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oh that's right that's right and he doesn't know that it's a good place to be with me pete right now he kind of thinks about this i mean but i think we'll go a little bit quicker today because this is the first time i rode with these guys yesterday and we had to go over a lot of stuff he could believe in me and i could believe in him a little bit because there's when you're trying to saddle stuff up that haven't had anything done and ride him in an hour so you gotta either believe in yourself or believe in the guy that's helping you so you see when he thinks about leaving me i'm bothering him anytime he's trying to even trying to think about me i'm gonna let him do his thing like right there you see his mind's coming but he's not sure so now i might switch tactics when he gets distracted i'm gonna start getting used to this rope i might shut this rope up there right there is almost a spot to do it but you can see now yeah he's not looking outside as much as he was he almost made it but not quite see there i waited to step ahead of him until he was kind of lifting me up if i would have done it a step or two sooner he would have turned away from so all i'm trying to do right now is just showing that i'm aware of kind of what he's concerned about so there i was late if i could have got my rope out there because with my oils i could have redirected it uh and with this kind of deal too the guy's got to be careful not to use them up in here but i'm going to try not to locate pretty much see right there he's thinking about turning away from me i'm just trying to do just enough to say you ought to make that consideration because that has to happen before he can stand there and stay it doesn't matter what you do as long as you kind of do something to let them know that that idea isn't quite what you would like almost so this is where getting them in class starts at the moment money's with tristan and he's focused like there now he's not and that's all we're trying to do while we teach them is get to where we can have their mental space for long term that's what an educated horse is from the time you get on the time you get off of it it's ready that's all we're trying to get so it starts here where how long you can get on the boat and when he's like this i might already want to be left alone but any time he gets distracted that's my go ahead and i'll try and use my posture first and then whatever i got or move weird or whatever i need to add more pressure but i like my posture to work and not necessarily like crouching on the ground or anything like that but how do i move i like them perspective they don't communicate with words they communicate with body language so i just got to show him that i'm aware of the things that are pertinent to him and when he leaves i'll help him leave but i'll wait till he's committed now see now every time it'll get quicker every time it gets smoother so this i like this having him face because he's preparing to be caught so he's going the other way he's preparing to lead so i'm going to put myself in a situation here and what she might need to leave so i can work on it again let's see i might be able to do just enough to draw that right there so it's a balance when he changes his mind if i do a little bit he'll come back but if i'm careless and i'm going to show you i'll do this once to show you the difference but if he gets distracted and i bumble in here he's going to leave it's got to be the appropriate amount of pressure to draw the mind and that part just takes practice so now i've been teaching the face up and i'll use the cadence of my swing as a variance in pressure so the speed at which i'm swinging my rope isn't an accident it's pretty calculated and so that way he doesn't just get in the habit of being driven by this he realizes he can handle that pressure too because sometimes that's when a horse gets bothered not when you swing the rope like this but once it gets to whistling a little bit you know and all these are bred to be cow horses and rope horses so it's pretty good that they get used to it now you know if i go a little more i want to get him to face up all the way but my timing's going to have to be good but what have you guys noticed about this horse that he hasn't done yet he hasn't licked his mouth he hasn't let down his lips are tired yeah but it took quite a while and he that horse we had earlier was a little bit more worried but she was also more in tune she's quite a bit more willing to be with you where this horse seems like he's going to be a little bit more tolerable i might be putting my foot in my mouth but it really seems that way now i'll wait roping once it's fast everybody so they don't push them into the pins i want you to get them caught don't go right pulling on it because they don't know what that means yeah and then you'll just you'll just set yourself up for a scenario to teach them to be really heavy if you pull on it right away and it's easy to do because oh we caught him we get excited about it but if you don't do too much you can get on that light he started out that light if he gets any heavier i screwed up you know what i mean and so many times we just accidentally do too much we're not aware of it from the beginning and then we get blaming the horse for it and i got to be careful too because i pull too hard and he's going to want to go backwards and i got people right there but if i do this though yeah i'd rather i'd rather not make him get worried okay so now i'm gonna let him go across here and i'm gonna chuck this rope over his hip well he's kind of begging to stay so i might just let him stay for a second so the reason i can do some things in a hurry is because i'm not looking for the action i'm looking for the thought to do the action because he's got to think about it before he does it he doesn't just do anything you know a horse doesn't like just lucky off he shifts his weight he gets his weight on his hindquarters and prepares to send it before he sends it and the practice part is being able to redirect that before you get there and like this i'm not in a hurry to touch it he can't kind of check me out and when he's ready i can touch him but here i'm gonna almost in a good i'm gonna do this i'm gonna chuck this over his ears so that's something we should work out a lot because he seems to be fairly sensitive to that good so he'll leave this side and i'll set this rope like that but don't hold on you pull on it it'll get heavy i can use it as a gas pedal and eventually i want him to turn to his left so see there i'm it seems counterintuitive but i'm