Building a CCNA Home Lab | CBT Nuggets

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hello everybody and welcome to the CBT Nuggets webinar titled building a CCNA home lab with the one and only Jeremy Chara a quick note for everyone the chat pod is available to you to ask any questions you have and Jeremy will do its best to get to them at the end of the webinar I'd also like to remind you to check out our blog blog CBT Nuggets calm for the webinar recording that will be posted later this week with that I'll go ahead and pass it off to Jeremy awesome Thank You Anthony and welcome to the hundreds of people that have joined the conference it's good to good to talk to you I love doing these live webinars because there's just so much well it's my chance to interact with people usually I I'm talking to myself so it's good to have live people there so as Anthony said this webinar will be open for questions throughout the entire time I actually keep the the little chat window open so as you're typing them I'm actually see them scrolling by which is a which is fun now with the hundreds of people obviously I can't talk read and comment on all of them at the same time but what I try to do is hit as many of them as I can so the fun part about this webinar is I have my questions that I'm going to ask and answer on some pre-prepared slides but really my goal is to make maybe 15 minutes of content and advice from my side and then just answer all of your questions or as many of them as I can possibly get to in the time that we have allotted to Justin because I know a lot of you you don't have the opportunity to interact with me regularly well not a Schnauzer chance so this is the topic of building a CCNA home lab and I'd like to run that topic into building a lab in general and and setting up cisco gear sitting at home back here I got I got my right I started into the Cisco world as we went in from 1999 to 2000 and the first thing that I ended up doing was building a little lab and then it kind of grew into something grand by the time I was studying for my CCIE where I invested tens of thousands of dollars in lab equipment because it was so expensive back then and I am oh my goodness you guys are alive at such a good time because equipment is so much cheaper than it used to be with the with the Cisco especially with the the evolution of 100 megabits 2 gigabit per second has left this whole gamut of gear out there that nobody wants because it's a hundred megabits per second which is phenomenal for a lab but because gigabit is the thing you know everybody's fine gigabit so anyway I'm already off the beaten path let me take you to my first question because I know a lot of people are wondering this I'm talking about lab I'm talking about real equipment sitting in front of you that you can smell taste if you really want to touch it so people say well what about gns3 or cisco viral or the boson simulators or the I mean essentially there's a whole gamut of other equipment that you can end up using for a home lab as you're studying for your certification why on earth would you pay when you can get a lot of these things for free to build a home lab this is probably the the biggest question that I will will passionately answer because it's not real so here's the deal you can do all kinds of amazing stuff in gns3 and I and I full heartedly recommend gns3 for the bulk of your studies however when it comes to getting into the Cisco world especially I mean this webinar is all about building a CCNA home lab so it's somebody just getting into it there's there's a gap between actually learning the content and dealing with the equipment and I've actually seen I've I've gone with CCNA on network jobs and like hey can you just punch those cables down and make sure that runs over there and it's them go what are you talking about you know it's like you know if you haven't actually seen it done it used it there's just something and it's almost like the very soul of what you're doing is missed so the very first thing that I always recommend is to get some real gear because it actually helps you put together the pieces now you may be able to pass the exam without a home lab you may be able to pass you know learn command type them into gns3 make things work in a formulaic kind of way but but when it comes to actually getting the very soul and heart of networking you actually need to see it work and feel with real equipment and see it happen and so so that's why I really emphasize investing in the home lab now I see Bharat asking a question it says what is the first thing you do when creating a lab do you build some extravagant networks or do you go with the checklist of the exam actually brought let me a you you it's almost like you staged that question here's here's my next question what do I do to get started in my home lab do I build this extravagant Network do I go with the equipment from the lab requirements and I would honestly say none of the above here's what you do to start your home lab you go and you buy a really cheap router and I went and grabbed when I was preparing the slides for this presentation I grabbed three of the models that I would recommend that just because they're so cheap just right off ebay I grabbed the current prices you can see I've got 26 11 or 26 21 and there's the XM version which is actually the better one but I also when I put this list together I mean I've had people like oh I've got a 2901 it works great you should suggest this every but I'm like yeah that's awesome but it's 21 