Building Endwalls with Sawmill Lumber | Quonset Hut Workshop

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welcome to phase two of the Quan Hut build and we have come a long way since first starting this project last summer and almost everything about this project has been new to us foundation work pouring our own conrete slab and erecting our 40x 60 Quan Hut building which proved to be very difficult for two people to put up I even started to question if we were actually going to get this thing done but after 8 days of hard work we got the last arch up after going through and snugging down all 7,000 bolts of the Hut it was finally ready for us to use it as an actual shop and although we didn't beat old man winter we have plans to get the shop fully enclosed this year planning ahead has become a necess and over the past few weeks we've been Gathering supplies it's hard to imagine that this time next year we'll have a fully enclosed heated shop and now that the sun has returned it's time for us to get to work well here we go finally some nice weather we can get started working on the Quanza head again we're over here at the Mill and we've got a lot of work to do in the fall we were out here and we cut a bunch of 2x sixes I think we had a stack of about 74 of them they were 8 ft long 9 and 1/2 ft on this one and the plan for today is to get some more 2x sixes and a few 2x4s cut that are closer to 13 ft long got a big pile of snow on the ground here this is all the snow that's sheded off The Sawmill roof and we're going to get things fired up here checking our blade usually got to clean out a little bit of sawdust Frozen right away we noticed that we were having the same problem with the throttle there's a little bit of moisture in there and it was freezing so instead of just using the heat gun and heating it up we decided to pull it off bring it inside I thought out the water and I was able to spray a little bit of WD40 in there and it worked like brand new but it's definitely still cold out this is the lube kit for the blade and I have windshield washer fluid in there and it's actually the stuff that I believe goes down to like - 25 fenit and it's frozen in here so we're taking it out and we're going to fill it up with a new jug that I had sitting inside the house this is all of our sawdust that's been kind of sitting through the fall and the winter so this stuff is going to go into the compost this time but we have plans for this Milling season to actually keep this stuff dry so we can use it for the chicken coop right off the bat got some nice 2x4s and when we're cutting on The Sawmill we're cutting true size Lumber so this measures out 2 in by 4 in and our 2x sixes those are going to measure out 2 in by 6 in after four years of owning and operating this Norwood sawmill not only have we gained a ton of experience uh we've become more efficient and I feel like we've really nailed down kind of like a Twan system when it comes to Turning logs into Lumber digging some scrap wood out of the snow we're going to build a little makeshift stand for the lumber we're going to be Milling today when you have a tractor just makes sense to get stuff kind of stacked up off the ground that way you can grab it with the forks and here we're grabbing a big log this one's probably about 30 ft long we're going to cut it to 13t sections and this is a new chainsaw we picked up so we have an echko and we have a husk of ARA I've operated a steel chainsaw before but I've never owned one as you can tell here by all the B oil on my pants I wasn't off to a good start well that's [Music] [Applause] us [Applause] [Music] a and that's what we ended up with this one log 7even 2x6s and two 2X by fours beautiful day out here today Mill and lumber it's still well below freezing but when you got that sun on you man it just makes for a really enjoyable day I didn't know exactly how this Sawmill shed was going to work as far as bringing logs in with the tractor and this is the first time we were using it completed you can tell tons of room Slide the log on back the tractor out well so far so good with the new Ste chainsaw didn't do a lot of cutting today but I have a feeling that chainsaw is going to get a lot of use around here and here we're picking out a very special log nice big one this is going to be a 6x10 header it's going to go on top of the shop door this log has quite the taper on it and our little bottle jack mod that we welded on last fall is still working out good for us [Music] perfect and there we go nice stack of lumber 2x4s 2x sixes and our big 6x 10 header beam we're going to bring it over to the shop that's a wrap for the day phase two of the K Quanza Hut project and it is early March we've got a chilly one out this morning but as long as we have this semi my okay weather we're going to be out here building the end walls for the Hut and when I woke up this morning it was 5° it's about noon now it has warmed up to 20° unfortunately we're going to be working in the shade for this project it's not like on The Sawmill the other day where you're just in the sun and it feels really warm 20° over here it actually feels pretty chilly we've got a lot to accomplish and we're going to be working through some issues with the cold weather we might have to change things up a little bit first thing we have to do which I I forgot that we have to do is we got to dig some parts out of the snow and we're starting on the back end wall first if they're not under that then I don't know what we're going to do where are they right where I left them okay we got yeah we're going to put that up what is that it's like a little a little free advertisement you can put on your building apparently when we purchased this building we went with the option of building our own end walls uh we wanted to do it out of Saw Lumber and we're using mostly that for these you can build them with the steel walls that they come with and they come with instructions on how to do it but when you're fastening our wooden framing to the metal there's kind of a bunch of different options on the way you can do it you got to kind of get creative and that's what we're going to do so we did buy some 2x4s for the first part cuz I wanted to start with some nice dry wood for this section and what we're going to do is we're going to start the framing with 2x4 right here and then we're going to do some of our own mil 2X X4 sandwich like that we'll show you that in a little bit but instead of using the bolts that steel Master comes with that go through and then they have a nut on the other side