Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey - The Wisdom of the Tao (Full)

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hi everybody I'm Oprah and I'm really hoping that you're getting as much from this series as I am and I'm so happy to have here today someone who has studied in the ancient Chinese religion of Taoism and before I introduce him for a better historic understanding and context a little Taoism 101 approximately 200 million people adhere to traditional Chinese religions of which dialogue how is amiss considered predominant it takes its name from the word Dao translated literally as the way it looks like Tao but it's really Dao and it's based on the daodejing which was written over 2,500 years ago and legend has it that is it Lao Tzu well sue aloud sue is the founder and the author of the Dao de Jing and it's comprised of 81 passages 81 and according to my guest it describes a way of living that's balanced moral and spiritual and that works for all facets of life on earth so we're going to be talking about the daodejing today but first I just I don't even know how to begin to to introduce you because here we were going through all the books that you have I just say umpteen 31 ok umpteen bestsellers including the power of intention which actually is my all-time favorite mmm you know who it is listeners its dr. Wayne Dyer and he is here to talk about the Dow which is his latest book change your thoughts change her life living the wisdom of the Dow so why the Dow why now why now the Dow well the Dow is low one of those things that kept coming at me it's I call it a calling when you just keep getting sort of like synchronistic callings from if somebody would tell me about it and then I had talked to someone who had been through a very difficult time with addictions and so on and wasn't able to do anything in the program but was just just read the Dow read the Dow every single day and the only thing that seemed to work for for this particular person and others including one of my own children who has struggled with addictions herself was wasn't reading the Dow that's interesting because you know at that whole controversy I had with James Frey if you know about it I do but one of the he says that that was one of the things that also helped him that struggling with addiction was the person that was the person James called my daughter as a matter of fact Amelia was willing to do anything at all to help her I mean he's you know someone that I have a great deal of love and respect for and and what he said to me was that I wouldn't do the program I wouldn't do this ten steps I didn't want to substitute one kind of an addiction for another but I would read the Dow uh-huh and then my publisher out in California called me and said you've you've got to read this book and you've got to do this and and and every time I would turn on the television or something I would be some kind of reference to the Dow and I've gotten to the point in my life and in my career where I I listened when these sort of things that start coming at you from a distance in today they appear to be but there's no there's no coincidence in fact you know the word coincidence itself is a mathematical term you remember in geometry they would say two angles that that coincide are said to be two angles that fit together perfectly mm-hmm so now we've taken a term that means two things that fit together perfectly and interpreted it to mean something that fits together accidentally which we've just reversed the whole concept of coincidence Wow inside so I called my publisher and I said I just had an aha moment I never heard it explained that way before thank you yes I was great so it's just kept calling me and calling at me and and and I I would read a little bit of it and I taught at a university I even taught a little bit about world's religions and I thought about dau Taoism and so on but I really wasn't really that familiar with it I just and then I began to do the research on it and most of the people who write about the Dow say it's the wisest book ever written it's the most translated book in the history of publishing other than the Bible is in the Bible yes and there are 14,000 different interpretations or translations that I came across myself and so I started I would read the very first verse the opening line of the Dow says the Dow that can be named is not the Dow you can call things something the minute that you called something I put a label on it then it's no longer that oh yes you know I was wondering I was saying this is the producer of our show that I obviously wanted to talk to you about it but I was thinking do you need to be further evolved along the spiritual path before you can begin to accept or receive the concepts of the DAO no you don't not at all some of those common things that you say every day in your life came right out of the doubter change yeah but I know the whole idea of no rules right the journey of a thousand miles yes begins at one those who know don't speak those who speak don't know think small rather than thinking big all of these kinds of comments and things have come out of this this little Chinese man I mean Lao Tzu translates to old man this old man that just had these visions about how to go about living our lives conflict free how to live without having any enemies how to how to be at peace you know what it really taught me Oprah because I did I did it for a whole year it taught me to to think like God thinks and that was like that's my favorite quote from Einstein you know his whole idea he said I don't want to be consumed with the details I'm just paraphrasing he said I just want to learn to think like God thanks yes and so how does God think and I began to see that God thinks without force you know makes everything happen without any force at all there are no no one is excluded if everyone is is included God does nothing but give it's always about giving you know Hafiz the great poet from the 13th