Browning BAR Rifle 308 7.62 x 51 Disassembly and Cleaning #browning #browningbar #BAR #guncleaning

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today's project is a cleaning of a Browning BAR an original Belgium built VAR the barrel is very clean I don't know if you can see this but the bolt area is quite dirty I did wipe it out a little bit but it's got a bunch of old smelly grease in it the gun has not been used in years but I'm going to take her apart and clean it completely through we're going to do the gas block complete bolt we'll be removing the trigger assembly so just sit back and hopefully we'll both learn something at the same time [Music] okay first thing we want to do is we want to take off the sling just a little button here rotate rotate these little Clips out of the way she slides right off and next we want to take the foregrip off let me get a wrench for that be right back it's a nine millimeter will fit it just perfect crack that loose okay now you're going to see you can't remove it it's tight it's locked in what you need to do is Slide the bolt back she'll slide right out of there a pretty piece of wood okay so now you have your gas block in here when you fire around gas will shoot down through here actuate the piston push it in push your bolt back and then cycle back again okay you can tell this is an old original because we need to remove this screw the newer ones have a hex on them so they're very easy to come off this one has a screwdriver slot and sometimes can be a real pain in the ass so let's uh see if we can pop that off you've got a screwdriver end again okay one other thing you want to do is as you remove your small parts put them in a container so they don't get lost oh okay she loosened up that's a good thing often these don't okay so this is a gas regulator if you looked at it really close see it has a small orifice in it now when the gas has come out when the shots fired they come out they push on the Piston excess gases will shoot forward that's why I often in the wood here you'll see it blackened because obviously that's sitting right there gas has come out they'll impinge on there and light it up a little bit okay we're gonna release that Bolt there we go now we want to stop pulling this assembly apart you got these small little rails you want to pull out one on each side they just space the rails they keep this mechanism up let's see without it now what this does see the notch on there that just pushes right on the bolt slides the bolt back so this slides forward actuates the bolt and comes back again through the gas pressure thank you this is a good thing you can see the Piston coming out sometimes they're stuck in there pretty bad you can see this one has fouled up pretty good it's probably never been cleaned I just keep in mind I see this slot right here you see this little pin here they align to each other just remember that when you reassemble got the Pistons out you can pull this assembly out of course your spring it has been good shape I do not know the dimensions what this should be or actually we're going to put this one back in the rod looks good now this Rod's set up with a piece of metal here a piece of plastic is to be a piece of nylon in this area and then another piece of metal to back that up okay the rifle has been cleared there is nothing in it and that's a little dirty in there we're going to clean that up really good so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to stall I'm going to clean those components up and then we'll continue down remove the bolt and the trigger assembly I just want to do it in stages make sure we don't get ahead of ourselves okay now I'm gonna do I'm gonna clean a dirty gun like this I'll use uh robesol it's a shave cream it actually Cuts really good but it needs to be rinsed off and I didn't want to get any of these components wet so it's going to not use that what I will use is the uh Birchwood Casey gun scrubber we're just going to go after this piston here I'm just using a soft toothbrush loosen up all the carbon this cleaner does a good job it breaks it all up a little brass brush here get out some stubborn spots and the outside cleaned up nice thank you now this slot here that actually lines up with the gas block on the barrel so when you fire around the gases come in here and causes this piston to move pretty simple I'm going to clean this Rod up I'm going to try not to get any of the chemical on the plastic because I'm not sure what plastic it is and some polymers will get damaged if they make contact with a solvent again we just got a small brass Rod here brass brush I'm sorry spring doesn't look too bad now we'll just wipe these components off two metal tabs on the ends clean them up real good reassemble those and the plastic and the metal and then these bars we're just going to wipe down now depending on who you listen to a recommend no oils or greases down on any of these components I will be putting a light coat I'm just going to use the Remington lubricant I find in my AR it works well it doesn't bake up and get destroyed okay piece see a lot of these components aren't too too bad [Music] okay that pretty much takes care of those oh we got the uh usually it's a gas regulator and this I'm going to put a little bit of lock anti-seize on the threads when I assemble it because these have a tendency of getting stuck and this whole end will get destroyed put that on and we'll take the Heat and we'll degrade like an oil well it's pretty good that's what we're putting on it's a anti-seize lubricant not a lot we're just going to uh apply a slight amount to the threaded area that's more than enough clean that up a little bit before we do screw it on okay let's bring the rifle back over foreign okay now we're going to clean the gas block up this I'm not going to be too crazy with it looks pretty good does have some carbon in it so we will uh get in there with the scrubber clean that out as you can see but that's normal that's um the round goes off you get all that powder burned coming up through there that's why this should be cleaned out probably once a year if you use the gun a lot maybe every six months now we're going to try to get this bolt piece out when you slide this back you'll see there's a tin cover over this little tin cover there and you slide it back it should relieve itself see that foreign little tab to slide the bolt back there's a little clip in there a little spring-loaded clip see that so what you need to do is I used a small piece of copper come in underneath that tab push it up slide it forward and she'll pop right out in your hands clean that up a little bit a little bit more Carbon on it than I thought it would okay a little gun oil on it put it in our parts okay now we want to get the trigger assembly and the bolt out what we need to do there is we've got to remove the butt stock pad [Music] this has two regular wood screws on it it's one very small on this perfect my screw on