releasing for him thinking left there he's starting to think left i'll get out of the way thinking right i'll get in the way and see if you get out of the way he'll do more than you ask him to do which is kind of cool yeah so so now he wants me to rubble and i mean i'll get there but i would rather him yield to me away see right now he's pushing in there's a little better i need him to really respect my space because he's a bigger guy than i like that he's quite a bit bigger than i am if he gets worried i'm teaching him to come to me for comfort but i also got to teach him to respect my space because he gets worried and he's going to come in a hurry and if i don't have a tool and like with that mirror when she got tight if i would have put that stuff in there it would have been real easy to get run over and see once i you got to be careful they'll try and go over your hand before they yield too and if you're not there you'll start causing an issue right at that moment there good yeah good job keep going i almost got it how i want it but so same thing except there might be a little difficult because we taught him to go to the left this time so he might try less because it worked last night see how he left first no that's not what i want that's what i want and so all we're trying to do is teach him all these different feels so when we get on his back if he does get concerned he can come through the trouble versus getting lost or overexposed whatever you want to call it but i also want to make sure he's sorting this out from the rope not just from me drawing him because we use the rope or whatever to steer him from his back we don't get to draw him as much when we're on his back and in the in the beginning you don't want to get too terribly close to them when you do this because they've got to be fairly vulnerable to turn close here and turn away from you and if you're too close you might me being close to them at this point is pressure so i have to be aware that i guess is what i'm trying to say but can you guys kind of see how it doesn't matter where the rope is as long as you time up with the mind like see there i got to do more i got to do more he's not getting the idea i got to do more do extra there and he's just trying to make got to do less there more there ah and you gotta get out of the way in a hurry when he makes it watch you'll see the blinking and stuff before the mouth works ah there's a little shaking see he's letting down but you got to leave him alone for that to happen too if you stay touching him or moving around at this stage it's just too much for him so now i might start working in this way and getting him used to me and my rope work on this bit again since he set that up for us look at how much quicker it works now quite a bit so all this right here is starting to prepare them to get saddled because my saddle is kind of going to go like this right but this is a lot less than a saddle so right now i'm not asking him to stay but i'm setting it up so that he can and i'm also aware that i don't let him hit me in the nose there and if he leaves that's okay i'm just going to put pressure on him until he stays that's kind of the cool thing about a horse is no matter what they do as long as you don't take all the pressure off they don't know that it was the right thing or the wrong thing until you take the pressure off so even if you mess something up as long as you just kind of barely keep at it they'll get the right idea he says he kind of likes getting rubbed on and you're sure now we'll walk in here see he still blocks first thing so i'm not going to progress to something else until i can come in here and he yields first thing good and when he moves i'll pet him a little more aggressively kind of block him stay with him and you'll kind of notice on a lot of this i'll go with them versus just come back i need you to go this other way buddy maybe we'll go this way so what i'd like to do is get this rope around his middle without getting him super tight first and it's it's kind of a balancing act because if you guys will see i'll try and not mess it up but it's pretty easy to mess up because if i have him walk through this rope and the first thing that happens is it comes tight he's going to be theatrical and he has a darn good reason to be but if i can get this rope around here kind of like this without it ever coming tight see i'm in a crappy spot right there i would have pulled it there he would have just got real worried almost we got one leg we need this other one here he might set us up for it right there almost there we got some bits this will work so if i pulled on it right now he would kick over his head and jump around and look like a bronc and we'd get him real worried but if i don't do too much this will happen he'll actually let down and you can't argue with that and i'll just because my rope's on his tail doesn't mean he should act any different i can lead him from there too but i'm sure you guys have all seen this uh a guy i'll put this on and go to reefing on it and the horse will bounce around the pen see a lot of guys do that and they think it's kind of cool and i mean if that's your thing go for it but what you're doing is getting the horse worried and what happens when we get worried rational thinking decreases retention decreases so whatever i try and teach them i'm gonna have to do over and over and be a horse trainer about it and i'm not a big fan of that myself so i'm gonna do more and see if i can't draw draw the mind to the left and this is all this is all a different feel to them you know the way the rope's set up it would be convenient for him to turn to the right but if my timing's good that'll happen so it doesn't matter what you do it's how you do what you do like so there i released the feet didn't move but the mind did see how light that leg can be but if a guy comes in here and reefs on it yeah he's gonna kick and he's gonna pull on it and he should and this is a good thing for this horse because he looks like he had a little bit of trauma and got stuck in the fence with his hind legs if you guys have seen that there so probably be a good one to rope his feet and get him good about this and i'm going to be aware not to pull on him right here because if he kicks there's a fella lined up right behind him that wouldn't be very nice of me you seem like a nice guy so here i'm kind of putting them in a little more of a bind there's a lot of folks here can't do too much can't do i'm right on the edge do a little bit more when he's leaving don't pull too tight do more there do less i'd like him to really make arrangements to get up here before we