century said that he was talking about you know just about giving he said even after all this time the son never says to the earth you owe me he said just think what a love like that does it lights up the whole sky well it's up the whole sky and it's just so it's like if you can you know that there's so much talk about the secret you know a son shows on it and you know i was i wonder talked to you about that i first of all i wanted to ask you do you feel somewhat validated I just feel so grateful and so thrilled that most it's one of the most popular non-fiction books in the history of publishing 10 million copies are out there I mean it's just it's it's giving people a look at the power of what happens when we when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change I mean the world begins to change when you change the way you look at I would have liked to see in a little different emphasis myself yeah too much of a design getting getting rather than giving and in a few if you have this incredible power to align yourself with a universal divine mind that is always giving and always offering then it seems to me that's where we ought to be putting our attention yeah actually I was surprised when I first saw you know the first tape of the secret I was actually surprised that you weren't on there that was asked to be ok that makes sense cuz I thought well you are the father of all this so why did you choose not to be I didn't want to be a part of that emphasis any longer and that was really that was really my reason for doing change your thought to change your life it was really the result of my living the way I'm living now the way I'm living now is on an island it's it's in a place where I can just get as much validation from a tree or a spider or you know anything in nature maybe what Lao Tzu taught me is that God is in nature it's it's it and you have to find your own nature and that in every single one of us in every human being out there listening we have a nature and we know what that nature is and we know what our calling is we've just haven't changed our thoughts to be an alignment with it and this what I want to do with this and this is a to me this being changed your thoughts change your life this is about teaching people how what they should be thinking become more flexible become less rule-oriented become more open don't have any enemies this is the Lao Tzu was teaching all of us 2500 years ago this is the way to think and to have a moral worth don't talk about peace be peace right don't look to be virtuous be virtue a humble yes peaceful be loving be all of these kinds of thing be serene be content you know stop trying so hard just set get back relax enjoy the next thing I'm gonna do is on the dynamics of change I thought because most people know that what they should be thinking yes they just don't really know go about changing the way that they think you know it's like because most of us we have what 60 thousands they say separate thoughts every day yeah 60,000 but the problem is we have the same 60,000 we had yesterday and we're gonna have the same 60,000 again tomorrow and we just keep repeating the same thoughts and none of us ever ask the important questions like is what I'm thinking true because the thought that it's gonna be difficult to do something for example or it's gonna be complicated it's gonna take a long time or it's a struggle that that usually if you really examine that there's no truth in that whatsoever so I'm talking to dr. Wayne Dyer who's really the father of the spiritual movement as we know it in in our time a lot of people call you the father of motivation but when I was talking to you weren't just a motivational speaker you were trying back in 1978 when I first was a 78 I thought it was 76,000 he used to fly up to Baltimore every time there was a yes I was doing that little show called people are talking with mr. chair and we'd start start talking about these ideas which really started to open me up in a way that I'd never experienced before how did you what was the moment the spiritual moment and I used you know the word spiritual carefully here what was that moment that got you to see your own life differently that opened you up filled exactly the moments I know the date the time okay tell me it was 1974 and I I grew up in a series of foster homes and orphanages and so on as you know I had my father walked out on us yes he just abandoned us he never paid any support he just had three boys my mother had three boys under the age of four before she was 23 years old and she was just left there was a depression I was born in 1940 my brother's one in 38 and 36 and I carried around deep anger and deep resentment and deep hatred I dreamt a night rage it was a good word because at night I would wake up and I would be sweating and I'd be five would meet him in a bar someplace and I would be hitting he was an alcoholic and but I never I never was able to find him I ended up in Biloxi Mississippi at his grave through a series of just the most bizarre circumstances I rented a car that weren't coincidences yes exactly and and I was sent I was sent to get rid of this rage inside of me because I knew that I came here to do something great I knew that I knew that when I was a little boy I knew I could talk kids out of being upset at what was going on in the orphanage for example they always when everybody would show up they'd always say where's Wayne they'll get them and I'd whoever it was a little girl would be crying and I'd say this is the greatest place in the world there's no parents you're gonna love this place that's what I would just try to take the attention off of what they would you know their anger and their fear and Wow so I always knew this so I get to my father's grave I didn't even know he was dead up until up until just a few months before and his body had been shipped there when I went to the grave and I stood there at his grave I finally said from this moment on this was after