Building a 1000hp Junkyard LS for CHEAP!!!!

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all right y'all welcome back to another video here stand in front of the black sheep you guys know we're talking about junkyard ls engines this behind me here hold on where am i i'm pointing like this thing right here behind me is not your junkyard ls setup but um what i'm about to tell you here this is a perfect example of and i'm going to apply it to the junkyard ls stuff so what we have going on here when we're talking about turbo applications and horsepower pretty much your turbo is going to dictate your horsepower the how strong your engine's built is going to tell you how long it's going to hold on for so you see these junkyard ls guys i've done it before doing my thousand horsepower builds thousand horsepower for a thousand dollars i'll title this video as a thousand horsepower junkyard ls build this this right here is kind of like my ideal budget ls build it's a six liter uh i'm gonna put an oil pump a good oil pump in it a good cam shaft in there uh ls7 lifters push rods valves we're gonna go over all that but this is what i want to say because a lot of people in the comments the first thing they do is like man that thing's not a thousand horsepower man you can't do that when it comes to power adder stuff not nitrous nitrous very hard on parts but as far as blowers and turbos when you're talking about horsepower you're pretty much talking about the capability of your turbo or your blower so this turbo right here we made 2 200 horsepower with i mean we made probably more than that down track but on a dyno we made uh we made right at 2100 down traffic probably made like 23 to 2400 horsepower at the ground okay if i put that on a junkyard 6 liter and i can get it spooled up it'll make that same amount of horsepower it will make that horsepower all day long but it might blow the back out of that motor first lick it might blow the back out of that motor at 1200 horsepower the only difference is how well the motor's built is how long it's going to hang around when you're talking about horsepower on turbo or blower applications you're solely talking about the capability of your power adder and then your motor is just there to hang on so when people build a badass motor like a badass turbo motor it's filled with good parts that can just handle the abuse now you can build like the motor that we put in here if i put a 72 millimeter turbo on it it's not going to make 2000 horsepower it's only going to make whatever that turbo's capabilities are so that's what you guys need to know so going in here we're talking about the ranger we pulled the old engine out of it um it's got the lifters are stuck in it which is the first concerning thing so uh here's the old motors is a 5.3 so um it's stock bottom true stock bottom end factory lifters someone put head gaskets on it at one point before so i mean that's kind of weird i mean it's not kind of weird guys do it but the nature of the swap when i got the truck the truck was already swapped it's got like truck motor mounts that really just welded on there so i wouldn't expect them to really be doing like i mean like they put a rear cover on i think we put a rear cover on that yeah we did put a rear cover on that so they did not do that uh so i mean they skipped a lot of steps that i would have done doing the swap but clearly they were on a little bit tighter budget than i would be generally when i do a swap a junkyard build it's stock bottom end but i dress up everything else somewhat nice so this one right here they still had the factory lifters in there and they're all stuck they're not coming out so we're just going to leave them in there i mean i think they're just that wore out so let's talk about the parts that we got over here um so first of all i'm reusing the copper exhaust gaskets from the black sheet because there's like a national shortage for exhaust gaskets and i can't get any so i figure the black sheep exhaust gaskets are these like i don't even know what company they are but they're pretty nice they're copper they're they're definitely overkill for this application so let's talk about the setup on this uh we got some ls9 head gaskets so we're going to do the ls9 head gaskets arp head studs ls7 lifters uh we're going to do a i got them i'm going to see if i can get the melon oil pump to work i got the old melon oil pump out of the black sheep when it blew up right now it's seized up and i'm gonna open it up and see if i can free it up you just get to crank over um and hopefully it creates oil pressure but that's the plan so melon oil pump i'm gonna use the cam cam gear and timing chain off of that motor i'm gonna put it on here uh then we're going to uh i got a good cam retainer plate for this so i'm not worried about that that should work uh here are all of our head bolts we're gonna put a t-cam performance lam cam in there so if you guys are familiar with the channel you know that uh this is like the baby black sheep cam the black sheep was that grand national we were talking about makes like now i mean probably makes like 2 400 to the ground all day long so it's got a stout motor behind it but um the lamb cam is an absolutely massive hydraulic roller camshaft or sorry the black sheep cam is an absolutely massive hydraulic roller camshaft the lam cam is a very big hydraulic roller camshaft but this one's set up more for what we're doing here we're going to use you know standard uh no nothing crazy push rod right wise uh pretty standard style rockers we're not even running a trunnion upgrading these so maybe i'll switch over i think i have something here that do have a training upgrade not really sure i have to look around that's what