The Real Life Serial Killers of MINDHUNTER Season 2!

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103; the number of murders if you add up all the innocent people killed by serial killers in Mind Hunter season 2 but what did the show leave out who exactly are these real-life killers? Join me as we take a deep dive into the real-life killers of Mind Hunter season 2 Number 10 William Henry Hance. 4 murders. A former Marine turned army truck driver, Hance began his rampage in 1978. All four of his victims being women. Hance taunted police by sending letters signed by the "Forces of Evil," a fictitious group of seven white vigilantes who threatened to kill a black hostage if the stalking strangler wasn't apprehended. At the time, another series of murders were threatening Georgia. That of the stalking Strangler; a man not featured in Mind Hunter but was suspected of the deaths of seven Elderly white women. Hance used these murders to divert attention away from himself and his own brutal murders two of the women He targeted were black sex workers and two were army privates, although one of these murders He was never charged with. Robert Ressler, one of the FBI agents of which Mind Hunter is based off, was responsible for creating Hance's psychological profile. From the letters and telephone calls, he asserted that the killer was one man, not seven; black, not white single uneducated and likely a low ranking military man at the fort in his late 20s this profile led officers to Stakeout nearby fort bars once frequented predominantly by black soldiers and were quickly able to identify Hence, and arrest him wrestlers profile had successfully narrowed down the list of suspects Hence was executed via electric chair in 1994 number nine David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam six murders in the summer of 1976 the Son of Sam killer terrorized the streets of New York city killing six and wounding seven these murders according to Berkowitz were spurred by a Demon who had manifested in his neighbor Sam's dog Berkowitz taunted authorities by sending letters that mocked police and promised further crimes leading to the biggest police manhunt in New York City history He was later caught after a local resident noticed a man watching her from his car holding a quote dark object She remembered that an officer had been there earlier in the morning ticketing cars police found that one of these cars was Berkowitz's owned and in it They found a duffel bag filled with ammunition Maps of the crime scenes and a threatening letter addressed to inspector Timothy Dowd of the Omega task force as seen in the show Berkowitz loved the attention the press gave him which led the New York state legislature to enact the Son of Sam laws designed to keep criminals from profiting financially from the publicity created by their crimes in a press conference in February of 1979 Berkowitz said his previous claims of demonic possession were a hoax in psychiatrist David Abrahamson who was appointed Berkowitz claimed Berkowitz had long contemplated murder to get revenge on a world He felt had rejected and hurt him Berkowitz currently resides in the chou-heung Correctional Facility in New York where he goes by the name Sun of Hope after becoming an evangelical Christian number eight Paul Batterson seven murders Although only convicted of one murder that of Addison barrel at gay film critic for Variety magazine He is suspected of six others in the 70s six corpses of men had been found Dismembered in bags floating in the Hudson River none of them have ever been identified But police traced the clothes on them to shops in Greenwich Village that catered to the gay community the banks reportedly had the words New York University Medical Center's Neuropsychiatric unit and since Patterson was a neurological technician there He became a prime suspect but no evidence was found linking him to the crimes William Friedkin the director of The Exorcist who had hired Batterson for a role as a Nishan in the movie later went on to say Batterson had confessed to the unsolved murders, but those claims have not been substantiated Batterson was released from prison in 2003 and finished parole in a 8 to this day. It's unknown whether he is still alive Number 7 Elmer Wayne Henley 7 murders Henley was only 17 by the time he had killed 7 people helping abduct over a dozen more for a man by the name of Dean Corll between 1970 and 73 Henley brought several young men Some of them friends of his to quarrel where the victims were subjected to torture rape and their eventual death Henley later brought another young man and a 15 year old girl to quarrel who was furious Henley would bring a girl This altercation later resulted in Coral goading Henley to shoot him telling him. He doesn't have the guts to go through with it well Apparently he did because Henley shot him set free the two victims and called Pasadena police where he confessed to the murders in court Henley was charged for 6 murders His seventh that of Dean Corll was deemed Self-defense. He currently resides at the Mark Michel prison in Anderson County, Texas where he's serving ninety nine years He's now 63 Number six Charles Manson 7 murders When I stand on the mountain and I say do it it gets done If it don't get done, then I'll move on it and that's a last thing in the world You want me to do arguably the most notorious of the killers on this list Charles Manson and his followers Committed a series of nine murders seven of which he was convicted for He created what would later be known as the Manson Family a ragtag group of predominantly women and adopted the term helter skelter to describe an impending Apocalyptic race war these murders according to the women would help Precipitate that war and Manson allegedly told his followers to write the words political piggy and draw a black panther paw to frame the murders as being done by the Black Panther Manson as he does in the show disputes this theory Tex Watson Who was responsible for carrying out the infamous Sharon Tate murder said that Manson was indeed trying to start a race war But that the Tate murder was designed to be a copycat crime to exonerate Manson's friend Bobby Beausoleil Manson was given the death penalty for the role in the murders Which was later commuted to life in prison without parole after the state of California abolished the death penalty He died of cardiac arrest in November 2017 at the age of 83 Number 5 William jr Pierce 9 murders despite psychologists considering him dangerous William jr. Pierce was released on parole in 1970 for a series of crimes in the span of one year Pierce raped and murdered an estimated nine people two men and seven women His love for sweets as depicted in the show