901 is probably 800 bucks and people getting into Cisco can't afford 800 bucks sometimes and so that's why I'm like look if if you can't throw you know 50 bucks on the table to invest in your education I'd be really concerned with with your commitment to it so this is just the minimum to get started why do I recommend this because this allows you to convert your house to a Cisco based network and just by putting a single router and you can see I've got the 20 26:21 sitting out there the reason I like that 22 entire series is it's really cheap and it gives you the ability to put serial modules in but having this single router allows you to learn so much in a real old fashioned for your house when I when I first did this now that I actually got into Cisco before I got married I had Ethernet cables draping through the the hallways I had IP phones sitting around the house I mean it was just it was crazy like it's my house I can mess it up now when I get I got married things had to change slightly when I took down the networks I found out that maintenance windows and things like that were key to my happy marriage but at the same time this allows you to learn things like network address translation access control lists you can set up routing protocols you can set up static routing you can say I'm just these are things I'm pouring off the top of my head base configurations security ssh telnet I mean there's so much stuff that you can do with a single router and it's making your actual house work through this device this one device so for 50 bucks or less and I would say if you're a savvy shopper you can get some of these devices for 10 bucks you can do it now the reason I put the other ones you can see that Cisco 1721 and the 871 is because you quickly will find out that real cisco gear not that the none of this stuff is not real but essentially the stuff that they use for business grade enterprise networks like that 2600 series have fans and I realize a lot of you like me work in your office all the time and after a little while hearing that especially if it's old and you buy it on eBay and it's like you start going crazy so getting those little those little small routers are are awesome because they sometimes arfamis sometimes have a have a fan that you can't even hear it also so they're designed for you know the ultimate small network now I think Christopher asking the question it's like hey would you set this up in a mini rack or would you do it in a closet or basement good question I would I mean right now I'm talking about a single router obviously you don't need a rack just kind of chuck it in the in the corner but when you start putting together more gear I would suggest having some kind of system for it rather than just creating a pile because if it becomes a mess it just becomes discouraging to work with it's almost like you demotivate yourself to even look at it because it's so so messy so other thing that I want to mention why I'm looking at this you can see the 17:21 has a wick 1e net on there that's a module so you can get the second Ethernet port essentially all of these devices that you see on the screen right here are for recruiting questions make me makes me lose my train of buzz all of these are for routing a DSL or cable connection coming in there ok second thing so question question number question three so a lot of seeing all the questions pouring in so one let me just grab one more of these questions coming through someone saying which would you suggest creating a network I Graham for this yes I would I would actually create a diagram of what you have or could have connected when you do this also I going back to that would you put in Iraq would you put in your basement you put it kind of anywhere you have available I live in Arizona and a single-story house where I don't have a basement or a separate location so literally all my equipment lives in my office which means in summertime when I kick it all on it gets hot like this is the price sometimes I'll move my laptop and go work out on the couch while I'm studying just because it gets I mean but I could tell you stories of just sweating in my office one I'm studying so requirements for iOS 15 and let me talk to us in general so iOS 15 has been out for a few years from Cisco and all the certification exams are like oh i OS 15 you should have knowledge of iowa's you know that concept no no no you don't so iOS 15 is the iOS where cisco started going with licensing keys nikon thing which makes it a lot more difficult to use those in a lab environment because obviously the licensing for the iOS from cisco is quite expensive now the licensing for the iOS from cisco obviously this is not year that we're using in business networks and just so you know it is illegal to take the stuff that you find on eBay and buy it and go use it in a business Network now if you take that thing and use it offline for study purposes and things like that now I'm not a Cisco licensing expert by any means but from what I have read in the licensing documentation Cisco's like totally fine go for it's not in a production network use so coming back to the iOS 15 LS 15 has a lot more stringent licensing requirements which could be tested on but functionality wise at least to this day it doesn't have any like groundbreaking features like oh my gosh I can't believe you don't have a OS 15 you should have that in order to learn these kind of things it's just you know kind of mod anyway not to get into iOS 15 you do not need I Oh s 15 in order to study did