Brunei Is Really Not What You Think It Is!

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I'm here to understand the most misunderstood country welcome to brunai brunai a tiny Nation on the island of Borneo surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia which is known for its beautiful beaches and biodiverse rainforest but that wasn't enough for some of the travel content creators out 10 years ago there was an implementation of the first phase of the Sharia Penal Code law in brunai starting on the 1st of May 2014 where people who don't even live in brunai started creating negative Impressions about the country so me and my team decided to head straight to brunai and experience how it really is to live there where we will show you how it's like to live in a country that has no nightlife taste their food culture and learn the facts of a mysterious fruit that has been banned from traveling and also going in search of monkeys with long noses Salam alikum everyone we are now at the empire in brunai and we are here with l bruni's very own comedian definitely a good way to start the day comedian here right yes I am give us a joke man no the most common pickup line that I usually use you're going to use a pickup line yeah yeah all right let's go where do you get that one from what one that one what one your beautiful smile oh [Music] God brunai Dar Salam the Abode of peace is a country that is the third largest oil producer in Southeast Asia where the kingdom offers free education and healthare to its citizens the Sultan of brunai Hass Al buia has been ranked among the wealthiest individuals in the world as of 2023 with a net worth of $30 billion and I got to see him in person at an event in brunai celebrating the birthday of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and this is one of the biggest events that occurs once a year in brunai where the royal family and the people all come together for a grand parade and I was honored to give a speech right in front of the Sultan of brunai Alum uh your majesty Royal highnesses my name is and I'm from United Arab Emirates and uh so I'm pretty nervous this is my so what we'll do is we'll cut it to make it seem like I'm the one giving the speech that is someone you don't want to mess with earpiece he's got one of those military backpacks yeah that guy you get close it's not going to end well for him as we finished the parade for the celebration of prophet Muhammad's birthday peace be upon him we went to bruni's very own campong ayar a floating village in brunai and we are not just talking about a few small clusters of buildings here this is a cluster of around 40 small villages connected by a 38 kilomet Boardwalk it dates back more than 600 years and today houses around 13,000 people which is approximately 3% of the country's population live in campong a so we visited two homes to meet the families living there got a chance to cook and eat a local dish called Uya I'm going to make the ambuya this is the rawest form which we call ambulong it comes from the the inner trunk of the sago palm it's very Bland in taste it's a replacement for rice so we're going to pour this a little bit of water here so you can take a the little and mix it together go for one motion just like that yep no no no let me show you let me show you just like this just keep on stiring I feel like I'm doing his job keep on stirring am I doing it right yep yep yep oh vigorously oh wow look look at how it just the texture just changed I'm making theah so the key of eating U itself is you do not chew you swallow straight away just swallow bmah oh delicious swall it's nice yeah I'm coming back to my initial analysis of the brunai cuisine is Simplicity through the Simplicity you get the full flavor of whatever it is that you put in there that's a very good analogy yeah when I was doing like research about the country what intrigued me was the amount of people that had a negative opinion of the country for the negativity it's been like 10 years since Sharia law was implemented in brunai how has life changed before sh and after I feel like it's a bit more open now yeah really I feel like we've grown to such a progressive Nation ever since that's incredible and no one ever talks about that as we were all getting to know more about each other I got to know that Zach a young gentleman from brunai is into acting you're an actor aren't you yeah can you do a dramatic scene right now you're an actor I'll do it with you all right we need quiet here we're doing a scene action movie day one how you doing Zach I'm not sitting that oh really yeah is that cuz you were with Emily last night you think I didn't see pretty sure you're not guessing it right oh really she's just my friend friend we're all friends Zach you think I didn't see you I know Zach I know s dising then we headed to the second home of the water Village for some high tea what's something that you would want the world to know about brunai the people why we we are Multicultural and half Chinese have M but we live in in harmony we respect each other we are very Multicultural so you met all of them what do you think of them they're amazing people black one of the interesting things about the mangr forest in brunai is that they have the prosis monkey the Longnose monkey which is only found in Borneo where you have to go along the rivers and in a swampy Mangrove forests to find them we are now uh slowing down in the verai river on an expedition in crocodile infested waters to discover the great ly of buai in order for you to spot this month C to be like quiet but then okay Mony there's a lot of monkeys oh there's a pink one all right do we get out here no we cannot get out from here but how are we going to feed the monkey no we can never I think we can never Fe are we going to feed the monkey I just realize how stupid it was Mom mashall look at this beautiful mosque we're here at J mosque which is one of the two main mosques in brunai absolutely gorgeous construction design it's a Marvel to look at Mas fun fact there are 29 golden domes on the Masjid itself and they represent the 29 Sultans of brunai Hi how are you hey the thing I love about like these mosques is they're they're not just places to come pray they're also like community centers Education Centers places to come and just learn new things be part of a community oh M it's a Sal yes this is the first jum prayer in this m oh he himself delivered the so one thing that changes perceptions is you're seeing the man and the woman in the same Hall making the celebration prayers together masallah which is also very beautiful and very significant for people to see in the outside world but now we are going to go have nasty K which is a fried chicken with a sauce and rice like I say the simplest