BTS (방탄소년단) 'BE-hind Story' Interview (+ENG/JPN/CHN)

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[Jung Kook Asks and Jin Answers] -Oh, look who's here -Who's this? -Let's shake hands -Sure, it's a pleasure to see you It's a pleasure to see you too The weather's really warm now It is warm How have you been? Are you the... interviewer? I'm Jung Kook of BTS who came a long way to interview you today Don't bother me, please -Great to see you, one more handshake? -Great to see you too Oh, well... So... how are you doing these days? Well, I'm working with you We're shooting similar things and doing some recording -I hang out with Jung Kook -What else? Well... I sleep, play games and have a drink -Anyway, nice to meet you -Yes, nice to meet you It's been a while since it was just us in the room, right? -Right -So, let's talk about music today -About music, huh? -Yeah Yes, yes It's personal even though we're a team -We each have our own thoughts -Right, right -and dreams -Yes -and we have different styles -Yes -I'll ask some questions related to that -OK Go ahead We've released many songs, right? Right, right As for you, when a song is ready how do you prepare for recording? [Q. How do you practice before recording?] Like practicing for example [Q. How do you practice before recording?] Our vocal room is at our office -Right -The place where we do LIVE broadcasts There's a computer in that room And noise in the apartment is a problem these days so we can't sing loudly at home -Well, basically anywhere -Yes So I'll download the vocal guide track on the vocal room computer and there would be other members who have recorded before me Of course So I sort of memorize the song as I listen to the other members' recordings Then, which one's easier to memorize? The melody or the lyrics? They're both hard I'm not sure how it works for you since you're a genius -No, I'm not a genius -When we record it Memorizing it as you sing and while recording and listening to yourself are different It's usually the same for me too -It's easier to memorize when recording -Right Yes, it's easier to memorize when we do the recording I can never memorize the lyrics Also, do you take notes when you do the recording? I don't take notes for memorization but for recording... You know, usually the producer asks for similar things -Yeah -And the comment doesn't change that often Yeah Like, "I want you to pay attention to your breathing and pronounce it this way" -When he says that, it doesn't change -Yeah So make note of those -Now let's talk about our album "BE" -Yes -I wrote the song "Stay" -Yes And I heard that you actively participated in it I heard you wrote the lyrics I did, very little And also your recent work with BUMZU Yes, yes What feeling or mood did you intend to express in the two songs? [Q. What did you want to express?] Actually, I started writing the lyrics before Namjoon Did you know? -No, I didn't know -I did set the direction I think it was... At first, I didn't write the chorus part and just wrote lyrics for the intro It went something like "Was it a dream? This seems to be a room" And Namjoon liked it so we developed it from that to what we have now Oh, I didn't know that I learned something new We're in a pandemic and "I must've been dreaming all along" "It feels like if I opened my eyes I'd be in front of ARMY and the crowd again" "But it turns out, I was in a room and I must have been dreaming" I wrote my lyrics like that and after some discussions we finalized the direction We also talked how the moments like our concerts and everything feels like a dream -I'm also curious about that too -About what? Your new solo song Oh, "Abyss" That was... when I was feeling down -Were you? -I used to be Give me a handshake You know a few months back when I was feeling blue and didn't want to do anything and felt so blank... I wrote that song around that time Uh, well... I've received lots of help for this song Because it was very difficult for me when I was working on this song and BUMZU suggested that I hum the melody so I did and worked on the melody and when he said, "How about we change it like this?" I went home and fixed it I did that process and when I went back with lyrics he'd suggest "How about we add this here?" Namjoon also helped with the lyrics again Namjoon is very versatile I did have my own lyrics but I couldn't find a new direction so I asked Namjoon if he could write a new one from scratch I already had something but asked if he could write something new So he did... and there were a lot of good lines So almost the entire chorus is Namjoon's lyrics and I did the verse Still, the substantial content of the lyrics are about the melancholy inside you Yes, my less-happy side I thought about, "What I want to do and what I really want" "Can I get up from the ground?" You're doing great -You are out of it -Thank you So when you write lyrics or songs instead of setting an imaginary setting you think it's more appropriate for you to talk about your own feelings... Yes, I can't write emotional and poetic lyrics because I'm very straightforward and to-the-point so I usually write about my own experience You and I are quite similar -Straightforward -As straightforward as they get -As straightforward as they get -Let's try to experience many things -Yes, thanks in advance -Yes So now... How'd you describe your vocals in one word? [Q. Describe your own vocals in one word] Oh, me describing my own... vocals? Well... You've thought about it, haven't you? -No -You haven't? I would describe it as "clean" I'm not the type who has outstanding vocal skills nor do I have an emotional voice or have powerful vocals but I do my best to do what I'm told When I hear your vocals I think of the word "boy-like vocals" -A boy? -Yes -A young man -A young man? I've gotten a bit older -A young man! -Okay -A young man suits me better -Not bad I don't think "clean" is bad either It's just... that's a straightforward view of my vocals -Natural and not embellished -Right So I think of it as "clean" but I don't think that's a bad thing So, with that idea of being "clean" how do you want to express music with your vocals in this album and in the albums to come? [Q.How do you want to express music in the future?] I think it's better because it's "clean" It's just... I might not be able to be expressive but if I'm pointed into a certain direction I try my best to get there Then I believe I could express my voice according to that emotion But still, when it comes to those powerful music -Yes -I found those a little hard It requires finesse and it's difficult for me to do that... Well, so we'll be doing various kinds of music from now on Are you willing to improve in those area? For example, like powerful music Well... I've tried vocal scratches and other various techniques but I think there are things people are born with Jin! You're a gifted person too Yes, I'm gifted in my own way I'm not discontent with it since we all have our own strengths and weaknesses