Make this box before it's too late! Were institutional kitchens just warned: Stockpile Food Now?

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they've been warned and it's a warning we should all heed stay tuned and I'll show you one simple way that you can be prepared for whatever is coming our way [Music] hey guys it's Gerald with Wicked prepared welcome back everyone and if it's your first time visiting us welcome feel free to hit that subscribe button and stay a while you know I've noticed something lately as I've been out running my errands doing my grocery shopping and things like that shelves seem to be getting emptier and emptier again we're hearing more talk of shortages and we're seeing it more and more with our own eyes I've personally become less in tune with what's going on over the last couple of years because I like many others don't spend as much time inside the grocery stores as I used to I've been doing pickup orders so much of the time it's become really kind of the norm to do a pickup order or get delivery from the store right to your door so I do notice as I'm doing my online shopping that I see things out of stock a lot and sometimes things will remain out of stock for an extended period of time but it's not quite the same effect as walking through the store and seeing the empty expanses of shelves and then more recently we started hearing it rumored that institutional kitchens were worn to have 10 days of food on hand in case a prolonged supply chain disruption institutional kitchens that would be things like hospitals prisons nursing homes things like that now locating an original source for this piece of information is a bit like a wild goose chase but what I usually find is that things like this usually originate from at least some kernel of Truth so if this is what they're being warned and this is what our government is mandating it begs the question what do they know do they know something that they're not telling us because my first thought is having a 10-day food supply is always a good idea it's a good idea for all of us all the time in fact that would be the bare bare minimum especially if you have a whole institution full of people who are depending on you for their every meal so what has changed why the sudden urgency I mean there are a whole plethora of things that it could be not the least of which is going on overseas that situation is always evolving it could be a few issue that they're expecting it could be tensions escalating at any point in the supply chain whether it be rail transport or Maritime transport it could be an impending Financial collapse there is such a huge percentage of our banks that are insolvent or potentially insolvent whatever the case may be it's clear that there are a number of factors to watch and really this just underscores the fact that we all really need to be ready for the possibility of supply chain failure for any of these reasons and more and we need to be ready to fend for ourselves and really plan for a period that could potentially be much longer than 10 days we all need to have a good balanced supply of shelf stable food on hand as long as you have the space and the money and honestly where there's a will there's a way I think that for most people out there watching it might take some figuring and finagling but almost anyone can eke out some space in their home and some dollars in their budget to build at least a modest basic food storage it may not be easy and it may require some discipline and some thinking outside the box but it can be done I think most of you out there get it that's why you're here but we need to spread this message and make sure that our friends our families and our neighbors prepare themselves as well because that's where a lot of the danger will be it will come from the unprepared fortunately there are a lot of folks who do get it a lot more than there used to be but then there are a lot of people who kind of saw the light started to build a food storage for hard times and then at some point recently they've kind of said okay Danger's over I'm not using this stuff and then they just start getting rid of it everything they had built giving it away throwing it away that's just not the way it works it has to be maintained as a long-term lifestyle because if you give it up then what you see the next Crisis coming you run out and buy it all over again so many things can come at us with no Advance warning at all and even if you do get a bit that's not prepping that's Panic buying preparedness is planning and preparing for the worst of times during the best of times I think the problem lies with people who are stockpiling food for emergencies that they wouldn't eat otherwise your food storage should be an extension of your normal everyday pantry and you should just rotate through it and this should be practiced until it all becomes second nature so when you plan your food storage take a look at how you actually eat what meals do you normally eat take a look at those meals and think about which ingredients are shelf stable that you can stock up on and then take a look at the perishable or fresh ingredients you use and figure out shelf stable versions or substitutes I often recommend people start out by planning a week's menu of meals that you can make with all your stored ingredients and put those things away those meals then you can add another week with a different menu or just repeat the first week over again if you do that you've just built a two-week food supply you know it's complete you know it's balanced with foods that you will eat you won't be existing on beans rice and beef jerky and you won't run into any surprise missing ingredients that you didn't think about and plan for then make sure to rotate through those in in a certain amount of time and replace them on the other end I'm beginning to wonder if maybe there's a good chunk of people who just don't cook at home and that's why some people just have such a hard time with this concept and that is a truly foreign concept to me because we always cook and eat at home we