Saffron Burrows - Dances With Craig - 5/6 Visits In Chronological Order [480-720]

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[Music] [Music] my naughty four-legged spiders and there's the spiders peepee I can't be mucking around we're going over tonight alright my next case is a beautiful and talented actress she's starring in the bank job where which is not an actual bank job it's you know it's a movie which is in theaters starting in March the 7th will driving back sounds like a rug do please welcome the lovely sovereign boroughs everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the [Applause] look at you you look absolutely sensational I love a woman in a red dress well I'd like your attire very much right it's Bob Barker circa 1986 do you think I like the look at this film by the way it looks very nice is one of them moving we don't want him cockney people stealing money and it not cockney yeah I'm quite keen for you to see this I'll see it I think you might like it I do I like I like the walks talking to Smoking Barrels I like I tell you why I like cockney heist movies because all the guys have got tiny little nose you don't all right at your annoying little mouth of God save money on your gazer and I can't go above a certain octave as well goalkeeper love cool is it slow yeah I don't blast talk like that over there and the problem is when you're on camera is one of you end up talking the same way because you just drift towards it well that's why do all the times what you find if you're around people that talk differently you end up talking like that absolutely I mean I'm from New Jersey I mean five Scottish guys I do that New Zealand I go or local funny very weak what does New Zealand sound like well it's kind of a little bit tight in the mouth all right it's not as broad as Australian but a little bit tight a little bit time a little bit tight but it's kind of pretty and it's very very open-minded and there's got a lot of Maori in the language nudism and do they have nudism with horizon - thank you absolutely am dude is a very liberal society really yeah but I mean I don't approve or I came to do I don't know you can find me again and I'll tell you you've been all over my life recently because I was on a plane yesterday reading your novel but you kindly gave me I look up at the screen and there's your show on American Airlines yeah and that's just crying over at home you're on the telly I know yeah it's not only it's called outsourcing know what times on a plane and you this was I'm to do you've had movies on the plane I fell asleep on the plane and I was all tired and I must have been snoring because everyone was kind of looking at me like that when I woke up in fact like that that was like just [Music] like that and then I woke up and I was I was and the TV was on and it was me or the TV I was like ah like that horrifying I I'd be like how scary it must be to see me that's horrible I know well I have to say there was also wonder show on and I I was traveling alone I had the headphones on so I turned to this complete stranger next to me said favorite show on television she would to be like really so what and I was um three shouting because I had the headphones I was watching wonder and junior through their thing in the in the kitchen not actually a favorite or the new adventures of all can I don't go out in the Monday now because I have to watch it I love it you know which CBS would pay you to say that like have they already I would literally email a friend while I'm watching if they turn it on turn it on it's so good really it's very true they're both very funny and I think on their own a viewer no yes for me well likely CBS is entirely possible I know I think viewers well then again you did to Boston Legal I always think of you as being terribly serious and in the in your acting game but I tend to be yeah then I have my little moments would you ever do a second I'd love to do a sitcom just call it saffron wouldn't you the saffron and Craig I'm busy here but I I could get over this problem I see if I could gather that I would go this morning I could ship one week on upfront and we'll do there you know I'm just wild about saffron for the title yeah I mean at the end of the boat saffron the statement for developer the studio audience like that at the end like that what what would the setup be I you have a wacky neighbor and and you're married to a really fat guy that no that's what they're doing CBS good-looking women money to a fat guy it's a it's just it works it works it work it does and what King of Queens got run for ten years we just we marry you up to say I don't know Newman from Seinfeld or something like that known from Cheers norm from Cheers these great yeah yeah I like all right so you might have known from tears and at the end of each episode every episode some of us oh sure fraud I need to go several is tapering front of a studio audience are you I like that yeah I think it becomes it's the low stuff what are you still doing bottoming yeah with that corn off the side good I'm indicating tomorrow really we love that show if we got some good stuff coming up it that to me is the best show on television I have to tell you even the lowest on CBS I know but it's true to say that I am don't cut it out but I know in television I don't know if you know this because you've probably been working in Boston Legal and then you know doing