Argentina: The Don'ts of Visiting Argentina

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with walters foreign today we're at the garganta del diablo or the throat of the devil in iguazu falls and the thing is today we're going to talk about are the don'ts of actually when you come here to argentina now obviously there's a lot of people and a lot of noise to fall so we'll go into puerto iguazu for this but i just thought she should see this because this is one of the things you have to check out when you come here to south america the wozoo falls don't skip out on it okay but into town yeah those falls are awesome okay so you'll probably see them popping in a few times in the video just randomly because oh my god it is so cool to see the go-kazoo falls and actually going to see the nature here in argentina is awesome it kind of gets me to think of the first stone i have for when you visit argentina is don't think that argentina is just buenos aires there's so much more than buenos aires here in argentina and the thing is there's so much nature to see because when you come here when you get out you're going to see amazing visas amazing views whether it's coming here to iguazu and seeing the falls in the park here which is just unbelievable we're going down to bariloche to go skiing in the winter which is the summer in the northern hemisphere okay in june and july and august and stuff like that skiing down there we're going drinking the wine and seeing the mountains in mendoza or maybe going to puerto madrina you want to go see the whale watching or going up to salta and stuff i mean there's so much nature that's here that a lot of people forget that it's argentina is so much more than buenos aires now definitely go to buenos aires because the city is awesome there's amazing districts to see all throughout the town the neighborhoods they really are distinct it's actually my favorite thing if you watch our loves and hates of buenos aires that's the first thing i love is that distinctive differences of the neighborhoods in buenos aires but the thing is don't think buenos aires is argentina because argentina is so much more than that okay now my second don't for you is when you are coming here to argentina and you are going to visit things don't expect things to start early okay so that means if you want to go to the museum so you want to go do see some sites you want to do some things things don't start at eight o'clock in the morning or nine o'clock in the morning things start a little bit later okay if you're gonna go see the dinosaur bones the natural science museum in buenos aires it opens it too okay you want to have lunch while lunch is like one or two o'clock in the afternoon dinner oh yeah that's 8 9 10 11 12 p.m totally normal to have dinner very much a late night starting thing so don't think you're going to start anything early and also don't get upset if the locals are a little late if you set something up with them because it's kind of a normal thing to be 20 to 30 minutes late to a social engagement now i'm going to tell you as a tourist don't be late for your buses your trains what the few trains that you'll have or the planes you're going to be on because those things they aren't late okay and with the timing thing don't forget about the siesta when you are here now it's not all over the country but there's enough places that you'll see that things will close from about two to four or two to five in the afternoon so you do have to do some like important shopping get it done in the morning so like 10 to 12 or 10 to one or something like that or later in the evening because that's when you're gonna be doing more of your shopping all right now after some more adventures in the park we're actually here where we're staying here in here at iguazu and the next don't i have for you is though i'm kind of hot and i'm looking a little sweaty when i am here don't think that argentina is that hot humid all year round like stereotype of south america that you think of because argentina gets cold okay now here in iguazu yeah at nights and their winter which is you know june july august it does get chilly okay so you do want to have layers but if you're going down to patagonia you know there's a reason why people go to bariloche to go skiing because there's snow there buenos aires yeah you're going to want a winter jacket because it gets a little chilly so just realize it's not always the hot humid kind of weather you think of when you think of south america when you come to argentina because it has a lot it has the seasons it has a lot of variation so do make sure you do pack some layers when you do come here because you know what it's not what you expect in terms of the weather thing okay also don't forget that the the seasons are different so summertime the hot season december january february march and the the cooler season is going to be june july and august okay our cold season so just have a heads up for that all right my next stone for you is when you come here don't expect every argentine to be really happy if you compare argentina to other countries in latin america and south america because the argentines will let you know they consider themselves more european than latin americans so just a heads up for that if you get a few you know looks and shaked heads and wagged fingers if that does happen another donut i have for you is i know when you think of argentina you think ah one of the greatest football players ever diego maradonda is from here played for boca won the world cup for argentina all kinds of awesome stuff and you