I Did an Olympic Gymnasts Stretching Routine for 30 days *Splits Results*

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well the scale this and all this hi my name is Cathy and if you didn't know our career as an athlete I play college basketball I grew up playing volleyball track and field competitor sighing gasps oh those are my bread and butter is passion about but something I always wanted to be able to do but never did was gymnastics I know a lot of girls you always hear doing cartwheels on the playground and stuff I was never that girl I was the girl playing soccer at the boys I full confession I always wanted to be able to do cartwheels and handstands but it was always embarrassed because I was the athlete a sporty girl and because I wasn't doing gymnastics I wasn't doing dancing I wasn't able to do any of those things you guys been following me I've actually set out my last year to Train like a gymnast did my hundred push-up challenge I did my hundreds set up challenge I did my yoga challenge it's all to build this foundational strength to Train like a gymnast for a year and then Cove it happened you know six months be like the wouldn't know that I was gonna train at a gymnastics gym here in Toronto at first I was really upset really frustrated and then I said nope we're gonna adapt to the situation my flexibility is crap like crap let's just devote an entire month whoo stretching like an Olympic gymnast [Music] for reviewers it seems like a good idea to based on using memory suspension so for right now the idea Oh chill up hey all this time feels better - your mother's back you can't tell but i rolling over my hood little book turn my research i was able to find the most common exercises every Olympic gymnast does I made sure to perform those for 30 minutes a day then an additional 36 minutes a day I'd follow different high-level gymnast stretching routines throughout this video I'll put on the screen the specific stretches there made sure to do that I found was common amongst all stretching routines and then the resources I used in addition to that I just took a break from editing just gonna do some extra stretching like a midday oh I'm scared you glue it is this hairy I can do back bends in the ground up but just that that fall oh yeah oh good the hardest part about this was the first week because stretching sucks when you're not flexible and I was the least flexible person you'll ever meet I couldn't touch my toes I did one stretching challenge a long time ago but it was very minuscule like ten minutes a day I've never never built up this habit or stretchy and I always always put it off because disclaimer everyone's gonna think how many doing this you're doing all these like challenges yes this is not a workout this was just like the recovery component so I was doing other challenges with this because this is just stretching this was not a workout my routine today flexibility hack how to get the splits faster to ten minutes before I get into any of my stretching and do foam roll which we should all be doing Oh baby but around the three week mark I also started to panic a little because it seems to be the one claim to fame being flexible and being a gymnast is the split and that's what I put so much pressure on I could start to feel myself moving better there was these little small victories I started to feel but my splits were getting better but I just started to get this glimmer of like I'm not gonna be able to do the splits because I got frustrated seeing all these people who always have these results in like ten days and I couldn't and like I come from athletic background I have a finished channel and I couldn't do it debated even posting this video [Music] let's go I don't have quite as much spinning [Music] I thought that stretching it all just be splits do that but it's a lot of this because I'm broken obvious I didn't do this but without flaring up so you gotta keep this locked down for perform that's Richard gymnasts are also so impressive obviously some are injured than that but they have all that mobility that we don't even realize that they can just do stuff like that it's not just splits oh my god I'm so in Mobile [Music] you know something I noticed today so I've been stretching my upper body too and the biggest thing is my posture I noticed do you know how like dancer especially and I think of like Yogi's and ballet and dashes I was always jealous of like it's still it didn't look dainty like then it just looked strong but feminine and open confidence gee everyone knows that that look is and I never had excel I was always like this is kind of how I wouldn't actually always stand before caught myself in the mirror and I looked and I was I just have this open chest I'm not trying to move shoulders haven't changed in any way comparison before I'd be like this and then now I find myself like this more I'm not perfect but it kind of comes more natural their knees and if we only got yoga blocks stupid biggest game-changer for yourself so much better and because right now I just kind of I'll go like this and you lean forward it feels good this is good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] increasing flexibility I just thought it'd be splits or no splits but I realize it it's the little things you start to notice the best one I can give is this before I'd be like to try and get it but now like it's a mix of flexibility movement within the flexibility and just like body awareness even though this is about stretching I've just been playing around with handstand today the first day I'm able to hold one for a couple seconds and immediately texted my boyfriend and mom it was like what I did later on to change my body you know you have a go away you have certain waist measurement grow your glute