BEST BEGINNER EMBROIDERY MACHINE?! Let’s unbox and try out the Brother PE800!

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hi everyone welcome to the oaklands youtube channel in today's video we are doing an unboxing we are going to be unboxing one of the most popular beginner embroidery machines out there today we're unboxing the brother pe 800 now when a lot of people are first starting out in embroidery it gets a little overwhelming and i'm talking about machine embroidery okay because machine embroidery machines machine machine embroidery machines can be very very expensive especially if you're looking at the big multi-needle ones which are amazing i sincerely love my multi-needle embroidery machine but when you're first starting out you don't know if you want to make that kind of investment so this machine the brother pe 800 is one of the most popular ones it's easily available it's on amazon it's not that expensive it is still expensive don't get me wrong okay it's but it's usually under a thousand dollars you can find it all the way to five hundred dollars up to nine hundred dollars during the pandemic it was even over a thousand dollars but at the time i purchased mine it was 950 dollars the next day it was seven hundred dollars so keep that in mind you might want to set yourself a little like price alert on camel camel camel so that when the price goes down you can snag it if you're interested in it now before we open up the box i just want to make one quick note about embroidery machines the biggest piece of advice i see given and i agree with it 100 is that when you're looking to buy your first embroidery machine make sure you get a machine that offers a hoop size that's as big as you feel comfortable investing in so for example you'll find a lot of single needle embroidery machines out there that are more affordable but the biggest hoop size they can use it doesn't matter what hoop you buy the biggest it can possibly use is four inches by four inches let me get my little ruler out here so that's that's this right here see that this little spot right here that's four inches by four inches it's not big it is very small so if you're just looking to do like little things like baby bibs there's like little designs here and there it's going to be fine but if you want to do a lot of the projects that we do like sanitizer holders bookmarks all that kind of fun stuff like in the hoop stuff you're going to need a bigger hoop a 5x7 hoop is as big as the brother pe 800 gets it's bigger it's big enough for a lot of fun designs many of the designs we use too though they go bigger so this is why i think it's a good investment machine because it is inexpensive when compared to many other embroidery machines it is a starter machine but i do believe that if you use it and you decide man i love machine embroidery so much and i want to invest in the multi-needle i think you'll still use this one i don't think that this will just be like well i wasted all that money for nothing because now it's just going to sit in the closet i do think you will still use this one even if you have the multineedle so let's get the box out and unbox it also if you're new to the oklahoma's youtube channel please consider clicking subscribe down below if you have any questions whatsoever leave them down in the comment section if you want more information on this embroidery machine i will have some channels that also discuss this embroidery machine and use it more i will be using it today we will unbox it and we will test it on one project but i i just got it so i'm not an expert on it yet [Music] all right here we go here's the box there we go it's a big box you know it's a big box all right let me see how we can angle this and raise the camera up a little bit let's see if we can open this box on the table i might have to put it on the floor yeah yeah we're gonna have to put this on the floor sorry guys it'll be fine okay so the first thing that's in there is the manual thank goodness for that a lot of machines nowadays are not including any sort of a manual it's just all online which is convenient but i don't know i like i like a book and it gives you multiple languages so english that's the one i can do oh embroidery design guide that's cute so it looks like this comes with a ton of pre-set stitches in it so that would be fun that's great those machine set stitches are fantastic whenever you're just figuring it out so you don't don't overwhelm yourself right off the beginning i know it's like well i bought the embroidery machine because i have a design that i really want to play with but yeah you know just just try it out with what the machine has first and then move on all right then you get a free embroidery design when you register your machine that sounds fun all right there's that next up is looks like a bag maybe it's a bag to protect it maybe like a dust cover yeah that's looks like a dust cover yep this is a dust cover very handy you do want to keep your embroidery machines machines that you're not using very often you do want to keep them covered up because fur dust things in the air it gets into all the little tiny nooks and crannies and since these things are just computers you got to be careful with with all that stuff getting in there next up is our hoop this is five inches by seven inches there's a lot of projects you can do with this and then there's like a hoop guide i've never once used these i i've never once used these but you got it and then it comes with a whole spool of embroidery bobbin thread so that's great this is brother brand i actually like to use bottom line i'll have a link for it down in the description of this video um but that's nice that it comes with this because you might not have that you know when you just bought