Bruxelles 1897 First Impressions Review

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hello everyone this is Johanna this is Sarah and you are watching board gaming ramblings and today we are sharing our first impressions of works out 1897 this is a card game version of brick sue 1893 by designer at the end espera man and released by geek attitude games it plays from 2 to 4 players in 45 to 60 minutes so yeah let's talk about this game yeah I played it now twice to play it once yes so this is as you said first impression so do we love the board gamers yes we do it's amazing we play that first this year but it has highly jumped up if you sword the top-10 worker placement game say it's on there on my list it wasn't in your because you made your before you played it and you forgot to add it in all sorts but it would have been only price it would definitely it's an amazing game so now we heard I was like in 1897 didn't bring know what it was fun it was a card game which is kind of a hit or miss with these kind of games like like always this is kind of a distilled smaller I'm looking like Dumbo person but like an easier simpler simplified version of all mean mechanics in the game because brick souls 1893 is like a beast of a game and come to mechanisms yes there are so many of them and they they fit together in a really clever way it might be actually like for the amount of mechanisms it might be like the game I know of which has the most kind of most most mechanisms that works completely perfect together yeah there's like nothing in that game where I'll say like no this doesn't work so well I feel like every single thing in that game works yeah so of course they were excited to play the card version we just said it's kind of hit or miss with these kind of games for this partly since we got so I don't know because we love this game so obviously this is gonna be a review or a first impressions based on how it compares to the the base game or the original game but also I'm gonna try to to look at it also from a objective standpoint to see is this a good game in itself yeah but but of course is gonna be comparisons because they know and love the first one but but not ramblings let's go on to more ramblings let's start talking about the rulebook pretty simple rule book 11 pages small rulebook here the Wade big text with good enough examples and pictures nothing much to say really it explains all the elements pretty well of course it's hard for me to say how good it is because it is a lot of the same mechanisms as the original games so for me it was just like skimming through it and seeing okay change this and change that change this and and yeah that's basically it so rules for us all I would guess it's pretty easy yeah I make sense especially since we play the first game yeah so the components here is just a deck of cards the artwork is kind of the same artwork which they have in the original game and it looks good I like the artwork I like the yeah I basically it's it's a good quality cards yeah not much to say and I like that it's a deco price I like that it's that deck of cards that's a game yeah but if you do need some tokens yes and I do new this beautiful board like this board is a portal and you open it up and you get the board there's like no need to do this it's so nice it's like you have this illustration it looks nice I just like this I just I appreciate stuff like this and this has all scoring and different tracks that you can move up on in the game so just a brief overview of the game before we go into the gameplay yes what you're doing in this game is that you I don't remember exactly who you are but you are like one of the elite persons in brixos and you want to get resources you to build buildings to an architect I think if I don't correct mmmm-mmm remember wrong you will get resources build buildings collect art you will sell the art for money you will sell the art for victory points somehow and and that's basically anything that's basically what you do like you you get resources build buildings get artwork to sell it or to do it again with your points for it and that's and then you're gonna try to go on track so that you can score for different ways because what you do is that you have a grid of parts where you will put one of your workers there which is also a card which has a value and you pay that value and you will then try to do that action so you put up different accents every round and you will switch up your card with that card to do that action and then if you have four cards in in a square they will form like a coat of arms that's gonna score points depending on how far you went on a track and then you're gonna see how much money people paid in each on the rows and that's gonna score you give you a special ability which is basically moving on a track at the end of the round or getting people out of prison because it's personally in this game if you go and do stuff free and you are doing that too much you will go into jail I haven't really put myself into the theme of that but I guess there is something here because of a strange addition to have like it could be like always tired or something I was like oh it's going to prison don't know why but but it's probably a shady place you know we love themes so we have like really dug into the theme of this that's like a brief overview on what you're gonna do in the game so you have the worker placement we're trying to have the majority you're trying to have the majority of the coat-of-arms to get that scoring moving tracks how we'll get help or helpers and and all that stuff yeah so you play four players yes I've also only played four players and takes about an hour yeah which is good it is sliced by pretty quickly mm-hmm you you can't focus on everything like in most games you have to let go for something I feel like it's it doesn't overstay its welcome no I feel that as well and the replayability it's okay I guess yeah like you will mostly do the same thing right yes it's I don't feel like this is less replayable than the original bridge cells because of the more limited scoring's in the end of the game that could be more exciting in the original I absolutely think but it's it's okay yeah I would say it's likely there's like some different strategies and you can go for different ones depending on what card comes out so it's gonna change it up a bit but it's the same game every time but it was a quick game so you can play it quite a bit before you get bored of it if you if you enjoy it yes so what do you think about this game okay remember we played once and twice so first impressions yes I'm not like I I really like the original game and this feels to me like they took away some mechanisms that I really like like the really interesting scoring where you if you get so much already in this in the rose color color then you get it like a bonus card something you can build you build your own scoring when you do that or go up on different roles and you kind of like choose what you want to do here you don't get to choose as much and it doesn't feel like that exciting and free I think and also the artwork the art dealing process has been dumbed down evade dumbing it down I ain't I'm not I'm not that disappointed about that but it makes some restriction of the like play area where you can exchange the cards that wasn't a problem in the first game I think what do you think I think like I think I enjoyed it more than you did yeah yeah you were more like thinking the other one yeah I did enjoy this but like most of the things I enjoy here I enjoy more in the other game so I feel like almost every single mechanism has been made less fun yeah and the building of the buildings and building on the buildings to question other buildings yeah that is really interesting in the original game and here is just like pay one or two cards yeah I understand like understand the reasons for doing all this things because it's supposed