The Indian ground meat dish everyone should know how to make.

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it happened again you ask yourself the question what should i make with this ground beef well instead of the default smash burgers or tacos that i always seem to make let me introduce you to kima the indian ground meat dish keema is described by madur jaffrey as the first indian dish that all indian students abroad learn how to make and i can see why first off it's just flat delicious and probably reminds me of home second it's quite easy spices are toasted to bring out the flavor an aromatic base is sauteed and kind of turned into a saucy mixture and then the meat is brown and stewed down and all of that a 210 gram serving of the meat only comes in at 331 calories and 25 grams of protein served with some basmati rice and adds 240 for a total of 571 it's a perfect dish for making a pound of ground meat go further for a family or just leaving you with plenty of leftovers for days to come so keema is the indian word for ground or minced meat and it's kind of a catch-all term there are obviously tons of different keema dishes out there specifically today i'll be making keema mutter which is quite literally ground meat with peas and it has its origins in the mughal empire and is popular all across india but what i've tried to do for this recipe is break it down into its three base components the spices the airmatics and the base so kind of think about this as i explain them and let's go through the recipe to start i'm going to prep the aromatics which for this version are the onion garlic ginger and two green chilies now for all of these i'm trying to cut the onion and green chilies as small as possible so they kind of melt away as they cook down later on for the ginger garlic i bust out the box grater and then just mix them together after they're grated ginger garlic paste is a mix that is in almost every indian recipe and is really one of those signature aromatic bases and that's really it for aromatics now while not super traditional you could try other vegetables here if you wanted celery bell pepper carrots if you have them but while i have that grater out i'm going to run two roma tomatoes across it and by grating them the tomatoes will easily create that kind of saucy ish consistency we're looking for later on without having to finely dice them now you can also use canned tomatoes here if you want they'll work just as well next we're going to add the ground beef to a bowl and just mix in some water and by mixing in water we can create a smooth texture for the keema for a traditional consistency we don't want to have large clumps of meat so taking this step ahead of time makes this much easier as we don't have to break up the meat while it's cooking also feel free to use any type of ground meat lamb is probably the most common one that i've seen in various recipes online but madura jaffrey has a recipe using ground turkey so whatever you use will really come out delicious so the grated tomatoes the beef with water and some lemon juice at the end are really our main sauce components now other items i've seen used in keema recipes to create that kind of sauce or kind of thin it out or plain yogurt and milk but i finally just like it with the tomatoes the beefy water and lemon juice lastly before cooking i'm going to pull out the spices for this i have mustard seeds cumin seeds hot chili powder turmeric garam masala bay leaf two cloves a stick of cinnamon and 10 black peppercorns i'm going to quickly grind the mustard cumin seeds and black peppercorns together in a mortar and pestle and as for our spices there are really countless variations you could have for me i would try to at least get the cumin chili powder turmeric and garam masala but feel free to play around as much as you want now at the stove place a wok or large pan over medium heat and add a drizzle of neutral oil to cover the bottom of the pan add the mustard cumin and black peppercorn mix along with the two cloves cinnamon stick and the bay leaf now i kept the cloves and cinnamon hole because if ground they can kind of overpower the other spices in the dish and i want it to be a subtle addition we're just going to let these toast for 10 to 20 seconds being careful not to burn anything then you can add the onion ginger garlic paste the chilis and a sprinkle of salt we're gonna let this saute down until your kitchen starts to smell magical probably about six to eight minutes next we're going to add the ground turmeric and the hot chili powder along with the diced tomato i'm going to cook for another five minutes or so until a sauce has formed and it has started to darken a bit with the sauce form add the liquid ground beef along with another little sprinkle of salt and then while stirring occasionally we're just gonna let this cook down so everything can get comfy with each other probably about another five to ten minutes once the beef is cooked through we're going to finish this by adding in about 200 grams of frozen peas and just stirring them until they're cooked through once cooked turn off the heat we're going to add a spritz of lemon juice for a bit of acidity along with a sprinkle of garam masala and this is going to kind of help round out the flavors in the dish and as always here taste it if it feels a little bit lacking add another sprinkle of salt stir it in taste and repeat and you can really see we kind of that saucy beefy it's almost like a really meaty chili almost then to serve this at the table i would just transfer it to a serving bowl along with some rice this also goes really well with roti or paratha or other bread products and then to get a plate of this we're just going to pop some beautifully steamed basmati rice on it then load up the plate with the keema to garnish this hit it with some torn cilantro leaves over top maybe a bit of pickled onions on the rice and let's taste test all right everybody taste test time i've been dying to get into this stuff right here for me this is just like pure comfort food it's nicely spiced ground beef with some peas in there pair it with some white rice you could use naans you could do roti i've got a video on that if you want to make that plus like it's a great way to kind of extend uh just like a pound of ground beef it probably like doubles the amount of weight you have by the time you add the tomatoes the water the peas so it can really stretch and then this stuff makes amazing amazing leftovers um i mean it's just it's just absolutely delicious it's kind of like getting like a nice little hug from somebody in your stomach just you just can't beat the keema and again this specific version is keema mudder so with peas but i mean you could throw in a variety of vegetables like mushrooms would be really good in this maybe zucchini or just really any kind of green vegetables like you could definitely throw in this and and make something really delicious and getting that nice kind of extra like saucy-ish like fine little pieces of meat is really a great thing from a texture component as composed to like big chunks of ground beef or anything so however you guys make this the full recipe for my specific version will be up on my website if you guys want to follow it but that's going to wrap it up for me go make some keema mudder or any other kadakima dish you're going to be in for a treat i will catch you all in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 259,271
Rating: 4.9408112 out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, keema recipe, mutton keema, keema recipe hyderabadi, keema masala, how to make keema, ground beef recipes, ground meat recipes for dinner, keema recipe food fusion, easy recipes, ground beef, indian food, spice eats recipes, indian food recipes, kofta curry recipe pakistani, dhaba style mutton keema, Qeema, Kheema, Keema matar, matar keema, dhaba style mutton keema recipe
Id: a3fMXjDQkrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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