Build confidence in your spooky horse

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natural horsemanship horse rentals everybody gets on with no clothes and no bridle and rhymes now Bob with 20 years in the military his family had come out every year yeah we got some military people here huh his family his two boys Scott and Tom Thomas Thomas is our sound man up here let's give Thomas a nice welcome he's doing it they're doing a great job for us and what is basically they started volunteering about two years ago and it dawned on me that I Linda and I needed some some personal assistance so I asked Bob if he would be interested in this position and he said I'll let you know at the end of the weekend and I'll think it over and I'll call my wife so he came to me said what you need sir is a generals aide I said that's right but Bob has been with us now for 60 days and he's moving that moved out here to Colorado with us and we were talking about yesterday about finding a horse on you know the problem is is we've got a hundred and nine horses on this facility that we own and finding one that's now still got a problem with the thing you know it's like he goes I do sir so I said what if you guys my Mustang is doesn't like to be washed down or anything like that so I said well let's bring him in I said how is he with tarps I thought if I show you the hose them down part it might get a lot of people wet so so what we're gonna do is we're going to approach this this type of thing first so can we bring the tarp in on inside we'll leave the barrels here and Bob if you wouldn't mind once you let me have him what's his name Utah Oh who talk can you take that now take us a carrot sticking string please okay and maybe one with a plastic bag oh boy so if I would like to introduce you to those of you that don't know I our just keep walking along here the girl keep with it with the tarp the girl who here in front of us you know in my high school colors orange and black Washington Huskies go Huskies was his Susan Pritchard she used to be our truck driver she has now been advanced to equine relocation specialists okay that's good right there right out or not in the middle out right stick it out here in the middle take it off the middle high school so first thing I'm doing is I'm gonna cheat a little bit is if you ever get a chance to do this you got the horse it's afraid of something just that's good right there let them follow it a little bit horse psychology you have to understand one one primary thing horses are born skeptics cowards claustrophobics and banika holics by Nature why divorces need to be skeptical because curiosity killed the cat if horses went up and said hey what's that the first thing a horse needs to do is go like this mom what's that and if it moves away from them then they should go huh now that's different because let me show you what cats do let me show you what humans do when they act like predators when they want to sneak up on their horse horses should be afraid of this anything that approaches and approaches and approaches and approaches who's ever seen someone they kind of get up to the horse and they got the halter and they put it on it was nursing you've seen that cartoon okay that's Sarika that's what horses don't like is that that kind of thing how many people ever seen a horse with a porcupine quill in his nose do you know why I horses get porcupine quills in their nose because porcupines do this when they when they see a horse they go oh no I gotta get one and no quills start going like this and horses go hey oh okay things that go away from them cause them to be curious alright so when I say things that go away from them cause them and you're gonna fill in the bank things that go away from them cause them to be things that come toward them cause them to be skeptical I got it so horse psychology the first thing you got to understand that what a horse needs is curiosity and in order to have curiosity he's got to have confidence all right so confidence builds to curiosity the second part of this horse psychology is we've got to have in order to get a horse the skeptics they're cowards they're claustrophobics got to understand that horses don't like to be in narrow places horses having an olfactory system that's probably as much 20 times greater than ours the sense of smell do you have any idea what over 2,000 predators smell like in a beautiful coverall building like this right now he's probably going oh my god it looks like they're having a barbecue and I think I'm the one with the Apple in my mouth that that's what kind of could go through the or through horses fine until they get confident how many people have noticed that our horses are very confident around the pirelli trained horses are very confident crowds and clapping and all that's something so this is the kind of thing that we have to understand is horse psychology is based on confidence curiosity sensitivity and then dignity now I bet you I can I know some ways I could pretty well make it so difficult that this horse doesn't want to go across that tarp I'll bet I could make that happen but that ain't going to happen what I'm gonna do is just use whatever I've got here in order to convince him that he should the first thing I'm do I'm just gonna walk by it and see what he does here yep okey doke all right well I thought what we're doing our rest of our show is we'll just go ahead and I might start wearing underwear all right well let's try a few things here first okay so we kind of got the idea that he might be a little skeptical cowardly Coster phobic that panic aha like okay we kind of got that idea so well let's try something here first let's try some love first thing I've already done it by did you notice just a few minutes ago when I started walking around there that he kind of started actually because I've never touched this horse before and so I've never never let him or me but it wasn't very long there pretty quick he started kind of putting his decided his jaw next to my shoulder just a minute ago before we