Buddha final message to the world

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after spending as much time as he desired at Amber Polly's Grove the Buddha proceeded to buluvenia vasali it was there that the blessed one addressed the Gathering of his disciples known as the brethren he spoke to them saying dear monks let us take up our Abode for the upcoming rainy season in the vicinity of vasoli each one of you should find a place to reside according to where your friends and near companions live as for myself I shall enter the rainy season here at baluva as the Buddha embraced the rainy season a severe sickness befell him accompanied by excruciating pain that brought him to the brink of death yet even in the face of such adversity the blessed one remained Mindful and composed enduring his ailments with remarkable equanimity during this trying time a Thor to Rose within the Buddha's mind he realized that it would not be appropriate for him to pass away without addressing his disciples and bidding farewell to the order of monks with firm determination the Buddha resolved to exert a strong effort of will to subdue the sickness and extend his life until the right moment through his unwavering resolve he successfully subdued the illness and gradually his condition improved as the sickness abated the Buddha emerged from the confines of the monastery and sought solace in the open air it was there that his beloved disciple inanda accompanied by numerous other disciples approached the blessed one Ananda visibly moved by the suffering the Buddha had endured expressed his feelings saying Lord I have witnessed both your good health and the tremendous suffering you had to bear upon seeing your illness my body weakened and the world around me seemed dim and hazy my faculties were clouded and yet in the midst of it all I found a sliver of comfort in the knowledge that you would not leave this existence without imparting your final instructions to the disciples in response to ananda's heartfelt sentiments the Buddha addressed him on behalf of the order emphasizing that he had taught the truth without concealing anything be it hidden or revealed doctrines he reassured Ananda and the assembled disciples stating Ananda if anyone Harbors the thought that it is I who will lead the Brotherhood or that the order is dependent on me let that notion be dispelled tathagata myself included does not hold the closed fist of a teacher who withholds certain teachings therefore there is no need for the tafagata to leave explicit instructions concerning the order the Buddha continued sharing the reality of his aging and the approaching culmination of his journey he revealed that he had reached the ripe age of 80 and just as an old cart requires extra effort to keep moving the body of the taffigata two could only be sustained with considerable care however the Buddha impoted a crucial message to his disciples trues of the tatha gotta's body is found when he ceases attending to external matters and immerses himself in deep meditation detached from bodily concerns encouraging his disciples to cultivate self-reliance the Buddha offered profound guidance he instructed them therefore Ananda be lamps unto yourselves rely on yourselves alone and do not seek Reliance on external support hold fast to the truth as a lamp seek salvation in the truth alone do not look for assistance from anyone other than yourselves the Buddha elucidated how disciple could become a lamp unto themselves relying on their own efforts and not relying on external assistance he explained that one should regard their Body Sensations thoughts reasoning and feelings with diligence thoughtfulness and mindfulness by doing so they could overcome the grief and suffering arising from the body's Cravings Sensations and mental processes the Buddha further expounded that those individuals who presently or in the future become lamps unto themselves relying on themselves alone and the truth as their guide and who do not seek external assistance will reach the highest Pinnacle of enlightenment these disciples among the Blessed ones followers will be the ones who diligently strive to learn and internalize these teachings the Buddha concluded his message with a reminder that in life when faced with uncertainty one should listen to their heart and trust their intuition he emphasized the importance of being a steady Rock relying on oneself and one's inner wisdom just as the Buddha did on his path to enlightenment in this final teaching the Buddha left a profound Legacy for his disciples and all future practitioners he revealed the secret to finding Enlightenment looking inward relying on oneself and understanding the immense power of self-reliance this Timeless wisdom encourages individuals to trust their inner guidance become their own support and seek Enlightenment within themselves may this teaching Inspire and guide us on our spiritual journey as we learn to rely on ourselves and find the truth Within thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video consider giving a like and subscribing stay focused happy
Channel: Life Momentum
Views: 122,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Embracing Life, Self Discovery, Personal Growth, Inspiration, Motivation, Transformative Journey, Breaking Free, Embracing Uncertainty, Finding Purpose, Living Fully, Overcoming Challenges, Self Empowerment, Lifestyle Inspiration, Positive Change, Discovering Passion, a wise man once said, short stories, lessons, best sayings, how to stop caring, motivational stories, inspirational story, how to get better, how to be better, how to have a better life, tales, law of attraction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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