Build Your House on the Rock | Larry Stockstill

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all right thank you you may be seated I thought he was gonna say sermon on the mouth man this has been a long time but you know what it's just been great now please show me I couldn't see as anybody been here all 12 times raise up your hand look at you come on give up my hand caught that's that's impressive and I had a couple behind me were just saying hey we made eleven we had to be out of town last weekend you know you can get all these on line on Bethenny's a poor Betty calm and I think I think you're gonna be blessed by them in fact and when I was in Brazil two weeks ago I had churches down there that we're asking me about it and they're gonna teach it down there in Brazil next year you're that awesome so I'm we're also making this into a series of messages that is going to be available to pastors all over the country and we kind of think a lot of them are gonna use it so you know you just just kind of get faithful in the Lord and next thing you know something's just exploding amen well I love you guys and by the way I'm not going anywhere I'll be here again next month you know different subject I'm going to be speaking next year on the spirit world which i think is gonna be amazing we're gonna deal with angels demons gifts of spirit fruit of the Spirit really so many things about the spirit world which there's very little teaching on that in a lot of churches and so I'm gonna I'm gonna really enjoy that as pastor Jonathan starts on marriage in the first of the year in relationships and then finances and several very practical things all the way up to Easter so we're kind of team teaching a good bit here now and I just want to say I just met my first Homa Bethany folks that are here tonight this couple stand up you guys are from home anybody from home set up I met them give them a hand but they drove from home but again here that Baker give up my hand amazing that's right and we got assignment and Wanda who are down there in in Houma and I've been praying for you guys I told Rettendon I'm will come one these days I got to go down there and see and find the best Cajun food in the nation right there I'm sure okay I want you to open your Bible very quickly to Matthew 7 verse 24 and we're gonna have a time of Prayer at the end and all you leaders that are just now getting into leadership you're gonna help me pray tonight over people okay I'm just throwing you in the water you ain't you know I'm gonna teach you about doing and not hear it okay so you know as we come to the very conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount we started way back in January the Beatitudes and all the way through you know a lust and anger and all those things in Chapter five we dealt with asti Kanaka chapter six and don't worry and then judge not and all the different things if you miss one you can go on our site like I said and get get all of it but tonight here we are with three little verses and if you recall Matthew chapter 7 I'm gonna put these up here everyone then who hears these words of mine that that would be all three chapters that we've studied and and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock just keeps scrolling it for me and the rain fell like tonight and the floods came like last year and the winds blew like about two months ago and beat on that house in other words beat it beat it beat it wind rain flood wind rain flood and they beat on that house but come on say this with me it did not fall how many of you believe you not gonna fall in the kingdom of God that's right you are not gonna fall I'm gonna twist this a little bit because when you when you do what I'm gonna teach you tonight you don't have to worry about falling not that we're all securing ourselves but yet we know that if we'll dig deep if will do these things because it had been founded on the rock keep going and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them and their emphasis on them to do will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and by the way there in the land of Palestine you know you could you could there were rivers that didn't even show up until there was a flood and if you built your house right there I mean the whole house could be taken away by a flood and it fell the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell and great was the fall of it let's pray father we thank you for your blessing that the word is true we thank you the Holy Spirit is here to cause us to be people who will never fall never falter never be insecure never be unclean or impure below will walk before you in holiness and righteousness all of our lives in Jesus name and everybody said amen I brought with me tonight a little youtube video maybe you saw it it was on the news was on the Weather Channel and this stuck in my brain cause I'm talking about your house and how your house can you know if you're not stabilized if you're not consistent if you're not don't have a foundation then you can look up one day and that flood can carry you lazy how can a flood carry a whole house away well if you don't believe it check out this little short video of what happened in New Hampshire in the in the city right there it called a Baker river in in in New Hampshire go ahead guys can y'all play that there you go keep playing it look at this thing doesn't that edify you doesn't that bless you I'm joking is that unbelievable and look what's left it looks like a few rafters I mean in about 10 seconds that house was gone now that's a middle picture right there and I have watched as a pastor