BUGSNAX - All Story Cutscenes and Dialog (Gameplay)

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oh oh are we rolling greetings i am lisbet megafig intrepid explorer seeker of the unknown hunter of undiscovered creatures and she's a real charmer ichabel stop what the people deserve to know you're the only one who gets to know okay i'm lisbet and i have made an incredible discovery here on snaptooth island but this is more than a mere expedition my followers and i have started building a new community here construction of our settlement is well underway what draws us so far away from civilization what discovery could tempt us to start a new life in the untamed wild bug snacks they're the most delicious thing in the world you haven't lived until you've tried one it's true half bug half snack there's nothing quite like him there's one now i got it i got it good effort bilbo as for you i'm sure you're wondering why i've sent you this film i've read your work the shadow of grumford the secret of soylent grump stella pieces of journalism like me you have a passion for discovering unknown truths and also like me if you truly recognize your talent you are just the grumpus i need to share my story with the world i've sent you a map to our settlement come to snacktooth island together you and i will share the incredible tale of bug snakes wow that's your new lead another monster hunt do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me i had to recall half a million papers and give a public apology all because your grump foot turned out to be a lost football mascot we've been over this it doesn't matter how eye-catching your articles are if i'm stuck cleaning up your sloppy work you're already out of second chances and now you're gonna follow elizabeth to some grump forsaken island elizabeth megafig is either a con artist or a lunatic remember that whole mess with grumplantis this bug snacks thing is just her latest delusion because i've got a working brain this is absurd only a desperate loser would follow lizbert well it is a tantalizing story if true we'll just have to hear it from lizbert herself say you get an interview with her and make it back alive you just might keep your job now get going and try not to fall of a cliff or something liz bird is that you oh thank grump you're alive too bad i'm dying though what oh this is me philbo you're not liz oh grump it doesn't matter who you are please give me something to eat hooray ow um i think there's a bug snack right over there could you get a good look at it find out which one it is for me oh oh good that that one's pretty easy to catch well you're me anyway okay do me a favor and take my snack trap oh yes i'm saved oh this pretty neat huh it's a side effect of eating bug snacks anywho i'm still recovering i could use maybe three more bug snacks i'm sure that scope of yours will come in handy skin and plan i always say you are a lifesaver buddy sorry i was too busy dying to introduce myself i'm filbo fiddlepie i'm the uh mayor around here um sorry if this is a stupid question but uh what are you doing out here oh you got the film i helped lizbert make that i know who you are you're the journalist i knew it was stupid to ask desperate said you'd be coming you're a bit late though still it's my job to show you the way to town follow me hey buddy i have to tell you something i'm supposed to take you home but lizburg might not be there i don't know where lizburt is i was out here looking for her but who knows maybe she will be there when we get back i'm sure she wouldn't want to miss her interview with you you ready to go buddy all right through here yeah hey wambus how's the farm you're still alive thought you disturbed a death by now nope i found a journalist they're also pretty good at hunting bug snacks i was gonna bring them back to snacksburg that's nice don't you wanna come with no why not i got my paws full with my ketchup crop without lizzberg around to catch bug snacks i gotta keep us all fed uh we can't just eat ketchup well it's better than nothing you want us to die out here no no but uh but this garden is just so far away from everybody maybe you could start another one in town call this one quits i don't quit now kindly leave take a ketchup for the road whoa get out of here stranger i could use your help this bunker goes wild for ketchup there's a pen set up nearby take my sauce slinger gather up some ketchup and use it to lead the bunger over yonder thanks stranger we better go check on filboa uh don't you worry i'm a i'm a little sore but uh i'll be a-okay i'm just happy you're getting along with wambus he's having a hard time and his wife isn't around much these days so uh just see if you can help him out i'll stay here until my brain stops hurting i'm sorry stranger i didn't mean for filbo to get hurt like that he's right though i'm in over my head i know farming would be easier back in town and those shishka bugs and bungers keep harassing me well i'll be cold and buried before those walking appetizers make me go home starving let's start with the friday lure it down with ketchup and then let me eat it tastier than i thought now i want to eat those darn shish bugs those pests are easy to spook and they don't even like ketchup not sure why they bother with me figure out how to wrangle them and i'll be set that's good eating all right last bit of business let's get revenge on those bunkers they're too wily for your trap but if you can get them all woozy and vulnerable you can scoop them right up with this net justice is served that's dealt with for now but they'll be back eventually well i'm fixing to get my old garden growing again oh you really mean it let's get moving right away you know you're a pretty good hunter like filbo said it's been rough since liz burke vanished been rougher for some than others ah hey i sure could use help with this tree well best not to dwell you hold on i got this there we go y'all just get along now i'll catch up hey there um like oh my god is this sqweeb really talking to me right now i'm not a squeam it says right here on my snack scope bilbo personality type sqweeb skills none friends none it says that because you wrote that in yourself it also says you're a terrible leader i you ah oh like are you still here zonk off sqweeb o m g you're that journalist i haven't seen a new face in like forever i'm befika winkle snoot and i know everything about everybody i love your snack scope you and me are toads twinsies i bet you've seen lots of great stuff let me take a peek at your journal you lost your journal no big deal you can borrow one of mine i keep them in my cave bring it here i'll show you how it's done way to play fetch okay now open it up so so so see everything you scan with the snack scope lines up in the journal i have more for you to do but wambus is scaring all the snacks away you'll have to come back later until then you should get filbo out of here so let's get this over with buddy wait it's a regular old ghost town i don't know what i expected without liz bird around nobody would want to come back here oh it's not much but it's still home let's get moving i'm sorry i guess you're not going to get that interview with burt just yet really me i mean if you want to um ask away i guess oh they're great i mean they taste good and they make everybody happy so what's not to love well lizard asked me to tag along so i dropped everything and here i am i'm filbo fiddlepie i guess i'm sort of like a deputy mayor i don't know i'm not good at most stuff but i like to help out oh lisbet and me go way back lisbert was is awesome she always knew what to do and she brought out the best in all of us she lead me in charge of watching snacksberg when she went out hunting i mean i wasn't really in charge nobody took me seriously but as long as lizberg came back with bug snacks everything was fine one day liz brook went out hunting and she didn't come back i tried to step up and keep everybody calm well technically i was in charge right but that didn't last long there was a big fight and then an earthquake and then everybody decided they'd be better off alone you couldn't even keep us together for one day i honestly don't know what bird saw in me sorry buddy i didn't want to bum you out liz burt might be gone but you're here now nobody listened to me but you you're pretty good at stuff and well nobody hates you yet you can catch bug snacks and bring everybody back to snacksburg once they're here you can do some more interviews and figure out what happened to lisbert you should find gramble on the beach if we get his ranch going again that'll be a big help you could also go back and talk to befica i guess anyway i'll be here if you need any advice all right good luck buddy snacksberg is inhabited again a surprising discovery you you are the ignoble journalist despite your lack of any and all useful skills i require your assistance as is extracting feces from the latrine now my experiments were halted with the unfortunate disappearance of aggabel since the settlements dissolution finding new subjects has been vexing the local physician elizabeth's companion very likely deceased silence yourself and listen you've likely witnessed grumpy's limbs transforming into bug snacks i call this process snackification under normal circumstances this occurs at random however i have developed a method to direct the effect to specific limbs it's simple once you understand the internal mechanisms behind the molecular dissemination of snag particles this is the snactivator feed me strabby poke snacktivator in foot foot turns into strabby understand intriguing very good i will allow you to field test the snactivator for the time being i meanwhile have some very interesting plans for my leg i look forward to working with you further is your song's nice and all but you're scaring the little ones oh sorry gramble inspiration is so hard to find i just have to sing wherever it strikes me well maybe it could strike you over there oh but i'd hate to go alone won't you join me for a long walk on the beach like a date of course darling it would just be you me and your delectable strabbies singing the night away until we drift off to sleep no uh sorry every time i go to sleep around you my snacks just up and vanish so no to all that but the date's still a maybe uh very well i will go and seek my inspiration alone tom my dear stream calm down little ones wiggle means well she just don't understand you like i do who are you i haven't seen you around here before if you're looking for bug snacks you best turn back these little ones are my kin well that's a relief sorry to be short with you i haven't slept much lately i'm granville giggle funny i'm an aspiring bug snacks breeder i'm not too keen on going to town but i'm running out of room down here i want to get back to my barn trouble is some of my snacks went missing i'm not going back till they're all home if you want to help me then i got