I click to the slide how did that happen sorry I must have click to the side might invite my my mind is already advancing so what switch did you use to start your home lab so you can see the switches that I have up there these are all 100 megabits per second switches and that's what I was saying at the very beginning of this webinar is it is a good time to be alive because with gigabit now taking form everywhere where forever is like why would you buy anything slower than gigabit for protection network and there right that is a good question you have all of these amazing switches that used to cost thousands and thousands of dollars like that 3750 I actually just bought one off of the eBay have it sitting right next to me I'm like oh I love it because this thing used to be thousands of dollars and now for apoE I'm in Power over Ethernet 100 megabit per second layer 3 switched like a hundred six bucks I mean which I know a 106 bucks is not something to just really hell whatever but at the same time compared to what those anyway it's crazy how cheap these things are so 2950 I would say is the bare minimum the reason I would suggest that is because it is the cheapest and that's about it you can do VLANs on it you can do trunking the vast majority of layer 2 switching command you can do off of that device but if you have a couple more bucks and I literally mean a couple I would suggest using the 35 50 or a 3750 switch the reason being is those are layer of three switches okay not a CCNA topic right there actually is no layer 3 switching at least beyond the initial concept of it in CCNA but at the same time you can use those switches to move into the CP NP and man it's on if you're using those at your house the possibilities are endless I mean set up every single room of your house as its own VLAN set up a public Wi-Fi for your neighborhood and isolate it into a VLAN and usually were three switching with with access control this to isolate that public Wi-Fi from the rest of your network so people can't steal your stuff when you're picking the public Wi-Fi available I mean oh my goodness there's so much you can do with a layer 3 switch in and again I'm I'm I am a passionate geek by Nature right I just do this kind of stuff I love it but but keep in mind when you're talking about your house and I know I'm talking about your setting up your home what's the difference between your house and your company pretty much the price of the internet connection there's probably more people there instead of bedrooms they have cubicle walls right and conference room walls I mean essentially you can create the same kind of thing in your house you can set up servers and I would I would encourage you set up servers run vmware ESX another free one that you can download instead of virtual machines for your different servers that you want to run inside of your house separate those things into different VLANs using one of these kind of switches set up layer 3 switching so anyway this is uh this is the the course which i would suggest if you can only afford one if you can only afford one of each device i would grab i would grab the 20 26 21 because that's the difference by the way between the 26/11 and the 26 21 26 21 did I did I answer that question 26:21 her megabits per second grab that one and then grab a 3750 now what's the difference between the 35 50 in the 3750 35 50 is usually propriety Cisco so Cisco came out with Power over Ethernet before there was an industry standard I think they called it inline power so most of the thirty-five 50s if not all of them only support the Cisco proprietary power over ethernet whereas the 3750 does the industry standard 802 the 3af the normal P elite 4 so you can power you know Kievan brand wireless access points or you know whatever else you want to power with those things that's the big thing also you can do I believe private VLANs on 3750 can't do those on three per 50 so that answer my question I would suggest getting away value C now you understand what I do when I'm recording I pause and I'm like what did I just say and I came back and I could wait no I've got to feel that it can't do that why so so I would suggest the 2621 XM I would suggest a 3750 as like bare minimum just getting started okay now what what about the CCNA what's the ideal lab setup well I actually went when I asked myself that question I didn't think you know well you need two routers five switches you know nine crossover cables yeah I didn't think that I just thought okay what would I expect and what does Cisco expect somebody going after the CCNA to be able to do and then I drop a topology that would allow you to accomplish just about every objective that they have and the CCNA exam and then I said okay what's the ideal lab set up there it is three routers three switches and a couple laptops just so you can have some host devices to plug into your network to to test the thing out and that's sorts of things I can think back to when I was first getting third in Cisco I got so into the Cisco side I forgot about the hosts and servers it's kind of like I got into this network world that I was so excited to build that I built it and I was like oh yeah I guess people have to use this and and I actually should test this thing out so having the laptops there are awesome to be able to do your testing you know ping between devices make sure your routing is working correctly and all that and I know I'm looking seeing a question from Christian saying you're kind of going beyond the CCNA would you suggest