BUC Stony Hill - Youth Convention 2021 - Night 4 - Missy. Keshawna Ferguson - 18/03/21

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spending five minutes in per we want to welcome everyone tonight to our fourth night of youth uh convention 2021 we would like to spend the next five minutes in purse so right where you are i want to pray for for the lord to the lord to bless us again tonight to let his spirit uh saturate our homes that souls will be delivered uh be saved and those who are sick will be healed so let us all pray right now everybody on mutual mics and mutual methods i'll pray in the name of jesus please unmute and pray along with me in jesus name hallelujah holy um jesus community [Music] foreign [Music] them so jesus foreign is i sacrifices the young people there the youth committee father bless your people tonight as we all god give you the glory for thine is a kingdom the power and the glory oh hallelujah all glory all majesty all power dominion great god belong to you dear father let no flesh no self glory in your presence tonight hallelujah because you are the supreme god ancient of days be with us now in jesus name in jesus name and we all see this prayer by saying in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah worship god together tonight oh hallelujah glory welcome to the fortnight of our youth convention 2021 it's my delight to present to you a moderator for tonight receives to samantha wright as we proceed in jesus name unmute and proceed amen amen we bless the name of the lord everybody let's just hallelujah in a mode of worship hallelujah truly the lord is good can we do our hands you know just continue to praise the name of the lord hallelujah we give him glory we give him honor we extol him we exalt him for truly tonight he is worthy to be praised and he has been a good god hallelujah we bless the lord tonight as bishop said it's our fourth night and we give god praise for having brought us this far we're gonna continue our even evening's worship and we are gonna sing tonight the hymn all hail the power of jesus name please sing with me clap your hands worship in your homes as we bring the power of the lord in our homes in our communities in our countries if you're at work and you have a little space in your workspace we pray for god's kingdom come amen hallelujah all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostitute full bring forth hallelujah the royal holy ghost die a damn and crown him crown him [Music] he chose and seed of israel's race he ransomed from the fall heal him who saves you by his grace and crown him crown him crown him ground him [Music] hallelujah clap your hands together let us cry [Music] oh let us crown team let every kin dread every tribe on this terrorist trouble to him all my justice [Music] him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] is hallelujah let us crown him hallelujah we glorify him [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we give him praise tonight hallelujah in our homes that has become his place of worship his places of worship amen we glorify god this mor this evening at this time we're gonna go down in our prayer segment amen and sister anne hazard is gonna take us to the throne of grace at this time sister anne over to you in jesus name bless your sister samantha praise the lord everybody let's bow our heads in worship father we thank you for your love and your kindness we thank you that you're an awesome god we look to you god almighty as we come in tonight on our fortnight to worship you god we pray that your presence will fill our hearts tonight we pray god almighty that we will not just come to look but god will come to worship we will come to magnify your name oh god almighty i pray that your hand of anointing will rest upon your moderator tonight as she worships as she leads us into worship lord god we pray that you sit upon her we pray our lord god almighty that you bless the tonight's service bless every aspect of the service we pray or bless the singers we pray god you'll bless the speaker lord god as she continues to prepare herself to come in to speak thus said the lord we pray o god almighty that you will bless her we pray as we worship god that our you will give us receptive hearts receptive spirits lord god to hear the word of god and to apply it to our hearts we pray especially for the backsliders we pray for the unsaved we pray for those that are not feel lord god that we who are filled and we who are wha your servants lord god will lift up our praise in your house lord god that the spirit of the lord will move through the airways and lord god the presence of the lord will be so rich oh god that those that are not filled lord god will be so empowered will be so annoyed we'll feel that anointing coming forth lord god that they will lift up hands and hearts and worship and receive the gift of the holy ghost we pray o god almighty that you just move in a mighty way move through our households lord god move in our communi communities move in lord god in a mighty way that the lord god your name will be honored and glorified oh god and you will receive the glory at the end of this service we pray for our lives to be transformed we pray for our spirit souls and heart to be filled we pray oh lord for backslide us to return we pray oh god that person's will be convicted so convicted lord god that they will yield to you tonight we pray in the name of jesus that you will do exceeding abundantly above that which we are able to ask i think have your own way lord god bless us as we worship you and we look to you and we give you the glory and the honor and the praise in jesus name hallelujah to god the same on youtube thank you jesus hallelujah we continue in worship in everything we do this evening in worship amen we're going to go and we're going to go down into the word of the lord amen ask brother andre edmond jr to come and read thus this evening it's taken from first kings chapter 18 from verses 41 to 46 that's first kings chapter 18 verses 41 to 46 and this will be read by brother andre admin jr best lord everybody praise god the scripture listen to be taken from first kings 18 verses 41-46 andre and elijah said unto ahab get thee up and eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain so ahab went up to eat and drink and elijah went up to the top of caramel and he cast himself onto the earth and put his face between his knees and said to his servant god up no go up now look for look for look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said no other than seven times and it came to pass that the seventh time that he said behold there arises a little cloud off of the sea like a man's hand and he said go up see to have prepare the chariot and get thee down the rain stopped thee not and they kept the pass in the meanwhile that the heaven was black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and hit an ahab road and went to jezreel and the hand of the lord was on elijah and he he guarded up his loins and ran before ahab to the entrance of jezreel here in the portion of god's holy word amen god bless amen brother andre god bless you for that beautiful reading amen we thank the lord for his word tonight now we're gonna continue with a few lively choruses in your homes clap your hands worship the lord in the beauty of holiness amen brethren hallelujah i want to revive violin my soul i want a revive violin my soul i must apply to the blood of jesus to get my soul i must apply to the blood of jesus to get a revive fall in my soul i want a revive violin in my soul i want a revive violin in my soul i must apply to the blood of jesus and [Music] rain [Music] it's coming down down down it's coming down oh when the glory of the lord is coming down when the face begins to pray and the lord shall have his word and the glory of the lord is coming down it's coming down down down it's coming down when the glory of the lord is coming down when the saints begin to pray and the lord shall have his way and the glory of the lord is coming down it's coming down and down it's coming down when the glory of the lord is coming down when the saints begin to pray and the lord shall have his will then the glory of the lord is coming down something in my heart like a stream running down it makes me feel so happy as happy as can be when i think of jesus and what he has done for me there is something in my heart like a stream running down something's in my heart like a stream running down it makes me feel so happy happy asking me for when i think of jesus and what he has done for me there is something in my heart like a stream running down some things in my heart like a stream running down it makes me feel so happy and happy yeah when i think of jesus and what he has got for me there is something in my heart like a stream running down jesus name so sweet emmanuel name so sweet jesus name so sweet emmanuel name so sweet every time i talk about jesus jesus name so sweet every time i talk about jesus jesus name so sweet jesus name so sweet emmanuel that named so sweet emmanuel name so sweet for every time i talk about jesus jesus name so sweet every time i talk about jesus jesus name so sweet jesus name so sweet emmanuel's name so sweet jesus christ for every time i talk about jesus his name is so sweet every time i talk about jesus jesus name so sweet hallelujah [Music] hallelujah oh oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes hallelujah we serve our magnificent god serve our glorious god yes hallelujah bless lord yes holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah tonight we're gonna move on tonight in our agenda or our service items amen we're gonna ask sister sharika higgins she's gonna come with her youth share tonight amen sister sharika unmute your mic share your video and go ahead and i just continue in worship amen as she shares with us in jesus name hallelujah what a mighty god we serve tonight hallelujah i'm doing the youth share today and i'll be sharing on the topic for the week it's shifting there is a sound of abundance of rain hallelujah praise the name of jesus now for the youth share tonight i'll be expounding a little on the prophet elijah prays the name of jesus now we know that elijah is a powerful prophet and he is a king disturber praise the name of jesus but tonight we know that he disturbed the the king ahab but i'll be sharing about how he disturbed the other king a a dire praise the name of jesus as i expound on the topic glory to god now was a son praise the name of jesus and he fell off a lattice in his root in the upper chamber when the moabites attacked israel you see i've been doing my study on the book of kings and i found out that not even one king of israel helped worship the true and real god all every single one of them worship either they all are the god of uh jerobo ham which was the first king of israel after the kingdom split into praise the name of jesus so a hazard decided to go to to send his servants to ekron to find out from the god of the bells above whether he shall heal from a disease yes or no when he fell off the up when he fell out of his chamber and got sick so elijah the king disrupter went to him and said hey isaiah is it not because there is a god in israel while you are sending your men