I've decided to think that way -Okay, thank you for the interview, Jin -Thanks, this was fun I'll look forward to your future works Ah, thank you We'll wrap up today's interview by Jung Kook of BTS -It was nice meeting you -It was nice meeting you, too -Thank you for the hard work -Yes, thank you Take care [j-hope Asks and Jung Kook Answers] -Oh, j-hope -♪ JK ♪ -Nice to meet you -Nice to meet you, too This feels very awkward -Nice to meet you -Nice to meet you, too It actually feels quite awkward for just the two of us to be in a room together That's what I feel So, I'm going to use this opportunity to ask you some questions about how you work on your music and some questions related to your work I hope this time will be fruitful for both me and our fans -Okay -Okay, JK -Thanks in advance -Thanks in advance So, let's start You've included your song "Stay" on the "BE" album track list To my knowledge, you've worked on many songs and I'm curious how you'll be presenting those songs in the future For example... if you want to make a mini album or mixtape [Q. Direction of the music work?] Is there a direction you want to take for your music? [Q. Direction of the music work?] Well, I could be a fan of another singer before being a singer myself True Observing many artists I saw how one artist works one way and another works in a different way and I thought "I've stayed in one place for a long time" So from now on... I think I'm quite similar to Jin in character I'm straightforward I'm not simple per Se I do have things in mind that I'd like to express but I don't have enough data accumulated I have ideas but can't express it Just like how you can't draw There are so many things inside your head, but you can't draw it out So there are so many things I'd like to try out and work on but I can't express it due to the lack of data What I can do now is to talk about my own stories since they're my experiences and those are easy to express It was like that for "Stay" too I was going to release "Stay" as the last track the fan song for my mixtape but it fit really well with the "BE" album so it was included in the album The song "Still With You" is about the time when our group and I were going through rough times It was close to my heart so I could express it easily From now on although sincere songs are also important there are so many different types of people who think differently and come from different backgrounds I want to become an artist who creates imaginary scenarios and situations with imaginary characters to tell different stories That's my ultimate motive It's very unique I usually find it much easier to write about my own experience But what you're trying to do is putting yourself in an imaginary scenario -Which is actually very difficult -Right, it's difficult So, although it's very difficult like how I want to try new things but I'm unable to express them right now If I keep at it, I'll get accustomed to it so I should keep challenging myself I think it's wonderful I think challenging yourself to anything is good I hope you could try out many things as much as possible I'd also like to know how you work on your songs Do you agonize over it by yourself [Q. Jung Kook's work style?] or do you share edited versions as you go? In other words, you could work on it all at once and present it to people or you could show the edited versions to people and ask, "What about this direction?" and receive feedback and then go through the process again and ask, "How about this direction?" That could be another type of process Which one is more like your work style? -I think it depends on the situation -Really? So... as I said earlier if our track is fixed -But I actually like to focus all at once -Yeah I like to work focused and if I don't like the song I also don't feel like showing it to other people so it takes a long time for me to work on a project I spend lots of time repeating the process of writing and deleting So my work goes like this Do you remember the song "Your Eyes Tell"? You gave me a listen in the car while you were working on it You said, "I think this song will be great for our Japanese album, j-hope" and asked me if I could listen to it And it did get included But that was because the song was already almost done So... if I'm not confident enough I don't even try out in the first place If the track is fixed, then I could ask for feedback in the process but if I'm working when nothing is fixed I think about it after I complete the work But actually if you could get good results the process doesn't really matter I can always learn new things as I repeat the process, so it's great Then did you come up with the song "Stay" in one go? For "Stay", it was already a fixed track so I finished it in a day... -In a day? -Yep, in a day But we later polished up the song by adding Namjoon's rap and fixed the length Everything got neater as more people got involved Actually, there was also this melody rap I'd written Why don't you release it later? I thought it'd be nice if Namjoon could do that part if we get to do a unit song You once had us listen to that song with some strange rap No, that was for fun! Just for fun! Just for fun! We burst out laughing that time Anyway, "Stay" is a really good song It was also coincidentally changed from a different song -to your song -Yeah, right It had a sort of fateful meeting with the "BE" album I had lots of help from our members I think it was really nice I want to ask you this too Of the songs you sang during BTS promotions or songs you sang when you worked on the albums or songs you've recorded and released do you have a favorite song that you think best showcased your voice? That'd be "Euphoria" I love "Euphoria" Yeah, I think it's "Euphoria" I honestly think it's the best I was lucky to have received the song "Euphoria" but I think my voice at the time was somewhat in between my baby-like voice of the past and my current stable voice At the time, I was thinking a lot about my vocalizations so I really struggled when I recorded that song And my voice at the time of the recording was kind of like my own... I can't find the words for it What of own...what? There was this raw quality to it and my feelings were fully expressed and I put in so much effort into my voice But I think you really expressed it well You said your voice was in between a mature voice and your young voice -I can feel it in that song -Yeah, it really did I really get what you mean I worked really hard recording it -I think "Euphoria" is a masterpiece -It's really well-made I was in awe at "Euphoria" in every concert When you showed your solo performance for the first time... -No wait, it's your second -"Euphoria" is after "Begin" Oh, it's "Begin" You sang it after my "Just Dance", right? -No wonder, the song was so familiar -You've heard it a lot Anyway, it's a really good song Then, including this album and our future work how do you want to make music? Do you have something you'd like to try? Or a certain genre