started it was kind of his idea so that's kind of the good first sense to me that he's looking to me for that now I've picked up something new just remember that horses for perceptive to danger people places changes and things this is a change and it's a thing and he's like the tarp for the stick okay what are we doing here now so the first thing we want to do is show him a little of so here's how I would do it I'm gonna go along here and just get him to be not skeptical of this the easiest way opposite of skepticism is curiosity so I'm gonna walk along here and I'm gonna see if I can throw that over his back with rhythm now bob has been following my system for a while this has been a challenging horse for him and his boys and they've done really well with him so this this is just I'm just gonna go through the checkoff system that's pretty good there so he's now going okay he's gonna use the stick for the same thing the horse probably think you know I get it the stick the tarp the stick the tarp he's going what I need is confidence and I don't need tarps okay so let's just say that we've we're gonna start off with the love thing we're gonna do some things to say hey I'm here for you I'm gonna do this with you and I'm gonna show you some leadership cuz I know that that plastic tarp won't ever hurt you I know that honest my shark doesn't bite it's pretty easy for people to get into a situation horse getting into situation we feels like someone's doing something to him so what I'd like to has anybody ever seen a horse afraid of a little bitty piece of plastic who's ever seen that a little bitty piece of glass okay you and I know the Hort plastic didn't hurt him but he doesn't know because horses have motion sensors and they have great sense of hearing great sense of smell sight they have motion sensors in their eyes so things like a plastic bag to come dancing along the trail like a jellyfish you know this scares the heck out of them because that's their instincts say don't just stand there do something is what it says all right so let's try a few things here first of all I want to make sure he doesn't run over the top I mean so I want to make sure I got a little backwards motion let's called that the yo-yo game all right I want to make sure that I can move him sideways away from the stick and string or just get some movement I want to make sure I could cause this hindquarters to go away from me and have him look at me so let's see Bob's done a pretty good job with the seven what games good you all heard about that I thought by now or you wouldn't be at this conference is the seventh conference and if I were you I would not make any public statements like I'll eat my shorts if I something-something so we got a little movement here we go so that's good we got we can move the hindquarters now we're going to be able to see if we can move the front we got all that driving games there let's see if we've got a good circling game all right let me show you how I would use horse psychology you ready first thing I would do is say don't make me pick up the sticks the first thing I do is go if I if I were you I wouldn't make me pick up that stick I I would like me well you made me pick it up next thing I wouldn't do is I wouldn't make me wiggle it because the next thing I'm gonna do if you don't get going is I'm gonna touch you with it alright now watch I want you to see something I want him to give me it like so we know we got a good language here I want four good laps alright so let's try this again don't make me pick up now did he have a chance to get going yeah he did all right I want you to understand and what fast firm fair friendly firmness means all right let's try it the other way if I were you I wouldn't don't make me pick up does anybody here have a mom like I did that used to hang a stick on the refrigerator so you do anything you want but don't make me pick up the stick all right okay so this is one of the first things we've got to do is we've got to have a pretty good don't make me pick up a stick kind of thing going so here we go here we go and this is where the trust that they'll respond but be ready the correct part comes in so all I want to do right now is just getting to where I can I know that I've got circular motion circular motion can be pretty pretty valuable now this horse here's got a lot of things but now what you want to do he's wanting to come in here and say path just let me smooch on yeah okay so we'll use the yo-yo game I'll say sure but on my terms okay como esta Julian he's a Spanish Mustang a little more movement this is what I want you to stand the horse psychology it's gonna be based on this kind of thing is not what you do pressure motivates my friends the release teaches but the promise of pressure is even more motivating now did I hit him with that string no he ran into it let me show you what I mean there was a famous Western storyteller that lived not far from here anybody know his name Louis L'Amour he wrote about this part of the country all those stories and he had a saying called get in the wind you say let's burn a cob a lot of light it light a shuck and get out of Dodge or get in the wind now watch I want him to get in the wind because you see where he's standing if he doesn't get in the wind my string is gonna land right there all right as long as I don't move my feet have a nice trip see you next fall oh and I want you to see as he's got a chance I'm gonna play a game like we used to all play when we were kids the game is called tag who's ever seen a horses play tag with each other they tag with their teeth and they tag with their feet I just happened to tag with this string now you're thinking well you're pretty good with that string Pat I'm going he's just not good at getting out of the way yet because when you recognize the difference oh lordy or when he recognizes the difference the next thing I want to do raise your hand if you were on the other end of this lead rope you would get in the wind okay when I say make a game out of it this is what I'm talking