think everybody must love him there look don't think everyone loves maradona now they love maradona the player so just know that if you're thinking oh i'm gonna everyone's gonna love me because i'm gonna be maradona fan no they love they love their messy they love their other guys so just know that one okay and the reason why i bring up maradona is you're going to be getting probably want to get a you know an argentina t-shirt when you are here whether it's a boca juniors river plate you know russian or whoever you're going to get there's lots of cool teams of course just the national teams are really awesome and if you're going to be shopping here there's some cool stuff to buy here actually in argentina but my next dome for you actually has to do with the clothes and that is don't forget to try things on before you buy because the size in argentina does not necessarily line up with the sizes in europe or the us okay so you need to make sure you try it on before that m what you think is a medium is going to fit the same way okay so have a heads up for that one and the thing is if you're going to be traveling around argentina you're going to be going to a game or you're going to be seeing bariloche you're going to go up to puerto messianes province's sea and come see what zoo don't think it's going to be a quick bus ride to get anywhere in argentina argentina is a very long country it's a very big country and it takes a long time to get around so make sure you're ready for that so when you're planning your trip give yourself enough time to get between the different places all right because it does take a while alright and when you are taking those buses remember it you know a 10 8 to 10 hour 18 hour bus ride isn't that uncommon when you actually do come down here now what i will another don't know i'll have for you because since you're gonna be taking these long bus rides because actually the flights can be a bit pricey okay we're gonna be talking these taking these long bus rides don't forget to bring a couple battery packs okay now some of the buses will have plugs for you some won't some will have wi-fi some won't so you're going to be on these long buses and you're going to want to make sure your devices stay charged so i always say bring two good backup chargers also don't forget argentina has its own different kind of plug so your european plugs the us plugs the brazilian plugs you have won't work here okay so make sure you do get an argentina specific plug when you do come here all right and the thing is when you're back on those buses you'll notice that people bring their backpacks on and they all have a thermos with them or when you're driving down the road you'll see the police some of the stops and they'll have a thermos with them with this cup and you'll see your friends carrying around a thermos you're like dude who carries around a thermos full of hot water well they're not carrying around a thermos just of hot water what they're carrying around is mate okay and the thing i'm going to tell you about mate is don't skip out on trying mate when you're here especially if you get invited by locals to join in the mate circle so yerba mate and the reason why i'm standing here is actually there's a yerba mate tree behind me and they take the leaves and what you end up doing it's it's a tea it's an herbal tea basically but what they do is they put it in the little gourd thing and you'll see the silver straws and stuff like that they stuff it in there and they pour the hot water on there okay so just trying to let you know if you're going to be a digital nomad when you're down here or you're going to be you know trying to work while you're abroad down here and traveling just know finding a really fast internet can be an issue it is hit and miss but just just have a heads up for that okay now my next stone for you is don't take your safety for granted when you are here in argentina and there's different art different safety things you want to think about one thing you look at is hey look we're in the we're in iguazu falls with the national park and these kind of things you know with the sun beating down with the bugs biting you and stuff like that take that safety so have your sunblock have your bug spray but also don't feed the animals and play with the animals when you are here because they can bite you and hurt you okay this isn't just all little fluffy little nice animals there's some meaner animals that are here so do be careful with that and speaking of safety also the safety is in terms of when you're going around okay argentina does have some crime issues i'm not gonna lie about that so if you're gonna be going out and it's gonna be late at night when you're coming back or you know that's kind of how it works here don't forget to take a tax to get back i know i'll talk say about taxis later but just you know don't be afraid to take that taxi back from the club or the restaurant and stuff like that because safety is an issue when you are here also if you're going to be staying in buenos aires this is what i always think it's important to say is if you're staying in an airbnb okay don't ask the door unless you're expecting someone all right because there has been no to people robbing people at their homes kind of stuff so do be careful with that okay also in terms of money i guess i should talk about that because a lot of times that comes up in safety is don't forget to bring lots of small bills especially u.s dollars okay the us dollar is like the de facto second currency here in argentina and you can pay with it all over the place