movie but in television everybody actually gets along and everybody supports each other yes you know they did say to me on day one of Boston Legal they said they run it like a sister company yeah if you have any complaints you go to the artistic director and you all get together and you have lunch and you talk and I have to say I thought huh I didn't believe a word of it and actually they're kind of true to their word do you have did you have any complaints it's not bitter grabby and anyway all Shatner of course Shatner is the single word that means sexual harassment he is indeed a be someone like really enjoy American so why not go to watch don't learn account your III yeah yeah yeah darling will you come back again I'd love to alright the lovely Safran burrows ivory Weaver right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hummingbird take me again I thought I was the only one who knew that please welcome the lovely Saffron Burrows everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only I pick your microphone on there you go plug it in right there you need any help with that you good how are you dear I'm very well I feel I was here just the other week well you are kind of well anywhere here was just the other week just the other week Mandarin that you're doing the new NBC show with the you played this are you a sex therapist at Mizzou well I'm actually a therapist of the mind body and soul so yes would be the urging I'm the resident mental health counselor right okay the sort of the cover which is you know the Christian Slater's suburban side of himself all right sure he believes two people in the show right he's like he's himself and then he's like dr. evil or something yes yes Henry which is the suburban man with a you know works for an insurance company with a wife and kids and then there's his fat inside Edward ah right and we read what Henry Jekyll Edward Hyde ah I get it and that's a very subtle difference like right one of them's left-handed ones right-handed oh nice when he's Rica portion he sort of well you get a little bit of blurry camera right and he gets a bit of a headache so he does a good one in an evil one it's kind of like the Olsen twins right you get a good one in the evil eye and you talk through his personality problems that I talked him through and I sort of tried to assuage his troubles he comes and tells me dreams he's had and I generally try and make him feel calm about Mac do you ever go see a therapist yourself no well I think what we're missing now do you ever have sexy dreams about your therapist I do you do yeah about your therapist no you are the therapist in the dream nevermind what happens where'd you go to York so you're seeing a sex therapist right now then you say and Christian Slater's visiting [ __ ] boroughs character no no no no no no forget all that we plug the show I want to know about you I wanted well um I was at a party recently ah and I have to say I don't go for psychics and things because I'd like to let my life unfold right I don't particularly want someone telling me what's going to happen but I was a party rover psychic and there were 25 people all sit around and then the idea was they tell you who might be your you know your your Guardian one of you're one of the people keeping an eye on you I would like a dead relative sort of yeah and mine apparently was the kind of god of fun and he was called Pepe he was like the god of late night clubbing and general fun and he was called Pepe did you meet Pepe on the we're not a puppet you know he's real we had a little chat did you yeah right I baby talk to you really like the woman as we said yeah dude you enjoy our shellfish crustaceans prawns was kind of thinking well um see you crazy yes do likely i I enjoy a scampi yeah yeah yeah I do I like it but it's copy and I enjoy some sushi if you don't mind me stayed so yeah like I said ah yes I do interesting yeah because I don't really I don't really like oysters but I always tell women are like oysters [Music] what happens when they were to some point I say I faked my own death actually where either I go to the bathroom and don't come back no I don't mind Isis it's just that sometimes when you're a bit like snot going down well I don't know I suppose it's not love/hate thing is a like Marmite Marmite your eyes away yeah do you know what we're talking about here Marmite marla is it like a beefy spread yeah remind you of anyone I'm sorry I'm such a vulgar old Oh tonight for some reason I don't know why I I have just started to embrace steak and bacon sandwiches and things like if you were allergic yeah I was a kid I'd repeat a vegetarian Finnish judge yes you got you back on the beef oh well I haven't I have an exersaucer with you that I was playing a role where the woman starts to eat spareribs on camera right and I didn't want to do a you know a bit of soy something right and faked it but you've inspired me in another way I've now just applied for citizenship oh you did congratulations well done yeah yeah not well your first the first step in your journey to being a true American they start to eat me again so right there you're beginning to become an American now - seems to go stuff ice like in that burger American is well actually know the truth I don't know if we have to tell you that particularly Oh what the hell the drive-thru right through bars educating is good it's excellent anything that you don't