you'd want to try Or... we did talk about it briefly earlier but are there any specific stories you'd like to share through music [Q. Future directions of music?] like the imaginary things you mentioned? [Q. Future directions of music?] I'm interested in learning about your thoughts in those areas I am now able to express my experiences through music but as I mentioned earlier I haven't tried making a story into a song But since the vibe of the music can vary according to the story So instead of focusing on one genre exclusively I'd like to be able to pull off all kinds of genres And I think about this all the time but in terms of music and myself as a person If I could figure out what I should and can do and how much effort is required for me to achieve that If I don't forget about that and keep thinking deeply about music I believe things beyond my dreams will naturally come to me Hey You're all grown up I'm not the old me I'll look forward to your endless number of works, JK I'll release a mixtape first I want to release a mixtape like this Like what? There are three main tracks in total and they all have MV of its own And they each have its own choreography but in different styles Go for it! You should try everything you want At this point, I think it's good to try different things and show various aspects I've told Taehyung about this too But you need to come up with something first to know what my shortcomings are and it's also important to realize "Oh, this doesn't work for me" I learned that when I released "Stay" this time So you need to release it first in order to see all the reactions and see how people think about your work to improve to the level So I hope you'll try out various things and make different attempts -I'm planning on doing that -Yes Great work! [V Asks and j-hope Answers] -Nice to meet you -Nice to meet you too I'll be interviewing you today Please provide us with great responses I feel very honored to have Taehyung do my interview First... when will I ever get another chance to interview j-hope? -Oh, man -I'll try to ask like an interviewer Same here, when will I ever get to be interviewed by Taehyung again? -Yeah, I'll also-- -It will never happen again Ha-ha, okay So should I think this is my first and last interview? -I've contacted you once -Yes, yes -after the album was out, do you recall? -Ah, yes. I do remember! I said I really love the song, "Dis-ease" Ah, yes -It's crazy -Did you just see me uncross my legs? -Yes, yes -I feel very somber -Ah, yes -I told you that I loved "Dis-ease" and asked you how you felt about that I think the song really portrayed your own vibe, color, and mood -Ah, yes -so I liked it and was very attached to it Did you imagine a specific feeling or background when you worked on the song? [Q. Feeling and background of "Dis-ease"] For the song "Dis-ease"... The title of the song is quite powerful in this current situation -Yes -The title could mean "a glass bottle" or a real sickness It's a song that holds a double meaning The disease I had in mind when I wrote the song at first -was a psychological one -Yes As I was experiencing this situation... Although I am taking a break... and it's the break I've been longing for but it's not sound and uncomfortable So I kept thinking "Why do I feel uncomfortable?" and I came across the thought that "Is this an occupational disease?" I kept feeling like I had to do something For example, I felt like I had to to create music or dance Those psychological pressures came to me naturally So I thought, "This is the psychological occupational disease" and that's how I started the song So, I started off with the idea of "breaking" these diseases "Let's break this and move on with my life" And this song, "Dis-ease" was added with our members' great voices as well as Namjoon and Yoongi's own thoughts and uh... We came up with a song that can represent our thoughts during this time period As you are aware of our style The way we record our song is different -Ah, yes -We could work with the producer's directions -or record it ourselves -Yes But you've done the recording work for "Dis-ease" by yourself -Yes, you're right -How did you carry it out? How was it when you were working on it? [Q. Working on "Dis-ease" by yourself?] Actually this song... I recorded by myself I used the guide vocal for my rap part I used the entire guide vocal because... Compared to my original work it went up five keys -as we worked on the keys -Right, right So actually I should've recorded my rap according to the keys but the nuance or the vibe that I've tried to express wasn't expressed well So I thought about it with the producer and at the end, we concluded that "We should go with the guide vocal" We tried it with the guide vocal track and it worked pretty well with the pitch So for that part we just used the guide track As for the ad-lib parts... we got the tracks recorded by our members the vocalists and rappers and we said "let's try recording it by adding the ad-libbing" And naturally I recorded the overall ad-lib and the composition myself But when you actually do the recording yourself you improve Because directing requires you to actually listen and make decisions and also edit the song accordingly And I can make improvements in those areas and grow to be a producer of a song throughout the process I heard that while you were working on "Dis-ease" you asked Namjoon and Jimin for help [Q. Did you ask RM and Jimin for help?] I didn't know about this -Ah -What happened? It's a really good thing if you think about it It would be really great if I could solve everything on my own But then I think "Isn't this what team is all about?" Parts that I can't work on or parts that I need help with I ask our members for help For the bridge part of "Dis-ease" Jimin helped me with the overall melody And I organized and edited at the end For the lyrics I asked our leader, Namjoon Because, I somehow... wanted the lyrics in the last bridge section to be energetic and not just something too simple but somewhat... powerful and full of energy But I couldn't work it out of my head Anyway, I asked Namjoon who's in charge of the overall lyrics of our albums because I thought "Why don't I ask Namjoon for this part?" So I asked him for help and I think the harmony of us three was great and we came up with the bridge And that's how a new song was created I think it's really nice I think I'm going to ask the members for help in the future So if you give me a call next time -even though I'm busy... -Of course I'm going to call for help I'll still stretch out my legs and call you right back You're going to stretch out your legs and call me? -I'm going to call you right away -Ah, yes -I'm sorry -It's okay -Call me in this position, later -How... -"How may I be of service?" -Okay, got it -We should do a video call -Yes -So, may I ask you about... -Yes your thoughts on your current projects past projects, or songs you want to do and how you want to express music? I think one thing