I've watched good people go to church being part of church they've done the church thing but man I don't know what happened but there their life ended up just about like what we saw their marriage torn apart their family their their ministry and I've watched all this I miss myself you know what's wrong what what went wrong and I think these last three verses are gonna answer a lot of questions for us and and and they dealt with me while I've been preparing this message the Lord has even dealt with me about the importance of foundation and i'm just gonna i'm gonna call it bill the house your house on the rock but in two words I'm gonna use it this way from Luke chapter 6 in verse 48 Jesus another recounting of this same prayer he said he's like a man building a house who dug deep everybody say dig deep come on tell your neighbor you need to dig deep he dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock that's something we don't get in Matthew so what we're talking about tonight is the depth the depth of your life the depth of your marriage the depth of your ministry your leadership well it's all about foundation and I've been a leader now I started preaching when I was 16 in 2019 it'll be 50 years I've been preaching and let me tell you something I watched a lot of people come and go I praise God for the foundation that I received from my parents because I didn't even know it I was so goofy I was so stupid I was I was making so many mistakes as a young adolescent and doing all kind of ridiculous things but yet they were placing in me a foundation a heritage of stability of security a feeling of being loved and I'm looking around this room and I don't know you that well and you guys there Baker but but let me tell you something you have a foundation of some type and the coin you can't see that foundation from the outside houses look the same if the foundation is 30 feet deep or 3 inches you can't tell it looks the same people all look the same but what you're seeing with a person who's successful a person whose life continues to grow in crescendo their marriages it continues to get better and better and better their kids you keep loving them and they keep loving their kids their finances keep growing to where they have money at retirement and they have all that what what what you're looking at there is an individual who has an invisible advantage and that is a foundation and in our world right now think of how the foundation of people has been rocked the day their parents came in and said hey we're getting a divorce you go that way I'll go this way see you later I remember one young lady her dad came in one day said I'm moving you and your mother out of this mansion to an apartment and I never want to see you again the rest of your life well think about that I mean just the foundation just rocks boom and and that's why those cracks in the foundation is where we see character falling apart and what I want to impart to you tonight just you said about 30 minutes I want to I want to rebuild I'm gonna do some foundation repair in your life there's a crack here there's a crack there because that little crack can turn into believe me what we just saw on that video and so you remember I've got to get my foundation right now now we notice that the word for this I think for foundation is character what is a foundation it's character and it comes jesus said by hearing and doing hearing and doing faith comes by hearing but without works faith is dead so the repairing of my character has to do with what I'm listening to and what I'm acting on and we're gonna we're gonna stabilize you maybe you came from a very turbulent background and now you're saved you're Christian you love God you're right with God but you just see these things keep showing up in your life you see these insecurities and I and I even wrote a blog about that I hope you get my blog and get it in your mailbox email every Monday but I wrote a whole blog just on insecurities because I see so many people that are insecure they cannot promote other people they cannot be comfortable in their own skin and then how about fear or rejection so many people have lived through the rejection of a divorce or or something where they just they just they don't feel secure about themselves or how that bondage its drugged its alcohol it's it's something and for some reason your own sand and when that wind hits that storm that temptation Christ said the second soil was a person that the seed it fell upon rocky ground and when the Sun came out it withered and it died I want to see you stabilize Paul talked to the Christians in Ephesians and he told them be rooted and grounded in love this is the theme tonight the very end of the Sermon on the Mount he said look I've taught you all this stuff but I want you to look at it again and be sure that you're applying that in your character so here's a few questions I ask myself all the time number one do I have a fixed devotional life now I don't mean I pray everyday please do not misunderstand that every single day because sometime I travel sometimes something happens sometimes I oversleep hello is that spiritual but but that that my pattern of life my my stability of ministry comes from that right there time alone with the Lord pastor Jonathan this year has told you let's read through the one year bible 15 minutes a day why did he do that he's putting a foundation in you and you'd be amazed at how many people do not have a biblical foundation I a dated a girl one time when I was at God forgive me when I was a you know a teenager and she was not not charismatic and I was fear filled and and and