Why Do People Hate This Country?

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today we are traveling to the country that made celebrating Christmas in public illegal this is Brunei one of the smallest countries in Southeast Asia but also the second richest because of its huge oil reserves and natural gas production the country is controlled by the Sultan of Brunei who after the passing of Queen Elizabeth became the longest reigning monarch in the world and has been in control of the country for over 54 years the natural resources that have been extracted from the country have made the sultan one of the richest men in the world and according to the Guinness Book of World Records he lives in the world's largest residential Palace if you've ever heard of the country of Brunei before this video it's probably not for reasons that I've already mentioned the Sultan of Brunei Drew International condemnation when he implemented Sharia law back in 2014. this allows for archaic punishments like stoning for acts of adultery and homosexuality but if there's one thing that we've learned after traveling to over a hundred countries it's that a country's people and their government are not the same and we believe is there good people everywhere but oftentimes people get a bad rap for the decision that the leadership of their countries make so we're going to give Brunei a chance and for the next 36 hours we're going to be exploring both sides of the country from the ultra luxurious being one of the only seven star hotels in the entire world to a local Village that sits above the water on stilts this is Brunei foreign [Music] two and a half hours later we have just landed in our 105th country of Brunei even though we only have 36 hours here we are going to do our best to squeeze in as much as possible and I have not been this intrigued by a new country that we visited in a very long time so excited kind of forgot we were in a Muslim country and we're the only ones in the immigration line wearing shorts normally we just show up and we wing it getting from the airport to our hotel but we've heard that the country of Brunei even though it has almost half a million residents has only 50 taxis so we booked Transportation with our hotel [Music] welcome to the Empire Bruno thank you so much wow this is crazy so this is what a seven star hotel room looks like oh yes I've been sleeping on the floor the last four nights it's a good bed seven star bed we have this huge balcony someone has fluffed this is that what you do at seven star hotels whoa no way I'm pulling the curtains from the bed uh we have the thingy that I've never seen before the mini bar is included I did not mean to be that forceful for sure uh here we have this closet but just wait until you see the bathroom I'm so happy all the amenities you could ever want from the top three biggest showers I've ever been in I didn't shower for four days except for in the river so it could have spored for the waterfall also there's a separate toilet room and we have one of these guys a little day I've never used that can we just cut to the toilet that we were using last week 10 out of 10. does it count as coming to Brunei if we just stay here the whole time a little steamy as tempted as we both are to just hang out here at this fancy hotel all night we decided to choose the more memorable experience and we're gonna head into town to check out the country's largest night market and try a few of their most popular foods we did it we made it out it's a miracle hello hello thank you see you later wow this is awesome it's been so long [Music] you got us a new subscriber we've been here for five seconds and I already feel like I'm gonna cry I walked past a sign that said tofu cheese and I had to try it so I ordered one serving and this sweet sweet local who's making it not only gave me two servings but she also added in this huge thing of chicken and didn't try just a dime she said welcome to Brunei and she was gave us all of it I knew I knew I would love these people I just had a feeling so she took the sticks she reheated them on the grill and then she painted this sauce on it but there's also okay my first local street food every night well foreign [Music] a little bit I read that they have these gigantic delicious juices and they are everywhere like every other doll is just juice juice also juice or maybe like a fifth of the way through this one is lemon with basil seeds I don't think I've ever had basil seeds before extremely refreshing let's get going so we have four things that we were hoping to try when we came to this market and the cheese tofu was not even one of them so we still have a long way to go we read that this night market was famous for this dish called Brody John it is basically whoa big an omelette on a piece of bread oh my gosh I'm gonna drop it so they cracked a couple eggs they fried them on the griddle he very craftfully folded the egg underneath the bread and then added what looked like barbecue sauce mayo and chili sauce [Music] I feel like anywhere else in the world this would be a late night comfort food but I'm pretty sure alcohol is illegal here so oh it's hot yeah I don't know why I wasn't expecting breakfast if I had to guess when the British were here there was alcohol that's how this originated but that I don't know much we're making up history here do not quote us on this thank you so much okay these people next up I'm pretty sure this is one of the most popular