about it's not just a circle it's make a game out of getting in the wind okay this is the promise of pressure the promise of pressure is even more important so what I want you to do is watch the look on my face watch this what I'm gonna do before I even pick up the stick is I'm gonna look at him with with a with a pressure face I'm gonna use something that we call the swig a mu tur look okay so when I say three everybody says shui commuter one two three that's German for mother-in-law all right now watch see I'm gonna give him this look because horses are perceptive to danger people places changes and things particularly dangerous mother-in-law's alright so watch now when I want him to turn and face me I'm gonna look at his hindquarters like this alright these look at no one's I want you to see that before we go to the tarp we've got to get a language bill bill [Music] the reverse they're going to love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I like let's get man would you [Applause] how many people remember knowing you did something wrong and that 3040 minutes before your parents got home you knew how much trouble you were going to be in the promise of pressure was even worse than the pressure who remembers that well what I really try to do is get is get a horse to where he respects the promise of pressure so I try to make a suggestion that is obvious it's clear and so like for example I understand ternal anemia I understand that you're a born sceptic a coward a claustrophobic in a panic a Holley but right now I am your guardian your au pair if I were you I would trust my decisions if I say it's okay to go between something narrow I would do it now I don't know if your dad was anything like my dad but my dad did is five-foot-eight didn't take long for me to find out you know when I was only four foot two that he was tougher than me bein it he was the two times Golden Gloves champion of New York also probably added to his benefit but somehow even when I got to be six foot one I still felt like my dad was always bigger taller than me how many people kind of get that gonna get this thing if there we go whoo hey partner what I'm looking for here is some simulation I want this horse to have some respect for me and my decision-making so rather than going to the goal but I'm gonna continually do here is I'm gonna go to the to something else that happens to be okay now there was a great example right there did you guys observe what just happened I could have went jump and you would yeah he could have done it but he started to he was confident that he got unconfident then he stopped notice that I didn't do anything and he got curious and he and then he got back that's what he's waiting for me to do this is where so many people make a mistake I want him to do it I don't wanna I could I promise you I could spank him right now at the right time and he'd jump it what I'm asked what I'm looking for is this part of his brain to kick in we need to understand it was horse psychology first of all there has to be slack on the Rope there has to be slack on the rope he has to do it on his own you can't sit there and make him do it and when he gives something a good try get away from it now do you remember earlier when the music started I started circling him and he finally went up and he gave it a little bit curious and when he raised his head up instead of saying yeah now go what did I do I walked away this is kind of reverse psychology who's heard of reverse psychology we all have because we all know that women have been using it on men for thousands of years now let's go back to the circling game you watch if I were you I would get in the wind and so what did he do he sat there and went whole but there's all those predator do you know you look that scary got those matching jackets and everything I mean now I'm gonna play a little game who's never seen a horse do this to another horse when they come too close they kick him who's ever seen that okay well that's what I'm gonna do but I don't have to kick I can do it like this ready all right I'm just gonna try to go he's gonna go son of a gun what am i more respectful of my fears or Pat's pace this is important for you to understand that if I don't get him to respect my space and my suggestions I am just sneaking him into the relationship and this is what happens when people ride horses so I used you guys there for a little pressure there reverse trigger motor look get tight with all four cheeks he's I got mother-in-laws looking at me from everywhere and as soon as you can prove to a horse you do have peripheral vision you know what I do sometimes I go to the Toys R Us and I buy the big Mickey Mouse eyes and I put them on my pants you know the kind of a little now we're going at him it's got eyes everywhere so we're gonna get that circle give him a chance to have a choice [Music] [Music] let's give my hand was it so we quit how many people of her said quit on a positive note did you notice the music ving quit on a positive note boo quit go do something l all we asked him to do is use the left side of his brain the left side of his brain is decide what we cut light I like to call the partnership side and he synchronizes with me mentally and emotionally and if I can get a horse to synchronize with me mentally emotion physically and and to find out that it's okay to use the curiosity when I when I tell you so what should I do right now when he picks his head up I should go do something else just walk away he says that's what a cow flavored barrel smells like okay so now I'll sudden by just walking away this is where I'm trying to get in your mind how to play a game with a horse how do you truly use psychology now you can use the seven games in a very intimidating way or it people can just because it's the seven games and Pat Parelli invented it and you know all these wonderful things that doesn't mean that you can't use it where it's not intimidating mechanics fear and intimidation let's go call mechanics techniques you could use these same techniques in an