BUC Stony Hill - Youth Empowerment - Youth Evangelism in the 21st Century - 13/8/2021

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yes sir god bless you all welcome welcome go ahead bishop i see you're on screen hello go around this huge service god bless you everyone welcome welcome in the precious name of jesus i greet you all in the powerful name of jesus to our bishop and pastor bishop devon charles brown to his lovely wife lady janet brown to my fellow associate pastors to all the youth who are online to all those who are joining us on uh zoom on the zoom platform on youtube on facebook and wherever you are in the world god bless you welcome to bethel's tony hill to our youth evangelism in the 21st century uh panel session but before we go any further i'm going to invite our moderator sister sherika igins to come and to lead us forward in jesus name oh squeeze a new a new turn this is locked in glory to god hallelujah thank you praise the lord all right so we are beginning the service tonight by singing send the light praise the lord and i will sing there's a call come ringing or the restless wave spend the life [Music] send the lights [Music] there are souls to rescue their own souls to save send the light send the lights [Music] let it shine from shore to shore [Music] let it shine [Music] forevermore we will not grow weary in the work of love save the light [Music] a sense of light [Music] [Music] send the lights send let it shine from shore to shore [Music] let it shine forevermore hallelujah everybody spend the lives hallelujah lord everybody on mutual mike's tonight and worship the lord truly he is an amazing god thank god that we are here tonight to worship the lord in spirit and in truth tonight the opening prior will be done by a brother naive mancreef if you're here brother please unmute and say the opening prior uh is he here if he's not here sister geneva are you able to do so for me none like you there is none like unto you and tonight lord god we look to you because we know you are the god of all gods you are the god that create the heavens and the earth lord god tonight as we enter into your presence one more time virtual god that we ask for a washing a cleansing lord that we actually cleanse us from all god uncleanness oh god everything that we have done said oh god we thought lord god thank god your will be done tonight in this service lord that we accept you but let your blood fall oh god we accept yoga let oh god the year will be done god glad we asked that oh god whatever teachings whatever teaching whatever whatever your god is about to be said and done here tonight let it be edified to the body of young people we're gonna react that you're gonna let oh god whatever oh god things that we're going to discuss rather than let it be oh god from here oh god through lord that let whatever you have to say lord come directly oh god tonight and so we hear and we learn and we grow lord god in you oh god in evangelism lord god be accepted let your will be done tonight as we give you honor and give you glory and give you praise in jesus name amen amen hallelujah in jesus mighty name hallelujah praise the lord tonight scripture lessons will be taken from ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 1. and first timothy chapter 4 verse 12 and i will read chap ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 1 remember not thy creator in the days of thy youth while the evil days come not nor the years draw nights when thou shalt say i have no pleasure in them praise the lord first timothy chapter 4 and verse 12 let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation in charity in spirit in faith in purity air in the supportion of god's holy word tonight hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty god we serve tonight glory to god it is now time for us to say our motto and to sing the theme songs the lovely children are here tonight so i will do so in jesus name first our motto and we just said that scripture so let's repeat together everyone let no man despise thy use but be thou an example of the believers in words in conversation in charity in spirit in faith in purity hallelujah we will not let anyone despise our youth tonight's glory to god our motto there is glory in my soul that never fades away never fades away never fades away i am happy for i know i am the lord today and there's joy great joy in my soul wondrous joy the lord has given never ending sent from heaven it never dies joy that satisfies oh what joy never ending joy i'm rejoicing for i know my soul has been set free i have been set free by the lord sent me nor on earth could ever break such joy eternity and there's joy then joy in my soul one just joy the lord has given never anything sent from heaven [Music] it never dies joy that satisfies oh my joy never ends in joy praise the lord everybody hallelujah people it is our night praise the lord thank you so much hallelujah praise the lord i will now hand over to minister r elder rather adrian admin in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name of jesus right where you are just open up your mouth just lift up your hands and just shout hallelujah hallelujah whether you're on the zoom platform or whether you are online it doesn't matter where you are make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye land hallelujah to god come let us worship the lord together it is youth empowerment service in the house and i'm sure the youth wherever you are can shout a praise hallelujah hallelujah you can shout the praise some of you may be able to shout hallelujah to god not be able to show but you may be able to type in the chat hallelujah to god you can type a hallelujah hallelujah you can type a thank you jesus but wherever you are lift up your voice and give god praise youth is the time to serve the lord hallelujah young man remember now the creator in your youthful days hallelujah it is a time of worship it is a time of strength it is a time to magnify the lord and so come on let us exalt the name of the lord together we bless the name of jesus i greet you one more time again in the precious and exalted name of jesus i want to declare to somebody who is online that there is no other name given on the heaven whereby we must be saved but by the name of jesus christ hallelujah and so i welcome you to our youth evangelists evangelism service hallelujah to god as we explore the theme youth evangelism in the 21st century it's everybody's business if not just for the older persons it's not just for the ministers if not just for the pastors or the elders but you young person you young child you also have a responsibility and an opportunity to tell somebody about jesus hallelujah i also take time out tonight to greet our bishop and pastor bishop devon charles brown with in the house tonight hallelujah to god along with his lovely wife always happy to have our past in the house bless god almighty to the youth executive led by minister gavin linton and the team we greet you as well in the powerful name of jesus to minister andrew martin our presenter tonight our panelists we welcome you as as well as our your our fellow analysts missionary david scott gray and brother jason brown we bless the name of jesus to all those who have joined us on the zoom platform welcome to all those who have joined us on our vera social media platforms welcome you're in for an exciting time and an exciting night bless god almighty time is far spent and we want to get the presenter on the floor before we welcoming the panelists but before i want to just uh invite our bishop and pastor to bring his pastoral greetings uh even before we continue any further in the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus and even as he prepares to come bless god almighty hallelujah thank you pray praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise jesus christ delighted again to be with our young people to uh many elder agent hatman to the members of the youth committee and to all uh the saints here and abroad who are with us tonight we are also streaming the service we welcome a great those who are on amen of facebook youtube apologies i was in between services i'm i'm i'm also over at may 10 praise god for the youth congress i will i was relaxing and you didn't know some i am between two services uh so my apology but i'm so happy to be with in the service tonight and to greet minister andrew martin god bless you sir we appreciate you amen for your continued service to us in stonehill you've been a blessing to us since it's pandemic and we appreciate it you're almost one of us now we almost are about to give it writing and fellowship in stone he'll be thank god for you uh god bless sister david scott dre minister david scott ray our panelist at night and brother jason brown and to all that are with us tonight god bless you god strengthen you we're in for an explosive night praise as we seek to amen empower our young people for the 21st century evangelism task god bless you in jesus name god bless you bishop thank you for your kind words to this congregation in jesus name as president i've got to show myself uh the various assemblies uh so i'm in my pen that was written last night i'm back with them tonight i'm installed in so i'm all over the place god bless you god bless you sir evangelism in full effect in jesus name hallelujah god bless you beloved even now uh we're about to go into a session for we which we have a wonderful presenter our brother and our friend we have a wonderful panel lined up to discuss this topic of youth evangelism in the 21st century but before we're going to have our friend our brother come to us and speak to us just for a few minutes and after that uh sister samantha forbes right will be leading the panelists as they go forward but please make welcome our friend and our brother minister andrew martin and the holy ghost if you are able to unmute him mike just unmute and shout hallelujah if not you can still shout it in your house in jesus name hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the word jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah yes lord hallelujah yes lord hallelujah thank you jesus thank you very good yes let let's lose the zoom room in here my god hallelujah go ahead mr martin thank you praise god praise god praise the lord everybody amen i want to meet you in the mighty name of jesus christ or soon coming king amen there's none like him there's none to be compared to him and i did promise minister admin that i will be on for ten minutes amen and and in light of that i there is one thing i want to show you at the end of the this session um blessing sister gray amen it's good to see poor volume man of god there i can see you amen amen when i looked at the persons who were on the planet i was like god i can keep quiet tonight and we have some powerful people here but to god be the glory great things he has done i mean i i will be talking to us briefly on youth evangelism in the 21st century and you know as normal i'll use a powerpoint but for 10 minutes i mean i didn't need to present one to put one together i think i can do a talk and we can actually put this together nicely amen no i want to start at that point where um where you would probably under why i would stack here but i saw it very important and i'm looking at the scripture in 1st corinthians chapter 9 and verse 27 and paul was writing to the church in corinth and he said but i keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself might be should be a castaway i might wonder why i start here in relation to evangelism you know one of the things that we must realize brethren is that in this time in this season amen no is not the time to backslide no is not the time to walk out of the house of god and what is interesting is that i have noticed that in a time where it's very obvious that the coming of the lord is very near it's very obvious that god is about to put in his appearance in relation to the raptures at any time now i believe that the trump of god shall be sown and guess what is funny now it's a time where deception is at its highest and we see where young people amen and people are walking out of the house of god and it's a burden on my heart it's something that has moved me so even i'm going to tell you that you should evangelize to others amen let i first encourage you that you must make sure that your life is at the place where it should be where it needs to be amen so that at the end of the day you don't only talk to others about becoming saved but you yourself amen is a part of those that will be saved amen i want you to ensure in the back of your mind you mean that irrespective irrespective of what will happen amen in this time that you make up your mind that you are going to be saying amen you didn't you didn't get start this race i mean so to drop out but just start this race to ensure that you reach the finish line in many that will profit you anything to start the race and not finish you have to finish and you have to finish as strong as you possibly can and can i say one more thing before i move into um talking about some simple things about evangelism amen discovery thing that we are seeing is not going anywhere soon i'm not a prophet i'm not prophesying but i can tell you that it's a part of a big agenda and therefore what we need to realize brethren is that all things that we are seeing today is practically in line if we study eschatology you know that it's practically in line for what they are planning to do in the future for example this thing won't stop until major economies have crashed amen and when major economies have crashed then what will happen it will trigger if you know a local store you know about the 2030 agenda you can look it up so all of these things are pushing forward to something that is ahead of you child of god no it's not the time to play no it's not that time to sleep it may now is the time to get ourselves ready and that's my birth really as i think about evangelism i'm saying god i want others to be saved but those that are already in the house of god i want him also to remain same amen evangelism is about not about winning the souls which is very important but make sure that you evangelize to yourself first make sure you say a minister to yourself first i must be saved you must be convinced of this thing to the point where if you are telling others about how to be saved you yourself must be convinced that this thing actually saves amen you must live the life that put that forward no evangelism in my ten minutes is like farming and this is why jesus said to disciples in i think matthew chapter nine like i remember about verse 37 to 38 that the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few it's a prey deal for the lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest amen based on the scripture we can see that there's a parallel clearly between evangelism and farming amen and therefore