BEST FOOD IN BUENOS AIRES (15+ Argentine dishes!)

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[Music] hey okay so if you guys are new here my name is Crosby I've been traveling full-time for the last 3 years and I'm currently in Argentina for the next 3 months I have heard such amazing things about the cuisine here and your girl hasn't eaten meat in like 6 years so I will say I'm having fomo because the meat looks incredible I cannot lie am I eating meat right now I'm so nervous and we are going on an epic food tour right now I've got my trusty carnivore with me I've been waiting for this moment for literally a month obviously it's me I'm I'm the carnivore here so uh Crosby you better look out that's all he's good for okay so I booked this on get your guide It's a 4-Hour food tour in the palmo neighborhood which is where we're staying but we haven't explored nearly enough of this neighborhood but yeah we have uh 4 minutes to meet our group so that's cool [Music] H empanadas are everywhere here in Argentina they're one of those things if you don't feel like making dinner you can just pop by a little Empanada stop on your way home from work they're really affordable they're very easy to eat and has all different kinds of flavors I've had empanadas before they're not like Argentina empanadas like the crust or whatever this is called almost like melts in your mouth so good like this is just melted Che and onion but it's delish yeah so like just Argentinian Comfort no be a sin to not have this year so amazing as always okay we're on to our second restaurant I don't even know where we're going but that first one was amazing apparently they have Argentinian Pizza also but we'll try that on another day for sure sure we'll see where we end up next the street out here is so cool here in palmo this is such a big neighborhood that we divide it into different areas this is palmo so palmo so is the main gastronomical art Fashion District you're going to tell so our guide Lou just told us that the reason there's all this street art here in poo Soho is because if you own the restaurant or the property you don't need to sit permit to paint it but wow wow wow wow I have not been over here and I'm so glad I'm walking around because this is so beautiful I had no idea this was [Music] here I WR our next stop LA faita and you're going to pour um 2/3 of the glass with Vermon I promise you it's not that strong strong it's a very light drink okay so apparently this is a very summery drink here in Argentina it's red verou you do like half we got some soda I have to shake it a little yeah shake it shake it more than that really shake it there you go [Music] okay of course okay little stir CH first A ching ching ooh that's pretty good has like a almost like a licorice flavor right yeah it's refreshing it's it is refreshing yeah well especially on a day like today I'm here for it and this bar is so freaking cool like such a Vibe the decorations are absolutely amazing they're bringing out some more traditional dishes I think I see a milanesa looks like a tortilla Espanola from Spain I don't know what they call it here so we'll see but I'm excited pour some lemon on top of your Mila this is a beef milanesa okay so having a bite of this milanesa what's great about this is It's actually really simple I know it's a classic here in Argentina but it's basically just breaded beef but cook to Perfection so I don't know how else to describe it you definitely have to try and get some yourself but this is this is really good it's also usually served with fries here res are out girls really they are good Tortilla de Papas potatoes onions and egg Spanish tortilla okay I'm personally very excited about the Tortilla de Papas I traveled a lot through Spain and one of the main dishes there is the tortilla Espanola this is is pretty much the same thing but I think it's going to taste a little bit different and apparently they'll ask you in the restaurant how you want it cook so do you want it with a run of your egg do you want it a little more well done so it's basically just potatoes and eggs cooked into like a cake looking thing and they also put Cho in it here which they don't do in Spain it's actually really somewhere it's very good what's really cool about Argentina and the cuisine is there's so many cultures that that have you know come here throughout the years so there's a lot of Italian influence Spanish influence with the tortilla and then the milanesa that's German so it's just all these different influences here but it's still so Argentinian in case you forgot how many World Cups we have you just come here and come them M andest we're going to be this anoing until the work all right last stop we're getting some gelato which there is a huge Heat Wave happening here at buenos ciris right now so this is very [Music] needed we he start getting that higher and professional oh well we're having gelato Cheers Cheers okay so it's the next day but we just decided to come back to where we had our food tour yesterday because the place behind me is called Chi and we are here to try traditional Chi pan which is another iconic dish that everyone is telling me we have to try okay perfect okay so here we have chip pan and hence the name