Brother SE625 Sewing & Embroidery Machine/ Show & Tell

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[Music] welcome back to my channel my name is Charmaine and today I'm going to show you my new toy yes I have the brother se6 25 embroidery and sewing machine I only had this machine for a couple of days and I am loving it I'm addicted to it you know I'm always getting new things if y'all have been following me on my own face in my facebook group y'all know I love getting new toys so this is my latest toy why is his beard on his corn you know being stuck in a house um from this in his corn we're quarantined in the house I had to give me something to play with so I always want to know how to sew and I was like why not just try and burn me so I thought people been saying why would you get that you shouldn't get to two and one but the reason why I got a toy one it was because I am I didn't I don't know how to sew and I don't know they're burger so I wanted to get both machine so if I don't like it I won't be waste all that waste may sitting on some machines okay and also if I didn't like it I can either choose sewing or I can just choose a burden it's two and one so another reason why I chose the swim-up because my craft room is packed with stuff y'all I mean I go ahead nowhere to see okay so this was a good option for me because it's um 21 and it's only one machine so later on yes I might get the UM I'm just a plain embroidery machine and just use this as a sewing machine but um as of now I like the 4 by 4 and let me show you things that came in the box okay first of all I'm a shaking machine in a minute but let me say anything on the UM the things are caring about this right here is the UM hoop the 4x4 hoop for the embroidery okay this is a little um it's like a little um gauge you can put make a bit of line up your material or a fabric in fact who the proper way and this is - it's basically you have to just two pieces to the hoop you basically put your material inside the hoop and then you put this in here to stick it so it won't move around why he's getting um why things gonna Berger mines what kind of sticky because I have been using some adhesive for knowledge I do that in a different video it's called um how to UM was like floating so it's um it's something you Dubai is floating and you gotta use the heat something you know instead of putting this inside putting the material inside here it's a way you can float it floats in material so I'll show you that in another video this video I'm just gonna show you the UM originally came in the box and I'm going to do a small little embroidery on them some fabric okay good that came with it also you've got a tool that came with and your little feet you got a lot of heat for the full machine and for the embroidery machines I'm sure he on how to UM detach and attach the feet but right now I'm still learning that I did take the UM cuz this machine came with the sewing feet on there okay so I take those off I got a little video and I figured out how to kick it off to put the UM embroidery feet on here very easy off very easy but I will show you that later also of how to basically remove the sewing feet and put it on the embroidery feet I'll do that video after I do this one so I can make sure I have but if you don't have to deal with that up when y'all get out machine just go here sister um it's a video on youtube and it's called converting just basically search for converting your embroidery machine into a my sewing machine or your sewing machine some super machine it has one for the 7e it has one for that se6 twenty-five also okay okay I also come with some um bobbin thread it's already ready but I use them are these him for like three I'm already three too but I've been I've been doing my own little things so I already use them so it does come with like three at ease already three it did not come with embroidery thread or the sewing threads you get your own three the only two different only difference between the SE 600 and the SE 625 is that the SE 625 comes with this two hundred and buried this collection okay I didn't know that Burmese when I bought this one is because it was on in fact a Walmart so I wanted to write it in there I feel I didn't wait I just said what everyone my god I'm getting it okay that's right dear but how to know if I wouldn't if I would await about I wouldn't have I could have got the UM s600 for like probably $50 cheap cheaper because basically they just paying for this disc I'd guess because it's only this one difference I've seen I was on YouTube and only thing is difference between those two to this and yes I do want these on your but I don't have a cd-rom in my Mac computer I had to go to a library or something to put this download this on the USB because I don't have a cd-rom in my Mac okay so you have some more files in here but I also downloaded some files from Etsy and actually I do that too in another video and I also download some files from brothers they have a nice little um yeah this is from um brothers and they have one it's called I Roberta be calm and he has some nice little Disney character just up like that March it's a lot you can get from Etsy and they're cheaper okay but doctors they have my brothers it's called I border e-comm your brother's okay but I do have some images we get from here okay a little bit more right in your images later this is the booklet it can with it's good it shows you different files it has in here the images