rarely rarely rarely ever eat out or even get takeout pizza fast food things like that I don't know let me down know down in the comments do you generally cook and eat at home and what about the people that you know what I thought I would do today is put together an example um week worth of shelf stable meals I'm going to put it all together in one Tote box because I do think it's a good idea to have something portable and ready to go so if you do have to leave your home I mean obviously that's a last resort we want to stay in our homes on our home turf when at all possible but if you're ever in a situation where you do have to leave and it's unsure what conditions you'll be facing when you do it's a good idea to have a food supply that you can just grab and run with and this will be a lot more useful than grabbing like a five gallon bucket of dry beans or something like that so let's get started and I'll show you what I've put together this is just a simple basic menu this is things that I know my family would eat this is something that I hope might be helpful and it can definitely be adapted a million different ways to suit what your family needs and likes so I did start with just getting a tote because I wanted a tote to contain everything this is I I chose this one honestly because it's it's cheap it's one of the cheapest it's not super sturdy this is a Sterilite 58 quart there are certainly sturdier totes that you could use if you wanted to um this one is see-through which could be a negative or a positive depending on how you look at it but I know this is large enough to contain everything I'm going to put in and it's inexpensive now I planned my meals um based on a family of four because I think that's a pretty typical family size our family is bigger than that your family might be bigger or smaller than that but you can adjust or multiply these based on your needs I just chose family of four because that was simple and typical and I did plan for breakfast lunch and dinner for seven days for four people I'm going to start by showing the dinners and I'm going to work My Way backwards so I did get a couple of items that I got that are going to form a basis for several different meals and that is a package of spaghetti and a package of long grain white rice now this spaghetti this is a four pound package I chose this because it was cheapest this way I think it was 346 for the four pack whatever it was I think it ended up 87 cents per pound I'm only going to use two pounds out of this box but then I'll have the other two to use for something else and the rice I'm going to use in several different meals now this package says that it has 20 servings so if you're talking about four people you could use this in five different meals now I do realize that the serving sizes they put on packages are probably a bit smaller than the serving sizes that many of us would typically eat as Americans but I'm just using this as a basis to go off of I feel like number one if you're feeding a family of four quite often you're feeding some kids and small children sometimes eat less than the serving size number two something like this rice for example is going to be used as a basis in a meal it's going to be mixed with other things and so it's going to stretch further and then the other thing is these meals they're definitely going to keep you fed they're going to keep you from starving to death that you might not eat like a king but you're going to get some food in your belly three times a day you can always supplement this with snacks and other items and additionally you really don't want to have leftovers because in a lot of times of emergency sometimes we have no power and you don't want to be opening your refrigerator or you just have no Refrigeration at all so you want to make sure that you're going to be consuming everything that you're cooking and not have leftovers you have to deal with so like I said I'm gonna use two of those one pound packages of spaghetti that's another reason that I liked this four pound box is because uh it comes the individual pounds of spaghetti come in a bag which is going to take up less space inside of our little Tote box here some brands of spaghetti are probably sold in bags um you may find a better deal depending on what you have available for grocery stores in your area but for me right now this was the best deal I could find for pasta so I'm going to do two different pasta meals pasta is inexpensive it's filling it's satisfying most people like it and it's pretty quick and easy to fix I chose to use a red sauce and an alfredo sauce so that we can have two different meals and you don't feel like you're eating the same thing over and over again even though you're eating pasta twice I'm gonna add vegetables with these meals you can have green beans with one peas with the other now this is not going to be a super protein heavy meal neither one of these but these two veggies do have a little bit more protein than your typical veggies especially the peas which have three grams of protein the green beans have one gram now you could upgrade this if you wanted you could throw in a can of chicken to put with your Alfredo you could use whole wheat pasta or if you were worried about the protein content you could use the high protein pastas of course that's going to add a little bit to the cost so next we're going to have a couple of dinners focusing on the rice or spaced on the rice um the first one I'm going to do is going to be a fried rice so I'm going to use a can of mixed vegetables for that for mine I'm gonna do a Spam fried rice now you will always hear me refer to this as spam even though I know it's not it's lunch and meat it's the Great Value brand I buy this because it's less expensive and we like it but I always refer to it as spam so I'm going to be doing a Spam fried rice with the mixed vegetables to do fried rice of course you're going to need some kind of oil this is a very small bottle from Dollar Tree so it's perfect for this application this should be plenty of oil for any meal that we have in this