we went ahead and bought these lag screws these are 1 and 1/2 in long and you can see I got a little rubber washer on there and this is the washer that steel Master uh gives you with uh their nuts and bolts so what we're going to do is we're going to fasten this with these lag bolts and we're going to make it as strong as we can this little section right here which is 67 in we're going to put 10 of these bolts in I think we'll start off with drilling like a pilot hole and then sinking these in and we'll see how it works this is all just like one big experiment this is the trim and we had to cut ours to fit because we did the grout option on this Quanza Hut so we had to cut about 5 and 1 12 Ines off to get it to line up with the bolts and we're going to put it on now that way when we sink these screws in we don't have to come back later and take them all out and put it on so it makes sense to put it on first let's get some pilot holes drilled yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] d so it's going to go a hair long we'll let to trim it a little bit that's it that is the plan that we came up with so these are our 2x4s that we mil they're 2 in x 4 in and doing the side over there we learned a little bit coming to this one so this bottom 2x4 that we put in there is relatively simple you just have to make sure you put your trim piece on first and then the next trim piece up here you want to overlap this bottom one for like rain and moisture it gives you the shingle effect but putting those ones in we made a mistake of putting these on First and bolting them in and then we couldn't get to those bolts behind it so when we did this side we put those three bolts in which are these ones right here so that's just your the standard uh bolt that comes with the building there's like 7,000 of them or something like that that so we put those on secured the trim into place and then we went ahead and put these 2x4s on there and I mean I'm really happy with how solid that is so what we'll do now is we're going to take this 2x4 I have to shave a little bit off this so maybe 1/ qu inch and it's going to sit oh no might it might be good going sit right there and we're going to screw it into the 2x4 and then as we start building our wall and we start to go up this is going to act as like a wood framing to screw our wall into too and speaking of screwing things in since it's so cold out we kind of learned when we were building our Sawmill shed in the winter time a nail gun just doesn't work very well I don't know if it's because the W we're using is green as in it's not um dried out yet or it's because our wood is frozen but when you use a nail gun it just doesn't seem to fasten it good enough so what we're going to be using is something called framing screws and I'll show you those real quick and you can take a look at what they look like and that's called a framing screw so I guess they have a little more sheer strength to them and you can use them instead of nails that's what we're going to do let's get this one screwed in and what we're basically going to start off with is kind of like the bottom section of this wall so we're going to build it at 8 ft and then we're going to kind of decide what we're going to do because once we start getting above that 8T Mark I don't know how we're going to get up there cuz it's pretty tall we'll start on this one here okay let me screw this one [Music] in oh my gosh those are some nice screws this is nice you see how fast they go through [Music] it do you want it flush with that [Music] [Music] one okay that's that for now still play time oh my [Music] gosh is that good but then stick it out like you said a little till it matches till it's flush that's [Applause] flush now it's you don't need that many of these you're only supposed to like every four feet so what we can do is I'll put two more and this will be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] done they weren't you're in the center I'm going to pull it tight okay it should be 116 and 38 [Applause] y things are going good finally so we just got our seal plate installed and between the concrete and the wooden seal plate we use something called a seal gasket and this is going to keep like air leaks from happening um it's going to keep the wood from absorbing moisture that the concrete puts off stuff like that so we've got this underneath and we use tapcon screws it's a screw that you can use to drill into concrete and our slab has PEX pipe ran all over the place but we knew we were going to be screwing it on the edges so we left exactly 1T around each edge of the whole entire perimeter that we can screw into that doesn't have any pecs into it so we're not worried about hitting our pipe and although we're going to be using like some beefy Lumber these 2x sixes and we're going to do like headers on the doors and stuff this actually is not a loadbearing wall so we're not really supporting anything here and instead of building like our wall on the ground and lifting it our lumber is so big and we're building such a big wall and our lumber is really heavy because it's still green we're going to try to just construct it at as is and we're going for 8 ft so we've got a 2-in still plate we're going to do a double top plate but to the top of our first top plate we want it to be 8 ft so now we've got this big stack of uh 2x sixes over here that we cut in the fall I think we got like 75 of them over there they're all about I don't know 9 ft different lengths and the ends aren't exactly perfect so we're going to spend some time cut we're going to do these 16 in on Center we got to decide how many we need exactly and then we need to cut all those on both sides so they fit in there perfectly what do you think I think that's good that's the next step I guess we cut all those and then we can actually go you know what we could do now is we could actually go through and measure our 16 in on Center and that would give us exactly how many we need we may want to also keep in mind the door when we're going we can find the center real quick we get de side our door you want to do that sure 48 48 okay what's next 16 would be 64 I can't do math got it right see how it's red yeah the red ones are 16 in on Center just keep hitting the red ones I just figured that out for building I just realized that if you start on the top then I can get the bottom [Music] bottom [Music] [Music] [Music] follow [Music] look that risky games Risky Business wow how [Music] [Music] exciting well this is what we got accomplished yesterday and I'm pretty impressed it