foods in the whole country it's called parentheses it's wrapped in a Banana Leaf when you open it up up really simple anytime I can just eat rice with my hands just to give you an idea of how big the pancake was before she cut it up it's bigger than my face how many people eat one of these oh one person you hear that I'm not eating it so there was a blog post that I read on the internet of all the foods that we needed to try here in the market and there were three different desserts originally I was gonna get one and everything's been so cheap here I just cut all three we're gonna start with the fried bananas more amazing than I expected probably the one I was least excited about though I would consider myself somewhat of a donut connoisseur I've never had a mustache before when I said that family Brunei has their own style of donuts they have extra cinnamon in them if that was fresh that would be the best thing I've ever put in my mouth but it's 8 47 at night and I don't think anybody's making fresh donuts and last but not least my most ridiculous purchase of the night did you hear that let's do that one more time this pancake I have ever seen in my life whoa baby oh look at that fluffy doughy the inside is filled what with crushed peanuts and sweetened condensed milk wow I feel very self-conscious right now because I'm eating and I hear people talking about us over here watching videos I'm just eating on camera I'm gonna make high contact and see if they come over watching your YouTube five years now I love you guys okay real quick we want to say a big thank you to Surf shark for sponsoring this video so far everyone that we've met in Brunei has been absolutely amazing but there are a few bad people everywhere and it only takes one bad person to ruin your day especially on the internet because I cannot think of anything more inconvenient and getting hacked and that is why we use surfsharkvpn if you've never heard of a VPN it's answered virtual private Network and it encrypts all the data sent between your computer and the internet so that no one can steal your sensitive information but here's the fun part let's say you're in boot now I and maybe watching Christmas movies is illegal I don't think it actually is but you know hypothetical it's super easy to change the virtual location of your computer and get access to a completely new content Library if you don't already have a VPN we highly recommend surf shark it's the VPN that we've been using for multiple years now and it's the only one to offer one 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outside of the gold plated Lobby let's go this way swimming pool number one there are five swimming pools and I think this is the biggest swimming pool I've ever seen with my own two eyes one of seven restaurants this is still the same pool the kid's pool with the water slide palm trees by the pool feels like the ocean this is how you know a pool is absolutely gigantic there are paddle boards and kayaks that you can take out on the pool you can rent bikes Beach kids play area we've got some dolphins swimming through the grass that's interesting this gives you a true scale of just how big the property is and there are more abilities that you can't even see from here if you get lost they're actually road signs inside the hotel it was kind of like a private City with no permanent residence this does not feel like a hotel this is definitely a first a theater wow it looks like a proper theater look at these seats do people from outside the hotel come to watch movies okay that makes more sense the full snack set up I mean this is a movie theater honestly everyone here has been amazing from all the people that we've met at the hotel to all the people we met last night at the night market everyone just seems happy that we're in Brunei and so happy to show it off to us next we try to find the country club this is supposed to be one of the nicest golf courses in all of Asia and it was designed by Jack Nicholas I would love to know how that came about one day Jack Nicholas just get a call from the soul to number nine and say hey did you design a golf course for me that's probably exactly what happened if you do want to ride and not have to run the whole property those buggies will take you anywhere all right we have made it to the country club inside this building or two of the things that I'm most excited to show you good morning how are you I just wanted to see you around the red carpet feels very fancy complimentary pool tables one two badminton courts we also have an indoor basketball court close indoor swimming pool with marble floors okay okay so if you don't want to run outside in the steamy heat like I am you can run on one of these treadmills with this view of the golf course in the ocean okay so this is the second of the seven restaurants that I found just like the rest of the property this place keeps going and a gym just for females so we have two outdoor tennis courts and on the back side of that the high net that's the driving range wow once again I don't know why I'm surprised but it is a proper bowling alley I do feel a little guilty about this but it was only six through night dollars for an entire game of boys so I'm gonna attempt the quickest game ever Sunil was the only employee working at the bowling alley and I was the only one bowling so I thought it'd be fun to ask him to join me for a game they're longer than I remember bowling in an empty bowling alley