if we can look at even some basic principles in farming it will realize that it is the same thing that the farmers did even old time can be applied to us today in terms of how we do evangelism amen um another thing we realized that essentials of life in the time of jesus was based on the farmer i mean the farmer had to ensure that he did his work if they didn't farm then the people would have died of starvation can i tell you something that the daily provision the daily that is needed in the church today the first priority of the church is through evangelism just after the farmer depended on farming for them to grow we depend on evangelism for us so for the church to be sustained so we have to ensure that just like the farmer we do his particular work we as children of god today must do our thing to ensure that we reach the loss um we have and guess what we have everything that we need in this time to ensure that we are effective in reaching the last we know that right so we have the bible amen and it answers all the questions that we have it has we have the bible as the word of god that we'll be able to minister to others amen and we also have amen mean the farmer has an insurer that he has the fact that we have the bible let me put it there we have everything that we need to reach out to every soul that is there and therefore it's important as children of god for us to know the word and know the word good so that we'll be able to minister to others now tonight i want to wrap up by saying that there are seven basic keys that make a farmer effective just like there are some and there are many other things you know what there are seven basic things that i want to push out to us tonight that will make us effective in evangelism in this time amen firstly we have to value time you can make note of this value time you must know how to work hard and use effective time management skills what am i saying i'm saying that as children of god today as young people we must value the time that we have amen the time that you have you have to use it to study the word of god you have to use it to pray you have used it to just be in the word that when somebody comes to you you're able to apply can i tell you something is what you do in your secret place god is able to use in your public place in other words when you go out to minister to somebody is what you're doing in your private time the amount of time you spend to study the amount of time you spend to read and don't be don't be troubled if nobody sees you you know i i was ministering on sunday and i was telling persons that i have been preaching and teaching from age 16 i am 38. now a lot of persons say boy with this young man he's young he knows a lot about eschatology he knows a lot about hermeneutics but they weren't around when i was alone in the desert and doing work at 16 17 and nobody saw me nobody knew me nobody who is andrew martin now everybody knows that saints know who andrew martin is why because over period time god takes you from what you are doing in the desert and bring you in the forefront what's that example with david for example he was able to fight the sheep and defend the sheep from the lion and the beer before god brought before goliath in a similar way spend your time and spend some time in the word of god spend some time use you to be effective in ministry amen the second thing is that you must the second thing about the farmer is that he knows the value of his crops amen um you must understand the value of souls a lot of times what is happening is that we walk past people and the truth be told we know that people should be saved but we don't understand the value the true value of what souls are you know the bible says um whole heaven rejoice when one soul gets saved you know why because the truth is a soul values so much to god and therefore it must value a lot to you can you imagine you are able to save one person or reach one person and get a person to come to god amen and not go to a devil's hell it meant a lot of us because we don't understand the value of the crap amen we don't spend a lot of time to invest in the crowd number three inspect the crap to determine growth and progress in other words there are point in time where when you go out to minister and you start to talk to people about god you go to your workplace and god has led you to minister to somebody and we're going to talk about that again because if a lot of us think that evangelism is just you going to somebody and witnessing i strongly believe in god leading us directly by the spirit of god they are the sons of god and it's a powerful scripture because a lot of us do some things that we wonder why we are not effective in getting the work done you know why because god didn't send you if god sent you then god will prepare you amen and as god sent you to minister your whisper the time to examine the crap examine what is happening sometimes it might take a week some persons might take years but guess what you have to examine what god is doing amen no without the harvest we have no future i would say that earlier amen understand that look here you have to be a harvest at some point in time and therefore it's important that we win souls can you imagine if if the church goes on for years and nobody becomes saved and and for five years and nobody get baptized that bethel nobody baptize that faith chapel all but there will be no future for the church after a while amen so we understand that harvesting is what is it brings out the future no in order to reap the harvest there are four things that we need to do we need to have the seed which is the word of god so everybody must ensure that you know the word i said that earlier you must have the soil which is the souls to be reached and you must have which is you the child of god and when you put these three together you're able to be effective in in establishing evangelism now another thing you that you must evaluate um the season and and you've understood not all seasons work the same way amen when you start evangelism young people it starts with you preparing the season prepared the season of preparation that's where it starts so what you do you prepare the soil how do you prepare the style in prayer now i was talking with my good friend and we were reasoning about the whole thing about prayer and i was saying that a lot of people have missed the mark when it comes on to pray young people when you pray ensure that when you pray god speaks to you and you talk back to god in other words god must tell you what to do when you go down i started god there's somebody at this office that that god has laid on my heart and i'm going to be praying for them let god tell you what to do don't move don't do anything unless god tell you what to do and let me tell you why it was paul who was uh who wanted to go to asia remember in acts chapter 16 he was he wanted to go to asia that was his heartbeat this is where he wanted to go but you know the bible says in acts chapter 16 verse 6 it says what the holy ghost forbid him now when i read that scripture i was wondering how is it that the holy ghost the man wants to go to asia to minister but the holy ghost was forbidding him for going to asia it means then that there was a work somewhere else and even though his hard desire was for him to go to asia god wanted him to go somewhere else was macedonia in other words when we pray we have to ensure that it is god who sent us on the work this god who helped allows us to move from one place to the other we don't want to do things of ourselves amen and that's the problem nowadays people saying boy i'm doing this in jesus name and they're not getting the response that they would like i know why because they did not wait on god to tell them what to do you know what faith comes by hearing and by the word of god a lot of times we we say we are moving by faith but faith can only be effective when it is wrapped up in the word of god in other words god has to speak to you first about what to do and that's what makes the faith effective not that you believe this thing a lot of us get misconception of faith we think that faith is i believe that this is going to happen it's going to happen no faith is backed up with the word god speaks to you you can't do nothing else god will steal it and the word there doesn't mean they written word only can be the rhema word god speaks to your table that god sister davia has this particular sickness and i'm going to heal her based on that word i lay my hands on sister gray and she's healed because god has already spoken the word in other words we cannot move unless that has spoken that's where it comes in so we start with the season of preparation we're going to the season of planting because now we are sure where god is sending us i mean planting means that we are planting the seed god i said me to brother our person a b c so i'm planting the seed in a b and c because god has sent me there then there's a season of cultivating which means that even though i'm the one planting the scene i know must be the one that is reaping the bible says paul an apology minister but what is god who actually gives the increase so i might minister and plant the seed but brother adrian might come on later on and he does something else he does some watering but guess what it's already started from the very first phase which is the preparation that we have the season of cultivating because what we have done we have done all the seasons going through and now we reach the season we cannot pull from god we have prepared ourselves in prayer we have planted we are not cultivated now we are in the season of reaping and when we do it that way we can be effective in the 21st century now there's one last thing i want to say my seventh thing is that you must always look for new ideas and this is where i i want us to understand don't be stuck that god can only operate one way if that was the case i would have a problem today um in the sense that we are not able to go out and talk to people we're not able to necessarily do what we usually do how we usually do it now this is where i want to show you as a video that i'm a part of a team at at my assembly and we call it special projects and what we do we do all we do is research is all we do research that's the purpose of that that group um in the mission department we research and we feed all the other areas of mission so every other department the hospital ministry the ultra recognition all the other areas of mission the project team does the research work we do they they the studying and whatever and then we present seminars and we realize that the church is lacking in this area or whatever and we so that is a selected team you can't just come and join that group amen but what happened past a slick few persons we call them special projects now one of the things that we realize is that in evangelism in this time in order to reach young people realize that people are eighties savvy in other words they love the technology and they spend a lot of time on the instagram and they on the facebook and they whatever so what the team did the team realized that okay we can capitalize on this so what we do we pull young people now and we have been building videos around the whole topic and they're sending it all to their friends and they show their friends so what i'm going to be showing you tonight is an example of one of them is three minutes long but that's an example of of of what we use how we can use a new tool to evangelize in the 21st century and this is we use different different tools but this is one that i'm going to show you tonight and by sharing my screen i hope that it will help us to foster some idea as young people things that you can do at your assembly people that are good with technology you can build videos it can be loads um so on and so forth and use it to send those and it doesn't mean this long thing it can be something that captures the point and sent to your friends and they can probably watch it and learn something from it i mean so i'm going to be showing that particular video let me share my screen all right um what tell me if you can see my ad money can see my minister ella i can see a screen inside [Music] [Music] are you saved and i say [Music] you hear it all the time but what says the bible well the bible is very clear on who does the saving and the means by which he does it titus chapter 3 and verse 5 tells us that it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy god saved us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the holy ghost my question to you today is have you experienced the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the holy ghost if not you should for this is the same birth of water and spirit jesus said you must experience in order to enter the kingdom of god you see my friend this was what was consistently preached throughout the new testament i want you to consider for a moment peter's account of what the angel of god revealed to a man named cornelius in the 11th chapter of the book of acts the bible said an angel of god appeared unto cornelius and said unto him send men to dropper and call for simon whose surname is peter who shall tell thee words whereby though and all thy whole souls shall be saved [Music] my next question is what were the words peter spoke to cornelius whereby he and his whole soul shall be saved if you said involved water baptism in jesus name and the receiving of the holy ghost you guessed right for the bible said after listening to peter carnelis and his whole soul both received the holy ghost and were baptized in the name of the lord my friend i want to understand that this is god's saving plan revealed in the scriptures repentance water baptism in jesus name and the infilling of the holy ghost [Music] this is the message upon which the church was founded in acts chapter 2 the samaritans were saved by in acts chapter 8 and the message that opened doors to the gentiles in acts chapter 10 know that you heard what the bible says about saved what say you praise god so i mean that's what's short that and we do that with our young people we have a couple of them what we try to do is get them equipped with learning the doctrine learning the scriptures get them involved in something and at the same time using their very own skills to to put things together um mikey we were the ones who wrote the most of the scripts for this um but we do and we have a couple of them and some of them are shorter some of them are longer some of them are just animated so on and so forth but we have to use different means um to get to our young people very equipped um in bringing the gospel across using technology and so we have to find different means and so we can pass it out to people so that persons can hear the gospel amen so in closing i want to say brethren that we can find always have new ideas in bringing across our methods of evangelism but guess what each and every