it you might not have it power cord good all right oh look at this cute little tiny pouch this is so sweet and then in here we have all the little things so let's look at what is in the little things bag looks like we got some needles we have a little tiny screwdriver no idea what this thing is but it looks cool some bobbins for our bobbins oh look at this an adorable little pair of scissors those are so cute i wonder if they're let's see if they're angled or not no they're just they're just regular little tiny scissors those are adorable and then this is a thread what is it it's like a thread net um don't throw this away i use this a lot if you ever have tension issues this is going to help with that a little brush for cleaning another screwdriver a seam ripper always love these little seam rippers and these are caps to hold your spool in place another one too for a tiny spool oh and then here are some instructions and the things you're going to need for pre-wound bobbins which are very very popular and pre-wound bobbins are what we use in our industrial embroidery machine so the multi-needle embroidery machine actually can use those the bernina embroidery machine cannot you have to have a bobbin that it uses but pre-wound bobbins you just buy them by the case they have a little piece of cardboard inside they have a magnet you want magnetized ones they have a magnet on the other side and it helps with tension and then when it's out you just toss it it's great i love pre-wound bobbins so that's all the stuff in this little tiny pouch here so make sure you keep it all together you will be using most of these things i know i do so this is your little embroidery module this little arm here it just goes back and forth back and forth back and forth and then it moves your hoop all around the needle never moves i think that that's a misconception a lot of people have they seem to think that the needle on the machine moves all over the place the needle doesn't move the needle stays right where it is it's got it's got the bobbin hole it's got to go in and it does not move the actual material is what moves so your fabric moves around with the help of this arm right here this arm is going to be able to move it around really quickly but your needle stays in one place oh and then finally the beauty oh look at her isn't she pretty you're pretty i like you she is a beaut isn't she so here's what she looks like she's got her packaging inside let's take that out oh yeah this looks so nice nice and easy we have a nice little digital screen here for all of our stitches we have our needle everything looks good all right so i'm gonna take off some of this packaging um and then we're gonna get it loaded up and try it out so i'm gonna use the instruction manual for this but since i have quite a bit of experience with embroidery machines now i'm interested to see how this works because i will tell you whenever i first started working with my bernina i had so many tension and sticking issues that took me months to figure out and i know now how to work with that machine so that everything turns out exactly the way i want so i'm interested to see with this machine can we just like right off the bat just make it and not have issues so let's try it we'll try we'll try making something that has vinyl on the top and also vinyl on the bottom of the hoop and we'll see how it goes and if we have those looping and nesting issues then we will use the same tricks and i'll show you all that you know what's cute about this machine too is that my first sewing machine was a brother sewing machine it was one of those project runway you know beginner sewing machines a lot of us have that as our beginner one um and it's like all the same it's just like the same like the same way to open up the bobbin there's just so much about this it's just it reminds me so much of that machine that's really sweet it's very nostalgic all right we've got some lighting situations here so my light comes from that window over there but i need to also film this way and then that looks dark so let's try to add a light okay so let's let's read the instructions and see what it says to do first danger electricity all right first thing let's turn on this machine huh i got it plugged in let's just turn it on now oh look at that screen you see that that's cool it's like a little like a little television select your language oh hello nice all right so it's got some stitches already in there let's look at some of the stuff that comes in oh look at that little bunny that's adorable all right i don't know what that thing is telling me it's telling me something okay so there's buttons down here you can push your next page look at how cute these are is this some cute stitches already in it oh look at that how do you do that that seems like a lot of a lot of thread i'm going to try some of these these are adorable oh you know what i want i want that i want that irl well that's fun a little pumpkin all right so this already has a bunch of really cool stitches already loaded in it that's fantastic so now what i'm going to do just to start off is i'm going to attach the embroidery module there we go look something happened to that malfunction occurred turn the machine off then on again yikes let's try it see what we did all right so on this module here when you're taking it off there's a little little handle back here so you push that and then pull it out it's actually very intuitive because i did not read directions i just naturally did that to take it off so it's very intuitive but there was a malfunction maybe we're supposed to put this module on before we turn on the embroidery machine let's try it see if that works any better [Music] raise the presser foot lever okay the carriage of the embroidery unit will move