that's in already stored in the computer without the disc okay so few of them here I'd get this farm show you to star in a minute I'll show you some of the things I did the butterfly I did the butterfly they got hearts now I'm trying to stuff in here that you can use this already in a machine okay give them kind of shapes right here and you could see I'm not my class my prize roll because my cracker was full I have any more room to escapes under my bed is my song it goes down here right now it's I figure it out here's the own operational the operation meant a manual I tagged a few pages so I can know where to go I really need the nose so I need to know about the fabric related needles and should tell you that right quick with EDIUS basically you need um for the for the um you need the 65 by nine that's the size of a needle or from 75 by living that you need for this machine okay this is used for um the embroidery and the song you sang needle let me show you the size right here mr. wait 60 to 90 foot um for the um three years this is the way and this is the needle okay you can see that the three it goes the size of the needle go thicker when you do I'm heavy material so see right here it says um the medium weight fabric it goes 70 fighting - 11 - um ninety-five 14 if you get heavy weight like denim it's it's 800 by 16 okay and I'll let you know again and it obviously brilliant umberto embroidery needles you always used to send me 5 by knitting okay as you can see there that's what you use for that but you can see this you'll have to worry about 50 needle when you so can use the sign for sewing a minute I tell you wait a certain point if I can feel you heating for the embroider you don't wanna mess it up because it is music and scenes okay and also it came with the on foot foot a sewing machine come with the foot so you can be able to control your needle with your thumb the UM I call it a foot but whatever this is and then I'm gonna show you don't let show you but go ahead and show you the machine okay yard this is my machine I just want to show you how to look with the little cover on it the cover Dennis does not fit over the embroidery machine part but it does fit over the sewing machine parts so I just got them pretty part hooked up okay go ahead and take it off and why not there she is so basically first of all when you get it it will have the UM sewing machine foot on it okay right now I have the embroidery foot on it so I will show you later how to change the feet right now I'm not gonna do that because I'm still learning and I'm gonna mess anything up okay so this is the part it this part comes off let me just show you right here I'm a beach just cameras gonna be kind of that finally become time cuz I'm on my little tripod I'm trying the reason I got my little tripod for me show you the details of how it's um how you can see because I have my big tripod you won't be able to see really close to the machine so right here I got I'm on my glass table y'all so I got just this old towel on here so I'm gonna scratch it up so it's a lever up to here you just pull and this pulls this out like this okay and it comes off like this and it comes already with the other part that I showed you the beginning the video the UM for the sewing part that came you come I reach that step kick that off unattached dead I'm sorry and then take it off and then you put this on here just like this it just slides right on I'm going one hand sir Oh tight okay that's how you do it okay so let me go here this my machine on and just I turn it on over here push the button right there and that's how you look at the machine comes with one core is right there and also come with a USB drive right here which is cool you could put your final step I'm downloading your file I just to show you how to UM download files and stuff like that I did already did I did that already on Etsy and also it's a free software caught and BC I'm gonna sort of I'm pronouncing it right but I will put it below so you can download that to your computer for free and I didn't know it was free first off thought it was expensive either like under some dollars but you there is a free version which is really cool and I found that I found that out today so yay but um it's not a lot of stuff you could do with it but you can't download fonts um into their program and didn't you download it to your USB and you put you know into your arm into your um machine okay I found it out today about an hour ago some I'm excited about learning how to do that and not gonna show you that the video about that so show me let me know what you want me to do a video on I still that I can Bob the UM three um I can do the UM the bobbin thread I'm show you how to thread the bobbin thread I can show you how to use the sewing machine once I learned I can show you how to UM do different kind of project that I've already done I'm seeing my project in a minute - okay let me go ahead and go let me go ahead and push on this to start off and just push it and then this way to tell you when you first come on okay you push okay it just moves a little bit okay and then you can see what you want to go ahead and use these other ones it's already the machine some pictures right here my nails are too long and they toe up I'm sorry I'm stuck in the house so this is how it's gonna look then you basically come down here and you put these ear was over and right now this is showing you the embroidery stuff the other stuff I got the sewing stuff