Consume! - Hutts Streams Monster Train Ep4

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click the record button so I could explain that for YouTube people to monstrance great brains was horrible brains challenge slay the spire with three floors basically I mean yes and no it's only similarity it has to slayed a spire I would say is the fact that it's a deck builder cluttered bits they're a matchmaking system in Dark Souls 3 so you can play with friends without invasions there was a matchmaking system can you explain that to me crow a coma cow man that crow man alright so what are we doing we have five different clans that we can choose as our primary clan I know it's gone really likes this noise then we have five allied clans that basically you have to pair these two clans up and that makes your deck when you start this guy is really good at damage damage damage this clan is good at blocking and healing themselves this plan has a spell called frostbite that does damage over time much like a poison wood this clan has a really weird mechanic where they eat these little morsels and become more powerful this clan has enemies that burn out after a certain amount of time but they are free to play I like the Viney once this dance you like that I think she likes anything - I've been having fun playing The Melting remnants and the Umbra together very very unique combinations going on with that so we've tried doing something like that what did you say you think that I like what I said I think she likes getting pigs this this awoken lady just based off the noise she's making I don't know random boasts is poppy Apple I want to try to do a fun run here I'm gonna do a melting remnant and an ombre I don't think that I've actually streamed the melting remnants yet so this will be new for you guys as well I believe and I don't have any wins between these two so what I'm gonna try to do here is get the morsels out and then feed this guy the morsels maybe because he has a thing that like when enemies die I think he might he might start with that well we'll hope that's the case let's try it out spicy plays I'm making most of this up as I go so we'll see what happens final boss is gonna cleanse all unit effects which don't benefit the Seraph the boss that's cool I don't think we're really gonna stack up anything like rage or stuff like that I'll get my champion resolve reformed a random unit resolved triggers after combats or harvest five harvest triggers when a unit on this floor dies we're gonna do harvest with Umbra backing it up trinket that we're starting off with when a card with consumers played deal 30 damage to the front enemy unit or when a when you play a unit a random card in hand is reduced to 0 for the turn flickers liquor sounds like it'd be an obvious choice here considering we have free to play units and we pretty much get any skill for free at that point in time we have any consume cards these are not consumed no you know so let's go the Flickr liquor and then we can start getting some really really expensive get some really really expensive spells in their enemies unit with Armour and enter with the armor +10 we'd get a unit at the end of it if we're able to do that I'm not feeling that we're really strong right now so let's not do that Flickr liquor I hardly know where but up but up up we're gonna put the rector Flickr you want to what's in my rectum on the top its these shades splitter cards let's maybe go over our deck in the first place free to play drag burnout to means after two turns they die they're done so we need to be careful not just to burn them up pun intended immediately we also have these shade splitters which create these morsel units that buff anybody who's in the front of that room and then we have our trained stewards which you guys are way too connected to I don't understand it but we're gonna get some morsels here this guy gains health every single time an enemy art any unit dies so at the end of the turn this guy's gonna be eaten he dies his harvest thing activates he also will gain one extra health and damage shield +2 damage shield 2 extra health 5 health per death of the unit that's gonna be 10 extra health there Smith 15 health and 3 extra for that so it's just like lots of things going on we put them on the top so we can buff them up by the time that these guys get there these guys also their rage decreases so they become less and less powerful the higher they go that's all the harvest going on right there so he just ate them all always in the front in turn eats him Plus that thing is gonna get squashed train conductors yeah I think I would like to have like uh maybe a four with some train conductors I always do he's dead drags can be great for meat shields all right that guy's gonna give me one extra energy when he's eaten and this guy will obviously get the harvest effect he'll be up to 40 health of this turn we're only able to kill one of them this guy can only hit one of them so here's the thing he's gonna kill one of them but the other two we're gonna go up to the top and that's gonna be to damage that I cannot prevent on my chard this is the top floor I can't put any enemies up here any way that gets up here gets to shoot first and then the pyre gets to hit back for 20 damage it has sweep so it will hit everybody in in one sweep swoop swap oh I'd like to try kill them all so if we can actually just put some dregs up top that'll kill them see dead plus later on in two turns and these things burn out they're gonna also trigger his harvest serum maybe put a drag in front of soak up some damage something sort of that like that maybe enemies always attack first it's worth noting Spain France Invictus new video love the collabs yeah they're fun for sure alright final boss relentless is called he attacks everybody in the floor until one side or the other dies see here let's try to do let's put lifesteal on you maybe can't fit anybody else up here which is kind of you know maybe poor on my part to stuff these drugs in but we're gonna end up killing these guys off so they don't get up there so that was you know not a horrible play use the rest of these little bros on the train stuart i could put them down here but they're not gonna do much damage shields would have been nice to put on my my flickr but i might be able to come back by the time that the guy gets to the top will just shuffling into the deck all right two front boys are gonna die which is nice I'm gonna put this guy in the back get some more morsels all of them are just gained energy not exciting this is an Isaac what's going on I'm gonna go ahead and say monster training and what were these clans called um I mean look at that melting remnants Plus Umbra run then wax dudes and shadows alright so this guy's gonna get that damage shield it's nice this guy's already dead actually you can see here it's got the X which means he's gonna die he's gonna end up gaining 11 damn her love and health by the end of this thing so it's over it's like really really over it's super over he's gonna gain 27 by the end of this so now it's they just go back and forth until something happens none mo okay so we get two cards one from the remnant one from the Umbra this is the remnant version extinguished apply stealth to enemy units this one our friendly it is sorry very very good sting English still 35 damage to the front enemy units very very good moulded reform a units pretty nice returning defeated friend the unit to your hand enhance it with burnout one plus five damage and plus five a health and it costs zero so these guys that burnout I can bring him back he'll have burnout three and then plus five damage plus five health and I can continue to bring him back and keep buffing them up I can also bring back us trained steward but then they gain burnout one and they only last one turn I'm gonna go for molten encasement here and the stealth can be very nice well we don't have anybody that we're guarding right now so if I put an entombed explosive on the bottom floor it could end up clearing out some people before they get to the top all right here's our Umbra card apply rage to and endured rain to to a friendly unit I don't want to mess with endured rain really endured rain