Everything You Must Eat in Buenos Aires Argentina (Restaurant Guide) | Jeremy Jacobowitz

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ready [Music] oh my God [Music] hey guys Jeremy Jacobus here if you're new welcome if you're not new welcome back so lovely seeing your beautiful faces this is all about my food adventures all of Worlds and today we're on a food Adventure I'm here in Buenos Aires if you click the video you know what this video is about we are here to eat the best of the best I'm excited for that and also this place has a very special need in my heart this is where my grandfather was born um he came here or my sorry my great grandparents left Poland on a boat full of juice come to America and America said no and Argentina has always been such a Haven for immigrants so they came here my grandfather was born here at the age of 12. they moved to the US but half the family stayed so they're generations of family here that I don't know um but so I'm excited to one be able to sort of you know experience my Heritage a little bit and to just sort of see um you know what the food culture is like here because they've been such a Haven for not only juice but but especially Italian too um just sort of what what's the food's like um I'm excited the food looks amazing a lot of great places on my list and well let's go eat [Music] I landed and got straight to work heading to the Central Market where everyone comes for the best and most fresh produce in the city but I was there for a special stall Las chicas de Electro it took me a little bit of time to figure it out it was chaos it's quiet now and it's a little more crazy outside but hiding in here is some of the best foods that's what we're gonna need so you've seen him on Netflix you've seen them all over social media but watching Pato and Romy run their stall here was like just a joy the sights the smells The Sounds the laughs even the dogs uh being a fly on the wall for a few hours was a memory I will truly never forget but let's talk about that food from pizzas like the focuseta an Argentinian specialty loaded up with onions and cheese [Music] laughs [Music] they do not pull back on their jeans wow two empanadas all the classic cheese for the flavor in Empanada form big fan to what they're most well known for their Tortilla de Papa's a stuffed potato tortilla kind of like a Spanish tortilla with fried potatoes and eggs where here they pile on the khamoni queso something I'd find out is a favorite twist here in Argentina [Music] it's cooked flipped and cooked again and finally sliced fresh for the long line that I have outside dying to get a bite [Music] thank you texture is just amazing Super Crust on the outside all that melty creaminess of the cheese and potatoes in the middle oh amazing incredible gracias gracias honestly this type of restaurant here is exactly why I traveled like it's so special so unique it's such a it's so much more than just the food the people that come to this not random but for normal people you know um I ran the spot to get some of the best food ever just like the energy in there isn't there filming with them for a few hours just like just really the two of them a little old dog I found hiding too they're just like doing incredible things their food is special they're special absolutely get here to eat can't recognize it more like this is the best possible way to get the trip started all right so I spent the rest of the afternoon kind of just chilling but it's dinner time it's a beautiful night here Buenos Aires and the restaurant from my shoulders are there it's supposed to have this incredible incredible so let's go check it out because I'm somehow hungry I'm somehow so hungry I I brought home all that food and I ate in the hotel which I normally you don't do it because God damn good El preferrito de Palermo is on a list of the world's 50 best restaurants and rightfully so with their influences coming from Buenos Aires his Rich history of Spanish and Italian ingredients and flavors first up was a selection of their shukri board with everything made in house the meat's just absolutely melted in your mouth and I love the final which is a large pancake made of chickpea flour then it was all about that beef millionaires that didn't cut fries emilioneza is a staple and a must eat in Argentina truly just an epic special meal and do not skimp out on the wines and desserts foreign [Music] guys it's day two here in Buenos Aires another goddamn just like stunningly beautiful day it's 65 degrees I'm at 67 degrees sunny beautiful amazing no humidity just absolutely perfect but you know what it's time to start eating again so it worked out worked out to try and feel good about myself or a little bit because for breakfast while we're eating pizza we are at one of the oldest and one of the absolute best places in Buenos Aires for pizza and there's already a lot behind me but don't worry guys I don't throw it online so we're gonna go inside see how some pizzas are made taste a little bit and see just how much I like roll out of your feeling but I'm excited let's do this with a huge influx of Italians Argentina in the late 1800s early 1900s you knew their own version of pizza wasn't far behind one of the oldest and best places for pizza and Buenos Aires is La masetta Pizzeria which has been open for almost a hundred years and it seems like a lot of people working here have been here for that long too serving all kinds of different pizzas don't worry I'll be eating all of them in a minute it's a buenosaurus specialty for cassetta which is what people line up for but gazetta is a double layered stuffed pizza with dough tons of mozzarella more dough and more onions