we got going on uh so uh lam cam new oil pump cam gear timing chain 7 400 push rods we're gonna swap the springs from these heads to these 706 heads i got uh hopefully trying to bump the compression up a little bit maybe not the smartest idea because we are staying on pump gas but we do have meth injection so that's kind of where i'm going uh we're gonna put a new rear cover rear cover gasket on there uh new water pump gaskets front cover gasket front seal uh so it should seal up nice got new old pan gasket running the truck oil pan uh this is kind of like my ideal way to do a junkyard build obviously untouched bottom end not putting rod bolts in there not messing with the bearings i'm leaving these in there i'm not cracking them or doing anything like that uh so nice camshaft pushrod valve springs and honestly um being that's a six liter being we got meth injection and the way i do meth injection like on this application is i'm gonna turn the damn meth all the way up so it's getting as much meth in there as possible and then uh i mean that's just kind of how we do it i think honestly i think if that turbo will make it on probably 30 pounds we could probably get close to a thousand horsepower if not a thousand so oh oh brother there's oil going everywhere you did you got it right in the bucket that's nice that's oh yes very good logan well we gotta get off the stain and pull your uh rear main off yeah i do need that rear main we just put that one on so uh this thing looks good you guys remember i'll link the video uh but we got this one for my buddy zach uh who does storm work for me he absolutely beat me over the head with this motor i paid way too much for it it was the nastiest motor ever had but uh it's ready to get its call into action today uh logan and i are gonna get put together and then we're gonna get stuffed in the truck and we hope to have it it all looked good yeah yeah how'd it turn does it turn over good yeah it turns out really good cause i know for a while it didn't turn over good it didn't turn out at all um this one right here is literally the most concerning i've seen with like everyone's like oh it's still got them uh cross hatching on the cylinder walls this one doesn't okay so we're hoping this one's nice and loose because we're not gapping any rings we're just gapping fools and um we got sprayed down wd-40 so don't rust we're gonna stick our camshaft lifters in there lifters are soaking got a set of ls7 lifters put the factory lifter trays back in there look at those guys and we should be good to go so uh we'll get some video you know putting this thing together i just want to explain to you guys how the turbo stuff works we're talking about horsepower application because a lot of guys just like freak out like man that motor will never make a thousand horsepower the motor doesn't really like make it just hangs on so with the turbo that's a forced inductions 78 yeah turn it oh look at that i think a forced induction 78 with a lot of meth pumping through this thing can make a thousand horsepower all day long so that's we're gonna shoot for we're gonna turn it up have some fun and um that poor summit converters can be hanging on there huh that's so many converters about to be the mvp it's not to be the mvp all right we got the other block on the little dolly here this thing is now in retirement oh we need to get our sensors off this we get our uh cam sensor i completely forgot about that we almost gave it away too soon clean up the deck surface the old razor blade out here you gotta do this side as well this is a very important part of getting it together is cleaning off the deck so i'm gonna grab a razor blade and help logan out [Music] [Music] all right we scraped off most of junk joey's got a rubber wheel everyone at home is freaking out because i think it's a scotch brite pad just cleaning up the deck surface that's not really taking any meat off of it taking all the junk off it so the ideal surface would be perfectly flat so the head can clamp right on there nice we were going to switch to 706 heads but i don't have uh any more valve seals so yeah i'm going to leave these heads together slap it on there about to show the cam in there are you ready to get lamb cannon cam lamin where can they get it put the same exact marks on this block as the black sheep block in the cnc yeah identical to it [Music] um with every landcare john dardy's back at it again with the cannon saw we got the deck surface cleaned off so we just got to keep note that driver side joey the cmc of joey did this sweet marks bended this side so whichever one blows the head gasket it's going back on them you hear that ben joey got his favorite side the driver's side all right so we're in the process we're we're making good progress here building i said this is our thousand horsepower stock bottom end six liter bills on 93. on 93 with matt right there by the way we are now the loudest shop in north carolina everyone's got the non impact with no mufflers on them [Music] logan already did some pre-lubrication on the block i've never slid a lamp cam in there before actually you know what yeah i said a little creature but oh first of all let's look at the can bearings on this thing only half gold so we're good kevin oh my god look at this one trying to light on that camera i'm sorry it's all right ignorance is bliss kevin's at at the shop right now thank you glam cam probably just throw his computer on the bed 300 000 mile cam bearings all right let me get a long-ass screwdriver this cam install looks like a tupac emergency does it have all the cambering still in it oh we're good i'm worried this is the motor that zach sold us it's total piece of crap but the capsule canvas a whole lot smoother than uh