have to go to the car you can get married without getting oh your car you can have a whole evening out with the little radio playing a bit of something on satellite right but it's coffeehouse sole or something and drive through have a burger see a film he filming Natale yeah yeah do you do you enjoy the coffeehouse soul I plucked that from the air mmm but there's some sort of radio station like that I like the hits of the 80s I find myself - over and over again he do I do because I was so drunk Juliet he's a go ahead that's pretty good over and over and over again so enjoy dire straits and Spadina she really listened she always thought about die of strings remember when I watched Oh states that their singer Mark Knopfler was going bald and so what you had was these little headbands would get wader every time in every video if you get wider and wider and wider until the end of its just here there and then the big giant they are voting for nothing checks for free bandana yeah that's how you can tell the man's going bald big bun daddy so um yeah and we become a certain well this is the thing I was inspired because I want to vote of course mm-hmm we have to wait till the next time right I'm waiting for a meeting so I could welcome some tips but well though see what you you have to you they'll quiz you at the meeting have you filled in the testing yeah well no all I've done is I've said I will bear arms for America oh yeah I know I have to say that yeah okay would you really or did you run away no no you have to you have to bear arms and I think there's something else you have to be not in al Qaeda or something yeah the player law requires a quick difficult some of the questions and they made it harder no I got the easy test my test was do you love America yes you know do you enjoy cola oh you bet I do that's it yours is kind of like you know Supreme Court justices how the system works the House of Representatives the Senate do you know all this did you not have to do that yes it did actually yeah well I've got a very large book 1492 to the present people pick tree of the United States you didn't have to bother with anything up until about 1980 really yeah good feeling okay I stopped stopped a Guns N'Roses right there good Reagan Reagan yeah yeah you'll be fine I'll be all reals and don't need to know that we know Don't Ask Don't Tell but I'm sorry there's your typical in a gym oh right there take the Hat Nixon hey we've got to go it's lovely to see you again come back issues in another couple of weeks I'll tell you how it's gone yeah right yeah no dude we're in America don't come back until you're in America right all right now without the Sun balls every day [Applause] loveliness that is saffron burrows everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello dear hello how are you I'm very well really I've just been on a holiday which has had an extraordinary effect on me really would you go I'm sort of behaving I have still on it really yeah a little bit yeah yeah I'm here I will you be my flip-flops I'm kind of you feel very relaxed yeah are you high in some way I'm high on panel shock alarm oh you've been to Paris yes oh that's nice panel shock Allah is what they call pans of chocolate they have a lovely time there's at me well I do like fast yeah I do 70 no no I don't know no no no we won't mention yeah no I don't I used to live in Paris for a bit yeah I did yeah yeah and then they kicked me out for beading for being fat thank you no what were you doing the prize you just on rolls I was getting about yeah real my holidays take the train from London so our ate everything in sight they just have a lovely time in they do let me tidy chocolate breakfast oh my god the chocolate the breakfast I know it's great that and they all look gorgeous I think he says no no wait wait wait wait they look pretty gorgeous and some of them look gorgeous I mean it is their regular do their gorgeousness quarter is the same as anywhere else in the world you know they well you know there's this yes I think they can get but does that don't say to as well they can be quite witty you know they can be ruled hey come on no mr. and try they didn't think they gorgeous yes I do get very pleased with themselves as well yeah they kind of have a right to be yeah no they do it very well difficult Spain I love Spain I like Spain Spain's like sexy France the flamenco is pretty good do flamenco and love the flamenco really can you do for Mango dancing in my bathroom I could if I thought about it let's do it I give it a go let's do it now yeah have you ever done any no no let me just explain how do we ever met before tonight we have met a few times whenever in Spain yeah and we've never flamenco done in Everson I am deliver flamenco dance in my life we have any funny thing I've only watched it really I've never done it really I haven't even worse I did I saw it once in a porn but there was incidental to the club so we have any prevents music you're working on it okay well we alive let's just start and then the paint the music they can do it all right now well we need a governor cheek oh we need a road right or wrong I don't have a rose but I think I've got I've got couple of oranges yeah we're a couple oranges and I've got spanner well cut up another way all right do put in your teaspoon it could be a massage yeah oh come on Joe yeah look at that look at how get up thank you you know I think he's