Bruxelles 1897 - board game tutorial by JustLetTerenceExplainIt

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hello and welcome to this tutorial  for the board game brussels 1897.   it's not an action-packed game  but that doesn't mean it's boring,   and definitely not that it's not a good game. i  like it quite a lot. and here's how you play it.  you are going to play four rounds. whoever has the  most points wins the game. you get some of those   points at the end of the game. some points at the  end of each round. and some points while playing.   later i'll explain how you get those points, but  first i'll tell you how to play it. but again,   you play four rounds and you get points at the end,  and after each round, and sometimes immediately. now,   what do you do when it's your turn? let's look  at the table. there's this section, and there's   this section. when it's your turn you can do  three things. you can do something with this area, or you can do something with this area, or you can  pass. then you are completely out of the round. if   you're the first to pass, you get three money from  the bank. if you're not the first you get one money   when you pass. so again, when it's your turn do  something here, or here, or pass and get money.   let's start with this area you have your money and  you have your cards when it's your turn you can   buy one of these cards how much you want to pay is  up to you for example i could say i want this card   and i choose to pay to money for it so i take one  of my cards with a 2 on it and exchange it with   the card from the table and i pay 2 money to the  bank that's it choose a card exchange it with one   of your cards and pay as much money as it says  on the card that you just put on the table next   this area here you can choose between three  actions this one or this one or this one   if you want to do any of these actions you have  to slide one of your cards under it and then   you can do the action but there are rules one if  you want to do this action but there is already   a card there you have to put two cards there  and if another player wants to do this action   he or she then has to put three cards  there so rule number one for this area   you always have to put down one more card  at an action than there are already there   and rule number two at the end of the round  you count up all the cards that were slid under   whoever has the most has to put one of their cards  in jail for example if i put one here and two here   i've got three cards in total in this area and  with three cards that's the most of all players   so i choose one of my cards and put  it in jail that's it for this area   put one or more cards under the actions to do the  actions at the end of the round see who has to   put a card in jail those are the three things you  can do when it's your turn you can pass you can do   this area by exchanging one of your cards with  the one that you buy and then pay money for it   or you can do this area where you slide your cards  under the actions to be allowed to do the actions   now let's have a look at what all of this  means first let's check out this area   this is art you can buy a piece of art with  money put the art in your own collection   you can buy as much as you want and you can  buy the same piece of art multiple times   then we have this building materials  you use these to build buildings   this one card counts as two building materials  you add them to your own collection what for   i'll tell you now next this is money if you  want the money you need a piece of art to sell   so exchange the card pay the money discard your  art and you put three money in your collection   these are buildings if you want one first  of course you have to exchange one of your   cards and pay money to take this card and  then you have to discard building materials   to build this building in your area your first  building costs you one material so that's half   of this card since you can't cut cards in half  or get change all you can do is pay the whole   card back to the supply your second building  cost two materials again that's just one card   as you can guess your third building costs  three materials so that's two material cards   your fourth costs four and so on so this  is a building when you want one you have   to pay money for it and building  materials and last we have this one   this is a nobleman each nobleman has a special  power what those powers are you'll have to look   up in the rulebook what do you do with these first  you'll have to buy them as always exchange it with   one of your cards and pay for that then you get to  use the special power of this particular nobleman   and last you choose if you want to  discard this person or keep it with you   if you keep it with you you have the possibility  to use the special power once every next round   but at the end of the game you have to pay to  money for each nobleman in your collection if you   can't pay you lose points so again take a nobleman  to use his special power and then decide if you   want to discard him or put him in your collection  and use him again once in the next rounds   quick recap this is art this is money that you  get for selling art this is building materials   and this is a building that you can only put in  your collection if you discard a building material   card and this is a nobleman with a special power  that you can use once and then discard or keep   him to use him again later but you'll have  to pay money for him at the end of the game   you may have noticed there's actually still  one more card this card the exhibition   you can take this card when it's your turn and you  take it the same way you take all the other cards   exchange it with one of your own and pay the  money but what happens then then everything   stops and you're all going to  have an art exhibition together   going to show off the art that you have in your  collection starting with the player who took this   card show one piece of art and immediately get two  points for that remember that at the start i told   you that sometimes you get points during the game  this is it this is how you get points instantly   so again show a piece of art from your collection  and get two points and when i showed this piece   of art the other players can't show this one  as well we're not going to have an exposition   showing the same pieces of art so the next player  can either show a different piece of art or pass   then the next player same thing you keep  going around the table until either all   the players have passed or all four pieces  of art are on the table and then this short   pause in the game is over you take back  the art in your collection yes you keep it   and whoever took this card will be the starting  player for the next round again the exhibition   is to show off your art and get two points per  piece you show one piece when it's your turn   so this is what this area is about there's more  but first i'll say what this area is remember how   to play it you just put one of your cards under  it or more and then you get to do this action   so i'll explain the actions this one  is get five money from the bank easy   the next one is take two cards  from a deck of your choice   and choose one of those to keep of course if  you want