whole box for the week we're going to need some soy sauce this I think also it's from Dollar Tree this is going to be more than I need for this meal but then you'll have the rest of the bottle to season your other meals if you need it if you have a handful of takeout packets by all means throw that right in here instead of the bottle of soy sauce but if you do open this and don't finish it and you don't have refrigeration I know it says refrigerate on the bottle refrigerate after opening but I gotta tell you my soy sauce always lives in my pantry I do not have room in my fridge for it and it's always fine if you didn't want to do the spam you could do chicken fried rice instead you could add a large can of chicken if you wanted this to be a little bit healthier you could upgrade your rice to brown rice just remember that's not going to store as long as white rice but you should be probably rotating through and cycling through these boxes every year or so is what I try to do another way you can upgrade this meal is by adding a couple servings of shelf stable scrambled egg mix in a little glass jar if you have it on hand and you want that but I think it's perfectly fine without it I think it would be fine just like this the next meal I'm going to do with the rice is going to just be serving the rice with some chili on top this is just a Walmart chili and this is a Dollar Tree chili right now for me Dollar Tree is the cheapest place to buy the chili a couple cans of that put it over the rice it's going to stretch both things further the chili and the rice and then serving that with a can of corn on the side I know that corn is not the healthiest vegetable I don't even really consider corn a vegetable but you know sometimes it's not going to be perfect so that is another meal using our rice so now we've done four dinners the next meal I'm gonna do for dinner is going to be rice based but it's not going to be this white rice it's going to be something different we like to have yellow rice with seasoned black beans over the top of it that's really tasty you don't need any additional seasoning I was going to serve this with some fried slices of the spam and you could also put a canned fruit or vegetable if you wanted with this I am not going to do this I'm going to keep it simple I think that the beans for me is enough a plant matter for this meal for my next dinner I'm going to be using a couple cans of beef stew and I'm going to serve that over a couple of pouches of mashed potatoes these are the Just Add Water buttery mashed potatoes they're super easy to make just boiling water is all you need so this is going to be a complete meal that's going to be comforting the stew has the meat and veggies and then we've got our starch right here here this is going to be a complete meal that's comforting and easy to fix and for my seventh dinner my last dinner for the week I'm going to do a beef stroganoff so I've got a couple of these pouches of stroganoff noodle sides and I've got a jar of roast beef of course you can use the broth that this is packed in as part of the water to cook your noodles now these noodles do require or they call for some milk to be included I am going to talk about milk here when we talk about breakfast so towards the end of the video but for this I'm just going to throw in one of these small cans of carnation evaporated milk this is a five ounce can and that will be great to use for that and then I'm going to serve some canned carrots with this for a little bit of color a little bit of different veggie than what we've already had now if you wanted you could use like a hamburger helper instead of this you could multiply or divide the number of packages you use based on what your family needs I find that the amount of pasta is what really matters the meat can stay the same this container does say it contains three and a half so almost four servings of meat when I make multiple packages of hamburger helper for example I don't double the meat because that's the expensive part of the dish just doubling the pasta portion will fill more bellies easily so this is what I have for my seven dinners for the week so next I'm moving on to my lunch meals I did leave the rice right out here front and center because this is going to be used for lunches as well like I said this is going to be used in several different meals and they're going to be used in breakfast lunch and dinner so the first meal that I'm going to do for lunch with the rice now keep in mind these meals are going to be probably a little bit a little bit lighter because they're lunches so for this one we're gonna just do chicken a la king and we're going to serve it over the rice and that's going to make it stretch a little bit further I do have three cans of this because these are pretty small cans in fact it says on the back that one serving is the whole container of course if you've got children that could be different and if you're serving this with rice and other things it's going to stretch a little bit further I'm also going to put a can of veggie with this um this is peas and carrots you can do whatever you like this could either be mixed right into it or served alongside so for the next lunch I'm going to do a tuna salad with crackers so this is just a large can of tuna you can do however many cans of tuna or pouches of tuna that you would want for your family if you don't like tuna you could certainly do this with chicken instead and you could also use something like a deviled ham spread or something like that these crackers I picked up at Dollar Tree this has six individual packs I really like to get things like this at Dollar Tree for just for lunches like these now if you're serving four people that means that two of the larger people or the hungrier people could have an extra pack of crackers of course you're going to need some mayonnaise to serve with this now these little small containers from Dollar Tree are perfect because it's not a lot of extra money is just a little bit the other thing that you can do is use mayonnaise packets especially if you