to akron to find out from the god of the house above you will die tonight praise the lord so hey as i have sent uh captains of 50 with their 50 after elijah and elijah said when the first captain of 50 with his 50 said to him man of god the king had said to come down elijah said if i be a man of god and that is the word that i want to lay in your spirits tonight if i be a man of god praise the name of jesus if i be a man of god that is something that we have to ask ourselves before we can really and truly expect to get the rain yes it is shifting the rain is coming but am i a man of god if i be a man of god elijah said then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty and fire came down from heaven and consumed the captain of 50 with his 50 people of god when you are a man of god nothing or no one can stop you so after fire came down from heaven the second year tina fifty went with his fifty and said man of god the king had said calm down quickly elijah again said if i be a man of god amen if i be a man of god the book of isaiah chapter 8 verse 5 said oh samaria thy cow has cast thee up my anger is kindle against them all long will it be earth thou attain to innocent people if i am man of god means i am a man without anything to cause god to be cast up praise the name of jesus isaiah also said oh ephraim what shall i do unto thee o judah what shall i do unto thee for your goodness as the morning cloud and as the early do it go it away but tonight if i be a man of god then i am a man that has no morning dew spirit a man of god meaning that god is first order mean god is first and everything and everyone else is second god is first everything and everyone else second so elijah said if i be a man of god if i be a man of god if i be a man of god then let fire come down from heaven oh yes and fire came down from heaven and consumed the second captain of 50 with his 50 the third captain of 50 with his 50 realized what was going on so he went up and bought himself to elijah and said man of god let my life be precious in thy sight let me and my fifty let our life be precious in thy sight when you are a true man of god people must recognize that you are to think of them as being important so we are working tonight after the elijah order the order if i be a true man of god nothing can stop me if i be a true god then when the wicked come up fire will come down from heaven as i speak and consume every demon with their horse praise the name of jesus elijah was such a man of god that in first kings chapter 18 when he knelt to the ground with his head on between his knees he was able to tell his servant the exact amount of time he had to look before the rain came the exact amount of time because there will always be a time i teach science and i know that before precipitation we have to have evaporation during the water cycle rain don't just come like that water must first leave the ground and enter the hallelujah teacher but elijah was able to tell how long evaporation will take place before you have precipitation am i a man of god glory to god tonight that is my five minutes in the name of jesus christ of nazareth bless you hallelujah amen amen hallelujah and we continue to pray your strength as you continue to give yourself into the study of the word amen we thank god for the young people who are rising up and we pray that they'll continue to sit at the feet of the lord if i be a man of god amen which i think aligns so much with a war that sister cheryl said last night that we must be in alignment with god in order to be a catalyst for him what a mighty word god bless you sister sharika amen we're gonna go into our tithe and offering yes as we give in our worship we're also giving our tithe and offering amen and tonight is no less uh we're gonna ask you if wherever you're from if you feel led in your spirit to give to this ministry to open up your purse do so if the lord leads you to give a particular amount we're gonna ask you to do so tonight amen if you are from stony hill and its environs and you can visit the church's office it's open on a tuesday through to a friday amen nine to three so you can visit or you can give via or bank details that are being shared on the screen amen so give and i am sure the lord will pour out his blessings upon you amen once we give with a willing heart so at this time we're gonna pray that those who will give that the lord will bless amen let us all bow our heads at this time lord we honor you we bless you we give you praise and glory we thank you for your goodness we thank you god for your hand that rests upon your people we thank you for your abundance we thank you for your abundant releases we thank you lord for this opportunity tonight and as we're at this part mighty god where persons are going into their purse into their bank accounts oh god or even in their minds saying to themselves this is what i'm gonna give or those mighty god who you are speaking to to give a particular amount to this ministry father god i pray in the name of jesus that you're blessed the tithe and the offering that will be given in this service we ask mighty god that as it be put to the furtherance of your ministry that god the hands of those who give their houses oh god will continue to be blessed that their pockets will continue to be blessed in the name of jesus those who need a special blessing father god i pray that you'll open doors and avenues in the name of jesus christ of nazareth like the widow god some might be giving their last and so mighty god i pray god for an extra special pouring out and blessing we ask that that you will sanctify to your service these financial offerings as we give you glory and praise tonight and we say thank you jesus amen to all those who would have given to the ministry god bless you god continue to shine upon you amen praise god give the lord i praise in your houses amen the house is of the lord the lord has many temples amen and we give him praise we give him glory at this time i'm gonna take myself out of the way and i'm gonna hand over the rest of our evening service to our associate pastor elder elder adrian adman who will continue with the rest open your mics and just show to hallelujah and give the lord a praise as he comes in jesus christ hallelujah yes lord thank you jesus hallelujah the wind is blowing again the wind is blowing again just like the day of pentecost the wind is blowing again i feel like saying that one more time the wind is blowing again the wind is blowing again just like the day of pentecost the wind is blowing again just unmute your mic one more time and just shout hallelujah [Applause] in the atmosphere hallelujah to god it's shifting it's shifting if you're on zoom just type it's shifting if you're if you're on youtube type it's shifting there is a sound of abundance of rain hallelujah god bless you beloved thank you jesus i greet you all in the precious and exalted name of jesus to our bishop and pastor bishop devon charles brown and his lovely wife lady janet brown god bless you we greet you in the powerful and exalted name of jesus to my fellow associate pastor elder mark brown and his wife god bless you as well to my wife missionary kathy admin god bless you as well in the name of jesus too our associate pastor and the death for minister marion scott god bless you as well to all our officers to all our saints to all our victim friend accept holy greetings in the powerful and exalted name of jesus for those who have joined us on zoom and on youtube hallelujah to god welcome welcome to bethel to all the young people on the line young people are new to your mic and just give the lord a strong praise god bless you young people god bless you to our youth president mr gavin linton and the team hallelujah even online just put your hands together for them hallelujah to god the team doing a wonderful job in the name of jesus tonight we give god thanks for his mercies towards us for the blessing that he has afforded us we are we are in day in night number four and we have had a wonderful time in the lord we have had anointed singing anointed ministry we had uh elder lincoln brian speaking to our hearts on monday night telling us to go up to the mountain on tuesday night we had minister roman so on telling us hallelujah to god that there needs to be a sifting before the shifting and last night my god we had a powerful woman of god evangelist cheryl carley telling us to operate in the end time anointing and tonight promises no less we have dr keshana ferguson in the house hallelujah to god and i feel the anointing of god already in this place bless god time is far spent and we have some some of our sister churches who have joined us online some of the youth who are who have joined us we have with us blessed god the youth presidents and president and saints from angelo's sister stacy austin as well as the northern district vice president sister patrice edwards she's from west prospect i'm gonna invite them to come in that order and to just bring their greetings in jesus name shall we press the lord everybody lord bless the lord truly tonight it's a privilege and honor to greet you all in the mighty name of jesus certainly tonight i can testify that my god is my shield he's my buckler and present help in troubled times tonight i just want to greet the pastor our island bishop devin charles brown god bless you sir to your wife and family to all the ministers on this platform bethel stonehill saints god bless you and all the saints all the bridging from bethel extended i greet you all in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah tonight i can stand here and say i've been truly blessed by the word put forth from the previous night so tonight i just want to encourage you keep on praying keep on trusting god no matter what you're going through let us be an elijah in our situation and say do you hear that abundance of rain coming do you see the cloud no matter what the situation may be no matter whatever your situation is let us speak in our situation because we know that our god is well able he is well able to keep us from falling his promises are sure hallelujah i may not know what your situation is but do you hear your restoration coming do you hear your restoration coming in your health or your finance all right encouraging you all keep on fighting that good fight of faith be encouraged god bless you all in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah god bless you sister stacy sister patricia worship the lord everybody hallelujah shall praise the lord i want to give the lord a great praise i want to give him honor i want to give him glory because he truly is the end of my life i want to greet those who are here tonight i want to agree with our bishop i want to greet those who are ministers all of you in a wonderful name of jesus i want to greet you in the marchless name of jesus the name that saves the name that keeps the name that satisfies the name that when we call upon him it changes things the name when we call upon him demons tremble demon will flee at the name of jesus i want to come today and tonight and give you an encouragement that no matter what the circumstances are push through the situation push through praying and and calling upon god push through no matter what may in our