a friend to introduce you to follow me see that strabby that there's sprout i've been training him to follow my pointer in his buggy ball we were in the middle of training see if you can guide sprout back here to us he likes you sprout's always been a good judge of character sprout loves adventure always got along well with liz bert too anyway i'm missing my three peel bugs they like to hide out inside little holes around the beach please find them those little cuties must be so scared without me you got my little ones back but geez you spooked them real good they don't even want to unroll they don't like being in your trap much i still got two quevils missing but i want you to bring them to me without catching them in your trap lucky you got sprout to help out smother him in chocolate and those quibbles will follow him till the end of time or leave me again you did it oh my ken are all together again i'm so happy i could cry here goes i'm ready to head back to the ranch thanks for all your help i want you to take sprout with you he's always wanted a life of adventure i'm just holding them back sprout papa's got a job to do all your friends are going to a new home you're going with this nice grumpus right here i'll miss you something fierce but it's okay you can come see papa anytime you take care of sprout or else well well well look what the snack dragged in oh i wouldn't have come back if i knew you were here that's so well i ain't about to leave now oh yeah me neither then i reckon we're neighbors again howdy neighbor i got my eye on you wambus trouble ham you best keep your eyes on your snacks seems like they're getting away from you oh charlie where'd you run off to welcome back now that filbo and wambus are gone there are way more snacks around here scan all the snacks here fill up your journal then we can swap deets but don't be surprised if they're not all out at the same time bug snacks gotta sleep too omg you really got them all i knew i picked the right grumpus not that i'm surprised after all i've read all your articles even if i don't believe in the grumpacabra or whatever your interviews were always on point good picks too you've got a way of digging up the truth out of the lies but enough about you let's talk befika i want you to use that journalistic instinct to find out what my favorite bug snack is and feed it to me mobs good answer you really get me i know you're just doing this stuff for me because you want me back in snacksberg but i don't mind if you really want to be besties with me i want some dirt wambus acts totally mysterious before he goes to bed around 10 every night i want you to find out what he's up to and tell me if you don't want to wait around you can always just take a nap until it's time yeah farming didn't go so well today soil's depleted but i won't give up yet i wonder how your day is going oh trippy i miss you so much i would hug your cactus facsimile but it would only hurt me further oh wow how'd this ship get here oh there's a balloon huh you know it it looks just a little bit um exploded but i'm sure we can patch that up eventually oh it's yours you travel in style buddy omg wambus has a fake cactus wife like he wasn't prickly enough already 10 out of 10 perf dirt snagsberg sounds way more fun than sitting around in this cave i thought it'd be relaxing but it's toads boring plus i don't know nearly enough about you yet i'm just itching to dig up more dirt see you around town bestie how's it going you're really doing it you're bringing everybody back you even got bethica here she's awful you know what we should do we should throw a welcome back party you're really doing it you even got that you know what we should well howdy stranger seems you're getting along just fine farm's doing okay in my end shin digs like this don't sit right with me feels like i should be getting work done welcome to the party wham bone we are not friends oh hey you remember charlie how's my little sprout doing he misses papa oh hey there bestie good to see you finally somebody worth talking to living here is better than that cave but it's still pretty dull like where's the drama ad thanks for coming to the party beth i like live here now you started a party around me well i'll take what i can get how's the butt juice isn't this just water well uh it's it's bug infused so it's about as strong as you i give this party a two out of ten uh come on everybody it's a party drink mingle get wild before doesn't this music make you just want to dance with you as if my new bestie is the only reason i'm here wambus gramble you two probably have loads to talk about i got nothing to say to a guy like wambus that's so i got plenty to say to you oh yeah well go on and say it it's your fault we're in this mess if you to let us eat your precious livestock we could have kept together they weren't livestock they were my little ones my kin you lied and stole them away cause you can't grow food for yourself you think these walking vegetables are your family i got news for you gramble bug snacks will never love you you don't know a thing about love that's why your wife left you i'm gonna do violence to you hey let's let's all take a breath here and don't act like you're in charge if you had the spine to lead us everybody would still be here don't you mean trippany would still be here fine all y'all gang up on me it don't make me wrong you won't want to trip me back so bad go find her yourself i know all about love y'all don't even know just because i don't weep all the time well that wasn't ideal but maybe after a few dozen more parties we'll all be friends again either way thanks for being here buddy oh hey i just realized you haven't had any bug snacks yet well you must be starving well here have a strabby on me maybe we can end this night on a high note that's the spirit uh are you okay oh gosh i'm so sorry buddy i uh i guess you're allergic to bug snacks i didn't see that coming right as long as you're fine i'll um i'll get out of your hair yes oh goodness i didn't notice you there hi how are ya i'm tiffany ladablog you caught me doing some archaeology try not to step on the skulls yeah you want me to come back to snacksberg gosh look around ya there's a whole civilization buried here and i barely dug one hole but i could use a trip to the old research tent once i get a few samples see these skeletons something's fossilized in their stomachs looks a bit like a local bug snack i'll need some live ripple peeds if you wouldn't mind could you help me find some they like to hide on the walls and these are ruins hey you yeah up here follow me and i'll show you the deal of a lifetime isn't that nifty neat oh that's curious ripple peeds only look like they have bones they're squishy all the way through so what did these fellas eat then well like grandma always said if you want answers dig through the sock drawer i want to get into that dwelling over there but the doors blocked up if you could do something to get that door open that'd be real swell oh you're too kind meet me inside check it out these murals are still preserved as far as i knew we were the first grumps to settle this island but here we got a thousand years of history unaccounted for generations of grumpuses who hunted and ate bug snacks just a cosmic reminder that nothing really lasts hmm what's this looks like there's a hidden chamber somewhere in the canyon could that be where they stored bug snacks would you mind finding that chamber and if there's bug snacks there please bring them to me see you later hello friend welcome come on over take a look i assure you you won't be disappointed the name's crondo face the one and only salesman in paradise friend have i got a bridge to sell you beautiful isn't it hard wood new construction oh baby what a bridge all yours for just 100 buck snacks what do you say oh whoa can't afford it no problem i got a specialty item just for you cheap is free follow me pal would you mind finding that chamber and if there's but oh the taste is a little off i'm wondering how long those snacks were in there did you find anything else in the chamber hmm that's a little intense for an ancient storage shed you know that just might have been a burial chamber but if that's where they put their dead why are all these bones out in the open hmm well i gotta solve this mystery sorry but i won't be going back to snacksburg oh i hate to leave poor filbo hanging poor fella can't hardly take care of himself but uh wambus is back in town you might have heard things haven't been too good between us i keep telling myself i'll get around to cnm but it's just easier to uh stay out here with the bones you got a point there if i happen to see wambus while i'm working maybe we can catch up i thought maybe time would help but time's just pushing me closer to the grave and i'm not feeling any better i suppose i could try being among the living for a while feast your eyes on this beautiful lunch pad totally for sale and not at all stolen you're itching to try it out i can tell er my windmills over there got stuck why don't you want to take it for a spin and knock him into shape oh yeah yeah yeah oh feel that hot sweaty breeze now it's time to pay up what you used it you bought it there's no such thing as a free lunch pad hey you could pay me three of those cheaps they think they're so great flying around let's see how they like flying into my mouth oh yeah yeah yeah cram that cheap okay okay i know you're just itching i want a fighter but it's on this ridiculously tall rock and i wasn't exactly blessed with stilts for legs pleasure doing business with you hey you're my best and only customer i'm starting to think i should get a better location back in snacksburg but uh moving all this inventory across the desert is real sweaty work i'll need a way to keep cool if you make both my feet into big popsicles then walk in the hot sands would be a breeze but i gotta warn you you won't find popsicles in the desert better look elsewhere pal you're back oh had to come by and pick up supplies is that a new garden you got there yep are you gonna stay for long well that depends there any reason for me to stick around man trippy i'm sorry i've been a dang fool yep it's just i can't grow much out in that desert yeah and you got a lot of growing to do i wasn't gonna give up my dig site either we may have different goals sometimes and we may not be in the same place but that doesn't mean we're not together i guess i could leave my farm every now and again and come see your dig site maybe even lend a helping paw you better now give me a kiss you hot dish gladly welcome home trippy let's hope the characters don't get jealous what said no nothing oh hey buddy i'm glad you're here uh i've been talking to the other grumpuses and uh i think they could use your help not just with chores and stuff but you know uh personal issues it can be hard dealing with your problems alone you know it won't get you closer to lisberg