came from actual jail cell photographs and his permitted items similar to that of a convenience store He was known to have an IQ that barely broke 70 and argued that his confession was coerced After the sheriff physically abused him by cutting his privates. He is currently 88 serving a life sentence Number 4 ed Kemper 10 murders Why did you keep the heads? Why'd you cut them off? And why did you keep something out of my childhood? I Could put it on an incident I mean my father chopping the heads off of our two pet chickens and my mother insisting that I eat him for dinner one of two returning serial killers this season at Kemper also known as the co-ed killer embarked on a murder spree from 1972 to 1973 He got the nickname co-ed killer because of his affinity for picking up female students who were hitchhiking he gained notoriety for several reasons his stature six foot nine high intellect an IQ of 145 and the fact he would dismember his victims and perform a room a show on their severed heads as a teen He killed his grandmother and grandfather and was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic at the end of his killing spree He would later go on to kill his mother an event that spurred him to call the police and confess to her murder But shockingly enough the police didn't believe him and told him to call back at a later time it was only when he called an officer that he Personally knew that he was brought in and confessed to the other murders saying that emotionally he couldn't handle it anymore in Custody, he tried to commit suicide twice but failed he currently resides at the California medical facility an all-male state prison where he served seven years to life for each of his murders number 3 Dennis Rader 10 murders I have many of what I called him projects there were different people in the town that I followed watch captain Bryant was Just driving by one day and I saw her go in the house with somebody else That's a possibility Rader also known as the BTK Strangler BTK short for bind torture and kill is arguably minehunters. Most mysterious killer from 1974 to 1991 Rader committed 10 murders in the Metro, Wichita, Kansas area But what makes him so fascinating is his motive of sexual sadism and like Berkowitz his taunting letters to police Rader seemingly lived a double life on one hand a devout church-going family man while on the other a murderous Sexual deviant. He was also elected president of his church's council his spree began in 1974 with the murder of 4 members of the Otero family a murder which is recounted in mine hunter by one of these survivors Kevin bright he would later get more brazen even bringing one of his victims to his church where he photographed her body in various bondage positions in 2005 Rader sent a letter to police asking if he were to send a floppy disk Could it be traced the police responded in a newspaper ad in the Wichita Eagle saying it would be safe This was a lie in a stupid move for someone who considered himself a criminal Mastermind Rader sent a floppy disk to the police but unbeknownst to him the police were able to recover metadata Which contained the words? Christ Lutheran Church and that the document on the disk was last modified by someone named Dennis the president of the Church Council Rader was Apprehended in February of 2005 where he was sentenced to 10 consecutive life sentences With a minimum of a hundred and seventy-five years He currently resides at the Eldorado Correctional Facility in Butler County, Kansas where he lives in solitary confinement Allowed one hour of exercise a day and three showers a week Number two Wayne Bertram Williams 24 murders Although only convicted of two murders 22 others of the 28 Atlanta murders of 79 to 81 have been attributed to Bertrand's an aspiring music manager Bertram is alleged to have lured young boys and strangle them to death his conviction However was for the murder of two adult men in which hairs and fibers from Williams's home car and dog matched with the victims like the show depicts Williams was first considered a suspect after police staking out a bridge along the Chattahoochee River heard a splash followed by his car crossing the bridge he told police he was checking on an address of a Potential singer the number he gave police turning out to be fictitious To this day Williams maintains his innocence and a request for a retrial in 2006 was denied by a federal judge Williams lawyers argued that the carpet fibers used to implicate him in the crimes wouldn't hold up to scientific scrutiny and that the police department covered up evidence that showed the Ku Klux Klan was Involved Williams is currently 61 serving life at the Telfair state prison in Georgia Number 1 Dean Corll 28 Plus murders, although only mentioned through the interview with Elmer Wayne Henley in the show Dean Corll is the serial killer with the highest kill count from 1970 to 73 Coral abducted raped and tortured over 28 teenage boys and young men and what would be known as the Houston mass murders? Coral used two accomplices David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley to lure young men to his place with a promise of drugs and alcohol Once impaired he tied them to Iraq and subject his victims to unimaginable torture Quarrel was known as the Candyman killer because his family owned and operated a candy factory in Houston Heights He had also been known to give free candy to local children Quarrels death at the hands of Elmer Henley marked the end of the Houston murders Henley later showed police where the bodies were buried 17 at a rented boat shed six on a beach near Bulevar Peninsula four near Lake Sam Rayburn And one on another beach in Jefferson County coral currently serves an eternity in hell without parole That's it for this list of the real life killers of Mindhunter season two please make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and if you haven't checked out my other video on Mindhunter season 2 make sure to Give it a look. You can also follow me on twitter at things story whitey. And remember daddy loves you very much
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Keywords: mindhunter, mindhunter season 2, real life killers of mindhunter season 2, real life serial killers of mindhunter season 2, real serial killers of mindhunter, netflix, true story mindhunter, charles manson, mindhunter btk, mindhunter real life killers, mindhunter real serial killers, mindhunter season 2 real life killers, mindhunter season 2 real serial killers, mindhunter vs real life, son of sam, dennis rader, ed kemper, dean corll, wayne williams, david berkowitz
Id: ejdQFo0eQH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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