REI Presents: How To Run 100 Miles

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(toothbrush buzzing) - [Brendan] You ever wonder why a perfectly sane person would try to run 100 miles all at once? Me, too. It wasn't my idea, though. It was my friend, Jason's. (fun music) For six months leading up to race day, this was my life every Saturday. Wake up early and wait for my friend, Jason, to drive 10 blocks to pick me up, go to the mountains, and run. We didn't sleep in, we didn't have brunch with our girlfriends, we didn't play Frisbee in the park, and we didn't sip coffee and read the news. We ran together for hours, and every Saturday, we ran longer and longer. ♪ I think it's great how you used to be great ♪ ♪ I can't hate on how you choose to relate ♪ - [Brendan] We didn't know much about running ultra marathons, but we learned one thing very quickly. ♪ I understand why you wanted to let go ♪ ♪ A lot of pressure in the middle of those shoulders ♪ ♪ And we ain't getting nothing but older ♪ - [Brendan] Jason and I are not lifelong runners or really even runners. We met during college at the University of Northern Iowa while both of us were working as bartenders at an Applebee's restaurant. We became drinking buddies, and after college, we always stayed in touch. We grew up a little bit and eventually ended up living in the same neighborhood in Denver. The only reason I got into ultra running at all is because Jason's a great storyteller. - He's now swinging a hammer at all of us, right? Where did the big gulp go on a motorcycle? You'd never believe who punched me in the face three times at Hungry Bear. He's like, what are you talkin' about. I was like, Drew's mom. - [Brendan] One day on August 2015 I took him out for pizza while he told me about how horrible his long trail run had gone that day. - I had my shirt off, I'm pourin' out sweat. No water. I'm like man, what am I gonna do? - [Brendan] It sounded like just what I needed. I don't even like running but I like challenges especially when they're big and scary enough to get me off the couch. We signed up for a couple of shorter races. If you look it up you'll find that an ultra marathon is any race longer than a marathon which is 26 point two miles. They usually start at the 50K distance which is 31 miles and then the 50 mile distance and then the 100K which is 62 miles, and then the races that are 100 miles or longer. We tried the shorter distances, got our asses kicked in every way you can imagine and barely finished before the cut offs. If we tried a 100 mile ultra marathon, we'd be extreme underdogs. - I'm signing up to run a 100 mile race. - [Brendan] Why are you doing that? - Because I love suffering and running with your ugly ass. - [Brendan] What am going to do with you? I had no doubt it was going to be the hardest thing I'd ever done. But Jason has this way of convincing you you can do things you don't think you can do. He told me a long time ago that you should never think about why you can't do something. You should think about how you can do it. (upbeat music) - My mom was definitely my first role model that I saw be put in a really horrible situation and still push forward. What she did was truly remarkable. Hey mom! When I was in third grade my mom divorced my dad and really didn't have a stable environment. She had to figure out how to feed six kids. There was a lot of time spent from us moving from one house to my mom getting evicted to then when we lived abandoned women's shelter, basically we're homeless. But I never saw her give up. So I found out I was dyslexic early on in grade school and one of those things you don't know exactly what's going on. You just know that you're different. They're also then labeling as slow, stupid, or dumb so then you start getting picked on. There was a bully that always picked on me. One day in front of the principal's office decided to slam my books to the ground and this was the last time I was having it. I had to jump up and put him in a head lock and after that every grade until my senior year I got kicked outta school for fights. I became known as a fighter. I got into wrestling through failing in basketball. The first couple of years I sucked horribly. I didn't win a match for the first two years. Until finally in eighth grade I won my first match. So by my freshman year in high school me and some of the other freshman made varsity and wrestling in Iowa was a big deal and so it taught me like sticking with something you can accomplish something. I walked into the guidance counselor's office my senior year tryin' to figure out how does one go to college so I asked him some basic questions to which he said, oh, college is not really for people like you, Jason. You just sort of need to get a job, work your way up the ladder. And I just left the office. I was just like in my head like, (beep) you dude. You have no clue what I can (beep) do. - [Brendan] The guidance counselor turned out to be wrong. Jason failed to complete the ACT because he couldn't read fast enough. He went to community college and then got a bachelors degree and then he started knocking on doors for a political party then he managed a winning US congressional campaign and then he directed Nevada's first ever presidential caucus. In 2017 he left politics to become a motivational speaker and coach which made sense to me since I'd been getting free life coaching from him for 17 years. Jason's built his life's philosophy out of taking on hard things and succeeding by not quitting. But running 100 miles was different. What if it shut him down? I certainly wasn't that confident in us. - I was about to think, I was really inspired to run today and I think you might gotta get into it at work. Every (beep) day. For 42 years, 5 a.m. - Exactly. - I bet he was inspired a lot of those days. You have to run a lot of miles before you can run 100 miles. As is true in many things in life, trying is a good way to learn. And we learned a few truths about ultra run. You don't have to run the whole time. Oh my goodness. You get to eat a lot. - Cheers. - But all that food goes somewhere. Eventually you'll probably have to poop somewhere you don't want to. Where you goin'? - I gotta go shit again. - Well enjoy. Oh, that looks rated R. Okay. Remember, there's no toilet paper in nature. How was it? - Dude, that was a rookie mistake. - What happened? - I tried to wipe with some of those dried pine cones. - It just broke off? - It was just a rookie mistake. It's not good. - Look at all these rocks. Why'd you pick a pine cone? You often will have