another one hey give me some guidance guide the back end got the tail on for me you got you got the tail all right here we go oh boy lam cam install high five did you just give birth all right cam shaft's in uh we're gonna do it the sloppy way we're gonna use the cam gear and timing chain off this motor and put it on this one no uh chain tensioners or like if you run the chain tensioner on your ls wow mine's canvas one ben you might agree chain tensioners are for total turkeys yeah he said it's not amazing that [ __ ] has got bojos right now that's almost a half a degree of time that's good it's self advances timing and retards and retards we should probably look and see if we have another one you got another one that's a lie i might i really don't know joey's like bottom drawer my box i'm going to replace ah wow look at you holding out telling me you don't know when you got one look at that phil no no i want phil's because phil's saying this i'm gonna make you wait like a month to replace it folks at home let's just take a second here and look at phil at work and sandals not even wearing socks all right guys so when installing the camshaft we've gone over this million times dot on the crank sprocket dot on the cam sprout yeah we're gonna try it why because i already had a bad experience with a 10 to whatever the hell that it was a 10 to 95 bad experiences here try to spend the the plunger would just get stuck in it and then it just no wall pressure yeah i mean i would yeah i'll just have no more questions right all right here are options for oil pump wait was there a lot of metal on the bottom of this one yeah in the pan yeah like metal isn't bearing material i didn't pull the rod bearing but like i bet you there was a ball of [ __ ] on the bottom of the drain plug that big stop it uh one of them is like straight china that [ __ ] has gotten if not more well is it that is it the nah this guy's is it is it the sprocket do we change sprockets maybe this one's worn down probably nothing like what's up with the bearing on that one it doesn't matter what pull on this because it picks up the cam in the back should we do that chain combo and then we can give phil as bs chain back that's too big yes that's not too big take your chain take your chain back brand new this is full china because this is a budget build so this is what we're sticking i don't trust the china oil pump i'm not gonna lie i really don't i would definitely run this one which one this one why well that one ain't gonna move anyways dude that one just needs to be opened up and there's metal and it needs to be cleaned out it came out of the black sheet of trash sammy said that if we just put it on there itself clearance itself he did say that the motor is going to solve things so too once it locks up and hangs rod wow you and your negative ass you know what i'm just going to go back sorry osha's watching phil you and your damn toes sticking out world's first we got a world first here we have the world's first ls with a lowered cam location the lowered cam location generally they raise them up this one's lowered look how sloppy that thing is i'm honestly i'm fine with it i don't have a worry in the world dang that one's just as bad that's new cam gear that one might be that's not as bad i don't think no it's a little bit tighter but still and we are dot to dot so we are in time we're good to go i'm i'm cool with that i'm 100 cool with that you cool with that yeah i'm fine i'm cool with that all right all right we have our lamb cam professionally installed we are dot to dot so it is in time we got our oil pump on there uh we're and we're looking good we're looking really good we'll put the front cover on it and then we'll put the heads on it and then oil pan the rear cover i mean we're i'd say with within the next hour we're gonna be completely ready to drop in just gonna make a thousand horsepower yes or no close ben should we put it on the dyno you think all right there's your answer folks i think the 400's the 400 we i've never doubted it before and it's never let us down those are big facts those are big fat are they not facts the 400 has never failed us burnout rip machine summit converter holding in all right putting the dowels in everything's looking good all pumps on there god whoever wins this truck if i do give it away i'm still up in the air what do you think should i give it away i don't know you're attached to it i think if you decide to give it away you should give an option an option for what i don't know yet we have a badass chopper over there should we do an options giveaway where you could win the ranger or you can win this badass chopper that's literally 10 miles long and stretched out and chrome and custom paint i don't know i still need you guys to comment and vote below what you guys think if we should give it away or not because i don't know i feel like we've thoroughly enjoyed it i have enjoyed it way too much and i feel like i'm disrespecting the cow cause i'm not even worried about it sitting there with the lines sticking out the window and [ __ ] but well it's not our fault we're waiting we're waiting on some parts all right um yeah we slept heads on uh ben talk to us about copper spray on head gaskets we use copper head gaskets but what about copper spray does it do anything yes or no yeah what does it do better seal it's better so we're running um because it's a six liter right 6-0 we're going to run the ls9 so they're the 6-2 6-0 head gaskets if you're running a 5-3 i don't recommend running these you can run these but i don't recommend it they make a 5-3-5-7 multi-layer head gasket which i would recommend if you are a 5'3 but because we are on a 6-liter platform we're we're gonna run these ls9 head