I Coded Five Nights at Freddy's in Minecraft

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have you ever started up a new Minecraft world and they're just trying to survive the night well you can worry no longer just come down to Freddy fazber's pizza where fantasy and fun come to life and don't worry you'll be completely safe from any of the Terrors outside all right it's been half month and it seems like you can't escape the hype right now so to join in on the fun I thought it's time I code this classic game into Minecraft with a nice pixel art code of paint to go along with it you know the deal by now we aren't just going for visuals we're also going for gameplay and with the sneaky trick I think I'll be able to recreate all the AI in gameplay one to one with the original using literally no mods yeah that's right you'll be able to boot up the game and play the map with nothing but a world file let's get to it so Five Nights at Freddy's actually started off as a pretty simple game it consisted of Seven Levels known as Knights 1 through 7 this kind of makes me question the name but we'll choose to ignore it however not all nights are the same Knights 1 through 5 are the normal Nights night six is a harder bonus night and night 7 is a customizable night you can set the AI of each animatronic here to make it as easy or as hard as you want keep that part in mind that'll be important later so for the first time ever in a class or video I'm going to attempt to make the entire game start to finish all seven nights The Simple Plan I'll be using here is to start with the resources this includes making all the textures and models I need for the map next I'll build up the build you know the build stuff you know the map this includes the basic Hub system along with the pizzeria itself and then after that we'll make the night system this will be followed up by the AI for all the different characters of course we'll also finish it up by adding in some Easter eggs let's start with modeling the main gang there are five animatronics in the first game consisting of Freddy Bonnie Chica foxy and golden Freddy for Freddy I just took my glamrock Freddy model I made back when I made security breach and you know just changed it up gave him a Fresh coat of paint you know tweaked the proportions a bit and boom there we go Freddy for golden Freddy I just did a color Swap and removed his ear Bonnie Chica and Foxy had to be made from scratch but they weren't too difficult because you know they're they're robots but I also have to be honest modeling these guys made me consider making some terrible financial decisions so you know reminder that the member button exists if you want to you know support my awful spending habits I'm just saying you know anyway for the Minecraft animatronics and their poses and AI that will be a difficult tough part later that way will be doing in the later part of the video cuz I don't want to do it now but speaking of AI you've probably noticed a bunch of fun voices I've been using throughout this video well these voices have all been made and actually are powered by vo mod the sponsor of this video in case you don't know what voice mod is it allows you to you know customize your voice in real time and it messes with people not going to lie this is kind of [Music] fire you can use it on Discord Zoom all the good stuff mess with your friends you know was fun it can also be used in content like right here for example voice mod offers over 100 custom voices which you can switch to with just a click of a button you know it's Halloween so we also needs some you know spooky there's a lot of spooky voices look there's a Freddy one you can become Freddy not to mention multiple old voices have also had a new spooky variant made you know it's the spooky season we need like this spooky things the possibilities here are endless however if there isn't the voice you're looking for you can actually make your own you can do this with voice mod Pros voice lab just tweak the settings and you can get the voice you want it doesn't even need to be used to sound like anything you're not it can just improve your current voice to make it sound cleaner for example this video is being recorded with the clean filter it makes me sound less bad not to mention there's an entire Community contributing and making sounds that you can all download onto your personal soundboard something else I've personally found super convenient is that voice mod is actually compatible with Elgato stream decks and I own one of those you know you can use it to togg all the voices on and off and stuff it allows me to focus on the gaming while just using my other hand to press buttons I don't need the tab out or anything super helpful for people with only one monitor but it also has tons of uses if you have multiple as well voice mod on its own is entirely free but for access to all the voices at all time you'll need the pro version luckily I've been given the opportunity to help you get this pro version if you use the promo code classer or press the link in the description it'll give you 5% off and help the channel directly so what are you waiting for go get it come on come on you know you want to anyway thank you to vo mod for sponsoring this video back to Freddy after Freddy and the ganger all modeled up I make some extra assets that'll be scattered around the pizzeria later but we'll get back to that when we build the pizzeria I start by making the Hub area using the axom mod to make some easy hills and mountains around the map for an easy enclosed area for the spawn the FNAF movie actually had a real set that I'll use for reference for building the front of the pizzeria for the sign at the top I'll use the Minecraft title generator to create the text and slap that on top of the top half of the Freddy