three hours of just stomping on the ground I said from this moment on I send you love from this moment on I will no longer have any resentment or hatred or bitterness towards you at all I never dreamt about this man again I feel his presence very very frequently from that moment on I quit drinking alcohol was no longer a part of my life I lost the weight that I was I said I changed my diet around the right people began to show up in my life and it was all about forgiveness Oh pray was just about you know Mark Twain said that forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it and I could I understood it finally I finally got that say that again forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it and I I have never had an angry thoughts towards him or towards anyone else since that time in change your thoughts change your life living the wisdom of the DAO dr. Wayne Dyer's latest book of his 31 or 32 books bestsellers you say for my father Melvin Lyle Dyer even though I've never known you after thoroughly digesting the Dow I finally get it exclamation point it is and always was all perfect I love you hmm and I feel that I feel him now I feel him right here with us now I could how was it always perfect when he essentially abandoned you how was that perfect for people who are listening we're talking to dr. Wayne Dyer about his life's change your thoughts change your life and he lived for a solid year this lived the dollar the Dow every day how was it perfect it's perfect because it taught me the most important thing that we have to learn in this planet it's about forgiveness if you don't have something to forgive in the Course in Miracles you know it says if you if you if you haven't blamed then there's no need to forgive yeah so once you get rid of blame once you get rid of your your hostility from her so in order for me to be able to get to a place where I could teach people about how to go through their life without bitterness and anger and tension and fear and hatred and all that stuff that we carry around because of the way other people treat us I have to go through that experience myself everything that we've went through in our life we had to go through in order to get to this moment and that's why it was perfect was absolutely it was perfect for you right I feel that way too being born where I was born raised the way I was raised everything including the the you know sexual abuse the poverty all of it has made this moment possible absolutely and therefore it was perfect that's it it was I mean I remember hearing you talk a couple of years ago and you said but your parents had sex one time one time one time in their whole life one day and you were the result of that I was wearing a poodle skirt and he wanted to see what was under it under a tree or something he asked to take her home after school and they stopped by an oak tree I think it's why I love oak so much I just was obsessed with oak please don't even know what it is why I'm so drawn to nobody anyway under a tree and he said he when he took her to my grandmother's house her mother's home that she still had the leaves on the back of the skirt because they forgot to brush all the leaves and she was a young she was young 18 years old and that one in that one now how could there be a how could that be an accident an accident or coincidence is something that fits together perfectly look at all the series of things could happen it wasn't even like they were friends mmm she they happen to be passing at the same moment and he said hey girl mm-hmm what if she hadn't to come out of that door at that moment you know yeah it's crazy if one second later you know one second later and all of that's what is it's like there's an organizing intelligence behind this behind that's one of the things I know that's what you talked about in Rome I mean the organized intelligence and organizing just think I used to give the example of just imagine first I can uh uh a junk a junkyard I mean if it's got three million pieces of junk just strewn everyplace everything you can think of old toilet seats disgust of wiring and just the old generators and battery yeah everything that you can think of the whole three million of us a wind comes along two hundred mile an hour wind comes along and takes all of this junk and swirls it around and it goes up into the air and it's twirling around in the air of this you know the cyclone that goes by the cyclone passes and all the junk comes back down to the ground and there's a Boeing 747 where was just a field of energy field of junk before what is the likelihood of something like that happening but I mean a billion to one a trillion to one could it ever happen it takes and organizing intelligence to take all of these things and bring it together and a Boeing 747 is nothing compared to a human being or compared to the universe compared to all of those stuff you to think that this all has something that just happened because it was some happenstance accident there is something called the doubt and it says the doubt does nothing but it leaves nothing undone those were listening for the hearing about this for the first time and there are a lot of people actually hearing this this philosophy for the first time is down more if more of a religion would you say is it a lifestyle no two rules for living now it's two hated rules and and and if you if you were to call the of taoism of religion to Lao Tzu he would have laughed at you it's not a religion had nothing to do with religion here anything that had to do with with with rules of conduct and how to run your life what he said about rules and laws and so on is it if you need rules and you need laws in order to be a moral person then you're not connected to the DA I know but when I read that I thought well oh my God we're gonna have an Turkey we'd be craziness would be heresy it would be if we don't have ruler of the universities located in every single one of us your children know what to do then one