never changes My feelings, my emotions and the messages I want to portray... I want to incorporate those into my music That hasn't changed So I want to start with that frame and add substance to it and create one perfect... one full "person" -An album that is a "person"! -Yes I'd like to start from that So regardless of genre Uh... things that I couldn't express and wanted to express... I want to show those things that I haven't tried before So I'm working hard right now and if there's a good opportunity and at a right timing I would like to share my music with everyone, including our dear fans -It's my first time being an interviewer -Yes so I've been looking at your face during the whole interview Oh, but I have a pimple on my left cheek so I'm really sad right now Yes, but aside from that but when you talked about music I noticed that you had a smile on your face and I thought, "He really loves music" Actually, I sort of started music through dance and I'm still inexperienced and unskilled when it comes to music So I always become somber and every time when the subject is about music I become modest Because... I haven't reached my full potential yet Actually when I'm talking about full potential it's different for everyone as they have their own standards so I can't express it within my knowledge but when I keep talking about music I become more modest and solemn Well, we always... stand in a fixed order, right? You and I always stand at the opposite ends So I haven't seen your expressions that much -Yes, we stand too far from each other -For the past seven years! But as I was looking at your face while talking about music -makes me very happy -Thank you And well... You mentioned you become "modest" but personally if I had your skills -I'd be showing off and be proud of myself -Nah -I'd be walking around with my chin up -Oh, that's an overstatement -This was a good interview -Thank you for the good interview today -What a perfect closing -I've been your fan for 10 years Can I get an autograph later... -Okay -Okay I hope you could present your mixtape as an LP later -Oh! -Totally and get a wider audience and ARMY Thank you Thank you, this was interviewer Kim Taehyung with artist j-hope Thank you [Jin asks and Jimin answers] Hello, Jimin -Hello, nice to see you -Nice to see you We're doing a lot of handshakes today -Mhm -Yup It's been a long time since the two of us got a chance like this to talk, right? Right Please talk informally Okay, Jin I was talking to myself I see, then I'm not doing it, right? No, it's not you I was telling myself, "Please talk informally, Jin" That's what I meant Jimin, you worked hard as the PM for the "BE" album and you also released a song on Christmas that you wrote yourself Yes About that You wrote the bridge and everything while we were working on "Dis-ease" The process must've been different from when you made "Christmas Love" Do you have your own way of producing music? So all that build up was for... (to ask me about how I produce music?) -We need some kind of preamble to start us off -How I produce my music I see I actually don't know! I tend to just go as I feel and I still do it that way so I think my method takes a bit more time than other people For example I need to start working whenever I get the inspiration I think I worked on it freely Then, about the basics Do you write the melody first, or the lyrics? Or if you have a beat, do you do without or do you need to have a beat? So far, I've been using the method of working on the melody first on an existing beat and track but while working on the "BE" album I thought there should be a keyword and I wanted to try tailoring the melody, mood and lyrics of the song to match that keyword so I've been thinking that it'd be nice to work with new methods going forward That's a great mindset -Thanks -Yup Going into more detail about "Dis-ease" You wrote the bridge for "Dis-ease," right? Which part exactly did you work on? [How significant was your contribution to "Dis-ease"?] And did you also work on the lyrics? With "Dis-ease," I made the melody of the bridge That part was actually left empty I wasn't like, "I'll take this part and work on it!" But while we were recording, I was just humming to myself because the bridge was missing And the PD said, "That sounds pretty good, could you try it again?" So I tried singing it and then we put it together And he went, "This isn't too bad, so take this and go work on it" That's what happened And they ended up using my melody, which I was really grateful for Moving onto the next question I didn't even know this was a debated topic But when I ask the question, please tell me if you were aware of this There was a lot of debate surrounding the chorus of "Life Goes On" Whether it was Jimin or a woman singing [There was talk about whether a female vocalist sang your part?] Were you aware of this? I had no idea that was such a big thing I did know that the topic of whose voice it is came up The story is that The PD and I were both talking about how it would be nice to include a female voice But we weren't in the position to find a voice immediately So it went like, "You should try singing it, your voice could be even better" And we thought including a member's voice would be nice So eventually we didn't even have to use (someone else's voice) Again, gratefully, my voice was included Great While we were recording the "BE" album, we did a lot of tweaking! -Making a lot of tweaks here and there -Yes I recall that we also did a lot of re-recording Which song went through the most edits during the re-recording? "Life Goes On" -Really? -Yes I didn't exactly go to record When the other members were recording every day I think I had to practice while they recorded It was that difficult for me I wanted it to feel comfortable That's what the chorus is like The chorus needs to have a melody that makes you feel at ease But that wasn't so easy to bring out And I don't know if this was a hot topic but I think that part was particularly difficult The part that was talked about Which part is that? You also had a hard time Not for this part! -For me -Oh! Oh! It was the opposite for me! I couldn't do the low notes Tell us more about the making of "Christmas Love" I almost couldn't release it Because I had the melody But you couldn't get the lyrics sorted? Right I wasn't sure what approach to take And with 5 days left I'd basically given up I couldn't ask Namjoon or the members for help Because we were all kind of worn out -Right -We were busy and tired And some members weren't feeling too well So I thought I'd just do a little more at home and give up if it doesn't work out And that was when Namjoon contacted me He sent me the lyrics for the first verse I saw (the lyrics), and since he did this for me despite how busy he was I thought, "I need to do this!" So I worked until late, although I had something the next day I started at 9 and kept working until about 4 in the morning without sleeping So I wrote all of the lyrics