and the thing is a lot of places actually put up what their exchange rate is so you can pay straight in dollars there no problem now a lot of places especially in tourist areas credit cards visa mastercard expect accepted lots and lots and lots of places i've had american express a few times too but the thing is this cash is more appreciated when you are here and what's best is if you have small u.s bills because then a five buck taxi ride will get you a lot of places and then you don't have a 10 or 20 or 50 that no one 15 owner's gonna be able to break really okay so have the smaller bills all right so do have a heads up for that oh also if you're going to be going to the atms here don't think the atms are outside the atms are inside the banks or inside like a mall okay so the ones that are in the banks if you're going after hours you might have to you're gonna have to swipe your card to get into the bank to go get your money out um and uh don't expect the atm to be english at first i know when you put your international card in you think it's going to register oh international give me the choices of the languages now usually what happens is you're going to put your pin number in first and then enter or continue on which is continue you'll see that and then it'll give you a selection of what you want to do okay and if you're coming from the u.s or europe remember you're probably using your checking account that's coriente okay that that's one you want to look at that you're going to push and then it'll switch over oh what language do you want and usually it's going to be spanish english or portuguese are going to be your options okay now when you get your money from the atm another don't i'm going to have for you is don't count your money when you're walking out of the bank put everything in your wallet before you leave the bank okay so don't flash your cash when you're here in argentina also don't wear your bling your your necklaces and your earrings and your fri and your rings and stuff like that and nice watches just leave that stuff at home but one thing i will say is don't dress like a slob in argentina they have style here but you notice their style doesn't involve a lot of glitz and glamour kind of ritzy kind of stuff so just kind of be be cool but don't bring the bling because that can put you in a situation where you might become more of an easy target for people to rob you because it's more of the robberies i've i've heard about and seen here it's been more of you know crimes of opportunity versus i'm going to go get them especially with tourists so just have a heads up for that with those small u.s bills or the paces you have and stuff like that when you're taking taxis one thing i'm going to say is don't expect every taxi to take you when you are in argentina okay they don't have to at least they don't have to in their mind and so don't expect them to take you and the thing is is don't expect super amazing service in those taxis hence why you don't tip your taxi driver here they're not expecting it for a reason all right now the thing i would say is if you're going to be flying into buenos aires or cordoba or you're coming to iguazu or you're going to be taking the ferry over from uruguay or something like that don't be afraid to take a remise those are hired cars and you'll see it at the stations and basically what you're doing is you're paying i mean a slight price premium i'm saying like 25 more maybe maybe less okay sometimes more okay but what it is is you have a private driver that drives you where you want to go so you don't have to deal with the tax cps you don't have to worry about those things and i find those to be quite good so if you've got to be someplace you know and you're not sure the tax is going to make it talk to your hotel about study about me a private driver to take you places that can be a lot easier yes you pay a bit more but it makes life so much easier especially when you're getting out of the airport or you're going to be heading you know back in from the ferries or something like that it could be a really nice thing the thing is when you're coming into the airport you're coming in from the ferry or at the bus station and stuff like that there's going to be some that kind of ruffles your feathers okay and i'm going to say this don't get frustrated with the service and sometimes the attitude of some of the people here in argentina because the thing is is everybody's doing something it's their own thing and argentines have kind of a reputation throughout south america to be a little stuck up a little self-important and the thing is the people are awesome here i've had great times with argentines all over the country people go and take me to asados to grill up their houses and we've gone driving in the dunes and stuff like that i remember when i was in college and we're like surfing and stuff it was just a great experience when i was here and the thing is you love the people when you get to know them but when you don't know them sometimes it can get a little frustrating and where you're going to get the most frustrated is one if you're flying in or you're taking the ferry in you've got to be at the baggage claim everyone just the whole family huddles around and you can't get to your stuff like yo promiso per miso los ciendo permiso can i get by please excuse me no you got to kind of like muscle your way through there for those things all right and it gets really frustrating but probably the one that's going to get you the most is when you're taking the buses which you will take and you got to put your