of my favorite things to say to my children always was when they would ask that I do this was to do it what time should I come over my favorite response always was you know what to do you know within you the right thing to do you know whether or not this is that you should come in this later that late you know whether you should eat that or not eat that they don't need me to tell you that it's about non-interference it's about seeing the anchor of the universe is located in every one of us I'm not talking about there wouldn't be a there would be anarchy if some of us read it and then others don't read it and then they begin to you know but if everyone understood that there's no concept of enemy that we all come from the same place and the 40th verse of the Dow it says that that the way of Dow is a return trip we are all coming back you know TS Eliot's favorite famous line of a you know we shall not cease from exploration but at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we originated and to know it for the first time to know it for the person to know that you came from a place that has no beginnings and no ends that is infinite that has no boundaries that is just is and that's you know it's like you're doing nothing you're doing nothing you're being done let yourself be done in the way that God designed you to be or the dowel designs you today okay so all right so how do you describe what it is because people need you don't you don't get to you don't get cuz that's the opening line of the DA the very first verse of the dial without the doubter can be named it's not the doubt u k-- as soon as you put a label on it as Kierkegaard the famous Danish theologian said once you label me yeah you negate me I no longer am me yeah once you label once you put a label on me I am a woman you know I am black I am white I am tall I am Catholic I am Muslim I once you label me you negate me and now I must live up to whatever label is a placed on ya what the expansion of that label is understand the problem with labeling is that it creates conflict it creates something that is and something that isn't see our minds are not capable of understanding oneness and that Dao left while in the Dow it says those who know do not speak those who speak do not know but Lao Tzu was saying there is those who know are connected to oneness and when you're connected to oneness you don't need to say anything you just are so you spent a year we need another half hour because we didn't even get into what that year was like so next week I want to begin with the moment you decided that you were gonna spend the year when you said to your your secretary I want you to get rid of everything I was thinking of the day after I turned 65 everything everything everything Wow hmm all my clothes all your clothes I did my PBS special in bare feet I said only might have any shoes welcome back to our sole series dr. Wayne Dyer has agreed to join us for yet another conversation cuz I couldn't get enough of them his new book change your thoughts change your life you know where immediately to the bestsellers that's always good isn't it is wonderful when that happens and so the new book is about living the wisdom of the DAO and dr. Dyer was telling us last week that you actually decided that you were gonna give up everything including your shoes all your clothes all your belongings for a year to live the Dow but for people who are listening it's not necessary to give up everything in order to live these principles no I don't think you have to you have to physically give up everything but I think the more of what you own that owns you is a good thing to give away and I try to live by the 80/20 rule which is you know the 20% of what you have is what you use an 80% you don't use so to give as much of that of boy as you can well one of the reasons I really like this book and I like appreciated so many of your books beginning with erroneous zones and as I told you the power of intention is also another one of my favorites but one of the reason I like this one so much changing your thoughts and changing your life living the wisdom of the DAO what which is currently on the bestsellers is about all the chapters dividing into living with corporation living without sickness living a god realized life living in Heaven's net living by bending living like water that was one of my favorites water is she Lao Tzu is teaching us find your God your source your spirit your soul find it in nature find it look at how nature acts you know and then and then and then replicate that think like God thinks thinks like the india and water is so giving so flexible so soft it is the softest thing that loud to again the softest thing overcomes the hardest thing flexibility the 76 do you have the book there the 76 verse of the dow is my is my favorite verse in this book and it's it teaches us this let me is it okay if I do please do that 76 listen to this a man is born gentle and weak at his death he is hard and stiff all things including the grass and trees are soft and pliable in life dry and brittle in death stiffness is thus a companion of death flexibility is a companion of life that's a part of the seventy six burst of the daodejing now he wasn't just saying become stiff or become flexible in in your body he was saying become flexible in your thinking in your you know like remember that in the last election that I read that and when I felt when I read that is it's not just when you're thinking it's becoming flexible in your top in the way you move when I read that I felt like it means flexible in all of your movement in your thinking movement in your emotional movement in your spiritual movement it means in the last election during the debates with John Kerry and one of the big things about this whole thing was flip-flopping this Lowell concept of see a rigid think rigid thinking is a thinking of Emerson's that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds the idea that someone would believe