BTK Confession, full version

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It’s really interesting how he has such a disconnect with the horrors of his crimes. His behavior during the crimes was extremely calm and calculated. Like he says that Mr. Otero was uncomfortable due to having bruised ribs, so he got him something soft to lay on BEFORE HE SUFFOCATED HIM. And he says about a female victim that she had thrown up so he “got her a glass of water and comforted her a little bit” before he STRANGLED HER TO DEATH. He clearly did these things not out of sympathy for the victims, but because he wanted to keep control over the situation by keeping them calm.

👍︎︎ 306 👤︎︎ u/kaitlyn213 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

That is the most surreal video I have ever seen. It is like he is explaining in court how he smashed the neighbor’s fence in a civil suit

👍︎︎ 159 👤︎︎ u/Taco_Bacon 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

He’s the guy who I have the hardest time mentally connecting to his murders. Just the disconnect between the dorky midwestern dad persona and the psychopathic killer really boggles my mind.

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/fegel 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m a Sheriff Deputy and I recently stood in court next to a guy who has over 11 counts of sexual rape and torture with children under 12yrs old. The guy was the exact same way making his confessions of each one. It was the coldest most disgusting and chilling moment of my life. He had absolutely no emotion in his face or words at all. No pride, no remorse. Just nothing but calculated words.

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/JacobLemongrass 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

My husband did a report on Rader and since learning so much about this horrible excuse for a human we refuse to call him BTK. He loved the publicity he received and wanted to be called by his "stage name"

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/bibliophile_97 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

BTK is such a piece of shit. He’s literally if the most annoying manager at work that’s a stickler for every rule was also a serial murderer. They probably are by the way.

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/Wizard_s0_lit 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

When he makes those "pop pop pop" sounds with his lips when trying to recall a detail. Like you trying to remember what you ate for breakfast this morning.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/honkeyz 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

“I had a sausage biscuit with egg, no cheese, saw Cathryn and just decided she needed to die horribly.”

So matter-of-fact... Monsters are among us and they look just like everyone else!!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/cdotterhamilton 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

yes, sir.