I'll show you that later okay I'm just showing you just stuff this RV in the arm print inside the machine I might do that um both today okay let's read a lot of different colors you got to change the three it's how much just do one with just one color so I did the butterfly reality Death Star already so I might just do that bow okay today and that's all it is I think I showed you all the face up its top to the tree and then you go back and you just push this button right here and then you got two letters then you push if you want that letter if that's how it goes right here I'm just and I'll show you that later and you can just push set are you fifty say you can tell you how to move in size it rotate it or however you want to do it okay but to the Ida here you have to go down and push this right here and you gotta push okay cuz I'm canceling it um so I'm gonna go ahead and do um I'll hear some shapes okay just basically these so this one's shaped a half and use click on that and then you can put different kind of hearts and arrow over show you different kind of so it's not that meaning in here okay but then did the cd-rom it has 200 more images in here and I have to learn how to do that okay cd-rom I'm gonna have to UM they see go to library you take computer or something because I'll have a cd-rom on my computer okay let me show you how um how it looks at that I turn they might put my my my own UBS my us being okay I just put it right over here looks like me clear out of here first okay I see right here it has a little UBS thing right here so I'm going to put this inside the machine right here I'm not gonna have my USB in there I bet you just push this button right here and there it is I have a lot of different here I have this speaking baby I'm gonna show you that in a minute and didn't once it's um I have a different different kind of files here but the ones that's um shaded in you can't use but you have to have me sure your files are p es a ph c or d st okay so you see right here is um d s keep these are 2 D s T's and my guess is decides is to beat these are too big so I got these from SC and they gave me all four sizes okay but only can use these two sizes right here okay so I'm gonna push this one and you're gonna push it and there's a baby right there it looks kind of different it looks kind of crazy in here but then you basically go back and feel one use this one you can try to use the other one and I didn't did I um didn't push you can just see which one look better okay let's go back to this one let's try this one and see how it looks it pushed it it looks the same but then you can also go over here I'm trying to make sure my favorite way up the camera but do you go to colors right here right colors and you can change the color instead having that color you go to find the color you want and I want it to be I can make it let's see okay okay their color I can't find brown right now and I'm trying I want this video to be too long but you know what I'm talking trying to do yeah okay um and I have it right here I haven't found a way to change the bows and stuff I'm new at this but you can tell me how can if I want to change the color to both but really doesn't matter what color just how you change it in here cuz whatever 3/8 repeating this one's gonna work okay but I just wanted to know how the changes just like gonna be confused over color put into my machine so I don't know how to change the color to bone but that's fine but I just remember it until you send me tsukushi okay you can size it and then you basically push this to make it bigger and you see how he goes up to 61 millimeters I'm sorry I should've got my little pencil 64 and this is because he's gonna get okay and then I'm my push okay you can place you can move it if you want to so you can make it good suicide you can make it go over here you can make it go this way okay however you wanted to put on your on your um your item okay you push okay you can rotate it if you want to okay okay cuz I push okay and here's the color um this is how it's gonna look okay you can zoom in zoom out to make it yeah it looks okay do you push okay I'm told I'm rotated back to how it was okay and it's better me do it that way okay okay then you also push okay and then right here this is the color all right you're all the color you gonna be using let me see oh okay so this is the three I just three it's gonna you this is for the face the whole body and this is for the hair until you ready to print out so this is the color the hair gonna be but you can always cook black and see your machine then into this the next time you're gonna change your color just like the lips and Donette parts of the ear and this is the arm the other the outline black okay and it has every time and it's the ribbon and it's to put a ribbon okay okay so every time you get if you if you get anything Etsy you basically they give you a PDF also I give you the UM the get if I like your pink I think a peak yet found in the DST found find out what file you want to use and then it also you get your PDF so basically the PDF get your instructions of how what colors you got to use with what kind of thread again I love to printouts from Etsy I wish I did not but I really can cuz I want my computer died here with me but I usually just I don't put them out I just need my computer under my rotary files and I look at those when I'm ready um do this okay and i'ma show you doing images in a minute of what I already made but if I got to