she said well I know the Bible I really she says yeah there but I know the book of Romans and I said really what's the first she said when in Rome Rome with them Isis isn't that ain't in the scripture no no biblical foundation and and I almost was a very well-known person if I said his name everyone in here would know who he is and he asked me what is an epistle I told him it's the wife of an apostle people don't they don't have any biblical foundation and I get that if you're here tonight you've just been saying you've been hanging around Church for a while but you really do not know the Bible I get that I understand that a lot of you are intimidated by the Bible you shouldn't be the whole deal is do you have a fixed devotional life and I have my little prayer track I played the love of God the Father the grace of Jesus fellowship the Holy Spirit I prayed every day we're seeing people around get in a rut like that yep but what it is it's foundational in my life and I don't really care how you pray what track you use Lord's Prayer tabernacle pray Trinity prayer like I put well I don't really care the point is stability that that yes easy well I'm not gonna get in a rut you know what but the thing I'm talking but there's always a rut in that foundation it's gonna go down it's gonna get a part of your life stuff yeah I started running in May you know I still would run it not I'll never run if you see me running come help me somebody's chasing me y'all like I fast walk very fast I pass up people that are jogging believe it or not but I've gotten into it Melanie knows that my heart rate everything blood pressures then everything's really gone in the right direction but it's become something I love to do every day it's becoming foundation it had been a year so I don't really know it's that foundation but that second thing do I have a successful marriage relationship that's foundational because if you've been through in your lifetime you've watched the destruction of your parents or something like that you know you just kind of bracing yourself for the day that your marriage looks like that house floating down the river right there you're bracing yourself for that's a crack in the foundation you know Melanie and I do not always agree about everything we know we have little interactions will let's call them that okay but we got a foundation in us from brother Clark and sister Pat and and my dad and sister Ruth and Andy you know what it don't matter what happens we together we joined at the hip we we are glued together we so that foundation we need some foundation repairing then three you hot do I understand how to raise successful kids this is foundation maybe your parents were terrible they were never there they never disciplined you or they over disciplined you or they they abused you or they they they were anonymous and here you are you love Jesus with all your heart and then and then you get married and now you have kids but you don't have a clue what you're doing or do I follow the biblical principles of finance this is number four do I understand how to have money you know like that lady that kept writing checks she said I know I've got money in the bank I've still got checks in my checkbook no sweetheart that ain't how it works people don't know and they there's no stability no financial stability to save to pay bills enter to you know to budget and then do I have a consistent lifestyle of health a lot of you got you need foundation repair in that area all you ever saw was fattening foods greasy foods sweet sweet foods and you just go nuts everywhere you go you just you're just eating yourself really into the grave or your exercise you there is no exercise are you rest you up playing Nintendo 2:00 in the morning you're up at 4:00 drinking four cups of coffee that there's something in the foundation that's wrong and a doctor will tell you that really what you need more than anything is foundational health just foundational health so when I say character it it the word in Greek means a fixed amove object-- and i always come back to Huey P long on the front lawn of the state capital Oh Huey P long I think he's made out of I don't know what he's made out of brass or something concrete I don't know but I tell you what he's standing there like that and I've been around here living in Louisiana sixty-four years and every time I pass by ol Hughie he just like that how many hurricanes has he been through I mean how many storms has he been through and Huey never changes his putt nothing that's the word for character and that life Jesus called it a house and its foundation is going to determine your destiny so character can be very shallow and shaky or you can experience initial success but the long-term legacy will evade you if you don't deal with the Foundation's the psalmist said if the foundations are destroyed what will the righteous do and I'm asked as I've prepared this message I was asking myself what about my life and my character has foundational flaws that's a good one that's a good way to end to hear that's a good way to begin at the end of the message I'm gonna give you some resources that I believe will help repair just about any foundation problem you have but let me just give you three principles now a building on the rock in this story we got the fool we got the foundation and we got the flood okay there's only three elements only three verses so I mean I can't preach for a year about this but there's enough here to challenge me to check my foundation walk around it with a flashlight and check every crack where'd that come from what's going on there here's the first