for the chorus, bridge, and 2nd verse I talked to Namjoon some more and we decided to tweak the first verse's lyrics and all that I quickly finished recording in just two days I recorded everything on the first day, revised it on the 2nd, and I was done! It's very high-quality though, considering all that While working on "Abyss" I recorded for about 2, 3 days and it took around a week for the mixing and mastering For me, one day for the mixing! And done! And it was uploaded right on the next day The songwriter worked really hard -That's great -Slow Rabbit! Oh, you worked with Slow Rabbit? Slow Rabbit He put in a lot of effort With the production of this album and for future albums as well how would you like to express Jimin's unique music style? And if you also have something new you'd like to try Since I've received a lot of help so far I feel like I haven't tried many new things I think I worked while receiving a lot of help within the boundaries of a certain musical style So in the future, I'd like to try a lot of different things without restraints I'd like to try making an acoustic-style song Or outright dance music I've been thinking I'd like to try my hand at a variety of things What was that that Taehyung mentioned? The genre of "Blue & Grey"? -Retro pop disco ballad? -Retro pop disco acoustic ballad The dance version -I'd like to try that as well -Sounds good I personally want to see Jimin doing bright and upbeat songs For example, the style that I really wanted to try doing was "Moon" Yes I really liked that as well -If you tried that style of music -I still listen to it by myself on earphones -Really? -Yeah What an honor -The honor's all mine -Thank you Pinky swear on your earphones Wrapping this up! I'm a little disappointed in the MC! But you'd know if you looked around There's no MC like me Is that so? Just now, Jung Kook was the MC for my interview You can't say that when we have j-hope downstairs He's a professional MC Okay, okay Please wrap it up Jimin, you had an interview with me today Is there more you want to say or anything I didn't ask you about? No, you asked great questions And it was really nice to be able to tell the fans a little about what we were thinking and how we worked on the album in an interview like this There's something we do at the end of our segment Please say, "I love BTS" to the camera Where do we get the full shot? Is it there? -There's the fun in doing it together -Okay 1, 2, 3! I love BTS! Great work [Jimin asks and RM answers] -Nice to see you -Hello -Nice to see you -Yes What a fresh start True, and it's an honor to interview RM like this Okay How have you been? Is this how it goes? -Yeah, I have my own way of doing it -I'm not getting used to this, but okay As you probably know Since you saw me yesterday and the day before It's safe to assume that I'm doing fine You're doing great these days Right And you're also waiting for ARMY? Of course, I'm always waiting That's for sure I'm also waiting with you -Let's get right into the interview -Sounds good! Isn't this the first time getting interviewed by our member? I've never interviewed someone like this I'm still learning, so thank you in advance What was the session right before like? -Did it go well? -To be honest, his inexperience was pretty obvious Who was it? You know, we have this youngest member Oh, Jung Kook? No, not the real youngest Oh, Seokjin That's a shame I'd have to agree Then let's start the interview [Let's begin the interview] Great As you already know, we're mostly going to talk about our work Sounds good While we were producing the songs All 7 of us had a hard time when our scheduled events and tours got canceled That goes without saying And while we were in that situation we released an album called "BE" It'd be nice if you could tell us how you felt while working on it [Q. How did you feel while working on "BE"?] The memories are already starting to fade Yeah, a lot of time has passed about 4, 5 months since we worked on it Right, the amount of time we spent on the album Has it been that long? I feel like it's been longer -It's been longer, huh? -It has -Since we started early -Since around 5 months ago We started almost immediately after "Dynamite" It's already been over half a year Yup, I think it's been a little over half a year Roughly half a year ago But back then (After the shows got canceled) That was the only thing we could do at the edge of the cliff So it was kind of like the only thing I could do "Dynamite" did do well after it came out but that's that That's for promotions When I worked on "BE," it kind of.. felt like I was doing the only thing I could do And How should I put it Back then... There was a lot I wanted to say but I didn't know how to say it I worked on the album with a lot of mixed feelings I think that was the hard part for everyone Thinking of what emotions to put in Right That's what got us talking We were all going through a lot but that doesn't mean we should just be like, "I'm tired" Right And we needed to magically do some kind of alchemy on the album Whether we made (the situation) beautiful or positive We needed to give it a twist somehow So I had a lot of concerns about what I should do But in the midst of all that, you were the first to come up with the idea of "telepathy" That I was I actually still remember I was like, how did he think of this? I was thinking it might be useful someday In a way, telepathy isn't the most original topic -It was super original -Oh, really? Yeah But you see this subject come up from time to time in movies or cartoons Still, I kind of felt like we might be able to put a different spin on telepathy That's what I was thinking But we ended up doing "Life Goes On" A lot of opinions did go into it but you know.. I thought there wasn't anything else I could say -It was the only thing left that we could say -Right Those were the only words left and it was kind of like a spell Back then, you know how there's a table in front of the studio at our agency? I remember Bang PD coming there and saying "Hey, how's the phrase 'Life Goes On'?" We had that conversation Or he also brought up phrases like "Carry On" I said I thought it was great And I really like a 2pac song called "Life Goes On" It also reminded me of that and I really liked it And the song that was released before was "ON" I felt like it created a transition from "ON" to "Life Goes ON," which is great I remember talking about that I make better songs when I have the keyword or lyrics ready I think it's the same for me After working together to make something and getting help from you I don't think I can attempt anything without the lyrics first Say you really love this beat or piano melody It's so good that if you start humming to it You think you'll get this amazing song But then, I have nothing to say I know And sometimes, you end up with these forced lyrics while trying to find words that match the beat So ultimately Having a keyword was crucial Songs that already have lyrics or a