you lose one energy per stack of Endor drain space prism consume but +1 capacity on a certain floor pretty good card I wish I had the consume thing now Umbra assault deal three damage and if you kill something then you add two morsel units to your hands number ant Umbra assault is pretty good I'm gonna go space prism here to get more units on my top floor beefed up my my harvest champion alright we get to choose a path here this one we get a number eight units and we can be fire units spell money or spend money to upgrade them you can spend money to upgrade spells here and this is just 75 coins and we need way more units we go for you here allied construct or morsel maker we had this guy last time and he carried he carried us real hard this guy also though he just keeps creating new morsels again and again I think we're pretty okay on morsels if I could have both of them I would have both of them hmm difficult to say I probably should have just checked out the shop to see if we could upgrade to one of the other like if this guy he has certain upgrades like if I can get quick on him he's Opie's hell what's up chat what do we want morsel maker he creates two morsels every round two putts what's up dance I must say with the morsel maker just to beef up my harvest guy and then try to get an allied construct later the two of these compared up like I said are just it's the dream team upgrade unit with endless so everything they died it goes right back into your your hand I'm gonna say let's put endless on our entombed explosive and we can just continually put them out and do that damage and soak up damage that sounds really nice to me plus 25 health I don't think I want him to have a lot of health I wanted to be able to die pretty quickly but if I did give him healthy would be able to soak up more shots before he dies ten damage I don't really I mean maybe on the morsel maker that would make sense to give him plus damage I'm just thinking that that's not even I don't know because he doesn't do any damage no no attacks I have not started Borland's to know I could reroll try to get new stuff but that would be all my money I mean it's gonna go ahead and leave a lloyd constructs you guys wanted a like constructs well we'll see all ghosts if we go hard on our harvest champion it'd be good I think non boss enemies units start with spikes three promise spikes three is that anytime our dregs hit him they're gonna die they're gonna die anyways but seventy five coins we are kind of short on coins I'm gonna do it that's a challenge mode thing every single to fight you can turn on the challenge and get like a bonus at the ends all right we got our space prism right off the bat I'm gonna go ahead and put our flicker down morsel maker behind him I'm gonna go ahead and space prism this top floor for extra room this is gonna be for free you put a drag down but once once they die they're done this lady gives haste looks like they're gonna always have haste here on this floor which means they go from floor one to floor three immediately which is not good because the longer it takes these clergymen to get up there the less damage they do we might be in a little trouble here I'm actually gonna sneak in the drag I wish we had some sort of attack spell I do want to kill this guy's it's 50 money's if I deal nothing else can fit up here the three of these guys gonna die this thing will just end up doing one damage to my pyre and then perish I guess we could just stack a floor of trained stewards that are never gonna see any action because of the haste maybe making a plus energy morsel sure sure if I did put the dregs down here they're both gonna end up dying before they do anything so it'd be pointless almost lost my champion there see a shattered force [Music] see what we get out of these plus three health stick that up there plus energy stick that there I don't have anything to do with these guys this is the last wave until the boss comes I think I suppose you could attempt to have these guys do some damage in the bottom put a little damage there the spikes are doing more damage to my pyre than anything else this guy's got sweep with five attacks so he's actually just gonna take everybody out before they do anything at all I can go ahead and put my entombed explosive finally he shows up that'll do a lot of damage and then I'll go ahead and put him again on top when they get there life steals good this middle floor like I said is just nothing you skip over it [Music] Laure question mark of this game stick this guy in front he's dead anyways so it's good no worries there it's over done molten encasement cell at the unit's wicked blaze reform a unit and answer with +10 attack hollow drippings consume apply burnout three to friendly burnout units I don't really see a use of any of these this may be with a later unit that will hopefully get I'm fine though it's an expensive spell and we can handle all the expensive spells right now apply lifestyle and amber drain to a friendly units apply a rage to an amber drain or atom morsel minor morsel minor place yes this game the lore is that this is hell these are the nine rings of hell we started in limbo and we're trying to make our way with the last remaining pyre shard which is our pyre here top left and we work we're trying to get it all the way to the center of hell that is frozen over because heaven has attacked hell so basically we are the bad guys trying to relight hell and the Angels are trying to stop us for a new spell artifact pyre health and concealed caverns which is like a random event on the right spells a remnant unit and the cavern so I'm gonna go for a unit here and then enhance spells [Music] paraffin thugs 20 damaged three health lady house 25 damaged 40 health so she could be a shield of sorts this guy every time he kills something we gain money I really like the thug if we could upgrade them and put quick on them too it could be pretty spicy I don't think that minus one costs to a spell's really that big of a deal but plus ten magic power nothing is eligible permafrost which means if I don't use it now it'll stay in my hands that could be a decent thing to put on a wicked blaze but I'm not like yeah let's just do it it's not really anything that I really need to upgrade here with my spells like what could I do really I should be upgrading my units but there was no option for that isn't the inner circles of hell iced over in Divine Comedy because of the wingbeats of Satan I have no idea what you just said there was a lot of words they're not getting very many good upgrades here touch slap gave a Thousand Eyes seems to awaken as you grow near so from deeper than a voice or merge relinquish your life or wealth and you may be rewarded if you're deemed worthy 10% chance every single time that I either pay 25 coins or lose five health to gain an artifact let's go of some health gain five five energy when a tomb unit dies really I'm assuming that this is a tomb unit or is that not entombed explosive maybe could hit come in handy later but we're really not thirsty for energy at all it says tomb at the bottom yeah not really can anyone argue a reason why I should why I should take this I can't hurt 25 money can't hurt I can see it maybe if like we get the ability of drawing like more cards or something but at the same time every time we play a free unit we get a free thing we'll have to skip this after giving up that health I think the right thing to do is to skip it such a weird thing that we have going on right now with the flicker liquor which we would have gotten something actually good Donna lists double-barrel constructed explosives explode twice not good it's really not good considering me we don't have an attack spell we really should have considered having an attack spell to target these backline units we're gonna be we might die here given our setup we might die that's 20 damage I won't be able to do anything about and he are he's just stacked it up on my first floor so what do I do with that 20 20 damage is gonna kill my flicker okay I could shield them with a shade splitter I could shield them with a shade splitter and a drag right off the bat so set it up drag him in front to take half the damage how much damage