Brutal Day Of Chopping Rye!

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good morning everybody welcome back to another video right now I'm at the chopper again with the mx285 we're heading out to the field and today we're going to be chopping some winter Rye so I think we've got about 140 acres to cut down today Millions out there with the swatha right now she is apparently having some troubles with the swath they're one of the tarps is not moving properly or something but she's already got a bit on the ground so me and Rhys who's behind me in the truck we're gonna start chopping away and uh see if we can't catch up to the lead we were a little bit worried about this frog drying out on us kind of getting away from us just because it's plus 30 every day sun's out very little rain out here very little rain so we were kind of worried about that crop just drying out so we were very anxious to get chop in here but uh it looks like it's going to be fine now finally when we're getting up there so yeah I kind of hope to get four tons to the acre nothing too crazy but uh another 500 tons of silage would be nice well that's not the best start to the day but that's nolene going back to the yard something's wrong luckily we cut some last night so we get to start chopping sure there's still four or five loads on the ground there so still something to chop all right starting up here [Music] first finish stylish going through the chopper they always go really slow to the start make sure everything's good I also always start the chopper turn the pto1 with the window open just in case something's not set right then I can hear it shut it off quickly but everything seems to be good this morning morning Dennis is here yeah ready to chop some ride dude yeah right on something yeah yeah sweet so yeah like I said in the last video we didn't spray it for weeds we were really debating on whether or not we were just gonna kill all the Rye and then plants barley here this spring because it was looking miserable but uh it made it to my waist here and in quite a bit of the field actually it's pretty even so this stuff is crazy Rye is something that's new to us at the farm this is only the second year that we've been growing it last year we did one quarter this year we did two quarters and I think for the next year if we can we'll do four it's just been surprising us in terms of feed quality and the ability to create tonnage in dry years so this crop here has maybe had three inches of rain not even and uh it's ways High we'll have to see how it turns out yet but uh it's just doing so good because it gets that Head Start in the spring with the snow melt moisture and it's not only dependent on rain real bonus bonus for us out here especially in these last couple years but those uh second second good start today other than of course the swather's down mechanic brunch is our third truck but he's probably looking at the swath right now so that's why I'm not chopping but hopefully you can get that thing going and we'll have a good day foreign that's just the fourth load it's about eight o'clock already swather is down um I think Dad went to the city to get some parts for it there's a roller there's something wrong with it so I got this swath left and then about 500 meters more of SWAT there and that's gonna be it until the swather is back up and running which is unfortunate uh foreign supposed to be out in the field oh that sucks they have a tarp pulled out in front of it it's in the truck with Dennis right now he's pulling his load over the scale huge load yeah yeah not bad yet just short of four tuck [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ER here I guess right here there's a roller that's buggered up that's why we're stopped Swampers back up and running heading back to the field [Music] back in the field nolene's coming [Music] just gotta wait for her to lay a bit of swath and then we'll be right on her just kills your whole momentum for the day starting out like this we only got five loads to the pile it's probably what time is it nine o'clock not great I don't know if we're gonna finish this field today yet anymore but hopefully not that means we got more tons [Music] broken knife uh yeah section uh just a knife yeah yeah I'm not gonna get it here everybody's here to mansplain it to me I'm trying to help put your finger there you're never gonna get that Bullpup oh yeah that's what I'm pointing at well maybe if you hammer it hard enough man oh you did just break it look at these guns yeah [Music] so it's a little unfortunate since she broke down this morning she couldn't get ahead of us so now as soon as she breaks a knife we're standing still [Music] oh okay [Music] yeah good content bad for silaging yeah yeah you are cutting through lunch just don't take lunch just keep cutting while we all sit around and eat lunch and then and then you'll be ahead enough no it'll be like when I go sharpen the knives and you guys all get to hang out yeah that's what we all scratch our heads and do nothing for 10 minutes wow [Music] it's working hard yeah we're gonna get comments that uh she was just working away stressing like crazy getting this thing fixed we're just standing here making fun of her yep yeah oh Dennis helps a little bit like I put the knot off yeah you did yeah [Music] the Jeopardy theme song [Music] okay this morning we were able to put up 28 loads not too bad considering all the breakdowns that we have had it's lunch time now so look forward to that got us some pizza today yes nice good pizza an Ask with bar I bet ya nice so we just had lunch that was pretty good pizza and then Miriam made some dirt cups there some pudding with whipped cream and some Oreos pretty unreal gonna be hard not to fall asleep after that one but uh we're just here sharpening the chopper knives I heard something go through it this morning uh probably a rock and I guess I was right because there is some bite marks in our teeth here [Music] make sure oh yeah there's a there's a whole knife missing right there so that's nasty so usually if you see that knife missing