with a stranger is not what I thought I'd be doing with my 36 hours in Brunei but it turned out to be one of the highlights oh it was so close all right final score wow bye thank you what good experience all right tour continues okay I've got one more place I want to check out and I should probably head back and check on camera all right there are still two more pools somewhere a few more restaurants but I think you get the picture this feels more like an all-inclusive resort where not everything is free like it's a very fancy hotel with tons of options and for something that considers itself a seven star hotel that you can book for under 300 I would say it's decent value probably worth checking out if you come to Brunei and we are back to the building where we started this main Atrium area that is six stories tall and has pillars that are made from Marble that they took from Italy and that is actual gold plate this makes it feel like a seven star hotel [Music] well unfortunately Kara still isn't feeling well so you're stuck with me for the rest of the day this is the type of monkey that I'm hoping to see the ones with the huge nose hey how are you good nice to meet you nice to meet you thanks for watching our band tour so I was asking our Taxi Driver yesterday why there were so few taxis in the country and he said it's because pretty much everyone here owns a car Bruno I actually has one of the highest ownership levels of cars there are 1.5 cars per capita here in Brunei so like everybody has a car so there's just not really a need for taxis in the country before heading to the water Village we made a quick pit stop at the um mosque and apparently the domes on top are made of real gold so we are about to head over to the water village where over 5 000 people live full time only about half a million people here in Brunei so one percent of their entire population lives in this Village above the water and I believe it's the largest overwater city in the entire world and Diane this is your job yeah you drive a water taxi normally so I figured there would be a bridge or something but the only way to get to the village is by boat and this is your dad yeah my dad well you look so young yeah where are you from USA oh so far no way [Music] no way okay we've been in the boat for less than five minutes and we've already spotted our first crocodile Sunny itself on the beach and it was kind of creepy how quickly it just disappeared into the brown murky water [Music] so what do you do with the dress just put it in the water compose it at the chassis and like you have the boat yeah that's the garbage boat so just on the bank beyond the water Village is where the Crown Prince has built his Palace which is the largest residential Palace in the entire world with over 1700 rooms it's pretty crazy just looking at the contrast nice to meet you nice to meet you what are the chances we see monkeys so we've just dropped dayat's Dad off and now we are heading into the mangroves in hopes of seeing some crocodiles and monkeys with big noses although neither one of them seemed super confident that we would actually see a monkey or at least not one close-up is this where they normally hang out yeah wow they're so sneaky it's crazy how quickly we transition from the city to the Jungle just a few minutes ago we were at a big golden mosque in the middle of a modern city and just a short boat ride away it feels like we have just been transported to the middle of the Jungle whoa this crocodile has a crab trap and he's trying to get the crab out of the Trap no no way dyad has my expectations set pretty low for this trip but we have already seen two Eagles three crocodiles and we just got close enough to the monkeys to see their big nose I thought if we even got to see him today it'd be from very far away with them jumping around in the trees but they were just hanging out on the edge of the bank apparently they're very scared of humans so as we got closer they ran off into the jungle but that was cool wow I love Wildlife encounters what has a baby I don't care I would love this it's hiding in the tree right there hey we have the same mustache [Applause] [Music] whoa that one's nose is huge [Music] [Applause] did we just get Super Lucky with the monkeys or are there always that many yes yes super lucky today diet did a really good job of setting my expectations low for the monkeys and then we saw so many and we got so much closer than I thought we were going to and those last ones that we saw had the really big noses laughs nice work everyone's safe and sound I told him next we should go pick some people up and try to make some money as a water taxi [Music] what do most of the people that live here do for work do like one sexy driver some of them are working with the government some of them also are like going fishing and they sell the fresh fish to the market the population is defining because most of them are moving the land why is that they have like this some sort of the housing scheme so the government will give them money to move to land yeah kind of rare to see a fire station with boats in it not expect especially a monitor wizard in the middle of the village that's incredible I just thought the Safari was over we're home okay now not yet and a mall are taking me to their home which they share with dyad's parents so you have two kids yes I have two kids and they walk around up here are you scared they'll fall off no they're used to it wow this house