keyword turn out better making a song that I'm able to like for a long time I agree In the case of BTS songs, it's not actually my album It's an album that I'm only participating in So I get ideas from a lot of people For example, "Telepathy" or "Dis-ease" stemmed from Yoongi and j-hope's ideas So in the case of BTS's songs -I already have a melody or keyword to start from -Like a concept So I use my imagination.. Like you said, I just use my imagination (to fit the keyword) to give flesh to the song This is honestly easier and more fun to do Since I already have it laid out for me It's a lot more convenient, isn't it? It's boom or bust If it's like "Oh, disease? This is really new" And I just need to be a little colorful with my wording I only need to contribute a little and that's when it's boom or bust What you mean by little? You play a very big role I can be the perfect finishing touch if it turns out good But if I can't relate and there's something off about it I go on a detour "Why did it turn out like this?" "What makes you think that way?" "It's hard for me to imagine," this happens a lot Because I wasn't the one who created the building blocks for the song Right That's why it often becomes boom or bust It's fun I think RM also has this You need to be able to imagine it yourself Right! -And you need to relate to it -That's so important -In the end, it's important for you to understand -In a way, when you sing the song you play the role of an actor Right, you're playing the lead role within this song There are roles that you can relate to although you've never played that role or there are roles you've never played (that you can't relate to) both are possible Mhm So for me, that sense of empathy it's important for the person making or singing the song to be able to emphasize precisely with the music People who write lyrics or songs like you said, need to make sure the singer can really relate to the song So they can sing like it's their own story even if it isn't I think that's a very important part (of songwriting) So it's always hard It's hard but fun It makes us very happy Thanks to that, I feel really happy while working The same goes for me You'll work on albums with the members going forward and you'll also be showing us some personal work is there something you want to do? [Q. What kind of music do you want to do?] For example, if you'd like to work with Jimin That's great, I do also want to work with Jimin -With Jimin too -We have something planned but we haven't heard about it yet -That kind of has to do with my net... -I remember we had a "D," instead of "BE" My net of thoughts hasn't come back yet -Anyway -If we get the chance, please come find me again Oh, always, I really want to work with Jimin I didn't get to work with Jin either So I'm thinking I should do something with those two before starting my 30s Yeah, before the end (of your 20s) Because there are always stories you can tell at this age Yes I hope to work together Even if it sounds a little unpolished when I look back on it later, I want to work on it now When you're a little less mature Yes, really You can't even try to express that feeling later on I have something I'm personally working on and I think in February, I'll continue to work on things like that at the company Could you just tell us about the genre? I felt that now that I've done this for a pretty long time I think the songs are like a diary made with my leftover emotions at the time So I released "mono" and in that, I poured in my sense of inferiority and lots of dark feelings And now I'm in the next chapter Right now, it's kind of like this I don't have a license, but I've rode my friends' cars And car sharing is a thing these days, right? It's a big thing When I get in the car and listen to music there's nothing better than that I didn't feel this way before In the past, I listened to music while walking or while riding the bus while going to work I listened when we made music or when we danced And I listened to music when I really wanted to But there's a reason people turn up the music when they go for a drive It just feels so good Even if you can't hear the lyrics properly -I think you just melt into it -Yeah, even if there isn't something grandiose (Music) grants people with such great moments One thing I found was that I'd like to make music that's good to listen to when you go on a drive with a friend That's what I've come to think My interview for today actually ends here Oh, it's over now? It's over, but I think I learn a lot from talking about things like this I always learn from interviews like this I had a lot of fun today and now for Jjim Quiz H.. Huh? What? Jjim Quiz, like You Quiz Oh, is there a quiz? Nope Oh okay Should I give you one? This song is a representative song of BTS's School Trilogy It was the first stepping stone of the School Trilogy, what is this song? Is it School of Tears, by any chance? Sorry, but it was "No More Dream" -Oh, it was"No More Dream" -You can pick one Okay Do I just throw it at my face? Anyway, to wrap up Thanks to people like Jimin... I had a lot of fun and was really happy while writing the lyrics so I'd like to thank you for that Thank you, this session also made me think of things that I want to look for and try out in the future I really appreciate this time Thank you I hope you continue to do well going forward Mhm, this really makes us seem like strangers -Right? -I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do next After this, it's over OK! -Thank you! -Thank you! [RM asks and SUGA answers] Hello! Hello How have you been? Hello It's an interview It's been a long time since I've interviewed you It's been a while since I've been in a place like this This all started from a simple story but you just need to talk about your music comfortably Just talk about this album and your philosophy in music represented through "Telepathy" Phil... Philosophy? If you don't like philosophy... Maybe just "Phil"? -Okay, got it -Let's start the interview And others might've already asked this question several times but I'll ask it in a different way What is the most important part when it comes to songwriting for you? And when you make songs where do you get your motive from? From what kinds of situations? There would be all kinds of situations But I want to ask those two questions I don't really write songs because I think I should When I'm too bored, I just think that there's nothing to do but write songs... It's your best amusement? I write songs because I literally have nothing to do I'm speechless For real... I'm not like that Of course I would write songs under a deadline too but when I'm just in my studio there really isn't anything to do -I can't just play games the whole time -Yeah, you're right [I can't just sit in my studio and do nothing] So I gather those short pieces that I write and use them when I really have to write a song Then what do you prioritize most when you make a song? Something that's the most important