luggage underneath the bus when you're trying to get yourself off the bus everyone is standing right there so it's mom dad grandmas the kids everybody's waiting for that one piece of luggage you're like dude there's six of you to get one luggage could you just move out of the way for a sec and that i've seen is really frustrating a lot of tourists i've talked to here so just relax it'll be okay you know and sometimes i've known some tourists to get upset because they might give you nicknames when you are here that has happened to me i become genki which actually is a kind of derogatory term for an american back in the day was i was here but hey you know people call me you know gordo of course i'm a fat guy but just just take it with a grain of salt just relax because you know what like i said things take a little bit more time here just have a little more patience when you're here and that's going to make things a lot easier now let's focus on some food don'ts when you're here now one food don't i want to tell you is don't forget to memorize this word hugo so who jugoso it means like juicy okay because in argentina they love their meat well done we're talking like no pink no pink at all no blood no no no we want to cook through that's how they like it here and if you don't like your meat well done you need to make sure you tell them who go so okay because otherwise man you might be having a pretty i mean this beef here is fantastic okay but it's gonna be rock solid sometimes are really really well done so make sure you don't forget hugoso okay because the meat here is fantastic and i guess i could say it's like you know don't be a vegetarian coming to argentina because there's so many great meats here and the beef here oh my god chorizo which is like a sirloin steak is fantastic behold the beef is like a ribeye lomo is a tenderloin i mean there's so many great mates here with chorizo which is a sausage i mean just so much great meat here all right but just know if you like a little blood a little pink in your steak jugoso okay i'm just trying to help you out with that one all right so when you order your food here i have another dome for you they don't include the side dishes every single time okay so when you order your steak and you're like man that's a good price for a steak you might see that oh wait and i have to order the fries or the rose queremosa the creamy rice on the side okay so don't forget that might be something there but i have one thing with those side dishes don't be ashamed to share a side dish i mean when you order papa's frites as a side i mean i would order it and it would be for me my dad and the boys and my mom and jos would have a couple too i mean it's a big serving so don't be ashamed to share your side so when we'll eat for example tonight i don't know we're gonna have like two or three steaks you know and and then uh there's actually good fish here river fish here in iguazu and so we'll have that and the kids will have their things but we'll have two sides because we'll share those between all of us and it'll be enough so don't worry and also don't feel bad if you just get a side dish for a meal because it's big enough for a meal okay my last don't for you is a sweet one on the food don't forget to get some dulce de leche or some ice cream when you are here and the thing is if you're not so dusa de leche is it's it's condensed milk and sugar cooked down it looks like a caramel but it's more creamy and smooth than like a harder caramel kind of stuff oh and don't say dulce de leche is caramel that would be one i would want to tell you okay they're not the same i don't say that to the locals they will not appreciate that okay but don't forget to get some of that dulce de leche and there's different ways you can get it i mean one of my things i like to get i get for the boys all the time are the alfajores which i know i'm saying i butchered every time i sailed but that's kind of how you'd say it and basically this is it's cookie douce cookie and then it's all covered in chocolate or there might be multiple layers of it that's the tastiest way to get your dulce de leche if you want to take it home and share with people but also when you're going around and you're at the bus stations and stuff they make quick easy snacks to grab one and go um but another way you get your dulce de leche what i think is really great here in argentina is actually the gelato the ice cream here or gelato whatever you want to call it the ice cream here in argentina is phenomenal throughout the country there's some great chains you know volta fred fredo and stuff like that but what i recommend is don't just go to the chain ones go and find a mom-and-pop ice cream place anywhere in argentina and you're going to find some amazing ice cream with some the dulce de leche ice cream you will be happy with that with the dulce de leche ribbon going through it oh my god it's so good so you will have that so i hope you like your don'ts of visiting argentina if you want to learn more maybe they don't support a saudis or the joints of south america or europe or the us or wherever check us out on our website at we're also on twitter facebook instagram youtube and we really appreciate your like subscriptions and all those that so help support us on patreon we want to give you a big thanks to gracias from here in argentina adios
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 89,981
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: 5e_0gjV1yHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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