carry on anything else we got all kinds of knots tied here just right but that's the biggest thing i can say about that is if a person can do it and keep it from coming tight they won't get nearly as worried the only way they really learn how to pull is by getting pulled on otherwise they don't know he doesn't know that i'm going to saddle him and ride them he's not thinking about any of that but it'd be real easy for me to put my intentions on him and make him act see there goes the mind i gotta draw it back i don't want the foot i'd like the thinking bits buddy good and now we're going to start unknotting some of this stuff and move on to something else so i'd i'd like to halter them here in a moment and before i halter him it'd probably be pretty good to get him in a spot to prepare to be haltered we're partially there because right now he's prepared to stay with me right but to halter him he needs to look to his left when i put my hand over here right now he's he's looking that way so i'm not going to bother him he's worried he feels like he needs to leave i get a chance to start again and i think you guys can start to see kind of how finite this is because it's a real fine line between doing too much you're not going to get that behavior if you do too much and and some of this could seem a little silly and counterintuitive but if this was my horse at the house i would pay extra for this because i personally have had a couple horses get stuck in the fence that just laid there and they were worth quite a bit of money and they didn't hurt themselves and maybe if i wouldn't have done this it wouldn't have gone that way good see there he made some arrangements to stay here a guy's got to be careful you go to fidgeting with this rope and it's going to feel different and he might kick so you you got to be in some that's pretty tight buddy in somewhat of a tactful spot i'll try and pitch him some slack here almost that's a nice thing about these ropes with these metal hondas is they'll loosen up for you but now i got to use a different tool i can't pull on it because then i'm going to tighten it again so i use my rope a different way and one neat thing when you're starting to get these horses good to pet don't walk up to him like this and then try and pet him when you get there because that's double the pressure if you start out here it's less pressure then you can do more with your body but if you come up here his reaction is going to be way different than if you start this way see him look away i'm not going to proceed there we'll try and set that up again i want it to be his idea to get pet not mine see there he's tolerating but he's shut down now he's ready it doesn't see there he's tolerating now he's ready there he's tolerating but you guys saw here in the beginning it took me quite a bit to get him to face up and now that's kind of all he'd really like to do just right now we'll see if we can't halter him on some more stuff so all the time even when i'm talking to you guys and dinking around i'm trying to pay attention to this because if i don't he'll be aware that i'm not always paying attention to him and he won't let me get away with as much but if he knows that i'm pretty aware so like you ever watch horses in a pasture no nobody ever sleeps unless somebody else is around standing up so i got to be the person who sees everything and looks out for things if i want to ride him in a hurry because he'll know that i'm watching for stuff and he'll let me lead versus him getting worried and taken over and and he's not trying to be rude if he takes over he's just trying to stay safe that's all he knows how to do and it'd be cool if he'd yield his hindquarters but that's a that's a pretty big ask here and it was kind of a fine yeah almost he might not make it he didn't make it now i did i can get my halter and same thing like when i when i go to halter one of these guys i'm not gonna sneak around because i would rather get the him running off out of the way here so these guys don't have to deal with it later when they go to catch them early in the morning so i'm gonna wait until he gets distracted and then i'm gonna do something i'll get him centered again ah that's a pretty good idea so a guy's got to reward it instead of just getting carried away and going ahead and putting it on it's tempting but it wouldn't it wouldn't do any good and uh what i'll do because i'm going to try and go over his ears with this halter and really check that out is i might rub here and check these ears out first like if the first time you touch their ears you don't try and hold them and stay there it usually goes pretty good but if you try and hold them it can get a little tough the next part that's kind of hard and can get you in trouble is going over this eye right here i call that you know pretty neat now i might get worried going over their nose is kind of a sensitive area but i'm not going to do it until he's trying to help me see that here he's braced i can't do anything i just gotta wait there he's trying to prepare to get altered so if i if i shove this halter on before he's ready um he's gonna hustle out of here backwards and it be harder to get a halter on but if i wait he'll be pretty good about it and i'm not a big fan of how he's pushing me around but right now is not really a time to work on it i can work on that once i get him altered got to be careful in the beginning when this comes across the back of their head sometimes that'll cause some concern okay on the greater things i uh i myself i kind of like to use a flag but the way you see some people use it i'm not a huge fan of like i'm not here to bore him to death but i'd like to start getting that out of there you know i don't want that because we're gonna we're gonna and see you can't just sit on the end of that and tug on him because he's gonna tip over backwards and then you're gonna be like ah dumb horse so here i might do a different approach i'll start to lead him oh he he led that time now i'll put some pressure on him here but it's got to be the appropriate amount and when he comes forward i'll release it because right now he thinks he's just got to run from the flag and see he says oh yeah tristan i kind of understand that put a little on here if i had a horse that pulled back i would get this perfect before i tied them up and now i go back to this so it's not the wave and the flag around that worries them but a lot of colts will have a spot right here that worries them and we'll fix it let's see what kind of lead him a little bit let's see what kind of behavior he expresses there that's another thing too it's hard because we got