but it didn't mean a lot if you could help the others till next time aloha darling welcome to wiggle wiggle bottom steamy walking tour lucky you you get an autograph oh i can see you're utterly star struck don't fret darling i always have time for my fans you want me to come back to town darling it will have to wait i simply cannot rest until i find my muse and by muse i mean butt snacks change starts from the outside in darling if i want new ideas i need a new look how about a wild new hairdo get me a financial and we'll see what we can do yeah that struck a chord with a new head i can think new thoughts that's the magic of bug snacks now my creative juices can flow i know i'm flowing i'm flowing this flow is more of a dribble i need you to turn it up darling find me a grape skeeter they're too fast for gramble or eye to catch but maybe you can find a way to slow them down i look fabulous the colors are striking no and now the ideals will flow they're gonna flow any second now come on now i assure you oh who am i kidding i have nothing there simply isn't a snack on this beach that can give me the inspiration that i need which is why you should look in the desert i need to look that pops a look that's hot darling i would be so delighted if you could go to the scorched gorge and catch two pop ticks oh oh i look ridiculous and i don't have a single new tune in my head what a woeful journey i've taken darling i apologize for putting you through such an ordeal it was all for the sake of art and art is priceless i can see that this simply isn't working and i believe i know why oh not nearly although it pains me to return without a new single i shall face the music and greet my adoring fans aloha darling snacksberg is looking pretty busy it seems like a great time to gather everybody around the ah nothing like a campfire hey buddies beat sitting in the dark i tell you there's some spooky stuff out there there ain't nothing out there just bug snacks and trees you're just yellow i'm not yellow i'm pink there's really something stalking me watching me from the shadows keeps me up at night i've seen something similar up on top of the canyon real curious probably just a wild animal darling there are no animals here none but we that is i uh i too saw the thing can we talk about something else you know the desert grumps they had some odd rituals they take their old and dying and seal them in secret caves whatever for were the dead going to rise from the grave no not as such it's more of the bodies would just disappear what how the writing's kind of vague sadly all i know is they had a rash of vanishing corpses long as they were exposed oh heck even if they buried him in the sand the body wouldn't be there the next day though some of the time there'd be a little left just a few bones i'm getting a chill just thinking about it you're getting the chill because the fire's gone out oh you're right uh hey buddy would you mind picking up some firewood it's over by the mill okay where were we um tiffany you were saying something about the zombies no no zombies listen spooky is the disappearing stiffs maybe that's just a story i read on a wall we got nothing to fear from the dead i'm more worried about the living the living obviously we're not the first krampuses to make it to snacktooth so what makes us think all the others are dead i've seen those chewed up skeletons around the island we all know something kills krampuses out there and it has teeth bug snacks don't have teeth and like wiggles said there aren't animals out here other than us she's not wrong about the bones ah ah uh timeout i gotta use a little grumpy now hold on you saying grumpus has turned cannibal that's ridiculous we ain't got the stomachs for it loofty eats grumpus no way that's true oh it's true late one night i saw floofty dragging something along the beach when i got closer i saw what it was a severed leg and as i watched they held it up to their mouth and then they took a bite out of it don't mess with my head beth you're gonna scare me snackless dog grump is somebody gonna check on filboa so so oh hey buddy uh sorry i uh i got a little too spooked and i came here to calm down huh i i don't know what you're talking about buddy are you feeling okay you look like you've seen a ghost well let's keep it together and get back to the fire sorry about that what a mess can we just quit it with the spooky stuff i don't think i could get any sleep darling call yourself for i know what lurks in the shadows it's the queen of bug snacks a bug snack bigger than any we've ever seen and once we're dancing through she gobbles us up that's precisely right darling this story makes no sense why would bug snacks have a monarchy oh wham this is just the title i've seen bug snacks big enough to eclipse the moon what else would you call that a hallucination believe what you will wham regardless of what sort of monster you believe in something is looking out there and it's only a matter of time before it comes grumpy snacks it's coming for us no need to freak out it's probably just a uh something safe i'm freaking out we're miss i'm not getting eaten by some monster or floofty just cause you won't admit you're scared don't worry granville we'll go check it out if something goes wrong sacrifice bilbo first chandler it's filbo and somebody new hey how are you doing better these days yeah snacksberg is coming back together i noticed i saw the fire and i thought whoa snacksberg's on fire so i came down here to check on it then i remembered i left some stuff at the mill so here i am is shelda around oh no nobody's seen sheldon since the uh the fight major bummer bro i could use her wisdom right now anyway can't stay and hang i gotta get all this stuff back to snorpy right away you know how he gets don't you at least want to say hi to everybody ah if i do that they're gonna want me to stay catch you later bros but but i do want you to stay oh darn it oh well let's get back and tell the others don't worry folks i'm fine um oh and and the noise was just chandler oh that's a relief so that settles it things are good and safe and boring but wait what if chandler was the queen of bug snacks oh please that brute doesn't have the grace required for royalty yeah if anybody's queen around here it's me you know the desert grumps had a history of matriarchal leadership real fascinating system they had every year the ladies would go hunting and the one to bring home the biggest bug snack was the new head honcho snorpy snorpy bro snorpy get out here i'm sorry chandler i am not coming outside i'm this close to finishing my next invention return to your lifting in peace snorpy we talked about this bro you gotta go outside at least one hour a day gotta get some fresh air dog guess what i'll get is the attention of the grumpinati who there's nobody out here but us bro better to work in the shadows when i cannot be seen also it's cold out there bro if you're not coming outside i'm bringing the outside to you no what you cannot lift my entire house oh yes i can i'ma lift your crib dog do not lift my crib chandler i have delicate instruments in here and lift in your crib dog there i'm out in the fresh air and i can smell the chemtrails ah that's right bro one step at a time whoa it's you again it's easy to stay swole in paradise easy for me anyway i'm chandlo funk bund with wisdom and liftin i got the full package you feel me nah i'm good i mean i like being in town but it gives snorpy mad anxiety why don't you talk to him he's not good with strangers so tell him i sent you oh he did did he my poor sweet chandler has always been too trusting what is your business with me hmm i'm not disinterested but you're still a suspicious individual i propose a test here take my newest invention this snack grappler i built it so that i could help chandler with his basketballing problem but i forgot that meant going outside so you do it and then maybe we'll talk nice dog i knew he'd warm up to you all right follow me check it out my own personal dunk zone problem is i lost my balls they're stuck all over the place i'm sure i could get them down without your help but snorfy made that grapple thing for me and i want to see it in action all right you got my balls back that grapple thingy's awesome i bet it can grab all kinds of stuff snorpy's a genius bro check it out there's a cine snail right over there i know it looks like a sticky dump truck full of carves but it's actually a master climber even i can't keep up with it i always wanted to climb like that hey see if you can catch me that's in a snail bro bro oh yeah i feel stronger already watch me vert climb right out of here race you back to the cabin nice you made it you got back pretty fast for a newbie me i got the same time i always get i guess one bud snack isn't enough to push my limits there's got to be more cine snails around this mountain dog now whoa yeah that's what i'm talking about i can't wait to check my gains but before that i got a situation honeybees flew off with my backup balls now my balls are up in the sky no matter how shredded i get i can't fly me i've tried you gotta be my wings dog master that grabber catch me those honeybees oh oh uh blast me with this my body's tingling i think that's the power bro you really did me a solid if you want me back in town i'll be there but i ain't going anywhere without my main dog snorpy he'd be lost without me i can't get snorpy to leave though whatever's keeping him here he doesn't want to talk to me about it says it's a secret project but i got a feeling he'll talk to you ah yes i wish i could tell chandler everything but knowing the truth would only put him in more danger anyway you have my thanks for helping him perhaps i can trust you after all i am snorpington fizzlebee engineer and seeker of truths here new chum lean in close so that i may bestow a hug on you ah what an excellent hugging experience that was we shall have to do that many more times now i need your help are you willing to risk your life for the greater good splendid there is another device you will need i've hidden it inside the bug watch tower once you have it i will tell you more hello hello can you hear me ah that's right i planted a radial tracking device on you during our mutual hugging one of those flying bug snacks has set off the tower's alarm system again not too early with my trip shot device you can disrupt these snacks movement beware the grumpa naughty are always listening ah chum i have such a craving for cookies why my craving is so terrible that i would like my teeth to be cookies so that i may taste my own teeth you see splendid i no longer have to worry about psychotronic torture or cavities but now i hunger for charmallows can't ever have enough charmallows give off an unusual signal i believe they may be key to the grumpinati surveillance system though i'm not yet sure how this should be safely contained inside my stomach you got the radio working let's put some