Buenos Aires Travel Guide for First Timers - Things to know BEFORE visiting

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[Music] welcome to the secrets of Buenos Aires Channel I'm Glenn and in this video I will tell you all the things you need to know when traveling to the capital city of Argentina please don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button I appreciate it a lot Buenos Aires the capital of Argentina is the largest city in the country with over 50 million people the city is a major cultural center with many Museums Art Galleries and historic buildings Buenos Aires welcomes every year over more than 3 million tourists to see the most famous landmarks Buenos Aires is the home of Tango a partner dance that goes back to the 1880s and started around Rio de La Plata nowadays there are many famous Tango venues in town more later in this video in this Buenos Aires guide I will talk about things to do in the city but also ideas for planning your trip to Buenos Aires such as the best time to visit the neighborhoods where to stay and much more [Music] Buenos Aires can charm everybody from Cloudy colder days up to the hot days in summer in September and October Buenos Aires starts to become warmer again as spring starts too the blossoms of the jacaranda tree and other flowers bring a nice fresh smell in the city it's a perfect moment to discover the city as it's not too hot and perfect to walk around on top of that you will avoid big crowds because summer vacation starts a couple of months later November is perfect if you want to enjoy the pre-summer vibe and spend the evenings Outdoors on the streets or Parks December and January are the hottest months in Buenos Aires temperatures are at their highest don't forget to wear sun protector also from December till March it is High season in the city many tours arrive in Argentina on its way to discover the country February and March are just perfect again the lower temperatures are making it great again to walk around and bike around if you're on a budget then the best time to visit Buenos Aires is from April to August Buenos Aires has two international airports the major International Airport calls azaza and is located 50 kilometers outside the capital city the chances are high that you will arrive at this Airport a smaller airport but they are not far less busy Jorge Newberry all also called aeroparque it's located on Riverbanks of Rio De La Plata most of the domestic flights land and depart there once you arrived at the Aziza airport there are a few different ways to get to the city center of Buenos Aires first of all there are no Metro or train lines from the airports to Buenos Aires if you want to get quickly into the city center it's best to take an airport transfer this can be a private airport transfer or a taxi it brings you to the city in a 50 minutes round without any traffic if you're on a budget you can take the public bus or a shuttle bus that runs one time per hour and brings you to the Old Port of Buenos Aires Puerto Madero Argentina is home of the Argentine peso it is known to take cash with you and exchange it in Buenos Aire City there are many exchange rates in the country and also one especially For Tourists however there are a few things you need to know and look out for because of that complicated topic of money exchange in Argentina I made separate videos about it be sure to check them out and get all the important information the area of Buenos Aires is twice the size of Paris get the most out of the history of Buenos Aires in San Telmo or monsterat both the Heart of the City and where Buenos Aires and Argentina are founded santelmo stands out for its Mercado de santamo and Sunday market la boca is the home of Tango and the Boca Junior Football Club its colorful houses going back to the foundation of the city and the history about the immigrants arriving in Argentina for an area full of bars and club with great restaurants then for sure check out Palermo get your morning coffee at one of the many bars and stay up late in the best restaurants and afterwards visit one of the clubs Recoleta is another neighborhood in Buenos Aires that has one of the most famous attractions cementario de la regulata the resting place of Evita more on the edge of the city you'll find Puerto Madero bonusar's Old Port but now an open spacious neighborhood on the flanks of Rio de la Prada a more green area to walk around and quickly getting into the city the two neighborhoods that stand out as the best place to stay that are santelmo and Palermo it's Central located and it's in the Heart of the City if you're looking to stay in the most historic part in the city then santelmo is a neighborhood for you get a full experience by visiting the Mercado santermo and watch some live Tango on Plaza dorejo you're just 10 minutes walk away from the presidential Palace and most famous landmark dobelisco another great neighborhood is Palermo this area is full of bars and restaurants the perfect neighborhood to end your day and stay busy till the morning as well it's close to Buenos Aires most popular museums Puerto Madero is one of the most popular choices get great views over City in one of the tallest buildings in town stroll around in the evening on the docks or get a drink at one of the many bars located around the water the best way to discover Buenos Aires is by food walk around in Buenos Aires and explore all the neighborhoods with all its museums and attractions get more into the local atmosphere and find hidden gems on your way Buenos Aires has many buses driving around in the city the bus can bring you almost at every corner in town you can also take the metro which is a cheap and comfortable way to get from point A to B the Subway card can be used to pay all public transport options the city has also two hop-on hop-off bus lines operating every day from morning till the evening and passing at the most important places in Buenos Aires make a great photo from the upper deck of the bus like in any other City bonus hires has many taxis driving around you can recognize them by their black and yellow color a quick and efficient way to get hazel free around in the city there are thousands of taxis driving around you will definitely see when driving there's always something for everyone and for any budget start today with a Media Luna and a coffee a traditional Argentine breakfast you can get it almost at any bar in town a perfect way to start your day and stop later in the city for an empanada a salty dough with many filling options such as ham and cheese or meat or dried already in style pizza with a mountain of cheese on it don't forget to try a typical Argentine barbecue or barisha the true Argentinian taste combined with price winning wines from the country or try locuro if you're one of the holidays in Argentina a traditional dish made on special days there are so many things to see in the city I help you to get a good start there are of course some attractions you cannot miss on your trip in Buenos Aires starting with El Caminito in la boca enjoy the colorful houses in Caminito and see how local painters bring their area to life on a white canvas the cemetery of a Recoleta is called one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world with the grace of Evita Peron Nobel Prize winners and the daughter of Napoleon a must thing to do in Buenos Aires is Feria de santelmo on Sunday santelmo is the smallest neighborhood in Buenos Aires and hosts every Sunday an antique Market the markets start from avelina San Juan to Plaza Macho wander around between all the small Trinkets and maybe you find Historical items did you know that Buenos Aires has the highest number of bookstores per capita L Ateneo bookstore wasn't always a bookstore before it was a marvelous theater with thousand seats El Ateneo is in the second place of the most beautiful bookstores in the world and don't miss a Tango show when you're in Buenos Aires a dance from the 19th century and it's world famous seek it in life in one of the many Tango venues in town a perfect evening activity to do I hope you enjoyed this video please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don't miss the newest videos you can always get the latest info and travel tips on secretsofbonazarus.com and get your Tango tickets at the best price on the website I hope to welcome you soon in Buenos Aires and don't hesitate to contact me ciao [Music]
Channel: Secrets of Buenos Aires
Views: 50,631
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Id: 4sbYjI_AtmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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