a lot to do but you still got to give them time to process things you can't rush it we'll check out the same spot over here see that time he drew first last time he braced first that's all important stuff and if if you don't notice that he immediately knows that you don't notice that and he's gonna quit giving it to you and it's not because he's being bad it's just because he's more aware than we are good that was a little better than i thought it would be he's still a little watchy coming up here but see now he's yielding to it first he's not bracing so we can really start to make some headway now i'd like him to move forward here not run me over see right there i could create a mess if i let him get through there like that you know but also if i just sit on the rope and pull he would have totally got away from me because he would have pulled hard but if i pull just at the right time i can get some purchase so now before i ever try to saddle one i've got to get it to where this he walks out of here he doesn't floor it out of here because a stark transition means worry a smooth transition means understanding and that's all we want our nice horses to do is make smooth transitions that's what makes one look good don't do that [Applause] good thing we got that working so he's not hard to catch and then just go back to work like nothing happened and so i've got to stay here until he shows some signs that he's not worried so not only am i teaching him about the flag i'm also teaching him that there's an end to this lead rope not so much when i made a mistake and let him go but right here i am and i'm showing him that forward's good because we need him to move forward freely to ride him like if he just stands here and holds his breath ah that was some improvement he's going to be hard to ride because the first movement he make is going to be more abrasive than if he'll just make a smooth transition out of there see like right there he just kind of locked up and if you mistook that for him understanding it would start to cause some issues that's a little better so i'll just try and show him a bunch of different ways that yes he he does need to respect this flag and yield to it but it's not gonna eat him unless he tries to run me over you'll see if you watch the eyes will work first the eyes kind of do the ears will beat the eyes sometimes but usually the eyes beat everything else it seems like they're the most closely tied to the mind you see all this that's him trying to let down so i might he wants to be with me but i might kind of get out here see he needed more space to start to show that behavior because me being close to him was too much pressure and all that shaking the blinking the licking and chewing that's a cascade of the horse having some hormones released in his body that make him feel good and he's relaxing and starting to understand some things which is what we need to ride him and you can see right now how his expression's changing his whole face is softening it doesn't mean i won't get them concerned again i will but i want this to be more and more predominant every day i want this more and more and more what do you guys think it's kind of neat isn't it they're smarter than you they have a lot to offer us if we just don't think we got it all figured out they've taught me more than any person i know which is good because i'm kind of hard to be around look at the change like it's not perfect but we we've got to recognize the change here a minute ago i do this and he was blowing all over the place and now he's just kind of staying there and that'll happen you'll get things to where they're relaxed but then they'll get dull and then you'll get them reactive and then you'll work on getting them quiet again and as they get more educated it'll just be more balanced and to me it's it's so important that they can move freely and all their body parts their shoulder and their their hind quarters right now what i'm really working on is this shoulder you see he's he's moving forward but he's guarding himself he's not really letting me at his belly and horses will do that they'll kind of see how he's just kind of kiddie quartering around here so i'm going to work at this until he doesn't mind me being kind of where i've got to be to get on like that even though he trotted he still made it so i'll reward it and sometimes it's funny in the beginning too they'll swish their tail when they're processing things they'll also switch their tail when you're pulling on them and spurn on them and stuff like that but when they just kind of move it once or twice they'll sometimes even do that before they work their mouth i think it's pretty interesting that we we go somewhere to learn about horses and the first thing we learn about is a bunch of drills and we don't ever learn how to learn about when they're actually working or making sense that to me seems a little counterintuitive see backwards that's pulling back right there i can't quit till i get [Music] almost see he's quite a bit more guarded on this side ah he made it a little bit smoother a little bit better look what happens immediately so almost everything you do if you do it with some quality and you don't get them too worried you'll get this kind of behavior and they'll tell you oh yeah i'm picking up what you're putting down but it doesn't mean that they won't get worried and you don't have to go through it good so see there i offered real easy and then i had to do more because he started to come forward the reason i did so much more is because he came forward if he just stood there i wouldn't have got to popping him at the lead rope but if he goes to do the exact opposite of what i'm after see there he's already starting to get the idea he's crooked though he's crooked you got to stay straight to back pretty buddy he doesn't know he's like man you're trying to back me towards these people there's a little effort so now i might use you guys for help i might face him this way and try and back him the other direction he might be more apt more apt to do so so all i'm doing is getting in the way when he gets the wrong idea and i'm getting out of the way when he gets the right one ah that was pretty light pretty good that's a real good tool to have when you go to saddle one because you know you unless it's russ's horses usually like seven out of ten when you saddle them the first time they're gonna hop around a little bit so it's good to have a tool that works to get you some space but the thing is you got to get it pretty good here because when you go to saddle them up that's a lot of stress so if it's not pretty good here it's not going to