going at different routes than what what I'm showing here to future-proof your acquit honestly no I mean when you get into the CCNP you will do the same stuff I mean and here's the fun part here's the fun part about networking I know we're all like latest and greatest like you know I've got the iPhone six-plus you know I've got the iWatch or whatever it was coming of course I use all Apple's tougher or the Android whatever we're always good but did you realize when we're dealing with networking and then we're dealing with protocols that are 30 and 40 years old there's I mean think about that I just finished recording with Meg record something on BGP and I just went back to refresh my memory I was like okay when did DGP come out like the current version put 1982 so so going back to Christians question you know do we need more recent equipment to really future-proof ourselves think about the 2621 was created way after 1982 I mean also so know you Runyan as you move into the ccnp and even the CCIE you can use this same gear again and again and again which is which is awesome now you may run into thing out okay here's a big thing I want to make sure I mentioned to you you may run into a topic you're there that you just can't do without buying equipment like back back when I was studying for my CCIE I had 35 50 switches and I paid 1,200 bucks can you believe that 12 this this makes me sad in a way I looked at that 3550 and I'm like yeah that's about 20 bucks I paid 1204 my 35 50 switches back in 2004 ish and I found out I couldn't do private VLANs on those things and I'm like ah man I can't do and so I started thinking okay do I need to buy you know better equipment to really you know type in prevalent and I'm like no you know when it when it comes down to it like for instance one of the things I hear a lot about is ipv6 you know a lot of people might call and I need to practice ipv6 and I'm like yeah totally that is a key thing to to know but at the same time if you're like hey I'm going to drop you know 800 bucks to get equipment that does ipv6 or or that does iOS 15 or whatever the case is you really consider that cost so because I've done it I've bought the equipment I get it in there and I type in like three commands something like well now that was it I guess I feel better now that I typed those commands in and I saw that the pumps took them so you know what I mean right really see what value you're going to to do so another question from torques forgive me if I pronounce names wrong saying can I use the CCNA for my future CCMC certification yeah I would say this topology that you're seeing right here maybe add a couple routers to it a couple routers probably don't need any more switches to that topology and you've got your CCNA lab topology as well so and that doesn't be a fun thing to do is if anybody is interested I could also create a gcnp topology but I mean really it's just a couple more routers so okay last question that I had and then I just want to take all of your questions that I see coming in and flurries anything else I need so I would suggest grabbing a bunch of ethernet cables now you could I have eaten at cables that like breed like rabbits in my house every time I buy something new they give me this little cheapo Ethernet cable I throw in a block somewhere so I have a ton of them but I don't know why there's something just gut level that makes me feel better when they're all the same color they're all the same line come on who's who's coming with me you guys know what I'm talking about they're all the same whatever in and so I always go to a website I think China funds this thing monoprice calm I don't know how the prices are so cheap otherwise monoprice calm and they have Ethernet cables for like a buck apiece I mean brand-new I rarely had any of them that are bad or anything like that so did I get all my Ethernet cables from that great great site over on the right hand side you can see serial Rick won t and wit 2t that's a that's a big thing to know so there are two serial standards and when you're thinking about serial cords think about practicing TP key frame relay hdl-c I mean all of the wham links kind of stuff falls into that there are two kinds of serial ports there's the DB 60 that's the the one on the upper left there and then there's the smart serial connectors Cisco's big claim to fame like full amazing was to create a little wit card that had two serial ports and the way that they did it was to change the interface they used to that really skinny connector I'm all cool with that and that that is a great connector but I have found that the cables and the connections and everything is more expensive if you go that way so if getting some great connections uh cheap is your route then I would go with the upper one the DB 60 if you are not really caring about how cool it looks and all that or wait a sec no I just retreated my thing around if you are more concerned with how cool it looks and that you can get more serial connections then go with the smart serial connectors then you got to buy the crossover serial cables that you can see right below that for the kind of interface that you buy and of course don't forget your console cable which comes with most fiscal year even if you buy it off you babe they'll just chuck them in there because everybody has one hundred thousand of those things and then your USB to serial adapter because laptops nowadays don't come with serial ports I saw wanted one of the things I want to a couple of these questions going through