Bucket List Trip - Historic Canadian River in the Late Fall - Peak Colors!

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I don't know about you folks but I'm about done with this winter why not take a trip back in time with old Joe for a video the video we're about to watch is brand new it was shot October of 2023 this was Buddy Mike and my annual canoe trip we started off by driving up to Highway 129 and meeting up at the Tail of the Dragon this trip involved some Logistics so we had to take two vehicles but it was well worth it driving that Highway a couple times and seeing these colors was just amazing we ended up getting to the pudd in pretty late because of the logistics but when we did wolfy was happy to be there we were happy to get in the canoe again we puddled in for only a little bit and we set up camp at a nearby campsite cooked a good supper enjoyed the night and woke up refreshed ready to go in the morning over St can you sit watch his face watch his head sit see see that if I have to it's like the most defiant thing ever that [ __ ] you s because I want to not because you told me to I was going to do it you good yeah I'm just oh hello folks the old [Music] Ganesha oh he still hit me you can just hear him thundering down the trail we're using the tandem boat we got the big 17t kiten by Swift this is my like family tripping boat style but we got Wolfie with us and we're double carrying so we got two bags each and Wolfie's got a bag so lots of stuff and this boat is perfect for that going around a dam right now and there is some beautiful fall colors not too many Maple up here but the ferns and the Alder and birches are all turning there are a couple Maples still there she is w come on go come on fluffy butt go on wolfy B fluffy pants The Long Hill we're crossing the height of land right now which is pretty cool the river is going to start flowing the other way on the other side of this hill y that might be even something you could do with the wife like uh it's it's it's pretty tame it has to be I've been there the the lodge is very nice yeah Norm's cabin they call it oh you can drive up to no I I went sh part of the TV show there um and we we got stowed in okay yeah drop off a slide something that's right got him that's why I like this little fing right no I don't take care of any of my I like my brother made so want to use it but i' rather not destroy it of course no that that means something for sure there we go we did it Wolfie we're coming up on a former Northwest Trading Post uh site and we thought it might just be like remnants of it maybe the foundation or something but it looks like there's actually a couple buildings so we're going to take uh some time and go explore it pretty nifty tons of History around this area the Archie the bini gray owl and Tom Thompson and now this pretty cool yeah there's a ladder going up to I don't know do we access it here think yeah let's do that oh yeah there's another building way down there very cool and action holy smokes there's more it's like a a good Vantage Point too it seems yeah little peninsul what are we doing in front here okay B go good boy good boy this is oh look out outside uh open or something I have no idea that's a real building yeah look at the logs how like caned they are yeah yeah it's all settling over the fireplace uhuh there's metal in there too work Finley Bros Co Carlton Place Ontario oh there's like tons of Motors in there uh boat motors yeah yeah that's like a workshop look that probably just rip right off yeah 500 gon Ohio 1973 huh fish cleaning hot definitely Mrs S this beach flag pole Harvey Danger oh the that's been there for a minute yeah they're growing through it well if you don't eat the fire pit buddy [Music] oh they have it written on them so they know where they go that might be the thumbnail well this is pretty cool Northwest trading company's been around what since the 1800s I don't know we're going to say that I could be wrong but that's what I'm saying 1200s 1200s go way back Elizabeth KS oh there a sand down yeah in the water yeah yeah so we've been going for seven or so hours today uh uh we're going to go for another little bit and start to look for a camp it's been in a really nice day good weather and uh just getting our canoe legs again anyway the uh this Lake we're on right now is a lake that Tom Thompson almost drowned on apparently so that's another thing MH Tom Thompson was a group of seven painter famous back in the day A Way Carl Wilson was that one Wilson a y Jackson a Jacks I don't think he was technically one of the seven he was like Group of Seven adjacent that's true you're right I think he died kind of like right there picking up I think that might be it she's like the Casey Jones of the TMNT yes that's exactly well came to this uh little outflow thought we would take a second to take a cast and I got a bass little Bassy guy fast cast and a bath well we're finally at Camp it's a nice one I got my uh supper cooking on The Twig stove over there Mike's set his Camp up already I'm going to set up mine very very wet from the Dew last night we got a nice spot a little bit bigger than our camp last night also which is nice I'm using a durston tent this is a Twan two person whatever you