Build Order: Cuman 2 TC Boom

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already in dispute order guys I want to record a beaut order that I find very very interesting and it's one of the strongest strategies 14 games in my opinion you can surprise your opponents and you can play very well in certain maps using this strategy I'm talking about the cumin 2 TC boom on fear of age so basically let's go and understand how this is gonna work humans define it as a camera civilization have this unique bonus here they are very unique things too that they can make one additional term Center a second term Center on the fear of age this term Center will be able to produce villagers will be able to do and anything that your first or Center does it's just a regular town center what are some of the issues first this town center takes a bit more time to be built than the ones on the castle age so it's not so fast to do you're gonna probably have to add more dues to do this fast and of course that doesn't come without anything else right and they also have siege workshop one on fuel aid if you want to use their coverage faster they have is unique you need to keep track which is a cavalry Archer fast firing cavalry Archer remember if you already know the manga die you're kind of a manga died they also have this dead husband reenact acumen mercenaries those are just going to play some part on the later game and here's something interesting about the cuman's day guys have palisade wolves with 15% more hit points which means that if you are playing your map that you can wall let's say that you are playing in golden built well - nope I mapped a land map but it's very easy to place a few Palisades and get yourself walled so Cubans are an option here even for one g1 but I will honestly consider this strategy to be much more viable in Phoenix but of course as I said there's something that you need to pay attention on the humans they do not have one of the most important stuff here for the difference they do not have these stone walls I'm not finding the stone wall here detector e I want you to see the symbol of saying that oh you cannot build a stone walls here it is okay you can see that you have the palace involves those palisade walls that are a lot stronger thanks to the human bonus so instead of having 250 HP Palisades your Palisades are gonna have 375 HP so basically if you make a palisade that's the amount of strength you have and if you make two Palisades we're gonna have our almost 800 750 HP it's basically like having a few wage stone wall so you do not have the stone wall but you can just compensate it on the early ages by adding more Palisades unfortunately stone walls not available you know did not have worked our so the family from enemies seat might be a bit hard as humans this has to be taken into consideration when you choose to use this strategy my personal recommendation use this strategy on close Maps use the disease strategy maps where early aggression on fear of age and on early castle won't be so usual so let's say you're playing as pocket in vases let's say we're playing arena of man you are surrounded by walls not can harm you from the early stages right so that's a safe strategy to be playing and obviously I would recommend you to use these on King game okay that's it all right now let's take a look on this build I'm going to do guys two versions of this beauty okay I'm going to do the standard one all I'm not so proficient I do not know how to lower dears I often have some miss clicks I often get my TC idol I do not want to try this strategy and get like two dudes behind because I couldn't get food on my TC or something no problem use the basic version which is the first one that I'm going to record right now after I record the first one I'm going to make the follow-up with a more advanced that one using deers luring trying to optimize a bit the income of resources very well let's start you start of course by adding fields and two houses and start to Scout here with your Scout unit I'm going to start as all the builders usually start with six villagers eating the cows here guys and what I want to do now is to find my basic resources I want to find the other ship I want to find it two boards I want to have eight edibles like our three thousand four ships or six cows all my herd was okay all the standard ones it will also depend on what map you are playing and I want to find also my two boards because we are going to use those guys on the Dark Age Sirico Styx views here on the cow now I'm going to place three views on the wood what I'm going to do here guys in order to use these strategies is try to advance fast to the funeral age but I do not want to advance so fast because I will also have I also needed resources so I have to balance advancing fast but having enough resources to drop farms drop down centers I will need resources in order to make my eco progress here I'm gonna eat the other cow and right now I'm just going to mimic the build order that we do for scouts population 22 that basic one that allows us to upgrade to furo age with 22 population it's a very basic one and it's a good basis for us to start working with the human until we understand how this works and afterwards we can make it a bit more complex by luring and doing so on alright guys so I have six views here on the couch I'm going to get the boar now I have three on the wood only I'm going to add one more here so in order for us to have like eight hunters and I'm not even looking to my Scout anymore guys I'm