jams on the radio is broken with that blind spot in place i can safely return to snaksburg meet me outside hmm this guy seems clear out of danger i suppose it's now or never oh snorfy's ready to go all right dog let's do this in just a moment chandler you've been an invaluable ally i'm even tempted to call you a friend but quietly so i'm not overheard bro if i didn't think it and crush you like a tin can i would hug the grump out of you oh what the grump here it comes what expert hugging that is you do that hug all right let's get out of here race you back to town snorpdog don't please don't make me run with you chandler i'll go weak in the knees if you're not up for it i could always carry you oh no if that's quite all right your loss see you back these things better not melt off anyway a deal's a deal friend the bridge is yours some assembly required oh and so you know kramdelmar is not responsible for any loss or injury suffered as a result of the use of its products if you need anything else anything at all please please please call your friend cromto oh i'm already smiling hi you're doing a great job buddy but hey don't forget to take care of yourself in fact maybe you should turn in early today and just relax huh something's wrong buddy we better take a look africa gramble what happened he saw something real spooky walk right into town i thought it was a grumpus at first but like something about it was wrong was this creature wearing a crown by any chance or was it perhaps holding some sort of ceremonial dagger what not no nothing like that it looked kind of normal until it oh until it it turned into a bunch of bug snacks and like scattered frankly i find that hard to swallow ah what a load beth not enough drama around town for you lately huh thunk off kromdo unlike you i don't lie for a living oh wow so tell me then what were you doing skulking around at midnight breaking in the huts again i've seen it too and this time i know it's not just one of my nightmares get some grump and sleep gramble i can't not with all y'all around here with your hungry mouths don't take this the wrong way darling but you are a bit high strung a little beauty sleep would do you wonders maybe then you'd finally let us eat a few pets you say that again hey chill the grump out bros there's no need for all that if what bramble and before saying is true there's got to be some physical evidence left behind yeah indeed we should sweep the perimeter and keep watch in case the creature returns um good idea buddy do you think you can scope out the restroom you know find out what they saw you found what you were looking for all right i'll call everybody together well what did you find well that's i reckon there's got to be some other explanation cram it rambo we got a genuine monster on our paws hmm monsters a bit of a prejudicial term don't you think i'd call it more of a cryptid or undiscovered animal it's no animal darling we're witnessing the queen of bug snacks in action she's given us a one-hand oh that is absurd which is more likely that a so far unseen giant bug snack politely left a note on our door or that this is some form of coordinated gaslighting by the grumpiness what's more likely dear is that you've watched far too many movies but at least my theory has scientific data behind it what is you haven't even drawn one chart i was top of the charts thank you whoa whoa whoa whoa you know what let's split the difference huh you're both wrong what does it even matter whatever it is it wants us dead between this and the earthquakes snagsberg's becoming pretty unlivable i hate to say it bro but i regret coming down from the mountain me and snorpy were a lot safer before we came back same goes for me and my little ones no no no we shouldn't split up again we're better off if we're all here together that might have been true when lizburg was around but those days are long gone you don't know that she might come back don't hold your breath pal face it bilbo without liz bert all we have is you that's that's not true listen i don't know why lisberg put me in charge but i do know this none of you were really happy out there alone we don't have lizberg but we have each other maybe if we try we could all add up to one of her i guess you're not wrong so we're all staying in town then seems like it as long as we can watch each other's backs if we're gonna make it we need everybody here floofy and sheldar are still out there and and who knows if they're safe if you must find fluffy according to the tracking device i placed on them they're out by boiling bay and last time i saw shelda she was meditating in the sizzling sands but don't forget about egabel if she's not with liz bird we gotta find her we will chandlo and once we do we'll throw a big welcome back party how does that sound okay great now let's go get some sleep wow five hours go by pretty fast when we're working together whamby and now that the avalanche is cleared away we can go explore the top of the mountain trippy i'm almost 50 and my back's at least a hundred let's go lie down for a spell you shouldn't be here it's not safe you need to get off this mountain for the sake of your health and well-being trust me i'm a doctor you you know me oh oh you're the reporter the one liz was always talking about i didn't think you'd really come out here if another earthquake strikes it'll cause an avalanche if you're up here when that happens you'll be buried in snow and if you don't die from blunt force trauma you'll asphyxiate i can handle it i've been up here for weeks on my own doing fine i'm surviving no not until i find liz we we were exploring the mountain there was an earthquake and we got separated just go back home okay be safe and please don't tell anybody i'm up here come on egg you can figure this out just think like liz stop sneaking up on me or i'll quarantine you well it's a big mysterious store and i want to open it there's some kind of weird lock on it liz figured it out but i don't know what happened to her notes i've almost got it i swear i just need to get into liz's headspace hey bro just got done fixing up the old bridge would have done it sooner but crondo wanted me to pay him for the rights of repair whatever that means anyway no need to thank me just go find sheldon alright this one has many questions so it is my wisdom shall we share am i one who is called shelter exists beyond the self ah the questions must cease wisdom can be gained only through experience one who is you tainting others with the toxin that is bug snacks have strayed from the mother's path so it is you must at home in seeking inner peace sheldor has renounced material temptations so it is that sheldon is really grumping hungry seek the yellow sauce within the great mauve stone on this i shall be sustained you took your precious time getting here any longer in my leg might have rotted away come let's finish our work absolutely not i'm on the verge of a breakthrough now assist me or be gone with you ah always a question worth asking preparations for my grand experiment are nearly complete soon we will see if we can amend my ambulation but for now simply transform my arm into a red banana you took your precious time getting come let's finish but for now simply transform my arm into a red excellent that is one more thing i must do hand me the smackdown the oath snactivator was worthless scrap i have updated it it is now capable of altering snack matter through a process of sonic and amnesis my body remembers what i eat the snactivator can change snackified limbs into anything i've ever eaten use it change my arm from banappa to strabby wow unbelievable are you amazed you've seen nothing yet if my hypothesis is correct the bug snacks can remember the shape of my body it is time to test that hypothesis use the snactivator on my missing leg my leg is back bug snaps can cure the sick revitalize the frail this discovery will reshape the world to think elizabeth and agabel walked away from that pathetic but i refuse to dwell on personal matters while there is yet more work to do use the snactivator again transform my limbs into cocomites hmm my body has changed into more cocomites than i've eaten can you even comprehend what has happened this means that all bug snacks are one of the same each one could change to any other with the right stimulus and now that is true of me now use the snactivated to its full potential i want limbs of noodler cocomite banaba and strawberry all at once i have learned much despite your general ignorance you have been of use to me good job no matter how many bug snacks i become my body feels no different is there a threshold of krampusness when every cell of my body is bug snacks will i remain fluffy fizzle bean or will i simply be bug snacks right down to the taste i must find out hmm the answers won't come to me without further testing however i have exhausted my research here i will experiment on snacksberg i look forward to working with you further hello snofington so you've slithered back into town up to another grumpanotti scheme i'm not participating in your delusions brother you waste your talented mind playing spy games when you could be assisting my research i'm never assisting you again not until you find your moral compass and stop working for the man oh please don't try to dress up your cowardice i'm no coward i you still haven't told the green meathead how you feel but whether that's different don't try to confuse the issue i thought so lead me to my business and i'll leave you to yours yum is one and one is craving reapers consider the sandscape a reflection of the mind one unable to escape its dry embrace first an act of reverse to break out of my current shelder so too must you break shelves crack open the egglers give them new life i too have burst from my shell and so oozes forth my spiritual yoke yet obstacles devour that yoke the sinister pecans of temptation to truly destroy these obstacles one must break them down into their elements smack of temptation removed yet one still lost in darkness seeking the light for only in the light of mother nature can the toxin be purged seek a raspberry deep below a hidden ruin a maze of trials guide this raspberry to one's side oh what once was lost now is found the path to light determined the time has come egress from the sandscape so it is that shelder survives it was a metaphor now to snacksburg goes me to bring such clarity to my followers what's going on find the other grumpuses find out what they know and convince them to come back to town till next time all right i could use some practice they'll be interviewing me every day when i'm a gazillionaire business king sales savant future ceo of starbucks the one the only crondo face you ever smell the future kid huh i could tell you liz would stank of opportunity she came on tv talking big about this new super food and i wanted in so i quit my dead-end job and followed that stench of possibility i used to