one of us as young people we can use your skills use what you're good at amen and find different ways come together and find different ways that you can think that you're used to instagram and all these things to present the gospel because guess what happened we must read souls irrespective of what is happening social distance in whatever cases persons still can be saved in the 21st century um sir admin i i know i did i go over 10. that's what happened sir when you're when you're speaking about evangelism but very good sir come on somebody unmute him i can give the lord a praise for minister andrew martin hallelujah yes lord hallelujah excellent presentation sir excellent presentation well done and we loved the concept that you shared and i'm sure as i see some of our young people already saying they love it we'll be working on developing some of those concepts as well in bethel stone here thank you sir i'm going to be inviting sister samantha for the right to come and to lead us off in our panel discussions she'll be facilitating the session comed come on sister sir adrian i can listen right no we definitely need your your expertise to to be around sir so please do stay along after that powerful presentation it can only get better this is samantha amen bless the lord elder edwin thus the lord everybody uh greetings to our bishop this evening to all elder marty and all or officers and saints online if you're a visitor god bless you thank you for being with us this evening and we're con continuing to look at the theme uh youth evangelism in the 21st century i must say i absolutely love that video minister martin you hit the nail on the head with the 21st century but nonetheless we're gonna continue into our discussions this evening i'm going to ask you if you have any questions that you'd like to ask please uh just note it in the chat and the elder admirer and media team will be monitoring so we can reach those questions amen so feel free to write those in the chat and we'll get to them also elder martin i think you started off quite well this evening um so we know our panelists are no stranger to us under martin you know resident teacher of stony hill yes uh we have mishna davia scott gray another fire brand yes god bless you woman of god and we have brother jason brown one of our youth leaders here and we bless the lord for you all this evening i'm really gonna just go right into it um so when i looked at the theme you know i i wondered you know hmm really what is used with evangelism in the 21st century and i know elder martin started off and so i want to go over to uh brother jason then evangelist uh david scott just to give us your take what is youth evangelism all right bless the lord everyone am i being heard yes we're hearing okay yes bless the lord um youth evangelism so we know that evangelism is sharing of the gospel whether it is by public speaking or through personal initiatives so i believe youth evangelism is just the adding of the reaching of young persons you through the same means of evangelizing so it is spring the gospel of jesus to the youth via public speaking personal event personal initiatives things of that nature that's my take on it sister d over to you greetings everyone um greetings to um is it minister martin wonderful presentation and i think he started in an era that i love very much right elder admon which is actually farming so i was very in tune because that's my area um but i thought about youth evangelism um jason and i spoke of air a little bit about it because you know we're up in our heads around it and i dissected both words to see if i could come up with something and evangelism as we know it is basically spreading the truth spreading the gospel spreading god's love for us but when i looked at youth because i wanted to understand basically who we capture within that um age range and when i looked at it the united nations looks at the age range of 15 to 24 for us though youth goes a little bit beyond that age and so when the when i looked at the bible's definition of it it doesn't speak of an age range specifically but it speaks of the age outside of childhood in terms of our thinking and our behavior so in my mind looking at those two things compound is spreading the gospel spreading the truth of god's um gift to us to persons who are outside of childhood um possibly within the age range of 15 to 24 um give or take depending on our circumstances all right thank you for that um i think you go you're drilling in a little deep this evening i know brother jason went into some methods yes we're going to touch that later on elder martin touch on the farming methodology uh sister david did the same thing so but when you think about farming i mean farming carries with it just so many varied things i mean you have different types of farming and then there's so many challenges and issues that you face and you know things that you have to do to ensure that your crap come out right and you have good yield and you know all of that and when it leaves me to prune you have to prune them so when it in the context of even how you would have just defined uh use evangelism when you think about that ah i i wonder what's evangelizing to the youth could it then also could you then also look at it from the angle of um the youth themselves evangelizing it what's your thought process on that angle ella martin as in the young people themselves doing the evangelism yes yeah and that's what came to mind when i thought of youtube as living to be honest um i was looking at it firstly when i heard the theme what came to mind was young people themselves doing the actual work of evangelism um and and the truth be told i realized the whole um effective young persons can be if they really put their minds to it think about it i i can speak from experience and i think that one of the things i learned from my past over the years my old past past episode is that you should use a lot of examples in terms of to bring across your your point now when i used to go to collab high school we at the time we turned the school upside down literally um as young people i got saved in second form and and from when we left the school there was a good number of persons who got saved um to the point where the principal would have called us in the office and asked us to to be quiet like i know we were very very very very very zealous and we didn't we didn't go to icf because we didn't believe they were saved um and and that was how zealous we were about this acts 2 3. i'm serious we were very zealous about the absolute 38 minutes and we were converting people left right and center talking about the back to school and returning upside down now one of the things i realized though in young people is when you start doing this from a very young age it's have a way of building you you learn you learn a lot of things you learn what to do and some of the things i did in karabakh i would not do it no i want to do it that way all right um but at the same time you become so zealous and it groans you amen so i think it's the best thing for young people young people um themselves to get involved in what if i pass the question to get involved in evangelism because it kind of grounds them in their whole it makes them a better christian so the moment you start the evangelism perspective of who you are old young whatever the case is but young especially it keeps them grounded and i remember how we as i said before we turned calabar upside down and that is where i learned a lot of the questions too because talking to people like adventists i remember one time talking to them and i realized i couldn't they brought up a lot of scriptures and i couldn't deal with it and i'm like what so he put a lot of questions in my head i know i know what i have is truth but how do i defend this how do i how do i hold i i bring across my point you know and then over the years so that's what it pushes you to study so when it as young people i think that you should use your school you mean use your environment that you're going as a grown for to evangelism and you will realize that it will ground you in being a christian you know persons who get safe on them long term you know about 2 45 and while you start my wildman street and whatever you just got out there with the period we still have these things and we were very very very very effective so young people i think knows the time especially when you have the strength you have the energy you're not you don't have family don't have children you don't have it grounds you because everything that you will learn now becomes your foundation for work that is going to take you in the future i think i think i jumped a wool pastor you answered and then you gave us some add-ons yes thank you for that sir oh help me do that eventually it's great uh can you do you think that there are some special capabilities that um young people need in order to be able to evangelize i don't know is it just special people can do i mean minister martin started from what age again i mean firefighters yes does that require anything special i'm going to use the the farming analogy um and i'm also going to um lean a lot on my experience from the national youth ministry um my experience there anyone can evangelize straight across the board i don't believe that you need any special skills separate and apart from you having received salvation you understand the importance of it and you are willing to share this thing i try sometimes in talking to young people to use very practical and simple things to talk about salvation but i want to talk about my nursery okay having my plant nursery um persons of all ages will say david i want some tomatoes i want some peppers i want some so and so but when when they ask me for the plants they'll tell me no i can't take it before a certain time or before a certain age because i can't grow it and one of the things uh well my tagline for grace grown is rooted in endless possibilities because like that i also believe that all of us have the capability to grow and to flourish and to bring about anything right jason flourish hashtag flourish bring about so many things so it is that if i along myself i am able to plant a seed so i'm going to lean on what sir martin spoke about i have the ability as he said as a sower to plant a seed i do not have to plant that see the way someone else did i may not at the time feel i am capable and sometimes we do need help to work through some parts of the process um but nevertheless i don't want to stop myself from giving a chance to this entire process by saying i can't do it i can't evangelize and sometimes because we look at evangelism as this big complex thing we don't do it at all so straight across the board i don't need a title my birth certificate is sufficient for me to tell somebody here what jesus loves you and sometimes from some very easy practical conversations we can start to talk about the goodness of the lord so when one of the things that is important is that when i when a young person can see another young person in the kingdom experiencing god's love it draws them to the kingdom one of the things i've also used over the years is that i try to in my discussions with persons about driving my car or just practical everyday things i immerse in those conversations why no god did that for me and i find it has opened up a means for me to have a build a relationship for me to share the word of god i'm saying all of that to say it is not complex it doesn't take a title to do it just takes somebody appreciating god's love and the gift that we have received and saying to somebody boy this gift is so good i can't keep it to myself i need to tell somebody else and uh the reason why jason and i spoke i'm sorry brother jason and i spoke this evening was because a young lady 31 years old died today um she was in the hospital with kovid and died 31 and every time i see experiences like those it draws me to a place where i examined myself did i give myself the opportunity to tell her when we were in the same workspace work office building company about god's love and i would that we would all see our everyday life as those sort of experiences no special person no special title but being a recipient of salvation i need to share it thank you evangelist gray for that addition so there you have it no special title nothing needed what just to be willing brother jason let me go over to you this evening would you say so i know even there's graces you know you don't need any special title but one of the challenges faced when you're looking at evangel evangelism um when i look at a young people perhaps evangelizing or even an old and older person evangelizing to a youth um would you say there's diverse challenges there what are some of those and are they diverse well you know speaking as a young person i believe that i am young um i think the biggest thing is there is an obvious disconnect let me put this together the right way so i believe that there has to be a level where our young persons are met in relation to evangelism right so i am not saying to change the gospel i'm not saying to dilute the gospel but i'm saying to understand who you're dealing with i am not a farmer but i can go over to grace ground and i can say that all seeds won't thrive in the same type of soil or the same condition so it will be very one-sided of us to think that we can use one method to reach everybody and i think if we're we we know that we're supposed to follow jesus because he's talked here he's it but the in in really looking at his operations in the bible he literally used many methods to convey the same message whether it would have been teaching preaching one-on-one consultation feeding the people and then teaching so it was a case where he understood that not all persons would receive at the same level and i feel like as older persons or more mature persons in the gospel when we look on the young the youth to evangelize to them or to get them into evangelism we we don't tend to see where it is that we need to meet them or how we should convey the message to them so i think that poses a big problem yeah when i was a teacher in the classroom i was on old when i was a teacher there were some things i would teach say for example i'm teaching programming i'm doing the if function i would try so many methods from the textbook to teach a function they would just not get it and i know that i asked of my students at the time whenever they do well they ask for pizza so i decided to get pizza for the class and teach a function using slices of pizzas so it was a case now where they were communicating to me how they would love to learn and that they love to eat pizza when they do something well and i manipulated that interest that love to teach to them so i think one we have to understand who we're dealing with and we have to understand how we have to speak to them the way we were evangelized when i was five i mean nine