way what no matter what the black blockages are push through because at the end of every dark cloud there is sunshine there is going to be a bright light to shine to and so we can testify and let the world know that we serve a true and living god a god that never leaves us nor forsake us he said if we just call upon him lord he said if we just call upon him he'll never never leave us alone he said he'll never leave us in our valleys and even when we're up on the mountain you'll never leave us when we watch you and even serpents come to harm us we it's it cannot harm us we'll shrug upon serpents we'll shout upon serpents and scorpions anything from against we plead the blood of jesus and we call upon the name even when it's dark and dismal we call upon him and you pray my strength in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah just unmute him i can give the lord a praise my god [Music] [Music] hallelujah i'm enjoying the the testimony shared i'm enjoying the words spoken by young people i'm enjoying the worship hallelujah to god in this beautiful atmosphere thank you president in this beautiful atmosphere i must decrease and bring to this holy convention our bishop and pastor bishop levin charles brown and the holy ghost and mutin mike and greet him with a hallelujah in jesus name hallelujah lord hallelujah thank you hallelujah hallelujah all hail the name of jesus we hail jesus tonight we magnify jesus tonight we glorify jesus tonight we lift up jesus tonight hallelujah his name is great and greater to be praised glory to the most high god right where you are just join with me let us as a people lift up the name of [Applause] jesus hallelujah god bless you tonight we're certainly glad we are delighted to be back amen in the house of god in our respective homes as we continue yes our youth convention 2021 god has been blessing us and we thank him for his presence and for what he is doing amen in our midst all glory all honor all majesty belong to our lord and savior jesus christ so welcome and greetings extend to your pastoral welcome amen in jesus name we are so thankful to god for his goodness and his mercies and for his kindness god bless you samantha rightfully not so powerful tonight we appreciate you in jesus name i greet my wife family lady janet brown praise god god bless the lady janet youthland amen we give you thanks for you to all our associate pastors their wives god bless you we agreed in jesus name to embed minister maureen scott yes uh such a past in a diaspora amen reaching our members on that side amen across the various countries god bless you minister marin scott we greet you well in jesus name to our officers to all our members and to our new converts again i want to our new converts i welcome you new converts to your very first uh youth uh convention many would have gotten saved since the last one and we thank god for you we trust you i've been blessed we trust you're enjoying yourself in the lord over the last three nights praise god almighty to our youth committee i agree to you i salute you in jesus name god bless you real good amen minister gavin linton and the wonderful young people who comprises our youth exit in stonehill gardens to all those who have joined us online amen we have so many persons over there on youtube coming to us from across jamaica the wider caribbean and of course in the diaspora god bless you bishops god bless you pastors god bless you visitors god bless you members yes we salute you because you're a part of this global even worship tonight and we thank god for you those of you in england yes we have some persons in in london lord jesus hallelujah in birmingham glory to god god bless you we greet you well to those in america from fort lauderdale to atlanta to to new york to new jersey we greet you well also in jesus name also those in canada toronto we bless you we welcome you and greet you and we salute you we magnify god for you you've joined us and we give god thanks to god be the glory and to all those across jamaica we have the bethel family with us tonight so great to hear from sister austin in onslow amen saint elizabeth god bless you lady austin we welcome you and we greet you amen we have amen darling in the house we have put more on the house praise god we have west prospecting in the house we have daytona in the house we have a leopard in the house we have gold in the house we have our tail in the house temple in the house my god my savior we want to thank god come on clapping hands to the bethel family clap your hands for the bethel family tonight what closing the house praise god god bless you bethel family welcome you and we just want to thank you for your support and for your prayers to our speakers we greet you well and the lincoln brand with up with us again and his family and kind of minister so on with us also god bless you and evangelist calling we greet all three of you in jesus name thank you for gracing us with your presence and allowing god to speak through you and into our hearts to god be the glory praise god just to remind you uh that we not only we're here to sing and to preach and to and to him and have a good time we have objectives him in an object among them is to reach the backsliders and to reach don't save and to pray for those who are unfilled the holy ghost and i met with the youth executive i ensured that we put plans in place amen to to reach him and the unreached so we have arranging amen to have record rooms we we opened last night even 20 brokered rooms praise god to have individuals a mentor personalized amen contact with our visitors and of those 20 rooms we had even 14 amen been occupied amen 14 prayer warriors counselors ministered amen to a number of backsliders yes a number of persons were who are not saved and the reports i'm getting they're very encouraging even what god is doing in these record rooms so i want you to pray that god will just use these amen counselors and all the workers as they meet the urging as they meet those who are filled in his broken rooms as a minister of them praise god because we want to reach amen the pandemonium stop us from reaching those who are not saved those were unfilled so we are believing god tonight that even as they as those that fill into those rooms the power of god will come down and fill them with speak with new tongues as a spirit of god gives utterance hallelujah we are praying we are believing god because he's moving amen by his spirit god bless you just take a minute or two amen and share the link amen praise god with a friend right now a man with a backslider with a a sister a brother right now right when you are sure the link amen and invite them to come on in wherever they are in the world praise god to our youth convention 20 21 praise god almighty to god be the glory great things he hath done amen it is shifting it is shifting in the cloud that the servant saw even was an indication the drought was over even indication that a shifting was taking place and i believe in my spirit although we're in a pandemic halo bashander i believe amen things have been shifted in the heavenlies hallelujah there's about to be a revival because people are praying 24 7. even we are seeking god from the full sentence and i believe that god is about to do something miraculous hallelujah there's going to be shifting into revival yes i've shifted into into into the the restoration of god's people i've filtered my spirit so i i mean i believe that there's a shift in taking place there's about to be an abundance of rain even tight even right now shifting praise the lord amen declare it in your spirit shifting if you unzoom amen type shifting on the youtube type shifting hallelujah amen because the sign is there the cloud is there even things things are about to change in the atmosphere the rain is about to fall hallelujah amen to god be the glorious and neutral max right now even in the zoom platform and just say hallelujah [Music] we thank god for you praise god almighty praise god almighty amen mr murray scott amen say something quickly in jesus name hallelujah praise the lord praise him yes greeting bishop lady brown and all the executives of the youth department ministers and everyone what a wonderful time we are believing bless god almighty the convocation bless god of youth internationally and tonight i am just blessed i am truly blessed and as i think about um elijah's coming the servant to to look seven times you know the word came to me that we every sunday morning we we read psalms 27 and at the last word he said wait on the lord all right and he shall strengthen thine heart beloved evil when we don't see the clouds coming if we don't see like the rain is gonna fall let us wait firefully let us be persistent as the preacher said let us not be wearing what we do because we know that when the lord promised something he is going to come follow us let us trust him because god never go back and his word he never failed just keep prayerfully waiting on him god bless you god bless you i pray tonight for souls right tonight for the holy spirit to fall in the name of jesus tonight i just want somebody to say yes i just want to hear somebody speak in another tongue in the name of jesus and tonight i just bless god for all the speakers i bless god for all you all god bless you in jesus name allah bless you amen so the pastor mark brown just bring us a greeting in jesus name go ahead elder mark brown bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah good to see you bishop into my fellow associate pastor pastors officers all the virgin online hallelujah tonight i just feel the vibration in the house something is about to happen tonight yes sir to somebody prepare your vessels prepare business it's gonna rain it's gonna rain i can feel the presence of the lord hovering over us hallelujah he's here to bless he's gonna show up you know shove it out tonight god bless your shifting taking place hallelujah hallelujah god bless you lamar brown you're you're i see you're in the bethel sanctuary amen and brooks everywhere god bless you man thank you jesus praise god tonight well we're so delighted to have with us tonight a man a wonderful woman of god woman who has been called even consecrated she is from an apostolic family rooted apostolic her father is a bishop her mother even has been a long standing missionary i've known her from knowledge from from i was a little boy in short pants amen praise god amen i like to see her mother play the tambourine my god almighty wonderful worship leader and our speaker tonight praise god is herself a worship leader a teacher a preacher amen a wonderful woman of god amen she's a bethel baby amen a daughter in serving currently in bethel i mean she's married to elder uh professor troy ferguson and both of them have two wonderful children i even want to thank god for speaking tonight our speaker tonight is amen missionary doctor keshana ferguson we bless god for her and before she comes amen to minister and invite amen evangelist david scott gray amen to do the ceremonial rendition right after her the next verse will be that of our speaker missionary doctor keshawna ferguson god bless your stinker and let god speak to you and speak to us god bless over to you evangelists great god bless you saints of god greetings