do they do ten damage to the frontline unit oh he's only gonna go minus five because he's gonna gain the harvest for that thing should we sneak that guy in there to take the other damage and then we space prison the top floor there we go [Music] we're in trouble though big-time [Music] paraffin thug I'm wanna put him here on this the second floor but that's a lot of damage coming into his face could shield them obviously but he still might die only has three health if I yeah I could show them with a trained steward try to get some money out of it this guy if I put him there he's gonna die before he does anything at all Oh May wha and a road on hello wicked wicked blaze my paraffin fog he ends up dying which I think he honestly will end up dying every single time I I play a unit a random card in my hand cause zero does that include the shade splitters but play my magma morsel yeah that total yeah that's good this thing with permafrost is it gonna be 0 next turn ball no I don't think there is a way to shield this guy I think he's a he's a goner I think he's pretty toast I guess I could try now he's gone I can't save him use this while it's free wish I would have been able to put this guy up there instead there's +5 attack and uh health is good oh well it's gonna be dead so far you know you have a couple dead people don't you put the bomb in the top floor not good news yeah everyone's dead everyone's dead bulldoze six total what's up half a year welcome back it's at this point in time in which I will go ahead and what could blaze my bro back [Music] eight health will be enough to block that and kill her and get the money for it but he has burned out one now so he's gonna be dead real quick I suppose we could have put him up here to try to do extra damage I might just go ahead and put a drag in just think a dragons gonna kill one of these guys will end up taking four damage on our pyre I could stink my entombed explosive in which will kill her and then he will kill that yeah yeah that'd be the probably the right move here but no that's still the right move I think mate well well yeah [Music] yeah yeah we can shade split this this guy suppose train steward we're putting in there mate yes got them all which game do you prefer monster trainer Isaac I don't think that there even should be a ranking system when it comes to Isaac in general Isaac is just it's thing it's not fair it's not even a little bit fair to compare the two of them don't want to buff up my rector flicker and take a little bit of damage on my pyre or try to kill as many people here as possible let me do this well you'd bring back my other bro that wouldn't be a bad move get some more money out of it oh he can't fit they can still be their burnouts we will still make the next wave all right I think we're gonna do just fine let's put their drag in there take three damage off of our pyre morsel nine here [Music] even gonna get any damage off I put you there no you watch anime I'm currently trying to get through avatar okay then which eyes the game is best rebirth after birth or after birth plus they're very specific questions avatars goods is regular I mean III like after birth plus there's no reason to how it not have all of them it's hard to compare them [Music] I haven't had a DLC yet where I'm like uh sure - I really wish they didn't how much damage are we gonna be able to put on this boy I just spam some units in the bottom probably worth it 58 damage is not horrible we'll get this boy back we'll put him there who's your favourite viewer not answering what's your favorite favorite thing I hate favorites 83 damage coming in we're doing well damage Childers gonna be a real good so his life steel but the damage showed up there we're gonna we're gonna beat this probably Malo there is a wrong answer who is best mod answer quickly am I technically Ahmad explosive boy he's dead already it doesn't even matter what I do Wow Wow he even said Malo is best mod I was reading chat the whole time I haven't even answered devourer of death harvest gain one soul extinguished deal damage to enemy equal to 15 times the soul count I think the power of death as a failsafe is really really good memento mori til damage equal to the front enemy equal to ten times the number of friendly unit deaths this battle which is extraordinarily high given the fact that we're just eating morsels and that causes of death I'm thinking memento mori here because we could target any four that we want to we'll probably have it for free given our flickr liquor and this guy is just like super good both of these I think are gonna be like wind condition we'll try the memento mori' morsel excuse me morsel Master whenever you summon a morsel on this floor create a copy a lloyd construct we have to feed it morsels for its attack ever it does a crazy amount of damage I'm gonna go with the construct here and I want to i'd like to match him with a morsel master but well we'll go with it and we're gonna go with plus capacity we all know night not nightbot is best mod all right remove two cards duplicate any card get a number unit forge units gain pyre health and bonus coins I'm thinking forging the unit's I really would like to buff this allied construct dupe if I had a dupe a card maybe I would dupe an endless entombed explosive that seems incredibly helpful but I would may be duped by a morsel maker and then I could have a morsel maker on the same floor as an allied construct maybe we used to do that because then he would just feed the construct rx 137 $5 and tilt if I hey dad's not much but every little bit helps appreciate it thank you for that I'm thinking about duping my morsel maker now that we've thought about it for a second over cores your gorge +2 attack permanently so you just build them up over the whole course Gorge gain life steal one I'm gonna skip that I really wish I could upgrade my morsel maker before you do p'm but like I said we're not thirsty for energy here it's not a big deal if I had to get rid of anything would probably be a trained steward but like we don't even we're gonna need to get rid of trained stewards cuz we are using them technically we're not we're gonna use a hell of a lot less of them with these other units in play though 1:37 thanks to the prime sub awesome awesome stuff I personally love the moments when chat is silent or quiet that's a very polite way of Russian you know are a very Russian corn to say shut the hell up chat alright harvest +10 health or I get to bring back a unit every single turn let's go with the harvest play here we haven't really needed to reform anybody non boss enemy units gain +6 attack for an extra 150 coins at the end of this we're not really thirsty for coins either and we have a unit that gives us coins not really sure where he's gonna go at this point in time but now here is a tricky play because I would like to do morsel maker if I did a double morsel maker on the top that could be bangin that could be bangin because they would just overfill the floor every single time we could use all the morsels they're on after on this second floor or else we have to put the morsel maker there and hope he doesn't die by the time that we're able to protect them we might or might not get him next turn I could just also pass and let him go double up let's try doubling up but we are gonna have to be very careful about feeding our robot then [Music] the taste what's up with the haste man it's like they know I don't have an attack just hasting everything they're so hasty are things and it take some damage I think [Music] I'm not gonna be able to that thing we're not gonna be able to kill any of these guys if they all constantly have haste I don't know how we're gonna apply our allied constructs now's a good time to place him though but I don't have a way to feed him currently he's got to go bottom floor middle floor skipped every time that's gonna be filled every time there's no reason to over stop the top floor anymore to train sewers just I guess just mess off in the middle I don't know how does this game work it's a lot to explain we want to stop them from getting to the pyre can somebody and Chad help me out here I don't know if I can explain this whole thing I'm gonna try to get