Behind the Scenes - Brutal Legend

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welcome to the age of metal Legend to me is the total heavy metal experience you gotta love people that propose side projects and this is one that I thought was a good idea you know you've made it when you go on a video game now probably have to learn to play this is the first time I've ever been involved in this type of world it's been amazing [Music] one of the great things about this game is getting to meet the people that inspired me to make the game like Lemmy or Rob Halford I play this really cool guy called lion white here's a toast it's the glory of nestle to me is a cross-section of everything that I know and loving heavy metal music I'm playing kill Master type casting you know we could really use guys like you because you ruined it up here before they die and I'll heal them all I can always count on you that's what rock and roll should be if you should make you invincible when I'm doing some of the line white screams I have to make sure that I'm a safe distance away otherwise I can rip the skin off your face you don't strike me as the negotiating type so out of personal respect I'll just get right to the ass kicking a guy named Tony and he's a roadie for Mega Death dream job he was this crazy character and he's just telling us all these stories about life on the road and I was like this guy looks like a hero what kind of fantasy world would this guy create and that's what I was trying to make with Brutal Legend all right more funny Roadies they're a pirates but I just live on the road for like months on him man I have wanted to do that forever the Michigan road is selfless terrorism I'll take care of anyone or anything that tries to stop breaking thankless work and the ability to drink and still do his gig that's what metal music is all about living As Much Death doom and destruction in your way and then hoping that somebody will clear up doors where I'm from this guitar makes noises here it blows stuff up so I can't wait to see what a full-on rock show does there's some beheadings mild beheading reality and a fantasy is blurred oh that type of imagery I think is very synonymous to the Brutal Legend game in its power in a word awesome massive music apocalyptic war and brutal action Legend coming soon you [ __ ] oh hammocks I feel like my hammocks do I have boogers did I boogers come out oh hey it's me Jack Black he caught me in the middle of getting shape for my new movie Brutal Legend Mike curls go oh my God Biggs super strong Roadie who gets transported into an ancient realm and battles demons oh yeah feel feel that Jake feel it ever so good Jake hey Jack what are you doing oh hey Tim just getting ready for Brutal Legend the movie I mean have you seen the script it's insane I need to get in shape before I can do those crazy stunts Brew Legend is a video game it we only need your voice and it's almost done it's a video game yeah so I filled my body with toxic amounts of anabolic steroids for nothing eat it what now what's up gamers Jack Black here I wanted to show some clips from a new mind crushing video game Brutal Legend unfortunately we don't have any footage so I rigged up a real life demo that will allow me to do the exact same moves of the Brutal Legends main character Eddie Riggs I've taken an Xbox controller and surgically grafted its wires directly into my brain making me the human video game I'm sure you want to do this you bet your sweet ass I do start with a basic karate chop oh you want me to stop no no do the high kick do that okay it feels like my brain's melting ah totally worth it though I should stop let's just run some footage you have footage of the game why the hell did I drill a freaking hole in my skull I I thought it'd be funny but I think you gave yourself brain damage my telephone is fine shoelaces go buy a brugal leg bone hey what's up party people I'm Jack Black I got a new video game coming out called Brutal Legend where I play Eddie Riggs a roadie thrust into an insane metal fueled Adventure yeah so you know what I thought I'd introduce you to the real deal an actual Roadie who can thrill you with a story from his exciting life meatballs get over here ladies and gentlemen meat bones hey one time I was carrying an ape and I carried it all the way to the stage and then it fell over boom oh man that must have hurt no just fell over didn't fall on me or nothing oh but one time I was re-stringing a guitar and the E string braked and then when I was re-stringing it sucker broke again right away it probably like whipped out and took someone's eye out no come on man there's got to be some kind of crazy stories you've been roading for like your whole life uh I only roadied once for Sabbath Mandy Moore get out get out now meat bones my name is Theodore just show the freaking footage no matter what happens yeah oh hey what's up I'm Jack Black you caught me wielding a giant battle ax yeah I make it look easy but that's only because I'm a trained professional yeah yeah here's a little fun fact first battle axes were created to slay giant Cyclops creatures that once plagued the lands of ancient Greece it's true a Wikipedia did it yeah yeah it's also the weapon of choice for Eddie Riggs the character I play in the greatest video game ever made