to run when you don't want to. 19 point five seconds. When the schedule says you have to run 20 miles on Saturday, you don't stop after 19 point six miles. Parts of your body will hurt often. You actually chaffing right there? - Yeah. - [Brendan] Is that chap stick? Your joints, your muscles, your ligaments and tendons will rebel. The pain will not go away but it will move to other places. One day your foot hurts, the next day it's your hip or your knee, or your ankle, or your toenail. You'll try anything to make it hurt less. Ice, space age lubricants to prevent chafing, eating raw turmeric root. Yeah, I know. Foam rollers which are home torture devices for athletes, even stretching. When people say wow, 100 miles, that's a long way to run. I feel like saying, no shit, I had to run 1,200 miles before the race even started. - I've been doing ultra races for, I've been running for 45 years. I've been doing ultra races for 25 years and so what I'm going to tell you is not a pep talk, it's the plain truth. 100 miles is really far. - [Brendan] I'm pretty sure everybody at the starting line of this race is more qualified to be here than us. I'm terrified but at least we're doing this together. Most people don't plan on running the entire race with their friend. But that's what we're doing. - It's harder than you think it is and it's going to hurt more than you think it will. (audience laughs) - Real friends show up for each other. Especially when it's the dumbest thing you've ever done. The Run Rabbit Run isn't the easiest race to do for your first 100. It's 102.9 miles long with 20,000 feet of elevation. Or, roughly four New York City marathons plus 18 trips up and down the stairs of the Empire State Building. And you have to finish in 36 hours, the official first cut off time. - [Announcer] Three, two, one. - [Brendan] So here we go. (cow bell rings) (laughs) - Think Run Rabbit Run is deceptively difficult. 100 miles is a journey and you're going to spend the night out, you're gonna experience everything that comes with being out for a 24, 30, maybe 36 hours. (laughs) I think a lotta races start and finish in the same place but when you arrive back to that same place it feels like a lot of shit has gone down. The hills there are steep. You know, you're settling in to a 2,000 foot climb or a 3,000 foot climb, and it doesn't level off the entire time. - Almost to the top of the gondola. How do you feel? - Pretty amazing. - That's one hour. - We're an hour in. - I feel like mile three, mile two and a half. - Yeah, 38 a feelin' great. - Don't stop moving! There's no reason to. You can pee while you're walking. You can eat while you're walking. You can cry while you're walking. I am proof that you can puke and walk at the same time. There's no reason to stop. - [Brendan] Every year, on average, about a third of the people who start the race don't finish, our race started with 242 runners and 95 of us will drop out. We didn't care about speed. We just wanted to finish. - Your muscles are sore, that happens. If you're tired, that happens. If you throw up five times, that happens. That is a part of running 100 miles. Like, commit to seeing those grievances through. (guitar music) - My name's Syd Jones. I'm a friend of Brendan and Jason. I've known those guys for seven years or so. The things that I really enjoy doing is knowing what they need before they know they need it. So when they're 10 minutes away I'm sort of frantically trying to think of, if I were at this point of a race, of a run, what am I gonna need? Am I probably gonna need some body glide, I'm probably gonna need to refill my water bottle. I'm probably gonna need a hug. Nice work guys. - Thank you. Thank you very much. (crowd cheering) (cow bell rings) (guitar music) This burrito's kinda cold. - It's a little cold? You want me to heat that up for ya. (laughs) There ya go. Now it's nice. At this point they thought they might actually be a couple of hours behind. But they're so on pace. It's been a perfect day so far. A little hot right now. They're real hot. - [Brendan] It's easy to feel optimistic when you're a third of the way there. But in the back of your mind you know eventually that the wheels will start falling off. - We have to be drinking some fluids. A little bit sweaty. Thankful for this shade that we got going on right now. - I would say that I do not feel 100% right now. Sun's gettin' lower. Almost 11 hours in. - Not sure of the miles. - Still havin' fun. - Still havin' lots of fun out here. - Lots of power hiking at this point. - I'm a bit concerned about tonight when it gets cold but they'll be warm. - (Syd) They gotta coat, right? - (Kathy) I hope. (crickets) - Hour 12. - Hour 12. Comin' into the Olympian Hall aid station in a second here. - Have the stick roll on mile 32. Is that right? Yeah, 41.9 or something. People tell you that the night is the hardest part of a 100 mile race. It's dark for 12 hours. It's cold and your world is reduced to the little bubble of light from your head lamp. In the grand scheme of an 18 year friendship, 36 hours is nothing. But this is the start of the most intense 24 hours of our relationship. And I think we both kind of know it but don't want to say anything. (crowd cheers) - [Man] Good job. - We're going into the dark, into the night, obviously, as it's night outside and we are going to Long Lake which is back up where we came down earlier, about 10 miles. It's actually, it's going to be pretty interesting climb 'cause that was rugged on the way down. So navigating in the dark, nark, dark. - They had a snack, good snack, changed their clothes, got a little dry, got a little warm, had some hot broth, some hot soup so they warmed up a bit. I think they're doing good. They might decide to slow their pace down a little bit which is probably a smart thing at this point. Jason seems like he's in a really good spirits. Brendan might be lagging just a little bit but I think he's realistic about their time goal now which is a good thing. - Thank you all. Thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. - [Man] Don't forget to turn on your head lamp, Jason. - [Jason] Yep. - See you soon. Thanks. - (Syd) See ya later, man. - Headin' into the mountains. Here we go. Lot's of fun. - I feel much better after everybody force fed me. - Yeah. - Do you? - You're a stubborn bastard. - I just felt like shit. - Oh, I'm sorry, I should say that. You're a stubborn guy. They had to force feed you. You should have been eating! - Yeah. - I think they're about two hours late is what Hilary had said. I sent her a message so