prefer set it up right about there I have no floor or bug screen in this right now it does come with it but I have it removed we get a lot more room with it out and you don't need it this time of year we are what are we late September almost into October here don't got much daylight left so soon as I got here I got on the supper deal I'm going to have Will's homemade um chicken stir air fry which is super good with the water chestnuts and everything for [Applause] set it and forget it nice pot of food and what a view What A View to look at while I eat you all done eating want to take this vest off or what here hold up good boy what are you doing there you go weirdo oh yeah that's leaving fast I've been using this twig stove this Ganesha it's a gasifier as well but it has a really silly name and a silly look to it but I swear to god it works super super good extremely efficient like a b b like a bush buddy but three times the size nice you hear it from there yeah nice what's that pretty quick yeah I put some uh Dill fish crisp in the oil oh really I think it might be all right we'll see might be good or not one of two you know it's done oh yeah buddy look at that good boy free range Wolfie tonight yeah go where you like hopefully you stay by my side free range W Fe a lot of the times I will tie him up at night depending on the site we're at but considering he ran like probably 30 to 50 kilomet today uh and he's koed and we're on a peninsula he'll be all right we'll just leave both the doors open so we get the least amount of condensation as possible and wol if he can do his thing all right we're going to go to bed it's uh what is it just after 10 just after 10 at night I imagine I'll be up around 6:00 a.m. it's a fantastic day super super good weather it's nice to Camp with Mike again Wolfie's doing great I like the single uh boat with the two of us went for over 10 hours to didn't feel like it but uh yeah anyways it's time for bed I'm ready for it see you guys in the morning good night here you can see Michael in the distance the light shining from his tent tells you he's not ready for bed have I mentioned how much I like this tent like she's sturdy man look at all the room I have too so much room for activities in this piece all right I'm going to bed good tonight this guy's [Music] KO good morning who's my good boy who's my good boy good morning buddy ears bugging you you don't need to do that on my pad need to come on to my sleeping pad I'll just sleep buddy oh pretty foggy morning it's 7:00 I'm going to get up I haven't heard Mike stirring yet but uh 7:00 is time to get up I think what are you doing what are you doing lifting your leg on what are you doing look at him what the the heck are you doing bro I put my wet socks and boots on already so that's great yeah got to rip off that Band-Aid I heard fish jumping in the water when I was laying there this morning or what I thought was fish jumping good boy wolf oh man a big old fish J holy smokes come on Wolfie come on real good for invading personal space that gu it's okay he hasn't seen me in like nine whole hours I know him I know him myself all right you want some breakfast buddy you want some breakfast I've done worse though I've done wetter and colder so yep that's very true hey I told you sit man that's right where's your bowl hey where is your bowl there you go buddy he's a good boy I got to get some water so I'm just stoking it up here for a bit get in there yo ganha Mike do you need hot water for anything good thank you okay never mind it do go down yeah little bouldery I think okay so it doesn't seem like they're putting these portages here for no reason like Al gangin style some of them are literally there for no reason yeah but it seems like this is the hopeing some of those Rapids are different but oh there's a camp right there too right over there I just saw the sign right is it a boat no maybe it wasn't huh look at this take out that's all right or maybe this is the one they're skirting this makes sense no not at all wait okay good boy that's what you that's what you need in the bush pretty heavily used trail there oh this is beauty Little Beaver yeah yeah yeah car ram Rider okay give her okay nice like a cloes oh sorry okay go handle would help right [Music] eighty L the way to go not great eh I don't know how we're going to that sucks yeah it's not worth it at all no I know oh camera still running and everything all right it should be easier now try this again touch better so we had a 60 M Portage and we uh decided to just try in two man or with most of the gear in the boat and that did not turn out to be prudent is that the right word it didn't turn out right we didn't like it wasn't worth it would not recommend but I am going to take a couple casts here at the end of this Falls I got lucky earlier with a bass and a pike the end of a other portage so maybe again hey buddy you go boy let's going for de part oh first C nice I like it I like it who says this is a good fish in here you hit right away oh nice jump and everything better size than the one earlier nice no harm no foul [Applause] [Applause] there we go saved us Portage me and wolf jumped out to uh drop some weight out of the boat and uh it's pretty bony section but