go door-to-door selling gruel to grandma's paid on commission for grump's sake what do i think of delicious irresistible marketable they're gonna catapult me straight to the top of money down baby here i tried to make use of what lizberg didn't need anymore and befika didn't like that yeah she went and told everyone that i'm a thief i was salvaging that's a community service pal but befika planted evidence in my house said i stole her diary so i did what any artist grump would do i ran oh don't get me started everyone here thinks she's so great such a fantastic leader but i know the truth she came here to stroke her ego and get eggerbelter fix the rest of us were just disposable that's elizabeth megafig when push came to shove she abandoned us i i gotta confess i was thinking about sailing home after things got hairy but when i went looking for a boat it was gone there's only two grumps missing you do the math i bet liz and egg are living large in new grump city by now yeah yeah yeah i get it pal i'm not the nicest grumpus around i learned early on that life is like a box of trash you always know what you're gonna get to rash just go check out where the boat was see what you think a liz bird after that an interview all right but keep it wham is trouble ham farmer to start a farm like i can afford that seems like you never had to pay property taxes oh what do i think about buck snakes they're pesky tasty confusing well they ain't animals and they ain't plants no organs no seeds nothing and you have to eat them raw or they turn to mush now i call that confusing well when lizbert vanished i knew we needed a reliable food source without snacks i figured i'd farm sauce as an alternative though we would have been fine on bug snacks if it weren't for gramble that weepy little rancher thinks all bug snacks are his pets well when you've been married this long the little spats just pile up doesn't take much to knock them all down respectable type elizabeth we'd trade sauce for snacks now and again or plants for dr batternugget to fix his medicine oh that's the town doctor you know edgar bell liz's partner i couldn't say she was off hunting most of the time dangerous work could have slipped and fell could have got caught in an earthquake could have got thrown in a volcano seems like a waste of your time if you want answers you need hard evidence here i dug this up the other day i'm thinking it might help you find elizabeth now back to work ramble dear are you free for a little stargazing tonight sorry i can't i gotta watch my little ones of course you do come on gramble surely you can take a night off nobody's desperate enough to steal from you anymore maybe but even still my kin might wander off if i'm not here it's only natural dear i'm sure they long to return to the wild but don't say that this is their home they they love it here they just get lost sometimes is all ugh whatever you say darling let me know if you're ever free i'm no stranger to interviews you've certainly heard my number one single a do the wiggle you see wiggle wiggle bottom needs no introduction well i'm here to gorge myself on a new life experience to get my creative juices flowing as it were that's simple i was following granville he certainly knows his way around snacks ah lizbert she and egga bell were big fans of mine you know i met them backstage at my first farewell tour they didn't have passes mind you liz climbed in through the air ducts but if somebody breaks the law out of love for my music who am i to turn them away that night when liz went missing i ran into the woods looking for her but instead i found something terrifying towering over the trees the queen of bug snacks her screech was deafening and i ran for my life well i can't be sure all i saw was a menacing silhouette but if it is cross paths with that that thing then i fear for her ah i feel the warm glow of free publicity i know my story about the queen sounds far-fetched but i swear on my platinum record it's true if you don't believe me go and see for yourself now if you'll excuse me i've got music to make what i am not here to spew gossip for that obnoxious rag you call a newspaper very well if you insist i will educate you i am fluffy fizzy bean the world's first gastroenterologist in baby language i study bug snacks and their effect on ground pisses to study bug snaps obviously when elizabeth megafig was recruiting for her cult of personality i observed something strange about her arm she was keeping it hidden but she displayed early stages of snackification that piqued my interest you are asking for opinions instead of facts i'm not going to discuss my feelings with you emotional parasite every time i try to publish my groundbreaking research you journalists instead turn out slender about my dangerous methods or my questionable behavior stop editorializing and focus on the science i simply wanted to continue my work again or no but sheldor blamed me for the disappearances i'm no stranger to witch hunts i vacated before the pitchforks could come out don't be ridiculous i've only eaten one rumpus would you prefer i keep my severed leg in the outhouse the truth elizabeth was an arrogant coward unlike eggabel ekabel truly understood my research she was hungry to participate in it all work together was fruitful even pleasant until somebody interfered sheldon that mummified fraud stoked elizabeth's fear of my work weaponizing her relationship to egabel scrambling her fragile emotions and fabricating a binary choice between myself and elizabeth ultimately mega bell chose sentiment over science and i surmise that was the death of her yes i have the password to aggabel's personal storage box it may be of interest to you you've wasted enough of my time now leave prom doe oh sure sounds like a real hoot oh i go digging up bits of history and try to piece them back together it's usually not so dramatic just an old coin or a severed toe under a rock but this island's chalk full of fines oh goodness my name i'm tiffany lottablog i heard about the trip to snack tooth and thought well i could keep scraping it odds and ends till the day i die or i could really get out there try following in grandma's footsteps you might have heard of veronica a lot of blog an adventure in type just like lizbert she filled up our old house with relics and sketches taught me to love history bless her heart don't you think we got paintings about snacks from a thousand years ago grumpus civilization rises collapses and turns to dust but the bug snacks they always stay they are walking records of history it's less i left and more i stopped coming back i wasn't even there when the fight broke out imagine me coming home to find wambus all red in the face and at ramble's throat no no nothing so simple as that i wanted him to come with me to the ruins honest but he wouldn't give up his farm not even for me stubborn fool lovely gail that lizbert wasn't often we'd both be in town at the same time and when we were we usually be in the medical tent getting treated by agabel we'd swap stories about what we found and show off our grizzliest scars adventurin is a dangerous business archaeology less soul but the lada blog method can be unconventional bug the heck out of egg abell she never liked to see anyone hurt least of all liz you know out here it's only a matter of time before you fall in a hole or get wedged in a crevice especially with all these earthquakes shifting the geography around not to be morbid but it could be a thousand years before somebody finds where lizberg wound up oh you're too kind i'm just happy to chip in and solve a mystery or two speaking of mysteries you betcha lisbert stashed a journal in the ruins for safekeeping i can't get it open without damaging whatever's inside i'm thinking you might have better luck with it anywho i've nearly talked your ear off better get back to work eh what are you looking at hey mind your own beeswax huh whoa sheldon's back wiggle and granville are gonna be so stoked oh yes one has returned from a great spiritual soldier so it is one would really like to lie down sounds intense i bet you're overflowing with wisdom now go ahead and lay it on me shelldog ah yes wisdom um the strength you seek cannot be found within toxins for the truest strength is the will to resist oh i get it i gotta check my snacks and if they look toxic i won't eat them no one is not you ah clearly you need more guidance grumpy i do i'll bring the others too oh one is sure it will be enlightening oh gonna quiz me dog how crush your questions chandler funk bun i lift it's a way of life bro anything that needs to go up logs buildings balls snorpy i'll get them there i want to push my limits i gotta go somewhere extreme i heard nobody comes back from this island sounds like a challenge to me hey i'm always looking out for snorpy i know roughing it isn't his style but there's no way i was coming here without him i don't know what you mean dog we're like the sky and the sea been together since the dawn of time mug snacks are strong like a primal kind of straw like they own this place and i gotta respect that bro snacksberg was a disaster without liz bert i couldn't stop all the fighting with lifting or wisdom i gotta keep things chill for snorpy he's got a lot of that social anxiety liz bird is top dog you feel me she really inspires me to test my limits but uh that's about it i'm really tighter with egg bell pecan bells is sweetie she was always looking out for me showed me how to stay safe while still pushing my limits but she was always pushing herself way harder yeah she asked me to train her surprised the grump out of me because she really wasn't built for that kind of stuff we'd go running every morning and lifting after lunch though she would get real down on herself sometimes but she never gave up and i respect that i wish i could tell you those two were strong together i can't think of anything that could take them down they've got to be okay out there somewhere bro that's not just anyway i recorded a bell's progress while we were working out she shared some pretty private stuff maybe it'll help you bring her back to us don't let me down bro doing good oh when one asks questions one may receive answers one is called shelder a one who is me acts as a vessel for the will of mother nature so it is one maintains balance and purity a calling felt in the soul distant voices saying they need you free tickets one in a raffle raffle is a metaphor but yes the toxin the mother of whose living in all their alluring forms crawling around us beneath us inside us mother nature the mother she the purest light from whom all life flows one cast out they the scion of toxins yet lessons unlearned the cravings only grew so it was one journey far to isolate oneself and live by example so it was one got very very lost she the huntress is gone from us strayed from the mother's path chasing the healers tainted love thrice were they warned so this once you shall