that's kind of disconcerting but, - Yeah, it says that they checked in at eight but I think they left around 8:40. So nine, 10, 11, three and a half hours for 10 miles. - Hour 19, 3 a.m., just left the Summit Lake aid station. Mile 57 and we're jogging. - Trying to jog. Jog a little downhill action. - Make up a little time. - 4 a.m., hour 20. Doing a little blister blister repair here. - It's like the darkest part of the night for these guys and it's just brutal watching their posture and they really do look like zombies but yeah. (crowd cheering) - [Man] Good job. - [Woman] Nice job running. Hey guys! That is you. - Sorry. - [Kate] You're doing great. You wanna keep running? - Okay. Wow. - Where am I lookin'? - Right there. - Oh yeah. - So I had a moleskin on it and now it's in the worst, I never had one there. - I feel very slow at this point and I think every time an hour goes by I'm like, oh my god. We're gonna be out here like 36 hours. - Brendan, I think it's over here. - She said when we're just ready to go up. - No. I'm sorry, thank you. - It's all good. - Brendan? - Yes. - Alright. - [Woman] Good luck! - [Brendan] Now I'm starting to drag. We've been moving for 21 hours and there's no way you're going to feel good at this point. But Jason and I have a sort of unspoken agreement. He keeps moving so I keep moving. (suspenseful music) - It's time to pace. We've been ready to go up and pace them since like two, more or less. - Those guys should be comin' in about 45 minutes, an hour. It's been 24 hours. - [Brendan] 8 a.m. on Saturday. We've been moving for an entire day. - As does happen with these things, not everything's going as planned. (laughs) - This is one of the worst goddamn ideas. - [Brendan] We made it through the night and you'd think the sunrise would be this big hopeful moment. But look at Jason. He's limping and we still have 29 miles to go. But nobody's talking about quitting. Who's the stubborn bastard now? This is the guy who's lost a full two years of wrestling matches before he won one. - I pee when Brendan pees. Hey, I'm bringing humor right now. We need it, okay? - [Brendan] What is this thing in front of me? - Brendan's doin' awesome. I try and ask him. I care about him. I don't know what goes on over there. You know. (uplifting music) - You just keep pushing. By far the hardest thing I've ever done further and further out. One of those hard things become way less hard in retrospect. So this is probably gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done. - [Man] What are you guys doin' now? - Some drink. Electrolyte drink and potato chips. - [Man] How's the chip drink? - Phenomenal. A little salt and vinegar. What? - I feel like I have the energy to bring it home. 'Cause everything's (beep) clunked. Clunked out. - Mile 74 so Jason's ankle started to really hurt and become swollen. So he's trying to troop it out. Hopefully we finish before the cut off. He's tough. But I would be lying if I didn't say I was not giving me some anxiety. - They're both pooping right now at the same time. - [Brendan] Let's be clear here, I'm ready to quit. Everything hurts and this is not fun. I hate running. I hate mountains. And I hate this (beep) sandwich. But we still have a couple hours before the final cutoff and we can still walk. ♪ Wild, Wild horses ♪ - This is how it happened. Yeah cuz bookah, I can take these steps that are much easier on the shin. - [Brendan] Good then, man, yeah. - [Jason] Not as much fun suffering, why not? - Get me a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut in fours, why not? Wanna have the tip of your private parts chafing, why not? - I know those are two of the most stubborn guys I've ever known in my life. (laughs) If anybody can make it together, those two together are gonna get across. But I think they're in pain. I think they're hurting. - We're gonna be done there by seven, you know. - 45 minutes, you go four and a half miles, walking backwards. Our pace, let me just tell you guys, our pace is 30 minute miles right now. - Okay. - So yes, two miles an hour. - We'll be done in two and a half hours. - To be past the cutoff of the 8:45. - You guys are gonna have to run. - We're startin' to worry about these guys. We're getting text messages that they were hurting, in bad shape. I'm worried to be honest with you. I'm really worried. I know they wanna come in under 36 hours but I'm kinda worried that it's gonna be really, really close. - This is happenin'. What do you mean this is we're right. I'm gonna (beep) get down this (beep) mountain. - [Woman] You got this you guys. - [Brendan] I guess when your friend is also your hero it's like we're runnin' or something. Sometimes you just do what he does. Not everyone finished an ultra marathon under the cutoff time but Jason's whole life has been based on not quitting. (crowd cheering) (inspirational music) (crowd cheering) - Here comes Jason finishing 100 miles. - [Man] Go baby all the way, all the way! (crowd cheering) - [Man] I need another medal! (inspirational music) - Good job you guys. You are one tough dude. Come on, let's go sit down. You wanna sit down? You alright? Oh man. - [Announcer] Jeremy from Roxword, Colorado. - [Brendan] We don't always run together on Saturdays anymore now that we finished our 100 mile race. Maybe we'll do another one some day. Maybe we'll just be proud that we did one at all. Whatever happens, I always remember one thing I learned from Jason. When you're a kid, they tell you you can do anything. Most people stop believing that at some point. Jason never has stopped. Maybe I shouldn't either. ♪ I think it's great how you used to be great ♪ ♪ I can't hate on how you chose to relate ♪ ♪ But I know that you had the potential ♪ ♪ I understand why you wanted to let go ♪ ♪ A lot of pressure in the middle of those shoulders ♪ ♪ And we aint gettin' nothing but older ♪ ♪ Aint nothing changed but the day we run from ♪ ♪ But nobody knows it better than you, uh ♪ ♪ One for the bar tab two for the shine ♪ ♪ Let's go to your car do another line ♪ ♪ Barely trust 'em they're all puppets ♪ ♪ Love is nothing scared of success ♪ ♪ One for the bass two for the drums ♪ ♪ Last call gonna take whatever comes ♪ ♪ Barely trust 'em there all puppets ♪ ♪ Love is nothing scared of success ♪
Channel: REI
Views: 4,193,588
Rating: 4.953609 out of 5
Keywords: rei, outdoors, sporting goods, adventure, ultra running, how to, running, trail running, run rabbit run, 100 mile run, long distance running, ultra marathon
Id: iC7Lh4opLsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
Reddit Comments