chiso got a little sausage with chimy churi and pan bread so it's as Alysa says it's kind of like an Argentinian h dog so we've got the sausage in like a bagget sort of thing I have considered eating this it does smell pretty good but I did get the vegetarian version lame um yeah so Dylan will be trying this for me yeah so the vegetarian version is this like a fried I think it's a fried eggplant I cheese oh that's what it is it's bread and cheese that's actually amazing so we both got the cheers I've been eating so much cheese here it's like either you eat meat or you eat a lot of cheese once again Crosby's missing out on the Delights of Argentina you're going to have to eat this one time I know ready I've waited 2 weeks too long this is so freaking good oh my god do you like the chimmy cherry on it oh I love it no this is like perfect it's so simple but it's so good okay so this one goes out to my fellow vegetarians who are coming to Buenos ciris it is a little difficult I will say for vegetarians but it's not impossible you just have to be ready to eat some cheese that's pretty good it's kind of dry but I think it's a little dry yeah it could be warmer too if there was a little more sauce it'd be better but I also think there's more sauce in the inside like like right there maybe I'll try the meat one someday we'll see stay tuned booking Food Tours is one of the first things I do when I arrive in a new city and my go-to site for booking these one-of-a-kind travel experiences is get your guide who is also the sponsor of today's video not going to lie when I arrive lived here in Buenos Iris I was so overwhelmed by these seemingly endless things to do here so I took to get your guide to find some unique experiences to do in the city and came across the incredible food tour that you just saw us do in poo Soho as well as this amazing Tango show that included a three course meal and a beginner Tango class get your guide has more than 60,000 of these curated experiences provided by knowledgeable local experts in more than 3600 destinations worldwide and you get to skip the line at every single attraction that you book at through gety guide which can literally save you hours I'm also obsessed with their app because it's super easy to use and you can quickly book your experiences and access your tickets digitally without having to print anything I've linked both of the activities that I mentioned Below in the description box if you want to go check those out and I truly could not recommend get your guide enough if you're looking to unlock some of the world's most unforgettable travel experiences on your next trip now let's get back to the video okay so we're currently at Paras I had to include this because yba mate is like such a huge part of Argentinian culture have you heard about mate already which is I mean if you haven't heard at least you have seen everyone drinking it and the funny thing is middle of a heatwave and you're like nobody's going to be drinking a boiling water drink but we are there you know like sweating but you keep it on going and this queen right here uh has taught me a lot about it because my friends taught me about it well now we're passing on the the tradition we're at this park right now and kind of the whole thing is it's a way to gather and just spend time together telling someone hey coming over let's have some M it's a friendly gesture of let's spend some time together it's not just a drink it's it's a ritual really there's three like main parts of it or components so you have Thea and and there's different brands you can have it very strong very soft some people will mix it with different herbs to give it different flavors so coconut flakes or orange peels you say like having coffee so maybe you like it dark you like it strong you like it cream no sugar sugar so depending on how you like gerate you can buy different brands and each will have a different concentration of in component I kind of just like it bitter as it is then you have the Boma which is this part the straw and it has like a filter at the end and then this is the mate and that's kind of what everyone calls like you drink mate but this itself is the mate the tea is the ybaa in Argentina Spanish jeda jeda and then you have your thermo or like thermos and this is full of hot water and it's supposed to be at like a certain temperature so a lot of tea kettles have like a M setting you're going to go about 3/4 full and then different countries have different Traditions but my friends here have taught me that what you're going to do is you're going to separate the pvo which is like the dust so you're going to shake it and kind of like bring the dust to the top so you're going to see like on my hand you have all of this dust now and you've also kind of created like a mountain because the way that Thea works as well is you can pour water over it time and time again and as you do that it Steeps and like you can use like 2 or 3 lers in one thing of my so you're going to pour like a little bit in just here just enough and then honestly you're just going to let this sit for like a minute or two while it soaks in at the bottom I tried this when I was at home it was so embarrassing and I like I tried to make Monte and