For me, it's always the keyword Like "telepathy" I make the beats first Is it the feeling then? I just make it without thinking much... Especially when I created the "BE" album I wrote the lyrics really freely It's not like we had a keyword -and wrote lyrics around that keyword -Right So I was just like, "I should just write that as the lyrics" Ideas just popped into my head So my other lyrics didn't make it to the album They didn't use my lyrics Was I being too careless? But your lyrics were used for "Blue & Grey" They didn't take my lyrics... Why not? I don't know I didn't grasp Taehyung's intentions well With "Blue & Grey" Yeah So what you prioritize when making music would be how you feel at each moment -Yeah, the beat... -Like confidence? The beat has to be good so I make that first Okay You construct that confidence, I see -That's what I think -Part by part Successively, like a construction? I make the beat, then melody, then lyrics Okay, that sounds very logical I have a set order That's not the case for me at all I move back and forth everywhere Anyways I heard that "Telepathy" had gone through lots of modifications There was also a discussion about whether to take out the outro or not Why was it modified so much? Was it because of your intention? Or... I wanted the song to be shorter than 3 minutes Yeah, that's what songs these days are like I know, I wanted the song to be short I was finished with that song and we finished recording but Jung Kook suddenly said he wanted to include some humming Humming? Yeah, humming That? So I told him to include it if he wanted to The one in the album is around 4 minutes Oh, 4 minutes? And I faded out the humming part at around 3:20 Up to around 3:58, so the song went into the 4 minute range "Telepathy" is a song that starts with the chorus from the beginning so it needs to finish with an impact Yeah, it has to finish like that Actually, the humming was okay but it was too long He had some songs with smooth vibes Some easy EDM style songs that were sort of trendy so I think he tried to include that vibe but I said we needed to take it out There were misunderstandings I thought people would stop listening once the humming part came out It was too long -We needed to shorten it -It was pretty long So we shortened it Okay And the fans really want to hear the guide version With the guide version it's either of the two for me People either really like it or it embarrasses me But I liked the guide The guide for "Telepathy" was really good The key was low too So I think you should let us hear it [Q. Please play the guide for "Telepathy"] This wasn't the original arrangement It's really smooth, because it's low It's really calm I wanted to make it spatial but it got okay after I mixed it This isn't the original guide -I put the recording over it -It sounds edited I put the recording over it Is it this one? It's this one This is it This is the original key It sounds kind of weak Is that the original key? The key's different Oh, it's this one Yeah! It's really chill It was really light like this -But the note.. -I could even sing the chorus if it were this note The note was... It was raised by 6 or 7 keys based on the transpose So I think it was raised by 3.5 keys It's so high now It sounds more like a song you put on for drives I had that thought After "eight" was released I wanted to make a song for us that was similar to that as a drive song It's totally a drive song That's why I wanted to make the song short A song's usually over when the chorus is played twice The verse, the chorus, and the song's over I wanted it to end around 2:40 But we added rap so If we went as planned it would've been under 3 minutes Like that There used to be a dance break This is the rap part One second! There were ad-libs like this too What's that "one second"? I was gonna do that What's that? When the humming started we were gonna add something like a "One second!" but they added a rap for that part Nothing turns out as planned I was gonna do it, but I couldn't The original version is chill and funky Yeah, it was funky... It wasn't completely retro but it was arranged into a retro style When we make music, we sometimes think "Is this really okay?" Because the members have to come in too Yeah But was there a part that actually turned out to be better than expected? -I couldn't get used to it because they raised the key -You were really worried But now that I listened to the original guide, the current version... -It sounds way more exciting -Yeah It's more upbeat, so I'm really satisfied Making that song wasn't so tough I was able to write the lyrics really fast so it was pretty easy Others might've already asked this question too but this is an interview about you making music, right? How do you want to make your music in the future? [Q. Where are you headed with your music?] make your music in the future? [Q. Where are you headed with your music?] Something you want to do? It's been 15-16 years since I started making music Yeah, about that long Because I started when I was in 6th grade Since I was 13 So I want to try making songs of different genres For real I want to try something acoustic That's why I'm learning how to play different instruments Right, right The guitar too You should play it yourself Yeah, I listen to lots of calm songs these days But there are various genres in BTS's songs -What do you mean by a "different genre"? -I want to do folk music Folk? I'm not kidding I want to try that genre Folk-like music? I think the biggest advantage about doing popular music -is being able to try various genres -Right So you'll make a folk song next time? A more acoustic... Can we expect Dylan-style music next? I'm just gonna try lots of different things I feel like that was a hint from you I should try different things I also want to sing Oh, you want to shift to singing I think I will be able to do music for a long time if I can do both But there's a lot of crossovers between genres these days The boundaries are disappearing so I think there will be more people like that People these days... They do everything -There's no rap without melodies -Exactly Okay, got it Then lastly if there's anything you want to say about music please say it, and we'll wrap up Anything you haven't been able to say There aren't many opportunities to talk about this formally [Q. Anything you want to say?] Our album "BE" received a lot of love and support Right? -Of course -It was nominated for a Grammy "Dynamite" also won first place "Life Goes On" also ranked #1 on the Billboard HOT 100 When we worked on that album we weren't pressured but we just did whatever we could do -We were in charge of the entire album, almost -Right But it was really fun because there was no pressure There was no pressure about getting good results but we got good results, even I just hope we keep making and enjoying music like this -I felt pressure during the past few albums -Always Especially "MAP OF THE SOUL : 7" Yeah, especially because it had a