be warned a doom befalls those who consume the toxin a tomb of toxin unending the ground shakes the sky splits look not upon it move not an inch or be swallowed by the queen of venoms have i heard everyone is a fraud in a sense ever are more questions asked seldom are more answers given one must live content with the absence of knowing meditate on this a vessel of the unknown may answers be found in its mystery so oh i've uh never done an interview before um how's it work uh granville giggle funny i look after all the bug snacks in town to make sure they don't wander off i heard liz burt was gathering up some grumps to be part of her new family and i thought i could really use one of those i did but then they uh can we talk about something else well they're just the cutest little things aren't they i don't understand how anybody could look into their googly little eyes and want to eat them um well they don't eat none of mine and that's what counts without liz to bring in snacks everybody got mighty hungry they'd untreated my barn like a grocery store i held him off for a while but i should have known wambus never quits the next night i woke up to him throwing my snacks into a sack i panicked and i let the rest go free broke my heart but it's better than them getting eaten i left that night for the beach and started rebuilding my family maybe wiggles a lot but she's got a good heart she really likes me she'll learn to love bug snacks the way i do lizbert she'd bring me lots of new friends to take care of sometimes we work together training my little ones sometimes she'd ask for one and i'd have to say goodbye i like to think they're all like sprout helping out like little sidekicks but sometimes she didn't get enough on the hunt you always like to bring something back for egabel can we talk about something else sometimes i wake up at night and i'm out of bed lost in the woods i think i see liz bird out there watching me like a vengeful spirit can we talk about something else i don't think i like interviews very much here bluesberg dropped this in my barn back when i never got around to giving it back i don't know what it's for but you can have it if you promise never to interview me again okay let her fly and i'll show you my incredible aim just try not to hit philbo again when you're finished with your amusements come see me we have work to do get out of here you're ruining my shot what's wrong there's something off about that multi is not so bad they're just passionate about science sure science i heard about their experiments messing with your body it's weird but what's weird about it i mean look at you how many bug snacks have you had hey in my professional medical opinion i am perfectly healthy we're all eating bug snacks and we're all fine so why are you getting on my case i'm just worried bill you're not acting like yourself you mean i'm not miserable i found a way to make myself useful and happy to finally take some control over my life and you're just upset because it doesn't involve you i'm not upset you don't need me anymore that's great go be with blowsticks maybe i will today is the day i elizabeth megafig solved the greatest mystery of this island i found a door with a frosted pink wait for me liz bill what are you doing out here following you did you want to come with me i thought it might be fun to hunt bug snacks together i if that's all right with you that'd be amazing but maybe not today this peak isn't the beginning i've been practicing i got cello to show me the ropes bro very impressive i didn't know you were working out i guess it's hard to see my muscles under the bug snacks you really are changing bill i'm sorry i was being so selfish it's okay i don't want apologies worrying any of it i just want us to be together and to see how much you're exaggerating about your dangerous work oh really i think it'll be a walk in the park huh that's right and i bet i can even catch more bug snacks than you you're i wrong you'd never ask omg i have so many hot takes i'm befika winkle's new and i basically do whatever i want let's just say i'm an information specialist i'm here on vacay uh unrelated fun fact did you know that no international laws apply out here i'm just saying if you got in trouble like a lot of trouble and all your friends turned against you this would be a great place to hide out forever oh they're so cute i could literally eat them up and i do there's drama and then there's drama we have too many geminis around here and i'm done getting caught up in social dumpster fires oh hey my cave was sweet plus it was close enough to wambus that i could swipe some sauce when i needed to that greedy little squeam started looting the second liz was gone then he tried to sell me her projector so i like posted pics of all his little crimes and then i got out of there before he could get back at me what don't i know about liz bert wink liz is smart and fearless and she can see the talent in all of us it's impossible not to look up to her she's practically invincible but she does have one weakness egabel liz would go to the end of the world and back to make her happy and if i've learned anything in life it's that you can't let your happiness depend on somebody else liz and agabell got in a big argument before liz went hunting i haven't seen either of them since i'm being optimistic maybe they're on a romantic getaway sorting it out together no prob i'm just happy to see your interview skills in action oh and before you go i think you should take this it's the key to liz's cabinet the stuff in there is really personal but finding her is more important than keeping all her secrets sorry interview's over surprise i'm back early and have i got a story for you bill everything happened tiffany broke her leg scramble got food poisoning i couldn't help both of them everybody was shouting at me i didn't know what to do none of that jewel fault what's the point if i can't help anybody i just sit here all day while everybody else is out there all productive and happy that's not true you help me all the time like when i cut my pool you only got hurt because you were getting snacks for me fine if i wasn't around don't say that i need you bill you were there when the world was laughing at me you were there for me during the worst days of my life the world can suck an egg i know what'll make you feel better yeah thanks are you mad i can't have my secrets plastered all over the front page news of course i do but at the same time i don't want them finding me i suppose i can reveal a tad bit so long as my identity is protected i am snort redacted mean and i have devoted my life to inventing devices that foil the imaginations of the grumpinati well i was dragged here by my dearest friend chat redacted he thought i needed some fresh air or something much as i hate the outdoors i simply can't say no to him i mean we've been together since kindergarten it would make perfect sense if we were together together he's never said we are has he isomize they are some sort of synthetic life form designed to beguile our taste buds i'm so glad you asked i believe there may be a factory located on this very island hidden somewhere deep underground i have charts let me show you my charts later i was too exposed fluffy tried to wrap me up in that experiment now that lizbeth and igebel weren't around to occupy them i could see that this was the next step when the grumpinoddies plopped against me lisbet disappears we are hit with an earthquake we suffered a snack shortage all that in one day do you really think those are all coincidences the timeline is on my charts elizabeth megafig was a curious sort and had a foolish bone in her body she could rival me in wits and chat redacted blowing arm wrestling we would share secrets now and again dreadful terrible secrets i'm not telling you the terrible secrets because they are terrible and secret excellent interrogation chum so great that you deserve another hugging experience this must not go on the record elizabeth megafig discovered something on the island that came to me for help an entrance to the underground locked behind a strange device i assisted her in unraveling its secrets and soon after she vanished you must take extreme caution i can tell you where to find it but the rest is up to you oh my grump where'd you find this good work was her writing always this sloppy it's not doctor bad but still huh who says i'll need to activate these statues by feeding them the snack they represent thanks for the help i'll take it from here fine you catch half i'll catch the other half and we'll meet some good good okay you're okay you are okay right no drowsiness numbness or missing limbs sorry don't mind me i got the rest of the snacks okay next she says oh she says we need three grumpuses to do the final step no this mountain is unstable the more of us there are stomping around up here the more likely it is will cause a disaster i can't let anybody else get hurt for my sake i feel bad enough involving you oh what would lizbert do ask filbo liz trusts filbo for some reason i'll wait for you here watch your step on the way back down okay you do with what really oh buddy say no more i am there this is a this is this is a big mountain huh a lot of steps oh grump i knew this was a bad idea i'm fine really oh hey you look just like my friend aggabel hackabel oh it's really you oh you're here alive and not dead yes it's me philbo calm down you'll hyperventilate huh oh okay okay uh yeah um oh are you coming back to snacksburg come on get up let's get this door open before altitude sickness kicks in oh agabelle it's so good to see you i can't believe you've been up here all this fine you're so uh different that's right the soft little egg bell you knew is gone yeah you really came out of your shell huh hey um so why do you want my help i thought you would have asked chandler chandler's got snorpy to worry about besides you've been following liz around for years what i don't follow her around uh-huh point is i know you care and since i need three grumps you might as well be one of them oh uh wait a minute if this door takes three of us whoa what is that thing liz thought it might be some kind of ancient temple to bug snacks well it definitely looks important how do we uh get in right we need to stand here here and here on three this is it ready one two three oh grump i could have killed us all what did i do wrong hey hey it's okay ichabel that was kind of scary but we're fine we'll just try it again and no i'll try it again you two are going home eggabel i want to find liz burke just as badly as you do you don't have to do this alone yes i do i'm a burden to everybody around me that's why she's gone what do you mean i was being stupid and i slept up on the cliffs while i was trying to show off the earthquake hit and and i was gonna fall but liz saved me like she always does she got swept away and then the ground opened beneath her and swallowed