just going to focus on the economy here I just found all the resources I'm placing my Scout to now to scout for recording build order purpose and we're going to focus here on our tc8 hunters after that we are going to place four views here on the berries one are going to make the house the others are going to strike the berries as you can see guys I just keep adding all the bills here on the food in a number and if I need the 50 food when my villager is around 8 percent I'm gonna drop its food manually well drop it manually and now I have the food the idea of doing this is not to let you RTC idle it's kind of basic and at all costs no matter what we were doing what I want to do here is do not let your town center go idle now that this bore has less than 150 food I already and still get a second one I have the four villagers here on the berries okay and I don't want me to keep adding hunters here guys until I have 14 wheels collecting food right now I have thirteen nine hunters and four on the berries I'll have two ten hunter and then I can't stop I've killing the boar with all the views oh oh I almost almost almost lost here my my views man so make loom that's some advice that I should give before by the way if you're not comfortable with your boar positions make the loom if you are not comfortable that you can will do it but if you are comfortable enough just skipped along until you are late on the next stage by the way guys it might be hard to fit all the ten hunters here on the boar as you can see this villager here is trying to find a place and he's not finding it in that case just start eating the next food restores just start eating the ship fourteen the food all the others are going to the wood once I finish eating the boar guys I'm already going to test those views to eat the ship and I'm about to have my twenty two population here I have right now six views on the wood I'm going to add Lu one more going there so we're going to have seven and now we're going to get two more views here from the ship and send to the wood as well okay let's get those guys and stand there we're going to have nine guys on the wood twelve on the food and we are going to click up to feudal age with population 22 I'm not going to make farms here guys what I want to do is to save my is to use all the food around my town centers and only make farms on feudal age after I make the holes color upgrade what I have to do right now is to keep eating the ship and when it's over I will target my views to the wood I will already shows 10 villagers to build my town center my personal suggestion get five from the TC five from the wood so we are going to still have four of us working here once you start to build and I'm going to build my town center on this place here all right I'm also going to place two houses even three houses and if you are if you get house it constantly like I do try to add more houses when you were on the closest population and of course if you have spare wood like I do now let me just cancel those views and show how much resources I have here guys I'm not even on fuel age but you have you can see that with population 22 we can make a huge Bank of resources and that's why it is a base of your order it's not an optimal one I didn't need to have like 900 resources Bank it here in order to drop the second Town Center make the upgrades and keep booming but if you make this like that you are going to do it in a very safe way and this is what a basic War Butte order is mean to after that we are going to do it try to optimize trying to lure try to go for population 1918 and try to do things more fast alright anyway let's get the five villagers that I told you from this from the TC we are also going to get five years here from the wood then we are going to get two will a few views here so we do not want to because we do not want to have Idol TC as soon as we are on fear of age drop the TC up we grade the BB lakhs upgrade a horse-collar and now comes on something very important guys you need to keep those tough centers producing views and let's make some very basic mathematics here you are going to need six views on food for each town centre that you have so I'm adding four farms on it is TC I have four villagers here is still eating the berries and there are still going to have girls for quite some time so what we need to do is to add four more farmers and you will have eight farmers and four views on the berries that's the fifth one and as soon as we are adding views we are going to add farms here and once we finish this town centre we want to get those arms up as soon as possible there goes more farms more farms we do not have the wood let's wait a bit no problem we're soon going to have the wood you can see that I'm not stopping to produce views guys you cannot go idle with that view guys we already have two Town Center's that can sustain each other let's make a pulse and make a brief analysis here of the situation we have two town centres it's like 12 minutes those two town centers are not gonna get idle you have 12 views on the food and those views can provide enough food for you to sustain your villager production and you have all those views on the wood and all those views on the wood will allow you to invest later in buildings in more farms in gold and so on and here's where why the strategy is so strong you are already booming it's like 12 minutes if your enemy is doing regular fast castle he's probably going to the castle age or maybe he didn't even click it up to the castle age and you were already