Monty Roberts, Spooky Horse, Jasper Part 1

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doesn't like story things don't jasper is a rascal jazzer doesn't like much soils taxes he is nothing groove he doesn't like my spray bottle today so and this little plastic bag watch watches attention what is attempted comparison and then set my goals my hopes are that he will allow me to purchase all over his body the government raised up my next goal would be and what passes all around his legs and have you stand still not not fully understand still just answer and then we have a big tarp on here don't we yeah and I'd like to make a big lake in the middle of this round pin and connect that leg with a little stream like this and that plastic will be rolled out plastic stream so first time just like in the hop over and if I get that far I'll be happy then I might have to open it up and and ultimately not liking the walk across the bridge motto now who will choose the little one right now and have it ready but I'll let you go out again because this could get a little bit dangerous in here I saw receptor by destiny just together that's pretty soon our conclusion most different associates or teachers okay we given up writing in here today and we said we put the party now that we've I can walk we'll start with so they they brought it in here you can see there's just the owner the Arians pattern selfishly very worried about a daughter writing this puppy down the road when his reactions to different things yeah now there's any question I'm not gonna read online so the goals for this don't you be concerned about sending your door down room with this horse that flies into a lake to kick out a little plastic bag flies around how many plastic bags are in the hedges in Essex I don't but I design once and Jess : that's all right they all the same to the horse that's for sure and it's in every County into the America too plastic bags are everywhere these days and they don't stay still with us flew in they go them and if you're writing down furnished somewhere and all of a sudden the wind catches one in a hedge on one side and the horse is invoked across the road you're in front of more that's a very dangerous thing I start all my horses to join up simply because I to create a bond an experience that trust I don't know that it's going to impress Jasper that much but he will probably join up with me but as soon as I have a plastic bag it will most likely be another story and I think Jim as you bring in this whole one well that I think you bring the gloves if you would because I think this also going to burn my hands and hopes away or so let's go to work by I chose this more than I can chew could be about half a month a quarter miles the distance that courses screaming I mean it'll go a lot too and why because the space is bigger but in a place like this it's about a quarter mile that's about five laps in each direction and after they've gone that for a while they have to communicate with you it's just in their DNA this year coming over the smaller circle occurring just watch it now I'm only telling it to go away by n square and I so nice if I open my fingers I can move in off the white pink litter and go faster if I won or slow it down totally down you're lowering the head small circle and all we lack is to licking and chewing and then I'm ready to join he wants to do it early but he wants to come to me right now I'm telling you to stay out of this is their language that's what American that's what the matriarchal leader who do that's exactly what you would do and he wants to come back hurt and I'm reinforcing that right now waiting for there's a little bit of motion those lips the reason for the licking and chewing is that just like we humans as their adrenaline is out they thought about battle you're frightened burgers an ounce or something your mouth goes dry when you realize how pride is you can blink at you to bring the saliva back your muscles more comfortable but he's still tightened about and he's a horse with deep-seated fears deep-seated fears we're going to drive right through those and the first step is together if possible to look at you and you might do it when he comes to me for join up he may do more Rumple already make this circle then I'm going to do join up if he doesn't like to chew and taking the three gestures and you watching as I try my joint on them and see if he doesn't look at you at the time that it joins up with me because the adrenaline will be falling so fast he'll moistness mom like there it is there it is so as I walked away I reinforced the notion that I'm not gonna hurt you so if you brittle fell really fast and then you get to live in June oh all right Jim now we're going to come in in the plastic bag away but this class is value is going to be strapped down to the rubber band or something so that it doesn't fly around I'm gonna put some books on I tore up the fingers California with oh just put these on Khadafi run blast away pretty good pretty students a preview gettin he blasted whatever now here's my classifying stick you've seen it we have this from a band on here it still down smaller fighter than the emotion and we're going to work incrementally but I'm going to work incrementally even by starting out with the end of the stick now he's gonna wanna see that I'm going to go to that spot and horse that the mother scratches while they're in her so I'm gonna go in there like that quickly and then just roll it took the licking Julie and I'm going to just drop there and I'm going to let his brain have been to think back but his mother scratching in there and you be the judge you watch where he goes with his thing I'm taking it away now he was standing and relax remember what it took to get there that first time and then see what it takes to get there this time half the volatility when you can see there's no pressure on his mind all the wine is smiling he's just down in there and then it goes away and what's happening right now is that this horse is learning how to train second he's learning how to train safe to go away he's found that if he's wild and fractious the stick keeps coming if he relaxes and stands there the state goes wedding you know you've heard this thing about left-brain right-brain horses physiologically speaking they thought their brains by details middle is true and the left bank is in charge of design and that brain processes everything that this eye sees or almost 180 degrees done that laughing the right brain is an absolute mirror image of the bat there is no dimensions like people have of artistic side of the brain mathematical side of the brain that's not there the right eye sees everything on that side and in the left I seem to rabbit and the right eye sees a mind which one do they prioritize when I go on decided to do game and he may be just on the side as he won the other but likely he's improving by the even 20% this is good let's try this I'm gonna turn this around and I'm going to bring this plastic bag on this row what are you standing take it away we try to the side I've got something on my head here one share with you you see just a stick of volatile he was with the stick was blowing through his nose and reading weird pop-tastic yeah on that side and on this side there's no problem mistake at all why I can't think right and personal that was the Whitman it wasn't classified was mistake most horses that are private plastic bags are okay a mistake and I was wondering why is he so bad at the stake because it was whipped you know a by a Mahankali by but he got pain from a whip and it came from this side watch how fast I'm getting entrust buildup on this horse stick now classified and plastic bags are intrusive they're scared they critical but we have an improvement going on a fairground rating remember that my whole was to be able to touch it anywhere on his body with the glasses back not tied down with rubberband Lyle and I was pretty sure I could recycle goes right here it comes again he's coming watching me into it at the end when I get it right you lean into it and almost invited come into that spot drop-line I want him to make a decision in June then it goes right here it comes again how fast do they learn these horses step the scientists called the stupidest tablets at least intelligent animals in the bargain when I was growing up both Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book said the horse is the lowest on the wrong a barnyard animals are intelligent but look how fast they are when giving when given the right opportunities this side constantly you see how quickly he learned to stop himself your eyes now then how much better chance that the child has going down road the plastic bag flies out if the horse learned the stock not run away last full sideways outreach in highway it could easily be the difference between Oh of course if I walk probably this just drop three years ago cocaine albums he told me if you go behind and get me so that I can accept it what I can't see and I don't watch me write it with okay John de la Paz right well then one go back not holding anything along in we come here some of you have seen the leg before
Channel: Stephanie M.
Views: 191,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monty Roberts, spooky horse
Id: DihbOB2bgA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2011
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