in the mighty name of jesus if you are feeling the presence of the lord tonight just open your minds and just shout hallelujah god is with us and as we wait for the word we'll just share hallelujah in song in jesus name i've seen the i felt breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul but i heard the voice of my savior telling me still to fight on oh he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone [Applause] the world's fierce wings are blown temptation sharp and keen but i feel a peace in knowing my savior stands in between he stands to shield me from danger when earthly friends are gone oh he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone [Music] he brought never to leave me never to leave me alone oh no never alone no never alone oh he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone [Music] life is like a mountain railroad with an engineer that's brave we must make the run successful from the greater to the grave watch the curves that fills the tunnel never fall turn never fail hallelujah keep your hand upon the truth and your eyes upon the rail upgrades of trial you will cross the bridge of life see that christ is your conductor on this line in train of life always mind full of obstruction do your duty never fail keep your hand hallelujah upon the trottle yes lord and your eyes upon the rail oh bless us holy ghost will guide us just wait to join us oh win that praise forever [Music] [Music] just wait to join us in the praise forevermore hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh just go ahead and lift him up just go ahead and adore him just go ahead and magnify him just go ahead yes we continue in worship oh and we call that name jesus hallelujah jesus jesus jesus yes about that name of the savior jesus hallelujah oh yes all over praise god this platform just go ahead and adore him just go ahead and just go ahead and start him oh my god he is worthy to be praised he is worthy hallelujah beautiful beautiful god we love you god we adore your god be magnifier jesus jesus somebody there is something the name hallelujah savior jesus like a fragrance after the rain in the summer's fairy god jesus jesus jesus let all heaven and earth proclaim kings and kingdoms they will all pass away but there is just something about there is something about somebody called that name there is something about the name we are calling on the name of jesus tonight we are keeping our hand on the trotter tonight because we know that with him we are never alone oh thank you jesus sister david thank you so much we are not alone tonight we are not alone tonight he is with us thank you jesus we adore you we are magnifying you tonight we are lifting you up tonight because you are worthy tonight i greet you all in the name of jesus hallelujah bishop devon charles brown lady janet brown i greet you tonight my god i give god thanks for you and for how my god god is leading you and you've just been obedient and you've just continued to shepherd the people of god you've just continued to lead us and to support and to encourage us as young people we just thank you for your leadership thank you for the way in which you are allowing god to lead you and as we seek to follow you as you follow christ god bless you sir and mom god bless praise god all the associate pastors and their respective uh spouses tonight god bless you ministers of this great gospel praise god youth leaders moderator praise god everyone tonight i greet you all the visiting saints i greet you in jesus name praise god also just want to greet my husband elder trevor ferguson bless god even as he's here in support tonight god bless you all it is good to be in the presence of god we give god thanks praise god for what he has done even for this meeting so far how he has led oh my god the presence of the lord is is here it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here hallelujah sister samantha god bless you oh beautiful worship hallelujah god bless you god bless you sister sharika oh my god i'm i'm listening out to hear you praise god even as you will be one of the preachers one of these days i'll be sitting down and just listening to you my god in the word of god that was powerful wasn't it powerful praise god even yes god bless you god bless you god bless you tonight it's shifting there is a sound of abundance of rain hallelujah that's a general theme and we just want to thank god for this theme praise god bishop you have told us to get on with it and we are getting on with it bishop we are getting on with it praise god because there's a place that some people have been in long enough there's a place that we've been in long enough praise god and there are some people who need to get out of the place and get to another place so somebody got a shift somebody's got to shift there are different kinds of shift tonight but somebody's got a shift uh well we're not in church i tell you to turn to the person beside you and tell them the season is changing the season is changing hallelujah something new and powerful is coming your way but guess what it requires a change it requires a shifting you can't stay where you are and get that you gotta move to somewhere else the rain is gonna fall but not where you are you gotta move to the place here it is got to shift praise god your goddess ship because the season is changing even as we look at the scripture tonight um the context of the scripture tonight uh in in first kings 18 we see where elijah praise god went to minister to ahab we read from verse 40 down to 46 and at that point in the scriptures we saw where he said there's a sound of abundance of rain and he sent his servant to go look while he was praying now we recognize that before elijah was able to declare that there is a sound of abundance of rain some shifting had to take place before some moving had to take place before some things had to change praise god you see there was something that led to the state of drought that the children of israel were experiencing and in order to get out of that state some things needed to change some things needed to shift back into place my god some things have shifted out of place and they need to shift back into place so even tonight as we talk about shifting there are some things that need to shift back into place there are some things that need to change there is a sound of abundance of rain but it's coming tonight with some things that need to change somebody tonight needs to get back in place somebody tonight needs to get back into your rightful place something is out of place and something needs to shift something needs to change something different needs to happen in order for you to experience the rain now one of the first things that needed to happen was that there was need for a renewed mindset a renewed mindset in verse 18 of first kings 18 we saw where ahab tried to blame elijah he said to elijah are you the one that has caused the trouble upon us praise god verse 17 ahab saw elijah and ahab said unto him art thou he that trump let israel so ahab was trying to blame elijah for the situation that israel was in the drought that was upon the land for over three years my god can i say to somebody tonight stop passing the blame for your situation stop passing the blame for your situation you are in it there's something you have to do about it there is something you have to do about it or there was something that you have to do with it so stop passing the blame elijah set the record straight he said i have not troubled israel but thou and thy father's house and that he have forsaken the commandments of the lord and there has followed bailly king haha and the people needed to understand that they had made some choices that were wrong they had turned to other gods they had not loved the lord their god with all their heart with all their soul with all their mind and their strength as they were commanded to do in deuteronomy 6 and verse 5 their focus and their attention was on other things other gods and tonight the question becomes what has become your god other things which had become their gods had their attention had their heart had their focus my god one might not be an outright be a worshiper like israel but one could be like the church of ephesus that the scripture tells us about in revelations 2 they were doing some good things they recommended yes man they had the spirit that could see and they could determine if people were evil and if people were saying they were apostles and are not they were doing all of that but they were still not completely in line with god's will because they had left their first love my god what have you loved what have you been paying attention to focused on giving your heart to that is not god what has become more important to you than god's will there has got to be a shifting in the object of our love what has your attention what has your focus what has your time what has become your duty what has overtaken your thoughts and your emotions what have you accepted into your spirit if it is not god or of god then a shifting is necessary a change is necessary to get back in line so that you can hear and see and experience the abundance of rain hallelujah elijah said to the people after he had gathered them together on mount carmel we're still talking about a renewed mind in romans it tells us that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind there is a shifting that needs to take place in somebody's mind hallelujah elijah said to the people after he had gathered them together on mount carmel how long hearty between two opinions if the lord be god follow him but if bear then follow him my god you got to make up your mind about who or what it is that is important somebody got to make up their minds are you going to totally surrender to god's will god's ways god's thinking godly emotions godly expressions godly intentions godly actions you have to make a decision god can't be in some things but not in others god in some ways but not in others young people tonight you have to make a choice loving god is more than about a feeling it's a conscious commitment it's an intentional choice to love god no matter what just as in regular relationships loving has to move from the in love stage to a covenant love your love for god has to change from one cent and an emotions to a conscious decision to choose the love and to serve god giving him all of your being loving him with all your heart your body your soul and your mind regardless of my god tonight somebody's mind is shifting shifting towards covenant love shifting towards seeing things from god's perspective sifting towards accepting god's love shifting towards god's desires for your life let the children of israel one of the first things that need to happen is that there needs to be a realignment in our thinking our thinking needs to become realigned towards accepting that god's ways is best hallelujah somebody has been running you've been going your own way doing what you want to do how you want to do it thinking about the thing how you see it but you have to come back to god's way because your way is not working there's got to be a shifting in your mind a change in your thinking a re-alignment in your spirit with what god is saying what god is doing what god requires