model because of the way Minecraft models work it needs to fit within a 3X3 block area but with the new block displays we can actually scale it up to make it all big and tall but with the outside done it's time to make the inside I found this blender model with the entire first location of the game online I'll be using this for reference so I'm just going to destroy the roof and look at it from a top down perspective all of the floors have this Checker grid which is actually perfect for Minecraft it allows me to make a block with this grid and I'll be able to get accurate measurements while it's not perfect it'll work fine here after I have the floor to scale I'll have to build the wall this was a bit tricky because the walls in the actual game are super thin and Minecraft walls are considerably thicker but after some trial and error I managed to get something that looks good the walls themselves follow a similar design starting with you know this darker bottom followed by a checker Row three loads of a stonik texture with a darker texture at the top there are three variants of this I needed to put around the map the the roof is just black and for the build itself this is as much as I'll really be able to do if I want this to look good we're going to need to add a lot of custom models luckily we can do this in vanilla Minecraft using a resource pack so I have a lot of modeling to do thank you to this guy for helping out the security office is by far the most detailed area so I use blockbench to model out all the different monitors and TV screens you know paper balls papers all that stuff you got to remember that Minecraft models are super limited and can only fit in a 3x3x3 block area and each Cube can only be rotated on one axis not to mention that each cube is locked only having four different rotation States moving at 22.5 degree intervals this is very dumb by the way I know but with these limitations I tried my best and got something I was happy with I then start to decorate the rest of the pizzeria the stage is pretty easy it's just a basic elevated platform with some speakers for decorations and some fake like looking Cloud things for these hanging strings I use chain and flower pots to recreate the effect it looks a bit odd without out regular Minecraft World Resources but you swap it out and they looks super nice har Cove was very similar more hanging star strings with the lamps on both sides for the sign I just used a regular Minecraft sign and retextured it and for the curtain I tried the best I could with Minecraft's limitations and then I took the model and scaled it up using block displays for the main dining area I used four different models to make both halves of the tables and a chair facing in each Direction I reused the models in the office as well as a few newcomers for the hallways I made a photoshopped version of the stage with all the animatronics to put his posters around the map I modeled up an endoskeleton this it powered off in the supplies room and then made a lot of different shelves with all the various heads something I want to point out is in order to help optimize the game Minecraft UNR faces underneath blocks this is hardcoded so even if I put a custom model on the Block it'll still remove the face underneath there are some blocks that are immune to this property though I make most of my models using these the ones I use include glass leaves fences and trap doors trap doors I find especially useful cuz they allow for three different models in one block these models are also rotatable its custom models are for being on the floor on the roof and being opened this is three rotatable models in one and with the amount of trap doors there are there are plenty of models to scatter throughout the map I use glow lyen I think that's how you say that for the lighting with a few polishing details and this is done I'll call this done I'm happy with this real quickly though before we get onto the coding these Maps take so much effort and I'm actually losing my mind here I've legit pulled like four on nighters in this past like 6 days when making this and I am exhausted so you know if you want to subscribe you know you know please I'm trying here but yes time to start coding yeah every night follows a similar structure you start at midnight and try to survive till 6:00 a.m. when 600 a.m. hits you win you can't really move in this game instead you're stuck in the security office and rely on the cameras to see what's going on around you so in the hub we we'll set up a night select system I'm going to make it so you can access all nights at all times but a trophy will appear next to every night you complete when you complete the first five nights you'll get a star when you complete the sixth night you'll get a second star and if you manage to beat Knight 7 on its hardest difficulty known as 2020 2020 mode you will get a third star this signifies that you have mastered the game we'll set up a clock above your hot bar that'll show your current time every hour in FNAF is 89 seconds in real time so you know about a minute and a half meaning each full night is about 9 minutes long when 6:00 a.m. hits the clock will take up the entire screen and it'll be like Yay you got 6 a.m. yay now with the basic night system we have to make the actual game mechanics there are a few actions you can take each night the first you'll be able to do is of course open the cameras there's a big old button at the bottom of the screen that let you do that but in Minecraft you can't really press that in fact your cursor is locked to the center of the screen so to make up for this we're going to have to just make it move the entire camera when when you move your cursor this will work fine for the other actions in the game but it doesn't really work for this so instead what I'm going