here producing villagers from 2,000 turns you have the wood upgrade and the a new operate so early and that's how we're going to follow up this bill what will be the next step here we are going to add fields and to add farmers and replace later those bear those foragers here for farmers that will have something around 20 or 22 views on the food that's our next goal okay to have 20 or 22 views on the food how are we going to do it every time have like 60 food we are going to add a farm around to see so let's keep producing views and let's go for this next goal view and view farm farm farm vo view I'm gonna target those guys to the wood more farms and there we go we are going to keep this and also guys keep a look on your population you do not want to get how's it getting house it will slow down this strategy for you it was loadout NEP strategy try to work on that I need it well guys it's not easy all right Eddie now we're going to have 18 farms 18 views on the food with that 119 it's not so hard 20 see you just keep adding views keep adding farm and so I have the food we're going to have 20 views here but those berries are soon gonna be over so we're going to add to transition some of those views to the farms as well we're going to stop on the number of 22 here okay this will be 220 this will be the 21 and this will be a 22 farmer twenty-two farmers we have now let's play some views on the gold because to go to the next stage we are also going to need code I'm going to keep making the reviews guys Oh Hauser let's make a house let's make at least a few more houses because we need to keep producing those in order to get our eco strong look at our eco guys it's like 40 minutes man and we have to tc's full bloom at 50 minutes actually and of course if you want to go to the castle age what do you need you do not only need the resources you also need to add buildings so we are going to adhere to very basic buildings very to add a market okay and we are also going to add a blacksmith here of course always keeping the track of the fields all walk walk walk walk and indeed the native resources there goes let's meat market I will have something like 5 years here on the goat that's enough and I'm going to place all the others here on the wood once again you can see that my berries didn't run off I have 22 views taking the farms here but I'm going to do farmers once those guys are over right now guys you have an accident of wood we are about to click up as soon as we have 800 food we will get like 200 gold around the same time and we're going to click up all right we are going to the castle age do not forget to keep making views on your own the other TC okay and let's add more lumber camps let's fig fix our eco here let's do some small investments here right time guys will have the 22 views collecting food we're go to the castle age you can already research here the blue barrel because you just passed 51 views living within 17 minutes man that's crazy amount of views take a look you 51 views try to do a regular boom try to go for 3 TC boom with the Persians with hands with Indians with any of your favourite ships and tell me how much of villagers you have at 70 minutes and a half you are not gonna reach 15 years before 90 minutes with Joseph's so you are ahead on the eco you have a huge ecoute here and there are like two follow-ups that I would like to talk to you about there are two ways of following up this strategy guys and of course you are going to have to analyze each gain each situation and make this decision on your own but what I'm going to do here is to give you tools to perform those two strategies okay that's what I'm going to allow you to do so first decision you just want to keep booming until in pure rage all right you have two options you can go for three TC boom just as one more you can go for 40c boons and two more as soon as you hit the cache page and you keep adding farmers six views to keep each town center working try to empty something like 40 farmers and then you're clicking that's pretty easy it's a very easy follow up you just go to book we were just going to boom after that we are going to do this first follow up here okay the building one you analyze the match up what I like the gain and you do not see any opportunity to use army here on the castle age so what we're going to do you are just going to wait and to reach next age those guys of course finish to it in the berries so we are going to replace them for farmers you are going to keep the 22 views here look how beautiful 23 feels here and you can see that you already have a big bank of wood we have a lot of use taking wood here so as soon as we need the castle age what are we going to do we are going to drop two more down centers we have enough wood but we only have a hundred stone so in order to boom guys with four Town Center's we are going to buy stone let's buy a hundred stone if you have something like 200 gold no matter how costi is a stone right now you are probably going to be able to afford it we are also going to make those diseased as fast as possible we have a lot of villagers so it doesn't matter for us if we use more views than the usual to build those Town Center's I'm just going to send to keep sending the bills here to the TC it's like 90 minutes and a half now and I'm dropping the four to see here and I'm dropping sovereign 30 C and the fourth one here so we're going to have 46 Bowen guys what upgrades are going to do now I'm going to upgrade the gravity blow I'm going to upgrade the bone sell those two