imagine being so polite talking about murdering people, what a fucking nutcase

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/DarkoneReddits 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right mr. Raider I need to find out more information on that particular day the 15th day of January 1974 can you tell me where you went to kill mr. Joseph Botero X 1834 it's more all right can you tell me approximately what time of day you went there somewhere between 7:00 and 7:30 this particular location did you know these people no that's now that was part of my I guess my which called fantasy these people were selected all right so you okay you were engaged in some kind of fantasy during this period of time yes sir all right now when you use the term fantasy is this something you were doing for your personal pleasure sexual fantasy sir I see so you went to this residence and what occurred then well I had get some thinking on what I was going to do to either mrs. Otero or Josephine and basically broke into the house or didn't break into the house but when they came out of the house I came in and confronted the family and then we went from there had you planned this beforehand just some degree yes I forgot in the house that lost control of it but it was you know and back of my mind I had some ideas what I was going to do but I just basically panicked at first day so beforehand did you know who was there in the house I thought mrs. Otero and the two kids the two younger kids were in the house I didn't realize mr O'Farrell is going to be there all right how did you get into the house I can't be the backdoor cut the phone lines waited at the backdoor had reservations about even going or just walking away but creasing the door open and I was in alright so the door opened was it open for you two I think one of the kids I think the junior or about junior yes do the young girl Joseph opened the door he probably let the dog out because a dog is in the house at that time all right when you went into the house what happened so I confronted the family pulled the pistol in front of mr. Otero and asked him to you know that I was there to basically I was wanted I wanted to get the car was hungry food I was wanted and asked him lie down in the living room and at that time I realized that wouldn't be a really good idea so I finally the dog was a real problem so I asked mr. Otero if he could get the dog out so he had one of the kids put it out I took him back to the bedroom took food back the family the bedroom floor members aren't what happened there that's how I tied him up while still voting them at gunpoint well in between tying yes all right after you tie them up well they started complaining about being tied up and I reduce into bonds a couple of times try to make mr. Otero as comfortable as I could currently had a cracked rib from a car accident so I had him put a pillow down before his hand had he but eh I think he's Parker coat underneath think they they talked to me about you know giving the car or whatever money I guess they didn't have very much money there I realized that you know I was already I didn't have a mask honoree thing they already ID'd me and made it made a decision to go ahead and put him down I guess I strangled all right what did you do to Joseph Otero see justice Otero Joseph Otero seen mr. Otero the palmer i put a plastic bag over his head and then some courts and tighten it this was in the bedroom yes sir did he in fact suffocate and die as result of this not right away no sir he didn't what happened well after that I I did miss the zotero I had never strangled anyone before so I really don't know how much pressure he had to put on a person or how long will it take but was she also tied up through yes yeah both their hands and their feet were tied up she was on the bed where were the children well Josephine was on the bed and jr. was on the floor it's time so we're talking first of all about Joseph Otero so you'd put the bag over his head and tied it and he did not die right away can you tell me what happened in regards to Joseph he moved over real quick Mike and I think for a hole in the bag and I could tell that he was having some problems there but at that time the the whole family just went they went panicked on me so I worked pretty quick you work pretty quick well I mean I like I strangled mrs. Otero and she went out or passed out I thought she was dead she passed out and I strangled Josephine she passed out or I thought she was dead and then I went over and put it and then put a bag on juniors head and and then I remember right missus Otero came back she came back and asked Joseph Otero si Senor hated he had torn a hole in the back what do I do with him then I put another bag over or he's out all right I recollect it's like I put a either a cloth or a t-shirt or something over it over his head in a bag another bag and inside of them did he subsequently die well yes I mean I mean I was I didn't just stay there and watch him that I was moved around the room all right so you indicated you strangled mrs. Otero after you had done this is that correct now I went back and strangled her again and that finally killed her at that time so this is in regards to count two you first of all put the bag over Joseph Otero's head and he tore a hole in the back then you went ahead did you strangle mrs. Otero then first of all first of all mr. Otero was strangled or a bag fit over his head and strangled then I thought he was going down and I went over and strangled mrs. Otero I thought she was down that I strangled Josephine thought she was down and then I went over to jr. and put the bag on his head after that mrs. Otero woke back up and you know she was pretty upset what's going on so I came back and at that point in time strangled her for the death strangle at that time with your hands no way the court would with a rope and then I I think at that point time I redid mr. Otero but the bag over his head went over and then to junior before that she asked me to to save her son so I actually had taken a bag off and then I was really upset at that point in time so basically mr. Carroll was down mrs. Otero was down I went ahead and took junior I put another bag over his