the footstock pad a little dirty if that will clean that up foreign get down in there see it with a big screwdriver let's see if we can get a shot of that I don't know if you can see down in there but there was a standard screw you just want to make sure you do hit on the screw and we're in and it wasn't that tight and it shouldn't be real tight there we go now we got the mud plate there the screw goes in screw the next step is going to remove or drop this plate and it's easy when I use the screw font down like that there comes your plate I think it's an aluminum plate it's very very light that just fits in a dovetail here and that's what holds the stock on pretty simple I'm gonna leave that out I've got to clean that up okay now your trigger group should slide right out there it is there you go it's pretty dirty we'll blow it all out with air and pretty much leave it alone I am not going to disassemble that there's your Hammer that's what hits your firing pin now with that out the bolt just slides out the back end you got this tin plate on here pops on pops off it's not as easy as I've been done let me see if I need uh I got these little plastic tools I use for the computer give me enough let me find a piece of brass for that okay we've got a piece of brass here let's see if we can pop this off we have to put an edge on it one side of this because we have a lot easier than the other side there it is yeah so it's just a little tin cover clean that up that is a lot of carbon on it nice okay now we need to get the firing pin out which is right here that's it so this here we have a pin very similar to what you have in an AR but before you do that you've got a drift pin up here if you can see that one looks perfect I'm going to try this on a soft piece of plastic yeah she does skiing a little bit okay so we have her on the Run see the pin start to move be real careful those pins very small and we'll try to run away yeah that pin is a little baby you know how small that is so we'll keep that in here so it doesn't run away okay so now you got the pin removed all right and slides out there you go clean that up and now this pin will just slide right out just like in an AR and then you've got the bolt comes out yeah she's all tarnished up that's all right we'll clean her up really good all right and again this is just a bronze brush and this plate is aluminum really not much that's going to Mar up the bolt assembly all the lugs on here look really nice no galling no marks on it looks like everything was working really nice okay we're gonna take some compressed air blow that out one other thing you want to do is make sure your shell extract our spring and everything is smooth this one's smooth and robust okay clean up the firing pin now you can order a lot of these pots from browning direct you can also find a lot of them on Amazon yeah that looks good you can see the varnish on this a lot of that's caused by oils that just overheated in pretty good shape we'll Lube all these up before we reassemble them whisper is fairly clean reassemble that with the firing pen and this is pretty empty this we welded up really good okay let's get a little compressed air over here I'm in the house I'll clean this up with a [Music] I'll clean it up with a compressed air out of a can as we're outside in my garage another compressor some kind of varnishing on here soak this up a little bit it's all right that spray works good come right through that varnish we should go in and get a few more Q-tips it's going to need it okay these little pin sets punch sets work great bought these online pretty much disassemble all the rifles pistols I have they're not just a straight they actually have a ball at the end makes them nice to work with less damage to the firearm okay yeah these components are cleaning up nice okay move that up a little bit see how it's nice yeah that works nice okay I've been back in the hole with that PIN right of course you're gonna line it up yeah so see the firing pin needs to go through this hole we just need to make sure when you put this in here keeping the hole exposed to the PIN there we go beautiful again when you put the pen in you want to make sure the radius lines up here we go [Music] nice no burrs operating slick as can be and everything's clean yeah we could put this cover back on now too Square I really don't want a lot off oil on it just a thin coat there we go There She Goes I'm going to cover it used to just slide freely on there okay that's done like the excess off okay so that takes care of the bolt assembly again we'll roll with our friends one more time okay now we just want to clean out in here as you can see it's kind of gummy let me just put a little spray in there and then just wipe it all out clean the lugs out clean this rail out just cut some all varnishy crud in there maybe I'll hit a little later first [Music] [Applause] yeah little toothbrush works well all right no one all plastic it doesn't damage anything this will do digging pretty good skunk okay one last blow I'm going to hit it with a little bit of oil foreign all the excess out and you don't want a lot of oil in here keep it on your moving parts they want enough oil to uh prevent any oxidation and obviously these rails here okay we got the bolt assembly in working nice and smooth Slide the trigger assembly in not want to pull the trigger on that and now it's stuck open set back up okay and we want to get the tail piece back in the threaded Rod will help with that there we go foreign okay foreign work on the gas block and the Piston assembly thanks foreign okay now the mag back in [Music] so with the mag back you got the cam open drop this in should fit in the dovetail and fit in the depth gonna make sure that sleeves forward slide it back go right over that Groove because it's going to be a book around me now there we go and she dropped in smoother foreign so good now with the bolt back should slide right back on there we go put this baby back on the other reason why I noticed a little rust in there earlier okay now you just want to tighten this up so the whole lines do it right there beautiful okay the butt stock back on actually clean that up a little bit oil on that shine it up doesn't need it but it makes it look better go these screws a little coat on them also because they did have a little bit of rust on them foreign another issue we have is with the scope has a you can hear this and that grinding noise like that there's something wrong internally we'll try to fix it if not we'll just replace the scope but it all looks good functioning just fine everything's nice and clean and slickery foreign good to go [Music]
Channel: LifeInTN Chevalier Tennessee
Views: 37,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #LifeInTN, #Tennessee, #Grandview, #lifestyle, #Evergreen, #Browning, #.308winchester, #7.62x51
Id: wJPuqRUp8eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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