gaskets what we run on the cow it's a good head gasket um really got no complaints with it all right man you want to show them how it's done phil's minor irregularities oh look at who who's it made by are people at permatex oh there it is there it is it is literally turning into a copperhead gasket i love it is this the secret to making all the horsepower all right we got one faux copper head gasket all right ben's getting the second one all sprayed i just wipe down the deck with brake clean make sure it's dry there's no grease or imperfections on it it feels really good it feels really smooth logan's over here cleaning up the head trying to make sure it's flat [Music] [Music] all right got our copper fake copper head gaskets on there got one head ready logan's cleaning up the gunk off the other one don't recommend using any air tools like that on uh cylinder heads but hey when in rome right [Music] ready to roll you're gonna place it on there to make a thousand horsepower [Music] so let me wipe that down for you we're leaking here we're leaking we want all the seal these poor valves about to see some things that they don't want to see [Music] [Music] in [Music] all right we uh we hammered logan how long do you think we put this motor together yeah i mean honestly it's been coming together quick uh the three of us working on it uh the stock stuff goes on very easy uh prefer oh god you scared the hell out of me there logan prefer to have uh trunning upgrade on it but i don't have any rockers here that have the trunning upgrade on it right now uh slap the windage tray and pick up tube on it and um oil pan and it's ready to go back in the ranger god look how tiny the intercooler is that's honestly a shame but uh yeah i mean we're just plugging away here um everything seems to be good we one thing we do have to do we'll put the valve covers on it and then we'll clean up these exhaust gaskets because they got to be clean for the copper ones to go on there and um this side yeah logan already got this side looks very good and uh we got to get ready to put those stock manifolds back on there and um and let it rip hopefully this one stays together and it lives a longer life than the last one but you never know with this junkyard stuff all right y'all we got her back together oh it only goes one way our damn engine stands around here look at that thing that's just a fine looking piece of gm performance what do you think phil wow wow not yet not in my hands if i give it away so someone go wait wait wait dude something won't blow up in his hand i'm not saying that because these hands have done a lot you wear you wear the infinity gauntlet all the time i just touch i touch things i point you break you break oh my god it's like a 302 tbi that's why made like it made like seven could have been the fastest stock model we will never know though all i know is when that thing made a dino pole and sparks started coming out the bottom i knew i knew i'd done my job so uh we got the six liter together it's a pretty it like i said to you it's a pretty decent build for a junkyard build it's got a nice cam in there stock rockers uh 660 springs 7 400 push rods lam cam uh it's got a new oil pump on there i went back with the truck pan winded straight pickup tube so it's pretty like stock style configuration swap wise it's pretty simple uh but i'm ready here are you ready to hear the lam cam thump yeah so i can know if i'm gonna make this purchasing oh you're relying on this hey where are you gonna go to get the lamb cam my man all right so that's gonna wrap today's video thank you guys for watching uh we're gonna go we're gonna send it thousand horsepower 1000 horsepower pin the gate it's a forced induction 78 that was like a 270 or like an outlaw real street turbo like 37 it's a 6 liter bow i know you're stuck in that 5 3 say it again a thousand horsepower i don't know about the interference no the inner intercooler is a weakness [Laughter] but we're going to give it a try here um for those of you guys at home want to build a thousand horsepower ls just i gave you the recipe just do it maybe i maybe go for like an 85 millimeter turbo maybe 88. 250. meth injection flange on it we could uh we could have threw my 88 on it but we don't want that we got that forced induction 78 and that thing's a mean old girl huh that came up from [Music] what's that other turn that's outside the clapper what about it what about it did you ever sell that term with it no yes oh it's gone all right guys that's gonna wrap it up [Music] that's on there what the heck if that's not concerning [Music] oh smoked all scott do is go in one more time all it's got to do that is not a good sign bro look at the bolt we're going to weld the crank bolt to the to the crank not not a good sign i'm not going to lie my crank bolt is kind of like this look at this that i had to cut to make it work it's all right that's going to wrap it up guys be sure to check out tomorrow's video we're going to put it in the truck in tomorrow's video and fire it up and listen to the lamb cam for the first time shout out to joey logan phil ben everyone here helping out stumpy's over there pretend to do some work thank you guys for watching comment subscribe we'll see you guys in tomorrow's uploads [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: John Doc
Views: 116,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John, don, jon, John Doc, Jon Doc, cowmaro, turbo Camaro, Trans Am, Salty Chicken, ZO6, Silverback ZO6, LS Nasty, LS Engine, Junkyard ls, ls nasty racing, 1000hp ls engine, sloppy mechanics, junkyard ls build, ls swap, ls swap ranger
Id: hRkcD1-2UW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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