that's part of what he wants the night of realignment hallelujah some people are out of line there's a realignment that needs to take place as we said like with the children like with the people of ephesus yes they are doing some things but they were out of alignment because there was still something that was not matching up even as we sit in the presence of god tonight yes we are doing all the things that we are doing we are enjoying all that we are enjoying we are being all that we can be but are we lining up are we in line with what god wants even as i spoke on sunday uh as i looked at mary and i looked at martha both of them hallelujah were in jesus's present and martha was serving but she was not serving him doing all that she was doing and of course in her head she was being kind and nice and doing the things that you do my god to someone who comes to visit but you see when jesus is in your presence he wants a focus to be on him and what he desires and not giving him what we want because what we give or what we do might just not be lining up with what he wants he says there is a better thing a better part something else that mary was doing that would not be taken away from her a shifting needs to happen as we become re-aligned hallelujah to what god wants hallelujah we are busy serving we are busy doing we are busy being but are we in alignment so that we can see so that we can hear so that we can experience the rain hallelujah so tonight there needs to be a realignment of shifting in our minds in our spirits because god is saying yes you're doing all of this but there is something else there is something better there is something more that i desire and that i desire to give you but you got to get in alignment in order to see it in order to receive it in order to experience it somebody say to my god shift my mind god changed my mind god come into my mind thank you god for doing what you need to do in my mind there are some people whose minds are out of alignment because you're looking on the wrong thing you're looking on the wrong person you're looking on the situation not the way god sees it martha was concerned about all the busy work in the house but jesus was saying i want you to sit at my feet there's something i want to say to you there's something i want to give you there's something i want to put into your spirit there's something i want to put in your life there's something i want to change but hallelujah my feet it's not about what i'm doing it's not about what i'm saying it's not about what i have or what i think is important but it's about what god wants one thing here's one thing one thing one thing hallelujah for oh my god there's one thing that he desires one thing one thing that he desires from you one thing he decides in your thinking one thing it is what's that one thing hallelujah somebody need to shift somebody need to change there is something that needs to be different there's that one thing that better thing you think you're giving him something but he's saying no there's something more that you can give me there's something more that i desire of you because your focus is not what it ought to be you've been looking on the wrong thing hallelujah you've been focused on the wrong thing i don't know what your situation might be i don't know what you're going through i don't know what oh god you've been thinking i don't know what it is you've been experiencing but tonight somebody's focus is on the wrong thing it's on the wrong thing and there needs to be a realignment in our thoughts a realignment in our thinking in order that we can experience from god whatever it is that you are working with whatever it is that you are dealing with there needs to be a realignment in your thinking what you're seeing is not what it is what you're seeing is not what it is it's more than what you are seeing there is a spiritual eye hallelujah that you need to look for oh my god tonight somebody's eyes need to be opened we are praying that spiritual eyes be opened so that there will be a shifting in somebody's spirit they'll be a shifting in somebody's thought what you're looking at is not what it is my god that situation at work what you're looking on is not what it is that situation with your child what you're looking on is not what it is hallelujah that situation that's happening with your health what you're looking on is not what it is my god god is opening somebody's eyes tonight that you can understand and you can see what he is seeing you need to see it from his perspective there got to be a shifting in your vision a shifting in your thinking in order that you will experience what god wants you to experience because what you're looking at is not what it is hallelujah and tonight i would ask you what are you seeing what are you saying ask the lord to open your eyes so you can understand he says my ways are higher than your ways my thoughts my god are higher than your thoughts so tonight what you are seeing is not what it is you need a shifting somebody just gave god glory somebody just give god praise hallelujah so we can see it from god's perspective another thing in the shifty all of this happened before elijah was able to say there was what abundance a sound of abundance of rain before it is sound there are number of things some things that need to happen before the sound so there are some some realignment needs to take place in thoughts in what we see in our perspective some realignment needs to take place another thing that needs to happen even now as we look at this there has to be a radical move to destroy the things that have set themselves off that have taken preeminence in your thought and your life that's not of god hallelujah tonight yes sister there are some high things that had set themselves up against the lord in israel there were some temples there were some spirits there were some prophets who were not of god but guess what there has to be a radical move to destroy the things that have set themselves up that have taken preeminence in your thought and life that is not of god you gotta lay them on the altar of sacrifice so that the god who answers by fire can consume them there is a shifting something needs to be gotten rid of in your life there are some things my god that you've been hugging up and holding on to that need to die but you see you won't understand some of those things until first the realignment takes place that cause you now to see what god is seeing cause you to hear what god is saying and understand because it is when you come in alignment realignment with the will of god that you will see that there are some things around you that need to get out of the way there are some things around you that you need to deal with there are some things in your spirit that you need to deal with my god there is a sisera lying in your tent that you have to get radical draela you got to give him some milk instead of water put him to sleep my god and drive the nail of god into his ear onto the ground until he dies come on you have yours lord in your space yes lord kill it my god kill that that's not of god come on kill that relationship that's not of god give up that job or that activity that is not of god feel that plot against your life kill that plot against your children spirit of oppression my god destroy the spirit of depression come on kill me oh my god spirit of unforgiveness oh destroy that spirit of jealousy that spirit of rebellion come on stop harboring it the messenger of satan the prophet of belial in your life need to be destroyed there needs to be there are some things we gotta destroy so that we can hear the sound of abundance of rain hallelujah some people have been listening to and entertaining alive they all is live the prophets of bears were telling lies things that were not of god my god come on now come on though what are some of the things that baal has been telling some people what are some of the lies that we have been hearing and taken into our spirit come on now that sickness is not yours it's a lie come on the destruction is not yours my god is not yours the generation of personal issues is not yours the financial degradation is not yours the failure is not yours the negative things that they have been spewing at you at work is not yours hallelujah it might be lurking around you trying to attack you all up in your space all up in your face but it's not yours come on stop owning it let it go work in god's peace walk in god's joy walk in god's favor walk in god's righteousness it's not yours ah not yours we gotta destroy those bears those temple of bears those high things that have exalted themselves in our lives that we have taken on that we have held on to and that we got one mopping lord as some steer as this lord and in the name of jesus come on now we gotta change our speech we gotta change our scripture my god your child is not rude come on he's not a bad boy lord jesus your husband is not wicked come on in the name of jesus come on come on come on in the name of jesus stop entertaining the lies every time you open your mouth you are building that altar a little higher by the lies that you keep spewing don't stand and take part with baal now with the things that are not of god in the name of jesus somebody gotta get radical and kill them off not time to be nice and understanding anymore there's a shifting hallelujah this one has to go is there a giant in your life that giant has to die in jesus name right now we wear the sling with the stone in the name of jesus right into the forehead of that giant in the name of jesus come on call it call up that spirit name that spirit in the name of jesus come on you ain't gonna hear the sound of abundance of rain until you destroy all those prophets of baal that are speaking lies into your spirit that's causing you to deny the power of god and serve other things beside god hallelujah we cannot continue to be held captive by fear come again we are speaking against fear right now we are speaking against doubt right now we are speaking against the spirits of oppression right now we are speaking against hatred right now we are speaking against low self-esteem right now we are speaking against inferiority that overtaken someone right now we are speaking against those lying spirits that you have accepted it is not true we call them out and we renounce them tonight in the name of jesus there is a shifting we will know the truth and we will accept the truth of god in our lives and in our system tonight we are speaking the truth of god my god even in this atmosphere all over your houses just oh wherever you are come on start speaking the truth of god over those situations that you have been dealing with speaking the truth of god you know what you've been saying but you need to shift you need to change you need to speak different words you need to speak powerful words you need to create you are creators even through the words that you speak so we need to start creating some good things come on speak to your husband speak to your children speak to your job speak to your finances speak to your health my god speak to the neighbor who is troubling you speak to oh my god all those situations that are coming against you my god that boss who is dealing with in whatever way that job that you desire