is really big yeah because uh his mom is running a small business oh it's a it's a restaurant as well yeah this is the toilet yeah oh wow it just goes straight down to the water okay so no fish it's pretty incredible it's way bigger than I expected so it's Dad's Workshop Mom's restaurant plus five bedrooms and a living room for everyone to hang out hello yeah oh never mind see you later so that yet's Mom has cooked us dinner is that what we're calling this at five we've got some rice with some spicy sauce and a drumstick devil really spicy no I'm just kidding this feels so weird eating without Kara normally she's the one that tries the food and then she goes yum laughs how old are you six five four it was spicy okay we're gonna take a little tour around the village wow it's a bit Rocky I've got to pay attention to where I'm walking and not what I'm filming does anyone ever fall off yeah oh this is kind of reminding me of a more modern version of the floating village that we visited in Peru is it normal for it to be mud or is it usually water does this happen every day or it's the season every day thank you nice to meet you yeah oh that's very cute it makes me mascara fresh water power it's a surprisingly normal living situation minus the walkways the fact that you have to take a boat to get here and that the houses are actually over the water see what am I doing I never feel myself just walking around like this I just don't know where to avoid the camera without Guerra whoa there is no way I'd be brave enough to ride a bike yeah down this pathway I was just saying I bet you're scared to ride a bike okay there he goes [Music] so we just transitioned from the wood walking platform to the new one that they've built this is the modern version of the water Village complete with handrails and concrete do you prefer the new version yes the lodge right here behind me is where Karen and I were supposed to be staying tonight but because she's not feeling well we just booked another night at the fancy hotel so she could just sleep in the battle thing so when they built a big new fancy Bridge they had to knock down some people's homes and this is where they moved them it looks like an apartment complex on the water well this might be what the future of the water Village looks like if you had the choice would you rather live here or your home here yeah it's better it's better the grocery store doesn't have to go to the mainland if you don't want to growing up in the south of the United States there are a few things that sounded more foreign to me the first time I heard them than they called a prayer and I've actually come to really love it just as a reminder that I'm traveling somewhere that is so different from home like I just associate the sound that I'm hearing right now with the exact kind of traveling I want to be doing traveling to a place that's different from what I consider normal and talking to people who think differently and I wish I had more poetic words but this for me just feels like such a surreal experience sitting in a water Village watching a beautiful sunset and listening to the call to prayer from two different mosques this would be a perfect moment if Kara was sitting right here oh feels a little scarier at night okay so we've come to the restaurant that's right behind dayat's house hello hello this one is actually dry fish and then this is my girl fish we just fight it this one is hanko which I believe in English is spinach okay mixed with the warm water I didn't even know that you could eat a tree until last week and now I'm having it twice in one week okay so this is it yeah that's it that's it wow look at this it's just turned into like a hard jelly this is not Chopstick okay don't break it don't break it pull that here yeah put it in twist twist you dip into the sauce and this is a durian sauce it's a durian sauce but be careful it's very hot you cannot swallow when it's really hot because it's going to stick in my throat this is a dangerous food so this is the national dish of Brunei is that is that good try a bit don't you don't you swallow it up it feels so weird eating something and not chewing so no one chews it no wow so you just swallow it whole and I can feel the warmth just going all the way down my body confusing food to me except for the fact that I've seen every process from cutting down the tree shaving it to stomping it to letting it firm it to then drying it and turning it into flour it's like really sticky gelatinous jelly that has pretty much no taste it's just a vessel to get the other tasty things to your mouth into a smaller portion and the cats are waiting for the leftovers we only had a short amount of time here in Brunei and obviously it didn't exactly go as planned but once again our time here has been a great reminder of why we never like to judge a country by the decisions of its leadership all of the locals that we interacted with from the night market to the hotel and especially here in the water Village we're so kind and so excited to show off their country we weren't exactly sure what to expect when coming here but we are so glad that we gave Renee a chance
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,118,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sultan of brunei, brunei country, brunei sultan, travel vlog, brunei culture, brunei travel
Id: Zhn6vfFbUG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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