than you could ever imagine they're making over 100 of those pies a day I got to take a little behind the scenes tour to see the magic this is one of the preferred Place hours okay tip so this is going to be in a tomato with cheese please look at this this is a prepared for the empanadas meat meat empanadas okay with onions and all condiments yes well at that when we have a free horns if you can see that but we are preparing this now um this is meat finish it this is a kind of pizza that you can find in in capital okay in the East China to prepare for you okay it's this kind of flavors okay look at this this is small no small size to to prepare and this is like that in a small and this is going to have a decent trailers okay these Keys um a bell pepper okay bell pepper with charm and fish and ancho I don't know okay um okay okay cool okay let's try them all right let's do this insane tasting of all their pizzas I was not expecting that I did not think I would get one of everything but you know what the hospitality here here in particular over here just in the country too and Buenos Aires has been just incredible and they're definitely um they're definitely four Speeders here if you haven't figured that out already all right so start with just a plane your crush is so beautiful so much crunch so much just like butter oil oozing out of there and that little Special Special Sauce special herb oil on top of it so good all right try the anchovy love anchovy this one's a little bit more simple really just like the marinara with anchovy on top of it lots of marinara [Music] foreign [Music] that explosion of salt you got with the anchovies I love um it goes so well sort of cutting through that nice butteriness of the crust too um this is the one all right let's go tomato okay obviously nice thing this is a tomato but that had just a way more like exclusive garlic on top of it too everything just flavor and flavor and flavor flavor and flavor and flavor flavor all right it's getting messy it's getting real messy now [Music] all right this one had the ham and the roasting Peppers really like that nice little sweetness the roasted Peppers adds oh let's get to the main event I mean just look at that oh my God this one is make my brain go crazy like just again explosion of cheese and butter and garlic then all those beautiful onions on top of it like layers and layers and layers layers and layers of onions deep breaths deep breaths mmm nice sweetness coming through the onions as well oh that Herby garlic oil they pour on top of it oh God damn [Music] I thought it was done I thought it was done it's like no no I gotta try more and then dessert I'll show you dessert in a second let's let's try these because I know I feel bad not trying anymore everyone's so goddamn nice to me I feel like it's an insult if I don't try everything even if I need to like take a nap after this hmm is that one's just ham and cheese and that one was that ground beef that we saw cooking back there mmm you know what that's inside oh what's the word for it it's a dish we eat on Passover I forgot what it was called but it has it seems like nice sort of almost potato we'd like texture Jews in the comments call it out tell me what that is all right so this is a dolce de leche cake with this like burnt sugar topping um that is Rich would be unbelief but I like that one the crossover came through and a real nice sort of richness um and a nice little sort of like bitterness so sort of balance all that sugar in there too really good um so I've just been sort of taking advantage of honestly just how beautiful of a day it is and just walking around and taking in the city it's just stunning absolutely stunning uh becoming of my shoulder is a very famous cemetery here uh Mausoleum really uh I guess it's still a cemetery I don't know if it's maybe not a graveyard I don't know if I don't know but well uh it's very famous here lots of famous people buried there and just supposed to be beautiful in their beautiful monuments and beautiful mausoleums and um definitely a must stop yeah want to experience the best of Buenos Aires reach out to the person who knows best out who although originally from Chicago has now become a predominant food writer here in Buenos Aires she took me out a little crawl to find the best of the best and some hidden gems first stop was lafreza which specializes in Next Level bar food to go alongside with their house made vermouth so this place where at La fortisa is on the border of chocolita and it opens I don't know four or five years ago and it was one of the first places in this neighborhood that's like totally exploded and their specialty is removed and they actually make the Mendoza and they paired up the owners who are have been in the Gaston like the gastrodons the Gastronomy industry forever um have like really good bars and they open this and they teamed up with a really great wine maker named Sebastian zuppardi who lives in Mendoza and they made this vermouth and it has like a lot of like they thought shoe shows a lot of the stuff from Mendoza like the herbs and everything and so they make a few different ones and so what they want to do is kind of reinvent reinvent the aperitative like a pair of teeth because Argentina peritivo culture is like they've been doing it for centuries it's really a lot of Italian influence and so what they did is kind of modernize a little bit so so we have to try some vermouth but also the Holy Father organic provoleta apanata in a mix of seeds with roasted tomatoes and fresh herbs and this scrambled gramajo of peas and cooked ham moving on we went to especialitad empanadas arabas for a Syrian take on the classic Empanada can't come