keep your hands away from the carriage [Music] nice that's fun all right so it looks like we're off to a good start all right so i want to see i think if we lift this thing up oh look at this there's like a whole world of things in here look at that so that's where your thread goes this is where we wind a bobbin oh i like that it's like a little secret little secret garden for our embroidery machine that's fun all right so i'm just going to just just this is the camera that shows you the machine there's no way to not have it in the shot right now i'm sorry um i'm going to start by winding a bobbin so let's i'm going to use bottom line i'm not going to use the thread that comes with it because i do i do really like my bottom line and if something goes wrong i don't want to start thinking that maybe it's the thread so i'm going to do bottom line okay so here is i need to put stuff so this is bottom line now you can get it in a smaller spool as well but this is the 3 000 yard spools i like them because you can get them in different colors um most of the time you're not going to see bottom thread but actually in our in the hoop projects like bookmarks sanitizer holders um what we're making today are going to be snap tabs you do see those you do see the bottom thread so it's fun to have different colors however since it is so big it doesn't usually fit on embroidery machines spool holders so because of that i have this here this is just like a extended spool holder this is also a tension saver for embroidery machines specifically single needle embroidery machines if you're really struggling with looping nesting problems like that most likely it's a tension issue if you don't want to mess with the tension on your machine something like this helps a lot so i'm going to just plop that on like that and then we put the end through this little triangle at the top hello pull it through and now i will wrap it around whatever i need to wrap it around on the machine in order to make a bobbin so my thread is supposed to go right here but since i have this larger thread it's not going to go there so i'm just going to actually just plop it right in front because i'm going to move this out of the way anyways so the first thing we're going to do is plop our bobbin empty bobbin right here on the little bobbin holder push it in like that okay good to know and then you're supposed to put your thread on here but we're not doing that we'll go over putting thread on the actual thread spool in just a moment because that's when you're going to want to use your little net in a little cap as well but we're not going to do that for the bobbin so we're skipping that for now so it's going to go over here and under okay there's little little numbers and arrows on here as well to kind of guide you so it goes through that hoop and then it goes counterclockwise once around this little nub right here and then you're gonna wrap it around your empty spool clockwise a few times oh my goodness there's a lot to this isn't there pass the end of the thread through the guide slit in the bobbin winder seat and then pull the thread to the right to cut it okay so there's like a little notch in here all right and we cut it so now it should be threaded correctly but i don't know we'll see how do we start it oh press the start press the start stop button once to start bobbin winding where's the start stop button oh i think it's this orange button right here there we go we're doing it okay so it says when the bobbin winding becomes slow stop it so it doesn't automatically stop winding on its own that is interesting because i was watching the bobbin and it was just like not moving anymore so okey-dokey artichokey now we're gonna take this off and then we can just use that same slit to cut it and now we have a bobbin i will say that's not much that's not much bobbin and uh it did take quite a while to just fill up that little bit i mean not quite a while but there are fasted there are faster winders out there but that's nice and easy again i'm going to link you guys to some pre-wound bobbins down in the description you can only get them in white and black as far as i know but they are magnetic pre-wound bobbins um i am excited to give those a try i'm not gonna do that today but i will do that in a future video we'll try those out all right so now let's pull out our bobbin thread we're done with that all right so now we're going to put our bobbin into our machine i already took the cover off then hold the bobbin with your right hand with the thread unwinding to the left so the thread should be coming off the top to the left and then we should just plop it right in there there we go plop it in there pull it so that it goes under this hook right here and then it's just going to wrap around that little shark fin and then slice it that's just like that's so cute it's just like my other brother machine i love it and then we're going to put the cover back on there we go so far so good so i think i am actually going to start out with a design that's already on the embroidery machine because i said that's what you should do when you first get it so let's just do it let's actually take my own advice um let's pick a design so i want something kind of simple these all seem to have a lot going on is there anything that doesn't have a lot of different colors on it i mean that heart doesn't the heart looks like it could just be one color so let's set the heart that sounds good oh and this is all in millimeters should we try to change that all right before we get too involved in the design let's thread the top needle now so the needle is already on the machine i don't have to add a needle so that's great let me get a thread so there are actually a lot of different brands of thread i like to use i like