started off slow but things picked up and we really got moving I think we worked till about 7:00 at night right now it's getting dark at about 6:00 so we have this bottom section of the wall framed up to exactly 8 ft to the top of that top plate that way when we put our OSB on the outside it's going to line up perfectly for us and this area right here we have open and this is where our back door is going to go so I've got some marks down here on the bottom that shows exactly where we need to cut out this Center section and I've got all the lumber cut right here for the door it consists of a few pieces so this is what's going to be called The King stud that's going to go all the way to the top sandwich next to that is going to be the Jack stud so it'll sit something let's see if I can get it in there sit something like there and then we're going to have the top plate which is going to be like that and that'll be our door frame we'll probably put a couple cripples up top this section will be done for now and then the last thing we're going to do on this side this morning is we're going to put our double top plate so we're going to put a second top plate on top all the way across and then we're moving over to the front too violent hey okay now we'll cut this out we don't need this right [Music] [Music] think 25 in or [Music] 26 you got on yeah [Music] [Applause] right this side's go while the only thing we are doing different is these pieces that I don't have a name for that we're putting into the arch or the corner um we doing them a little smaller on this side so we're going to do four versus three over there and that's because we want to make a few more contact points with the steel building and our wall basically we want to have more stabilization I guess the right word would be there so I think this is going to work out a little better over here and we've got to the level that we need to be on this side got to reciprocate it over there and we have a lot more to do you think I can do it we're [Music] going 35 ft 9 and 1/2 17 1/2 172 is five so you need to go one 2 3 four and 34 yeah I was about to say it look the hair off thank goodness how off center door huh why you cut twice measure once right or something like that the front is similar to the back but it's a lot different because we're going to have a man door just like we did on the back it's going to be on that side we're going to have a big rollup door and our rollup door is sized to have an opening that is 12T wide and 12T tall exactly so we found the center of our shop which is right there it was a little over 17 1/2 ft and then we went out 6 ft our SE plate that's going to go down instead of running it the whole entire way and then cutting the section out we're just not going to run it where we're going to put the door it just makes sense not to uh waste the lumber on that so we're going to run the seal plate with the seal gasket from this line all the way over and then we'll do the same on the other side we'll mark our where our man door is going to go we'll put put our 16 in on Center we'll start putting our studs and stuff in and then at that point it's going to get tricky cuz we got to put uh framing in for a 12ft door we got a big beam we got to put up there let's see how this goes 142 38 142 and 38 I got to go way back there good more okay this is this is the job site oh [Music] yes if you can you ready and how far you [Applause] [Music] go [Applause] looks pretty good the future that's the door hun you going to measure those yeah that's about 9 in [Music] little all [Music] right got that lady oh this is really tall that's it that's the opening for the door absolutely massive 12 ft by 12T opening and this I guess is technically a king stud for the door and we're using 6-in lag screws to fasten it to the rest of the wall and we're going to do the same on the other side our beam's going to go on top and then we're going to put a couple of oh our screws came through though we're going to put a couple of Jack studs so one here and I'll put one on top so basically the frame of the door is going to be a oh I guess we already have a jack set here so it's going to be a 6 in by 6 in pretty much a beam on each edge of the door pretty massive pretty beefy we already got our King stad there or our Jack stad so we just need one more Jack stad to reach that top we got to cut our from that [Music] one [Music] [Music] that's it for the night we're burning what's up called the midnight burning the midnight oil even though it's not even summer yet it's only March which is amazing that we're even out here doing all this it's blowing my mind how fast we're working um it's a little warmer I think than usual for this time of the year but we're using it to our event yep last year at this time we were just moving up to this property and then we Dove like straight into the chicken Co build that's all done we don't have to move this year we don't have to build the chicken coop this year yes and like Ariel said the weather is cooperating and we had goals for today and the main goal was to get everything we got done plus get that big beam right there up on top of those posts we're not going to get that done tonight unfortunately we got to dig out our tote to make our make it so our tractor can lift a little taller and it's buried in the snow it's getting cold out here it's getting late so we're calling it right here for the night yeah the project will continue on the next episode in a few days we'll see you then see you guys so just imagine that's the door right there that's the width that you're going to be able to drive through which is nice right remember what we planned in the shoot the airport SHP yeah you pull in you back in that's pretty I mean it's a little cockeye but not bad yeah yeah but we got widen that section A little bit more ah I don't know about that cuz it's already so wide over see what I was think about doing
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 455,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, homestead alaska, tiny house alaska, off grid cabin, off grid in alaska, cabin in alaska, homestead living, off grid cabin alaska, alaskan homestead, off grid living alaska, homesteading alaska, off grid life, alaska log cabin, Norwood sawmill, samwill lumber, sawmill shed, diy sawmill shed, sawmill shed building, sawmill how to, milling lumber, quonset hut, steelmaster quonset hut, quonset hut endwalls, quonset hut end walls
Id: XkvOGFybgHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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