Cleaning Up Silage Equipment!

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morning everybody welcome back to another video today we're getting the silosing equipment switched back over to normal mode so we're taking the cylagen gates off our silage trucks took the duals off the Case loader and uh that sort of thing we're gonna clean the chopper off here shortly it is supposed to rain today there's a dark cloud coming in would be cool to see some rain again but uh right now we're just taking the bolts loose that hold our silage gates in the truck so every single gate has a bolt to nut make sure that it stays on when you're dumping so we got to loosen those off dad's grabbing the New Holland wheel loader with some chains and we're gonna lift them out you can see uh it is pretty dirty in here it's getting blasted with silage all day it's all gummed up and stuff is what it is that last uh silage that we made was pretty high moisture this is the result oh well [Music] [Music] oh it's the first one [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's already the last one okay all over silage gates are off now these are the brackets to hold them in we always just tighten these guys down nothing too crazy just enough to make sure that they don't fall out [Music] just taking a break from those trucks for a bit uh fed her he's feeding cows right now he's always gonna sniping sick animals in the curls which is excellent and he just texted us there's a sick steer in Corel four so we're gonna grab some medicine me and Dad are gonna go tackle this calf down and uh help him out a bit probably not gonna be able to tackle him [Music] okay just gonna blow the chopper off this morning clean it up a bit then we'll drop it off in the shed somewhere gotta blow all the dust off and then also uh clean the inoculant applicator so we just took the inocline applicator off the chopper we always bring it here rinse it completely off as you can see this thing gets dirty over the course of the season [Music] yeah pretty typical standing there cleaning that applicator just got an audience cheetah how are you these days sweetheart cow hey it's everybody's favorite cow right here cheetah we're now going to winterize the applicator all these lines of water running through them so if you leave it over winter there's a little bit of water left in there you're gonna break your lines so so we got some RV anti-freeze like winter proof stuff so uh we'll pour that through pump it through the lines and then she's winterized just cleaning out our silage boxes there's always a bit of build up here so we got a crowbar and then I'll broom the inside out after [Music] don't know if you guys can see all the seagulls but uh literally thousands of them there's flocks and flocks and flocks in the distance right over top of us they're everywhere is because of grasshoppers in our Fields they're just uh they're having a feast it's a good time of year to be a seagull look at them all it's unreal [Music] well there you go two clean trucks into grain mode we also parked the chopper dropped it off to the versatile they're in the back corner Brent dropped the pickup header for the combine he's working with that thing right now getting it set up for peas so he dragged the straight cut header oath and he's going to be hooking that up in a bit here and then uh of course The Versatile here detached ready to be hooked onto the sprayer spray the fields if need be um I know we're going to spray that rye field that we just combined because there's a lot of weeds in there I think we're gonna plant right in there again this fall it's going to be Rye on rye on rye but if you don't kill the weeds and everything that's growing on the field to start to suck the moisture out and we do not have moisture to afford that so I'm gonna have to do some spraying pretty quick here this afternoon we're going to be scooping out our sand pack it's actually a dirt pack now that was not as successful as the sand it obviously got muddier quicker than the sand did so if we ever do that again we will be putting sand real sand back in that sand pack or straw pack but once we do scoop it out we're going to be putting straw back in there we got a bunch of new Straw from that rye so we're gonna start bedding with straw in the straw back again the biggest reason we're going back to straw dad thinks that it's really healthy for fresh cows to be able to eat a bit of the straw when you put fresh bedding in there and I think he's right so uh that provides some value to the cows so that's the biggest reason we're putting the straw back in there and also we would like to milk Some More Cows there looks like we're gonna have more and more calving now so sand is good for maybe 30 maybe 40 cows in the pack but if you go above that you got to be putting bedding in too much and it won't dry out as much as we need it to so straw is the only option there I guess I'm gonna be using a Case loader come on ladies move it or lose it come on Mama well since we're gonna take the sand out of there we don't need this thing in the barn anymore so he's gonna drop that rotor tiller off I'm sure he'll clean it and then we're gonna put the the auger on it for combining peas and canola [Music] well this is what we're hauling out of there there's not a lot of manure in here at all so dad was like hey you know what we'll just pile it here beside our topsoil pile and then we can put it in the corels maybe someday and use it to backfill still but uh yeah super clean you know some people might even say this dirt isn't even that dirty we got her almost completely cleaned out now I'm just gonna grab our skid steer with the buckets and we're going to do the corners and try and clean it up a little bit better also where that small blue tractor was parked it always tracked in a bunch of mud and it's all standing right there I definitely can't get at it with the loader so uh do a little finer drop of the bobcat [Music] finished hauling it out so we are going to pressure wash that bucket off but I first want to bed up those cows so that they can go back on the straw back and lay down because they've been in that alley they're standing for a couple hours already foreign [Music] foreign well I think that was fun it's been a while since I've seen cows go off like that they seem to really be enjoying that bedding uh I was filming with my phone it's tough to like hold it still when they're jumping like that in front of you you want to laugh but anyway we're gonna go clean that Case loader bucket and drop off the net wrap [Music] foreign [Music] looks like we're gearing up to make some bales we got a heifer head from the Corel that we got AI we tried locking her up this morning after feeding but she doesn't go in 1833 so we're gonna take her out bring her to the shootout back breeder over there there she is [Music] please it's like one of the most fun things in the world to do when a cow is sleeping better but we're looking for two cows we got an AI this evening two heifers got those two heifers in the palpation rail just getting everything ready to breed them qualities hey this sneaky buggers try and get out of the group again oh those two heifers are back in tonight there is a 100 chance we get 10 mils of rain I look forward to that we definitely need some moisture in the ground starting like now so that would be good although it will stop me from hauling Bales tomorrow we cannot haul Bales when it's wet if you put Bales down on wet ground winter will come around they'll freeze solid to the ground and then when you pick them up in the winter with that wheel loader the bottom is frozen to the ground and it'll rip the Bale apart so we always have to be hauling Bales in dry conditions only putting them down on dry ground so we'll see what tonight uh holds for us if we wake up in the morning with some puddles in the yard would be nice would would love to see some rain but anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 51,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: 67SNflp7JYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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