to do is fill your inventory with a bunch of non-stackable items and then detect if you drop one of these items and then it'll open the camera so instead of clicking it you'll just press Q on your keyboard which is what allows you to drop items in Minecraft and boom you can open close your camera look at that the way the cameras work is there's just a bunch of different armor stands around the map and when you open it it'll teleport you to the armor stands and when you put it down it'll teleport you back to the office for the overlay we'll simply use a car of pumpkin and retexture it once the camera is open you'll be able to swap from camera to camera by left clicking and right clicking we can detect this using Minecraft's new interaction entity while in the camera we'll lock the player into facing a certain direction and when they close the camera we'll restore them to looking at the desk there are 11 cameras in the first game we'll label each of these above the hot bar we show the camera that you're currently watching as well as the cameras you can swap to we'll also have a mini map to the left that will allow you to track where on the map you are I know in the game it's on the right but in Minecraft the hot bar is on the left so we're putting it on the left theoretically you can swap your Minecraft to left-handed mode which you'll put it on the right but that's a lot of effort and I'm lazy so we will not be doing that besides the cameras there are three other things you can do in a night first thing you'll notice is in the office there's a big old door to the right and left of you conveniently there is a button labeled door you press the door button you'll never guess what it does oh oh my God it closes the door no way however you'll notice there is also a button under it called light you press this button and it turns on the light the way I got the shadow is I put a black texture behind the doors then I took tinted glass and removes the texture tinted glass makes this really cool gradient like effect so it makes it look like Shadow then when you press the button it just gets rid of the blocks and then after those two there is the most important mechanic by far it would not be FNAF without it now with the the basic mechanics in place we now got to make the animatronics themselves these guys are very hard to understand but when researching for this video I found out that apparently the entire game source code is just out there available to read um what so apparently the software this was made in had like a bug and you could take the game and convert it back to its original source code somehow so I guess I just have the entire game now somehow but luckily this makes it pretty easy to understand what's going on in the game I also used a few video resources which will be linked below so there's a difficulty in the game which is pretty easy to understand each animatronic has a AI value from 1 to 20 this is the same system used in custom KN and it's actually used in all the night however there is one difference between the custom kns and the regular kns you can't just put in the custom value kns and expect it to be the same as the OG this is because the battery drains differently in every night night it's a weird complicated system I don't really want to explain but I'll link an article below that explains it way better than I ever could hear but essentially the farther in the nights you go the more your power drains however if you look at night one you'll see the values are all set to zero which means they are disabled but that doesn't make any sense because they are not disabled except it does this is because during regular nights there are 3 hours where each of the characters gain some difficulty I'll put these value on the screens now this also means that at the end of the night they end with these values these guys all have movement opportunities the number of their difficulty essentially determines How likely their movement opportunity is to take place otherwise it fails essentially whenever they're about to move it rolls a number between 1 and 20 if the number rolls equal to or less than what their AI value is they'll move if it isn't they don't they'll move until they eventually get to your door then they'll try to attack at their Next Movement opportunity if the door is open then the door will become locked and they'll however if the door is closed they'll bang on it and go back to the main dining hall however Freddy does work a bit differently Freddy won't move while you have your camera open instead he'll wait for you to lower your camera wait a little bit based off his AI value and then move yo Freddy get out of the women's bathroom dog once he makes it to the final room beside your office he won't go into your window to warn you un like the other characters instead he just attacks immediately Freddy where'd you go Freddy Freddy fat bear well that's [Music] F if you have your camera open he won't flip it down but he will attack the second you put it down not only that but when Freddy hits your door he doesn't go back to the dining area like the others but instead goes right back into the hallway ready to attack you again that's too bad when Freddy is here he will not go away foxy is kind of similar foxy also won't move if your camera is on essentially he has three different phases closed kind of open and then there and then I guess there's a fourth phase but that's just he's gone foxy has the longest movement opportunity but when it does happen he progresses a phase once it gets to the Final Phase he leaves in 25 seconds he'll jump scare you 25 seconds after this if your door's open well however this can also be forced to happen sooner by checking camera 2A they'll then run down the hall and attack you then if you're fast enough you can close the door he