Village Green - How To Play

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hi and welcome to watch it played my name is rodney smith and in this video we're going to learn the one to five player game village green designed by pierce sylvester and published by osprey games who helped sponsor this video the folks down in lower ainsmore seem to think they have the best gardens in the county and that sort of talk just doesn't fly down here in middle didsbrook it's time to show those other villages where to properly orchestrated floral display looks like if you agree or just want to know what the heck i'm talking about join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up separate and shuffle the cards into piles based on their backs you'll have a pile of what are known as green cards which have surprise surprise green backs and awards cards with purple backs and you'll place both of these piles in the center of the play area you'll then need to remove some of these based on the number of players we'll be setting up a two player game in this video which means we return 15 of the green cards and then 10 of the awards cards back to the box without looking at them in a three player game remove only 10 green and five awards and with four players just remove five green well in a five player game you'll use everything once this is done deal the top three cards of the green deck into a row and then do the same for the awards next give each player one of these double-sided village cards to place colored side up in the top left-hand corner of their play area returning any unused cards back to the box then deal each player three awards from the top of its deck which they place face up to the right of their village card in a row like this then everyone is dealt three green cards from the top of the green deck which they can look at but should keep secret from the other players then finally you'll give this blue backed start player card to the player who last watered a plant or you can just choose someone randomly and they'll now be the first player and that's the setup in village green you'll be building a grid of award and green cards in front of you the awards in your village will represent different scoring opportunities giving you victory points based on the types of green cards you have in your village at the end of the game the game is played over a series of rounds beginning with the start player and then going clockwise around and around the table and on each player's turn they can take exactly one action they can either draw and play an award card or draw and play a green card to draw an award card you either take one of the three face up ones beside its deck or you draw the top card itself now if you took a card from the row immediately replace it with the top card next add the awards you took into your village but these can only be placed in certain spots you can either put it on one of the three spaces to the right of your village card or in one of the three currently imaginary spaces below it you already have three awards here to the right but you can always place a new award on top of another one if you instead place it in one of these three spots it doesn't have to be set next to other cards in your village i could place this all the way down here in the bottom most row if i wanted you just can't create a fifth row or column or cover up your village card your village and the awards will mark out a 4x4 grid for your village creating a smaller 3x3 grid in here which you'll fill with green cards as we'll see but you don't have to have an award in each possible space you can leave some of those spaces empty if you like remember the award cards that you play into your village will create the scoring rules that you'll follow at the end of the game based on the green cards that are in their rows or columns just as an example i've set up a village a little bit later in the game and then this award here at the top of your village would give you a certain amount of victory points based on the green cards directly below it well this one here in the leftmost column scores points based on the green cards in the row to the right of it awards give you objectives to aim for so you'll want to play green cards that hopefully match those objectives so now let's take a look at the other action you can instead take on your turn drawing and playing a green card to draw a green card you may either take one of the three face up ones beside the deck or you can take the top card itself and then you add the chosen card to your hand if you took one from the row then you immediately replace it with the top one from the deck after taking a green card you may play one from your hand into your village but it doesn't have to be the same one that you just drew now you can choose not to play a green card after drawing but if so you must instead take one from your hand and put it face down at the bottom of the green deck in this way you'll always have at most three green cards in hand however if you do play a green card there are a couple of restrictions you must follow you cannot place a green card in the top row or left most column of your village these are reserved for awards and your village card green cards are instead placed in the three by three grid found in the middle where you can play it within that grid depends on the types of flowers if any shown in its top left hand corner and most will have flowers on them roses in a circle petunias in a triangle or lilacs in a diamond and the flowers will either be red yellow or purple you can add green cards to any of the nine empty spaces in your village that make up that three by three grid but unlike award cards you cannot add them on top of another green card unless otherwise stated and we'll go over those rules in a little bit if you do place one next to another green card then it must match either the flower color or type or both of each green card above below to the left or right of it but you ignore any diagonal cards for example let's say it's later in the game and i had this set up and i wanted to add this card with red petunias i could put it here to the right of these red lilacs because they at least match on flower color i can also