ten eleven twelve is not the way that they would like to be evangelized no times are changing and we have to change our methods with the time so i think the biggest issue is the lack of connection in knowing what the young people want and speaking to them in that language the issue is we think we know what they want and in our minds we have ideas and methodologies that appeals to us that we think will appeal to them but it does not so it's getting out of this and speaking to them to find out how would you like to be taught whether it be just checking on them daily whether it be having a games night and then putting in jesus in there it could be have it could be the simplest of things but we have to learn to relate to them on their level for it to be as effective to them as possible can can i can i add something to that please um i i i like for your putting but i think the method that you mentioned is the universal method that just always used uh if you look at saint john chapter four um when he met the woman at the well he didn't start to tell a woman that look here you have five husband or whatever he started with what they were presently doing um they were well what do people do at the well they drink water a woman give me to drink um but despite some things that we know she be not she made a jew and she being a samaritan but he started that with a conversation with something that they were both doing um same thing with phillip understand what the readers you know so he didn't he he started at the place that both of them can relate to each other and then from their conversation status i guess one of the things we must learn into evangelism is how to have good conversation starters so we know exactly where to go young people you mentioned the pizza thing so if you eat pizza then the i'm a programmer sorry so you just showed me a while ago um but they should be told is that you use something that that they can relate to and then from there you'll be able to present the gospel to them from that one so that's that's a powerful point sir that i had to join and if i may jump in again i i don't know if i'm wrong saying this but in all of this evangelizing there should be elements of love here shouldn't that be the overarching thing so the goal should not be to condem or to judge or have them feel away but it's to bring them to a natural understanding and realization that in all that you're doing there is still love there and it's because i love you and care for your soul that's why i'm speaking to you in this way or wanting you to improve your christian life or journey or get to know christ or or be so passionate that my impact on you sir martin will cause you to want impact sister behavior and in return she impacts sister right so it's it's like a continuum yeah all right so what i'm hearing is a lack of connection is one of the greatest challenges to evangelizing to the youths how about the intern the youth themselves evangelizing uh in in your one-on-one discussions or however way you interact with the youths um what are some of those challenges that they see they face in evangelizing what are some of the things that you know for them is a critical hurdle for them to get over to be able just to say to somebody jesus loves you okay i guess the biggest fear for people doing evangelism one other thing that caused fear and evangelism is is you not knowing um for example and that's why that's why i said before the more you do it is the more comfortable you are explain the word so if you are able when i speak to young people they will say i'm afraid to talk to people because suppose they approach me with this or i don't know enough of the word or i don't think my life is where it should be or whatever the case is so they have a lot of different things in their mind one of the main thing i said before is the fear that comes with you not knowing the word but one of the things that that must you must try to encourage that what i try to encourage young people is that i look here it's good sometimes not to know because when when when and don't let that stop you from doing evangelism because there might be a case where they say something to you and it stomp you and you're like wow i never knew this i might walk away you might not be able to to deal with that situation no but it puts you in a position if you're really serious about god i mean it puts in a position to go on research i always tell people that example in saint john chapter 12 that says that the first time a person approached me when i was in high school and i was telling that you must get the holy ghost are you speaking tongues are you talking about things that you hear people preaching church right um but you don't know how to defend it really and when when i said it to the person the person says how do you explain to me then what the bible said do all speak with tongues and this was the first time i hear that this was high school and it stumped me for a while i'm like whoa because you get the impression based on what he was saying he said do all prophesy you all do this do a second impression that he's saying that all don't have to speak in tongues right and and it took me a little time because i was like god what is this saying but guess what happened if you put that question to me today i have the answer saint john chapter 12 verse one no concerning spiritual gifts brethren i will not have you to be ignorant so i understand the context of saint john chapter 12 that paul was talking about spiritual this when he reached that verse he was talking in relation to the gift of tongues how did i learn this because somebody backed me up one day and showed me that corner and i never knew it and i was in high school so while i while i speak to young people i encourage them that look you're not going to know everything and even we as all people right old people if we are some older people older people kind of know jesus said but this is not me i don't mean what talk about this time when david no no no he might talk about himself do sometimes don't know some stuff and this is why i one of the things i love i love things like apologetics and hermeneutics because it pushes you to to think and to try to learn more and to get into the world and i encourage young people i said before i love when young people zealous for the world you know because then people they what we have as foundational things is what them what we have as our thing is what they get as the foundation so what i try to do when i talk to my young people i tell them everything i know i don't hold back anything from them i try to encourage just that it's just like music i play keys and i realize that the young people who come up to me the motor things that they're able to do in a short time i learned it over the years but guess what what they hear became their foundation and therefore that was like baby to them and they are building on that we need to impart everything to them tell them what you're going to feel sometimes you're going to do this and you tell them every single thing you know you quit them with the point that they they are themselves okay i'm going to feel sometimes somebody's going to tell me something i don't know and when i need to address this person i really need to go study and it pushes them so there if the fear is there the fear answered the question the fear there is not knowing what to say not knowing how to deal with people and fear our way of crippling you and telling somebody about the world because you don't know who you're just discussing the word with all right i think that yes go ahead i want to take it from a different angle so far in in that context today when i'm used on what we're discussing i thought about the stages of development and how it is that as we grow our interests change when you consider young people how we are when we're children once we get to a certain age tween preaching teens or interests change the question therefore would be do our young people have an interest in sharing the gospel i say that because there are so many contending factors and i'll give an example being a parent of a 12 year old um i'm a good boy still you know but having discussions with other parents especially in the context of the virtual space for school a lot of teachers are complaining that the children while they may be present in the class are not present in the class because the virtual space has provided so many other opportunities for them to do other things other than be active in the class so it comes down to the issue of interest yes some may be fearful to share but there are some who are straight up not interested there are some who don't understand the gospel there are some who don't understand the relevance of the gospel and so us saying share it the question will be share what um there are some of us who take some things for granted because of the the context and structure within which we grew up so meno born in a church on the bench so my context was different we have a lot of young persons today who their context is not like mine their parents are not christian parents and outside of church on a sunday morning which is what it used to be being in the space that that's basically all they have for the week until they return that is one of the reasons why i spoke about relationship earlier it is important to build a relationship from the from the youth perspective i remember one sunday when i sat and i looked at the congregation where the young people sat all of them were this interested when time came for the word one by one they filed out and go drink the juice and we could not understand what the word and all the adults were in church and we were like grabbing up everything and soaking it but it was just not palatable for our young people and so we got to the place where we had to ask what's going on here one young person who could understand worship and so decided that they were not going to be involved in worship because they were the only ones raising their hands and they were the only one who was shouting hallelujah because everyone else was either on their cell phones or lean up in the corner sleeping or something else because the service was not at their context so i'm looking at it from both sides now those who are inside and those who are outside those who are inside need to be at a place where they understand the importance of what they have received and understand the importance of building a relationship with the lord understanding with that relationship that they need to share of his goodness there was another um part that i wanted to also share as well which is how we care so i talk about it from the nursery standpoint the hands that care for seedlings are not the same hands that care for trees so you can't treat a seedling the way you treat a tree because it will never come to fruition so your approach has to be different the other part of what i'll say um agreeing with jason to some point change is something that is permanent and constant and we have to look at change in how we do things years ago i was invited to a youth conference in florida and when when i came off the plane they handed us trucks and asked us to go out and invite persons and you know minister that kind of way we went in one direction and when we were returning all the tracks were on the floor on the ground in the window still up the stores and whatever and i was like i couldn't understand it but then i what as i'm used on it this week i said even as it is that our context changes our approach also has to change so this is the space that we are in this is the context that we're in so when i considered for example the three-minute video once i heard three minutes i also thought about and jason would understand this when i spoke about the developmental stages the attention span is something that is critical so whereas some of us can absorb a certain amount the young people can't absorb some may be able to while others may not and so we have to present the message of salvation in a way that they're able to absorb it last thing i say in this context is a thought that came to my mind before i came on the line salt and light when when i'm implementing a new policy at work or we're doing changes at work we often try to identify what we call change champions or persons who champion the cause are change agents all young people have to understand that they're going to have to be salt and light agents of change in the context that we live so when i spoke earlier about title and no title the the title i want is to be change agent and i must recognize the impact that i must have wherever it is that i go so is it is it that i am going to be more impacted by my space or will i be the one to impact my space will i be the influencer will i be the influencer mr brown or will i be influenced those are some of the things that we have to understand and i feel no in the context and i talk about context a lot that we're in or young people are being influenced by so many things coming at them that is so fearful because even to open a platform on the internet there are so many things coming at you that even before now when media church eleven night at ariel dancer we never have no google and whatever to be there um we never have phone not even nokia 2310 i didn't have those things but no the young people are so um what's the word it is it's so compacted all of the things that are coming into their space that we have to ensure that what we're bringing to them is so influential that it will break through all of the noise and the barriers that they see the relevance of the gospel and that they want to be change agents thank you thank you for that one jason i see your hand but i want to piggyback on something you said um know that you for those who are young people who are there and maybe disinterested and for those who are not yet there right not yet in the kingdom what would you then say are some practical ways to reach that question is for me yes straight up relationship i'm serious i tell people a lot of the things that i do people say oh david's anointed they have no is not church or whatever what a lot of what i do is outside of any mic any pulpit any whatever when my phone rings when the messages come when people send whatever i have to make sure that i am there not just from a pulpit because what they need is not from there all the time so when an individual is consumed with all of these conflicting emotions and challenges they need to know that there are persons who they can rely on and relate to like um brother jason said earlier will not be judgmental so sometimes i think even the messages are coming to me or when they are talking and i have no expression on my face i think some of them are kind of surprised because when they say something like i'm saying oh my god oh my god you did that right now where i'm at being in youth ministry for the last 15 years you have heard so many things but when i hear all of that i'm