Joe was able to just slide on through so now we're going to go do six it's only 60 M but those add up when you do enough of them we're just going to me and wolf are going to run down the other end so we're on a trail coming up on a port Trail coming up to Archie bini grey owls old cabin which has a should be a historic site I think but um it's private property now and there's a cabin built next to it and there's people there uh at Camp so can't really go check it out too much but we can walk by it and uh yeah I would I would suggest you do a little bit of research on the dude who's a um interesting fellow you can hear the boats you know a little bit of civilization so here's the the cabin here po touch sign on it the old what is that dovetail notches I'm not really sure that's the new cabin there but this is the old one [Music] oh man people hey buddy oh my God what do you got wolfy they told me he got they got a moose yesterday he just got some guts dude do you all right well have out her man whatever you whatever you think those cuts right up man want me to come get you went there but I was got there right there yeah suck that way do you want me to come and pull you this good video right here hello folks we're at camp now we've been here for a little bit we um there was a big stretch uh on the map where that showed no campsites but we were going to carve one over of the Bush came around a corner saw this awesome spot it's just not marked it's definitely a camp I got the tarp up tonight I got the nent tarp up over my sleeping pad and that's all I'm want to sleep under uh there just a lot of De or else I would Cowboy Camp up on the Flat Rocks out there but there's a really nice campsite let me show you around I got uh my water boiling for my spaghetti dinner tonight all right [Music] no freaking way I found an old brass Zippo really yeah no inerts to it you can buy the guts yeah I would assume yeah so when we first got here I got my twig fler going and boil my water got my uh my food in there while I did everything all set up and cut firewood and everything by the time I'm done it's been like probably 20 minutes cuz it's piping hot and fully rehydrated so that's cool super into that we're going to start a fire now WFIE got a lot of food today I already F him supper plus that mousse in hers and uh lots of snacks so he's good get this fire going oh nice that's three or four more of those if we need them firewood mik no fixing that socks are so nice I just poured the coals from the Old Faithful Ganesha Into The Twig pile and uh give a little huff and puff and we're good we good that's all right don't hate that at all pink sky in the High Life man you got any extra parmesan a little sprinkle yeah nice one for R yeah pain full he got a nice little fire box kind ofit here oh my bud don't tou lid put a lid on it's proba good call oh it's still hot as not a good boy there an owl been hooting for an hour now nice ambient noise I want to go to bed it's only about 8:30 but my back's hurting me and uh my bed looks comfortable supposed to be the coldest tonight at plus 4 so it's not bad my dry socks in my pocket lose the puffy jacket all right well you folks have a good night I'm going to go to sleep cool your jet spot okay man Wolfie had a moose encounter last last night I haven't been tying them up or putting them in my tent or anything obviously there's no tent to put them in right now and uh last night he was sleeping in between Mike's tent and my tarp and that's where I left them in bed blah blah blah it's like 5 4 in the morning 3 in the morning and uh I hear a crash crash crash so I get off I'm like wolf I hear him coming from over that way behind me the opposite way he was sleeping sleeping at I'm like what are you doing man as he was here I heard big crashes and water splashing which could only be a moose so we are on an island moose must have tried to swim over for whatever reason wolf heard it went and spooked it but I was happy that he did not Chase it even after that he ran away again uh to go after the crashing but he came back and then I found him maybe 20 minutes later laying back where he was where he was supposed to be so that's good I ended up tying him up just because I didn't want him out chasing moose in the middle of the night or potentially getting lost or hurt or whatever but man he's a good dog and he's only like a year and a half really really really happy with it he's not here to hear me say this is he anyway it's uh we're try to got in the water a little bit earlier today been getting on the water half an hour earlier each morning so far and this is a legit trip like we're putting in like 30 clicks a day almost and we're going to do like five nights type thing so been catching fish maybe today I'll keep on to eat it just hasn't been an opportune time for that oh that's a good look right there sun behind us Mr Wolf just taking it easy mic up there huffing away look at this almost like we're new what we're doing single blading along Mr wolo Woo Woo Woo we got to go left some here there's a rock dead head see that yep slight are you going to make it or what just came to this gorgeous Portage en campsite at the end of it set of Falls and Rapids super pretty here this was our destination