see you right now this is the baby I made her already isn't she beautiful and that's just one goal I guess like gold three I did I got from um I got my on my three machine right now here's my three that I used so far and it's all I'm birdie three that I've you used this is a sewing thread that I'm used okay I got mostly B's from Walmart and joing us fabric okay I got the little um poor just do I mean um three holder from Walmart okay so I made her already and this is this here we got uses like it's cartwheels I might not be saying it right but I'm calling it Tweel I had this when I've been using on my samples just so I can just play with it but you can use any kind of fabric you want with embroidery I didn't know that when I first thought I thought only can use it to you but I've seen no Facebook I mean on YouTube but now I know when you can use any kind of fabric okay you still tweet about a whole lot I bought three yards of it so I'm gonna be playing with this right here you can see I messed this up cuz my back my bobbin thread came through okay so that's why it looks like that so this is just I'm playing I'm playing around with you I got this from Etsy also and this how the back looks I didn't cut you know clean everything up this is how you and I use tearaway stabilizer and you can see how is this thing with oars is not one beer how you tearaway stabilizer on use and I like the way tearaway stabilizer words okay I'm show you the back of this one to see how this looks some I don't know my drink I kind of missed it right here too so I think my trail my three my three if um ran out right here but see how this clean in the back which would be nice on the back okay this is the UM this houses when you mess up okay this right here this is my first time doing the baby I use it on black but I use the um I just did the wrong colors when I did know how to change the colors as far as normal color putting him first so y'all jacked her up real bad so I tried it again and that's how it turned out so I'm gonna show you my mistakes so y'all can see when I did it wrong I'm not perfect I didn't do it right on the first time I messed up so I'm sure you got it listed I did it I the 3a was messing up down here you can see how this it's just I just do to all the wrong colors I didn't know what colors to put in the machine at a certain time okay so the next time I did off the Otis what I did wrong I didn't change when I first here I didn't change this color the background color to the right color and now I know you can do that but now I see that you can do that see now think was like um cuz I think I put black three right here I just thought there was gonna be the big know how you have quick and you gotta have the black the back has to be black that's what I thought so I use black and it just missed me all up okay so um this is the 1i news and then this is the first few show you the first few projects that I did when I first got it it's only at this for like two days about three days yeah I made his heart and it's just basically um just basically this heart came out the machine and then his poking out the machine - I was pretty inside each other and now you can do it another it's called an applique you can do everything when you could put like um you can put like vitamin side of here and do that but I have indeed the applique yeah I'm still trying to figure that out but you can do everything with different shapes and stuff that you can put like different something inside of here I'm like a glitter vinyl or whatever okay but I just put that bow in here and then put these both came in from the machine I was able to do this on this machine okay um get the butterflies and now I know when you do butterfly something like this you need to use a tearaway um I didn't use a terrible on this one I use a regular um I used a regular um stabilizers and I know you can use terror like tear away I need to come off and you on the background all these it be you a better just have a plane butterfly biz my first that's my first thing I ever did so far you know I'm first the first project I did so I didn't know what I was doing I'm just playing around with it did I do my granddaughters name rest in peace um I did this for her and I forget this some my granddaughter - I'm gonna do something just come on for my daughter and just so pretty just looks like her little beat with her eyes so just a little angel so I thought that was Britney I've seen that's what an see I had to get this it's beautiful and they also had one on su little baby hands but if I got if he showed up in here it's pretty pretty I think I got stuff on Etsy let me just go ahead and see if I can find anybody could just see the fire looks cuz I didn't want to show y'all some more flowers that I got I'm just kind of cancel out of here I go back to my bluetooth with my little simple thing I go to arrow see I got the little document stuff and I got this from my mom um you could you see how look I got this from um brothers way up site and then kind of cancer day go back to it and I'm gonna find him I'm thinking in here I think I don't think I put in here yet I got this from um brothers different brothers I got a lot of different things skateboard and I got some different SVG's from um I got this lady from here oh the hands in here no power here it's so pretty I'm gonna be doing a Nick little song they are so pretty it's a lady you can't really see this really good yes you can different SD somebody the name um didn't