lovely I think there might be chocolate in this list so what left then want me to put some pure Eleanor something funny I think I think you should fight the road all right all right are you hold your injector like tonight chuckle them yeah all right are you ready all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I yeah all right please well I'm done when does pain come from I don't know originally from Spain I think let me just put this here yeah I'll just put that here so you had a nice time in on your whole days with when was the film that you're in LAN short this film in a short in non Spader non-doing spade a light way right yeah I don't gene ID no Jane yesterday he was here on James bit early but he talked for about four hours I know he told me afterwards he had the rest of the story to tell you and then he told me the rest of story oh my good that my I talk he's a chatty chatty Kathy well you cut him off if I had of all people were leaving he or the audience were saying limbs to keep their spirits up James thinks I eat too much you know where I go well I do eat a lot but when I go round for dinner just put it away put it away we need leftovers next week really apparently right yeah I believe you eat too much look at you you're singing all I love I do I have a huge upset but James likes his leftovers so when I go I wonder about God I wonder if those of it that the root of his feud I'm just making up right now with William Shatner but they caught over the crowd yes well they know they both were heading towards the chest book Oh Eddington yeah they both like food they have a fondness both good food yeah you met William Shatner I love William yeah me too he was he was Captain Kirk you know hey guys really what would you like to be in Star Trek I wasn't really a Trekkie were you know not so much but I loved the film did you see the film no ray always great and you was great an Eric Bana really yes he shaved his head he was about killing people it's also fantastic we expecting he's fantastic he's such a nice man and you know and then he's scary in the film I've got a bit of a man crush on like my hobby in Troy that's right he was your husband to draw yes and he's gorgeous and he he would speak a language I didn't understand we spent the first week really he'd say things like I'm gonna go home Becky I'll put my feet up tell my wife I'm having a cab Steph a cab sir aye aye captain I think Erik what what what do you have it Cavan eyes Sylvie new cabin only Sorvino that's why the British and the Australian the first week of filming we didn't understand a word Henderson and we're playing husband and wife I'm begging him not to go to war I'm weeping offset no that's over my head you know that he does he's not actually Australian in the film he plays a Greek you know that in the film he's not ruining that filming truth mate we've got to get over to Troy let's get it right I tell you what let's leave a bloody great horse right everybody hide inside whatever Bobbi next to the horse that's right boy and the wheel are over here there now haha yeah he did it well it's been lovely Jack yeah we don't get enough time we don't we really don't you know I blame James Spader James taken up half of this show yeah it's a we only have exhausted from it I am a morning I am up you know the last time I saw you really James has worn you out yeah he's worn me out I feel like I've been ridden hard and put away wet tail gunner tail gunner is it Donna yeah yeah that's a great poem you see never Julie's getting that film Eric Bana I know I well we're done yeah we don't have enough so we're done so nothing else to say no it's always the awkward moment in a talk-show I think at the end when you go the earthly unnatural end to a conversation I like your Prince Charles impression but stop me it's Prince John's really I have to process cookies actually lovely who I was my family though chatterbox he's as bad as James have you ever watched a film with Prince Charles oh yeah all the time we bought actually we watched tail Gunners at dawn together as I remember yeah no I haven't watched the film with Prince Charles what you're talking about well in England when you have a film premiere he turns up well there you go you had me right there at film premiere of a film premiere look at me I work in a garage I'm not gonna badly let garage with puppet I try and impress actresses with fruit and a plastic flower shaped like male genitalia me you don't get that's what we're doing right yeah I'll put that over here give you angle with disturbing wouldn't be the ankle alright well we'll completely have to say no I mean we were at a mentally or no we're completely on it saying that we don't even have time for commercials we're now on cable don't give us any questions out we can discuss the props is it any proper thing for holding a beverage carrying out a cop when I go to a film with Prince Charles see sometimes drinks over one of these he has his soda he does is that it's very tasty not actually I'd like to read your new books well one that I bought but yeah I'll give you a copy like redo it yeah yeah watch the book that we have to really have to finish that so I kick it off alright sovereign burrows everybody will be right that's exactly the same Lane Jeff Goldblum used on me it's a hell gasps : please welcome the very lovely Saffron Burrows everybody [Music] no saffron burrows who are you what I've