come on speak to the things what god is saying we are not accepting the negative the lies the things that are not true but in the name of jesus come on our mind belongs to god come and receive it your help belongs to god your body belongs to god our children be all hallelujah beloveds to god our wealth belongs to god our job belongs to god everything about us i am a shutter belongs to god somebody wanna dress up on that somebody wanna just receive that somebody wanna just let the devil know that what you're doing in me what you're doing in my mind i will not receive it because my mind belongs to god come on somebody just go ahead just go ahead and give god glory oh my god there is a shifting even as you receive and you speak the word of god and accepting your spirit a realignment in your spirit where you know it belongs to god and because it belongs to god no devil in hell my god is going to destroy you though they will try they will come against you but they will not prosper my god they will try but they will not prosper because you belong to god my god because after ah let me just say this to somebody right now let me just say this to somebody right now after sister david you have suffered a while god is gonna establish he's gonna strengthen he's gonna settle you somebody wanna receive that word tonight whatever you're going through after you have suffered a while just know that god is gonna establish he's gonna perfect he's gonna strengthen he's gonna sucker you somebody receive that tonight ah you have suffered a while my god he's perfecting he's establishing he's strengthened he's settling you so we let the devil know tonight that he is a liar in the name of jesus because it's shifting hmm it's only for a moment tonight it's only for a moment whatever it is it's only for a moment it's only for a moment after you have suffered a while my god he's fixing it he's shifting it he's shifting it he's changing it he's working it out oh my god somebody on the line tonight i hope you receive this word of god because god wants to do something in you god wants a change god wants to transform you god wants to let you know that it's not gonna remain this way forever once you get in line you get in line you gotta get in line you gotta get in line you gotta get in line you've got to get in line in jesus name before elijah could hear this sound masha of abundance of rain there was some shifting that had to take place before tonight somebody need to be realigned somebody need to kill something kill that thing that's coming up in your thoughts and in your spirit kill that thing that has been taking hold of you hold over you that cause you to feel you are who you are not cause you to say oh i am depressed i am oppressed i am in jesus name come on take it off yourself take it oh yeah my shutter take it off yourself take it off yourself you've put it on yourself by the words you have spoken take it off yourself in jesus name come on now renounce that thing in the name of jesus you are not what that is you are not what that is take it off your children take it off your husband take it off your job take it off of the things that god has given you in the name of jesus kill it it's gotten high but in the name of jesus we know the power of the god that we serve there's nothing too hard for him to do there's nothing too hard for him to do so for everybody on this line right now everybody in this forum right now we are speaking to the things that have established themselves in your life that's causing you to feel who you are not and causing you to do and to be who you are not according to the will of god in the name of jesus we are calling your mind into order right now we are calling somebody's health into order right now my shot that i'm also we are calling somebody's body into order right now in the name of jesus we are calling somebody's child or children into order we are calling somebody's finances into order we are calling somebody's job into order we are calling everything that belongs to the people of god into order somebody just go ahead in the name of jesus because we belong to god yes lord we belong to god in the name of jesus there's a shifting there's a shifting there's a shifting something has to change hallelujah and i just want to wrap up bless god now with this shifting there is a sound ah of abundance of rain anybody hearing that in your spirit anybody hearing that in your spirit it's gonna rain in your life the blessings and the glory of god will come down if you continue on the path of the shift you got to keep on the path keep on the path somebody tonight the lord is speaking to you there's a sinner there's a backslider who god is speaking to there's a saint who god is speaking to about some things that need to shift about some things that need to change that you need to go in a different trajectory he's speaking to you you need to keep on the path that is placing you on tonight if you come off that path you're gonna be in trouble ma if you come up that path you're going to be in trouble stay on the path god is putting you on the path god is talking you to you god is directing you towards a part stay on the path stay on the path your blessing is on this path somebody need to get on that path but there is something else to do to experience rain notice elijah said there is a sound of abundance of rain hallelujah you hear it in your spirit the sound of abundance of frame but let me tell somebody tonight the sound is not the rain the sound is not the rain my god don't let god mighty god lightning can flash and rain doesn't fall the sound is not the rain and that's where some people have gotten into problems yes they've gotten somewhere they've gotten some things and they've gotten happy with that they shift off the path and they don't get the rain don't be comfortable with the sound you need more than the sound you need the rain is somebody with me tonight you need the rain there needs to be a shift in now from us hallelujah it needs to be the shifting from this sound outpouring of the rain bishop god has told us yes we're gonna get people and people gonna be saved and all kind of things need to happen but i dare say we need to now move out of the place where we have got that sound and in our spirit we jump we need to experience the rain we need to see the abundance we need to see them coming in we need to see the soul saved we need to see the people filled with the holy ghost we need to see the actual things happening we have been too comfortable dressed with the sound we are shaman we need the ring we need we need to see the things changing my god we need to see demons my god we need to see those black sliders return we need to see those done men surrender we need to see the people put on the gods my god we need to see the mighty move of god in our lives in our nation in our churches in our families we have been too comfortable with the sound we need now the reign of the presence of god come on people of god we've been hearing long enough about this sound we've driven this place long enough it's time to move to canaan my god going around in circles in this wilderness for 40 years saintly over and over and over and over the same returns the same sounds the same prayer the same way we do things my god with the we need another shift we need another shift we need to move to another level we got to do something like elijah so we can actually experience a rain god almighty we can't be comfortable in our dress with a sound my god we need to see those dark rain clouds form and philip my god sister sharika already told us about the process of evaporation and precipitation and condensation all that needs to take place for the rain to fall my god come on come on come on oh god all of that is taking place we need to see the rain we need some rain we need to see the rain something else gotta happen we gotta shift we gotta shift some we gotta shift something we gotta change something my god we need to set ourselves like elijah and see god in prayer pray without ceasing don't stop praying until we get the answer and if we look at in life and set himself in a kind of way that some of us would have set him push him head between his knees his legs my god get in a posture my god my god my god my god seek him in such a way we forget about the things around us we forget about our humanity we forget about what we like we forget about how we look my god and see god until we get and we see the rain notice it was god who said to elijah to go to ahab and tell him that rain was going to fall god said it god said it but it took more than god saying it for it to happen people had to do things there had to be a shifting there had to be a change in a realignment but even after the realignment there are some things that need to happen elijah needed to pray he had to pray he was praying in the will of god because that's what god wanted so we're not talking about praying what we want we need to find out what god wants in our situation my god and pray in line with his will what does god want in our church what does god want in our families what does god want with the government in our countries what does god want with all of these people who are murdering what does god want yes one thing that he wants we got to find out what does he want and when we know what he wants we pray according to israel or we don't stop praying until we get the answer my god my god my god sorry to disappoint some people tonight there's no name it can claim it that's not what i see in the word because you name it it doesn't mean you're gonna get it if it's not what god has in store for you it's hear it pray for it until you receive it as god has said it my god hear it pray about it until you receive it as well because i name it and claim it i'm walking in it in jesus name no there are some more things that we gotta do some more things that we gotta do god has made us some promises yes he has yes he has but after he has made promises there are things we have to do some people have given up and praying and hoping because you haven't seen the rain as yet but i say to somebody look again pray again you don't see it yet but a shift is taking place the clouds are filling up my god oh god the clouds are filling up the evaporation is happening my god the clouds are condensing and you soon see the precipitation my god you're not seeing it but it is happening oh yes there are things taking place behind the scenes one of the things i've come to realize god could just fill up the clouds immediately if he wanted to but you know what oftentimes he doesn't there is a process for the rain to form and that's part of the challenge that some of us have that process that process yes god does miracles but he doesn't always work through miracles sometimes he takes us through a process sometimes there's a process hallelujah that we need to undergo in order to experience some of the things that we need to experience but some people right now tonight are having problems with the process you lose hope during the process because you don't understand i must shatter god's process you don't see it happening you don't understand what is going on because in our heads and i tell you some of us have received again i tell you some lies that have caused us to see things in ways