something and say whatever I believe on Monday on Wednesday you can count on me I'll believe the same regardless of what happens on Tuesday is a scary kind of concept right he wants someone who says you know I believe this on Monday now look what happened on Tuesday I have a whole different point of view here on Wednesday that's not flip-flopping that's living the doll that's that's how the universe works if it asks you to be soft be gentle to understand that water is that great symbol of that it it flow if you could in your relationships whoever you are whatever really if you can just become like water you can enter into any place in your partner's life mentally yeah by being water because it just go it just enters every opening it Olympic you know and you can become one with that person all right all right all right I don't want to run out of time again because last week I wanted to talk to you about what that year was like because I in case you're just tuning in I'm joined in the studio today with dr. Wayne Dyer who's written a great new book what is thirty second one called change your thoughts change your life living the wisdom of the doubt and for one solid year he lived the Dow gave up everything all of his worldly possessions including shoes I keep coming back to shoes because hard to live without you when I read that I was thinking okay I would give up everything everything and what was that like okay you tell your secretary give up everything she's selling not even selling everything you say give it all the way out of the were not even interested making money and then how did you begin this process of living the Dow so you'd read the verses you'd study did you study all the 14,000 different version I took the version that's in the entire daodejing is in this book the and the it's my it's my translation of the dial yes I took ten of the most relevant one to the West who to us here in America to us here in the Western world and combined all of the different ones and made it this version of the daodejing so there's now 14001 translations of the dow what I did is I made a year-long commit and I started it on January the 1st 2006 and I read the very first verse of the Dow I divided 81 81 versus 365 days divided by 81 comes out to about four and a half days for each verse of the Dow that's what I was gonna do I was gonna spend four and a half days on just each one of the verses and at the end of the four and a half days I was gonna write an essay a very short essay it only took me maybe two hours to write the essays because I didn't write them oh but they they wrote them I wrote I do it by hand because you know the Dow it teaches you don't want to use machines you don't want a machine to interfere with with your writing so when you say the essays it means you know living with corporation living the mystery living all that one of those were short essays to each verse after each verse but but I spent four days meditating on each of the verses like memorizing them going through them in my mind and then going out where I live on Maui and putting them to work putting them to practice and I can remember try it some of them were hired Oprah I mean some of these verses are very hard that here's the line the Dow does nothing mm-hmm it leaves nothing undone you know that's like one of the great lines in the dial to change so how can you do nothing and get a nebula you're emulating the Dow you're emulating God the way God God acts God's soul spirit divine mind whatever you want to call this organizing intelligence that allows you know everything doing all being comes from non-being you know that's that's right out of the Bible too by the way you know the New Testament came 500 years after the Dow it's loaded with the DA it's almost all all of that is in there it's the spirit that gives life the 20th verse give up learning and you will be free from all your cares now see what I know you read that and I thought well how can I give up learning okay but then continue what is the difference between yes and no what is the difference between good and evil must I fear what others fear should I fear desolation when there is abundance should I fear darkness when that light is shining everywhere in spring some go to the park and climb the terrace but I alone am drifting not knowing where I am like a newborn babe before it learns to smile I am alone without a place to go most people have too much I alone seem to be missing something mine is indeed the mind of an ignoramus in its unadulterated simplicity I am but a guest in this world while others rush about to get things done I accept what is offered I alone seem foolish earning little spending less oh you know with the perfect example of a of a Taoist master according to Lao Tzu is an infant has no name doesn't know its identity it doesn't know its color it doesn't know its cultural background it doesn't know how to hate anything it just is it just is it just is and that's you know it's like the first nine months of your life we call attack to you trusted God for everything everything you didn't say oh my god I hope I get a nose and hope he rose up in the right place and you just you was totally completely into surrender then you come out okay at the 9th month or that you pop out and you get surrounded by people who say that's really good work God really good work we'll take over from here yeah and the minute you start taking over from here what happens is you develop an ego which is where you edge got out EG oh you edge god out okay and what is this ego what is it it is it it's an idea it's all of this it's an idea that we carry around you know what the idea of the ego is it says I am what I have I am what I do I am what other people with me I'm separate from everybody else I'm separate from what's missing in my life and I'm separate from God those are the six components of the ego and that's what we're raised on and what we're trained on meantime we showed up here we didn't have to do a thing