principle is the food Jesus called him a foolish man because he built on sand now I I have studied a number of books in preparation for Sermon on the Mount series and there's one particular book I love by David Martyn lloyd-jones and he pointed out these thoughts about the fool and I and I just love the number one The Fool is always in a hurry he's always in a hurry Isaiah said I lay in Zion a cornerstone a foundation stone and he that believed if in him will not be in a hurry that's Isaiah interesting work the foundation stone and you will not be in a hurry what I've learned about myself traveling Melanie can tell you this as five years ago six years ago I started traveling when Jonathan took the church I was already traveling but then it just went to you know 160 thousand miles a year and I would leave stuff on airplanes or in hotels or in cars I would leave stuff and I'm not talking about a pack of gum I'm talking about a computer or something like that and that gets expensive praise God I was able to recover anything it would come to me in the airport I could run around find it but I figured out finally after two three years why I was leaving stuff it's because I was in a hurry when the plane stopped and the door opened I was just grabbing stuff you know everybody was jerking trying to get out and I was just and I was leaving behind things I found out in the hotel I was trying to pack in the last 15 minutes before I left and I was just a jerk and stuff out and stuffing it in and and then I really don't know you start two hours ahead and you just didn't you just walking around the room you look at ain't nothing ain't no cord stuck in the wall still you've got them all I have not lost anything in two or three years zero the moment I realized that hurry was destroying you know my travel basically everything changed no no offense not that I can't I was with a guy in Brazil he was sitting there and he had this really beautiful gift someone to give when we taxi pulls up the airport he's ready to jump I said my brother he's travelling and said be careful memory don't get in a hurry when you get out of a car but you need to look around right now you know he said yeah that's a boom he was gone we left this really nice gift somebody had given him so I played with him a little bit and I got it and I went inside the airport I asked he said hey you got that gift and he went crazy he ran out to try to find that the taxi night and I just held it up from the inside well you know what the phone is always in a hurry right like a goose in a hailstorm but here's the deal he takes shortcuts to get quick results that's a lifestyle that's a character that's a foundational flaw he makes no effort to consult with people who know what they're doing about construction anybody that he would have talked to you about construction would say dig do you don't put a house right on top of the ground he said well why not why do I need to waste the money for concrete when I can build the thing right on top of the ground but see he trusts his own instincts to guide him this project seems very easy to him and that brings me to the second point about a fool he feels his ideas are best never fails many people enter marriage business and all those things and they think they know it all and they don't if they would just take the time to get some instruction some consultation some counsel before they start a marriage or a business or a family oh but I don't need to do that I'm in a hurry I got to get this show on the road okay get the show on the road you might have some initial success but if you do not dig deep come on say dig deep about 20 years from now that crack can appear in the foundation let me let me tell you about marriage and I've been a pastor now you know 28 years here this church and and a lot I've counseled a lot of people prior to marriage believe it or not I did not get premarital counseling Melanie and I have talked about everybody thought well you know they raised in church they know everything about marriage we did not we had to learn a lot about each other we were missionaries in Africa and we wish now we would have taken the time to get premarital can see well a lot of people want us to come marry them but they don't want to go through our pre marriage course which can be like three months where we meet with you 10 or 12 times and say I got to meet with you 10 or 12 times and and you know why I mean I'm gonna hurry to get some red shoes for the wedding or something and we tell them may not be a wedding we're gonna do some compatibility testing there's a hundred and fifty areas of compatibility if you have so high of a number that it's you know I have a whole blog about it seven ways to stay married for life it's the most popular blog I think I ever wrote one of the most popular and one of the things is how do how do you start a marriage or a business I mean any a business is not just start a business but you should you should really stop and check the foundation of that or a family people say hey I can have kids watch I don't have some kids right now well of course you can have kids it's easy to have kids it's not easy to raise children the brother you get about three under five years old you gonna you gonna figure this thing out some cracks are gonna start appearing and then when they're hey you think the terrible twos are bad to terrible 20s they're much worse hello and so the third thing is he never thinks all the way through the fool says you know look my house is just as nice as yours not saved I saved twenty thousand dollars on foundation I didn't even and you I was through two week