Brutal Legend why don't you check it out it's pretty awesome huh but not as awesome as this yeah oh shh ah okay boom guys down all right Jack Black here you know when EA asked me to make a viral video about my new video game Brutal Legend I said fine but we're gonna do it the Jack blackway yeah that's right I checked out the YouTube and I know what you kids are watching you like cats and you like musical instruments so move over Numa Numa guy goodbye Chocolate Rain hasta luego you Evolution of Dance piece of [ __ ] say hello to the greatest viral video sensation ever Jelly Bean the world's first guitar playing cat rocket Jelly Bean come on now come on now come on now come on okay she needs a little inspiration roll a clip of Brutal Legend [Music] okay I got a plan [Music] turn them over with the bus no [Music] thank you I'm telling me you're joking oh yeah right right hey how goes it I'm Jack Black and I'm in a new video game called Brutal Legend it's a sweet game about a heavy metal roadie to best enjoy the game you must understand the god-built road is a little different than everyone else boom see that roady's ears they're extra sensitive to most of us an out of tune guitar sounds a little off and it takes away some of the listening pleasure but to a roadie a guitar that's lost its tuning shatters his eardrums with a mighty scream a war cry that compels him to dash on stage like a [ __ ] cheetah to fix the problem so the show can go on so the show can go on Roadies have to haul a lot of gear every single day and they have to do it quickly so Roadies are born with what boom boom huge guns this is actually how big they are when they're born and then they grow into them and what's this uh yeah the smile of a roadie the sweetest smile of all and last but certainly not least roady's got huge balls play Brutal Legend hello my friends I'm Jack Black I'm in this new video game called Brutal Legend where I play a heavy metal roadie pretty much everyone knows what a roadie is but have you heard the story of the very first Roadie oh it's a delightful Tale the year was 102 and the king of Britannia was growing bored of his gestures and he hoped a troubadour might visit him with unheard songs from lanzafar so we ordered his biggest strongest gesture to find such a musician and bring him to the kingdom searched far and wide and found a dobro player Ingall named crew crew who boasted a Proficiency in the songs of the Orient Laura slung crew crew across his back and swam him through the channel lugged him over the impassable mountains swatting away dragons screaming in the faces of witches when they arrived at the castle crew crew sang an oriental ballad so beautifully the king squealed an ecstasy and turned into one thousand gold coins crew crew grabbed the goat for himself and took over the kingdom he thanked borabo with a single gold coin which bore a bubble spent on beer and prostitutes and that was the first time someone ever helped a musician travel for a concert and that was the story the world's first Roadie I'm Jack Black my new video game Brutal Legend will have a massive massive massive massive massive online multiplayer following five massives that means there's going to be a lot of mean people on your headset taunting you with all kinds of nasty names and insults don't let them shake you off your A-game I've devised a self-affirmation to help you deal with these cruel online taunts what they are saying to me is not true I am good at this game I am not a noob I did not just get pwned I eat food not I am not I am not my mother is not and she did not use a bag of big to make her Saturday night now if that affirmation doesn't work for you just be the first one to buy Brutal Legend and play this out of it all the time so then when someone online calls you a mean name just crush them take them to Brutal Legend School it'll ruin their fun and make you feel really really good and that's what online gaming is all about oh hey what's up I'm Jack Black just tuning the old ax up not many people know this but I spend my spare time rodying for the sweet metal band freedom wizard this is an e you know the road is the really the unsung hero of music the perfect sounding a that's why the folks at EA and I teamed up to make the game Brutal Legend in it I play Eddie Riggs a roadie who's been hurled back in time to the Mythic age of Mitchell with the wings of a demon and the power of a rock God Eddie Must Believe Humanity in an epic war against its barbaric overlords [Music] [Laughter] perfectly tuned guitar here you go Lord as a might break a leg Freedom wizard these guys are going to be [Music] hugees hey how's it going I'm Jack Black I'm in a new video game called Brutal Legend let's get real the game is dangerously awesome so before you play you must prepare yourself with proper breathing exercises or your brain will melt and you will poop it out of your butt and die so let's breathe breathe in hold it you're passing through the gates of heavy metal Valhalla breathe out you brandish a mighty ax sharp as the Screech of a witch breathe in a dragon flies into your lungs lights a pipe filled with a bone dust of weaklings and inhales it into his lungs breathe out you remember a moment of sexual impotence and weep great now you're ready to play Brutal Legend please make sure to pass