head and took him to the other bedroom honey what did you do that but a bag of reset I put a cloth of reset t-shirt and bags they couldn't care a hole in it he simply died from that then when I went back Josephine had walked back up what did you do I took her to the basement eventually conquer our hunger in the basement yes sir did you do anything else at that time yes I had some sexual fantasies but that was after she was home all right what did you do that might be the house kind of cleaned it up it's called the right-hand rule you go from room to room pick your things up I think I took mr. Karos watch there I guess I took a radio I forgot about that but apparently took a radio why did you take these things I don't know I have no idea just what happened that I got the keys the car fact I had the keys I think earlier before that because I want to make sure I had a way of getting out of the house and clean the house up a little bit make sure everything's packed up and left through the front door and went there went over to their car and then drove over to Dylan's left the car there and eventually walked back to my farm all right now sir from what you have just said I take it that the facts you totally apply to both counts one all up count one two three and four is that correct yes sir now mr. Rader yes and that is originally I believe he indicated 18-34 edge for the address was actually 803 isn't what had happened I don't believe the exact addresses all right mr. Raider we will now turn to count by in that count it is claimed that honor about the fourth fifth April 1974 in Sedgwick County Kansas that you unlawfully killed Kathryn bright maliciously willfully deliberately and with premeditation by staring ulation and stabbing inflicting injuries from which she did die on April 4th 1974 can you tell me what occurred on that day I've had the how exactly say that I had many what I call them projects there were different people in the town that I followed watch captain Bryant was one of the next targets I guess I would indicate how did you select her just driving by one day and I saw her go in the house with somebody else and I thought that's a possibility there was many many places in the area College Hill had been there all over which table anyway that's just with basically a selection process work toward it if it didn't work I just move on to something else but in my kind of person stalking and scrolling you go through the trolling stage in a stocking stage she was in the stocking stage when this happened all right sir so you identified Catherine bright as a potential victim yes sir what did you do here in Sedgwick County then pardon what did you do then here in Sedgwick County on this particular day yeah broke into the house and waited for her to come home how did you break into the house through the back door on the east side all right and you waited for her to come home where's the wait in the house they're probably close to the bedroom I walked through the house and kind of figure out where I'd be if they came through all right what happened that she and Kevin Wright came in I wasn't expecting him to be there and can find out I guess they were related that time I approached him and told him I was wanted in California he did some car basically the same thing that I told the girls kind of ease him make him feel better and proceeded to I think I had him tie I think I had him tie her up first and then I tied him up or vice-versa I don't remember now let me ask you indicated you had some items to tie these people with did you bring these items both the old Carol's into this okay Charles I did I'm not really sure on brights there was some when I and the working with the police there was some controversy on that probably more likely I did the if if I had brought my stuff and used my stuff Kevin would probably be dead today I'm not bragging on that it's just a matter of fact is the bonds I tied him up with he broken some hearts and maybe same way with the same with Katherine it was I got a got out of hand alright now you indicated that you believe you had Kevin tie Katherine up tell me what happened okay I moved well after I really can't remember judged whether I had her tie him up or she tied him up but anyway I moved basically I moved her to another bedroom and he was already secure there by the bed tidy speak to the bedpost on the bedpost that he couldn't run kind of hide her in the other bedroom and then it came back to strangle him at that time we had a fight were you armed with the handgun of that Thomas yes I had a handgun what happened we might have actually had two handguns well I started strangling these are the guarantor Oh or eat broke these bonds and he jumped up or quick like I pulled my god and quickly shot in hit him in the head he fell over I can see the blood and as far as Isis Ernie you know down was out and then went started to strangle counter Katherine and we started fighting because bonds were very good and so acting forth we fought you and Katherine yeah we fought and I got the best ever and I thought she was going down and then I could hear some movement in the other room so I went back and Kevin no no I thought she was going down and I went back to the other bedroom where Kevin was that I tried to re strangle him at that time and he jumped up and we fought and he about at that time about shot me it's got the other pistol that was in my shoulder here I have a magnum in my shoulder so it really I used her did you have it a shoulder go yes and I'm the heavy Magnum of a shoulder holster the other one was a 22 and we fought at that point time and I thought it's going to go off I jammed the gun stuck my finger in the face and they're jammed it and I think he thought that was the only gun I had because once I either Betty's finger or hitting or something got away I used to 22 and shot him one more time and I thought he was down for good that time so you shot him a second time yes sir what happened then went back to finish the job on Katherine and she was fighting and at that point time I've been fighting her I just and then I heard some I don't know whether I was basically losing control the strangulation wasn't working on her and I used a knife on her say