work at all when they get worried so you got to make sure you pay attention that bit too see still crooked ah better idea and you know i don't like running down the rope and smacking them like that but i'll do it so i don't have to now if you caught me doing it nine ten times over and over and over again it wouldn't be justified but if i can do it to get to this there's a little hustle i like it now we might even try and back them in an ark got to be pretty careful with this so that you don't do too much and your feet you can't be like a tree your feet got to be ready to go and so this is a cool maneuver because he has to yield i need that right hind foot to reach there to back an arc right to start back in a circle because that's a good maneuver to start getting one soft when you go to riding and then get your cow turns in horse kind of needs to be able to rock back get that weight over the hind foot to make a good turn so we can start that here albeit it's not very good but at least we got it started and it's hard because i might have to hustle and get noisy but then i got to make sure i relax again i can't stay that way or he'll get worried so yeah it's getting softer and softer and not so tough so when i start with something new if i can help it and afford to i'll kind of get out here ways versus trying to do it real close and setting them up to kind of run off and pull on me i'll just work my way in and with every horse they kind of have a different a different spot because then this way he kind of feels like it's his idea and i don't have to be so tough to do it because we got a lot of horses to work so if i try and be tough right now i won't make it to the end of the day [Applause] sometimes they surprise you you know can you guys see that he's tolerating it but he's still blocking me in this eye so i'm just going to work at it till he he he relaxes a little be careful he don't clobber you in the head but it's so important that you don't make him do that because you're covering up something and then when you go to saddle him and stuff that'll be the horse that you go to saddle him and he goes around and around and around and around and he bucks every time you saddle him because you ignored what he was trying to tell you was real important which was the fact that when you came across that eye he was getting worried what else do you guys notice that's kind of neat he's not hitting the end of this leader up near as much as he was a couple minutes ago even when he gets worried and i'm quite a bit closer to him and while i'm doing this too i'm timing up with this left hind leg and trying to get it to reach a little bit and get the flexion do you guys think it was going to go like that because i didn't so i kind of like to use a tarp or something like this because it's a little bit lighter than a saddle pad and you i mean i'm going to have to chuck the saddle pad up there quite a few times too but if you can get them good about something like this usually you can get them saddled because it you know we all know it's so important that the first time goes good because if not you kind of set yourself up for trouble and you got a lot of stuff to fix and i would rather just avoid it because with a horse sometimes if you can just avoid trouble you won't ever get into it it doesn't mean you need to sneak on them that's that's not what i mean that's not good either that that gets a horse real watchy if you go just sneaking around them but it's interesting you watch a lot of people work a horse and they they never look at the horse they're like looking down or looking at the girls in the bleachers or something and it's like the thing you're trying to ride is alive and he's got a mind and ideas and like if you guys think about it back maybe when you worked for somebody if you have an idea and they immediately shut you down it doesn't take too long before you think your ideas are better than theirs you don't really want to work for them and then you end up trying harder to not work for him than you do to work for him i don't want that i want to get it to where he wants to work for me harder than i'd actually like him to and then i got to worry about just not using too much of him because he'll give it to me that's what i'm after because i want a horse to allow me to do every use every little bit that he's capable of and they're all capable of different things but i would like to be able to use it if i need it he's still blocking us a little bit more on this side that's a little effort so see every time this lead rope comes tight and then it comes loose again that's me acknowledging some behavior and rewarding it [Applause] so you know i'm getting by with that but i'm gonna try a little different approach because he's struggling more than i'd like him to so i'm gonna try something else for a sec i'm gonna see if i can't get him to just tolerate this because this is the spot that's worrying him it's not so much the tarp hitting him it's this spot right here we'll give them a little break because we've been keeping them busy here for a minute you see how just me moving that little bit interrupted him thinking about something that's a good sign you know and and the thing is is you can get a lot done with a horse like yeah we're spending quite a bit of time in here but then i don't have to do it again it's not like you got to do this every day but if you do it in the beginning it's pretty helpful because we've all seen the guys you know i've worked on some pretty decent sized ranches and you go and there's always somebody getting cursed at it in the morning when you're going to catch horses at 4 30 and they're all running away from you and the boss starts getting mad and then you get stressed out and you get even worse at catching them and then you start the day poor and then you get bucked off and it's a mess and you can see that at just about any ranch that has more than five guys there'll always there'll be one or two guys that have nice horses and everybody else is just getting by if you're lucky there'll be one or two guys with nice horses [Applause] and for me that that's how i got into this because i i started off packing and going through the wilderness and doing stuff for the park and packing in there i kind of enjoyed that and then i i started working on ranches and wondering why my horses were getting worse not better um and then i got to the point where i could make enough money while i was doing my cowboy job that i was getting a salary for and you know sell quite a bit in horses every summer which made living a little bit easier because cowboy jobs don't pay too terribly much see i can't