looking at this person has so much potential in them that i want to see you grow is let me underplant and run about i do all i can because i want to see the plant come to the place where it is giving of itself what it is purpose to do so the relationship building is something is critical where you can reach the person where it is that they are and not just reaching them where they are but have them understand that their purpose to do more than what they are actually seeing with their naked eyes and if it is that you can help them to figure out what that purpose is in line with what god intends it makes it easier amidst everything else when you can let them see that okay live men look here a lot of our young people are struggling are troubled are hurting and both inside and out and they need to know jesus jesus who will meet them where they are and having had those experiences where he becomes intimate with them and not of they can't sometimes see the jesus that their parents speak about they can't relate to that jesus because they didn't have that experience um sister sam i'll put it this way there are a lot of young people who afraid of feeling the anointing that they don't want that experience so whereas at six meter my father sent me one baptized some of them don't want that even at 16 because they're afraid and they don't understand what it is my son looked at me and said oh you and daddy behave i really think this is hurting you so i'm not interested i'm serious that's what he said and i'm like i need to understand because of how we rejoice and what about worst middle of ball he's like jesus is unkind to you guys not interested in this jesus so unless it is that we can have them understand who jesus is making practical put him in a 21st century context it's going to be something that is not on void i'm saying this and i'm making it absolutely clear not everybody is in the same state not everybody is in that place but a lot of our young people are disinterested they are being influenced by secular things that captivate them more than what we are offering and i say we in terms of the church not jesus um in the kingdom so i believe and i'm telling you from experience when we build those relationships when we can tell them of our experiences about how the lord came through for us and what is that he can do and when they can see him at work then they'll begin to have more faith in who he is because some of them for what they've experienced and many of the stories are very awful they can't see jesus in it um sister grey that is up that's very powerful i must say and again it brings my mind back to how passive results usually do things um there's a there's a principle he taught us that you win people to yourself first and then before you actually put them over to christ in other words what he usually what he usually does in his community he would have all the young people come to his house and they would play back back in the day and they would play games he would play games with them and marble and stuff like that even even me growing up i remember going by church if you knew fifth chapel back in the day it was never luck it was always open we went down the church we play a tt we play all kind of stuff and sit down and play games with us and talk with us and and and while he's talking to us he's putting across a little bit here and a little bit there um i guess i i remember hearing a message sometime when i was younger and it never left me it said some of our holiness repels people and it makes you wonder if it's really holiness you know because as the bible tells you i think matthew chapter 9 that it was common for jesus to sit with the republicans and the sinners amen and it makes me wonder jesus was the oldest of all of us and and and he was willing to have these people still gravitate towards him and he didn't didn't make him less holy but he knew the skill of getting building a relationship with people and winning them to himself to the point where when they get them willing to get them and they are comfortable in your space not comfortable with your sin but comfortable in your spirits to talk to you and to say well i'm here i'm struggling with this i need help with this and you don't condemn them like in saint john chapter nine where those have no man condemned they may not need to have a condemn they go there and see no more so he was able to present bring them to himself and that's a that's very powerful and i think that's what we we need to do today um with young people both safe and unseen to see people in church because they are struggling and they they have a lot of competing things as you're right he says we never know but no and i used to think about is now i'm saying the things that they struggle with today um you have your phone you can easily go on anything if i came off instagram for a good while because i realized that every other picture in instagram is bordering porn as far as i'm concerned the girls there i'm like what in heaven so i came off amen brother brown all right oh you're not on instagram you're a piece of son you should not be what is happening with you so um so i came off instagram and stuff like this because i realized um how easily these things are and this is what they grew up with as what i knew growing up was it was church and church and church and and we were not influenced by the american society and what was happening but the world has become so small like everything they acting like americans young people doing everything and therefore there's so many competing things so what we have to do and nothing is wrong with being an american i just started interviewing here just for the just for the case of persons who are american at least but just what the second i'm trying to say that we have to learn to win people to ourselves um and therefore at that point in time they are comfortable enough that we can they can say boy there are persons in church they want to live for god because they see that sister brown don't condemn me but she's able to guide me along the way so that sister is able to guide me along the way and bring me bring me along amen so that's how i see that i think that's a very powerful um i think i teach one time and i was telling persons that look here you cannot scale a fish before you catch it and i remember i remember saying it to bethel you cannot scale a fish before you catch it and that's what we tried to do we tried to go to the sea we said young people aim we don't win them to ourselves we don't get them in the boat we are trying to scale them in the water which does not work we get them in the boat first we get them and i also said as long as they're in the boat they will eventually die so our aim is to keep them in the boat you know keep them the house of god they might be flapping and flipping and stuff but as long as we can keep a relationship and keep them in the boats then eventually the fish outside of the water will die the first the the young people keeping them from the world they're flapping underwater or we can keep them with something eventually they will die from the things of the world so powerful point sister grey i love it i know i have to run in i have to run i was just about to go to you now cause i know you're running because that relationship point is so important right and i can attest to that because missionary scott greeted that to me that's what happened with with her and i something it's something that i have taken with me with my children calling my kids i have many many kids so i can speak from the saved point of view and the unsaved point of view because i try to develop that with both categories of of youth um it's important to note that missionary scott gray said something about um your conviction not being someone's conviction i can personally speak because i'm a pk pastor's kid i'm a born pastor's child and for some persons that is just a meal ticket to heaven and your life can be nice and smooth but if i'm going to be honest seeing my parents life and it's something i say all the time it is the most scary thing because what you you see what they go through as spiritual leaders as persons caring so the natural thing would be to run from and for many years i ran from and i'm being completely honest and it wasn't until i came to a power i had to personally seek and get in touch with what god's plan for my life where i can say okay at this point is whatever it is i just let go because i'm not comfortable with that but the truth is you have so many young persons who were raised in the church who we feel are okay but they're not because of what they're seeing and what they're seeing although they're seeing their parents do work for the lord and there's results but when they what the the back story and what they go through to get to that point is very scary for them and i also believe in involvement and providing the space for them to learn the opportunity for them to learn with i there are many barriers to effective evangelism i'm going to sound like a scholar right now because i read about this part sister david i read about this before we came on um one barrel is not is that they're not bold because we tell them that they're supposed to be bold and speak openly about jesus but do we provide that that environment for them to want to be bold when it is that we we allow them to do things how do we speak to them is the criticism constructive or destructive do we do we make them feel as though okay you can go again the other thing is they don't know how to articulate what they believe so they know what a gospel you know but if i got said talk to that person about it they're so caught up in their minds because they don't know how to articulate it and to add to that they think it is so complex they think evangelism is the is the hardest thing to do in the world so they are not seeing it as just sharing my experience or just telling someone that god loves you or providing the atmosphere for us to speak they're thinking about all the technicalities that go along with it it's a case where even in my sunday school classes i am not the only teacher we're all teachers so i start from there i assign their lessons i have them do their activities and they break down and if if it's one thing in my class before you leave my class you're gonna have to tie in an experience that you go through to the lesson because i want you to understand that the bible and evangelism is is such a part of your life but it is applicable to every facet of your being so once they can understand that then they will see how the bible works with them and develop the passion to want to tell other persons about it and another thing for me with young persons is for persons are seeking to mentor or to build that relationship or to prune you know as a farm intern to prove you have to accept your story yeah accept your experiences and be okay with using that to help them see their way through the truth is a lot of young persons we know are going through the same or similar things that we have gone through and we are so fearful to say i have been through that why because you want to be saints no the reality is it's not about condemning but we have to develop an attitude of being honest and real with our young people because it is through that that they will relate to you and see how the bible works the bible and evangelism does not only work for the good times there are experiences where there are bad um things um or experience that evangelism can thrive in for me i realize that my life is a story and a big big lesson a big big lesson i have been through so much i i use my lessons and my life stories to impact so i am never going to be a preacher you're not going to see me in the pulpit but for me teaching teaching is my key input into getting there i teach and that is what i do and i try to model that wherever i go it's a simple thing in my job we have a devotion roster so i don't care who you are everybody can prepare them devotional and then they come and read them scripture and pray and sing and share and then we speak about how it's applicable to our lives so to eliminate the fear and and and the hesitancy we have to culture them in a way where they feel comfortable with the idea of evangelism not just to go out and to tell people to get their souls right as well because in trying to get your soul right and seeing god work for you naturally the next step will be to watch that for someone else as well thank you thank you i hear you talk and i hear relationship building relationship is critical right to reach these young people but what about somebody who i'm gonna say you know what the truth is rough i'ma just have a rough personality am i really not too good with a relationship thing so but me why evangelists are two young people too how can be people who who term themselves as not good conversation starters are not really good relationship builders what are some other ways that they can use sir martin over to you i thought you would have started with the doctor on there dr david scott gray i mean she has been doing so well you know i mean i'm learning tonight all right um there should be two there there are some persons um that you have to encourage people to understand that there are some person that you can reach that another person would not necessarily be able to reach and um for example there are some person that paul was able to minister to and some environment that paul was able to go into and taught the gospel that if he put a peter in there he probably would have not done so well so so irrespective of who the person is i would have tried to tell him i look here don't you god did not tell you to reach everybody but there must be someone that you can reach you know there are some persons who are who think just like you yeah they think that they're rough like you just like like it's just like me for example going into the streets to talk to some guys you just let me go there and say boy you need to encapsulate they would probably look at me like a madman because whatever you say my youth you know god love you know i understand you you bring it down to to the level so that they can understand and and persons who are naturally like this so you have persons who come out to certain areas or they grow a particular way and then rough them with it they know how to talk to the persons who who come out at the same setting so they know hold him talk so the mother said my youth and then i'll go relate and that person will move gravity to other person i must see it as one of the real ones that young people know what i mean um but that that's that's simply it it means that god god has a role for you in the kingdom and that's what i encourage that person i wouldn't say boy not because you're not able to speak as fluent and as as smooth as as brother brown just did you know brother you have it you never feel like i can't even talk right now and sister gray i don't know why i'm on this