upgrades are responsible for boosting up your eco we're also going to upgrade here the gold mining and as soon as we finish those Town Center's we are going to keep making farms guys and see we have four farms if you have four farms you can pretty much go to Imperial age having the 46 and aim to go for the politics for example your eco right now is very strong we have a lot of upgrades and when we reach the 80 view 18 view marks in 22 reviews for now we are also going to make the handcart upgrade okay so that's good we're almost finishing all wood finish it let's make farms we finish it as well like and let make farms and now what I'm going to do I'm going to let one to see on the goat two on the wood or on the stone doesn't matter and I'm going to do is to use all the wood that I have to get to the number of forty farms here for the farms here you go make farmers make farmers make farmers make farmers make farmers make farmers I'm trying to make them around the disease around the meals some of them are not so great here but the idea here is to focus guy on the macro the idea here is to get those farm numbers huh alright we have 40 farmers okay 22 minutes what are we going to do now we are going to in like three TCS on the gold we already upgraded the gold the first upgrade of it we are going to send one view to build here and motor carry another view to build an University and we are soon going to click to in pure wage that's right we all read booming a lot of you age we already have 75 Guzman by the way I talked to that once we had about we were around the 8 of your mark we would click on the health card right and we are going to do it of course guys I didn't mention but I let my farms on the auto farm and right now they are all going all the farms that we did on fewer wage they are getting over but there is no problem because we have a lot of wood and this wood can allow us to keep producing the farms even making the buildings this eco is so strong that it allows us to do it now I have 40 farms we have a lot of use on the gold as soon as we can guys we can click to the pure age I also suggest that you click with the safest town center you have let's say a lot of army rush into your walls and they try to kill you if your Imperial town center is the first one it will be not good but it's the one on the bottom is the one on the back it's the safest one there's a very small chance that enemy kills your impure wakes town center it happened to me before so keep that advice in mind alright we're going up we upgraded the ii cards we have a lot of population we're reaching pure wage and this is the boom with the humans that's the transition to the castle age that's the transition later to go to the pure wage and what are you going to do now if you are human probably guys you are going to make politics so in order to make those you'll need to make a barracks you are going to need to upgrade all the armors from the paladin if you want to go for the paladin's make a priority to make first the armor later the attack you are going to have a very good transition in pure rage that's a very strong booming your equal is probably going to be ahead from most regular bombings doing that and that's the human to disable into 40 Sifu boom - in pure rage that's the first approach you move to to seize later you switch to a football on the castle age and later you go for the paladin you now can go in right now I'm adding a lot of stables you want to have a minimum of 5 stables if you are going to the paladins guys 5 to 7 is a good number ok once you have accident would you can keep making the houses you can also make a few more farms something close to 50 farms if you want to support your eco it's around 26 minutes around 27 we are going to reach the pure wage with a huge huge huge economy man a lot of stables here our six tables are there permeated with the bloodlines we're going to bring it here the Cavalier we're going to make the economy upgrades we're going to make the crop rotation and we're also going to make the wood upgrade the would upgrade should even be first guys with no problem people make a few views our ego is huge man I feel so comfortable and if you want you can already start to make Cavaliers from our stables you already want to get into the fight already want to get a map if it's an arena madman it's like 20 minutes most players are reaching in pure rage now and you were alright on the pure rage for theses moment you have all the upgrades possible here you have autumn you upgrades you have all the wood upgrades all the gold upgrades you have as well I'm already testing a lot of you suit the stone so I can even drop a castle on a strategical position and make trebuchets or make conscription or make whatever I can make the the plate burning are more all-star can do not want to keep going for Cavaliers man I want your two great paladin as soon as possible don't worry my friend forget about the 40 farms go for something like 50 farms 55 farms and then you're going to have equity do it as soon as possible okay I'm just focusing on the equal to click to pure rage the 40 farms here and that's it that's basically one of the initial follow-ups from this point on you can just keep adding more cavalry you already have a lot of deals you can even stop making views by now man and just keep adding Cavaliers later can upgrade the Paula Deen as soon as you can you can make a transition into the farms as a set here let's add at least a few more farmers that you will have more balanced is equal I could have done