yeah I remember a Bible story called the three little pigs to don't you one built with sticks and and and you know who one built with hay and yeah their house was just fine but the wolf came and it was the one that took the time to build with brick I guess what I'm saying to us is we need to envisage and consider all the possibilities and eventualities of what we're doing think it all the way through before you start that marriage that business that family that educational career that whatever you're thinking about doing I will move to Chicago oh okay well they're thinking all the way through it's mighty cold there in January but see people just they think that the foolishness of sin and of the devil and all of his mess is don't think past tomorrow it'll all work out no unfortunately it doesn't but the wise man Jesus says he focuses on the foundation he takes time to develop foundation for every endeavor I'm asking myself right now about things that I'm ready to start now hold it where's the foundation what are the foundational things I need to prepare before I do those things I was talking today with one of our surge team there's an app that's being developed in India for our training around the world and my question we were discussing what are the foundational issues of bringing an app into 210 countries of the world you don't just so we'll start on that okay but what does that mean to make it into 210 countries in all the languages and all the so I'm just what I'm trying to do I'm saying womb you I'm just pulling you back into the ear you you just you know you're taking off I'm sitting on out go deep go deep because the fool's foundation has no depth no depth now let me just let me jump on past this second thing and I'm talking now about the foundation to a spiritual application of Jesus parable he said some people here but they do not do here is what I have discovered about pastoring Christians they leaned on my Bible study and they don't do their own pastor Jonathan gave us a fantastic year through the Bible this year I mean this I think it's been as best you're preaching I've ever heard in his whole lifetime you agree with that really amazing cooking even up to the hamburger here like a week ago really I'm talking about very very good but see you can't say well let's go see what brother Jonathan's got cooking this morning that's good he's going to reinforce but the wise man digs deep and the foolish Christian has no interest in church history theology or doctrine at all I don't need all that I love Jesus I'm good well the only problem with that is that if you do not understand the things of theology and I don't mean you have to be a theologian God delivers we a lot of them we don't even need them anymore but you need to understand that's what I love about this group right over here now see this is a little group that's just done been through this class and we got you you know you you graduating tonight but to me what I see is wisdom I see foundation laying and I've got leaders here that I have taken them through small group training some of them through three or four different small group trainings but their foundation they don't move out of Baker I got some Saints there they are so structured in the Lord they have such foundations you cannot believe that what how deep in the Lord and this this fool feels he can find his own way to heaven you know the Bible says in Proverbs that that a fool will consider his ways to be right in his own eyes he can find his way to heaven how hard can that be I mean everybody's going there anyway well I beg to differ this chapter tells us that and then he also what he loves about church is the music excuse me I love the music I enjoy the music I enjoy worship but for some of them that that's the whole thing there are the feelings of church they're soothing few some some like what the relationships can do for them there are many reasons people are in church and it's not necessarily that they have allowed their character to be changed a lot of Christians go through the Bible and they're not interested in anything in the history section or the prophets section they just read the Psalms particularly sound 23 they got it marked it just blesses them every day and then they know John 3:16 God so loved the world but they don't ever read John 3:18 that he that is stays in sin is condemned already see they get one side but they don't get the other side of the character of God so so this is not a cafeteria here where you can pick some green beans here and a piece of ham there and a piece of chocolate pie and I'm good did the church is called the whole Council of God so when we say a spiritual foundation a wise man to me is one and I'm looking at a wimzie and i group it's cold it's raining and you know what we're gonna study but here you are listening intently to the Word of God and I want to commend you would you give yourself a hand clap just being here tonight come on out give yourself a hand clap because you want to go deeper you love Sunday morning or when you cook but you're here because there's an intensity about you and James says that the word is a mirror and you don't mind every week looking in or every month looking in that mirror and say what needs to change now I don't know about you but when I take a nap my hair can get wiped completely out it can be sticking straight out and so I look at I always check the mirror man before I leave it there oh there it is I got a you know go brush from head get it down whatever because the mirror is not my enemy it's my friend and James said that he that isn't he is a doer of the word and not a hearer