to use iso cord i like to use madeira i really like to use glide as well i haven't had a problem using any of those on any of my machines i know some people say their machines are very very particular about the thread um these have all been great so today i'm using this matte hot pink thread which i love it's from madeira so first thing we're going to do is remove this cap and we're going to take our thread and just put it on here sometimes you can get like a little cushion um you can get these little cushions to put on here those i don't know if they're necessary but they seem nice and then you can put your thread cap back on you can use different sizes so this is the size that's already on there see i feel like this really small one is going to be too small i feel like it could just go right no that's good so you could put this really small one on there just tuck it in and that is going to prevent this from wobbling around which is fantastic you know what just for good measure let's go ahead and put our little our little net on there so i'm going to take off the end and what i do is you just put the thread on all the way and then take your net and put it on over your thread and then put your little cap on so that sucker doesn't move around on you all right let's try this out there are numbers everywhere so just like with the bobbin we're gonna start at number one go up and then it looks like we go up here number two down this way down to number three on the bottom if you have a sewing machine this should shouldn't be that complicated for you and then we're going to pass it through the top of the hook back down to number five down here number six well that's fantastic that is probably one of the easiest threadings i've ever done that's great and then i think you can just close this you just close that top that's great i love this so i've never had much luck with needle threaders i know a lot of people who use them love them i just thread the needle well i can i still have the finger ability and the eyesight ability to thread the needle by hand so that's what i'm going to do i'm just going to thread the needle from front to back all right we did it so machine is ready to go now we just gotta hoop something and get it started right all right guys i'm going rogue now i'm gonna use my own personal experience to see if i can figure this out so here's what i do most i who i embroider vinyl most so that's what we're going to do today we're going to embroider on the vinyl to test this out we're going to embroider on vinyl so i want to show you if you go down here to your settings key and then go to the right once here is your units you can do millimeters or inches all right we want inches perfect now i know three inches it's about three inches by three inches so that at least lets me know i need a piece of vinyl or scrap fabric that's three inches by three inches i just keep moving this camera around everywhere i cannot get the right angle okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna hoop a piece of cutaway i'm gonna hoop a piece of cutaway just one layer of cut away and then i'm going to float my vinyl on top of it i couldn't hoot my vinyl um but i don't think i have a big enough scrap of vinyl to hoop it so i'm gonna hoop cut away float my vinyl on top tape it down stitch it out see what happens so i don't have my whole top down set up so i just have to show you like this when you're hooping you have two pieces to your hoop you have an outer piece and an inner piece just like that the inner piece snaps inside the outer piece you're going to use a little screw up here to unscrew this so that you can easily get this inner piece in and out then you're going to cut your stabilizer so that it is bigger than your outer piece okay and what you do is you lay your outer piece down on the table nice flat surface lay your interfacing over it and then lay your inner hoop over that smoosh down your inner hoop make sure it's nice and tight and then screw it closed on the top i will tell you there are little arrows here so you gotta see the arrow on the bottom of your inner hoop and it's going to match up with the arrow on the bottom of your outer hoop let me see if i can show you this can you see that there are an arrow on the bottom hoop and error on the inner hoop those have to match up so if you're confused is this upside down is this the right side look for the arrows all right so once you have it hooped it should sound like a drum and now we're just going to slide this in so i'm going to slide it underneath my needle and then so it snugs in like over two screws there's like two screws that sit out and those little indentions are just snuggling in over there all right all right all right play how do you make it go do something there's a red button here i feel like that's not good uh let's push it lower the presser foot lever you've got it now what okay so we did that now finish editing the pattern before sewing the pattern what do you want me to do with it why do you want me to edit it okay so i cut myself a little four inch by four inch piece of vinyl um do i just click select edit end good embroidery all right okay now it changed to a green button so i am going to lift up this presser foot and push this down is there any way to like stitch out exactly because i'm not quite sure this is going to be big enough you know what we're just gonna we're just gonna wing it i'm just gonna wing it this isn't a normal embroidery design for me normally on embroidery design it would stitch out the outline for me first so i know how big it is whatever we're just gonna do it let's just try it oh my gosh can i stop it okay i can stop it so i was holding the tail because that's just what i normally do on my other embroidery machine okay so i cut the tail