for last night just couldn't make it but that's okay by the time we would have made it it would been about 7:00 and we' have maybe 10 20 minutes of light to appreciate it but pretty nice eh yeah huge there's like enough for four or five t0 here probably this little map here actually says salt Industrial Road that's the one we took yeah it shows us how right how to get there uh the same way we went yeah nice so that is the move then the other way is probably not great yeah yeah cuz all I've ever heard is Salton it wasn't that bad no safe that do you see anything up there Mike that looks sketch in the center of it it looks like there is a rock so when you come around you're either going to want to hang left or immediately on top of that big one left or immediately what I'd go I I'd stay to the left of the channel the whole way okay [Music] you're good buddy go Mike [Music] woo slick no problems that was awesome I didn't even like barely didn't touch a rock at all that was cool I'm surprised I just floated on top yeah like I thought I was going to bump and grind all the way down all right you go Mike there Wolfie come on buddy we're at Split Rock Rapids it looks like I can run this I think so we got the gear out and Mike and Wolfie are going to hike it and we'll see what what happens if I stay left I should be all right it's a pretty cool little canyon looking thing here [Applause] hell yeah hey wolf oh yeah bud child play we're at the Hills gate rapage all right come on buddy this way wooo good boy [Applause] hey [Music] wolfy oh you go with Mike now okay he's he's coming with me I guess you coming here come on no whatever see you later wolf did the carry down and checked out the Rapids here on this 450 seems like I'll be able to run uh halfway down wol he's going to run all the way down no no you're not catching up to me you're not catching up bud go up on the trail dude go around [Applause] good boy Wolfie wolf yeah Flawless Victory good boy it's good morning it's uh 9: I'm frozen we've been going since what 7 we believe it's 7:30 and uh yeah feet are completely soaked from yesterday so got the puffy on we got to Camp really late last night we about 2 minutes of light and uh just set up eight and crashed so today is our last full big day we got to Camp again tonight but yeah H in but uh we're just getting through this little lift over section you coming in too buddy come on good boy yes good boy so this is all we're doing today hey good boy how many kils you think we're going to paddle today um 30 plus how many col we paddle yesterday 32 33 probably get done in three nights yeah I think I might have been a little I mean at the end of the day technically if we wanted to we probably could be off the water today but um yeah it's the whole driving thing yeah yeah this looks like a camp like 11:00 there's a Flat Rock with some stuff on it I think you might be right I don't know it's kind of hard to tell where I am now so well folks it's been a minute since we talked since we spoke even since you listen to me talk at you it's now 6:10 started today at 7:30 M so and we're about what nine oh there's a bald eagle 9ish clicks from the 6 or 7 from the out we uh we're going to end up doing this trip in four nights Mike has a heck of a drive home we have about six while yeah 6 hour round trip to just logistically get what's that oh I thought you said something to get our to get our cars back is it 9 hours or six five probably five or six for here we go up we come back down two up how much up two and a half two back down any two and back down anyways man didn't show you a lot of today but it was a lot of this a whole lot of this Wolf's been a super good dog been in the boat for like 90% of the day it was very Minal paging but he slept a lot today and uh we let him out and R he ran on the river which we are far away from now seems like 2 days ago anyway keep you with us the adventures far from over we got to get out of this crazy Back Road maze in the dark now so we'll uh by driving I mean I'll keep you updated it's been a slog it's been a slog Mike we are going that way oh see we're losing it we're losing it [Music] is all right I'll be right back for you big guy you be good boy I'll be right back one minute I don't want to no you stay stay I'll be right back for you I don't want to bring them with me cuz there's a road up there and it be easier just to have them tied up and wait and I'll come back for him with my second load [Music] how far down is the car I didn't here I get it you going to drive it I'm going to drive it here [Music] yeah good call yeah I don't know what I'm picking I don't know what I was thinking yeah yeah yeah I know Mike's going to get his car we're done here's the Big Dam at Aubrey Falls this is where we're taking out we had a nice park spot there so all is well the big old falls there there can't get in obviously that was like old school Joel Mike trip P Portage all day long so anyway good times like I said happy to chill with Mike see you guys soon [Applause]
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 60,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: ciIouU9X9QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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