this memento mori' for free and kill that front unit [Music] enemies move up on the train car every turn my people are on the Left they're on the right there's a lot a lot lot going on my pyres at the top if they reach the top they can attack it [Music] hopefully we get the right one for free here we did not get the oh this is gonna get give me another one here there we go 40 damage still not gonna kill him which is a shame still not gonna die by the end of this that's crazy look at blaze it's gonna bring him back when a one of these guys no no one's dead actually so we could blaze the dus is a zero available on the bottom I should have moved my head too I forgot about that there we go a robots gonna end up dying before it does anything in our pyres taking damage unnecessarily see black black rose [Music] it's got three feel at this point in time so now it's gonna start attacking it's gonna kill this clip defender which is good it's taking damage though I think a good soak up some of the damage with my entombed explosive which would be a good play still need to keep him fed as much as well you know what the into explosive the explosive will die before the constructs because if they fed first the tomb would eat but we need our allied construct to eat for fuel remember a die yet we could bring back a morsel with wicked blaze with +10 attack it's not even a bad play honestly damage shield that sounds hot for my robot these guys are both dying which is good put a dragon there to try to pump out some extra damage to finish this guy off my wallet just died F let's just do another shade let's keep them keep him fed down here you should be fed enough for the whole rest of the fight but my champions got 160 he'll pretty good we're not getting very much money here from our our guy down here our paraffin thug he's not killing people off all right he's gonna gain 60 health at the end of this these guys gonna die stick my entombed explosive back up in front [Music] don't need to use my liquid blaze keep this boy fed lifesteal sounds good you know what then toom explosive is going to be eating at this point in time not a big deal as long as somebody's eating these game on energies doesn't really matter where it goes more muster trying to watch the more I want this game it's very intense in a very good way did I enjoy the more that I think through all my decisions the better I end up doing and that's always just phenomenal the difference between winning and losing is actually being very careful about what you do all right final wave he's gonna almost be dead by the end of this thing really wish I had day shields a damage shield guy that's not gonna make a difference it would make a difference if I bring back a damage shield one morsel and feed him now he's dead it's over who's gonna get the kill I hope it's the thug yeah 20 money's thug Thug thug Thug another wicked blaze we're not using it mortal entrapment deal 25 damage and apply two days to an already damaged unit sacred wicks consume and reform two units let's go with the mortal entrapment can be nice cannibalized sacrifice add three sacrifices what kill a friendly unit to play this card add three random uncommon or rare morsel units to your hand ember forged we can stick that in the middle floor where we're not doing [ __ ] no apply one damage shield and add three uncommon morsel we'll go expensive cards all day long all day long well what just what the heck just happens this cheesecake the final way if he just goes back and forth again and again and again and again and again and again until somebody dies that's how boss is working this Forge spells are forged units I'm really liking the idea of forging my units [Music] we'll miss out the pyre health and the money well credit unit with quick I really like a paraffin thug with quick for the money I really like this guy with quick so he doesn't die damage shield - sounds pretty nice in this guy to having him just be a a beefy boy that does never die and +25 helpless anybody really need that this guy could use it he would protect him from sweep spells but I kind of want to get like maybe some plus damage and maybe a multi strike he's gonna be protected by the construct anyways and even if he does die we'll just bring him back with our reform spell large stone but I want to have one of these guys be extra large a lot of extra damage and health maybe it's gonna block our ability to feed our construct with more morsels I'd have a beefy drag just I'm not thinking that that's that useful sure let's damnit shield them [Music] hearthstone I don't think it really matters but less is lieth [Music] how much capacity do we have per floor now six they'll be room for what one morsel well you know if we do get the dream-team going and we're able to stick the allied construct on the same floor as a morsel maker with our paraffin thug it's at capacity it will be at capacity if we make an extra large boy let's just do it therefore he's safe from sweep attacks and are trained stewards I'm sorry but you're not going to be used not even as a shield we got rail spikes from the Rings of Hell have been driven into a stone near the rail like some sort of monument to the base lies a hammer carved with ancient runes you can't make it all out but what you can talks of the founding of the Covenant could this be the birthplace of the rail but with the Covenant now broken these spikes serve no purpose here and many of them are lodged too deep into the stone to take but the spikes of the hell Horned Stygian guard and Umbra are loose enough to pry away which rant clans railspike would you take railspike of the hell horns apply 2x rage and 2x armour spike of the stygian apply it 1x SAP and 1x frostbite or kill a morsel unit trigger eaten and gorge abilities as if it had been eaten two times I'm fine with shroud spike here we have extra energy so we'll try it leaves the still weaver I think we can try it we've been having extra energy at the end when extra consume would could it could be a big deal enemies enter with spell shield - I'm thinking that we well memento mori here is the only thing that we would lose out on the ability of using well mortal entrapment - now I'm thinking like we could totally do that but let's just maybe hope our paraffins thug gets some money for us these guys have stealth right stealth 8 that's that's a tough one to swallow just saying stuff I don't understand the game I hope we don't lose our allied constructs before it does anything lifesteal power you up by more damage shield unto you that's this so good this this flicker liquor is crazy good see what I mean here now we're sitting here with a three energy all of our energy left without having spent anything damage shield I'm thinking about buffing this boy up with so much damage shields health and health you need to get some stuff in you and I still think we should just buff this construct and then you need to eat the damage shield boy [Music] fueled up that's six fuel nine damaged shields all right nine damaged sealed actually X cost cards are gonna be good we also played a four cost card for zero like telling ya I'm tellin you paraffin thug morsel maker this boy just keep it going just go okay we should probably on this guy in the top though a lot of people coming in here multi striking our paraffin thug probably would've been one of the best things cuz we could have gotten forty per round forty money's extra there's no capacity for morsels there doesn't need to be dummy monkey the morsel maker creates them stuffs them in so this guy will constantly be fed with these two same thing up here we could blaze that uh I would like to this is another thing I would not like to use [Music] everybody damaged yet nobody's already damaged I can't is it just wait on it then not much to do [Music] we just use with my wicked blaze here just to get back this damage yield guy it's not in that bad move there's a prism on top heal after every fight nope it just stays wherever it's at you have to do special things in order to heal it up so you really don't want to take damage if I had sweep on my court or trample even on my robot that'd be sexy hot to shield boys down here that's crazy talk this guy's gonna live he's got way too