i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go with it let's probably have taped this down huh it goes nice and fast i like that i do start and stop a lot when i'm embroidering because i remember things so i'm actually going to tape down the edges of this because i don't since i'm not hooping my vinyl i don't want to worry about it floating around on me let's see there's 4 588 stitches to this design and so far we've done 114 it's pretty fast is our speed control on this thing i don't even know i don't think there is it's just go it's good [Music] all right it's all done that did actually not take very long at all so let's pull this up now i don't believe this has a trimmer on it it doesn't look like well hold on hold on a second did it trim it it does have a trimmer on it that makes sense i'm always surprised when a sewing machine has trimmer on it but this has a trimmer on it as well so let's take the hoop out all right so i was able to get it out here is the finished look isn't that cool hi there that it stitched out really nice so here it is on the front and you can see on the back we have that yellow bobbin thread that is cool so i am very impressed with the stitch out so far no problems whatsoever with vinyl no looping or anything on the back all right now let's try something that i would make normally in a machine like this so right now i'm making a bunch of snap tabs for a wallet pattern so just like i did previously i am going to hoop one layer of cutaway and then i'll be floating different scraps of vinyl on top of it as well as fabric now this does have a flash drive holder i have my file on my little unicorn flash drive here and it needs to be in a pes format so every embroidery machine has their own format file they need this needs to be pes when you buy an embroidery file uh most of the time they will have all the file formats available or you would just select the ones you wanted when you're purchasing it so first thing i'm going to do is get this cutaway hooped and then we'll mess with the machine okay so i have another piece of cutaway pooped now i'm just going to install my hoop and then we'll work on loading the file so i'm just going to take my little usb and over here on the right side where like the power button is and everything is a little slot for this so yeah i want to cancel that and then let's go to the little usb icon here we go there's all my stuff so let's go all the way over this is the file i want this file is from creations by connie all right so there we go let's go to embroider i wonder okay so it's going to tell me each step that's good because there are multiple steps so in the hoop projects are not really just like lay it out embroider it be done like we just did with the heart in the hoop projects are like this step is a construction step this step is a placement step they all have steps so it's pretty much like you're sewing something on a sewing machine except you're just having the embroidery machine do all the work for you which is awesome i love that so this shows us all of the steps all right so we're going to try it out i i also have the steps written out on my computer as well it comes with instructions when you buy these files this file is from creations by connie she has a lot of really great options these particular are snap tabs that you can use in bags and wallets and i'm particularly using this on the purse pal from lin's handmade so i will i will show you one of those in just a moment but let's let's stitch out the placement so the first step is just stitching out placement for the snap tab um and then we're going to lay some vinyl over that so let's just try it so i make sure i have my presser foot down i'm actually going to hold you know what i'm not i'm not going to hold the thread i always hold this right let's just see what happens if i don't hold the thread so let's do the first step didn't get all janky that's good all right so i have lots of these scraps of skinnier pieces of fabric i'm going to lift up my presser foot i'm going to see if i can get this to cover the whole stitch out and i think i can so that that first stitch out is really great because it just shows you this is how much stuff you need you need to have material that's this big so that's fantastic and then i'm going to lay this out over my stitch out just like that and then i am going to grab some tape as well and tape it down just so i don't have to worry about it moving around on me all right the next step should stitch out the placement for my fabric applique again i'm not going to hold the thread make sure you put your presser foot down i like that i like that the red like the little button is red if it's like you can't do anything yet and then when it's green it's like all right thumbs up you're good to go i am just shocked that it doesn't suck down the tail of that thread because that happens on every machine that tail when you first started get sucked in the machine it starts jamming up real bad and bird's nest on the bottom sometimes it causes thread breaks and stuff i am just shocked that it doesn't do that that's amazing that's amazing all right so now i'm just going to grab a piece of this fabric and i'm going to cut it out so that it is bigger than my little trace out right there okay so i am going to take this fabric and i am going to gently hold it you could also use tape to hold it in place as long as its big enough you could just very carefully hold it so i'm just going to push this down and this next step is just going to stitch down this fabric second goes fast and this is just stitching the fabric down really well so that i can now cut around it all right so now i'm going to take it out and i have tutorials going over how to do stuff like this on my channel we can definitely do