50 Amazing Uses for Wood Pallets

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in this video I'm gonna be doing another one of those sort of DIY idea type videos that you've seen me do in the past with things like milk crates IBC totes 55-gallon plastic drums this one today is gonna be wooden pallets and it's gonna be 50 ideas that you can make different things that you can make do-it-yourself things with wooden pallets so for anybody who doesn't know what a pallet is it's basically just a flat piece of wood that can be picked up by a forklift and it provides structure and a base for large kind of like cubes of goods that are being shipped when goods are shipped they're kind of shift in a large cube a very heavy large cube and the pallet provides a flat surface for them to sit on that the forklift can pick up and move around now you can't always go out and buy these pallets but the cheaper alternative would be to call local retailers like grocery stores different places that would have their goods shipped in on pallets maybe even school districts if they are large enough would have their supplies shipped in on a pallet and just ask what they do with the pallets when they can no longer use them or they have to get rid of ones that might be too damaged to continue using a lot of places will have pallet recycling programs but some places will probably be willing to give you a couple of them for free if you schedule a time to come pick them up so like I say in all these videos I do not own any of these ideas I did not create them I'm simply just showing you them they are all created by other people and I take no credit for that and in the video description I'll try to put a link to at least one of each one of the numbered ideas that I showed you and all of these ideas involve the pallets some of them involve keeping the pallets intact others as you will see involved tearing off the wooden pieces of the pallets and repurposing them for other things but these are all generated using recycled wooden pallets so enjoy the video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Foisy Aquatics
Views: 3,147,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood, pallet, skid, wooden, recycled, reuse, DIY, how to, tutorial, uses, pinterest, ideas, amazing, smart, genius, bucket, drum, gallon, plastic, 50, tote, make, build, guide, 101, foisy, farm, free, cheap, garden
Id: eUDhRyP-Guk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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