to be 45 minutes to an hour of a corne game yeah so it is supposed to be like a simpler version of that game and in doing that it has succeeded it is it feels like your cells in a simpler way in a shorter smaller way but I feel like every single thing they have done has made it less interesting yeah like and also it's talking I mean in that way let's see how I want to check out how long how long the original game is because for example I take power grid the corn game which is a card game I really enjoy I love power grid but also real de Koning because the card games is about an hour with five players and power grid is like three three and a half hours with five six players there's a huge difference East and it makes sense to didn't sit down or we only have an hour but I want to get that power grid feeling let's play power grid Accord again but here I checked out how much time we have spent playing the original game and for two players we played brick cells 1893 in an hour and twenty minutes so let's say we could play this for two players we could probably play it in half an hour with two players so that's it is a bit of a different but not had that much but then we play with four plays which is here about an hour and Brooke CIL's 1893 with four players it's about an hour and 45 minutes so it's not it's not even doubling the time but you get so much more debt so much more strategy so much more replayability so I don't really for me I don't really see the need to play this again I'd like it a lot I had fun with it but it's it's I know that the other game exists and if I only have another hour I can play it yeah I will probably get that out of our yeah I agree I I think the positive things that I actually like about this game is that it it's basically a deck of cards you can take it in a ziplock baggie just take like the board and the pieces with it and you have a game like a great game that you can take with you and this is more complex that you than your usual travel game yeah I really like that it's it's a really nice size for it but it is a table hog I like that way so it's our game it takes a lot of space on the table you do and also what I like is your cards that are your workers and your money because you have to think more more about what what card you could wear in the original game you're placing out the money and here it actually adds like a new we'll call it new level yeah because we don't have to be you don't have the free choice like if you spend all your once you have to pay that money so they workers are not the money but yes they have money on them so you decided how much you had to pay for it yeah so you spend all your once and you might have to do a 4 4 a 2 and III that actually might be the thing I like the most agree but then again it also adds up like of course but it can end up a dispatch money because the other games like okay I'm gonna do eight now because I really want to win that if you do like a big money strategy but it's not to me - here because here the money is even tighter yeah so I do I do really feel like they have made this game feel like it it's still tight it's still fun but the decisions are interesting like where do I want to go with which which order by wandering actions in the timing of that but I just feel like the other game exists yeah also feel like in the the illegal the black market or something that I feel like that's less interesting now okay cause you have to go with two crates if someone has done one yeah and that two cards that's a lot of cards it's the same s in before game to you but you have more workers than you have cards I don't think so you have maybe I've eight but you have seven cards oh you do yeah start with five and you have two in the person I think it's the same in the book I don't know I felt like I would never go there with two cards okay I never had the opportunity to do that but in the original game there were lots of like times when the board was smaller your arsenal spaces were fewer and then it was a legitimate reason to use your two guys to go to add that that is also a simplified yeah yeah and also here like there's always gonna be the same amount of cards depending on the number of players you're gonna be saying on a course but it's gonna be a random which part comes out that's also I don't like that because it adds that kind of now we nobody has any art and a lot of these which you can't sell to you know you have no this and no no that's it's more random what kind of access will come out it's round in the original one of the players will choose like you can either you put out some some markers which I'll like this part of the board is saying it or this part of the board and that is so much more interesting you're choosing that and also you're building the buildings on the board it's just so much stuff I just want to play Brooks also Demonica tree I'm talking about this I I'm a huge fan of the board in the original game I'm not so finally here but when they're doing like the same amount of cards every round I think it's nice that it's random or a very playability would really less but I that's where the arc mechanism that I don't like in this game comes in because you said if there's no art and just lots of places you can sell art those would not be filled up and sometimes in Brooks house 1893 yes you could do us suboptimal action just to like fill in and take the majority or feel out that coat of arms together already there you don't always have that opportunity here nobody wouldn't always you would always have it another game yeah either like it was a building I couldn't take in or if it was like I couldn't sell art if I didn't have art and that kind of stuff so it's kind of the same thing but it might be just the way the board came up when you're playing but it also like that's kind of also maybe a thing to make the coat-of-arms strategy not overpowered yes because it was always possible to fill in all the corner wash you would probably want to get a lot more points from that and so it might be that kind of way but I feel like we said I thought like we circled around a few times so I feel like we are probably in the end of the video but final thoughts first yeah I think so I can start today I think we set it enough I like this game it's a solid game if you cannot get pixels 1893 get this game because it's a good game it's a solid design I enjoyed playing it a couple of times have played it I don't really see a reason to play it again because we have it brick sells 1893 which is one of my favorite games of all time so this is not close and I'm not even close to that game so I'm gonna give it a 6.5 it's a solid game but not when I see myself playing again because the original greatly better game exists yeah I mostly agree with that that it's nicely put I am and this game is not for me as we own the original game I see if you haven't played brute cells and want to a little bit of those feeling boy you see that Oh sometimes in the future I want to play heavier games but now this might be a great place to start but play put cells that's fun and if I don't have one hour 45 minutes when we're four players I don't think I would pick this game notice there's so many other games like save up my feelings yeah I don't think so I'm also going give it a 6 point 5 so that's six point five it's a solid game but not good enough to be rescued as the original and that's it so if you think you take a look at it if it looks nice you probably will like it but if you can't get the original do that that's the end of the video yes thank you so much for watching i'm johannes and you've been washing board gaming ramblings and bye bye
Channel: Board Gaming Ramblings
Views: 1,968
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bruxelles, geek attitude games, board game, review, essen, spiel, best games of 2019
Id: OaqTa8k21VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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