much health I'm gonna try to knock him down a peg with this assumed explosive in front 53 now I'm going to try to get this momentum I don't need it for free actually it's free right now kill them off or try to get one of these guys done I think we need to work on these guys I wish I had pulled over on memento mori maybe an upgrade worth getting these guys aren't gonna do much let's just put them in there look at 13 damage off which is a lot to take on the top floor but I didn't see that it's 13 damage that's a lot dog just got us some money extra capacity here would be lost overfilled every time definitely top floor entombed explosive I wish I could stick that in front of my construct I cannot do that let's preemptively stick them on the bottom for the boss that's about to come up making of a morsel it's the best morsel coulda got it for free doesn't matter damage shield is so nice I wish I had I wish this shroud spike did not have consumed we could upgrade it to not have consumed in the future seems like a gaming is through extremely fast and Cheesecake says yes I've been winning most of my games though so it's it's it's very doable here's a tough fight here self eight for the first eight times that this thing attacks you can't do a damn thing you cannot fight back I'd like to try to get memento mori here for free I could just go ahead and use it declare this disciple out which would be a good play I could try to get my gem trove for free I can wicked blaze back a drag I could just drag it right now see what happens for free memento mori is free now I'm gonna go ahead and omental more the first guy wish I could hit the crystal club but really want gem trove for free here let's wicked blaze maybe even wicked blaze back a damage shield guy for the top floor gem trove more damage shield on who this guy actually it goes on everybody so such a good card crazy good card other damage shields at the top this is now free but we can't use it because nobody is damaged yeah animations are weak attack animations I thought it looked kind of iffy at first to its before what the game is I think it's totally fine all right everybody's dead here and the crystal cloak was losing 245 if I could sneak my tomb in I would alas I cannot I'll put him up here we have room for one more life steel sounds like the best choice possibly six self loves that's five four three two one robots dead a shame robot didn't get a single hit in this thing is screwed though done 420blazeit damage just like that that thing does ten times the number of unit deaths per combat and there are obviously forty two deaths so crushing demise kill a friend the unit kill a random non boss unit no apply endless to a friendly units who would we apply it endless to no one I don't need endless endless on the constructs but he died in the last floor I wouldn't have been able to get him out anyways an endless morsel there's no more Souls available here though there are cards that create morsels within the data very very on purpose endless this guy extinguished we draw a card every time he dies it just put them on the bottom floor as fodder but I think we're gonna come up against enemies that have harvests themselves so the more deaths the better for them oh you're right I could make a morsel and then make that more soul with this right create the the the units then apply endless to it yeah I can do that especially there's a damage shield morsel well we'll try it out I see what you're saying feast is just phenomenal I think honestly another gem trove or shroud spike could also just really all of these right now the thorough four months Shalom what's up darl welcome back I can go for any of these [Music] shroud the shroud was very good with the using it on the damage shield morsel they're all all of them are very very good damn hard choices any of these would be just top-notch we'll try the Shroud spike sometimes we don't end up with a lot of energy though that's the thing by a trinket more money get rid of cards or get a artifact for free without having to buy it restore higher health and dupe if we had to do Picard what will be doop I would probably Duke memento mori [Music] wicked oops space prism [Music] I'm gonna go let's let's do the do path apply days to an enemy when they enter the PI room your pyro gets -5 attack or when you draw a card its cost us randomized between zero and three draw a +3 each turn when you draw a card its cost is randomized that totally could work out in our case because all we'd have to do is just play the free ones and then get the rest of them for free and the card draw would be phenomenal but with the fact that we have the extra energy to do so but days would also save our pyre from taking some obvious damage [Music] basically our pyre just gets the first free hit the free ones would cost potentially we'd have to spend money up to put a drag out [Music] it would be putting it into our in G's hands but I think we would still be able to come out on top [Music] we can totally get screwed a couple turns but maybe have a really like a couple really really good turns pretty to earn Jesus that's luck I kind of want to try it because of the fact that we already have so many high-cost cards if we had a bunch of zero costs just the dregs are zero if I have to pay money to get our my rector Flickr out though I'm gonna just quit vape it vape it we have a good thing going that's not that's not challenge the good thing that we have going all right what did we say we were gonna dupe memento mori I think it's a no-brainer here but a lot of things could help another Shroud spike we don't have the ability to upgrade things yet do we cuz if I could upgrade it before I do but doesn't that rip shroud then no we could get everything for free with that one last thing that's what I'm saying randomizes all the cards between zero and three we just played the zero ones first and hope the rest of them fall in line and it's free free free free free free free free free and it would really be all it was was it was a play to try to get plus three card drop her turn I think it would have been totally doable something would have been free right and then we just go down the line but foul empowers units with rage we're kind of we're bloating our deck a little bit to the point where if we have a hard time getting our robot set up and out we'll be in trouble so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna play that and I'm gonna put the robot with a morsel maker since he's our first line of defense he's probably the most important thing to stack right now apply endless to a friendly units I'm gonna save that drag could honestly be used to help clear out the guardian on either floor at least in this one raid eyes they'll feed the harvests the champion here's another problem I didn't fit my thug in by the time that these morsels were here so I won't be able to fit my thug in anymore he has to go in before the morsel maker starts making morsels very interesting my construct is dead by the way which is not the best I can bring them back but I think we're sick in this good boy in the bottom who feel um let's see here go ahead and try to shield them but it's not going to work he's gonna be dead no matter what I could put this guy in front but he's still gonna be dead I think zero available for my wicked blazes if I could have brought back somebody else so I could have stick him in front of that even he's less dead though it's all I got until I can do it's all they gave me [Music] [Music] doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo I think what we're gonna have to do here and it's fine this still works we'll just wicked blaze him every time the problem is he really needs more than one burnout in order to actually attack so what we're doing right now is actually knowingly allowing him to die a lot so he becomes stronger it even put him on the bottom floor it doesn't matter he's dead anyways he's dead either way it's actually not dead yet technically getting up doing some damage to this boy though and saving this guy from almost dying we don't want two people dead morsel amendment amore I mean I'm what am I worried about here Who am I worried I could go ahead and kill this Guardian out right this