have them saved up from fast food or takeout and things like that and then of course you're going to want something to go with this so I'm including some canned fruit so for another simple lunch I'm just going to do some Kraft mac and cheese who does not love Kraft mac and cheese I love the stuff my kids love the stuff I'm gonna have a can of peas with this that macaroni and cheese requires some additional ingredients to mix it up but what you can actually do is you can actually mix Mayo in for the mac and cheese in place of the butter and milk and the other thing you could do if you didn't want to do that is you know use another one of these small cans of evaporated milk or something like that I am going to talk about some other milk options here towards the end of the video when I talk about breakfast so stay tuned peas could either be served on the side or you could mix them right into the macaroni and cheese we sometimes like to do that if you wanted to upgrade it a bit more and have some more protein you could always add a small can of chicken or tuna or dice up some spam to go in that for another simple lunch I'm going to be using a couple packs of these Teriyaki Noodles these are really tasty I'm going to be adding a can of chicken you could add a small can or a large can whatever you want and then I'm gonna serve that with a can of green beans that could either be mixed in or served alongside as a side dish for my next lunch meal I'm choosing to do some ramen noodle soup I've chosen three packets of ramen and then to that I'm gonna add some canned chicken you could do large can small can two cans whatever you wanted and I'm gonna also add in a can of mixed vegetables this is going to make it more like a complete meal now there's two kind of camps for ramen people who like to drain the liquid and people who like to leave the liquid in I personally prefer it drain but if you're doing something like this leaving the liquid in and having it as a soup is going to make it more filling make it seems like it stretches further so and we're going to be adding some protein and some vegetables and make it a little bit more of a meal but honestly I think Ramen can be a meal all by itself and then for my final lunch meal I just have a box of this is basically like tuna Helper but it's just a generic version and then of course you need a can of tuna to go with that and then this box also does ask for some milk to go with it so once again we're going to go over the milk options you could throw in another can of evaporated milk the good thing about this is because it is evaporated that if you use it full strength it's going to be extra extra creamy but you can also dilute that with water and have twice as much milk speaking of water obviously many of these meals do require water to prepare them or to add into them I'm not putting water in my box but obviously you should have water stored in your home and you should have water stored with your go gear so that if you were to need to eat out of this box you would have water available and of course A lot of these items you know you're going to be cooking this so obviously if you can be cooking you can also be boiling water so you can be sanitizing water that way so you can use additional water sources if you have the ability to boil or if you have a water filter and things like that which you should definitely definitely have and then of course if you wanted to you could add another veggie or fruit with the tuna helper type of dinner so this is my lunch meals my seven lunches and now we're going to move on to breakfast so now moving on to breakfast and once again I'm leaving this rice front and center because you can also have rice for breakfast now I've been promising you I was going to talk about milk so for my first breakfast meal I've included a box of cereal now this box has contains eight servings so you could use this for two meals we are going to repeat some meals with breakfast especially because just in the interest of saving space and making this so that we can condense this into one box sometimes we're going to be using things multiple times so this this box of cereal can be for two meals just like we're getting five meals out of the rice so for the milk I am enclosing a couple of these quart containers of shelf stable milk these are from Dollar Tree they have a different brand now I'm just I just pulled things out of my pantry to do this demonstration but obviously if you're putting this together for yourself you're going to want to use the freshest items possible buy everything fresh and there are going to be some items in the the kit that I'm putting together today and showing you that aren't going to last as long as some of the other items obviously your canned goods and things like that are going to last a very long time but things like cereal and things like crackers they're not going to last as long they will last past their Best Buy date for sure the Best Buy dates on those items are into next year but they're not going to last indefinitely I know this from experience they're going to become stale or they're going to become rancid I've had that happen you know to both of those types of foods um another one is the ramen that's not going to last forever so you're not going to want to put a box like this away for you know five years what what you would want to do is put this away and maybe once a year revisit this and cycle through some things rotate some things out make a fresh box this milk is another one of those items that's got a shelf life of a little bit over a year but it's not going to last forever this is enough milk right here to have two different breakfasts of cereal so you could throw in another one of these if you wanted extra milk for any of the other items that I showed if you didn't want to use the canned milk or if you just wanted to have milk you know for various things another option for milk if you want something that's going to have a little bit longer shelf life and take up a little bit less space is going to be a small can of instant milk like this I