dishes are the best get some of that sauce get a bit of rice get a bit of this intense chili sauce and here we have the brunai nassi K so we are now at the gong Night Market to try some brunai street food m this is the part that I love you see all the smoking happening all the cooking Happening Here we have hatti buya which is beef lungs oh that's some good tastes like normal meat bit chewy very tasty cheesy tofu M it's combined I think it's cheese mixed with tofu it's supposed to be stuffed but sometimes when they heat it up it melt something together yeah it becomes one yeah I like it all right here we have the dried smash squids you have to dip it in this spicy sauce I like that now for the mysterious fruit durian a fruit that has been banned on many types of public transport in countries such as Thailand Japan Hong Kong and Singapore even taxis have signs to let you know that they refuse to carry passengers transporting it because of the strong smell it carries that can linger for days durian and I've never tried it before I've only heard about it we're going to be trying it for the first time on the streets of brunai how are you liking the smell so far the smell is kind of pungent to describe this fruit it's a spiky oval fruit with a creamy light pulp good aftertaste good aftertaste okay I'm going to feel it tomorrow morning is that is that it okay sh go first oh he's oh my goodness Chuck's taking no prisoners bro like oppos yeah so my thoughts on is first bite is tough then you start feeling it you start getting the sweetness then it tastes good at the end I'm going to go air Milo thank you brother Milo classic drink in this part of the world cold chocolate milk on a hot date thank you siram alikum everyone you're probably wondering why I'm in a life jacket that is because we are going to the brunai National Park via the river to do a hike where we'll get to see this beautiful view of br Rai was pretty early they waking up it's too early all right but she this's full of energy yay here I am sitting in the Longboat ready to go on the river and explore the nature of brunai all right here we are doing some stretches before we go on this hike and I am I don't want to do it man let's go KET you can do it you can do it but I don't want didn't do it we're almost there we're not it's only been eight steps and it's exhausting let's get some cardio [Music] in you had to run with a camera man so can you ask him what's the secret to being 80 years old and doing these hikes like this oh oh oh on the tips oh so he walks like that oh oh so Mr Wong has told us in so many ways never Skip Leg Day yeah never Skip Leg Day thank you so much you see what we have to climb up now we've got to the end and now all of that and if any of you have watched any of my videos you know I have an insane fear of heights all right let's go we're almost 43 M up in the air find that every time I overcome my fear of heights I see beautiful things in the world so I think I'm going to do things that challenge my Heights a bit more often so that means you're going to do a skyd a I am freaking out right now but we have reached the top of the beautiful brunai national park on the top of [Music] brunai so we have just reached a brunai long house now you're probably wondering why it's called a long housee cibot long housee was built on a 13.9 acre piece of of land which has been there since 1996 where 62 members live together inside and what's interesting is although they all come from the same family they all have separate beliefs and religions yet live peacefully together so you're you're Christian this is your auntie you're a Muslim and that's your cousin so you're Auntie brothers and cousins and there's three religions wow all living in the same house yeah that's that's wow to you that we can live on one roof so hold on do you celebrate Eid Christmas everything so you get Christmas presents so nanny this is what I've learned from you number one stay close to family number two if if people are annoying you go take a nap what do you think people think of brunai first of all I think they think brunai is Rich I've been to Japan mostly they said that you brunai rich said we are rich with love we can live with each other that's all that I can say you said you're a Christian yeah what has life been like for you as a Christian in a country with Shar brunai uh imposed that freedom of having a religion I'm a Christian but I don't feel being suppressed by that law because those who committed crimes yes they are subject to the law for me law is good because that is to maintain peace among the peoples under them you're a beautiful soul yeah you've really been amazing and uh I think I'm going to share this story with the world they need to hear these these amazing words from you I love it here yep I'm just going to say it actually sheda and I were having a conversation as to like why the negativity on YouTube when it comes to this country I find it so hard to believe that someone could come here and hate on anything the people are the nicest people I've had multiple conversations with the people at the hotel yesterday at our hike and it feels like I've been friends with them for a long time like that's just the vibe that everyone gives you here we went to Z's house yesterday and I spoke to her sisters and it felt like I was someone that they see frequently so I can't imagine coming here and not having something nice to say about this place yeah you know I'm trying to make sense of the videos that we saw prior to coming here like someone said like my least favorite country for like least based on what like I I'm looking around and I'm meeting people I'm speaking to people and I'm visiting places everyone is so nice and if you're going to come and be like yeah there's not much things to do after 9:00 p.m. well that's the culture so here we are our last evening before we head back tomorrow and what can I say I think brunai is probably the main reason that I travel and let me tell you why because a lot of people will try and paint a negative picture of a country and it's not until you visit that you can see a country and a people for who they truly are with your own eyes with your own heart to make your own decision on what a people and a country truly stand for and since the minute I've landed to the minute I go home I've seen nothing but love kindness and a people who want to welcome the world to this beautiful country to the people of brunai may Allah bless you always you have a place in my heart forever much love and God [Music] bless Hearts berai see you next time
Channel: Khalid Al Ameri
Views: 467,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i52i6pdi3Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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