to Argentina and not get Troy pond it's more coming but we stopped at chori the Modern Troy Punk concept serving these delectable chorizo and bread combo uh which I got with chimichurri all on their cheese bread not done yet after a quick tequila break at one of the world's 50 best bars Tres monos it was off to nidogordo for an Argentinian spin on classic japanese bar dishes like this donkato Sando and sweetbreads needless to say I love it here [Music] all right new day and just like Sunday mornings in New York City I was craving a bagel and went to check out Jacob's Bagels uh opened by a New Yorker in 2014 to connect with both his New York and Jewish Heritage to the community okay so if you guys have seen my videos before you know that if there is a bagel in town I want to try it because people always tell me you gotta try the bagel Sarah promises just like New York City I don't necessarily trust that but I'm always willing to give it a shot so today we're at Shake UPS Bagels this I was told was the or the or are they they are the best bagels in Buenos Aires at least maybe in Argentina but let's see how they stack up to New York City so we've got two Bagels we got the Classico here so that's Capers locks cream cheese and pickled cabbage I guess on there and then we got the special um which I was like well I'm here might as well try the special [Music] um and that is it's like sausage string beans ingredients and everything and assessment [Music] I really like how pillowy the inside is I think outside can be a little bit more crusty but pretty damn good for not being in New York City and we're like flavor unless his favorite combination works it's classic we all know that works I like the pickled onions what is it what is it think of onions let's get this special [Music] you guys have seen my weird Bagel videos before this sort of falls under the category of the why that's not bad I like the punch or the green beans in there it's not it's not bad it's a more of a why why order this when you get the classic but professional I'm enjoy it [Music] I thought it was a little too early for dessert but they did not think so because they sent out the Muggle too and it is like oozing and warm in my hands and I'm very happy they said this to me oh dude that just melts wow just oozing chocolate and butter all right that one's chocolate this one must be raised on strawberry sandwich no do the raisins web out somehow I'm stuffy unbelief already with a long day thank you okay so now I made my way to an area called santelmo it is just full of like antique shops some more food stay tuned and just markets and people and art and just a really cool area so you can walk around and see what uh what's here on the first stop is gonna be shop right behind me it's called antique's cameras that's not my previous uh videos I love cameras I love film and they specialize in that so we're gonna check it out and see what kind of damage I can do okay so specifically I was looking for film uh 120 millimeter film if you want to see my film photos from this trip stay tuned I'm going to be making videos about that once they're developed um I was trying to get some more portrait 400 he didn't have that he said only 100 telling millimeter they have just expired film which I've never shot with but produce really really cool stuff so we had this Afghan payan 400 it expired in 1992. it's black and white I've never really shot black and white either so a lot of just really fun stuff to mess with and that shop is amazing check them out for 125 years people have been coming to Mercado de santamo for fresh produce Antiques and some of the best food in the city okay so we stepped into the optional Market itself again a lot of like antique things but this is the food Hall I guess you'd call it and just like smells sounds the action the people it's overwhelming how amazing it is uh I definitely want to try something more problems with options I don't know what to choose but like I'm impressed I like it I like I like it a lot another recommendation and then the Oh So Glorious smell of meat brought me to Nuestra perilla for more cherry pond so simple yet so perfect with a little bit of chimichurri to bring the whole sandwich together like this bite is everything I dream about super crusty bread it's perfect for this nice sort of like a little bit of Peep nice spice running through the meme and then chimichurri just all that like Herbie niceness deliciousness popping popping popping popping popping popping mmm God damn this is so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one last meal and I was looking for something a little different and stumbled my way into Saigon Noodle Bar for some Vietnamese food and you know what it hit the spot a perfect way to Showcase just how special and unique this city is much like in New York City Buenos Aires is immigration has shaped everything and brought so many unique cultures together while I never found my family I did feel like I found a place that could feel like home and hopefully I get to come back really soon hope you guys enjoyed that video I mean if you needed this far you might as well subscribe because I go into adventures all over world and here are a couple of other food adventurers I think you'd enjoy thank you
Channel: Jeremy Jacobowitz
Views: 143,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy jacobowitz, brunch boys, brunchboys, foodie, argentina, buenos aires, El Preferido de Palermo, Tortilla de papas, netflix, street food, las chicas dela tres, La Mezzetta pizzeria, Fugazetta, Sheikobs Bagels, choripan
Id: En72ittDqvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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