don't have any of the small cans on hand right now because I typically buy this in the large number 10 cans but this is the size of the can this is sour cream nut milk this is just something I happen to have in that size I can so you can see the size of the can and one of these cans of the instant milk would be equivalent to almost four of these um quarts of liquid milk so it would be a little bit space-saving it would have a lot longer shelf life and you'd have a little bit of extra milk for some of these other applications you could cut out you know the little cans of evaporated milk and things like that you can use it as a coffee creamer someone recently let me know that it makes a really good coffee creamer and I tried it and it is great it doesn't have to be you know mixed up with liquid or anything just put it straight in your coffee powder then it's great so that is another option for milk in these if you don't want to use these shelf stable milks definitely go with a good tasting milk that's good for drinking and things like that like this one you don't want to use on those grocery store you know powdered milks that you can get those are pretty awful in my opinion I don't know maybe there's some people out there that like those but in my opinion those are better used for cooking and baking than they are for actual actual making of milk another benefit to having the instant milk powder is it would also cut down on the issue of having leftover once you've opened up the liquid milk whether you use the canned or the cartons if you don't use it all up and you don't have refrigeration then you're probably going to end up wasting some so with a powdered milk you can mix up only exactly what you need and you don't have to worry about having extra right now this milk is 60 off so I am stocking up so I did grab a couple of the small containers just to use for purposes like this in addition to another case of the number 10 cans for breakfast I also am including a container of instant coffee this is just from Dollar Tree I am not going to live without coffee no matter how dire the emergency I have to have it I just put an instant because that's easy you could also do these boxes of individual packets especially if you're picky about the Brand This is a better brand they usually do have these at Dollar Tree this is what I was going to do but this only contains seven packets for around a dollar a dollar 25 depending where you get it this one contains 32 servings so that was a better deal where I'm going for a whole week's worth of coffee for multiple people another option that you could use is something like this which is individual packets of cappuccino these are going to be complete with the sweetener with the milk and everything so if you are a coffee junkie you might want to consider something like that if you like to have milk or cream in your coffee I've already mentioned a couple of options you know you could use this kind of milk you could use the instant milk powder you could also throw in a small container of powdered coffee creamer or even a bunch of the little individual packets of coffee creamer same with sugar you can throw in individual packets of sugar or whatever sweetener you prefer but I am going to have a small container of sugar here that I'll show you in just a second and so we would just probably use some sugar out of that if we needed sugar for our coffee I don't take sugar in my coffee so now that we've got coffee and milk taken care of the next couple of breakfasts that we're gonna do because we've used 3 different meals worth of this rice and so we have two meals left that we can get out of it and so we're gonna do a couple of meals of sweet rice for breakfast I used to do this a lot in college you just take the leftover rice of course if you're in an emergency situation and you don't have refrigeration instead of cooking extra at dinner time and having it left over I would probably cook it fresh in the morning and then you just add in some milk so you can either use this kind of milk or the instant milk powder or you can use some more cans of the Carnation or something like that you add in some milk and you add in some sugar or honey we're going to use sugar for simplicity's sake I kind of prefer honey but just because we can use this this is just going to be easier so I got this small container of sugar that can be used for anything we needed for the whole week so some milk some sugar or honey and then usually I would put in cinnamon I grabbed this thing of pumpkin pie spice because it's largely made up of cinnamon and other things that taste similar and this was a smaller container I got this at Dollar Tree they had cinnamon but it was a really pretty big container so I thought I'd rather have this small container you can do whatever you want if you have a container of cinnamon at home you could just put some into a little baggie or a little small glass jar or something like that so A couple of servings of sweet rice is going to be another breakfast and then I'm gonna do oatmeal now like I said some of these breakfasts might be a little bit repetitive and they might be a little bit boring but really we just need something that's going to nourish our bodies and get us started and give us some energy something that's going to be easy to pack up and have available when we need it now Dollar Tree has a perfect little bag of oatmeal that is just plain oats that would be perfect for this purpose but my Dollar Tree was out so I just put some in a Ziploc bag using quick oats would be the best option of course you can use the sugar in the pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon whatever you have on the oatmeal as well the other thing that you could do if you'd rather is you could just use individual packets of instant oatmeal we do that a lot as well um whatever flavors your family likes I would go with at least two or three packets per person for each meal that you plan to serve with oatmeal because they're pretty small packets you could also use a mason jar as an option to contain some oatmeal