this video on to your friends the good people at Electronic Arts don't want anyone pooping their brains out of their butts hey what's up buttercup how's it going I'm Jack Black and I just wanted to tell you about my sexy new video game Brutal Legend it's a game specifically tailored to meet your needs women ages 35 to 50. it's got everything emotion love passionate scenes where men actually listen to what women are saying and cute little kittens roam the muffin patches as unicorns Glide across what are you doing it's just making a special Brutal Legend video for the ladies none of that stuff is actually in the game it's basically you beating the crap out of demons with the battle ax yeah but you like this voice I'm using ladies it's in the game no it's not damn it damn would you just all I want is to appeal to women ages 35 to 50. the Holy Grail of video game demographics and you're ruining it ah I'm done here if you want me I'll be in my bubble bath I'm Jack Black my new video game Brutal Legend will have a massive massive massive massive massive online multiplayer following five massives that means there's gonna be a lot of mean people on your headset taunting you with all kinds of nasty names and insults don't let them shake you off your A-game I've devised a self-affirmation to help you deal with these cruel online taunts what they are saying to me is not true I am good at this game I am not a noob I did not just get pwned I eat food not I am not I am not my mother is not and she did not use a bag of big to make her on Saturday night now if that affirmation doesn't work for you just be the first one to buy Brutal Legend and play this out of it all the time so then when someone online calls you a mean name just crush them take them to Brutal Legend School it'll ruin their fun and make you feel really really good and that's what online gaming is all about yeah what do you say Tim you excited about Brutal Legend being released on October 13th yeah it's all done and Cooper to be able to play it soon yeah got a lot of um competition though it's a big busy season we're talking about competition a few big games like Assassin's Creed twos coming out what you get to dress up like a bird and climb on buildings dress up like a bird who wants to do that dude what about in Brutal Legend when Eddie Riggs Sprouts demon wings and flies across the landscape yeah yeah yeah modern uh Warfare 2 is coming out too you pre-order that game you get these night vision goggles oh wow what about when you pre-ordered Brutal Legend and you get an official Tenacious D guitar Avatar huh awesome yeah I should say so yeah well there's also a Uncharted 2 the Drake's Fortune you know he can he has a half tuck yeah and the sequel is now like a 5 8 tuck it's even more tough wait a second Uncharted boo who the [ __ ] cares about that game dude what about our game when you whip out your battle ax and you don't tuck it you stuck it right inside of a demon's brain stem Brutal Legend is the only game in town that's true you're right let's do it you didn't do the sound though you gotta also Battle Cry [Applause] perfect I'm gonna make my arms your right stick press down that one oh fine dude this is an advanced level that doesn't happen right at the beginning of the game not the very beginning of the game yeah you can walk around and they're head banging to protect me and they'll plow through the enemies hell yeah they will yeah get on my shoulders they go to uh what's let me go to other girls yeah because when it goes press the white button hey how's it going can you get on me yeah you can actually use her attack if you walk around with her on your back and fire press fire and she'll shoot her crossbow yes oh yeah but you you can't attack it yourself for the it'll strike back so you have to use your arm I probably should have told you dude it's mouth it's like a yeah it's kind of a they'll come down here see some guys coming so um here they come all right come on get it on so press down on the d-pad and it'll tell everybody around here to stay put the D just be better right taste it yeah run let's see oh we're gonna bring okay let's summon his special spear to Blade head press the A Button come on jinx oh congratulations you got an achievement yeah practice body practice good job all right your first battle that's ever been created do you feel like you're commanding the uh this is why I wanted to participate in this project I knew it would be the most powerful game ever created yeah yeah dude I can't wait to get this game Home Alone really if you explore all its nooks and crannies [Music]
Channel: NeoGamer - The Video Game Archive
Views: 15,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, game movie, ending, intro, opening, music, theme, interview, voice actor, actress, boss, behind the scenes, pc, development, mocap, Brütal Legend, Brutal Legend making of, Brutal Legend behind the scenes, double fine, double fine game, Brutal Legend ps3, jack black, Brutal Legend actors, singer, roadie, Eddie Riggs, bowser, peaches, jack black video game, Tim Curry, Ozzy Osbourne, Lemmy Kilmister, Rob Halford, Motörhead, Judas Priest, menu, live action, Tim Schafer, xbox 360, ps3, steam
Id: udoRf4XFBRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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