missed you I've missed you too I just been so long it's been nearly a year or something is a year since you've been here honestly yeah why what happened where have you what we've been doing woman it was on holiday in Spain and then next one I was playing a policewoman in New York with Jeff Jeff Goldblum but eight months we've been shooting we just finished he's very nice to have Goldblum but he's a bit grabby he's very tactile he touched that the British Way of saying is grabby that scene we just watch with not at all choreographed that way really just yet but yeah he does when he comes on the shaman's crate it's really nice to me 9,000 al says he looks right at you makes you feel like the only girl in the room he's like your earlobe he like this token is he touched I think he touched my earlobes when he was here yeah and then I was readin in one of the tabloids they said what - Jeff : what is your ideal day and he said a day spent trick he was like all right that's enough Jeff Goldblum you shave his legs or something I think we discussed you did you really have yeah we work 16-hour days yeah we have a lot to discuss yeah how did I do you did very well you said well above the other I can't mention names but you said that the other late-night puppet people yeah now have you been what have you been up to apart from we were on holiday in Spain I was in Spain but that was before being a detective Stephen well Paris Plato's daddy about in the north of Spain I like the north of Spain were you up near Kodaka is not going to Miriam vaguely in the Basque Country Bilbao San Sebastian yeah I ran with the Bulls there at the yeah you did yeah I did yeah yeah it was back in the day yeah did you run with the Bulls I didn't run with the Bulls right I didn't when I say run with the bills why we didn't run away from Dan yeah yeah yeah I remember the name of the turnover so look whatever no no it was there was another one I can't remember now yeah yeah yeah I don't ever do that get drunk and I'm wrong with the Bulls yeah don't do that do that or you get drunk do you want I have no one I could now I can I get you some tequila that would have any effect what even after did you have even back to Britain I've been back to Britain I've been in France I basically filmed this show and then I decided that I want to go getting about Europe again right I've been in England where I went to the most gorgeous part you know the Dorset Jurassic it's like where they film French Westerners woman Lyme Regis or and I've noticed that I don't know if the Brits through it all Brits but definitely the English have this funny they drive somewhere really gorgeous and then they sit in their cars eating their picnic yes that's exactly what I do yeah I do I like to go to interesting places in America and not go there I guess so I saw a minute there is a bit of that but I just I just came back to LA two days ago and it was first of all too quiet I didn't like it because there's no construction outside there's no chaos and sirens and I'm more used to Manhattan now at all well just parts of earlier you can get construction and noise occupation actually maybe move to annoyed you know football really in a quiet bet what the what the here it's quite noisy earlier well compared to New York there is just really weak Manhattan has a energy a god that smells pee pee everywhere yeah but you get kind of used to it or do you know you get like morning yeah it's - I think you've become very American you know you do you know I became an American last summer really Oh congratulations welcome welcome to out yeah for that's exactly thank you that kind of address the balance because you're lovely and I'm kind of idiot I shuffled in but you could have embraced the back again that's where you help me with my my questionnaire and my my whole inauguration moment because I think the last time I saw it I was about to become an American and you did and yeah and did you did you have the big ceremony with all the other people I had the ceremony 4,000 people downtown you happy yeah yeah I had a year well I would say I would say five it was Obama welcoming us to America like Oh George w [Music] you just want to go right back he was kind of good eating like a giggity giggity yeah I actually like you know you know this Neil and they had soaring over California yeah there's a bit of that they have this sweeping landscapes of California they have the song with the guy successful singer ya know instead everyone else was that well lots of people when I was there they were not from Scotland but another country called Mexico with a lot of Mexicans yeah and I think I was the only one from London yeah yeah but today I was I was feeling very grumpy I have to say because I was missing all the noise in New York I went to an appointment in Beverly Hills this morning came out with paying for my car and there was a guy screaming the top of his lungs I got exciting there's a bit of a tussle going on in bed unusual for Beverly Hills was a bit of an action thing going on a punch-up it wasn't punch up it was a valet man looking at the Uruguay match Uruguay on a tiny television well that was a couple of days ago no okay yeah yeah right companies in continuity for god sakes that was cute anyway yeah a couple of days ago I pass it I've got a Friday night song fee by the way covered go and so I'm all involved this man the match it's like it's people are talking it's