also sings apparently however unlike the others when foxy attacks he actually drains some of your power the first time he attacks he drains 1% however it increases as he goes on so he can range anywhere between 6% and 11% this is dumb and I do not like it but it is in the original game so we will Cod it in this one a smart strategy could be waiting the 25 seconds and then closing the door to try to give you extra time before he resets when he resets he goes back to either Phase 1 or two there's this one Freddy poster here that has a 0.01% chance of changing every second once it changes it'll stay like that until you check it and then it'll try again yes you can get a multiple times in one night if you look at the poster golden Freddy will then appear in your office you can either flip your camera up or down to get rid of him or just kind of stare say hi and normally all of this would have been quite frankly really difficult to code into Minecraft because we haven't really had a good way of generating random chance before but in 1.2.2 as of the date of recording this the newest version they added SL random oh my God they took a decade to add this what the hell but SL random does exactly what you think it does it generates a random number so if you do/ random value 1.20 you'll get a value between 1 and 20 this can be used in execute if commands thank goodness so with this I'm able to go through and code all their AI it actually wasn't as hard as you'd think a document with details of what all their AI values are and chances will be linked below if you're curious so for the most part it's actually one to one with the original game which I'm actually pretty proud of there's of course a few changes I can't make it perfect but for someone with very limited you know okay you know what small confession I have actually never played the original Five Nights at Freddy's I've only seen other people play it and as of recording this the map is done and I've still yet to play the original why I don't know but from what I've seen it looks pretty comparable and I've had a few friends who've played it who say it's practically the same of course there's a few changes but I don't care anyway so with the AI done it is time to make the six nights so we'll take the night selection system we made earlier and have that set all of their Ai and start a night this will start the clock tell you the night time and you're good to go we'll also add a game over screen for if you die now all of the characters have different paths that can go down with different poses I'll be using animated Java to recreate this this is a plugin for BL bench that allows you to create animated poses using block displays we can run commands in these poses that'll move them around the map we can also use this for making the jump scares we'll then use blindness to make the lights flicker when you're moving from room to room display entities don't have interpolation which is normally really annoying but here it helps out a lot cuz they just kind of warp from place to place this XP bar at the bottom here will be your power above it we have a Boss Bar that'll change color based on how much energy you're using this is based on how many doors you have closed if you're using the lights and if you have your camera open once you run out of powers the lights will flicker [Music] off Freddy's head will appear and they'll start to play his music box after some values Freddy will grow there are a lot of random things that happen in this game quite frankly I don't know how I would do this without the SL random command it definitely wouldn't be as efficient however I believe I got it all very accurate here also real quickly need to shout out the goat Note Block Matt he made all the note block music for this of course he makes the music for all the maps he also just made a cover for like every single of the living tombstone FNAF songs so I mean if you made it this far in this video you'd probably like that anyway now with the basic kns done we can move on to the custom KN there isn't really a lot different here from the regular nights it uses the same battery drainage AS nights 5 and six and you can sit the AI that's really about it but this also presents a Minecraft FNAF 420 challenge which is when all their AI is set to Max which is very hard if anyone would like to attemp this and you can do it successfully without abusing lag or any cheat commands I mean you know you can record it upload it to YouTube tag me I don't know I guess I'll give the first person to do it like $25 PayPal and that does remind me if you want to play this map for yourself I'll release it for 100% free in the description if this video can hit 15,000 likes but also last time I said a like goal you guys hit it in like 16 hours so I have increased the like goal by 5,000 likes because I need like a day have the map download at least you guys are crazy with this but for now you can check out some gameplay and reactions here thank you again to voice mod for sponsoring this video use the link in the description you know it's kind of a no-brainer also subscribe to YouTube okay bye subscribe to YouTube I mean like no subscribe to me
Channel: Clouser
Views: 1,085,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys minecraft, five nights at freddys movie, five nights at freddys review, five nights at freddys song, five nights at freddy’s, five nights at freddys movie 2023, five nights at freddys, minecraft five nights at freddys, minecraft five nights at freddy's mod, fnaf movie minecraft, freddys pizza, scary minecraft, minecraft, tutorial minecraft, minecraft mod, reds fnaf mod, freddy fazbears pizza, freddy fazbear, minecraft mods, minecraft fnaf
Id: XdABXLbS_ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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