you used a knife on her yeah what could you do with the mine I stabbed her I just you said it you just have two or three times the either here or here maybe two back here one here or maybe just two times anger you were pointing to your lower back and underneath the ribs and your lower abdomen underneath the ribs abundance so after you stabbed her what happened actually I think at that point in time well it's a total mess doesn't have control on she was bleeding she went down I think I just went back to check on Kevin or at that basically the same time I heard him escape it could be one of the two but all of a sudden the front door of the house is open and he was gone and oh I tell you what I thought I thought the police were coming at that time I heard the door open I thought that's it and I stepped out there and he I can see him running down the street so I quickly cleaned up everything that I could and left all right no mr. Rader you indicated that SD Otero's who did not have a mask on did you have a mask on at the right no no I did all right so what happened then I tried I had already had the keys to the cars I thought I had the right key to the right car and ran out of there card would think it was up pickup up there I tried it didn't work at that point i'm i was he was gone right now the street I thought Vale I'm in trouble so I try to get in work so I just took off friend om went east and and worked back toward the WSU campus for my harvest partner all right so you had parked your car Wichita State against their kind of campus on how far away were was the bride's reso I'm parked was at 13th and they're honestly there they were on 13th was it 17th yeah I was hurt I was just about one block south of 17 for the car was there there's a park there I parked it at park and then I walked to 13th or to the Wrights residence so basically ran back all right so you were able to get to your car and get away yes sir cool let's turn to count number six in that count they claim on March 17th 1977 in Sedgwick County Kansas that you unlawfully killed surely by an maliciously willfully deliberately and with premeditation by strangulation inflicting injuries from which she did die March 17th 1977 can you tell me what he did on that day as before van was a actually on that one she was completely random there was actually someone across from Dylan's was potential target it was called Project Green I think I had project numbers and assigned to it that particular day I drove at Dylan's park to the parking lot watch this particular residence and then got out of the car walked over to it it's probably the police report address I don't remember the address now knocked nobody nobody answered it so I was all keyed up so I just started going through the neighborhood I've been into the neighborhood before I kind of knew a little little the layout of the neighborhood I've been through the back alleys neuters and certain people live while I was walking down hydrolic I met a young boy asked him if he IDs and pictures kind of was a rough I guess her ruses color and how to feel it out saw where he went and I went to another address and knocked on the door nobody open the door so I just noticed where he went and went to their house and we went from there you call these projects with these sexual fantasies also potential hits that in my world that's what I call them so a million projects hits all right and why did you have these potential hits was this gratify some sexual interest yes sir I had there I had a lot of them so it's just if one didn't work out his move to another one so as I'm to understand it then on the 17th of March 1977 you saw this little boy go into a residence and we tried another level yz7 was there you tried another residence no it was theirs I went to the residents with running Portland and I watched I watched where he went what happened after I tried this once the residents nobody came the door I went to this house where he went in knocked in the door and told him I was a private detective showed him a picture that I had just showed the boy and asked if they could ID the picture and at a time I had the gun here and I just kind of forced myself and I just walked in just open the door walk in and then pull it Bissell what gun with this 357 Magnum so you only had one gun yes sir what happened with I told mrs. s plan that had a problem with sexual fantasies that was going to tie her up and that I might have to tie the kids up and she would cooperate with us cooperate with me at that time we went back she was extremely nervous I think she even smoked a cigarette and we went back to one of the back back areas the porch explained to her that I had done this before and I think she would at that point in time I think she was set to she had a nitro bond and I think I remember right she was she had been sick and like I think she came out of the bedroom when I went in the house say we went back to the her bedroom and I proceeded to tie the kids up they started crying and got real upset so I said no this is not going to work so we moved him to the bathroom she helped me and then I tied the door shut we put some toys and blankets and odds and ends in there for the kids make them as comfortable as it could I'd the we tied one of the bathroom door shut so they couldn't open it and we showed she went back and help me show the bed up against the other bathroom door and then I proceeded to talk her up she got sick threw up got her glass of water comfort her a little bit and then I went haven't tied it up and then put a black bag over her head and strangled her all right was this a plastic bag also yes sir I think it was but I could be wrong in that but it was something I'm sure it was plastic bag down you see back overhead and strangled it what did you strangle her with I actually I think on that I had tie tied her legs to the bedpost and worked up with the rope all the way up and then what I had left over a loop over her neck so you use this rope to strangle yes I don't think I would think it's the same one that a tie your body with what happened well the kids were really banging on the door hollering screaming and and then the telephone rang and they had talked about earlier that the neighbors