picture I got these from Etsy is called cozy me spell it out for you oh it C is C Oh Z Y AIT she has a lot of different files really pretty and also gif files from embroidery designs calm they have another nice files designed by um designs by juju Ju Ju they should have analyzed files and also um one more is called embroidery library designs let me see yeah I'm Porter be embroidery libary calm okay now if I remember I could put those didn't in the font and description below but those are some sites that I went to and I doubt I'm a downloads more and now that I see it I found out how to UM it's called M mm embassy I think embassy um they have a software free software you can use and you can download more fonts so today I thought you're just done with this video I'm gonna go and find some files I'm sorry I'm mister prancing these things wrong because I don't have the names in my face so I can't remember what the name of their software was but believe me I will put it in the description below okay the name of the free software cuz I was scared to guinea because I heard about any 100 something dollars I'm not paying for that for no software from 100 dollars so I said nobody nice in a video today and I lady a girl said you get a free software you can't do too much you can't believe design I put like images like this inside there you only can use their images that's in software which is very limited like little stuff like Christmas trees or stuff like that but you can put different fonts in here okay the only font that comes in here it's only three fonts in this machine let me show you only three fonts so it's probably gonna use it for I can find my all my designs on um on Etsy but for fonts I really want more fun so let me show you the fonts this comes in here this is only fine okay six-five okay so are you getting it some in here so I really want to be able to do more fun so that's reason I'm gonna use this software is just to get those fonts out of here okay um and let me see and then let me show you something I did this one already just it's called Santa's kitchens are made for bringing families together um this was really hard trying to get all these these three straight out of here because there's a lotta it's caught jump through it so you gotta get that out there but I gotta get me a curved scissors I don't have that yet so that it may give me much better after I do that but this is just a regular um powder I got from Dollar Tree okay and this is how the back this is a tearaway in this and I cleaned up a little more but I didn't clean up like I wanted to and the Machine wanted I deep in the bar ready okay Justin right here I cleaned up real good this is um also um powder from Dollar Tree and this I got this from um this is just like a monogram like I just read see also okay and I got all the letters it comes in here with all the letters and I clean this up real well and this is tearaway the terrible is much better to use where you need to wash away and I will show you those stabilizers in a minute stay Brown you can have a stabilizer to do these projects okay and this is the tearaway and it came got really but it came out better than the other one okay I mean this is the UM yeah Terry way and this one the first one I did and I don't know um I don't know somebody said what's wrong my tension or something but reason this one right here I used I'm the black bobbin three cuz it's the black materia so I said me go ahead use a black Bob and 3/8 with this and then I use purple thread for this and I use the arm go right here put the hole for the whole thing I use black bobbin three and it turned out really will and the Bible three is to triple in it's in the bottom of your arm right here it's the bobbin three it goes right here okay anybody know about something I wouldn't even know what it is because I never so bleep where's my first time turn the machine on so this is what about a thread goes right here and this would look like CI decompose when you so you put to you the same bobbin prayer foot whatever you saw with whatever thread you use and then hear people say I'm on this um I'm in a Facebook group and they say they just use white for everything so when I use the white for this one didn't turn out right okay I use white bobbin thread for this and the in the car turned out when are you in this because I was like let me just changing and make it black kids name just too kind the fabric is black so I change it in looks beautiful so somebody said this still worked on here but it must be sucked around my attention I don't know but um I'm trying to get me see what the word about loaded way had a black look I don't mind changing my three you can get if you want this right here only come with the 4-inch loop right here just the four and shoot right here before it you okay if you want this is the 4 by 4 this is a 4 by 4 hoop if you put the machine with the 4 by 7 hoop you need to get the is to East Carter II I mean the brother s 600 and six I mean the um it's called the brothers PE 800 and it's like $700 okay in this reason why I say I'm not gonna spend money on something that I don't know someone like a knight okay so that's why I want to spend it this was like like 380 and then the one under this one it's like 350 and I said on the difference between um the one that was 350 which is this east 600 and this is the SE 625 mr. cd-rom which I like I said I didn't know that but I got what I want cuz it was there okay and I mean and plus let me