guy is gonna end up doing a bunch of damage to my thing so he probably should just go focus on saving the pyre at this moment twenty five is perfect you will die before you strike before your land blows blows land land blows this land is my land this land is your land that seems fine this guy's gaining armor though as he's got in can't every time I do a spell he gains our mert's it's less than nice I'm thinking about maybe shielding this guy a little bit only a little bit though damage to your spire he's not though because of our because of our what is it called vaping we just vape the [ __ ] out of them this guy is gonna do some damage here cuz he's got so much health unbelievable amount of health you need to get in there and start blocking you need to do some damage of this thing though he's too late he's gonna slip in how much damage is that going to be a lot 40 damage on our on our pyre it's only gonna be 9 extra attack if I put them in there how much I can do about it [Music] we feed this guy this is going on YouTube let's YouTube I've never heard of it sounds like fun was it fun a tube the boys got sweep he doesn't be sweeping [Music] the rage is getting me here I don't appreciate this rage everyone's dead here the rage is really actually killing everybody if you eat a bunch of stuff it doesn't really matter so you eat a bunch of stuff it doesn't really matter but I'm thinking maybe that's just the way to go [Music] they will drag first doop doop dudududududududududu dude you know being swept there who wants to eat some morsels oh you're gonna get swept I forgot I just said that and then I put you there nothing special came out of that oh you know what I totally should have Shroud spiked the ruble morsel up top and then he would have eaten it we would have gained the energy back and I could sprout spike another one and he would gain way more health it's too late thoughts are you big brain sometimes a little slow brain I guess eight times he's gonna eat this for eight extra energy which is good and then I'll maybe eat the times eight for damage up top shroud spike plays bro stacking the shroud spikes very strong this guy could also gain damage right now but he's gonna die before he gets the chance to use it 71 damaged now still not gonna be able kill this guy but that's gonna die via VAP my morsel maker is dead from one sweep and the sweeps are just killer my bottom guy hasn't killed anybody he's got big dreams he just can't pull it off zero that means he takes zero damage that guy's dead from sweep that guy's dead don't want to worry about it finally our entombed explosive after like 45 rounds by endless wood I apply endless to and entombed explosive probably here kill that thing outright could just kill that thing outright right now see if I get a good morsel here who would I apply analyst to here no one don't put him on the sweep floor you idiot I could just kill him before he sweeps does it matter not really and let's see you I guess where's my robot like flipping robot are there different types of runs you can do in this the spy different clans each combination of two clans creates a unique run he's dead teamed explosive I'll be right here 25 and days to - when - an enemy that already has damage on it I could finish that guy off can I do you I don't know if I can days the boss but that would be phenomenal if I could worth a shot yeah great very interesting I don't even what that means and we wicked blaze our robot back who's only gonna be there for 2 turns mind you surprise it worth it see you slang [Music] I guess no dead yet he's gonna be swept don't put over the top floor another Robo run it's a bounce see here let's go ahead and put down our intuned explosive let's make a morsel he'll be dead and their gem trove is it worth it to use the gem trove here or yeah for now I guess 195 damage up to 235 throw away morsels on the top floor here 390 damage so spicy this is going really well though this run is the combination of these two clans pretty good stuff so close 10 hell I almost got 20 more money's there AE we could stick him up in front maybe and here you get the kill I hope he gets the kill I think he's gonna get the kill and we'll get the money we've got a lot of money from that guy so far all right consume apply trample I would like to Umbra stone our Robo buddy Harvey this guy would be another failsafe but I you know it's whatever this could be good consume and gain more energy we stack that with one of our rail spikes and we just railspike to high heavens [Music] imagine that let's say that we had railspike in railspike and kindle like on that last run or I had for energy I used one rail spike on the guy that gives you energy let's say that I use a head for energy and I use this I'd get eight energy and then I'd use the eight energy and it gets 16 energy back by eating the dude which would be 16 harvesters harvesters harvests on the top champion and then with that 16 energy we go ahead and double down and get 32 times 3 damage saying is this that could get out of hand quick but I'm gonna go on Brazil and probably more capacity card draw would be nice too though [Music] spell upgrade spells or upgrade units probably spells at this point in time we got an artifact as well enemies get -1 damage or grants +3 stacks of burnout each time it's applied do that cuz if we bring our robot back it won't just have 1 burnout it'll have 4 burn out it'll last a lot longer permafrost what do we want to hold on until we can finally use it shroud spike probably [Music] wait till we have a good good round to pop that minus one cost on something just in case we can't I don't think we need to spend the money ten magic power 10 x plus 10 damage or deal 35 and apply days to it yeah sure even worth three rolling maybe remove consume make a cost one more what if we just kept upping the capacity on floors apply trample to multiple people shroud spike again and again but it's X minus one costs you haven't find huts yeah this is a great round I see useful and being useful in a lot of these things I'm gonna go ahead and apply it to this shroud spike and then make it puffs minus one again what's this plus 20 magic power plus consume no let's make that cheaper again where'd it go [Music] not eligible to make it cost less why I just made it cost more well [ __ ] you then [Music] make one of these free [Music] what's the Germans do X and X minus one if you have three energy then you get and it does two three x or x times ten then that's three times ten in this card now we'll take your three energy and only give you 20 instead of 30 damage go hard on the harvest I think [Music] it allows their money no no it will give you the same amount but for one less ember or whatever huh like I said if this does 10 times X so this is not the right card I shouldn't be talking about this one let's go to one that's an actual X card this will be eaten 2 times X a by a 3 energy that is 6 times that will be eaten if I have 3 energy on this one with minus 1 that will be 4 times it says it right there at the bottom okay these guys have sweep the sweep enemies literally I feel like this whole thing has been designed to just [ __ ] me over greatly sweep will clear out all of my morsels and then it's obviously a horrible thing absolutely the worst I don't know what to do just like maybe get out there and punch them in the neck he also applies what to him who he applies ember drains so I should not have stuck him out there shouldn't have done that so now I don't have enough energy to play my allied construct and my morsel maker here on this floor so what do I do put him out there and and have him do nothing probably it's gonna be more ember drain wicked blaze could bring back that morsel he's gonna be swept though so gonna wait on us shard Spike's not gonna do anything yikes I have a feeling that this whole round is gonna [ __ ] me over so our that we're just dead we're just we're helplessly [ __ ] right now is what I would would guess [Music] the Ember drain why how he's gonna amber drain hit every one of these dudes and I'm gonna be -5 energy next turn my thug down is nice let's shroud spike this morsel with the energy what are we gonna use it for though nothing not really anything