Budget-Friendly DIY Platform Deck: Building with Pallets and Fence Pickets

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hey everybody i'm ryan this is will to make and today i'm going to show you how to turn these pallets from these fence pickets into this platform deck [Music] so i started off by first outlining where i wanted the deck to be then scraped up the first layer of dirt and grass using a shovel while doing this i tried to level the ground out as much as i could but still keeping a slope away from the house now i could lay my pallets down my wife seen a listing for these super nice pallets on facebook so i rushed over and grabbed as many as i could they are very heavy duty and in very good shape they're also exactly the same which is great for this project this third one needed a notch cut out to fit around my gas meter i started by marking the cutout [Music] then with a sawzall i cut the notch out flipping it over to cut both sides [Music] once the notch was cut i needed to brace both sides so i used some scrap to do so this palette could now be slid into place i continued to lay the rest of the pallets making sure they were butted up as close to each other as i could two pallets wide wasn't big enough for what we wanted so i ended up cutting four pallets in half long ways to give us that width [Music] i also need the length of the deck a little longer so i cut two pallets in half short ones all of these pieces could then be put in place as well the last piece was the corner i ended up just cutting the corner of one of the pallets and it fit perfect [Music] next i laid down under laminate on top of all the pallets this locked everything together and made the deck super solid i understand that this is not the best way to build a deck and it might not last as long but with wood prices today we figured we would take a chance and build it like this knowing that it wouldn't be perfect up against the house i measure the remaining under laminate i would need i then cut these strips out using my circular saw and some foam board underneath [Music] once these pieces were cut they could be installed next were the fence pigments i chopped off the dog ears and started by installing the border of the deck i made sure to keep these flush with the top of the deck [Music] then the top pieces could go on i lined up the front with the front border and screwed them down once i got a row done i could stagger the next row the next day i could continue on the rest of the day [Music] the front of these were a little sharp so i gave it a quick round over with my router [Music] [Music] the cracks needed to be painted dark so they wouldn't show later on so we found a spray paint that matched our deck paint and went over each crack then our deck paint could be applied this paint we used was super thick so i ended up taking about a gallon and a half to do this whole top but it was totally worth it because the paint is super durable and looks great [Music] with that the super cheap platform deck was complete the total cost was around 500 which is way cheaper than if we would have built it with dimensional lumber like i said it may not last as long but for the price we are very happy with how it turned out i will be installing sun shade sails over top of the deck in a later video so subscribe to make sure you don't miss it and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and i'll see you next time
Channel: The Will To Make
Views: 498,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Platform Deck, Platfromdeck, Pallets, Fence Pickets, DIY, Woodworking, Deck, fence, wooden, wood, do it yourself, backyard, outdoors, outside, DIY Deck, palletwood, backyard renovation, outdoor living, pallet deck, up cycling, budget friendly, outdoor design, deck building, home improvement, outtdoor DIY, Creative ideas, outdoor space, pallet project, DIY backyard deck, pallet deck tutorial, deck building with pallets, backyard deck from reclaimed pallets, budget freindly deck ideas
Id: nWMqLsoydjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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