take one more thing the PE 100 doesn't have a saw machine so I like I wanted something with two and one so I can be able to so in sum and um so answer embroider but the UM Pease 800 does have the five by seven hoop which people enjoy the five guys have moved better then the small who but I think I'm be okay with this because I'm just gonna making tiles pot holders keychains and then I'm also gonna be doing some baby items because my daughter's if y'all know she just lost her baby stillborn and me and her just thought about doing like an organization to help other women when they have this you know they baby stick in the hospital or if they're um you did they lost their child you know through stillborn in miscarriage we can well um nice miscarriage because we just basically the baby says you know that we can make stuff for like for boys are gonna make like hats for them little hats and different girls coming little bows and it's called and it after my daughter my granddaughter so we can keep her name alive and it's gonna be called a riot Nicole Rae blessings and they just go to the hospitals and just give you know give out people's you know give to parents their um little bows and hands footage for the babies so we thinking about doing that now on launching her or um little organization nonprofit so you're just working on that now okay start making like um hats bills blankets and birch tiles you can import it on those and you only need a beak image on those things so I think I'm be okay with this if I don't do not later on when I get the money I can't afford to get a bigger one in more space then I'll do that okay okay so now let's go here and Bob this is three Sheen okay like I said this is gonna be a very shaky um rollercoaster because I want to make sure y'all see where I'm going with the three but let me pick out what I'm gonna do yeah um excuse my son in background he's he's he's home we stuck to the house stuck in house so he's playing a game he's so loud let me just see what I want to use um monograms I haven't getting a monogram here on this machine the one that's already in here let me just test it I'll see how I look I'm doing c4 my name right here yes under my epithet let me show you some of the stuff I didn't tell you so yeah this before but this is a stabilizer it's not difficult a large you can get this I got this from Walmart and this is the medium the Midway stabilizer I use it when I first started cuz I just thought I had to but it don't look any good the back in the back when you use this okay mmm it looks much better when you use a tearaway so for my first things I didn't use this and I don't like the way it looks oh I haven't been using it I like to tear away better okay you may keep the name of until you know what they are because sometimes they don't come in a pack you tear it up or whatever make sure you keep the name on with them okay this right here I got this from Walmart or um Joanne this is the tail and it's really good to use this to wash it boat I haven't used a washable one yet so I might use that today just to see how that works um on this little I think that I'm doing today but they said it's good to put the wash the wash on top to to make the arm work um the thread pop goes go up instead of sinking so this is good but this one is not the clear kind I seen something it was clear so I'm gonna just wait to the clear kind come in it's called silky so I'm gonna get that got throw some from Amazon so i'ma just use that later when I get there but I haven't put any stabilizer on none of my none of my um images on top I've not put any stabilizer on top on any of my own projects that I do so far I use just putting this on the bottom but it is good to put silking um water I mean wash and go on top just so you can have to ride me so you can make the letters rise up okay sorry I'm talking fair so I'm just trying to get it out playing sorry about that I just hear myself better so please forgive me um okay so that's the wash away tear away and I like this like I'm stitching here it's just like paper okay it's called stitching tear I love this because you could just tear it off the back of your arm your fabric okay basically for it um if you wear it don't use the tearaway because it wash away in your arm when you put wash your clothes you know so I got I just ordered some silky and I also ordered something it's called silky and it has a tender touch stabilizer basically it's good for baby clothes so it's gonna be so itchy and scratchy on the ski and cut away some of the cutaways can be really scratchy on your skin so just make sure you try you can sew in some he bond or something to to cover it up I'm still learning that to y'all so I bring that stuff back to you but I'm just watching different YouTube videos and I you know I hear about what these telling us okay let's see okay so now that we're done with all that let's go here in three at this machine I'm gonna try to do this one hand so please bear with me okay so busy here it's a threat not to basically take this off right here then I just slide this on she'll go through the hole right there okay then you take the three in and it's very easy oh shoot okay okay make sure the thread do not get caught behind a little circles or anything so basically what you need to do is take the thread and it has the numbers right here has one then you go to two then you go down to three shoes I'll show you this it's right down there three goes down here right here and then four is