say that again I want to say it again saving every piece there you go yeah the ego is just a collection of ideas that we carry around okay I am what I have so we go around to our whole life you know accumulating trying to have things that's more stuff and then we don't have any stuff than we no longer are we we don't like we lose our identity I am what I do I'm what I do all of my accomplishment I am what other people think of me that is I am my reputation those are the three major components of the ego that we spend our life training ourselves to become I am separate from everybody else though I am this body and it looks different than you so I'm separate from you that's right I'm separate and I can be judgmental of you because I'm better than you I'm separate from what's missing in my life yes now if you understand that there's no place that the Dow is not there's no place that God is not then God has to be in you if there's no place that it's not and it also has to be in everything that's missing in your life it has to be if it's ever if there's no place that it's not so you're already connected to everything that you need in your life everything that you could possibly want in your life you're already connected to it yeah oh yeah it was a line yourself but there has to be some purpose that the ego must serve otherwise we would have evolved ourselves out of it don't you think no no no I used to think that okay I don't think I'm not as advanced as you okay I think it's the the ego is not worth defending and and and we all spend a lot of our time defending this thing that says well you know I am what I do have and I have to get more things and if I don't have as much as they do then they're gonna and we go through our lives doing all of this stuff and what it does is it brings us to a point where we no longer have something or our reputation is gone or taken away from us or somebody steals it and what happens to us or when we retire or you know any no longer can do things so now people get over a certain age and they just feel like you know I've declined and so on there's nothing in the DNA that says you have to decline ever in your life you don't have to decline in your DNA's over 600000 why do we have it though why do we have it we have it because it works it works to get at getting ourselves believing that we're better than other people instead of just allowing ourselves to be free and that's it's like it's like now is them the dow teaches us to like unpeel the onion on peel layers to get to that the essence of the dow is emptiness getting to that place of emptiness that's like the supreme place to get to were you just empty of all of that and then you're free and then guess what all of the things that you wanted so desperately when you were so ego dominated before begin to show up in larger and larger and larger mouths and what do you do with it what does God do with everything that shows up gives it away isn't that what you're doing isn't that what you've learned in your life I mean here you are this world-famous icon and what it what is your major lesson what did I see you doing on 60 minutes or whatever it was when you over there in South Africa well give give give give God I know why now why I was given so much it's about giving it's about why do you have to wait till you have a lot to learn that and why don't Everage average people out there get that as well all we have to do is see ourselves in everyone you know the Native Americans you want to hear a great quote the Native Americans said no tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves yeah think about that yeah think about it we are all branches on a tree called humanity what are we doing fighting each other I'm telling you - what are we doing about Susan's nature smarter than we are absolutely and it's all about nature so is it possible to do you think you have your ego you haven't lost your ego obviously no I haven't yeah but is there a way to keep it in check is there way to minimize its influence in your life every day just say thank you you know and it's like and and get to the place in your life who knows Rumi had this wonderful and he said you know that to practice benevolence to just practice being in a place in your life where you are giving you're just constantly in a state of giving okay sell your cleverness he said and purchase the will he won't just go through your life in a state of awe and a state of bewilderment because everywhere you look there's something to see absolutely yeah so we're we're talking to dr. Wayne Dyer about living the DAO living the wisdom of the DAO it's his latest book on changing your thoughts and changing your life you believe it's possible for everybody to put their ego in a place where you know you know we talked about this this spiritual involvement and every time I talk to people some like yourself people say well you know the the spiritual movement is growing to the point where there's something happening in the world and then you look at the world I mean I just read something the other day where there are more girls who want to kill themselves now than ever before so I wonder is that just among spiritual folks people who think the way you do that you know the world seems to be getting better is the world getting better to me it is to me it is like because I don't you know for every act of evil in the world there's a million acts of kindness so why would you continue to put our attention and our efforts and and all of our energy on all of the things that are wrong in the world you know the world is just fine the world is just like yes there are many many things that Evening News does Oh what is it sponsored by it's sponsored by more and more pills for people to take to overcome all of the anxiety and the stress and the pressure like endless you know amounts of attention on all the things that are wrong and rely upon something outside of yourself to do that all you have to do is become the observer to that you