excitement for holding handstand is way more exciting it makes you feel so much better than yourself then any number on the scale or so just just some food for thought today 30 I'm gonna do my last stretching routine and compare it to the first stretch as I did in day one and anytime I go to do some kind of fitness challenge I always put on my favorite current outfit it is very vital and I know it sounds cheesy but it's kind of like putting on a uniform when I play sports just came out so if you go off of the link in the description but these beautiful bad boys these are the breeze lightweight leggings from gym shared them like they're seamless they're kind of got that naked feel very smooth which I like when I'm stretching and the screen I love sometimes certain colors I mean a certain mood and green means go greens cause my eyes creating is nature greenish spring feeling sunny I'm more flexible I'm gonna do this I'm feeling good at night and happy and joyful and that is the mood [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think and I just enjoy it honestly guys I was really hesitant about even posting I was embarrassed that I didn't get the splits in a month I put in the work every day I did the structure in the get run I'm trying not to put this pressure on myself because I think a lot of us myself included put these two big of goals on ourselves and that just stops us from doing it and we should really focus on just take the little ones then you just get the little goal it adds up over time boring and they go you do it but I almost imposed this video and I hope this resonates with someone cuz like this is the products I've ever felt about my body this challenge right I'm just like I don't want anyone post it because I didn't I couldn't do splits and I just want you guys to know that like oh oh why am i graphic oh um I just hope you guys realize that like you should always chase ball so you should always trying to improve in anywhere in life but like the the satisfaction isn't always an end goal and you really have to take pride in the little things that's how you're gonna get there and I'm trying to tell myself one day I'm gonna look back holy challenges and I'm gonna do the splits and just because something I did for me I've always wanted to do it cartwheel and do a handstand but I'm really proud of myself because I for my entire life call me soft like I'm gonna do a handset I'm gonna do car vows when you split someone do all these and I really wanna work my flexibility but I never would and this is the first time I did and I really just tried to take the pressure off and just make it a part of my life and now I stretch every day for the calf marriage and I play around like yesterday I just went into a field and just tried to do cartwheels for 20 minutes I know that sounds so stupid but it was such a fun way to move my body and then there's little things like you saw throughout this video that I talked about that I could feel I'm more flexible and yes just because I can't do this but it's definitely no it's not more flexible it could be like I feel so much better about my body and my body didn't really change I'm sure if you look at it maybe a bit but my body hasn't changed at all in 2022 much aside from the challenges you've seen but it's not like crazy anything but like I'm the most confident I've ever been in my body because like there's just this body awareness I have that I got through this month of stretching and the only way to describe because it feels really good that I feel this was something so good for my body I hope that resonates with you guys and it also is just like let such a fire under my butt the little thing that I know this isn't something a push inside like this is just step one of a journey that I'm gonna go on and I hope you guys want to come with me and I just want to keep doing it I'm excited to move everyday I'm excited to get maybe 10 LVL to do a bit more of a carb meal maybe I'll be able to hold a handstand for an action and it just feels so good and no number on the scale besides your waist will ever do that ever feels really good oh and I'm just excited it's really scary to be vulnerable like this and I know some people do my god you stretch for half an order for 30 days why are you doing this but I think it's just a small milestones in their lives that we have to celebrate and I'm excited to see where it goes and I want to bring you guys on this journey so I will always do my challenges that love them I love making those b2 but I think my gymnastics training I don't even know what's called what you guys want me to call it just this will be my training I want to be able to do handstands flips cartwheels splits cool yoga poses and SS this is the first month I'd like to hear from you guys you won't have this mirror my hair journey maybe every three to six months to an update video a lot of you are on your hair growth journey with me and I hope a lot of you can kind of come on this gymnastics journey with me I know a lot of people haven't even do handstands butts and things like that in quarantined ly we can go on this journey together it doesn't feel like and this is the start I hope you get out move your body today and just play around I sing fine hold the handstand safely don't hurt yourself don't come at me with it I broke my head these kids decided to do this yeah are you Tommy you do sound stupid can you listen to someone then today that's on you I'm gonna leave it off with one thing Sam you haven't drink water in three hours I know you haven't go drink some water have a great day guys go peg but
Channel: Keltie O'Connor
Views: 2,171,304
Rating: 4.943891 out of 5
Id: RCFF0Ogkqfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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