that that's not what god says so we expect that once we pray one time and we say it and god already know my heart then what i'm supposed to get it and because i don't get it then i stop trusting i stop doing i basically lose hope during the process but tonight i need to tell somebody keep praying keep trusting keep doing the right thing you don't see it but it's happening elijah had to send the servant seven times my god some of you haven't prayed seven times yet haven't done it the seventh time hasn't come yet you gotta keep at it don't lose hope there is a shift in that taking place you are not seeing it but the clouds are filling up you don't see the evaporation process my god as the water particles are are taken up out of the sea and out of the rivers and going up my god you are not seeing it but it's happening you are not seeing it as the clouds are taking these things and filling up you are not seeing it but eventually you will see the dark clouds but all of these things were happening before there's a shifting taking place behind the scenes on your behalf my god there is a vashti that's stepping down so you esther can become queen continue to fix up yourself it's shifting hallelujah somebody is giving birth to something right now that is meant to bless you there is a shifting something is changing something is happening in a far country right now with you in mind god is making room for somebody in china for somebody in africa for somebody for somebody in another country that's where your blessing is coming from god's doing it over there and you can see it but first somebody tonight there is a shifting right now something is happening all over the place making room for the blessings of god for the people of god who surrender to god and are walking in the path of the shift somebody want to give god glory somebody lose it by the way doing something just want to wrap this up when you surrender to god there is no end to what he will do on your behalf but tonight somebody need to shift into god's will as you change your mindset and destroy everything that's not according to his will and watch god or send the reign of blessings in your life be patient as you wait for the rain you've got to keep praying somebody needs to pray again it's not a quick fix hallelujah is changing the clouds are forming and god will come through for you the devil and his emissaries are liars there is a shifting it's going to rain i speak to somebody tonight receive the reign of god's glory in your life in jesus name god bless you hallelujah amen what a word amen my god thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the lord has been speaking to our hearts from monday up until now and there is a need for us to make a decision as to what it is that we intend to do because there is a move afoot and we can make a decision if we're going to be in the move or we're going to be left behind because there is a shifting one of the things that is important from this word for me is that the sound is not sufficient the sound is not sufficient and we have become used to hearing the sound but there is something beyond the sound there is a greater experience for us beyond the sound and there are many of us who are living in substandard situations there are many of us who are living beneath our means because we have settled for the sound and one common thread from mundo upon till no is that there is a need for us to be consistent and persistent in prayer so even right now i'm going to ask us just to open our mics for a few minutes we're going to just lift up our voice we want to present to the lord those situations that we know having constant issues in our lives we need to open our mouths and begin to pray we need to open our mouths and continue to pray because we know we serve a god who is a powerful god a god who has promised us a shift in this time but we need to be obedient to the move of god that as he's saying sort out yourself sort out your situations because there's something that i want to do for you that you cannot do for yourself so even though let's open our mind just for a few minutes as we lift our voice in prayer as we present our situation before the lord right now come on open your mind don't be afraid oh oh my god okay [Music] have not yet surrendered to the lord those who have walked away from the lord and you're feeling even a pulling tonight we're inviting you just to indicate by using the race hand signal or sending a message in our chat that you need purrs we want to open our breakout rooms right now so that we facilitate prayers um persons are available to pray with you tonight we want to pray through somehow the despondent there was somebody who during the message said i have prayed many times before but i still have not seen anything and that's because i don't understand yes sis i saw you and i'm saying even tonight we pray for that sister i don't remember your name right now but we pray for you in your situation that you begin to hear and to see what the lord is doing in your life and so right now we want to ask persons just to raise their hands we want to see your hands raised or send your request in the chat those who are on facebook send a message we can get you moved over to our zoom platform where we'll continue in prayer for you know a while as we label hallelujah hallelujah elijah was there seven times he sent his servant hallelujah and so even tonight we want to be persistent and consistent in prayer we don't want to let go too easily there is a blessing there is a sound already but there's something beyond the sound and i pray that bethel tonight holy ghost will just wait until the lord doesn't break through i know that in the nights when persons are in the breakout rooms there are those who are waiting and they're reaching out to the lord ready to speak in tongues as the lord gives utterance there are those who have come for healing to break our rooms there are those who have come for deliverance and so even though we don't understand what's happening in those rooms i want to let you know that breakthrough is taking place in those breakout rooms so for those of us who are not there we want to labor a while we want to labor world with those who are praying with those who need prayer so we pray that those who need prayer will not be afraid send a message we want to pray with you let the change take place come on let us know you need prayer i see hands already and persons are being transferred to our breakout rooms there are more hands being raised right now and i want to say and it was laid on me from last night that yes we're focusing on those who have left the fall yes we're focusing on those who um need baptism but i know that there are those who are even from the body who are ailing who are weak in their spirit i'm encouraging you also if you are in need of prayer i don't want you to leave this platform tonight without raising your hands and say i need someone to pray with me it doesn't matter who you are we want to have the lord work his deliverance as i said there is a sound but there is something beyond the sound we have here prayer for brother patrick thomas who is a gambler in the name of jesus we break that spirit of gambling right now the thief commitment for to steal and to kill and to destroy but we know that lord you came that we will have life and have it more abundantly i speak to patrick's spirit right now wherever patrick is patrick thomas i call you by name and we speak deliverance from that spirit in jesus name come on they are more hunted and messed up in the name of jesus in the name of jesus yes lord there are poor persons who are raising their hands i see diana with her hand raised in the name of jesus come on bethel we know how to travail we know how to travail the speaker last night told us that the whole creation grown us waiting for the manifestation the sons of god we are going to groan and travail tonight in the name of jesus we see partying sharp within the prayer hallelujah we pray for you too even as you are transferred to the room in the name of jesus we are asking also for prayer for healing for andrea andres having pains in our bodies by your stripes lord we are healed hallelujah do i have somebody who is agreeing with me right now by your stripes lord we are healed and so we speak healing over andrea now we bind the spirit of pain in our body and we speak the peace of god in the name of jesus hallelujah oh there's beverly gibson who is the need of prayer we have joel and daniqua baldi who needs to return to the fold their mother is asking for purse for them we stand in agreement yes together haas and williams means prayer for herself and her children who are not well come on best and open their minds we want to present these prayers to the lord hallelujah come on just say touch them jesus come on we say touch them jesus come on we say touch them jesus touch them christian jesus serious that's a prayer request here from someone we pray for rudolph right now and his consecration and his life to be set apart for the lord we have prayer for catania chambers who's asking for prayers for kevin jones there are so many prayers sister jackie's asking for prayer for her sister to return to the lord can someone say touch them jesus come on bethel touch them jesus hallelujah that's them jesus yes lord yes lord even as we wait tonight we continue to ask persons just to lift their hands and ask for prayers raise hand signal tonight we continue to ask that persons indicate that there's need we have 20 breakout rooms we have persons who are ready to pray with you but i want to acknowledge another word that was spoken and i made sure to write it down the enemy has told us lies the enemy has spoken so many lies in our ears and we have taken these lies to be our reality but the speaker said to us tonight we need to renounce those lies and so even right now we want to renounce those lies in our lives come on bethel we will know the lies the enemy has spoken over our lives in the mighty name of jesus we renounce every spirit that is upon us upon our families upon our homes we want to also pray for monica baker in the name of jesus christ of nazareth miss baker wherever you are right now in this world we speak the peace of god and a change and transformation who are you in new york in the name of jesus we speak healing and deliverance to your life in the name of jesus we pray that yours will be broken holy ghost i shall send a messiah that is to be broken in the name of jesus there is no distance in purge because god is not bound by geography and so now monica baker we speak to you and the peace of god be upon you in the mighty name of jesus again bless the name of the lord jesus by your stripes lord we are healed and so for all those who are sick today we speak healing the name of jesus we want to pray also for winston martin the doctors say that she has brain tumor and she needs a surgery hallelujah the great physician now is here jesus hallelujah he is the one who speaks a drooping heart to cheer or hear the voice of jesus we proclaim healing right now in the name of jesus again we say that there is no distance in her there's no distance in what it is that the lord will do his hands are not short neither is ears heavy and he's attentive to our cry and so i want