this a bit earlier so if you can do it a bit dirtier it would be better that's a small mistake on this build and there we go now I can make trebuchets now can upgrade the conscription so your stables work faster you can keep making the Cavaliers you can keep making the upgrades it's like 30 minutes you are already on a pure rage situation food boom it with and you can do whatever you want so that guy was the basic build order for cumin to tseebo we did one of the follow-ups here we did the football on casts of age now let's just return and make is built with two new stuff okay I need some water before I keep going and I've also read some questions from the chat here just a second thanks for a host man with a hosted me Robert Ulrich thank you for the hose my friend thank you a lot for that anyway with these guys this first game doing it for going for a basic built order but man we went for population 22 if you are a more advanced player if you already dominate all the basic with orders you were you can just look at this buildin say oh come on start you didn't need L do you could have gone for early villagers you could have lowered its arena man effort every pro louvers on arena and even in other maps why didn't you do this well because it's a pure darkness so now what are we going to do we are going nice to optimize our booming here we are going to try to reach the field of age much faster than we did before okay and we are going to try to reach the cast of age faster as well we did something like 90 minutes and a half Castle age even though if we still reach the castle age with 90 minutes and a half we want to reach it with more villagers we want to make our advantage even bigger than we did in the first version of this build so let's go for the cumin 2tc boom with floor and everything you can use they start guys is pretty much the same here at least it in the first minute we are going to find our resources here we are going to make two houses and start beating the cows so I've started eating the cows I'm going to task six views to be ten I already found guys my dear which is very important in most standard Maps you have these extra deers and the forward purchase we all read from the wood that's cool let's open some space for us to work six views now on the cow let's place a few more on the wood this time guys we're not going to add a lot of yours on the wood like three we are just going to use two villagers on the wood only two why are we going to use only two because we want to focus all the villagers will weaken on getting food ok last time with three cows this time we're just going to eat - we are already going to get a boar guys here and I'm already bringing more food to my town centre I'm luring here guys I'm using my Scout to lure all the deers I came to this town center the patient what just start learning after you found the initial ones here it is huh we just killed in the a very good place we do not want to abuse around it to see we want to kill those views guys they closed only as it in DTC as we can give me the bore oh my god what a disaster what a disaster I just said that and I kill the boar like a mile away from the TC no problem if we just do not use those views here it's still gonna be fine let's just try to use the other views here to provide food for us let's just try to use the hunters okay I will try not to move those views guys from the that are far away there if I do not move those views it doesn't matter if I killed it more so far away we have a lot of use on the food I'm going to add now the meal now that I have 100 wood here that's the first time guys I'm moving those views from the bora so i try to minimize the I did here the house the view and the various let's go for the other board let's keep blurring these foods are right different from the other guys because I'm Laurie and I only letting two guys on the wood luring third year let's try to kill this boring a good place huh oh my god really terrible one oh my god we are terrible given the board's man anyway I would try to click eyes with the earliest population that I can here I have seen players doing this build with 18 views and 19 views unfortunately guys thanks to my terrible Dark Age I won't be able to do so so I will try to click up with 20 and no long it's a stupor faster 20 and older oh so my the time let's see we have to click up now food food food food food food we didn't fail now guys we all read push it all those hands the TC but we only have two views on the wood let's send seven more so we have once again nine views here on the wood the others here are finishing two with the boars and the berries dibs already worsen the deers we are going to send more views here to the berries we're going to keep at least four we can even keep five in this in this build because we started eating the berries later on we are eating the wood different from the other of the previous build other guys I didn't make the loom and I didn't do two extra views on the feudal age and this is allowing me to reach a much much faster fewer way this time despite my terrible bore killings here okay even with some terrible bore kill means you can still go for population 20 and only 19 views Scout your job here is don't go and go somewhere you can see guys that this time it will be easier for me to get my stitches working and despite not having as much resources as I had previously I won't have trouble to make my DC's work the reason is I have for ship to it that I haven't eaten I didn't have five views on the berries and I only started