there um the rest of the blades will have some more damage in that row this one looks pretty good though so most likely a rock maybe it was a piece of metal usually metal does a little bit more damage than what I'm seeing here but uh oh no that's a gnarly gnarly bite too you can see it smack something hard the whole Edge there is just dull finish sharpening the blades uh basically this has a grindstone on the end and that runs it back and forth over the blades and every time I twist it it brings that grindstone A little bit closer to the blade so I'll pull it across twist it push it back and every time I'm putting a little bit more grindstone on those knives and that's how we sharpen them okay so this knife that one's probably not gonna get sharp just because it's got such a bite out of it but the other half is pretty good so I think they're looking good that doesn't sound good better go check it out foreign so it's just a broken pickup tooth nothing too serious a lot of people ask me does my neck get sore when I'm chopping you know I go sometimes 10 days straight with barley silage in the middle of summer and I'm just looking straight and then behind all day long and yes sometimes my neck does get sore usually it's not too bad though I'm able to swivel the seat about 45 degrees maybe not quite that much but pretty close to halfway so I'm kind of pointing in between and I'm just looking left to right instead of forwards backwards so I'm not cranking my neck that hard every time but uh I took a time lapse and you guys can see exactly how many times I'm looking back I think I look back more time than I do forward so just keeping an eye on the chopper especially when you're trying to Max it out put the maximum amount of product through this thing you got to be keeping a solid eye on it constantly you can't look away for more than a couple seconds otherwise you might plug it or you might start to blow it over the truck it's in need of constant babysitting so [Music] thank you [Applause] she broke another knife but got it fixed super quick it's the side effect to this Field's not heavy enough wearing a Lincoln pull ahead of us so she's constantly just a few swaths ahead and as soon as something goes wrong without swather wear on her again but she's pretty quick at fixing those knives so it's good last bit of swath for the day [Music] and there we go okay so that's the pile looks pretty good 69 loads total just under four tons an acre pretty good for the Rye crop that's the plastic crew right there what what's wrong what [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] right now we're just lining the edge of the plastic with dirt [Music] goes quick with two wheel loaders [Music] [Applause] [Music] boom all done one day rough day lots of breakdowns with swather especially but uh we got her done so that's all that matters in the last silencing video I made I told you guys if you have any questions about it you could leave them down below and be down to them so a couple of the questions I got um were about our bunks and they say what's in between your bunks those 10 feet of room between the two concrete walls and uh we just that's something we decided to do so we could put the plastic over top of the dirt in between um it's really annoying to cover piles if you don't have this area in between if you just have a single wall separating them it is doable I put the plastic inside of the wall pull it over top but this way we can pull the plastic over the dirt here put tires on the edge and it seals a good seal on there we don't have too much rods there and it's kind of just a nice option to have and then you can walk between your piles skoda mode see if there's any holes in there and do that sort of thing you can also stack a bunch of tires in here which makes covering the piles a lot easier and uh yeah so that's what is in between the piles uh the other question I got was can we put our big blue four-wheel drive tractor in front of the JF stall and the answer to that is no because this tractor does not have a PTO it's strictly built for pulling a Big Cedar with a big tank and they never really planned to put a PTO on here for implements like that'd be nice to maybe put a manure spreader behind here too if you have a beast of a manure spreader but uh this one was optioned without the PTO I believe you could order a PTO for it but uh it's just a little bit too big I think it'd be pretty awkward too yeah you can see it's just all weights back here there's no PTO no room for it either so that's why we don't put this in front of it we could potentially put a blade on here and push up silage with it uh the reason we don't do that is because this thing is a manual transmission it's not so nice to go forwards and backwards foreign so you can see you got your uh one two three four and then low medium high reverse so if you're going up the pile you got a clutch put it in reverse clutch Put It Forward every single time and then you're gonna control your Hydraulics for a blade you would have on here it would work good maybe if we had a drive over pile you could just drive over top of the pile and pack so we might do that in the future but uh for now no not in front of the chopper not pushing silage just uh doing it the way we're doing it now uh the other question I got was how much silage we feed per day or I think more specifically the question was how long does one truck last and I think we're feeding about two and a half trucks per day around 20 tons of silage A Day to all the cows total we do have a thousand head total here at the farm that's from day one Cavs all the way to the oldest milking cow and uh we also raise our steers of course so that takes a lot more silage so we gotta we're gonna make a lot of silage every single year to make sure we can feed all the cows but uh yeah that is gonna be it for today's video guys thanks for those questions at the end and I hope to see you guys in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 72,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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