her up i'm so sorry heckabel don't be i'm used to it please just go i can't stand to see anyone else hurt you know when i was looking for lisberg i got really hungry i couldn't catch bug snacks so i tried eating this purple flower but then i threw up and then i went blind for a bit and then i fell in a hole and and by the time i dragged myself out of there i was so tired and hungry i could barely move that's when we met buddy phil both that's awful it was because you know i can't make it on my own like you and liz burt and it's times like those when i could really use a doctor all right i get it i need some time to think i still want to figure out what i got wrong when i do i'll come find you and then we'll find liz together thank you filbo stay safe hi there wow it's getting crowded around here i can't believe it we gotta celebrate big time this party's gonna change everything buddy are you sure you're ready this is awesome but it'll be even more awesome once everybody's on the dance floor one who is me has foreseen the path to enlightenment is not walked with the feet it is a journey taken with the mind i understand your wisdom oh great sheldon you're saying i should chug this snack water upside down dog yes if i knew we were throwing puffs maybe later bro i'm how's the party treating you beth hmm i've seen worse yeah it's really coming together it's nice to see everybody getting along listen philbo i appreciate what you're doing like getting everybody here it's way less boring now but these grumps aren't friends they're just making nice because it's better than being alone sure but who wants to be alone you're such a squeeb but like in a good way oh thanks i'm gonna hit the dance floor hope i see you there i give this party seven out of ten which is pretty good i guess me dance i don't besides this isn't really my song there's a party in my mouth and i'm invited oh yeah uh-huh i was worried at first but this party's kind of nice even the little ones are having fun we'll make a party animal out of you yet darling now let's work on your dance moves what a fabulous party it's no grumpapalooza but we may do my darling i'm always dancing i'd love to storm the dance floor but i prefer to sing along and i've never seen everybody getting so rowdy before i don't know i remember the last party osteoblast says looks like the two of us are really boned yeah jeffy you're such a treasure oh yeah uh-huh i owe you an apology brother my earlier insults were unnecessary your inventions are quite valuable in capturing research samples and i appreciate that about you your apology is as lacking as your ethical standards but it's a start excellent now that we are reconciled i have a dozen research papers that could use peer review as you seem to have free time right now let us begin and i take it all back snap water get your please kidding that is business to be done in i'm not leaving this stand till i get some of these grumps to loosen up maybe later bro i'm busy soaking up oh yeah uh-huh wow at last beverage service now i can sing the night away oh look at this me dance besides this isn't ah oh that feels good oh look at this knee dance besides oh that feels good omg they're playing my song i'm a snow of paper shells orb cleaved a snow of paper showers so this must be before one dances mighty fine shin dig we got here better than last i'm thinking i should apologize to gramble first maybe i could use some of that their liquid much obliged stranger i better talk to gramble before i lose my nerve this party's a real hoot oh gosh i don't know i got two left feet wouldn't you rather hear about the captivating history of dance look at this look at this be at ease the party lights double at i have something important to ask chandler but a certain annoying sibling of mine won't leave you're interrupting personal business unless you have something intelligent rhythmic gyration has no purpose wow oh yeah uh-huh hey now i don't want any trouble whambus gramble i'm sorry i've been rude to you and even worse to your little ones you you're serious no fooling i don't tell jokes scramble i am not creative oh apology accepted of course no forgiving is complete without a hug no but i suppose a dance couldn't hurt oh i bet 50 will want to learn all about the desert empire oh you see that busting a move oh yeah uh-huh so you see the desert dance mirrors the moves for hand-to-hand combat and fascinating hiding purpose and frivolous waste i will make use of this principle oh you believe it when she says it tiffany has convinced me of the historic and cultural value of expressive movement perhaps i should experiment i'm all talked out makes me want to shake my tailbone i want to tell chandler how i feel but he seems busy taking advice from that ridiculous hippie and oh cleaved a snow of paper shawls so this must be before one dances maybe later bro i'm huzzah ah right that's enough work now it's time to work the dance floor i don't think they a heart enraptured is mine so it is one tears up the dance floor boogie boogie duh you know i'm dtd my chance has arrived don't blow it fizzle bean ah oh that feels good um chandler i i we've been together for so long and i've always wondered how you feel about me do do you want to be my boyfriend what bro that doesn't make any sense oh i see yes nevermind forget what i said snorpy we've been dating for years wait what how is that possible dude remember that time we made out on that ferris wheel and i said we should move in together well yes i just thought that we were roommates with benefits you know i hate ambiguity sorry snorpdog is zach clear enough for you i love you dawg now let's dance we did it buddy we're all together again well almost all of us but you know what knowing edgabella's out there gives me hope that lizburt is out there too i mean none of this would have been possible without you buddy i know you have to go back for your job eventually but i'd sure miss you if you left and well you still need to interview whisper right so our end is nigh is that a metaphor or we gotta move now uh are are you okay buddy all right i i know this looks bad but as long as we keep calm our doom approaches pray to your god's children it's the queen of bug snacks she's rising from the depths to devour us all the grandparty aim to silence us for good their machinations are coming to fruition now hold on we're not gonna die because of some cult or monster that's right we're gonna die cause the volcano's going off that's right wait what oh bad timing suppose we're gonna end up buried like all the others eh come on bro we can survive this as long as we got bug snacks we'll be fine my barn collapsed all of my little ones escaped bummer whoa whoa whoa whoa we're homeless and out of bug snacks oh it's a grumpy grump world now dibs on eating fill though please do i'm quite curious to see the result will befricka turn into filbo or the bug snacks he's eaten hold on a moment while i retrieve my notes hey hey hey you don't give up yet we may not have homes or snacks but we have each other i know it's pretty scary right now but we can't fall apart every single time something bad happens we have to stick together well said philbo anger bro you're all right what a pleasant surprise welcome back dr bata nugget hey everybody chandler floofty mr troubleham doc i'm glad you made it does that mean you figured it out that's right filbo i know how to get to liz that's amazing we got to go right away oh sorry to say it but is now really the best time this might be the only chance we get liz is in danger and this disaster is only getting started the worst is yet to come so spills farther toxin unending quiet you doctor you are only subjecting yourself to needless risk elizabeth is likely deceased dog this bird is alive and we're not going to leave her behind i just need filbo and uh philbo's buddy sorry chamblow bomber well what are the rest of us supposed to do while y'all are gone you prepare for the worst what do we need right now well i'm sick of being in the dark for one i want to know what's out there no worries beth i'll build a couple bonfires maybe a watchtower whatever is out there we'll see it coming but what do we do when the queen comes to devour us well i have a few prototype traps that i could put to use how about the more practical threats you know the earthquakes the volcanoes and what have you simple we find a way to get off the ground if the need arises well none of that matters if i starve to death we got my sauce yeah no way pal i ain't gonna chow down to that nasty plant group i stand corrected no more concerns great let's get to it then time ha hey egebel after we get liz bird are you two gonna come back to town oh i don't know sleeping on freezing cold rocks but i'm sure liz misses our bed well it'll be ready for you i've been keeping your hot clean for whenever mountain chill tall oh do you need a break uh how about water let me check your vitals oh no i'm okay besides we're we're almost there right right but in the future you could stand to do some exercise or just hang out with chandler all right we're here um how do we get this thing open iggy bell turns out she wrote the order backwards i guess even the great elizabeth megafit can still make mistakes well nobody's perfect right okay i'm ready when you are we're coming liz one two three so ah what is this thing yeah oh oh thanks buddy is egg bow with you i don't know how we all got separated well you found me pretty quick i'm sure she's not far yuck what is this stuff ugh it's slimy and cold and i uh i uh i kind of want to eat it uh if lizburt is really down here we better find her fast let them through i can't believe it we've got so much catching up to do i i wish i could but we're out of time you have to get out of here you have to gather up the others and get off the island okay then we can talk on the way back no bilbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry are you seriously trying to interview me right now i regret inviting you you came here to interview elizabeth megafig fine keep it quick this this is the island's true form it's bug snacks all the way down that's kind of amazing it's disgusting once you understand what bug snacks really are they're parasites they get inside you and they change you your body and your mind they make you want them and before you know it you become them it's not that simple they're insidious patient show them a weakness and they'll exploit it what you see here this is what's left of everybody who came before us of every living thing that wasn't bug snacks they always win after i saved eggabel i fell into this place before i knew what was happening i was swarmed bug snakes were crawling down my throat they tried to erase me to make me into them that's horrible i almost lost myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me that's right i'm sorry if i scared you i just wanted to make everyone leave this awful place but i can't make bug snakes