mason jars are really great because they're super airtight they are a little bit heavier and a little bit more fragile obviously and then for the final couple of meals I'm gonna do pancakes with syrup so this box contains 12 servings of Pancakes so if you're feeding four people that could be two meals worth of Pancakes this is probably a little excessive on the syrup but I couldn't find a smaller container if you can find a smaller container or a little individual packets that would be great as well if you wanted to fancy up your pancake meal a little bit you could always add some bacon flavored spam in that you could fry up to give a little bit of a bacon flavor to your meal now I'm also going to include a couple of packages of freeze-dried fruit and this is to go with the pancakes and the oatmeal I'm using the freeze dried because I'm really trying to avoid adding any extra weight this box is going to be pretty heavy because of all our canned goods so I thought in this case I could add the freeze-dried instead and these weigh basically nothing now I kind of find when packing this box it's really best to put most of the heavy canned items on the bottom and then layer up from there if you want to you can try to combine each meals ingredients together and keep them together in the Box I've done that when we go camping and I've used like reusable thin fabric grocery bags to keep each meal together inside of my tote that's usually a little bit less space efficient so I am just going to pack everything all together and put my canned goods on the bottom you can always include you know your printed list of what your meals are to make sure that you remember when you go to actually take this box out and use it in an emergency or even if you're just rotating it because it hasn't been used and it's been a year or so of course it's not going to really matter if you mix up which veggie you are serving with which meal and vice versa so you know it's really not that big of a deal [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] box is all packed up it's ready to be put away stashed away in a closet in the cellar somewhere and now you know that you have a complete week's worth of shell stable meals for four people breakfast lunch and dinner on hand and ready this box is pretty heavy it's quite heavy and that's mostly due to the fact that we have a lot of canned goods in here and then of course the liquid milk I can lift this without too much trouble but it is heavy so you know it would be easier to tote around if it were in a sturdier box I will say that if you're a person who has trouble lifting a lot you might want to divide this into two smaller packages two smaller boxes or buckets the only way that you could really reduce that weight significantly besides dividing it into two packages would be to swap out freeze-dried items for a lot of the canned items the fruits the vegetables the meats you could swap out freeze-dried versions of a lot of those and they would have virtually no weight at all almost so that would lighten the Box a lot of course the trade-off with that is that you would then need a little bit of additional water to hydrate those items of course like I mentioned before if you are cooking this food you obviously have a way to boil water and sanitize water through boiling so that might not be a huge issue you wouldn't need as much extra water as what you would give up by getting rid of the cans because of course the fruits vegetables and meats in those cans are packed in quite a bit of additional water besides what's contained in the items the bonus to that is that you can use the liquid from those cans you can include it in the liquid required for cooking your recipe or you can use it to flavor things like you could use the juice from a fruit can to flavor your oatmeal things like that you could also just drink the liquid out of those cans if you need a little little bit of extra sodium for electrolytes or a little bit of extra sugar for energy that's in a lot of those liquids so whatever you do don't discard the liquid from your cans definitely always use that of course don't forget to include a manual can opener in your box we do have a manual can opener in our emergency cooking kit that we would have to use in conjunction with this but it doesn't hurt to throw one in the Box as well just an inexpensive one will do the trick I haven't had very good luck with the ones from Dollar Tree but the cheap ones at Walmart do just fine for me if you're making multiple boxes you might want to throw in instead just a simple military can opener into each box I sat down to add up the cost of everything in this bin and figuring the cost I went with the cheapest price that I could find for each item so usually the store brand option because that's generally what I would buy if I showed a name brand here it's probably because either I got a really good deal on it with sales and coupons and rebates or I got it as a freebie or maybe it was given to me by someone I went with the prices at Walmart in Dollar Tree and I chose whichever was lower between the two of them those are stores that I have available to me and I think they're accessible to the most number of people out there watching I added up only what I put in my bin I didn't include any of the optional editions that I mentioned if I didn't include them in my bin I tried to estimate a cost for a portion of a larger container used for example the soy sauce or the sugar where a meal was only going to use a portion of that container I just estimated I didn't get too high tech into those calculations so my numbers won't be perfect but they are just a rough idea of course I gave some options for upgrading and if you choose some of those your cost might be higher likewise you might have other stores available to you with better sales and better prices than what I have or maybe you're a really crazy extreme couponer and you can get really awesome deals on some of these items and then you might even get a lower total cost but calculating everything this way the cost of everything in the bins