going to check on him so I cleaned everything up real quick like and got out of there left we went back into my car when you say you've cleaned everything well I mean put my stuff I had a briefcase whatever I had laying around ropes tape cords so threw that in there but you know whatever that I had that I brought in a house that you brought that to the bride residence also now there are some there I think there's some basic stuff that I don't remember bringing total stuff like I did to some of the others is this except that you had prepared yeah I Gor yes I called my kit kit all right sir you left the Bayan residence and had you park your vehicle as still in the same parking lot they're villains at hydraulic and carry Lincoln Lincoln link it is linking in hydraulic alright in count seven it is claimed that on the eighth day of December 1977 in Sedgwick County Kansas that you unlawfully killed a human being that being Nancy Fox maliciously willfully deliberately and with premeditation by strangulation inflicting injuries from which the said Nancy Fox did die on December 8 1977 can you tell me what you did on that day here in Sedgwick County fancy fox was another one of the projects when I was trolling the area I noticed her going to house 1 9 sometimes of in any way put her down as potential victim let me ask you one thing mr. Rader you used that term when you were patrolling the area what do you mean by that it's called stalking or trolling so you were not working in any form or fashion well most I don't know if you read much about serial killers they go through what they call the different phases that's one of the phases they go through as a as a trolling stage you're late basically you're looking for a victim at that time and that you could be trolling for months or years but once you lock in on a certain person that you become stalking and that might be several it but you really only in on that person they basically come the that's that's the victim or the best witch all right no no I wasn't working sir oh this was this was off off off my hours all right so you basically identified Nancy Fox as one of your projects what happened then at first she was spotted and then I did a little homework I dropped by once to check the mailbox to see what her name was found out where she worked let's not buy their months Helzberg kind of sized her up I the more I knew about a person the more I felt comfortable with it so I did that a couple times and then it is selected tonight which was just picked for tonight to try it and it worked out all right can you tell me what you did on the night of December 8th 1977 no about two or three blocks away I park my car and walk to that residence knock get the knocked at the door first and make sure see if anybody's in there because I knew she arrived home in a particular time from where she worked nobody answered the door so I went around the back the house cut the phone lines I could tell that there wasn't anybody in the North apartment broke in and waited for her to come home in the kitchen all right did she come home yes she did what happened I confronted her told her there I was a had a problem sexual problems that I would have to tie her up and have sex with her she was a little upset we talked for a while she smoked a cigarette while while we spoke to her I went through her purse identifying some stuff she finally said well let's get this over with so I go call the police I said okay and she said can I go to the bathroom I said yes she went to the bathroom came and I told her when she came out make sure that she was undressed when she came out i handcuffed her and no really amber other Turks you handcuffed her you had a pair of handcuffs yes sir what happened well I had her handcuff her had a lay on the bed and then I tied her feet and I was also undressed to a certain degree and then I got on top of her and then reached dog took either either feet were tired or not tightening what I took I think I had a belt I took the belt and then strangled her with a belt at that time all right after you had strangled for what happened okay after i strangle her the Bell that took the belt off and retied them with pantyhose real tight remove the handcuffs and tie those with with Hannah cones can't remember the colors right now I think it may be retied or feet what they had not her and they were probably tied her feet work and at that time masturbated sir had you had sexual relations with her Nellore milk no I color I was but I did not so you masturbated then what did you do dressed and then went through the house and took some of her personal items and kind of clean the house up with her it make checked everything and then left all right these thousand was in Sedgwick County or purposes above this it's inside we can remember the adjustment for me Oh 9 9 13 9 9 old tree I sure don't I know it's on Persian 7 versioning that's all I hear which is the 99 something serve I don't know the other nut digits the address as I said is really not important as long as you remember it happened here in Wichita semi county assessors art sir let's turn to count 8 in count 8 it is claimed that on or about the 27th day of April 1985 to the 28th 5th April 1985 in Sedgwick County Kansas it is claimed that you unlawfully killed a human being marine hedge maliciously willfully deliberately and remenant ation by strangulation inflicting injuries from which marine hedge did die on April 27th 1985 can you tell me what occurred on that day well actually kind of like the others she was chosen went through the different phases stocking face and since she'd lived down the street from me I could watch coming going quite easily on a particular date I had a now the commitment came back from that commitment parked my car over at Woodlawn and 21st Street at bowling alley there at time before that I dressed until I had some other clothes on I changed clothes and went the bowling alley went in there the presense of bowling called a taxi had a taxi take me out into Park City I had my kit with me as a bowling bag as Park City and Sedgwick County yes all right you had the taxi take you to Park City what happened then there I asked I pretended that I was a little drunk I just took I