only that's exactly what Jesus said so when I say foundation I'm saying you got a look at the word you've got to look intently in the word you've got a change in the word and then you gotta apply the word to your finances family and future now here we go this is the last point the flood the flood three things the Lord said number one he said there's going to be rain and I think that rain is loss or disappointment rain is something that comes unexpected and it in it's something that collapses right before your eyes I mean you cannot believe the power of rain we have seen that here in South Louisiana we have seen 27 inches of rain in one day and it is unbelievable but that rain can represent circumstances that let you down for the worst you've maybe it's the loss of a loved one it's these things happen and we all want a perfect life where it never rains in our life it never rains on our parade it never rains and washes out something we were looking forward to but that's not going to happen if it didn't rain buddy you'd be in like California right now the reason it's burning out there's an had any rain in three months but that rain of loss and the second thing he talked about was the flood to me this is the world it's flooding in from every direction the filth the sewage of pornography the the movie industry the profanity on TV and all the the culture around us is the flood I see the flood in Genesis 6 that God saw the flood of iniquity and he just flooded it with water to wash it out but it's against us non-stop people are not wearing enough clothes when you go in the mall people are people are are making gestures that you trying to draw you into sin people there's there's just a constant exposure to the flood and then the last one was the wind how about familiar that the devil you know when we built the crosses out there I remember we dug a hole 45 feet in the ground for a cross that went up a hundred and fifty feet and I was asking the engineers why do we 45 feet down in the ground you got concrete and I thought can the thing not stand up without that they said well it's not that it won't stand up what we're preparing for they said is a hundred and sixty mile an hour winds a category five hurricane coming right over the top of Baton Rouge with gusts of 200 miles an hour that's what those crosses are prepared for and we had to had to put that much foundation now I'm gonna talk just in closing about the Devils huffing and puffing and blowing your house down because that's what he wants to do he either wants you to face the rain of loss or the flood of Filth or the wind of adversity and and and all that's gonna hold you I don't know what we're gonna go through in the United States I don't know I wish I knew I wish I could read in the book of Revelation says there it is we're going with you there's no there's no way to know exactly what will happen but I know how deep my foundation is and I know how far down it was dug in my heart and I know the concrete that's down there and I know the rebars it's down there and I know that it's that hole is filled with concrete and when it blows and when it rains and when it floods I know that I'm gonna be just standing there like Oh Huey Long come on say Amen see that's you now here's the deal next year if you're having problems in these areas let me put them up for you I don't I don't know if they put them up I can give them to you if you're having marriage problems I encourage you to and it's in your outline there to listen to master Jimmy Evans on marriage today this is free you can go to youtube and you can watch all the Jimmy Evans tapes you won't if you've got cracks in your marriage foundation I had a friend of mine a person a good close friend of mine spent a whole year just listening to Jimmy Evans practically every day his marriage just went through the roof great so you can repair that if you're having financial problems I encourage you to go to youtube again this is free Dave Ramsey's seven baby steps seven baby steps that's all you got to remember go there he'll teach you the seven baby steps of how to walk out of financial calamity because you didn't have anybody teach you and there's a big crack in your foundation or maybe it's parenting you say golly nobody told me how to raise these kids okay here's a great book boundaries for kids dr. dr. Henry clown you you might have to buy that one but it'll be alright you'll get over it but I'm telling you it'll help you and then the last one before you start a business read the book by Dave Ramsey call entre leader it will tell you everything about taxes everything about employees everything about investment everything about cash flow everything about a business is in that book before you start your internet business that you're gonna do this and you're gonna do that see all I'm talking about here is digging deep now let me close with this verse its second Timothy two and verse 19 I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it up second Timothy chapter 2 and verse 19 it says that the foundation of the Lord stands sure with this seal the Lord knows those who are his that's the first part of this of the foundation in your life do you know the Lord does the Lord know you and you know him and then it says and let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity he knows me he loves me and he has changed me I'm a different person now I'd like you to close your eyes and I want to ask our leaders over here on my right I'd like to ask you to come up here just form a single-file line if you graduated tonight for that that class just come on up here shoulder to shoulder just