put it here where there's no green cards around it remember you don't count diagonally i could not however put it here because it does not match the purple roses to its left either in type or color now that said i could place these red roses in that spot as they match the color of the red lilacs above them and the type of the purple roses here there are also lawn cards that have no flower markings on them and that means they can be placed anywhere in your village with no need to match the other green cards they're touching wands are also special because you can play other green cards on top of them which you can normally not do as long as that card still matches the flower color type or both of all green cards it's touching like this one does here just note that the lawn card underneath is no longer counted when it comes to scoring at the end of the game moving on there are some other special green cards you need to know about any that have this pawn symbol are worth two points at the end of the game which you're reminded of by this symbol here which represents victory points if you add a green card to your village that has one of these structure symbols then you must draw and play an award card and as normal this can be either the top one from its deck or any one of the three face up ones which you then place as normal into your village and don't forget you can always put award cards on top of other ones that you had previously placed just remember this will replace the victory point conditions of any award cards underneath some green cards will have tree symbols on their bottoms representing willows birch and oak these symbols do not affect where you can play the cards you do not need to match trees with other green cards when placing them but they may score you points at the end of the game depending on the awards that you have in your village there is one other move available to you while playing once per game before you take your normal action for the turn you can flip your colored village card face down to show its muted side and then you take one of two possible special actions one option is to take either the three face up green or three face up awards and place them in any order at the bottom of the related deck revealing three new cards to replace them you then take your action as normal drawing and playing either a green or award card or instead after flipping your village card you can draw and play a green one except now you may add it on top of any other green card as long as you follow all the usual neighbor matching rules also the covered up card no longer counts in the final scoring if your village card is already face down then you cannot take these special actions so use this option wisely you only get to do it once per game players will now keep taking turns adding cards to their village until either one player has filled all nine of the spaces for green cards with green cards or one of the two decks have run out when either one of these things happen the current player finishes their turn and then play continues clockwise until it would be the start player's turn again this ensures that everyone will have had an even number of turns and then at that point the game ends and everyone moves on to final scoring it is possible that you may be unable to add a green card to your village on your turn in this example there's an open space here but it's bordered by a red rose purple lilac and yellow petunia only a card with a lawn symbol could be placed here but if there are no lawn cards remaining this space couldn't be filled in the very rare case that no one can play any of the remaining green cards the game also ends and everyone just moves on to final scoring during final scoring you'll earn points for each of your awards based on the green cards that are in their rows or columns this award at the top for example scores based on the three green cards below it well this award on the side scores based on the green cards to the right of it which in this case are only two which means this player probably didn't play very well because pretty much any card could have gone here i also just wanted to show you that you won't always fill in your entire grid either way each award tells you the rules for scoring it with the points you earn from meeting the listed goal shown inside of purple badges some cards will also give you negative victory points and these will be shown inside of an orange badge the award for excellence in lawns for example gives you points based on the number of lawn symbols in the row or column you're scoring zero lawns would mean you'd lose two victory points while one would score you one point or as i have here two would score you four points and if i'd filled this space in with a lawn before the end of the game i would have scored eight points for this award add up all of the points you earned from all of your visible awards and remember you don't score anything for awards that were covered up you also score one additional point as you're reminded of here if your village card is still face up because that means you didn't use it and don't forget every one of these pawns in your village also scores you two points in the end whoever has the most points wins in the case of a tie the tied player with the most visible green cards wins so for this at most you could have nine and if there's still a tie the tied players share the victory i should also mention there are rules for solo play but those i'll leave for you to discover on your own but otherwise that's how you play village green if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and i'll gladly answer them as soon as i get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at board game geek and i'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 15,959
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Keywords: Card Games, Watch It Played, Learn To Play, Tabletop, Learn How To Play, Miniatures, Tutorials, Board Game, Osprey Games, Learn, Game Rules, Tutorial, Instructions, Instructional, Play Throughs, Rules, Peer Sylvester, Board Games, Village Green, How To Play
Id: iDOwmzvr0LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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