about access servers do you need an access server for your lap now quick description for those of you that don't know what an axis of risk so an access server is the ability to actually access the console port of all of your equipments from one device so you can you can tell that into one router that will be your access server and then kind of daisy chain that through what do they call it but it's a octal table and octal okay octo couple is that right yeah to where the the access server then connects to all the different equipment that you have in Iraq I will say if you move on beyond your CCNA yes I suggest getting an access server because at least for me it was on the other side of my desk so every time I had to change console for either had to reach over and fill my coffee to do it or I had to walk around and do that you just I mean well I guess are you are you really wanting to sit all day or do you want to stand up and walk around would be the question but yes if you seriously want to get into a lot of equipment CCNP CT IE you do want to get an access server I think that's all I got I don't hang out what time is it it is oh man I went longer than I thought I did but I answered some questions going through so so Charles is saying can you spell octal cable it's octal like octave octopus Oct a cocktail table so the reason they call it that it's a octa or octo now I don't know but essentially it gives you eight connections out of a single cable it looks really cool it is one of the cooler cables that I have Milton has it octal that's exactly right octo cable so Sanjay's saying what access server would you recommend honestly it was a I had one and it worked great and still would work right to this day it is a 25 come on everybody help me out here it's like a 25 11 or something like that it's like an old like you know pull the drawstring on the side start the lawnmower kind of router but it works awesome and it had 225 11 thank you James Milton you got it 25:11 cream saying 25 I think it's the 11th because I think that has the ethernet port although man if I'm thinking back to that that guy that was back when they had this in net and sticking that Ethernet there's a history lesson for you she may have to get the little flange II think oh you're a part of it right adapt we send that to be the Ethernet standard of today and it's just a couple bucks for that okay so let me hit some of the other questions that are coming in would it be overkill to create a web site behind your home lab to host it can you do some real work that's good I do it sure I'm not a web web developer but if you've got some led skills do it I mean set up a little website at your house like one of the things I did yeah not really web hosting but behind my my little Cisco firewall at my house I set up all kinds of different remote desktop ports now this is back when Windows XP ruled the world and all that so so me my wife everybody that had a computer in my house okay which was me and my wife and my other five computers I had for no good reason could Remote Desktop in and I'd actually use mats in different port numbers to to connect it whatever computer I wanted to coming outside so yeah hosting from your house go to town Louis would you recommend the same setup for Ising b-1s or this more geared for the 200 101 exam I would recommend that same setup for the IC and d1 so going back to the question this is from Joey this one right here I would suggest that for ICD 100 cisco has really upped the ante in 2015 2014-2015 as they provides these exam I think he wants a pretty beastly exam these day so I would suggest that one another question I have a CCNA but need to review for a job interview what would you recommend to review and recommend it cites oh oh I didn't I didn't realize I had one more question and you need a mission thank you actually Louise view you gave me my my question right here so this goes back to the beginning of when I started building a lab I found that I got addicted and sorry if I can use that word loosely to shopping on eBay for finding cheap Cisco gear and I would actually collect it and pile it up but when it actually came to the point where I had to do something with it I didn't know what to do and I see that many more people than just me that do that they kind of get on on a hype they're like oh you know I can build this amazing Cisco lab and they do and they spend a couple hundred bucks and then they look at the stack of gear and they're like now what do I do with it and and so you need a mission and how do you get a mission well that's why I started this whole webinar with the recommendation of Hayley just find the slide the recommendation of starting with gs1 router and just one click because at that point you can set up your home network and that's your mission I mean set up your home network secure your home network set up VLANs between your bedroom set up secure Wi-Fi in your network visited today you know it Cedric Cedric said if you go down that could be your mission but once you go beyond that if you're going to build a topology that looks like this you got to have a mission and that your mission could be you know going through the CBT Nuggets that I created that Keith created for some of the labs that correspond to the CCNA and actually doing the lab that that they that we do you know go through the fencing prior things that we don't do in the videos or go outside of that if you can break it and and restarting that that whole thing that's just everything so someone Skyped me and they