to eat later so I have I can delay my farm a bit in order to make my TC and I do not have 500 resources back here I don't have the minimum that I want here I'm gonna coop tubules I'm gonna take some views from the TC and try to build it you see as fast as I can with something like ten views like I did before okay so 10 views building a TC upgrading the wood and upgrading the mule you can see right now that I just finished doing that and guys where are my resources in the previous game we had a lot of wood to already start making farms on this one you do not have so keeping your disease our away from getting idle will be a lot harder this time we can do it because we have five using the berries we have a lot of ships to it we have more time and I didn't build the extra houses I'm just now going to start making more houses just now I use it all the resources I could I would keep five wheels here oh come on I'm gonna keep five years here on the ship maybe six I would need six damn it and I will start making farms guys the same thing that I did before as soon as I can you can see right now that I will have 12 deals getting the food we had a very similar situation to this is working with 12 views on the food in the previous game with 12 minutes right now in this game is not even 11 minutes it's barely 11 minutes and we have the same situation this means that we are ahead on the villager count and if we do not either out our town center we are going to be at least one minute faster in everything we did from the previous game let's keep going I'm already going to micro my ship so they are eating right next to each other here and I'm going to use all the wood that I have here to make the farms okay same thing I did before I'll start how many farms same thing we did before guys 22 22 views on the food try to optimize every single villager you find getting wood getting any other resource you are going to need it every time have 60 would drop a farm do not bank up resources and never stop making views we are still eating eyes the ship here we are still eating resources from the Dark Age because we learn that's the power of the lure you use resources that were once the ones far away from your TC and you can use their her doubles later on to keep your ego going there we go keep any farms keeping any wheels very similar to the previous game right it's like 30 minutes man I'm not worried about my enemies they are not even on Castle age the fastest boots from the other players like the Camellia like the are probably just going to start in one minute from now because players will probably just reach castle age but around that time thirty and thirty ten three and a half and later they are going to do it oh by the way I forgot to mention how many views we have already it seems like we already have 18 views here 19 with that farm so only three more farms 40 minutes and we are good to go one two three we are guys could you go we have 22 views getting the food of course a few foragers that we're gonna later change and we can now go for the gold if you can make a very effective town center that gets both gold and would make it you can save on a mining camp if you cannot doesn't matter it really it really doesn't matter at this point guys ooh we're getting how's it that's terrible if you get how's it go for the wheelbarrow I didn't want to get house it but I was distracted here terrible one let's keep making houses this will never happen again this beautiful mistakes anyway we have 22 views we are getting the gold let already make the buildings here let's go for the market let's go for the blacksmith let's just like the regular fast castle wood gold and of course we are going to start making the transition for the 400 villagers here from foragers to farmers ok that's how you manage Evolvin we stopped being gatherers and we start being farmers we are evolving your race look at this by the way this time I only left guys three villagers on their gold you can notice that I only left reviews reason is we didn't let loose so we also had a 50 gold saving before so that's it we are gonna click up here in any second in any second alright alright so guys we just click it up to the castle age we have 22 villagers on the foot and those are 22 farmers would have 22 farms that's a good amount of farmers we can sustain the production of the top centers we can go and make the gold upgrade if you want already and in the previous game what did we do we did a transaction in a four town center boom what are we going to do this time I think before the host this time we are going to make a transition into army let's say that you were playing here in the arena game and one of your allies said hey man I'm going to play with a cash to drop I'm making a castle on my enemy I'm going to make key starters on his face or I'm going to make our own vials or something like that or I'm a stick and I'm doing as much I'm opening this guy with friends I'm opening this guy with monks if you make Knights by now you can join and kill this guy so there's an opportunity for you to use army on the cash wage other situation you were playing an hybrid map or a hybrid that you are playing a same wall map like Oasis your allies just wall decides you were the pocket pooling and one of your allies is making archers and he said man I think that we can broke into the enemy and we can attack him now what are we going to do we are going to make a transition here guys in two nights how are we going to perform that transition well quite simple we are going up we should