certain concept and theme I felt like I had to show something But I felt nothing like that when we worked on this album and it was a really fun experience So I hope we can -Mix in those experiences -keep making music like this on our own I'm grateful that people loved the "BE" album Please listen to "Telepathy" a lot Please listen to "Telepathy" a lot Okay Great Thank you [SUGA Asks and V Answers] -Hello -Yes, hello -Help yourself to some strawberries -Ah, right You've prepared some strawberries Yes, I think it's the first time having an interview in a place with just the two of us I'll be interviewing you today So, V, you took part in producing the song, "Blue & Grey" Yes I think this was... your first time working on a song in an album you contributed this much to That's right As you worked on the song... Is there a specific part you put emphasis on in "Blue & Grey"? [Q. Important part in "Blue & Grey"?) The song "Blue & Grey" itself is an expression of my feelings And the reason why I used the words "Blue & Grey" was because I wanted to overcome it We're all currently in the midst of a pandemic -Yes -I wanted to reflect that feeling... And I wanted to express my emotions that had become dull and tiring from work as honestly as I could And I tried to explain all those emotions through the lyrics So for your song, "Blue & Grey" is there a specific part or melody that you like the most? Though I'm sure it's your song and it's hard to pick a favorite [Q. Favorite part in 'Blue & Grey'?] Well, first of all... When I was first coming up with the melody I tried singing it once As you already know, I believe in my "Angel" So I believe in my "Angel" and when I was working on my guide track I thought, "I should hum the melody like this" and I started humming and I said this phrase "Where is my angel?" And I loved the phrase! -It's just my-- -You've been touched Yes Every time when I'm thinking about something or have to make a decision I picture this imaginary being of an "Angel" I close my eyes and start thinking and I was doing that at the time too in hopes that...this angel will soon listen to my feelings But the angel wasn't listening so I asked, "Where is my angel?" And that kind of felt good That was... That's also your intro -Yes -I really liked it When I first heard the English lyrics of the guide track one of the lines I remember thinking would make it to the final production was "Where is my angel" I thought that line would be included in the final lyrics "Blue & Grey" -We have to talk more about "Blue & Grey" -Yes The final version of "Blue & Grey" was different from the guide track [Q. Why did "Blue & Grey" change?] In the beginning when I was working on "Blue & Grey" I worked with one of my friends and a really good producer And the three of us worked together I wanted to write the lyrics in English But I'm not that fluent in English so... I asked my friends for help and when I wrote the song in Korean they translated it in English for me So the song was all in English at first? Yeah, I originally wrote the song in English to include in my mixtape but then... I heard that our company liked the song so I changed the lyrics to Korean It's better to have it included in the album I turned on my computer that I thought I'd only use for games to start using it for writing lyrics I felt kind of proud of myself It's fun working on tracks Especially when it's included in the album and many people listen to your song When that happens you get motivated to make your next song and create a sort of a virtuous cycle I believe many people will be looking forward to your work As they hear "Blue & Grey" and looking forward to your mixtape... Also, my lyrics were included in the song [Q. RM's lyrics weren't selected...] -Yes! -albeit very short segments, throughout the song -They were included -Yes But I wrote lyrics and Namjoon did too but Namjoon said earlier that "his lyrics weren't selected" Was there a reason for that? Oh well... You could say I was a bit greedy In regards to my emotions I wanted to honestly convey my emotions for the melody So I had finished writing the lyrics and I still remember the one sentence you gave me Which later became Jimin's part! In one of Jimin's parts there's "Don't say you're fine, 'cause you're not" I thought that one sentence really represented my thoughts so I thought "I really want to use this sentence!" and I rewrote the rest of my lyrics based on that sentence -We have our own style of lyrics -Yes I think this time, you thought my lyrics were... similar to your lyric style and that's why you used it With this album and for the future works to come... You have many more days in front of you -Yes -than behind you for making music How do you want to do it? What kind of music would you like make...? You could try a certain genre How do you picture your future regarding music in general? [Q. V's plans on music in the future] First of all, I think including the work I'm working on now I've always personally felt that I am a person with a very narrow spectrum -No, you're not -so I'm working hard I'd like to become an artist who can try various things And I don't have the ability to beat around the bush So I just want to express my words honestly and forthright So... I want to honestly express my feelings, what I'm doing now and what sort of life I'm leading That's the most important part for people who do creative work The reason I'm trying to do nice things for ARMY is because... the fact that they like my music style makes me feel really good when ARMY listen to my songs So I feel energized every time ARMY like my song -Since promotions for "BE" are over -Yes We don't have any plans for now, do we? No more promotional activities... So the music we'll be presenting next could be your mixtape, right? Yes, that's right Please wrap up this interview by sharing your thoughts on that Well, first of all my mixtape was postponed much more than I thought Since it's my first mixtape I feel very... I try not to feel pressured but since it's my own work I couldn't help feeling the pressure Because, albums unlike mixtapes I can share the pressure with our members But creating an album that I have to take the full responsibility for was a bit... I had the thought that I wanted to release it when I could say, "It's good" So when I finally reach that point one day I'll present it to our ARMY as soon as possible So I won't necessarily ask you to wait for it but please look forward to it Yes, I'll look forward to it too Yes Okay, and today... -Help yourself -you brought strawberries for me -Help yourself -Thank you... Thank you so much Anyways... we'll finish our interview here Thank you
Views: 11,437,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, HIPHOP, 알엠, RM, 슈가, SUGA, 제이홉, jhope, 지민, JIMIN, 뷔, 정국, JUNGKOOK, 진, JIN
Id: cNomzAh3-tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 43sec (4363 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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