely add that as well for yourself but but I do have all these arcade machines here as well as the ball pit and now this is actually a really fun uh block here because if you uh it makes little squink squonks which is fun but also you actually like sink into it so you can actually hide inside blocks which is really cool so we also have the kitchen as well which is complete with a bunch of stoves and ovens for cooking up all the different things Pizzeria as well as a lot of pizza boxes which are kind of just scattered around everywhere and this is kind of nodding towards in the movie how you see pretty much like all over the kitchen there's just stacks of these boxes and this is actually the area with the fan where you uh see behind Carl you see chica go past the fan there throughout that hallway uh which you can actually come through here and see that the fan is there as well unfortunately you can't look through it and it's also four separate blocks instead of being one big one but that's just that's what was in the the mod so it is what it is I guess we also have here these couple fridges which are where Carl is looking for the cupcake or I guess he's looking for whatever's inside it and then he turns around and sees there's Chica and there's the cupcake and then he doesn't have a face anymore yeah this is the kitchen and honestly I'm really happy with it especially with these vents that let all the smoke and stuff out toward the roof this it's just a very nicely detailed kitchen with honestly minimal detail that still fits so next up we have the security office and honestly this is probably of my favorites so far just because of how much is going on in such a small space so as you can see we have the iconic classic uh desk and chair we got the phone there as well as the poster on the wall we also have his Nebraska poster as well on the wall which is just a regular Minecraft painting but it still gives off that same Vibe we also have behind here this little table that we see uh Vanessa and Mike sit at when they first meet and also we have the lockers which unfortunately we can't necessarily open them physically but there is a bit of a surprise if I open up the the bottom section here I go inside the bottom here you'll see that there's a little balloon boy inside here which is kind of just alluding to the uh little balloon boy jump scares that we would see in the movie there's also this Bonnie plush as well as if you uh take a quick look at the Lockers in the office you'll see that there's a tiny little Bonnie plushy up top we also have here the power generator which is unfortunately not hooked up to anything at the moment but there's also the red security light as well up the top kind of just like that's always on as that like even if the power is out this this is always going to beond so it's a nice little nice little detail we also have the hallway leading up to the office as well as the back exit here with the employee of the month wall which you'll notice there might be a couple familiar heads on here as well which you know I'm just saying I'm I'm I'm a pretty good employee but also just a bunch of wires and stuff hanging from the ceiling as well as a little vending machine here cuz I feel like you know this is this is kind of the back area the kind of break not necess break room but you know it's it's it's towards an area where where employees can kind of chill out and get their stuff so I feel like I feel like a v machine isn't super far Out Of Reach back here so after the security office I decided to do the storage rooms on the sides of the hallways and such so this is the one where Vanessa and Mike were looking for the tablecloths and then where eventually uh they learned about the spring the spring lock suits and um instead of having the weird doll thing this is where this guy is and this is because I feel like this is I believe this is the same room at the end of the movie where they have dragged Mr Aton to rot in his spring locked cell um I'm pretty sure it was the storage room I could be wrong but that's what it looked like in the movie so that's where I assumed that he is now if I'm wrong don't tell me in the comments because I don't like knowing when I'm wrong yeah this is mainly just a bunch of cardboard boxes and stuff strown about everywhere some extra chairs and tables and stuff like that because you know it never hurts to have extras in your restaurant similarly there's also this kind of corner storage room as well and this is where Hank gets just absolutely destroyed by Bonnie and um yeah nothing too fancy going on here once again it's just a very simple room filled with shelves and cardboard boxes and stuff and then plenty of room for Bonnie to stand in the corner and be an absolute creep finally we have the parts and service area where we also have the torture Freddy mask and the chair where both the old security guard and then also Mike gets stuck and uh only one of them survives can you guess who yes we also have a couple of the withereds in here as well and this is to represent the uh extra suits that the uh the looters were stuffed in after they were killed in the restaurant um so obviously you know we don't have Sparky the dog or Shadow Freddy or whatever the heck they actually are someone said that the one that Max was stuffed in was Mr hippo and I'm just like I hope that's true cuz I love Mr hippo he's great but yeah you know it's your typical kind of parts and service there's a bunch of tools and workbenches and stuff like that and a bunch of random things laying around and extra endoskeletons and parts and such like that but I think this is pretty good for what it's worth and also I think just having this Center piece of the Freddy head is just really cool obviously it's not attached but you know we're not going to talk about that part side note I did also replace the springtrap with an actual spring Bonnie because I didn't realize that this is the thing but it's really cool that it is look at you looking at me big old eyes so yeah I replaced that with that because it's not exactly spring trap that gets stuck in here it's spring Bonnie so this is yeah this is way better and finally I wanted to leave this part for the very last because I just find it very funny but this little area there's you know not really much known of what actually is over here so I've decided to make this a spot for balloon boy because he has such an annoying presence in this movie and he's kind of just the the lingering joke throughout it I figured I'd give him his own little spot in this little area here so I think that's perfect right there and with that I'm pretty sure the interior to this place is completely finished now obviously nothing is like 100% accurate to the movie as there are definitely things that can be adjusted but honestly I'm super happy with how this has turned out this has been an amazing project and I think all that I have left to do now is make a facade for the front because right now it's just a weird random shape of a building so I'm going to make make a little facade and make it look all pretty from the front and uh not do a full building because I don't I don't want to so let's go ahead and go out and do that and give me just a moment and we'll see how it looks and so here we are with the outside of Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria now I did make a bit of an extension off the side here from what we actually see in the movie because about this chunk here right here that's about where it cuts off it's just this much that we see so I had to extend it a little bit in order to cover up the extra like service tunnel and stuff like that but I think I think it looks good yeah this was honestly very fun to put together I had a blast making this and it was nice to kind of hop back into it after a little while of of not doing anything like this now this this is going to be my last one I swear to God like I'm not making any more of these I'm done these are done but seeing this come to fruition was really cool and especially after just seeing the movie like this this is really cool and being able to have this now in Minecraft is such a really cool thing to see now I did go around and add a few more details as well like I added some of the extra wall sconces and I also reduced the size of the archway it used to be four wide now it's three in order to Center the entrance and make room for the sign outside to actually be centered so made a bit of an adjustment but you know that's the beauty of these kinds of things is you can just adjust them as you go along so that is going to do it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed and like I said thank you so much for being part of this series like you guys have been really fun to see like you guys reactions to the different builds that I've done and all that um unfortunately I you know I made the joke about how I always come back but like this this is it I'm not this I'm done with these I'm moving on to bigger and better things baby but if you did enjoy please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing if you haven't watched the other videos in this series there's a link in the description to the playlist that has all of them in there so go check those out as well and uh yeah I hope you guys all stay safe I love you all and until the next video I will see you later bye
Channel: Kjwippy
Views: 125,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach map, minecraft fnaf security breach, fnaf minecraft, kjwippy fnaf, kjwippy fnaf minecraft, fnaf minecraft map, custom fnaf, custom fnaf minecraft, tony's fnaf pack, kjwippy, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf build, fnaf security breach ruin, fnaf movie, fnaf movie trailer, fnaf song, ultimate fnaf build, ultimate fnaf, ultimate fnaf timeline, custom freddy fazbear's, freddy fazbear's pizza, custom fnaf 1, five nights at freddys
Id: F6lHjhkc0zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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