be searching horse-collar but we just did appeared a few minutes before by my mistake we are going to get revealed and make a barracks and three stables at least we are going to send the next views to the gold upgrade the gold and we are going to add guys more farms we are going to have we want to have something around 28 farms so six more here one two three four five six why we want to have something like 28 farms here reason is quite simple you want to have more farms because 12 farms are going to be only there to sustain your town center production so 12 farms and now you are going to have to sustain a lot of stables at least 3 stables are just good for 2 stables now it's too late you are going to be so slow to add the night so you need a minimum of 3 or even 4 stables on this strategy I have seen players really full Yolo and 5 stables here I would recommend for stables is ok let's go for it and of course 6 bills for each stop Center and then we are going to have something like 5 to 6 views to each stable let's go upgrading of the armor we are always going to prioritize the armor making more deals here to the gold and we are going to make more stable serious we have two internet farms now we are upgrading the bloodlines we are making more stables I'm going to make four stables here you can see that our uptime is not so different from the previous game we are having a very similar uptime what is the difference from the basic build order we are going to have more views that's the only difference let's wait until we reach the castle age here and we're going to talk about it oh my god it's not even 20 minutes and we are here on the castle age with almost almost 60 villagers we had some inefficient we were how's it so we're around it that's all right what are we going to do here guys so first off what we want to have to do it with your Knights you want to spend the night and you want to go and attack your enemy as soon as possible you've read the situation and this is not a situation where you want to make siege that's a situation where the battle is there for you you do not have to see Jenny 1 you do not have to break anything your allies are indeed it or your allies are under pressure so you are just going to match the Knights and fight what are we going to do to allow this to happen in a easy way we are going first to spend the night and later a Braden so let's first focus on producing the Knights we already have the basic upgrade for them we have the 1 armor and we have the bold line so let's make Knights Knights Knights houses of course and let's just spend those Knights of course we are we also want to move a few views from the wood to the goat we want to have at least 20 Deus you're getting a gold here and we are also going to create a wood we are also going to upgrade the rabbit glow for the new farmers we do not want to abandon our eco here okay guys and we are going to have one maybe two views producing producing houses constantly here I do not recommend you engaging in any battle before have at least six to eight nights if you have to face a group of crossbows if you have to face a group of enemy units just be patient now guys you have four stables producing you were soon going to have a begun with Knights here - in order to allow you to do it I'm not thinking about eco I'm fully thinking about army at this moment let's make more farms going to 32 or something around it you can see that at 28 we're more than enough for us to keep the track of our to keep the production of our army I'm going to use my accident wood and food to a grading of the gold we have like 20 views getting Goldman why not upgrading it keep making fuse not stopping making views and let's say that you want to fight all right you already have tonight you can take a lot of fights here and you can just keep producing your Knights or start all stock but I want you see Town Center's my enemy has a few words I want to go under town centres I want to kill views I want my nice to be more low-key what should I do you just shouldn't make this second armor upgrade the chain barding armor or the so called plus Q this will allow your Knights to be able to withstand arrow fire and allow you to get a lot stronger you can see here guys that I only focus on producing Knights so I stopped at Bhumi for a while I'm just keeping making my views but I'm not not adding extra town centers because the focus now was adding army okay so I'm adding on to farming now that I we can just keep my all my stables working I can't think about bullying I can think about adding more Town Center's when we were doing strategies of as aggressive a task as that one maybe you do not want to add for Town Center's huh you already have a big number of fields maybe only three are going to be enough nothing is stopping you from adding the fourth one and of course you have like 20 nights plus steel here in order to fight in order to make the damage but there are some things that you should remind yourself first if you are doing night men you have to do the damage you cannot just do night and stay here on the walls you have to queue you have to rate you have to do damage once you have 80 views to the handcart and do not stop making views alright so those are a few of the things you should remember then you are going to keep adding farmers slowly add balancing your eco to go to the pure wage like we did in the previous version you want to have 40 views only to upgrade my night are doing a good job here we are trying to get some good damage on the enemy you can