down here 5 then 6 7 then 8 so I'm gonna go ahead and do it and show you how I'm doing okay [Music] okay so I'm go ahead and go to one right here now please bury me gonna do it in one year so there's one right there do not go right here loop it behind this little thing right here you loop it then you go to two which is right here which is telling us to go down okay now you go down to three which is right here did not loop it tell you to go back up and then here's four right here you see how it's for you gotta bring it over to the see this four right here you bring it over to the left and make sure you get that little sheet up the ridge right there you go to your down it like this we can make sure to stay in there you come down and then you go to you see six right here so you just put the three it over make sure it snaps in here and then a snaps see how it goes behind there right there okay then you go up can you go over to the seven make sure the log back there then you go up here to eight then you hold it hold it three right here but this is so long I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna leave right there I'm good I'm cutting okay you cut it real quick first before I um okay did not go right here to see how I was on eight then you just push this never down right here I'm show you what that does you know in the three at the needle for you and there we have it the needle is three it okay so now what you need to do and make sure when you thread the needle make sure just this little lever right here is up lever right here is up okay so now all you need to do is go ahead and get this piece of thread down here and pull it so I can go through the needle okay see there it is it's already sitting it's ready to go so we'll cut this off to just way too much so now is there you're not going to push this lever down right here okay it's all set so now let's go over here to UM get our image back together happy one in some way back to push a I'm going and push my neck letter from my name set it now I'm gonna size it make sure it's big you can go like foam pushing up make these bigs up big as it can get so da was 87.9 that's the bigger than gate and I went right in the center not pushing okay they're not everything else is good the color I'm gonna use red but I'm gonna change their color I'm gonna leave it like it is now push edit embroidery it's all set so now that light was red but now I was green cuz everything is ready and I can go here then give my um my hoops together okay and I was green so before I do that I'm just going to lift this up because I don't want to um you gotta have this picked up so you put the hoop under here okay okay so if you know he's gonna go here to get their own get to three it together and what I do is I was cut it just the size of the um the biggest bigger hoop like this put it right here down just like that not just cut around it do not take the only fabric when I just get my own stabilizer oh my god I'm cutting this I'll be back okay I have my home I guess yeah this is the four by four hoop I have my own stabilizer video and I have my fabric okay you can use it whatever that word you want to use place it here so it can sit right in hoop now it's a little bit wider so we can be able to don't won't be so tight I can show you ways to float your fabric on top when you're doing like pot holders and stuff like that don't see in who I'll show you down another video you just basically push it in here you can kind of tight put it aware go on break turn you a little little knob right here be tight pretty tight you sure there's no bubbles I still get bubbles in here little bump in here but we're gonna we gonna figure out ways we know how to fix that let me know please I know you can do um I do have a few shillings the um I still have a few heats of sprays I use that this one and also have this one right here now you think just use these when I'm doing the flow in when I float the UM mercury on top so let me just cuts me to set her up and be in the way finishing and push you seen here on the new little needle right here you see this part it's like a little prong right here so you just level it off and just push it down in here and so now we just go hidden this lever right here pull it down and now the light is green then he can go okay let me make sure I make this litter the way I want it the size I want it to be yeah I probably did it so yes that's how I wanted and right here tell you his hat it has two colors on it put in a push and border next two colors use whatever color you want Bobby's gonna use one color for today okay and right here so you have four minutes to do the letter C okay then after that four minutes over ready to go down here it has two minutes to do the embroidery around here so let's go here let me show you how it looks when it goes push the green button - I'm gonna be a 3 in a way okay y'all know just to get burped on top of it cuz it didn't make a Miss you can always stop your machine by pushing this button right here they cook great if you need to especially to jump 3 now I have to order to UM cursor good scissors from Amazon some women come here I will be showing you how to all three at the Bobby I will show you how to do them floating material how to float the material [Music] like the video subscribe to my channel when I have the floor I have the wet cameo 3 now I have a brother I also have brown cricket even though it says the crapper everything [Music] two minutes left and I'll just