said restarting a server I'm like restarting so you can break it see if you can mess it up and then fix it all over again or you can go buy a lab book I know there's all kinds of labs that are out there like Cisco press created a book called CCNA lab symmetric or wait no it's called CCNA practical studies and I expect that one out because that gives you a bunch of lab so again with just buying equipment without a mission it's just going to sit there so ask me questions that's the slide I thought it was on so so please ask me questions what other questions you have let me let me just scroll back through the kinds of questions that are here so I'm looking from the bottom up so Brian you went it so where do you deploy a TFTP server sit on one of the laptops in in the question three slides so going back to this where would you set up a TFTP server spot you could do it on one of the laptops just download the tftpd 3250 program and set it up on there you can you can actually use one of your routers as the TFTP third that would work just fine you could set up a little server of yourself like I went and found a little Acer box I mean again equipment has become so cheap like 200 bucks off of Amazon for a little box from Acer that I could use to run ESX and I actually run up a little Windows XP or Windows 2003 I mean essentially something long since this branded version of Microsoft that I ran a TFTP server on but I know some of you are Linux with spell feel free to spin up a pre abouttwo instance all that can stuff ah let's see Alan Alan is there any licensing fees associated moving on from Alan's question I don't know I honestly I from what I have read in Cisco licensing documentation for the iOS it just says do not use used equipment in production use so I'm a zooming behind the behind the scenes Cisco's like okay well if you're using it for training or learning purposes you don't have to have a valid license going through the cause I'm getting partial questions or things that people are asking let's see TV show and set up a very big should you set up a static IP address for your home lab so I'm assuming NIC when you're asking that question you're talking about the outside world so having a static ISP address or something like that for your home lab yeah I would I would do that or if that gets too expensive because I know some I totally rake you over like if you you ask I'm not going to throw any of ours under the bus but if you ask them for a static address they're like well you want our business connection and that'll be a hundred and thirty dollars more a month which is just goofy but anyway you can use dynamic DNS a lot of the you can just install the client on one of your computers that gives you a dynamic DNS name so you might just Google dynamic DNS if you want to do that I think I think that's the bulk of the questions that I have Oh Matthew great question Matthew's asking is viral worth the investment over gns gns3 maybe so cisco talking about viral Cisco viral virtual we've got a CBT Nuggets series on it actually Anthony Sequeira put that together where he talks about this essentially Cisco is like okay everybody's using gns3 which is kind of against our licensing but but we need to come out with a version of it so they actually released a kind of a public flavor of IOU iOS on unix which is then they're kind of behind the scenes project for a long long time so that's what viral is and I would say viral is great from a scenario perspective meaning gns3 when you get it it doesn't have any scenarios now there are all kinds of websites you can go through like Gina 3 labs I think it is and others I think they cover it up but there's a lot of them or you can get scenarios for Gina 3 but again I've seen and I myself have wasted a lot of time in Janus we trying to come up with a scenario and unless you essentially you have to have somebody that pushes you out of your box you know it's out of your comfort zone and gives you something that you can't figure out building your own scenarios are valuable but they only go so far before you're like okay I don't think I can stump myself anymore you know I mean so so a lot of times having viral or somebody create a scenario for you that you can't solve is is totally valuable so that's that's what I think viral would be great for so yonas is saying you once you have the necessary Henry's saying oh you didn't answer my question type them again Henry I missed them there's a lot of them once you have the necessary equipment the mission should be to do all the labs and CBT Nuggets for example for ccmp voice yeah I would say that would be a great starting point is essentially do what you see me do and a lot of the CBT Nuggets as you know almost repetition do it for yourself and kind of own it but but sorry I'm reading as I'm talking but going beyond that I mean again going into the forums hitting GNC lab seeing if other people have scenarios for you to do would be would be great as well uh we're getting cut off it I just got the notification that we're getting cut off in five minutes so let me I'm going to get as many of these as I can I'm going to be as concise as I possibly can can we rent Cisco lab for an exam yes but the problem with renting again goes back to the whole premise of building a lab yourself when you rent you essentially lose the ability to have it there for yourself actually plug tables and see how things are connected which is critical for CNN so yes you can definitely rent iOS version for the 25:11 router that's a good question um I can't