talk no the bugs and eggs are in a frenzy they have been since we came here they're so ravenous that they're shaking the ground apart i'm the only thing keeping this island together right now but it's like fighting a tsunami with a bucket there you have your answers i hope you write a story worth telling i'm sorry that i put you through so much to get it i can't hold them back for much longer please go and warn the others wait i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you what do you mean you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything i i'm not good at stuff and everybody hates me but you they love you lizbert they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i filled your bodies with parasites i ignored all the warning signs i didn't understand what any of you really needed so now i'm taking responsibility for my mistakes i'll keep the bug snacks at bay long enough for everyone to escape liz no no no there has to be some other way we can help you no i should be the only one to suffer the consequences of my actions nobody else needs to get hurt because of me where have i heard that before ichabeel you shouldn't be here you need to get away get up get up come on let's go get up hey bill stop it no you stop it i didn't sleep in an igloo for months just so you could play martyr we're getting out of here together i i can't my control is already slipping if i step outside this cave my connection to the bug snakes will break and the island will collapse before i make it another step huh all right then i'll get in there with you move over move over it's not a car bill see that wasn't so hard right it worked igabel you beautiful genius wait how did you lose your eye oh i didn't i just got conjunctivitis at least the eye patch looks cool right it does make you look a bit dangerous so um how long before the island explodes oh i don't know it could be any moment but i'm sure liz and i can keep it together at least until you get everybody out of here what so now i'm supposed to leave both of you behind okay don't worry about us we've been through worse than this right we both survived so much by ourselves imagine what we can do when we're together okay good luck and i'll see you again someday it's time to get moving you're going to have to take a bit of a shortcut hold on is that you oh sorry buddy head hurt oh bad not dream time yet gotta save friends yes yes say friends we've got to get back to snacksburg as fast as we can we can't let the others need any more bug snacks if they transform all the way then then who knows what will happen so snorpy there they are wearing grumps name have you two been i'll explain later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspect that as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight great but where is everybody they're holding off the swarm as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions it'll only buy us time snort dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snortly leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid as for you you may need my snack chop it's much like the snack trap if it was set to puree good luck okay never mind buddy you better put that trap to good use foreign oh okay i'll be fine for now buddy stay still your pugnaceous pests why did snooperton make this so cumbersome one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist also one is pushing 70. not enough ah but here comes someone with a healthy capacity for violence take this device and clear a path for us please uh that's enough mortal danger for one day let's abscond while the bug snacks have subsided you don't have to tell me twice you however must continue the others still need your help come on snacks let's see what you got uh come over here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chandler collapses don't worry snort dog i could do this all day oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aimed the shot fortunately you were short on connective surfaces how about this hello battle too get dunked on three points don't trip nothing but love work chum we crushed it dog i'm gonna give you the hug of your life don't celebrate too soon we're not safe until we're off this horrid rock to the balloon you see anything yet all this smoke is making my ice water don't worry there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble speaking up snacks at three o'clock you got it fire in the hole oh that toast who knew snackwater was so flammable huh it's almost a shame to waste it like this oh bestie you're just in time for the end of the world but now that you're here if you take over the lunch pad krom joe can pick up the speed on those barrels can't you krom doe yeah sure thing beth if i don't break my trumpet back first another one point thanks heavy here take this take this another one another one oh that's heavy here take this oh it looked pretty nasty for a sec but i knew you'd pull through bestie we made it that means snorpy owes me five bucks let's blow this popsicle stand huh runaway snacks never come back oh i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me they're like a mob of adoring fans darling they love you so much that they they each want a piece of you even so i can't bring myself to to hurt him so why'd snorpy have to go and weaponize sprout ramble i didn't know you were so punk rock i'm not a punk or a rock i i can't do this well i know who can darling i've got them all warmed up it's time for you to bring the house down oh oh um is it over please say it's over my heart can't take much more of this no time for an encore gramble deer we better boogie call now get get get your varmints it's no use whammy must have learned a few things since the stone age well what do you want me to do i won't let them take my garden there's hardly any garden left there's enough i still got my special sauce fresh grown oh good thinking what that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you there would you mind helping out just a matter of life and death is all now that's about as big a break as we're gonna get come on whamby it's now or never oh i gave it my best all right trippy let's go home okay we're all here though i think the balloon needs another minute never mind i gotta get on board now thanks liz egg it's funny i spent all my time chasing one muse and as soon as i put it out of my mind another strikes me as we floated down from the sky watching our home crumble to dust a little song sprung into my head i call it an ode to gramble hey buddy are you ready to go there goes another farm serves me right for building it on top of an island-sized pest i guess there's no shame in starting fresh i'll find a place with rich soil and even richer history me and trippy can settle down i was so close to giving up back there i get so caught up dwelling on the way lives end but that's not the only thing that matters yeah wambus and i we're gonna start the rest of our lives today i thought i'd be real sad when i left all my little ones behind but i feel okay i don't know maybe it helps they tried to murder me but also i got folks who love me back for real like well wiggle oh hey bestie i think i need a vacay from this vacay going home doesn't seem so bad anymore my old life my old friends they're all gone but like now i know that i can make new friends and this time i won't ruin it for myself okay i know when i'm beat i draw the line an island full of monsters all i wanted to do was quit my dead-end job and do what makes me happy i don't need some big bug snack scam to do that hey maybe i'll get started in the music business while i'd regret that all my research was destroyed i have come away with a revelation i cannot improve grump is kind if i refuse to understand it it may be a long and frankly annoying endeavor but it is one worth pursuing i've never felt so wrong being right i wish i hadn't wasted so much time telling riddles i don't need to be all powerful to give good advice i just need to be me and those who listen will listen bro that was intense there's no way i ever would have made it out of there by myself good thing snorpy had my back when did he get so strong maybe i hit my personal limit but that doesn't matter there's no limit to what we can do together look at that mess it seems my enemies aren't so all-powerful after all but still there were many close calls and chandler was always there for me i think perhaps i could share everything with him hey buddy are you ready to go hey buddy are you ready to go all right everybody we should head out i hate leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there yeah if anybody can survive in that terrible place it's them no you're right nobody should ever set foot on snacktooth island again i know i can't go wallowing in regret now we're barely even out of the woods it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this so is it all right if i stay with you for a while i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or great let's go i have to admit you got guts tracking down elizabeth inside an erupting volcano it's compelling dramatic sensational i'd call it fiction if you didn't have this philippus yahoo along as a witness it's filbo actually point is you're a regular grumptorus thompson it's just too bad those bug snacks weren't real huh yeah too bad i i i hate to think that we went through all that for nothing so um i hope you can spread the truth about snack tooth before anybody else gets hurt don't worry g n specializes in painful truths and speaking of you're fired these stories are paige turner and all but you lost your job the second you walked out that door oh please it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead might want to clear that up soon well that wasn't ideal but you've had worse days huh buddy so i hear the elections are coming up and uh i was thinking of running for mayor i could use a helping paw how about it no no i sent them away it would be hard to make them disappear at this point do they suspect anything hmm hard to say could be their idiots could be they know the truth and they're keeping it quiet very well we will have to keep our eye on them to quit us bug snacks strappy
Channel: AJBRUN
Views: 36,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bugsnax, bugsnax, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax trailer, bugsnax ps5, ps5, playstation 5, talking about bugsnax, bugsnax reaction, it's bugsnax, ps4, bugsnax game reaction, bugsnax ps5 gameplay, bugsnax ps4, bugsnax full game, Bugsnax cutscenes, bugsnax gameplay ps4, ps4 bugsnax, bugsnax walkthrough, bugsnax gameplay trailer, bugsnax catching, catching bugsnax, bugsnax playthrough, bugsnax all cutscenes, bugsnax game, bugsnax video game, bugsnax dialog, bugsnax cutscenes
Id: qXn2pFh9jJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 38sec (10478 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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