skip this so it's done should say done okay oh okay did you say the race and now this says that the next color right here and it says it has two minutes to do this and this is what its gonna be doing and show you little screen of what its gonna be doing next with that color okay so then I'm go ahead and push the UM cut right here so this one cut the three it pull this out the base I just push this up like this or not that department got take it I'm sorry so based on its cut the three it's nothing gonna change to three it okay button everything is set and let it go [Music] [Music] and avenge of the company of the software I was talking to you about earlier five brilliant so um I will I just found out today how to download the free software brilliant software but the free version it's not it's not it's not it's not you could do with the free version you pay for it's like under stuff that is I'm not pay on the links to those software's diversity that's what it basically you have different signs okay I chose you to Fox in a computer already only six basic files I want to be able to do different fonts but I can just put different items so I'm just using a software for right now or justify so and [Music] stop me right now before knowing the machine go back over here again sorry so we could just cut it when we get down to there and that's it yeah look at that it says finished embroidering you push ok and then you just basically lift this up right here little latch and then you just basically up here over to the left and pull up on it right here I can't right now and I see the washing tried to wash it wash away let me show you how that works too you could get this sort of spritz bar bottom just spray it and you should these all in there dissolves without you have to put it on nothing do this later but you get some tweezers or something like that let's pick this out you come right out take it on you can put all this stuff on okay honey them do all this right now in the video I'm just gonna show you then look at this beautiful sudden you go ahead and throw this trip away right here and I'm sure you all got left three out the way like I said my other suitors are coming in mail man was I can't wait to get to get them on I can't wait to get them because it's really hard for you work these scissors that don't really be in [Music] take these scissors and cut where it needs to be cut if you have any questions or anything leave it below I'm new at this but I can try to answer researching for you you find an answer for you but yes I would have more videos supportive machine maybe one day I use the sewing machines right now I'm just having fun with this I think with this machine okay alright so that's it for today yeah I'll be coming with some more videos with this machine so look out for them hey y'all after I record that video I end up ordering stuff on Amazon so I'm gonna show you some things because I don't know what I'm gonna do another video on my embroidery machine so here are some things that I got I got some three it and we're to be three it all different colors our these are so beautiful and I'm gonna put the link down below where I got these from I'm good link down from the Amazon store that I got him from okay autiful indicating with online is only like 20 something dollars for all this back over here joy African stuff like that but not that me a whole box full of um three but it's not that Bible to see y'all I really want to show y'all this I got me a bigger frame for my um some people say you can't get a bigger hoop but you can this is called the repo whoo it's like a repositional hoop but you can make it you can make bigger things it won't make a 5x7 but it'd be bigger than four by four okay and you can do more than one one project at a time so in this way you can put two projects in here instead of doing one I believe I haven't used this before but I know I've seen a lot of videos on we're a few videos on YouTube so I had to get it and it comes I got this members on also and they burst on this machine and I just want to UM try it out open it for you real quickly so you can see how it is here's the exercise sorry I'm using my hand my one hand cuz I don't have my tripod and stuff I just got this book came it's just this stuff we just delivered from Amazon I want to show you I real quick before I forgot I'm gonna edit it into this video look at that and you just basically put it on the two prongs you got two prongs or they're not but you could put you can place it up here you can push it down there so you can have more time to do more projects instead of just doing that one five by four by four you can do too you can just move this up and you're done with this project you move it up instead of changing the whole hoop okay there it is and there's a little Athena put on top of it like the other one can show you how the other one look wanna come with the machine okay here's the one to come with the machine compared to this one okay and with us oh I got some all me Terry way embroidery stabilizer I'm gonna try this helmet on it's cheaper to get it on Amazon do need to get it at your craft stores I also got some um wash away stabilizer so I probably do some project disease but not too soon I'm not surely I want to play with it before I swing it to you [Music]
Channel: Charmaine Galloway
Views: 76,007
Rating: 4.8303967 out of 5
Id: DMIffVjdEvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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