to take the money you have to discard   art and if you want the building you have to  discard building materials basically this action   is to do this without exchanging  a cart and having to pay for it   and the last one is this remember that i told you  that if you have a nobleman in your collection   that you could use as special power again in  the next round that's what this card is for   i slide my card under i turn my nobleman sideways  to indicate that i've used it this round and i get   the special power again at the end of the round  he goes back up there's more to this though can i   only do this with one nobleman no you could maybe  use multiple noblemen in your collection i'll   show you let's pretend i have three noblemen in my  collection and let's pretend my player token here   is on space two of this track with a little crown  on top of it this track is for the noblemen so   i've got three guys and i'm on space two  that means when i do the nobleman action up   here i get to use the special power of two of my  noblemen i've got three so i can choose which two   a recap slide your card here to get five money  slide your card here to take two cards from one   of the decks and keep one and slide your card here  to do the special powers of one or more noblemen   again that's already a lot of information we're  almost there as i said you get points at the end   of the game you get points instantly you already  know that one that with showing the art exhibition   and there's getting points at the end of each  round there are four rounds before the game ends   i'll now explain how you get points at the end  of the round for me that is the most fun element   of the game let me first set this up a little  bit to explain it better and while i'm doing that   i might already have a nice number of videos  uploaded by now i did only launch my channel   less than two weeks ago when shooting this video  i'm very happy with the number of subscribers and   views i have so far and i hope it keeps going also  keep in mind that my number one goal is for people   to put on one of my videos when they want an  explanation for themselves or their friends i try   to keep them as short as possible without missing  important details or rushing through things and so   far i hope i'm doing a good job all right back  to the game scoring at the end of each round   first let's deal with the columns as  you can see we have four columns here   these cards at the bottom were randomly  placed at the start of the round   and they decide what the reward is for each  column how do you decide the winner of a column   you may already have guessed it every card  that was placed here by you or another player   has a number on it the higher the number the more  money you had to pay but that could pay off now   you look at the whole column and see who has the  highest number in this case yellow has two points   and green has one point so yellow is the winner  and gets this reward and you get to keep doing   that for each column in case of a tie you both get  the reward again at the end of each round go one   by one over each column whoever has the highest  number wins the reward of that particular column   let's have a look at the rewards this one means  you get to take one of your cards out of jail   and put it back into your hand this means  you slide up one space on this track   this one will let you go up one on this track and  this one brings you up one space on this track   what are they the one with the crown you might  remember this one shows you how many of your   noblemen from your collection you get to use when  it's your turn for this action the next one is for   buildings this decides how many points you get for  each building that you own at the end of the game   for example let's say at the end of the game i'm  on space 2 of this track and i own 3 buildings in   my collection that means at the end of the game i  get two points per building and that's six points   let me repeat it if you win the column with  this card at the bottom you get to take a card   out of out of jail for this one you go up  here this one bumps you up here and this one   lets you go up here and we haven't talked about  this one yet this shield means you get points for   shields let's go back here so you get  rewards at the end of the game for columns   and the other thing that you might get  something for at the end of each round   is shields if we bring these cards together  you can see that together they form shields   just like the columns you have  to determine who the winner is   this time we don't count the numbers but the  colors so in this case the winner of this one   shield is this one and what do you get then let's  go back to the board here we have this same shield   again the player token is on space two here  that means you get two points for every shield   that you win do this for every completed  shield you see just like this one it's not   completed so it doesn't count go over all the  shields decide who the winner is based on color   and give that player the points in case a shield  is a tie both players get the points and you get   as many points as where your player  token is on the shield track little recap   end of each round rewards for columns and then  points for shields and there you have it you know   what to do during a round and what happens when  a round ends so let me end this tutorial by going   over the extra scoring at the end of the game  but feel free to look at the rulebook at any time   because all of this is written on the back page  first you must pay two money for each nobleman   in your collection if you can't you lose  points next points for your buildings   as i said a moment ago at the end of each round  your player token could go up on this track   and that's how many points you will be  getting per building at the end of the game this is when you do that then you get one point  for every unused building material card that   you still have in your collection easy whoever  has the exposition card at the end of the game   gets two points and last deal with the columns  again but this time instead of looking at   this you look at the smaller symbols here the  winner of each column gets the reward of whatever   the symbols at the bottom say what they mean i'll  skip for now so you don't overload on information   it's written on the back of the rulebook try to  have a peek some point before the third round   so again at the end of the game pay for  your noblemen get points for your buildings   get points for unused building material cards  get two points if you have the expo card and   the winner of each column gets points for whatever  the smaller symbols say on the cards at the bottom   quite a lot to come out of such a relatively small  box but it's worth it i think i hope you feel   like you understand how to play it now  and that you'll enjoy it as much as i do   thank you for watching and  see you for the next one
Channel: Just Let Terence Explain It
Views: 684
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, tutorial, explanation, Bruxelles1897, tabletopgame, just let terence explain it, how to play, gaming, youtube, run through
Id: jqMQENqSl4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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