morsel minor down Shroud spike them still more damage in that guy and then we wicked blaze I don't know why I'm wicked blazing this guy all right all right we should be able to kill him off that before he does any damage are we fighting about the X minus one cost again X is the amount of energy you have X minus one is what it calculates into the two times whatever spot we've been added at capacity to this floor every time and I think honestly that's the way to go we have zero energy because of the Edberg drain so Shroud spike would do nothing and we just have to sit here and wait while our robot literally just has zero whew all done it's just taking it and we're gonna get more amber draining the next because this pyre [ __ ] sweep [ __ ] it really is [ __ ] that that enemy especially when you are the melting remnants like that well guess I'll just not we're not even relative remnant Umbra to both of them just gg I'm gonna put our drag to soak up damage my endless don't really need to [Music] anybody already damaged no because of the shields the shields are up this is balls man is horrible had a morsel hope forget memento mori for free damage shields yes we didn't get the thing for free comply endless on our damage shield buddy maybe sounds silly but we'll see what happens because I could have put it on my allied construct to get him back oh man people are really fighting about it it costs one more energy that would be no no you're saying that it costs one less energy because in the energy slot it's X minus one [Music] so X costs or X minus one they all costs let's just read the damn thing where is it where the [ __ ] did he go X costs spends all your remaining Ember the amount spent magnifies the results so it says on the card itself no matter what's in the top left use all energy and then after it uses all after it calculates how much energy you have and takes it all is when it does the minus one ended up being way too confusing I think I need to just keep supplying my allied construct with my my damage shield to keep them up that could work out I could do it applied trample on him probably as well a trample on the top boy though he's gonna be doing tons of damage I don't know and railspike don't want a real spike I'm damaged maybe now I've got zero energy sorry pay attention that thing will be dead before it strikes we're safe [Music] you put a drag out somewhere net I'm still so confused to sprinkle pop I have no idea what you're arguing about if it's you think that if you're saying the card is wrong or you just don't understand what it does if you think the card wording is wrong yeah sure that's one thing triggers when damaged it gets one one more damage every single time it's not gonna be the best where Ember drained to high heaven we go ahead and Jim drove this floor as well I really want them to stick around do much damage as possible why not put it out so it's not in the deck anymore put what out my shroud spike it's not interrupting anything with frozen it's not taking card draw lifesteal would be really good for him go get back at the full health pretty much um this guy 25 free damage I guess [Music] this guy's not gonna end up dying when the hell is this morsel maker supposed to go shoots um I kind of want this drag to go away but I'd have to kill a morsel unit I don't want to kill my cuz here's what I'm thinking if I go ahead and I I kill one of my morsels off I could stick my morsel maker in there and keep him fed that way but it's a little too late [Music] sneak a second morsel maker up top maybe hmm I don't think I want to put any more CIL's on the bottom we are gonna take some damage here and ember drain this [ __ ] out of us they like for for damage not bad - damage to damage Elmer's door under bits hi-hats have fun will do this is what I want to do morsel jeweler Shroud dr. [ __ ] the armored rain you [ __ ] I don't have spot to put this guy I want to put him out so I got a free entombed explosive or memento mori I guess so give them amore oh you're such a [ __ ] you're such a dirty [ __ ] we kill him for nothing just to put the explosive out that gives us this for free 240 damage boom noise I did it I did it this boy's dead we got this unlock he's out of fuel though my robot right here he's gonna ease it is gonna take it yeah no more fuel could have had a head even fueled up we get that morsel maker until the ends I mean come on and we have no room to stick anything in so well so she said and we we crushed it though we got him done [Music] subsuming blade piercing five damaged if I slay something I get three more at an on top reform two units don't care engulfed in smoke stealth has been incredibly handy stealth has been so good nobody can attack it not a target in combats I go for that or I'd go for the blade and try to get that for free every time and then be able to kill back liners stealth is good though I'll try still till 20 damage to a random enemy unit four times slay game to energy it could be good but it also could bloat good bloat I'm gonna do that because we have X cost cards if I was to duplicate something what would it be another memento mori probably not only we need to duplicate anything maybe we should go forge units no spells would be better but even that's just like whatever we're good we're pretty good probably spend most of my money here on the E at the trinket shop fire health could be good yeah I don't think it matters multi strike no multi star so good though and it's shield too [Music] say my money probably from the in the 53 health feel to damage when rear enemy unit to the rear enemy in it when a morsel unit is eaten or when a friendly unit dies enhance it with +10 damage resin block would be good I'm assuming that means you apply that to the unit that died oh it's not that's not a big deal dragonoid Slayer what up how's it going multi strike work on entombed explosive it had to give him damage first it'd be zero times - no no it wouldn't apply to his his extinguish thing no teeth of gold sounds really good here we'd be able to take out back liners without doing anything else so let's do teeth of gold and then I'm there's no way I can afford something at 1:35 after a 50 reroll so we just you throw on some [ __ ] on to some of these guys to protect these guys from sweep potentially I could put a - damage shield in a drag for a front line block I put on anymore so makers I just die [Music] sure busting attack [Music] this last last level by the way that's why I'm spending all my money Seraphin the chaise removes my buff and debuff stacks which I don't think I currently uh damage shield it probably removes my damage shield 50% every time he hits the floor I think uh do we wanna put out her construct immediately quick we'll kill that thing so he'll be fine put him out put my thug behind them I don't know why didn't start with my flicker but we got everything for free anyways Marcille maker in there as well that'll keep them fed for the whole thing that's good news we're just gonna have harvest he gains armor whenever anything dies so dark wings are going to become more and more powerful the more morsels I eats which is not good news for us we'll have to out the damage his shield gain I don't mind sticking this boy up here maybe [Applause] flickers my champion my rector flicker parcel maker of top shade splitter for extra energy trample on my rebuttal [Music] nothing to blaze [Music] so watch this things in a game like 50 block just from eating 45 block that againts oh is that a sweep [ __ ] are you kidding me to the pyre ladies with more sleep more ember drain this is crazy they know exactly who you are and they just put out units that counteract everything you've worked for that's just dumb go [ __ ] yourself my robots just dead he's just dead he just can't live there's no [ __ ] way it's nice it's really good that we have all this stuff that we can work with here an ember drain times five cool I'm gonna just I'm peeing I'm mad like Pete [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when his shroud spikes stack for the armor stacks on the enemy yeah on their harvests it would [Music] think about tuned explosive to do 35 damage just to have them get 15 back what we need to do as much damage as