planet i speak so fast but at the end of the day there is somebody amen that that you can reach and that's what encouraged persons to say look here irrespective of who you are some person are intellectual some persons are technically just like i'm brother brown here he mentioned programming instantly you don't even know what he did to me and triggered something because that's what i do i've been doing programming for over 12 years of my life no i've moved past that i know supervising programmers but we could relate so if you if i was an unsafe person i didn't come to me you could probably talk and he would start use that as something to start a conversation with me and build a friendship with me and then finally you know because well you know say that i would be like nasty you're off talk to some guys what i wrote they might gravitate towards you because they do know the lifestyle you know what you say do this i forgot through this and which i don't know just like i was talking to a friend and i couldn't understand how how how some persons treat other persons or particularly based on how i grew up i work with siblings i am not used to we have never gone to our bed and we are we are vexed with each other you know like some people manage with people for years and for weeks and this sibling don't talk to this i don't have that so because of that i get a lot of hurt because if sister gray does me something today i'm assuming that by tomorrow we're good in her mind she don't get it so there i i this is the person that she can reach to based on her experience is different than me because we relate to life differently so irrespective of who you are if you're wrong for your thought and you come up to the for you to reach that's how i look at it and there are persons that god will put in you your place for you to reach them don't underestimate who you are your audience is there for you that's what next time you know what i'm going to do next time i'm going to come on a better because you guys have such hard questions i think i think giving thought um to the question i want to think about it from the standpoint of the same scripture salt and light um when when jesus spoke about salt and light in matthew chapter 5. in verse 16 he says let your light shine before men that they may see your works and senior works they'll glorify god evangelism in in my mind is a lifestyle so some things we will say directly one-on-one and it will be a form of evangelism the life i live also speaks about who god is and i think for me as an individual it's what i use sometimes to govern my actions i say that in the context of being rough not rough not sure what rough is in or some because is it a time rough i need to smooth them or is it that i communicate a certain way but even if i communicate a certain way there is someone that i am responsible to share the gospel with and every opportunity i get let it not be said that i did not take the opportunity to be a change agent that's my responsibility let it be the lord who makes a decision who he will choose to win but that part is not on me the part that is on me is being open to giving the word and sharing of the love of god i'm going to again use agricultural analogy i start off by saying i remember my dad and patrick and when patrick just before patrick got saved and how my dad took the time to open the word to him and how over time my dad would take him aside and teach him and every time i see them i remember um paul and timothy that's what i had in my head because of who my dad was with patrick um when i think about it too i think about my plans i am going to draw on something that brother jason said earlier even though it is that some methodologies might change some principles still have not changed and will still be very powerful and applicable in this context so i am farming in the 21st century but i can't without an old man farmer from point hill telling me what to do outside of all the things i've learned whether from the books or from the internet i still need some of those principles do not cut a plant in the night because the substance of the plant will be lost so and so you can't reap in the night there are just some principles they will tell you there are some days you don't plant seeds when you plant seeds on those days the insects will eat the seed and it comes to nothing that's our principle from before my father was born who was also a farmer i say that because the farmers will also tell you that there are some plants that grow best together so if i choose to plant another seedling beside a plant that plant will never come to anything no matter how good the seed was so let us use your rough analogy you see that rough person there is another person who needs that rough person to grow because that plant cannot exist and grow without that person being there they can't relate and so everyone if we consider the body to calmly pass an uncommon part how it is that we're all a part of this great system we are not all the same we don't look the same some parts of our bodies are not visible but even more important than the visible ones so some parts of our bodies are so small and even the minute ones if you slam your finger the entire body feels it so while it is that i may feel that how i am might not be so important understand child of god young person there is somebody and i say this all the time who is waiting on you waiting on you to say you need jesus waiting on you to say can i tell you what jesus did for me and that is how i want the message of salvation to be so simple i want to tell you what he did so sometimes i might not be able to break down the godhead for example how brother minister hamilton preached on sunday about the water in its different states i'm not gonna be able to preach the godhead like that but i can tell you what jesus did for me when i had the child on the side of the road and my husband caught the umbilical cord and what that's what jesus did for me and i can tell you how i experienced jesus in that and for that somebody will say what jesus did that and i said yes to another person they need that experience that philip had with the ethiopian who obviously was learned i need a certain type of discussion that will get him to see the truth of salvation let it not be said that i the change agent refused to open my mouth or to live my life like light and salt that i might impact change so i don't want to refuse from and refrain from doing anything because there's something and someone attacking impact there's a plant waiting for me to blossom and grow to become who it is that they ought to be some one seconded one second because i have to jump on i have to jump on this as well because evangelism [Music] is not a one-size-fits-all that is not it we have to understand that we came to jesus or we learned about jesus or we were convicted in different ways there is no everyone on earth the almighty billion of us on earth we all have different facets different personalities so it would be very out of this world for us to think that we have to conform or be a certain way to evangelize because there is a reason why we were pulled from that background from that situation there was a reason because the truth is there are other persons who are in those situations as well and they have to be reached and how they're going to be reached is through you telling them how you got out of it there are some persons who the the rough persons as you would as you put it they are used to that social economic background they're socialized that way and maybe reaching them is not speaking to them roughly because they are immune to hearing that type of communication maybe they need someone who can speak to them softly or someone who can reason with them case in point children they're my life i do children know and um i deal with a a group of children that are very diverse and they have different struggles and different challenges i have some children who i can speak to them softly they listen i have children who have to put on my teacher voice for them to listen i have children who if i say the word no to them they will run i have children who if they disagree with something they go from zero to a thousand and become very defiant and i have to lock them into a space with my body catch them in and do breathing exercises and count with them and reason them through so it's the same thing with evangelism we have different persons to meet and evangelism is supposed to be tailored to meet that need so no matter where you're from or no matter your experience is your intellectual level no matter how learned you are there is a space for you it comes it just comes down to how willing you are to utilize what you have in that space so it's not me looking at some month and be like oh because your voice is a nice evangelist because she has so many so much um insight on planting i can't evangelize no no what is it that jason has to offer based on what god delivered me from and what got placed in my heart you know so i had to jump in on that all right thank you jason i know i have to wrap up ella and give me a timeline so i'm gonna see how i can just bring everything together remember on youtube sister samantha so looks like they're all excited to listen to the discussion go ahead if i mean um i want to go to the creatives it just it just came into my mind young people are so creative endured with so much creativity and sometimes we we look at evangelism from the standpoint of preaching and giving out a tract and walk in the street that they don't understand that unearthing their creativity and using it as a tool for uh sharing and spreading the gospel well you have to understand you see i'm i'm from a creative background i don't talk about that too much but right but all of a sudden this just popped into my head because i'm saying i want to talk to young people where they're at my i talk about janae a lot um judy when jane looks at a sunset he sees he just bursts into excitement because he loves photography he loves nature but when he sees it he sits and says god did this how can he utilize his creativity to send a message so he loves we we have to get him camera and he's doing an internship at a photo studio for the summer at 12. anyway that's an aside um but when he uses this creativity can he use it and show the goodness of god or the hand of god um and because he's on instagram too because i have to bring that in he's on instagram with his page monitored by his mother and can he use that space to say when he puts something out that this is god's handiwork that feminine is a means of evangelism you know because you're taking something that will reach someone else who is not understanding john 3 verse 16 but will see a sunset and it's marvel at the sunset and think all you can do is get a glass of wine and look at it and admire it on the beachfront when the truth is we have to talk about what made that sunset happen which is the creator when you have uh i saw this article this morning i think it was about a young man um is it in trelloni one of those parishes his artistic work is so beautiful and he's saying he needs to go to edna manny you need to go to edna manley or whatever but i'm saying is there a young person within the apostolic you know arena who can use that same creative energy to showcase um god's goodness to read someone who understands the world through those eyes so when you look at the cultural and creative industries there are so many facets of industry which would include music and all of these other facets and avenues can we utilize those avenues to see how it is that we can reach the persons who are in that space so i sat down in church and i listened to cheyenne with her poetry as a creative and the sunday i can't forget it when she spoke and the service was just transformed because she spoke about god and i can't believe the name of the poem no but it was so profound so i want to i want to let young people know what can you do is it music is it art is it painting is it photography is it sculpture is it give me something else can you do something digital graphical um are you in the social media landscape and can you utilize that rejection thank you very much erica it was about rejection right can you use something in your god gave all of us innate abilities can we utilize these innate abilities to reach someone with the gospel so i may not be you know we're just night but what you never preach that's an aside for another discussion can i utilize my innate giftings to reach someone so i love conversation i i like conversation um and sometimes we're just talking about all kind of things but when i i'm in those conversations and based on the nature of the work that i do i try in those conversations to see how i can show how it is that the lord has worked some things out that's me and what the lord did for me and utilizing my innate abilities what did he give you what is in your hand what is in your hand to use that's a private discussion too right what is in your hand to use so i want each person each young person to stop and not see themselves through the eyes of the bishop through my eyes throughout the admins eyes or any other person but through god's eyes what did god give me and how can i utilize these innate abilities to reach someone for the kingdom so that the persons that i have reached most of them were never like i said from the pulpit kathy is my closest friend kathy worked with me and through conversations at work in the days we talked about god and i made her a mark sort of and i said this is my task and i'm going to do this and literally we built a relationship as friends but i thought it was my responsibility as a friend to share the nice perfume can i talk about that part a little bit so thank god people talk about bridgette i'm not as i'm at a sandals person okay people talk about bridgette sandals and they share on instagram and facebook when there's a sale at bridget and the placeholder people bridgette bridget bridget bridget bridget and then share bridgette you see that same love for bridget can i have that same love for god that i feel that oh my god my relationship is so fabulous and i need to tell somebody so bridget now come nowhere near here so i like bridget okay fine but it can't compare to what i have with god and so ultimately sister sam the relationship again is what is important can i allow myself to develop a serious intimate relationship with god that having developed this relationship because there's no way i can have an intimate relationship with god and i don't recognize the need to share the word or the need to tell someone that god is good i need to feel like this is my responsibility here on earth to save to bring someone to salvation so perhaps it is that the focus might need to be on us building our relationship with god while trying to also reach someone else too because i think the confidence we have in that relationship with god might help us to be