then I put it on my story without like seeing exactly how you do it cuz I didn't have the right instructions and you're also not supposed to touch the bomia yeah but we'll get we'll get into that I I touched the Boma you don't touch the bom don't touch it now IES you get it like all nice and settled in at the bottom at an angle at the bottom okay and you're kind of just going to go to like there you don't mix it you don't stir it it's going to be hot by the way okay so cles but that's my cool so then you just pass it around do you drink it and then you refill it and give it to yeah so the thing is you don't want to like hog it so you know take your time you don't have to like chug it but it's kind of like you drink it you have it and then pass just imagine how bad was when uh Co started and they told us stop sharing M no you're killing me man devastating we do that you know that's how we meet people that's what we do to make make friends it's probably going to be a bit strong like like it's a something you get really used to yeah that's what she was saying it's a pretty acquir taste also it is pretty high in caffeine the first time I had it I had like a mate high like genuinely I felt high like I had like three like two or three rounds and I was like I cannot drink anymore like I'm so half right now okay O It's Hot yeah don't tou Don't touch don't touch it don't touch Oh I thought you said don't move okay I won't touch it oh yeah good do you like it or is an acir taste well it is an acquired taste it tastes like very it's very bitter it's like a very strong green tea almost I'm not much of a tea drinker place don't actually hates tea I don't hate tea I just don't prefer it it's pretty hot sip SI it's bitter it's hot yeah it's not for me thank you though sounds like I'm done you can you can get I have tried it before um yeah it's bitter I don't mind that it's bitter yeah I didn't like it at first but now I love it yeah it's definitely an acquired taste I wouldn't say I love it yet but I don't mind it I could definitely see it growing on me okay so we've made it to the center of town El Centro because we are about to try some of the most iconic Pizza in the city and I'm really excited I've been looking forward to this forever and I'm so hungry right now I think we're here more than 2 million Italian immigrants arrived in Argentina between 1870 and 1960 and two of them opened up pizzia getting right here on avenita centes in 1932 nearly 100 years later it has become one of the most famous Pizzeria in the city with more than 100,000 reviews on Google Maps and regular visits from celebrities like marriage Donna and lonel Messi Dam got a well oiled machine the pizzas look so good right now I'm so excited pizza's actually eaten a ton here it's one of like the most popular foods in Argentina and it's especially in Buenos ciris you'll see pizza places all over the city but I've heard that the pizza here is a little different than what we're used to so I'm just going to go with the classic traditional Pizza is [Music] [Music] oh no I'm going to eat sorry so we couldn't decide like what flavor we wanted I just told him to get us like the most class traditional so we actually split in half this half right here is the fugetta and then this with the tomato is the napole Tana so I'll try SI that first and as we look around everyone is eating with a fork and knife which uh in the US we're a little more un civilized than that but also this pizza is much messier than what I'm used to so fork and knife is definitely the best way to go so this just looks like cheese Mozzarella and onion oh that is so good I don't even know how to describe it I just want to eat the whole thing like the crust is like a bit thicker and then it is a lot of cheese and the onions it's so good oh my God okay so now it's my turn to try the the poana already noticing this is a whole lot juicier than the other one por knife is going to be essential for this one of the things that CR and I just said off camera is we think this is probably some of the best pizza we've had in the world honestly feeding out like Chicago deep dish pizza this absolutely annihilates it sorry Chicago fans but like this this pizza is really good I second that there's just so much flavor in it it's so good it's so freaking good so I think this one is mozzarella tomatoes on top I think it has tomato sauce and like a toasted garlic like it's like kind of like tarred garlic on top oh yeah that is garlic r f oh that's really good I'm glad we got to try both because I could see people liking one or the other like really strongly but I think I like the first one better I think I'm the fugasa fan and that's my go-to but this is also delicious like you really can't go wrong oh also I love they give us glass bottles for our soda got to love that thats also I also I have lots to say I asked for ice and the waiter laughs at me because that's such an American thing to ask like no one else asks for ice with their freaking soda I don't care I'm outing myself it's in America cuz I like my eyes okay I'm obsessed with it here they're so nice they saw that I was filming and they brought me back into the kitchen we're going in the kitchen wow they were all so much fun and now we're going