find you a place and while they're getting in position to pray everybody in this room if you're here tonight and you would say to me pastor as I conclude this Sermon on the Mount series I got some cracks in my foundation in fact I'm not sure I'm even built on the foundation the Bible says there's no other foundation given but Jesus Christ the foundation is Jesus and you're not sure that you are really right with him - come on be honest with yourself if you stood before him don't try to find your own way to heaven don't say well you know what I'm as good as everybody else don't do all of that that's a house on sand trust me that is gonna be just like that house they went down the river in New Hampshire that's what it's gonna look like one day if you're here you say I want to start a new year next year and I want to have a new foundation you can change the whole foundation of life tonight by just putting your life on Jesus if you're a man a woman a young person and you're not sure that your whole foundation is on the rock I'd like to pray for you here's what I want you to do if you would say include me in the prayer I want that without hesitating one second I want you to just slip up your hand toward God right up high that's right just slip it up out there there there there there there's a number of people raising their hand I want to be sure see that's amazing so many people came out on this cold night to be saying you can put your hand down how many of you would say this with me I've known the Lord in the past but some cracks have appeared in my foundation and they are killing me like a toothache a cracked tooth can be one of the most painful things and and you can't bite there's no foundation for the bite to chew and and we got to drill it we got to fill it we got a crown it we got we got it the Lord can do all that off it up I've got all kind of feelings in you you make it if you're hearing you would say there's a crack a very deep crack in my marriage with my parenting with my finances and I need the Lord to restore my foundation spiritually baby you've let sin come back in your life and you need foundation repair I want you to raise up your him just now just raise it up right now that's right so many people I've got I need foundation repair in my life all right thank you Lord Jesus now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna open this altar up we've got about three or four minutes before the service is gonna end I want everybody to stand with me with your heads bound and I would like those of you that raise your hand for the first invitation you're gonna come men find a man ladies find a lady you that raise your hand for the second invitation you've got foundation repair I want you to come same thing find your person men with men ladies with ladies and then the third thing is if you've got a need in your life at the end of this year that you need a miracle and you want God to do something in your life your family one of your children is away from God or in jail or something's going on in your business in your marriage and you want the Lord to do a miracle or you need a healing I want all three groups right now step out of your seats quickly quickly we only have two or three minutes quickly come up here find a leader and have them pray with you would you do that now quickly get in the house come quickly no don't don't wait everybody else just keep your heads bowed and just begin pray into yourself check your foundation of your life maybe you're saying oh you know what thank God all those things Bible reading and marriage and kids and money and health all those things that I thought I'm good I'm good my foundation is very deep and I'm thankful for it but but some of you are not come up here quickly we still have just a couple of people most of them are praying this is awesome this is awesome see what we did is we just put these leaders right we got a guy right here here's your man right awesome thank you Lord God thank you lord guy lift your hands across the building [Music] in a moment I'm gonna close the service we're gonna let these just keep on praying Heavenly Father we just thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit at Bethany we pray tonight for our pastors for Jonathan and Angie we thank you for the way this church is built on such a solid biblical foundation and I thank you Lord for marriages being healed and restored tonight that those cracks are being shored up by concrete underneath and rebar and not just smudged over lord I thank you that in securities in the lives of people where they're insecure of rejection because of a divorce or because of parents that left each other or whatever the need I pray for the healing of the foundation in their life and then for those that are starting a a college career they're starting a business I pray tonight where you would put them in full stop and that they would dig deep and then Lord God that whatever their plans and their purposes in their their desires let them not run past the foundation of doctrine if they need more doctrine in their life if they need to study as these have that have come forward let them do that in January we just thank you that you are working in a mighty way in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah and the Lord good can we celebrate the Lord just one second Thank You Lord God
Channel: Bethany
Views: 5,333
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Church, Christianity, Faith, Hope, Love, Larry Stockstill, Bethany Church
Id: CjsnDx1tDfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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