I’m feeling wiped out today and really needed this. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/DeathByBamboo 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I almost cried when they finished and they looked at each other and almost cried themselves. No comparable feeling to that shared experience and happiness and overwhelming wave of emotion for your fellow man. Thanks for sharing, man.

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/ICarryTheFire 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Doing my 3rd 50 miler in 3 wks. Lining my first hundo in December....maybe....YES DEFINITELY YES!!

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/grimatongueworm 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Amazing thanks for sharing. I just ran my first 100 two weeks ago at Rocky Raccoon and this hits way close to home.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/HtotheZ 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Okay, so what's the best way to find other people equally motivated to run but also not very experienced? Or just to work out with in general? Approaching random people at the gym has not worked out well for me in the past.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

someone needs to tell these guys about bandaids as nipple protection

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/user0-1 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Week before my first half marathon (Santa Fe Thunder) I hurt my knee pretty bad, unfortunately I was not able to participate. My morale was pretty low during and following the recovery and took about a year hiatus from running. I picked it up again a couple of weeks ago, trying to run 4 times a week, starting at two miles a day. Struggling to find motivation tonight, I decided to lace up after watching this video. Tonight, I ran that 2 mile route around my neighborhood without stopping. I know that I can’t realistically expect something to come along like this every time I’m struggling to find motivation but it sure is nice when it does. It’s a small victory and hopefully the first of many. Starting fresh sucks but it’s better than sitting on the couch.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/jhadams2 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Everything from REI makes me smile.


👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Serratus_Sputnik158 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I need a bromance like this in my life.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Quiznasty 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
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