to encourage someone tonight it does not matter where your relative is it does not matter where you are we know right now that god is able he is a god who rules over the universe he has authority over the universe and so don't be afraid to send your request in we have prayer for i hope i pronounce his name right reinies bennett who is having foot issues we pray in the name of jesus for release of this issue over this mother in the name of the lord jesus christ right now we have nine rooms that are occupied in our breakup rooms but we have more rooms we have more prayer warriors here to pray with you we want to lift up our voice even though better open their minds right now we want to open our minds we want to speak deliverance over the persons who are in those rooms right now we come against the plan of the adversary another lies his spiritual spirit but we speak victory and deliverance now come on better we're gonna pray hallelujah over those situations we don't know what they are but in the name of jesus open their minds right now bethel open their minds as we pray against anyone foreign in the name jesus thank you jesus foreign husband and her daughter and for her son who is on the autism spectrum but we know that there is nothing impossible with god for which men things are impossible but with god all things are the commandments with god all things are passed yes with god all things are possible and so we believe the lord for those prayer requests that are coming in there are those who are asking for prayers for their unsaved siblings we want to rest those prayer requests on the altar there's prayer requests for joshua to be rid of the spirit of anger joshua we speak the peace of god into your spirit joshua we speak the peace of god into your spirit joshua we speak the peace of god into your spirit hallelujah there are so many requests coming in right now prayer for ocean thompson hallelujah ocean whatever your circumstance or situation is god is able to change your circumstances hallelujah praise the name of jesus my all is all on the altar waiting for the fire waiting waiting waiting i am waiting for the fire my all is on the altar waiting for the fire waiting waiting waiting [Applause] i am waiting for the fire my all is on the altar waiting for the fire [Music] waiting waiting waiting i'm waiting for the fire my oil is on the altar waiting for the fire waiting waiting waiting i am waiting for the fire we have a number of persons who have requested prayer on youtube we want to let you know that we have acknowledged your request we see your request if you wish to be transferred to the zoom platform we'll give you the access and you can come over and join us here to be in one of our rooms that we can pray with you we just want to acknowledge you at this time there's prayer for sister charmaine temple to return to the lord we speak to charming right now in the name of jesus the id and the passwords are posted password is posted so that you can come over to the zoom platform so that we can pray with you still here um at this time i'm going to be inviting associate pastor scott just to pray right now for these prayer requests that are before us for healing and deliverance for the people that have surrendered themselves to the will of the lord today knowing that god is able to change their situations associate pastor scott gracious god and our father the god of all god and the lord of all lord are powerful and almighty god tonight we praise and we exalt your name we know dear god that there's no distant in fire lord god you said in your word if we call upon you you will answer oh god tonight lord you're the god of refuge lord god almighty of the god of might and the god of power tonight we declare healing and deliverance lord o god to those who are sick tonight we pray lord god that your red blood will run down tonight oh god and stretch out everything that is not of you lord god we pray against our spirit of oppression tonight yes that the devils tell your people have a spirit of deception in the name of jesus father we break every hour that come against your children these are your people and so we pray deliver unto them we pray for those god almighty who desire to return to you lord god almighty those who have wandered those who have fallen lord god almighty by the way lord god your god of mercy hallelujah you're the god of compassion in the name of jesus we call him out of darkness tonight lord are we calling me back into the marvelous light of salvation father god in the name of jesus save and deliver tonight lord o god set your children free in the name of jesus lord god you break chains lord the oh god we know the intent of the heart lift every burden tonight lord o god almighty give beautiful hashes hallelujah give us a point of joy for the spirit of mourning in the name of jesus father god almighty got your children we know that you are a god of refuge oh god and you will never leave them and you never forsake them so to that longer we put them under the blood yes lord we rescue them out of the paws at the jaws of the enemy oh god we break lord god the jaws oh god of the teeth that is known at them tonight and we call them into your kingdom in the name of jesus we speak freedom in the name of jesus we declare freedom in the atmosphere right now yes lord freedom in the atmosphere right now yes lord declare that your reign of fire will rain down in the name of jesus rain down upon your children now lord burn out everything that is not of you and set them free father tonight we give you glory yes messiah yes lord of jesus as we trumpet them on the feet as we bring down every i pledge to your blood submission to your power and to your will let your kingdom come tonight be established holy spirit oh god that might deliver hands to those who are bound tonight join the tears tonight holy spirit in the name of jesus and let your will be done father we give you praise we give your praise tonight in the name of jesus christ of nazareth your blood prevail now in jesus name hallelujah thank [Applause] hallelujah eight rooms in progress right now there are eight persons who have joined us for prayer right now and we just want to continue as we hold together the strain tonight to know that there is deliverance that is in progress and we want to remember those persons in our prayers we want to thank the persons who have come over from the other platforms to join us here on youtube even as we are going to close off of our youtube viewing right now and streaming we want to continue on the zoom platform in our purse and so i'm going to ask again if you are on the platform right now there are 114 of us and if you're still here when you're selling it off prayers you just came over it's not too late to ask someone to pray with me just raise your hand with the race and signal send a message in the chat i need pers i know i said and picture tennis up pictures handle i think she was transferred she wasn't trust transfer muted said davia yeah muted to deviate jesus so as persons come over we want to ask that you just raise your hand so that we can see who you are as you ask for movement to the prayer room there is a action brethren there are there are actions that we take that are indicative of the fact that we know that there is need for prayer that there is need for a move of god in our lives and so sitting with the situation is not sufficient citizen mediocrity is not sufficient but recognizing that there is a need we need to take this in our hands and do something about it i need per my family is in need of per my marriage is in need of perm i need prayer for work my health is failing and i need prayer and so even as we're here tonight their hands going up right now thank you for those who are raising your hands we want to transfer them to the breakout rooms as the lord continues to work hallelujah oh we continue to pray that the lawyers move on their behalf even for the persons who have placed their requests in the chat if you still so desire raise your hand and we can move you over to a room that someone can pray with you one-on-one in that space breakthrough is taking place in that space amen can i ask us now to to type in the chat brethren we denounce every lie of the enemy we denounce every lie of the enemy we denounce every lie of the enemy we denounce every lie of the enemy we denounce every lie we denounce every lie of the enemy we denounce every lie of the hamas chandeleur messiah holy ghost hallelujah we denounce every lie of the enemy all those things spoken over our families spoken over us generational curses we renounce every lie shannon messiah of the enemy in the name of jesus the spoken of our marriages all the things spoken of we denounce every lie of the enemy in the mighty name of jesus come on come on come on we denounce every lie we didn't know every lie is whatever manifesting reading nouns every night come on in the name of jesus we are the victory in the name of jesus we have the victory in the mighty name of jesus we have the victory we denounce every lie everything that has stolen our joy we denounce every lie right now because it must rain the preacher said it needs to rain and we need the rain but we need to tear down that altar that altar with the lies that altar with the lies the things that we have lifted up as all realities that are not we denounce every lie in the name of jesus and we declare that our lives will be led by the spirit of god and whatever is what he has determined for our lives and not what others have spoken over that is not of god there is a sound there is a sound of the abundance of rain but i need more than a song can somebody type that right now if you are the person i need more than a song i need more than just a song of the rain i need more than just a song i need the rain i need the rain i need more than just the sun of the rain i need more than just the clouds to be in the sky i need the rain to rain in my life and so even as i wait on the rain i have to turn my vessels up and my vessels must my vessels must be prepared to receive the rain that the lord is going to pour out upon us hallelujah thank you for the rain thank you for the rain thank you for the rain thank you for the rain thank you for the rain thank you for the rain thank you for the rain sister jessica stewart are you online tonight sister jessica stewart are you online mr jessica stewart are you online yes i am i cover you in the name of the lord jesus thank you jesus ha shama messiah holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost may the lord walk into your affairs may he walk into your situation may he walk into your home into your life and change that atmosphere in the name of jesus and whatever your request is tonight late on the altar sister jessica the lord has heard your petitions and he wants to work on your behalf but denounce every lie and let the reign of god fall in your life god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless unless you agree
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 1,551
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: ml5nG_jiehM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 20sec (9020 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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