just took some beer worst around my mouth and the guy could probably smell alcohol on me I asked told him to let me out so I could get some fresh air and I walked from where the taxi let me out over to her house where does she lived 60 to wake you fifty-four 62-54 62-54 well north independence all right when you walk over there what happened next well as before I was going to have sexual fantasies so I brought my hip kit and lo and behold her car was there about t she's not supposed to be home so I very carefully snuck into the house kind of like a cat burglar and after checking the house she wasn't there so about that time the doors rattled so went back to one of the bedrooms and hid back there or the bedrooms she came in with a male visitor they were there for maybe an hour so he left I waited till wee hours of morning and then proceeded to sneak into her bedroom and put the lights on looked up like oh I think the bathroom likes I just thought he want to flip her lights on and she screamed and jump on the bed and strangled her manually all right now were you wearing any kind of disguise or mask at this time no no you indicated this woman lived down the street from you did she know you casually we walked by and waved she she liked to work in her yard as well as I like to work it's just a neighborly type thing it wasn't anything personal I mean just a neighbor all right so she was in her bed when you turn on the lights in the back out of the bathroom Edison said so I get some light in there what did you do that I manually strangled her when she started to scream she moved your hands yes sir and you strangled or did she die yes all right what did you do after that since I was in the sexual fantasy I went ahead and stripped her and probably went ahead and I'm not sure if I tied her up at that point in time but anyway she was noon I put her on a blanket went through her purse some personal items in the house figured out how I was going to get her out of there eventually moved her to the trunk of the car uh took the car over to Christ Lutheran Church this is with the older church and I have picked some pictures of her all right you took some photographs or kind of camera did you use portal or did you keep those photographs yes that police probably know all right what happened that was it that went took a scene with who tied it she was already dead so I took pictures of her in different forms of bondage and that's probably what got me in trouble with the bondage thing so anyway that's the probably the main thing but anyway after that I moved her back out to the car and then we went east on 53rd all right what occurred then sir what happened then oh trying to find a place to hide her body did you buy the clothes yes yes it it would I couldn't tell you without looking at map but it was on 53rd Queen ring which maybe maybe what's what's stealing we have point I think between Wed and web and ring which I found a ditch a low place in our side of the road and get her there are you say you hit her there whether some ever some trees and brush and I laid that over top of her body all right so you remove the body from the car put her in the ditch then laid some some brush over the buzzer all right sir and count nine it is claimed on or about the 16th day of September 1986 in Sedgwick County Kansas that you unlawfully killed a human being vicki wegerle maliciously willfully deliberately and with premeditation by strangulation conflicting injuries from which she said vicki wegerle did die on september 16 1986 can you tell me what you did here in Sedgwick County on that thing that makes you believe you are guilty as again Vicki was severe girly was another potential victim I went through those different phases locked in on her as I would call it and decided that I would try that date I used a ruse as a telephone repairman to get in their house which over there in my own personal car around lunchtime living lunch hour or approximately that time as early morning that and but like I actually went somewhere else and changed change because what I call my hit clothes clothes he closed up basically different you know things that I need to get rid of later not same kind of clothes I head on I I don't what other better board views it crime clothes or hit clothes I just called it get clothes anyway I walk from a car as a telephone repairman as I walk there at dawn the telephone helmet I had a briefcase went to one other address just to kind of size up the house I'd walked by it a couple times but I wanted to check a little bit more as I approached it I could hear a piano sound and went this other door knocked on a Mottola notice that we were recently working on telephone repairs an area in winter her went to her and off to the door asked her if I could come check for telephone lines inside did she allow you in yes she did what happened then I went over and found out where the telephone was simulated that was checking the telephone I had a make-believe instrument and after she was looking away I drew a pistol at her and asked her if she go back the bedroom with me this is Satan 357 Magnum you know this was a different different this argued asked her to go back to the bedroom with you have to draw a pistol on yes sir what happened then I told her we went back to bedroom which I was going to have to tie her up she was very upset and I think we use the material that was in that's another thing I'm not sure but I think I use a material that they had in their bedroom and after I tied her hands she broke that and we started fighting and we fought quite a bit back and forth she was physically fighting uof yes sir what happened then finally got the hand on her and got a nylon sock and started strangling so you wrap this stocking around her neck yes what happened I finally gained the game daughter and put her down and I thought she was dead but apparently she wasn't but after after she was down and I'm moving anymore I rearranged her clothes a little bit and took some photos I think three of them I remember and then after that I was a lot of commotion she had Mitch's some about her husband coming home so I got other pretty quick the dogs were raising a lot of cane in the back doors windows were all over the