even remember that I think I use like an old 11.2 version for the 25:11 and it works fine because when you're talking 25:11 you're talking old school and all you're using it for is a access server so essentially if you can get the thing to boot that's a successful iOS Tom is saying I purchased a 1841 router and the next so some some equipment am I good to go with these yeah looking at the equipment list I would say yeah that will definitely do you for the CCNA lab Tom Gary I have been given some equipment and list equipment is this okay for lab setup yet so so essentially again let me let me just go back to this that's what I would suggest so any combination of gear that you can get that achieved that for a CCNA study totally I would I would go for it Roger saying is it recommended to buy switches on Amazon instead of eBay I have found some great stuff on Amazon because they allow you to do it but it's usually more expensive than eBay but usually a little more guaranteed than eating so it's a risk reward kind of thing if you're okay with the risk of eBay you can probably get it cheaper than you can off of Amazon a a Milton saying I block of five static addresses don't know what you would don't know what to do with a block of static addresses it's not so good I'm like I don't know what could you do with it so so you could I mean you could set up an email server I mean okay there's there's a fun project for you move your email server and host it locally out of your house if you've got a block of five spectators to set up a boon to server instance with what is like a there's I'm definitely not in a bhutesu whiz but I can hold my own and there's all kinds of freed mail server so set up a mail server set up a website Milton right so you've got five static addresses you probably don't need them but I would say you can get by with one can you provide any advice for configuring my 871 ADSL broadband UK based know uh how do I extract the I'm not in the UK and know their their specifics but outside of the DSL portion I'm sure all the commands of today how do I extract the i/os from real switches or real routers for lab purposes Henry asked and that would be using P FTP setting up TFTP and copying the iOS off of there Henry's also asking CCIE in these aspects seem far away which you have any advice for me to fully grasp networking to the CCIE level to meet these requirements if not what would you advise me to pursue that's a big question Henry uh I would say that I mean one that I would say that's probably outside of the scope what I can talk about in short order what would it take to get to CCA there's a whole presentation by now what is the difference okay class two minutes last few questions what is the difference between one router and one laptop and what is the use of that I guess there'd be more than commit okay so so Matisse is asking why would I why would I set up a system with just one router one one laptop well again with one router you can do all kinds of stuff with the internet connection I mean you've got one laptop I mean get that laptop to surf the internet through the router just to do that you have to understand static routing you have to understand that you have to understand access control list base configurations of the device enable secret telnet password I mean there's so much stuff that you can learn with just one drive is there way to simulate a VPN connection from a home lab I wouldn't I'm sure there is with gns3 simulated but wouldn't be easy any recommendation for renting labs no I don't have any recommendations for those I've actually used I any internet work expert to rent some stuff they seem to be pretty good routers are cheap I heard a way to say I'm like five pages back in my questions hand what was the name of the lab book Steve Perl down to the bottom Steve it was a CCNA practical study from Cisco breast it was a pretty good one for practicing Cisco CCNA scenarios and now I'm back into the questions I've already answered I think okay last okay I'll take this one last and and anthem and hand it back to you Charles saying be careful most home IFC providers will block SMTP port 25 that's absolutely the case because people will set up little spam bots out of their house and spam the world or get infected with a spam critter that will span the world so most ISPs do block 425 so they can save the reputation of their IP addresses which prevents you from from running at least easily a home lab server so that's it that's all I got I got a lot more of it I'm hitting the wall so let me in that case say thank you a ton a ton of done I love doing these presentations and I will pass it back over to Anthony Thank You Jeremy thank you to everyone out there we have some great questions I'd like to remind you all to stay tuned and check out blog CBT Nuggets comm because we'll be posting the recording there but overall thank you to everyone who made this possible and thanks again Jeremy that was great no problem see y'all later
Channel: CBT Nuggets
Views: 177,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccna lab gns3, ccna lab equipment, building a ccna lab, ccna basic lab, ccna lab training, ccna lab, ccna lab kit, ccna home lab, ccna home lab kit, ccna home lab setup, ccna lab setup, cisco ccna home lab, cisco home network setup, ccna lab tutorial, ccna lab questions and answers, ccna home lab 2019, gns3 ccna lab setup, ccna lab equipment 2019
Id: QAS5_Wzolfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2016
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