become the witness to that you that isn't that has nothing to do with you and you know one of the great lines in the and the daodejing speaks about that that anytime that you are in battle if you have to go to battle if you have to go to war you don't ever celebrate anybody else ever being killed no matter what you label them whatever label that you put on them you treat everything that happens in battle which we see so much about basically these days you know as a funeral as something that record we recognize within ourself that we left the DAO because the dow has no need for us there's nothing in what God has offered us it tells us that we have to be in competition the other thing that you say that I love so much is about understanding that that principle of every force is going to create a counter force and I remember I read this in the book and spoke about that and our versus force yes found that both power verses 40 years ago as a little self-published paperback and I took it to every lecture I gave nearly four or five years until it became published well there was something you said that I'd read in an interview that you I just loved and I just wanted to quote you on yourself when you were talking about what you were sharing with us here about the first nine months of your life how you turned everything over to God and then you get born and your parents say I'll take it from here and yeah where if you've stayed in the God space yeah you'd be different and then you say how could you believe that you're that you are not worthy of yourself I just thought oh my god I wish more people could hear you say that how could you believe that you are not worthy of yourself because you and I both you know over the years talked to thousands and thousands of people and that seems to be at the core of what so many people don't get that they are not worthy of themselves cuz see when you don't trust in yourself you're not trusting in the wisdom that created you that's like an insult to your Creator to the creative process whatever you want to call that if you want to call it God because you know all of us and all the religions that are out there they all pray to the same God and then they ask this God that everybody the same God that everybody prays to to divide itself up and argue against one person or another you know or once at one point of view or another when there's only there's only this oneness how could that which is perfect how could that which is divine create something that isn't you must be like what you came from you must be if I gave you a piece of pie from an apple pie I'd say what is it what do you think it's like you'd say well it must be like what it came from okay I'm about to be at a time again can you tell me what that year did for you can you summarize it and you did free first of all I would I love you and I already think you know highly evolved spiritual person being living your life on a path of being able to connect to the higher self knowing your own spirituality a sense of connectedness to to the oneness of life so what would what did you need to know in that year that you didn't already know I learned how to be joyful everywhere hmm I learned to find I learned to be totally at peace you know what I've learned what I've learned to think like God thinks as close as I can get to thinking like God thinks so I see myself I see the unfolding of God in every one that I made and I see myself in that person even sitting here now see myself in you and I see you and and by being able to do that there's no way that I could have any eight hatred or anger or bitterness towards you or the waiter who doesn't come to me on time or the flight that is delayed or whatever is the circumstances that show up in my life I'm able to see myself in all of those people who are just doing what they can do and I'm able to be loved and able to be loved that's it for people who for whom picking up their first Wayne Dyer book is going to be this book change your thoughts change your life living the wisdom of the DAO you know for a lot of people at the beginning it's like overwhelming it's a lot there's a lot to take in what do you want to say to them it's so easy it's so easy to biz just so easy there's like who was the guy that said can't we just learn to get along yeah we're just right in the game yeah Rodney King can't we all just get along we just can't we just love each other you know so like when I watch the evening news and I see so many insurgents were killed and so on I go out I go up to them - each and every one of them you know I I find that peace and that love within myself wouldn't it be amazing I was I was reading this thinking as we move into this election year wouldn't it be amazing to have dau centered leaders so I think of that all the time Oprah that's what you know it's like and that's coming that's coming you know and I wanna I mean we pretty much know who the yeah and all of us all of us have the possibility to make that happen for ourselves it's gonna happen there's no doubt about it listen I could talk to you forever I love you so much thank you so much solo thank you so happy for you thank you because we've been doing this a while but no I could talk to you all day maybe we'll do all day with like take us a while thank you for joining me again XO for continued success thank you you're listening to Oprah and Friends Oprah and Wayne Dyer here XM 156 talk to you next week everybody
Channel: Peacefulness
Views: 1,563,493
Rating: 4.7829609 out of 5
Keywords: krishnamurtiandmore, spirituality, education, philosophy, mindfulnesstv, transcendence, Oprah's Soul Series, wayne dyer, oprah winfrey, oprah, winfrey, soul series, tao te king, laotse, lao tzu, lao dse, wisdom, buddhism, religion, love, god, einstein, Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, forgiveness, unconditional love, politics
Id: V4zhQ3M892E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2013
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