i can't quit here until i get this part of his back loose it's pretty important and it would be easy because he's gotten better to call it good but he hasn't got to the point of understanding yet ah that's our first little change there so see sometimes you got to go through a little bit of worry a little bit of trouble to get to some good stuff but you also got to make sure you don't go through good to get to worse which you'll see quite a few people do sometimes so like because that got better we'll move on to something else because these young horses like to be doing different stuff if you do one thing for too long to get bored kind of quick almost like a kid in school you know if you if you mix in a little bit of exercise with his lessons or her lessons they might be a little more successful so i gotta i'm gonna be down here in a minute and this is why i like my flag is because i can i'm pretty brave with this i'm not so brave with sticking my head down there until i know he's not gonna clobber me and what you can't see is when he's moving faster i'm pushing on his belly just a little bit more with this flag and when he starts to slow down i'm just kind of relaxing it but not taking it off because that's what that cinch is going to do and if you don't prepare them sometimes when you go to do that cinch they'll just shoot out of there like that mayor for those of you guys that saw me saddle her if i wouldn't have done what i had done with her as soon as that touched her belly she would have left and then the saddle would have gone down and we would had a mess and i would have started her off real poorly so i like to take this flag everywhere and see where the tight spots are see like right here is a tight spot so i got to get that checked out because i'm probably going to touch him back there when i ride him and now he's pushing on me quite a lot so i'm going to work on this back in my arc again that's a lot better than we left it last time and now i might try and move the front quarters across like that let him think about that for a moment i see all the time he's getting lighter he seems hey the other stuff doesn't bother him as much but he don't really like his his butt touched so i'll work on that quite a bit that's better so see i got out of the way because his cadence changed he his whole body softened a little bit i didn't need to wait till he stopped all the way i can take that see there he's preparing to leave and i just want to show him that he's going to get rewarded if he prepares to stay and all he's doing is saying no i don't think i can oh i think i may i don't think i can i still hadn't got this spot all the way turned loose so all these things right here it doesn't mean you couldn't ride him but you're just gonna have way less room for air and i i just like to have more room for air because i make mistakes our backup still kind of carrying and working in there and in the beginning i'm not too worried about going all the way across here i'm just worried about him getting the idea good it's funny what bothers them and what doesn't you don't get to pick what it is either unfortunately but like if i didn't take the time to work on this i would be leaving something in here that causes him anxiety and because i'm aware of it i can't do that it doesn't make sense to me because i would rather him just get over it today so i don't ever have to do it again and if you go about it the right way you know everybody talks about repetition repetition repetition with a horse yes they do need some repetition but we overdo it if it makes sense you don't got to teach it over and over and over again they're pretty smart critters yeah that's better and you can kind of see how in the beginning he didn't want to have anything to do with me and now we're starting to kind of have a thing going we really got to check these horses bellies too before i go to cinching them up because there's a lot of these sticker bars i don't know if you guys have been noticing me pulling them out of my fingers they keep getting caught in this lead rope and uh they're on their belly yesterday i was rubbing a flag on one's belly and couldn't figure out why he was kicking at it so much and it's because i kept bumping that sticker into his guts with my flag and here um i'm just feeling i'm not gonna rub and proceed if i go down there and he gets real tight and i elbowed him there because he's starting to make arrangements to run me over and i don't i don't want that and i'm all for the the softness and all that but i'm also up for getting a job done and doing what's necessary to get a change see a lot of people think that oh that's being mean to the horse that's being bad he respects that he wants to know that you have some boundaries look that's the first time he didn't drop his shoulder into me and come to run me over and what i was trying to show you is if i have one that i think is going to kick me when i go to touch his belly i'll stand like this so if he does he kicks me in the butt which doesn't hurt as bad as all the other parts that's from experience so you don't like that so i'm going to kind of stay right here i'm going to come back to this so back to what i was talking about see i can't if i go further i'm asking for trouble he's telling me that just my hand right here is too much at the moment so i'm gonna do my best to stay here and right now i can feel all his muscles right there just tight tight tight under my hand i'm tangled up in my lead rope i got a lot of it now i can proceed he might even work his mouth while i'm touching him here gotta go slow and i'm just oh there's a little sticker and uh if you can do it the right way not have them worried sometimes they'll really like this but sometimes it worries them more so you can't scratch them all kind of right where their navel is it'll be itchy you see he's like oh i like that he's still thinking about leaving i shouldn't have got out of the way there that was my fault there we go that was better so see if i would have got out of the way and not recognize that i would have taught him to evade me there and it would have been my fault i know you're trying your guts out buddy okay we're gonna get darn stickers check this out make sure i can touch him with this rope all over he says i'm not a great big fan of that yet so you see he's okay with it here but when i get over here to where the saddle's gonna be is where he's less okay with it and it's important that i get him to where he's okay with me in the middle of him because that's the part we ride we don't ride his neck unless things go poorly and it's kind of important when you do this because