intimidating way like I could sit up here and use what I call the typical black male black stump sin trail ride syndrome who's ever seen this happen 20 people go on a trail ride there's one black stump and all the horses look at it a little bit like this and all the girls go oh it's okay just the black stump but when a man I mean a real man when his horse goes upon he goes get up there get up there yeah you're making me look like a coward get up there who's ever seen the black stump male Berzerk black stump syndrome that's intimidation so what I want you to do is understand that it's okay for your horse to be a skeptic a coward a claustrophobic in a panic coholic that's his nature what should we do when he picks his head up walk away but I can see I'm looking at some of your like that's cuz you've got this little predator inside of you that's and the goals more important in the principal and Linda is up there going we're running out of time this is what we want is to know that principals purpose in time or the tools the who observed how much quicker he got to a confident spot oh I'm starting to see some real confidence there and see all I want is for him to just trust my judgment this is the leadership part the leadership part let me show you a lot a lot of people would do my horse doesn't do tarps it's okay he doesn't have to my horse doesn't do cow flavored barrels it's okay he doesn't but what I want you to understand is that if your horse is afraid of these little things let's say call these black birds what's gonna happen what an eagle situation happens what's gonna happen when a Mack truck with a flapping tarp comes your way and you shouldn't say my horse doesn't do my trusted slapping back hurts go away if you're gonna ride a horse folks you're gonna need to know that riding is nothing more than the mere act of not following though off the horse what I want you to understand is you're riding a 1,200 pound chicken what you've got to do is teach him how to be that it's okay under your guys to be confident to be curious to be sensitive now I told you I know I mean I didn't tell you in words but I showed you how to get a horse to be sensitive don't make me pick up a stick and when you do pick it up you had better mean it I see people to go out of their way to miss their horse who hated playing tag with kids that would go out of their way to miss they come oh sorry I couldn't get you if you're gonna play tag mean it the reason I've got the barrels out here as well as the tarp is I want you to see that like let's just say it's a trailer let's say it's something else what I want you to know is before you go somewhere and go out on our trail ride know what your horse is apt to do and that a funny word apt what's your horse apt to do I would clap if I were you I hate surprises I don't know about I don't I don't like surprises I want to know what my horse is apt to do when I get a log this big that is in the way and I'd have to write 12 miles the other way if I couldn't go over it they'd ever been on a horse it slightly exaggerated the height of a four inch log who's ever had a horse do that you never had a horse that slightly exaggerated s-- the width of a two foot stream huh a nine inch ditch let's go over here don't step on my tarp who'd rather ride a horse that crawls over a two and a half foot log on the ground than one that would who can see the curiosity cometh now he's looking to me for guidance I'm gonna say yes go ahead and try it a little bit more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh tie me let's give him a big hand with you horse psychology the idea is that it takes savvy now savvy some people are born with it it's just just a certain thing that some people have Bob can I get you to come get your horse here I think that savvy is something that people can learn I'm positive of it these are a skill that we can have no bob was gonna ask you here to emulate me I want you to just ask him to send him over there but before you do step over there just little bit I want you to ask this horse not to make you pick up that stick so back him up just a little just a little no I want you to understand the savvy of the thing was that was the most important part because when I picked up the stick he kind of it oh okay how's that is that far enough who remembers that all right now lead him off in a circle pick up the stick wiggle it giddy see no Bob went out of his way and accepted a mediocre result okay now here we go I want you to understand something excellence never goes out of style but you've got to seek it so we're gonna ask for excellence just lead it softly lift up the stick and I'll tag him as hard as you can now you almost got him there Bob let's try that again no now lead him softly straighten your arm lift up the stick mean it now Bob just start walking toward the tarp he said don't run into that brilli so savvy is one of the things and you may have heard of Tom Dorrance how many very rare Tom Dorrance his older brother his name was when Bill was 86 years old just keep walking toward the corner of the tarp and pick up that stick don't make he made you pick up that stick stand on the corner what brother bill told me he said life is too short to learn it all by yourself so he said hang around people who've got savvy and he said if you've got savvy you must share it and now bill he had arthritis like this and he walked lice and whenever you talk to you do this you're gonna love them and he looked at he goes he had a cane he goes like this he goes so he says so you've been hanging around us with the savvy so he said now that you've got it get out there and go to one of those seminars and share it and he took his stick right the button he said now stand up straight and walk right woody let's give Bob and Utah a big hand here with ya [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Carol Ross
Views: 114,418
Rating: 4.6697626 out of 5
Keywords: horse, training
Id: x_Ii7diqLpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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