was far less than a hundred dollars less than 85 dollars actually and the lowest I was able to cut it down to and actually came to just under 75 dollars so that is three meals a day for four people for a week as I was doing my calculations I did realize that I only did six lunches um somehow I missed that so I did double um one of the lunch meals and I chose the cheapest meal to double which was the macaroni and cheese meal so I doubled that one so that we have seven meals and I did add that cost in so that is three meals a day for four people for a week a total of 84 meals for let's say less than eighty dollars so you could easily take a hundred dollar bill and put together this bin including the cost of the bin and you could also buy water and probably throw in a few snacks that's very budget friendly but I do realize that it can be hard to come up with an extra 100 bucks all at once sometimes so just remember that you can do this a little at a time one day or one meal at a time time one item at a time if you need to use the Box you already have on hand that you don't have to pay for fill it up as you go I did notice certain meals that were cheaper than others as I was adding up the cost the pasta meals were very inexpensive of course and the breakfasts were super cheap so you could always change things around do more pasta meals if you're on a tight budget you could do breakfast for dinner make it work for you okay guys there it is this is just an example of a week's worth of shelf stable meals I hope this was helpful to someone but like I mentioned this is really very adaptable you could take this basic idea and change it up make it fit your needs your family size your nutritional needs your taste preferences but however you do it do make sure that you're building a food storage or checking out and improving on the one that you have because there is something in the air there's definitely something on the horizon it never hurts to be prepared because something is always happening so get this done now before it's too late I know we will have some viewers out there who say they can't do something like this because as they only eat fresh food and they don't eat all this packaged stuff and first of all let me say that is great I applaud you for that I do have to wonder sometimes how fresh is the food that you're getting really because I mean if you do a little research into how quickly produce loses its nutrients after harvest and how long and far most of our food travels to get to US unless you live in a very favorable climate and you primarily eat from your own garden or a farmer's market your fresh food may not be as nutritious as you believe it is I mean food preservation was a step forward for our society and that's one of the reasons not all food that is shelf stable has to be packed with preservatives and chemicals and sodium and all those things so really if that's your dietary preference then you just have to find foods that will work for your food storage and fit into your nutritional goals it doesn't have to be Chef Boyardee and Top Ramen check out places like Azure standard where you can find all kinds of natural and organic products that can be used for food storage a lot of it um if you like your food fresh and unadulterated then good quality single ingredient freeze-dried foods are probably going to be the best fit for your plan because they're closest to Fresh in quality they're preserved without any additives or chemicals and they do have a much longer shelf life so that they will last longer if you know that you won't be using and rotating your food storage as frequently and lastly you want to make sure that you have a good supply of seeds as part of your food storage plan honestly that's a good idea for all of us but not only seeds for a garden but especially seeds for growing sprouts and micro greens because that can be done quickly easily indoors any time of year so it's a great way to add some fresh nutrition to an emergency diet just please please please don't rely solely on the idea that you'll grow all your own fresh food because unless you live in a very favorable climate and have a lot of land it would be exceedingly difficult to truly produce all the food that you need to survive and no matter where you live there's always the chance that something's going to go wonky with the weather some kind of pest is going to get into your garden some kind of infestation or any host of other things that can severely affect your crops and you don't end up with what you were planning for so while growing fresh food is a great option that we all should do to the extent that we can you still need a food storage those two things should be a compliment to each other bottom line is guys get prepared be prepared there's really nothing to lose by being prepared but a whole lot to be lost if you aren't prepared when something happens I hope this has been helpful don't forget to click the Thumbs Up Down Below check the description box for links to anything that I might have mentioned and if you made it all the way to the end of the video leave me one of these emojis down in the comments and make sure to check out this playlist up here because we have a whole bunch of ideas for meals that can be made entirely with shelf stable ingredients I'm Gerald with Wicked prepared survive today Thrive tomorrow we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Wicked Prepared
Views: 546,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shtf, emergency preparedness, prepper, fox news, cnbc, news, shtf news, shtf prepping, preparedness, food shortages, canadian prepper, magic prepper, alaska prepper, full spectrum survival, epic economist, world news, earthquake news, prepping, southernprepper1, goshen prepping, shtf 2023, disaster preparedness, prepper news, preppers, prepping news, prepping 2023, food shortages 2023, pinball preparedness, walmart food shortages, breaking news, city prepping, doomsday preppers
Id: pkMVVS2a_8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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