to the patio we're being escorted this place is so much fun and that pizza [Music] wow okay that was so freaking cool I've heard literally amazing things about that pizza place and it's obviously so historic but they were so nice and the pizza was like some of the best pizza I've literally eaten in my whole life I definitely have to agree with Crosby here pizza was amazing and earlier this week I went to Kentucky it was good but nowhere near the place that we just went to plus we also got a private tour that's awesome you'll see the Kentucky one all over the city it's like probably the biggest chain of pizzas here I don't know if there's another gting in the city I don't know but there's there's a lot of Kies I got really hungry earlier this week I didn't know how to order one slice ended up ordering an entire pie and two slices filled me up but it was very very greasy this was not like I feel good I feel really good yeah I had two pieces we got the rest to go I don't feel too full or gross or anything I'm like so happy right now actually Pizza is my favorite food in case you didn't know that okay so we are back in the neighborhood of santelmo today cuz we're having well this is actually the national dish of Argentina we're try some Mado and we're at this amazing restaurant that on day one of arriving in Buenos ciris I asked our Taxi Driver what was his favorite place to beat aado in the city and he said par LA and that is where we're going now and there's a huge line so I'm glad we made a reservation okay actually it opens at noon and that's when our reservation is so this line is actually for all the reservations so we will be chilling here until they're ready for us so we've also been here for a month and I have been saving myself for a good Stak house we've had okay steak and some of the places that we went to but I'm really looking forward to this and someone might be trying to meet here so yeah I'm a little nervous but we will see I've been thinking about it I haven't eaten meat in 6 years and today might be the day I'm just going to have to smell it and like if my mouth starts watering then it's a sign you know but we're moving [Music] yay my gosh this is so cool okay so first Impressions the decor inside is so epic everyone in Buenos ciris and all of Argentina are obsessed with the World Cup which I totally understand y yes Perfecto I'll try all [Music] back really cool I think yum a little bit of an interruption of my obsession with the decor in here but we decided to get them all back because if you didn't know this that is like the most popular wine I mean it's made here in Argentina a lot of it is made in the mendosa region which we are going to in a little over a month we got a little bottle because they don't do anything by the glass and I wasn't really feeling like two three glasses so they have this one little tiny bottle that we got it's really cute it's super cute I love it it's delicious and you can really get some of the best malbeck in the world here in Argentina for a very low price because they're not having to export it or anything so it's coming straight from The Vineyards here in Argentina smells good looks good most importantly tastes good this is actually going to go really well with the meat I still haven't figured out what I wanted yet because this menu is just freaking like this is all the different meat selections here I'll just read you some of the most interesting things I'm seeing on this menu we've got lamb kidneys blood sausage tail of rump oh de you guys want some eyeballs this is the place also to start they brought us this basket of bread and some little crackers and olive oil I EA meat right now I'm so nervous well we'll start with what I'm comfortable with which is cheese love me some cheese so we have proa which is basically provolone cheese cooked on the grill I believe so it has like a really crispy top and then inside it's like super melting and it's so good I did have it the other day for the first time but I have a feeling it's going to be even better here do I eat it by itself or should I put some maybe I'll eat it with some bread I don't know try it by itself try it by itself that's a lot of cheese this is literally just a chunk of cheese [Music] right stop that is so freaking good wow so Crosby is talking away the Aromas of the Argentinian sausage have been going into my nose so chis so that looks amazing I don't have a spoon to cut it with so I've been waiting for this Mo for literally a month I can die had me now try Thea should I try it with bread or no no try by itself it's honestly so good the the flavors from the grill make it amazing it's crunchy it [Music] is damn the Mato Mato the pork yes this is the Lomo okay wow I wow time to get down to business I know to eat this this is a lot of meat the moment we have all been ready for I will say I have not eaten meat in 6 years and for the last like maybe 6 to 8 months I've been starting to Crave it but I've been holding out to try it here in an amazing steakhous in Argentina it's the national dish it's some of the best meat you'll ever eat in the world so I think this is my moment going back to my roots because when I was a kid steak was my favorite food in the world pull that up for us how