possible it's gonna go 10 10 10 10 10 he's gonna do like 50 damage on our pyre before I can even [ __ ] touch him this is such crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude oh my god I'm just I'm actually like seething right now on how stupid how stupidly stacked against our build this is Dragonoid slayer with five thousand bits thank you for that my friends five thousands lots I appreciate you [Music] this is bull it's such [ __ ] dude when a wicked blaze doesn't even matter save wicked blaze to bring back our construct I'm not gonna be able to fit him in though there are morsels [Music] what do i do men nothing just roll over just gotta roll over [Music] it's a shame pull shim plus-3 health how much damage are you taking 32 he's got 18 health if I eat four times 312 health that'll put him at 30 he's taking 32 damage 8 now to damage away from not dying you [ __ ] kidding me man I mean I should do it anyways this I have nothing else to do but really you going do me like that [Music] it's I can't stick anything else in its at max capacity I was like I can put something else in there not no you can't boss he has shield he will survive you mean that big red X on his name literally means he's dead for sure guaranteed unless I enter intervene which I can't [Music] how much damage we takin just for one this will one dude just let us marry way then 20 only 20 good alright we're doing 35 damage now not 25 ember drain [ __ ] [Music] that's what I'm thinking shroud spike it's kind of a waste of the shroud spike but it is what it is on the damage probably if I bring him back is he just gonna end up dying 40 health he'll be alive for a little bit the damage it's right the teeth can't forget that we just got teeth of gold's and Rob here is fine now we can wicked blaze him back [Music] I mean I can even put him behind our paraffin thug there's no reason that he has to be in front I just think that the damage gains he gets from eating the morsels is better but maybe a forty three times two with trample should just be it enough does he still have trample no he doesn't have trample anymore even though I gave him trample when he dies he loses trample is that a Fame what why really wish that this guy was hurt like it mortal and trap him you're hurt [ __ ] you I don't want to put units on the bottom and just cause it entered rain on me can't do anything else just shove in some dregs but whatever [Music] [Applause] crazy amounts of endor drain coming in here excavation eruption I'd like to have that for free might if I if I get everybody engulfed in stealth then he can't amber drain a damn thing so that's the way we got to do that see if I can get it for free first though [Music] and he's dying that's good news pop that sucker out lifesteal sounds good oh you wanted these suckers out that sounds good now we have to choose where we want this excavation eruption to go he'll be dead he needs some work though this top floor also needs a lot of work before they get up and do a lot of damage so I'm gonna go hit the top floor up hopefully one of these things dies okay cool that'll be dead because of the vaping seven energy that's not going anywhere a rip could you imagine if we had some x cost cards with the thing that allows you to save energy between runs between turns rather vaping Oh P it's nice it's very nice we probably would have done this anyways without it Lee yeah boom baby Squatch stealth no more endured rain space prisms I guess this floor but it's gonna be stacked all the time if we lose the construct though our only hope of getting them back is by doing the space prism here all right I like to get a drag out so I get this for free fly endless to a friendly unit you know I don't mind being able to pull the construct back with what card is it getting the getting them back with our wicked blaze because it enhances them every time and now he has burnout it'll give him more burnout but I don't know analyst would be nice as well [Music] quite a damaged guy or a like a really cool morsel I'd at endless the morsel but I don't so let's just sit him up [Music] dead dead dead dead he's gonna be okay he needs some work up here but say my name why sounds like you're overtly trying to like flex power on me or something not an ender drain good see he's gonna burn out right now he's burning out because when I bring him back with that one card he gains burnout his head smoking you can see it not the smoking head no not really a use of engulfing people in smoke but I guess it doesn't harm let's say your name [Music] he doesn't realize that oh because your name oh because your name is Bernal said says my name I see what you mean I let your like trying to get one of those like shout outs like some people come on here and I was like come on man really really got him get the energy out there for sure that boys dead with all this extra energy now give me an X bikini in mind man my railspike please body is ready for railspike final wave here we go so this guy he's got endless so he gets to add it on the top of my deck for free it would be smart to stick him in but will at this point in time it would be smarter for me to stick him in the back maybe keep him alive longer he's not gonna gain too much more by eating [Music] Oh gem trove damage shield the friendly units yeah probably just these guys fire were too wicked blaze someone would i look in place probably a lifesteal dude damage shield bro there we go nice what's your favorite food I don't even need it wick ablaze keep it frozen that anything nope if you put it behind he won't eat that's what I said he won't eat anymore but it's okay because he won't be in the front line he'll stay alive longer for more damage but oh no you used to he could have had three more attack not importance oh you know what he burns out anyways this is kind of a problem he won't even make it through the rest of the turns he's inert Oh yours okay you're saying that he won't get the fuel in the back I see what you mean right important things [Music] I could I could bring them back next turn in FIO if I luck out with a rail spike which I will then we'll railspike them in the front well wicked Bey wicked blaze railspike and get them back I need to play some units here to get some things for free I guess I could just pop it but let's hope for some priests out that's not the free thing I wanted that's not it you blow it [Music] you ham dog I want him to die I want more space in their thoughts 440 damage to would that go best on could kill him off try to get more damage done in that guy is he's gonna go to the top floor and wreck and wreak have it on my pyre yeah okay unlucky that we didn't get both of them we did not get the railspike surprisingly we didn't even need the briquette blaze right because he's an endless [ __ ] you what were the odds Oh the odds of pulling this railspike [ __ ] [ __ ] it's it we won anyways it doesn't matter I'm gonna get this for free though I want to I want to spank some people right now just give it to me for free would you alright there we go yay okay anything else 850 health bro how much time you got yeah I win speed it up top right no waiting yeah we did it we came out on top they really threw us for a loop there with anybody that had sleep the ender drain was a horribly bad for the amani units that we had what else was it few of the things but we ended up having a good enough combination that we fought through it big sludge harvest gain rage to whenever our unit dies in the floor you imagine having that with him eating eating the morsels that could take place at the robot tomb gets +30 melting sprout I don't necessarily see the benefit of adding health unto a tomb besides just having a complete shield in front you kind of want it to die for the extinguish whatever all right another victory added on to our melting remnant page Mito
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,649
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Monster Train, strategy, card game, deckbuilding, roguelike, turn-based combat, card battler, roguelite, multiplayer, trains, tower defense, clans, bosses, combos
Id: AYjV8PmoQLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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