this has a pretty good popper on it that you try and put it up there in a way that you're not just whacking him with it check out this other side and so far these horses that we're doing today have taken a little bit longer than some of the ones we did yesterday but they're all going to be different and just because they take longer in the beginning doesn't mean it'll be that way as they get going but you just got to take the time that it takes and you got to kind of be careful here that you're prepared to bend him if he does try and run by because if you're not you'll end up at the wrong end so while i'm doing this too i'm also trying to be aware that when he moves his shoulder isn't coming into me here like that see i'll kind of bump it with my leg when it does because if you weren't careful you'd accidentally start a bad habit which a lot of people do they get their horses running running them over and i think probably more people get hurt that way than they do riding is just getting run over by stuff pretty good buddy pretty good i'm going to do one more thing with him i don't do this with all of them but because his back is so tight i'm just going to kind of jump on them and lay across them some people do that on all of them i don't really but on this horse i think it'll help because of how tight his back is means more likely than not when a guy goes to get halfway on and check it out and that saddle pulls across his back he'll get real tight so me doing this might give me the leeway to not have as much trouble when i do it with the saddle i could see even that bothers him so he's a darn good horse to do this on relocate that before i knock it out of my pocket okey-dokey and in the beginning this is a relatively athletic endeavor it seems so i'll start with that because before i get up there i gotta jump so if he gets worried about me jumping these darns are going to get worried about me landing up there or at least i think yeah get it on your mind buddy there's one ahead of you ah that's pretty good and when i do stuff like this i'll leave and reset because there's a weird thing with a horse that once they tolerate something they'll tolerate it but then you leave and you go to do it again and they act like they've never seen it and that's because they need work at the transitions they don't need work so much of the act action but they need work of the transition to the action so now i got to work on that because he said that lead rope touching my shoulder i'm not a great big fan of that and you kind of see that trend he's real tolerable when i'm in front of him that's because he can see me out of both eyes and he can prepare to leave but when i'm on the side he's pretty vulnerable we'll see how good this works need to get that a little bit better hey that was pretty good effort okay back to the original thing so you guys can see i'm not really married to any idea like i got things i want to do but i'll go all over the place if if you start getting married to your ideas you start losing the ability to see what's in front of you because you're so worried about what you got to get done you know and we're really good at that because us as humans are real good at being goal oriented and the first jumps always the the most uh rambunctious one so you got to be ready to go because if not you're going to end up at the feet but you also i see this a lot too you'll see guys doing this and they're they got so much bend in them that they're making them move that's no good either like that you could get clobbered so now because i know he'll kind of kick at me there i'll start quite a bit up further and i'm not going to take the pressure off until he starts to come down see you go to do that with a saddle and it's going to be pretty theatrical ah that's a little better uh [Laughter] so you can see like if my position was poor he'd be in a tough tough spot that's a little better a little better yet a lot better he's making me work all right closer got to be careful right here if i wedge him into the fence and do this i'm setting them up to turn away from me no pushing better don't want the going backwards that's a bad habit you want to hop on that horse and just move her just a minute and i'll work him horseback it'd be helpful and if i had some of my creators with me most everything i start at the house if i can help it i'll do it horseback because i'm quite a bit more capable than i am afoot i'll be right if she's good yeah i don't care oh really got to work on that buddy that's better so that's the hard part is once you get entered up you kind of gotta hang in there until it gets a little better and get winded with them see how he's thinking about bailing into the fence got to shape that up gosh you're not as easy as the last one buddy more work better better got to be careful too because sometimes you get up there and they'll rear up and then they'll kick and that kind of really puts you in an awkward spot oh yeah or get kicked in the teeth i'm not a big fan of that and see he's kind of thinking about rearing up when i get on his neck there he's pushing it's all blocking with my elbow i'm not supposed to be working this hard guys you probably not either buddy see right there's a little spot i missed where it gets tight good she's like damn again yes again he can tell when i'm getting ready to do it now and this is kind of the bit where a guy's gotta unfortunately hang in here better i'm getting closer guys better help if i could jump a little higher i can't admit that though gotta keep smiling yeah i usually don't work this hard in a moment once i get to a good spot to stop here i'll get this to where oh that's good he can do that while i'm touching him he might let me jump on him this time but see all this is preparing him to saddle because if he's walking off good chance he'll walk off when i go to saddle him a little better and you can't when he walks off if i pull on him it's going to get him more worried so i kind of just got to let him back me a little bit and right now he's thinking is this guy just now permanently attached to me or what a little better goodness gracious and that's why i don't do it on a lot of them because sometimes you'll get them to where they're kind of walking off you don't have as much purchase as if you had a saddle but on this one you can kind of see how that's going to give me a lot more leeway when i get to other stuff his back was so tight you couldn't drive a nail into it all the other ones were not i'm gonna saddle them up and then i'll get on her i'm gonna do this one more time and make sure it's acceptable what are you acting tired for better and see