confident in sharing the gospel so may i say and i bought the bridgette seal okay i'm not a cologne or a perfume person either what's the color or they are perfect i don't know and persons will be so fascinated with sharing about oh my god these clothes are so whatever but the love i have for those things are okay fine but there's a love that must be deeper and more important and surpasses all the love for these things that i feel it is impressed on me to share this love that god gives wow wow wow can i say wow one more time wow there i don't know how how much word you picked up from that conversation a while ago wow i i think our panelists tonight are they they're really firing really well yes i think el admoni really put together a good set of people to speak on this topic um one thing i want to cover before i wrap up because i know it's getting a little bit late uh is so we spoke about distractions and i loved um evangelist scott gray who you brought in utilizing your talents um just a while ago i wanted to bring it to the matter of uh social media what role the does that play in today and and i i want to use that just to close out the conversation and if i may i want to put it in two areas i want your comments two areas one as a church body how can we utilize social media to reach our youths and on an individual level as under personal evangelism where does that fit brother jason social media guru let me start with you i am here laughing because i i honestly had no idea this would go this way i am so excited to speak and that's not me um as a church in this the church body in this time i think the biggest task we have right now is to make the gospel accessible as accessible as possible so we're seeing now where the social space is becoming our norm more so now because of the pandemic and the restrictions and it's not just so making the gospel accessible but making it understandable and relatable so it's not just putting content on youtube facebook and twitter but the effects and the quality of the content being put out so one i think it is our mission or it should be our mission as a church to infiltrate all the spaces that we can get into and effect it and make a great impact there so we have said okay we have conquered youtube let's take it to twitter let's take it to to clubhouse which is a new app for talking let's take it to instagram and and the mode has to change with the platform so we post full videos on youtube for twitter you post clippings from the sermon or wordings from the teachings on instagram you can post a minute um of ceremony conditions taught somebody's heart via song you can post bad scriptures you can promote there on clubhouse you can just have on twitter you can have spaces where persons just join to listen to you talk about your experiences i have been on spaces talking about marketing talking about education talking about hobby talking about mental health they're they're the the possibilities to infiltrate the spaces are so great right now and i feel that we should tap into that and as a church take the gospel to that level where we cannot impact social media i'm trying to be quick i don't want to talk too long and on a personal level um for me honestly my life really changed last year so many things were placed into perspective for me so when missionary david scott gray came up to stony hill on the last sunday of january 2020 and told me to stand up on that chair and it's going to be a great year for me i will minister admiral gave me his shoe or it just rearranged my life so for me social media was for enjoyment i i can recall in june i believe it was three days before that birthday that's june 26th um i was in bible class and god just said okay you're going to do xyz on youtube and whatever it is and i said okay god fine that's what it is so i i transformed my my social media space into an avenue to speak about god so minister admin can tell he follows me on twitter like i speak i speak about guaranteed like it's nobody's business why because i want persons to understand that good things are happening in my life yes and i look so prosperous yes but it is because of god so i have to attribute everything to him so i want them to understand that there is uh there is a per a body there is a spirit there is a ruler a creator beyond all things jason or beyond all things jason and even with life lessons with jason i make it a point of beauty for every video if i play me i play a game god is going to come up somewhere in there i promise you and even in connecting i can remember being on clubhouse and being in a space because i'm at the point where i'm going to talk about god i don't care i'm not i'm not even going to say i'm going to say jesus i'm going to put the name out there i'm going to be going to dilute it because that's what i believe that's what i stand for i was in clubhouse in a space and on that space was the olympian megan tapper don't speak about these things and she connected with me after that space because she said there's something about you there is something about you that i want to get to know and from just the online space it became a point where we speak we speak about god almost every day about almost every day where god if you listen to her speaking after she ran her race she attributed everything to god and she mentioned some things because our conversations have become so centered about god and it's a case where god has no i i impacted her life in that way through my story where even when she up there before she run the race where people what's up these are things that that people don't know about i i'm from sharing my story about not having a job and getting a job and depending on god persons message me almost every day and i made it i make it a point of my due to know when somebody said can you please pray for me i'm not just gonna say yes and say okay i'm going to pray for you in that and at that time that spot whichever medium because i want i see that there is something happening there and i want you to get to know the god i know if it's a simple thing like posting a scripture or a song or a bible verse there are persons who you never i posted a random bad verse one morning it wasn't something i thought about and so somebody messaged me oh jason i needed this today thank you so much and i'm saying we don't know the power of what we're putting out there but god there's somebody out there there are people going through things there are people going through things and the simplest word the simplest phrase the simplest encouragement can do such a big thing in their lives so it's a case where i would say the the ideal way to use your social media platform as a christian for personal evangelism is to just spread the spread what talk about god talk about what he is doing for you talk about how he inspires you how attribute things to god pose your scriptures here invite persons to want to know about but i have persons who have come to church from twitter i know they're still coming to church because of just the week cotton and i speak about church i was happening on church on twitter i'm seeing where basilia barnabino has this big tick tock account where she is remaking the joys of the older day church for persons to laugh again just to bring back the element of joy to the church to have persons understand that you can be edified in the church and still have entertainment so it's a case where social media can you can i i've been on let's talk about tick-tock i've seen persons talk about god like nobody's business on tick-tock just talking about experience have 1 million likes having persons who want to know more about god for things like that it's a case where we can't find a way to utilize our social media accounts to spread the news of god we can enjoy them personally but also make an impact and that is me wow i think i should have left you for last sir martin your take on this social media as a church how can we use it to evangelize to our young people um anything to add to what brother jason just said even as individuals whole all right um i mean that was powerful and i'm listening to what you said earlier um and not much more to add to that but the main thing i would say to our young people in using social media while i agree with everything that he said we must also use it wisely and be careful and one of the things i i that that robs me very hard is when i see young people go on social media and they hit out against stuff that they see happening in church um so i agree 100 with everything he said but let me look at the other side of it to say while we're here should i remember that we represent christ and we should never try to you can be for christ and against christ at the same time and you have to be careful how you how you present um um personal inside information because there are unsafe people who are looking at your life looking at what you present so if you're saying oh all the pastors are hypocrites or the pastors are hypocrites if you're not talking about your past per se it it you're sending a message to somebody else and and i'm saying that as apostolic people one of the things that has robbed me over the years is how how we are so free to say anything we want to say in relation to the body of christ in which the people of god if you have internal matters to deal with um try to to to to deal with it not on the social space um try to use it as a medium that you can win people um i i use the example before where i always talk about noah and the flood and i always say that look here even though noah was on the the boats i mean are on that ship or whatever you call it he um there was a lot of mess on it there was a lot of animals on it and the animals came with mesa and they came with stench and it came in a lot of things but if i should ask somebody what is the best place to be better to be on the boat or to be outside of the boat um during that flood and they would have said okay i would prefer to be on the boat and i'm saying the same thing in the in the whole summer we have different people and we have different situations it's something we clean up they say but you know message we have this and it's like a lot of this but guess what while we are here we are promoting um to the outside world like this inside this boat is safer to be than to be in the world so while we're using social media and we should use it as as sir jason said you know put scripture to somebody you don't know there are many mornings uh myself gets open and and i see people's statuses and um i see that they post a scripture and i'm talking from from a person received perspective and it ministers to me because no matter who you are and how much you appreciate what you teach your points in our lives or where you need that encouragement so i can imagine the same thing for the unsaved person you might just put up something and that's what they needed to hear um brother adam spoke about but uh brown spoke about um the olympian who saw his thing and was able to reach out to him that's a that's a powerful thing because now you're able to to talk to this person one-on-one and and get them into the kingdom but i can imagine you at the same time not talking good things about church and start attacking church in a negative way you can't encourage them to come to a place where you're saying that there are hypocrites in church you know and they appear at least in church so young people i know is a time where people say they want to express themselves and they want but be very careful as we use social media don't speak ill of the body of christ don't speak enough the things of christ we have something to say but i gotta pray about it and ask her to deal with it in the whole i'm serious and i'm very serious because it has robbed me a lot when i see these things um on people's statuses and and they are free to say anything against the body of christ and don't realize that that kingdom divided against itself cannot stand it can be for christ and against christ at the same time so that would be my addition to all that sir brown said earlier eventually scott gray your turn words as we close out just 30 seconds final words and then i'm gonna go over to you brother jason over to you minister martin and then we close out this section and we go to elder admin i'll try 30. all right change agent i'm sticking to that i'm a change agent social media or not i'm a change agent oh i dress myself i'm a change agent my attitude i'm a change agent that addresses what it is that i put as my content and that's one of the struggles i had even when i was youth national youth president i stayed on facebook because i wanted to see the things that were there and sometimes i saw things that were alarmed and i was able to address them outside of the space to say listen what's happening here's one so um but i'm going to talk about it from what some people may say sad but it's not sad for me so most persons on my dad died two years ago yeah his funeral was two years ago no not yet but right um one sunday i'm in church and jason sends me uh what's up during the service and when i looked at the whatsapp that jason sent to me it was the comments of someone from my dad's funeral service um that was still on youtube and the person commented about what the funeral service did for them to the point where it is that they made a decision to return to the lord no my father had served his gun long time but the person happened to see the service watch the service and decided to return to the lord fast forward to about three weeks ago i'm in stonehill and someone walks up to me and says i miss your dad and i saw that service and it really changed my heart and this is the reason why i decided to come back to the lord that's a big deal it's a funeral service [Music] and for me that spoke to the power of this space um i'm gonna call out somebody now ramoy ramoy robinson white has been pushing me into this space more and i'm saying no i don't want to be on youtube i don't want to do these things no i can't manage all of this because i just can't but it would excite me and yesterday i'm at work and somebody said oh yeah so i saw you on grace ground sorry you watch me on grace girl this person has never commented said anything about grace grown until i said the person bursts out at work in the conference room oh yeah she said plans actually the father's day and what is the gift to i was in shock i'm saying that because here it is i'm doing something social whatever the case is i talk about god a lot um that kind of thing but i'm saying even when it is that we don't recognize that people are watching people are watching even when they don't comment people are seeing and so we have to just utilize all of these avenues in the wisest way to draw someone and i want to close by saying let us be attractive when i say attractive i'm not talking about sexy and i'm trying to be as careful as i can sometimes we try to water down the truth to make it sexy but