does she look she looks good medium rare just like I used to like it how does it smell smells really and finally how does it taste oh my God I'm so scared okay it's fine it's just food [Music] oh my God it's really good I'm literally like behind the camera right now because I've been with this girl for over 3 years and she's never eaten meat in front of me don't don't go too much don't go too hard that's the main thing I'm worried about is like how is it going to affect my stomach it's really good tell it it's like good I'm kind of excited should I try another bite of something else think you should try the the pork the pork okay yes okay oh my God this is insane the pork does look really good though a little bite just a little bite yeah oh my God it smells so good this one actually smells amazing that's so the look it's really good me really good okay now for the finale I'm dying right now the sausage crazy on I have to have some wine now literally what is like this is the best place to take my six-year me virginity I will say little sausage all right so here we go say that said no a little too meaty it's the texture that's throwing me out the flavor is delicious the flavor really good I don't want anymore you can have my okay everything else love I will say my favorite is the Lomo it's so good it's so good I used to love steak so much so this is bringing me back to my roots wow what a day what a day man okay I can officially say I've eaten meat that was amazing I highly recommend it but with super fun about this location specifically is it is right across the street from the iconic santelmo Market if you watched my first video here in butis we checked out the santelmo market on a Sunday today is a Saturday and it is ridiculously less insane and crowded so let's go check out santelmo maybe grab a coffee we're just going to walk around because it just feels a little less chaotic than last time so this Market is famous for their antiques it's one of the most famous antique markets in the world so if you're into that they have ridiculous amounts of cool antiques to buy in addition to lots of amazing food stalls so let's go check it out I've heard this has some of the best coffee in the city so we're going to put it to the test cuz I'm a little tired after the wine and my four bites of meat she worked really hard for this coffee so it's true I don't need to work hard at all I in so Crosby what's the great thing about being in South America that we can drink coffee whenever we want and there's no judgment facts so even though it's 2:30 in the afternoon oh this it's actually not even that late but you know a 5:00 coffee 8:00 sign me up usually with the cappuccinos in Argentina or in Buenos AIS they will do it with cinnamon and cacao I'll put the name on the screen of my favorite cappuccino I've had in Buenos Iris you know what I'm talking about on the one with your amazing Nutella latte that you love we have to show them the place it's so good it's so good I'll put it on the screen you have to check it out it's in poo but yes we got a cappuccino and we got one of the most popular desserts in wos ciris at least this is an alore it's like the size of my palm here it is for my face and it's with the dul dele so you can get it with different flavors but the classic is D dele definitely the biggest one that I've had usually it has like a shortbread sort of cookie on top and then has this amazing dos deche like paste inside so good with coffee we had to finish off this food tour with a little post today action so I'm going to try it excited oh my God so sweet so satisfying have it all over my fingers and with the cappuccino I can't go wrong okay so that about wraps it up for this amazing Argentinian food tour I love this country so much for so many reasons but the food is definitely one of them I really hope you enjoyed watching this it was so much fun to make and seriously everywhere we went in this video I hope you get to check out when you come to Bueno itis but make sure you like this video and hit subscribe because we are going to so many other amazing places in Argentina and I'm going to be sharing it all here on YouTube so super excited for all of that and I will see you guys in the next video bye are you going to start a podcast now I have LS to say d you got a problem with that she has too much to say sometimes that was so rude everyone go leave some hate comments for Dylan kidding tell me about the alpha horse not yet not yet Alpha horse we will see you guys in the next video bye okay I'm awkward bye I love filming in public this is the real Crosby thank you
Channel: Crosby Grace Travels
Views: 113,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buenos aires, buenos aires argentina, buenos aires travel, buenos aires vlog, buenos aires 2024, san telmo buenos aires, san telmo market buenos aires, san telmo market, palermo buenos aires argentina, buenos aires food, buenos aires food tour, best food in buenos aires, buenos aires food vlog, argentina food, argentina food vlog, argentina asado, yerba mate, best food in argentina, typical food in argentina, food in buenos aires
Id: Agi3OWG3x_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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