a tutorial over just these snap tabs if you guys would like let me know down in the comments okay you can see i cut down that fabric so that it's just right around the stitching and i'm not changing my thread colors here i am using the same thread color for all the steps which is kind of how i like it when i'm using a single needle if you find that you're doing a lot of embroidery designs where you're using a lot of different thread colors that's when you want to start looking into a multi-needle machine because yes it only stitches one needle at a time but having to change out and re-thread and re-thread and re-thread so often becomes a very time consuming process all right so i believe this next step is going to do a little satin stitch around it let's just find out let's put it down and see what happens now we're doing a design i'm going to stop it real quick because there is a jump stitch here i don't know if it was supposed to be cut but i don't want it there and that's something to always remember with embroidery machines stop it if something's not don't don't go in there with your scissors when the needle is running don't don't try to start trimming something mom don't try to start trimming things when the needle is running stop the machine trim it go back it's not going to cause any problems it's no extra work so as you can see i did not cut my fabric close enough to the stitches so it's peeking through the edges which is always frustrating so i'm going to have to clean that up all right well cleaning up around those edges will just be something i have to do later now the part to really see what's going on with this so first of all i did notice it was kind of jumping a little bit as it was stitching it would have little moments where it's kind of like made a weird noise and it did a little jump so i'm not sure about that i'm also not sure about oiling i didn't see any instructions on how to oil the machine and oil did not come with it and i do believe it will require oil we're going to have to look into that but now we got to put the back piece on which means we have another piece of vinyl we're going to put on the back of our design so that it's you know you can use both sides of it the problem with this is is that this vinyl likes to stick to the plastic bed of your machine and when it does that it creates looping and problems so normally i cover my machine with wash away interfacing or wash away stabilizer and that prevents the sticking but let's just see what happens so i'm going to make sure that i'm covering the stitch out of my back completely and then the vinyl will be right side facing out just like this i'm going to grab some tape i'm just gonna tape it down all right so you can see i have the whole thing taped down the problem you run into with this is that the vinyl starts to kind of roll up as well and the whole hoop gets shifted it's a big mess tape can also be challenging because the edges of the tape if they start sticking to the plastic they'll roll up it's a it's it's a whole thing so let's let's just see how it does like i said i have a lot of tips and tricks that i use on my bernina to prevent problems so i know that this will turn out right i'm not going to use any of those we're just going to see what it does on its own okay moment of truth looks okay on the front but how does it look on the back oh that looks really good i don't see any looping or anything that is wild well that's fantastic all right so now i'm just going to take this out um if you know if you're using this is scotch tape masking tape if you're using masking tape it's totally fine if the machine stitches over it it comes out of the thread very easily just make sure you take it out right away don't let it sit there for a couple days and get all sticky because then it won't come out all right so here is our finished stitch out the first stitch out like in the hoop project here's the actual first thing we did i am super super impressed with this brother embroidery machine i was fully expecting to see some sticking and some looping on the back of this i do want to still figure out if it needs to be oiled that makes me a little apprehensive if it doesn't require any oil just because oiling our machines keeps them running longer so if it doesn't require any oil i'm not sure how long it's going to last but i know a lot of people have this machine they've had it for a long time and they love it i 100 think it's a great first embroidery machine especially if you're trying to find something on a lower price scale but also something that you can still use for all the fun projects you see us doing especially on the channel so i'm excited to play with this some more i will have more tutorials on the channel using this embroidery machine because i know a lot of you are also starting out with these smaller single needle embroidery machines if there's something in particular you want to see leave a comment down below and we'll do that we have lots and lots of fun designers to work with over here so we will make more projects i'm thinking bookmarks for back to school hand sanitizer holders all that fun stuff i hope you're having a great day i hope you have a fantastic rest of your week get out there and make something bye guys [Music]
Channel: Jess OklaRoots
Views: 68,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OklaRoots, OklaRoots Tuts, OklaRoots Sewing, How To Sew, Beginner Sewing, Beginner Sewing Patterns, Disney Crafts, Travel Bags, Bags For Friends, Handmade Gifts, DIY, DIY Bags, How To Make Bags, Make Something, Brother PE800, Beginner Embroidery, Beginner Machine, Easy Embroidery, In The Hoop Projects, How To Embroider
Id: oMH2MAkixHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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