house a lot of noise over fighting I left pretty quickly after that but everything the briefcase and head her I'd already gone through her purse got the keys in the car and use their car for my getaway car all right now you indicate that you thought that she was dead just cover later that she was not dead yes I guess the paramedics arrived and they tried to attempt to relieve her driver and that failed that unless he died there or wrong way to hospital or at the hospital I don't recollect but she later found out she did die as a result of your strangulation yes a sir let's turn to count 10 in that cat is claimed at honor about the 18th day of January 1991 to the 819 day January 1991 in the county of Sedgwick state of Kansas that you did then in there unlawfully kill human being that being divorced e Davis maliciously willfully deliberately and with premeditation by strangulation inflicting injuries from which that said the Lord heed Davis did die on January 19th 1991 mr. Rader please tell me what you did here in Sedgwick County Kansas on that day that makes you believe you were guilty and that particular day I had some commitments I left those went to one place changed my clothes went to another place parked my car finally made arrangements on my kit kit my clothes and then walked to that residence after spending some time at that residence is very cold at night had reservations about going in they I had cased the place before I really can figure out how to get in and she was in the house so I finally just selected a concrete block and through through the plate-glass window on the east and came on and words this residence located its on hillside but I couldn't give you a dress I know it's probably 61 probably 62 something on 62 something north or south north North hillside all right so you used a concrete block to break the window plate glass window patio boy what happened that noise I just went in she came out of the bedroom and hopped in a car hit hit her house and I told her that I was I used the roofs of the thing wanted I was on the run at a food car warmth warm up and and I asked her a handcuffed her got a talk to her told her that I would like to get some food get her keys her car and kind of rest assured you know what talked with her a little bit and calmed her down a little bit and then eventually I checked I think she was still handcuffed I went back and checked out where the car was simulated getting some food odds and ends in the house that I like I was leaving they went back and removed her handcuffs and then tied her up and then eventually strangled her or you say eventually straddled well after I tied her up and went through some things in the room there and then and then strangled her you say with you looking for something hmm what's a personal I insist I take some personal items from there did you take personal items in every one of these incidents I did on the hedge I don't everything at Vicky's place the up chairs we got the watch in the radio I don't think I didn't in brights glance no I don't think so box yes I picked some things from Fox this hit and miss all right but I'm not even with Eva's control situation where I had more time I took something but if it was a confusion and other things I didn't because I was trying to get out of there all right so in regard to the Davis matter you went around the room took a few personal things what did you do then strangled her what did you strangle her with pantyhose I kind of like mrs. edge I already figured out my I had a plan on leaving and put her in a blanket and drop her to the car put her in the trunk of the car so you were able to strangle her to death with these paddles yes sir all right put her in her car at her farm car sir Park on the trunk of the car what I really had a commitment I needed to go to so I moved her to one spot took her out of her car this gets complicated then the stuff I had clothes gun whatever I cooked up to another spot in her car dump that off okay then took her car back to her house let that okay in the interim I took her car back to her house and interim I realized that I had lost one of my guns dropped it somewhere so I was caught trying to figure out where my gun was so I went back in the house realized I had dropped it when I went into when I broke the plate-glass window it dropped and fell over for right there and I found it right there so that's all that problem anyway I went back out through the keys check the car real quick like Drew keys up on top of the roof of the house walk from her car back to my car took my car drove it back and I either dropped more stuff off or a picture up and put them in my car and then I drove up north east of Sedgwick County and dropped her off underneath the bridge so all of these incidents these 10 counts occurred because you wanted to satisfy sexual fantasies accurate yes does any party desire any further matters been put on the record this time no your honor I will find that you Dennis L Rader have knowingly intelligently and voluntarily waived your constitutional rights an integer pleas of guilty I will find that you understand the nature of the charges and the consequences of your pleas based upon your statements to the court I will find there are factual basis for each of these pleas of guilty I will accept these pleas of guilty and a judge you Dennis L Rader guilty of murder in the first degree in count one a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count two a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count three a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count four a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count five a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count six a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count seven a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count eight a Class A felony murder in the first degree in count nine a Class A felony and murder in the first degree in count 10 a Class A felony
Channel: thebtksite
Views: 4,245,035
Rating: 4.5827847 out of 5
Keywords: BTK, Dennis Rader, Serial Killer, Confession
Id: BvWOje46Xp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2014
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