also grate the attack of your Knights with the excellent food here but the priority is always the armor guys always the armor is the priority okay so that's the cumin to tseebo with the follow-up to go Knights and we need like for stable Knights Kaiser that's not weak at some point you will just realize it that you cannot keep doing damage with the nights you pick it's a big fire it's some good fight you even killed some down centers you even killed something but you cannot keep going your enemy has asked it for help the pocket went for elephants or something and you need to click up alright it's as simple as that make the buildings make sure you have at least 40 farmers the minimum of 40 farmers as we were talking before maybe we will need a few more farms like 55 in order to even upgrade the Paradine directly so we're even going to invest more make the two buildings and click up you are still going to click wake up and reach in pure rage within a very reasonable time and is not going to be stuck on the castle age forever ok let's just keep making views our Knights are doing a lot of damage out there so if you're if you just attack it your enemy with something like 30 nights man it's not possible that he's just going to go for a 28-minute in pure wage not getting any damage on his base now can just keep adding more night as you please you already have the upgrades you already is you are already going up you are passed at 100 viewmarq and that's the second transition in one of them you play on the castle age in the second one you play on the direct straight to impure wage in a more boom oriented approach that's it that's the power of the two to seize from the human as I said before try to invest more guys in making a few more farms here try to get our third gold if you are going to be pure wage it's always a good choice to get like eight views here if you are not needing them to get food or wood or gold and place on the stone so that you can drop a castle later on so that it can make something like the the Conscription trebuchets if you and that's it there's another weapon guys that I didn't even mention that the humans have they can make Kappa trends on the castle age so if you are having some trouble to use those Knights or if your enemy is trying to stop you by making a lot of gas hose down centers and walls dropping your buildings consider doing the Kappa trend okay that's it we are going to the Poh we have plenty of resources play two farms here we have all the eco great so far the gold the TC the MU the wood our enemy is even resigning man he should this should resign we did it and that's the power of the human to disease I hope have enjoyed I hope you have taking a look at how this works it's because of the advent that you have on the views you can use this advantage on the castle age by making a transition into three or four stables you can make an iPod of data you can just be for example add three three stables and add a lot you see right after you click Soh so your balance booming and making Knights and that's how we are going to use this alright some small observations what are the biggest risks for that strategy if you're playing in a 1v1 scenario it's terrible for you if your enemy just goes for a very fast castle age let's say you are facing a c'mere and this c'mere went for a 30 minute castle age and he just dropped a siege workshop on your gate and he starts to pushing you with something like 40 minutes man you are not going to reach cast of age for the next five minutes so the disk in your hands like five minute window to break your balls that are not gonna be strong enough you are not gonna have enough stone to make towers because we're going to be focusing you're investing our resources in me so this is the hardest counter for the strategy been attacking between 14 and 20 minutes where you don't have enough numbers where you do not have enough defenses you do not have extra stone walls if you want to make towers you need to buy towers if your enemy focusing a lot of mango nails you do not have worked hours so you are going to trust only in army to defend yourself and that's why I would recommend these strategies to be playing it in Pocket positions in more closed maps in maps where this early aggression is not gonna happen okay but if you are brave enough and you want to try out the strategy in a more open map let's say Arabia my only suggestion for you is to try and whoa a bit your base try to get enough space to make your farms and if your enemy is pressuring you on the fuel consider consider always adding more walls consider putting like a few views on this stone to make one or two defensive towers let's say that my enemy tried to attack me with archers in this map I could have just made a second layer of wall I could have tried to make my farms on the back of my base instead of the front and maybe make one or two towers in front of those town centers to clean that area and make it safe for me that's it now it's just cut and put it on YouTube maybe next year technology-wise ninety-minute castle age 19 or 20 minutes is what I want and the difference from the previous one 8 minutes and 59 fewer wages I have seen this in 8 minutes and a half and it's possible to do just practice then you can make this even stronger
Channel: St4rk Age of Empires
Views: 2,595
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: St4rk, Build Order, Age of Empires II, Cumans
Id: 2eSZvky3hEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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