the truth is just the truth of the word but when i say attractive sometimes the way we package what we're presenting can be a turn off to individuals and so we have to ensure that we are able to present the word of god in a way that will appeal to those who are there to be reached thank you brother jason oh that wasn't too long at all my brother jason over to you all right so in closing my thoughts i'm gonna just pick it back from everyone um overall i would say commit your life your actions to god one thing i do is i ask god for my plan for the day who i should speak to where i should go and it works develop that habit of speaking to god for him to inspire you and in doing so he would lead you to what avenues what to say what to do also be a change agent in a world where we have so many persons being influenced by negativity we have the truth we know the truth i taught in my sunday school two weeks ago that the ultimate influencer is jesus and that he calls us to walk in his footsteps so therefore we are influencers when we take on that that name of jesus we become influencers so everything we do everything we say has an impact and we need to learn how to use that for the benefit of the ministry and also in marshalling your social media space be wise about what you put out there make it attractive for persons to want to learn more about god and to come to know what god is doing in your life and lastly evangelism is for everyone don't see yourself as less than take your time to read to understand and just start by telling somebody jesus loves you start by praying for someone start by sharing your story you know and you'll see how god will use your willingness to become something greater and do greater things for him god bless you all mr martin over to your closing words where's that um you know i i i love the fact that we all spoke about methods that we should use in order for us to be effective in evangelism and all of these things but when i think about it i i let me close by saying that i remember when i was in bible school i learned a story years ago about a man who spent hours his his life was dedicated to prayer he spent a lot of so much time in prayer that he the president was so much on him that one day he went to a particular place i thought you remember the lecture telling us this he went to a factory or something like this and having walked through the factory because the man spent so much time in pearl i mean he didn't have to say a word um what he did just by the fact that he spent so much time in prayer in walking through the praise of god was so much on the man that that person started to sort of weep and repent you know all the methods that we have we it is possible that we can use all the methods that we just said a while ago and we can win souls i remember moses for example moses knew from a very young age that he was called to be a deliverer for for israel um and therefore when he saw the egyptian doing the thing he he killed the man in other words he was using his own method to do the thing um he was called to be a liver he did something and by doing that he delivered he saved one israelite and i mean we know he had to flee into the wilderness and he had an encounter with god now when he had an encounter with god and god sent him back for the people that time he was able to give over two million people in other words it is possible for you to get some results by doing all the things that we spoke about putting up things and this and doing and stuff like this and doing stuff like that but nothing should override you having an encounter with god being in the prison of god so much being in prayer so much that your life is so effective um that when god sends you to do the particular work you're not just delivering one but delivering thousands of people because the presence of god is so much on you i think what we really need in this time as young people is a burden and every prophet in the old testament the bible would see the prophet the burden that the prophet did see there's a reason that verse is that because should be told um we can try to employ all of these methods and and they are very good and we should be wise and we should do this but never let us underestimate where the true victory comes from it comes from your prayer life it comes from you spending time in the presence of god because of you having an encounter with the king and therefore you might be able to get some things by doing your way but you will get the best results when you have any contact with god's way so that's my last word get a hunk and a burden for the things i've got and trust me but it's going to usually do effective work in the kingdom of god let me close by saying one thing um i remember when i and i i think i mentioned this when i went to africa somebody talk about having a desire if you realize you don't have a desire for the things of god acknowledge where you are you know i said god this is where i'm at and i want this you know when i went to africa and there was a man who was supposed to meet us one of the pastors and we were on our way we left took us two days from nairobi to tanzania two days driving he's today at the bus stop waiting for us for two days because he would not have left without we coming with the word for him none of us as jamaicans would have done that i remember we're going to two churches in rich valley one at nine o'clock and the other one was 12 o'clock in the night when he started to reach these churches and when we used to this prince was still packed and i was like in jamaica i would look at that past the king i was saying in jamaica foreign but these people wanted the word and when i looked at it i left different because i was saying god do i really hunger to the word so valuable like these people are seeing this i remember when we bought the bible for them in tanzania it was like we gave them a million dollars they were so happy with that we give them the best thing in the world some of the things that we have we take for granted i'm saying god you have the comfort of your home you have all of these things let us make use of it not ask us to really go some burden that we can't in another times in prayer spit out the prison of god and we can become effective that we should be in the 21st century new method exists but some old ones we can't remove and those old ones are the real roots root ones prayer fasting and beating the word and that's what what is going to give the results in this time god bless and i'd say what a perfect way to close it yes many methods yes build relationships yes use social media yes but in the at the end of the day per must also form a basis of whole we undertake to evangelize to our young people and even for young people to also evangelize thank you to our panelists evangelist divas great brother jason brown minister andrew martin i think you did justice here tonight and we bless the lord for you and for your willingness and availability god bless you all at this time ella adrian admin over to you to close out the rest of the evening's proceedings thank you everyone for staying with us even though we're a little bit over time uh but thank you nonetheless and we do hope that you would have garnered some really good tips from the session this evening and that if you had not been have not been able to take as much notes that you can go back to our youtube channel and revisit our discussion this evening so elder admin over to you at this time wow wow wow what a session what a powerful session this was tonight hallelujah to god somebody unmute your mind can just give the lord a praise in the house come on come on right where you are [Music] we did hear from the lord tonight oh yeah to god we didn't have a preaching session but i tell you these were powerful words these were powerful thoughts shares shared these were powerful testimonies yes there was a question in the group sister davia yes i think someone had mentioned what if it is that you do all of these strategies and years after the young person still leave i think i saw that yes um while we were having the discussion go ahead you may want to add your thoughts on that before we the methods that we're talking about today would be applicable to the 21st century for the most part nevertheless not the 21st century and any other century we seek to win souls for the kingdom there are times where we apply strategies they may work they may not work it is god that does the saving ultimately what is required of us is that we do all that we can as i said to be change agents persons may respond persons may not respond if persons do walk away from the lord it is the lord that they have walked away from and it may be for varying reasons which may be outside of any evangelical method because us talking about these methods it's not as though we're saying these are the only things that will keep individuals and um as mr martin just mentioned and as i spoke about earlier a relationship with god trumps everything else and that is what is going to be critical ultimately even outside of what we discuss with social media and all of those ultimately it is a relationship with god it will keep anyone whether young or otherwise so that's really my response to the question which i understand the reason for the question though yes god bless god thank you missionary david scott great i want to take time out to thank uh sister samantha forbes wright for facilitating this session surely she must held it excellently with the right question with the right interactions i want to thank minister andrew martin for being both a presenter and a panelist and he did so ably as well as missionary david scott gray and brother jason brown right where you are i can't just see everyone just putting their hands together and clapping them this was a powerful powerful powerful specialist hallelujah thank you jesus bless god almighty and as well as i want to thank um bishop brown for uh just facilitating and supporting uh this session when i came to him during this month of evangelism and said we want to do this he said go ahead and truly the youth ministry has started off in the month of evangelism with a bang i see persons online saying they want part two i see um a lot of our members also online associate pastor marin scott passed the hill giving their um good wishes and members from far and wide and we want to give god glory and honor and we want to pray that our young people will continually have a passion and a desire to seek out for the lord i like the change agent i like the fact that people are willing to use the technology i like the fact that we even in the using the social media technology we ought to be grounded and rooted in god and so even tonight i want to present our young people before the lord hallelujah hallelujah even in this difficult space and in this difficult environment evangelism is everybody's business it's not a one size fits all but evangelism is needed and so young people get a passion for jesus go out and tell your friends go out and tell your neighbors find a way to evangelize about the kingdom of god and we'll be here we'll be pushing as we go through uh this year in trying to engage our young people even more to see how we can utilize those skills i enjoyed seeing mr andrew martin with the team you know finding ways to to use technology to evangelize and so we're going to be going out there and trying to see if we can get there right brother jason right sister davia indeed to see how we can actually just get better and better i'm going to be be invited missionary david scott grey just to pray as we close this session even to pray for our young people that we will develop boldness even that we would the spirit of fear would be removed and that in this 21st century we may have a spirit to serve the lord our hunger and assertion after him and just evangelize and tell somebody about jesus go ahead missionary david scott great hallelujah lord we just want to glorify your name we praise you in all things we just want to lift you on high because you are great and great to be praised lord even as we're about to close this session we want to thank you for how you have led us we pray father that you have found pleasure in all that we have discussed lord we thank you for the young persons who may have participated by listening but we pray that the seeds were seeds that will find good grown that they will find root grow and germinate and bring forth fruit lord once more we come against a spirit of fear that may abide in the hearts of our young people we come against all the things that will seek to hinder them all the apprehensions in their spirits and in their minds that will cause them not to share such a powerful blessing such a powerful gift the gift of salvation hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and so father even tonight we come against the plan of the adversary to hold them captive to hold them bound mighty god to imprison them from manifesting the giftings and callings that are in them and lord even as we wait souls wait to receive you in their hearts and minds wait upon these young persons to deliver that powerful word and message in whatever form and fashion you so design we thank you lord for the changes you will make through these change agents we thank you lord for the encouragement that you have brought to their hearts tonight and we pray mighty god for those of us those to be mentors and coaches to lift their spirits to let them know that they are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they can even ask think or imagine and within them is purpose we thank you lord for hearing and answering all our prayers tonight we thank you that you will dismiss us to your choices blessings and thank you once more for bringing us together in this fashion we thank you for all those who joined whether on youtube or even in this room continue to bless us mighty god through these avenues and may we utilize them to give glory and honor to your name and your name alone in jesus name hallelujah in jesus name somebody open your mind and shout in jesus name hallelujah jesus name yes lord thank you jesus god bless you mr davis great god bless you everyone thank you for joining us whether you are on our youtube or facebook or zoom platforms the lord bless you please do look out for our notifications going out our session that is expected to come by sunday we give god thanks even now lift let's lift our hands for the blessing the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift the light of his countenance upon you and give you speech shallow peace be unto you i bless you all in the name of jesus christ god bless you all in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus go ahead media team and take us out with a song in jesus name [Music]
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 55sec (8875 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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