that bit of you just kind of hanging in there instead of pulling on them or if i pulled he would get more worried but that's kind of a feel thing too if i let him get to running off i could get in trouble as well oh don't get too tight and this right here is kind of a dance because i can feel just about every muscle in here a little tense and i you know you're in somewhat of a vulnerable position there but now you guys can see well almost with everything i do he's giving me feedback like to shake all the way through his tail that's some understanding starting to come through there thank goodness because i'm getting tired okay let's go but you still can't get careless because we saw he's willing to kick at us he's not trying to be bad he's just not sure oh great work buddy just oh he says don't touch my flank so if i would have stayed there he would have got to kicking but if i touch the flank and get out of the way touch the flank get out of the way oh don't drop me and see if i pull on him right now he'll get more worried thank you guys it ain't over yet yeah but all this will pay off when it comes time to ride him we'll be thankful we did it and like with this like i was telling you guys earlier i'm not a big fan of sneaking because if i sneak with this i'm going to have to try and do the same with my saddle or that saddle and saddle's a whole lot heavier but i'm not going to progress to the saddle until when i throw this on him he doesn't flinch he doesn't clinch every muscle he has because as you guys know usually you start to get a little angry and things start to get a little tighter or upset same thing with them you're green and uh you'll notice how i'm throwing this up here i'm using some rhythm horses like rhythm because there's some predictability to it if you use a real erratic movement they have a harder time preparing for it whereas here see how he can kind of prepare for what's coming so i'm not trying to make everything hard i don't want him struggling a ton but it doesn't mean that we're not going to go through periods of struggle and then i'll do this bit because he's a little kicky good something touched my foot but now you can start to see that he's more turned loose everything we do he's given some sort of feedback so if i didn't check this out what do you think is going to happen when i pull that cinch across this belly better better he moves i hold it there he stays i start again that was way better there okay and then when i go to get ready to saddle them i'll really put this pad over here because that's right where my stirrup's going to land right check out this side and then we'll saddle them up you're not very concerned on that side okie dokie i want to get my cinches as close as i can so that once i get to work here don't have to fiddle too much right ah so right before i chuck my saddle for the first time i kind of like to be a little reckless with this almost overwhelm them and then try and land that up there smooth as a butterfly hang on to it if i can kind of didn't work but i won't let the pressure come off i'll just go right back to it if you let the pressure come off there it's when you'll start building a bad habit sometimes they go to move and you can hang on to it and then sometimes you can't better so but that part's real important that you don't take the pressure off because then they feel like they got a release he's pretty worried so i'm just gonna wait i'm gonna hang onto the saddle and let him move his feet a little bit before i proceed i'm gonna check this extension belly area i'm gonna measure my cinch i might be able to go up one hole it's pretty good no this is something some people like to do don't shake all the way buddy you'll knock that off um i'll lead them forward a little bit but i'll get in front of them because if you let them get going too fast you'll do what i just did a second ago which you don't really want to happen if you can help it and then for me you know i'm not going to lie to you this is one of the more stressful bits because it can go pretty wrong if you only get a wrap or two on and it gets stuck around their belly you can kind of set him up for failure and make a big mess and uh i'm not getting paid to do that so i would rather not get my saddle where i want it and then what i like to do is when i go to grab my i'm gonna wait if he's gonna shake when i go to grab my cinch i always have something touching his belly there won't ever be a period where something grabs his belly i'm gonna let him get through processing some stuff here because if i go to grab that and he shakes all the way and the saddle falls off we'll have another mess and it'll be my fault for not waiting ready buddy okay so you'll watch i'll reach down here i'll be pretty smooth be real real smooth and now once this cinch touches his belly i got him easy i got to make sure i don't let the slack come out of it don't shake on me now just stay tight for a second please don't shake i don't need yet and you don't want them i got to be careful i'm running out of time there's a time limit on this too of how much you can get away with if you go around for too long don't be careful here because he's been a little kicky see how i keep my hand on that oh see him getting tight gotta wait gotta wait if i proceed he'll leave this back cinch isn't quite as tight as i would like i'll tighten it up in a second but i got other things to worry about okay so when you leave and you saddle one probably not wise to leave out the front because you're kind of setting yourself up for him to come over the top of you but when you do what i do and leave out the back you also got to be ready to get aggressive because he's going to come this way and you got to be ready to direct it but i try rather than roshambo out of here i try and get them to ease out if i can if they buck that it doesn't mean they're going to buck when you ride them but if i can help him not i'm cool with that and the reason i'm not just turning him loose i'm a big fan of turning him loose if i had a solid a completely solid corral but in this one if he gets real lost and goes to crashing in panels i can kind of help him so for me that's a big deal to be able to saddle one move him like that and have him relax after you guys saw where he started i'm pretty happy with that and for a lot of people this is like a week's work that we just did you know maybe more
Channel: Notorious Horsemanship
Views: 75,326
Rating: 4.6411381 out of 5
Id: RTQb8JXecZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 7sec (5527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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