all a Tottenham burial there's Lionel Richie paying for his parking ticket what I'm feeling I'm sorry I read something on the ceiling and liner which is there and I said I'm so sorry but I have to tell you a fantastic yeah Lionel Richie he says thank you I said what did he say hello he said I just a little tiny wanna go I just wanted to be you you wanted to be Lionel Richie you think well you're me with an afro I say well I love to be with and after I think a little tiny while ago I was slightly younger than I am now and I was a rapper my best friend was a rapper with straight black hair and I made him this is true I made him permease hair to be Lionel Richie really and I would street cat and my friend with Street Dogg Lionel Richie said that's fantastic because normally people coming when I was a kid I want to be you Lionel Richie but no I said like just a little just a little while and like so I thought okay this is going quite well this interaction so I said would you consider coming on our show because I do a show with Jeff Goldblum and we are allowed to invite guests ours on oh thanks for inviting me [Music] I think there's been a murder I could do that we say yes like Richie gonna be a lonely game these numbers that as long as I can say musician I'm beat I'd be fine you should work on a thing is to be you're looking for go to Las Vegas I've never been to Vegas have you never you should go you'd be popular I'm worried about the I'm worried about going to a casino never coming out again there's no clocks is that right yeah but you just you won't need one there's no oxygen or they pump oxygen in you didn't out that's all rubbish that's all rubbish they made that's all made up as you got a geek went Vegas yeah I've done I'm done with her well for now two nights you are for know two nights ago I think you were here inviting Tim Allen to farmers market I've not been invited to the farmers market over the phone I gotta get the phone sure I go to Bub's coffee and donuts you can't be there have you ever been at Bob's coffee and donuts at the farmers market that's a Nelly landmark that's fantastic I've been to the bagel place is that near the favorite places quite right yeah the Bob's coffee and doughnuts is good because the lady that works they're very unpleasant like I'm like oh gosh the government but somehow yeah I do like accounting but I gave her a little bit of money which she likes and she gives me a little bit of coffee which I meant yeah really honestly she's getting grumpy yes yeah mines me hole next yeah are you writing any more book oh yeah well probably yeah point yeah yeah do mrs. village no no no all right now I mean I little bit but it's been a while so sir look mirar times go by Daily Press all right I know I'm just like Oh any time Craig Sabourin would you be on that show Law & Order criminal things whether it's cured yeah you should be you play the part of the cold case we got we could have a good scene in the morgue with you yeah yeah we have to go Stefan burrows everybody [Applause] my next guest is a very beautiful actress she's doing a new play called this the Kirk Douglas theater in Los Angeles please welcome the incandescent Lea lovely saffron burrows everybody [Music] [Music] Brod you look lovely I love your jacket thank you it's sorry I got distracted by the Englishmen out there didn't hug you love me I came to lose you backstage and you were all over Hugh Laurie like a lovely jacket do you know each other no he once didn't turn up for dinner with me he stood you oh well it was a big dinner and he happened to be where he wasn't hungry that was his excuse he was due to sit next to me at dinner and I spent the evening with an empty chair missing a lovely conversation with him well you should have called me I'd have turned up I've been there having contact Ron hi oh by the way there's a lot of English people in the show tonight could you do the rest of the show in an American accent talk on a bit British yeah let's do that alright okay well I have a good warm-up for you I have a very strange warm-up that I do in my car sometimes on the way to the theatre oh right go thought about Paul hot coffee pot it's been a bit dim so give a little bit it goes on like that and my hockey party across the Atlantic half a dozen times I have my voice ladies on the iPod have her voice is sort of reciting things some involves genitalia for some reason but they all it's all about for the real Americans here actually I am a citizen too now you are congratulations did you get the Takuya I know you haven't get your tattoos do I need a snake it goes all the way around there and goes to your bits I need I need a tattoo yeah well yeah you want to get a tattoo to stretch the vowel this is what I do on the way to work yeah I I can't do an American accent you can't like her and no I can't and when I tried heard you know I can't it sounds like a Scottish person who lives in America but when I go to Scotland they say oh look at you you think you're Glee but your American accent American I guess you do that's what my friends in London do you have to be careful if you see something like garage people go crazy if you say what you're in loader yeah I can't go back to London if you know what I've noticed that I was talking to a waiter in France to ask and and he said I sometimes get very annoyed at Americans when they come here and I'm like why I said because they come to the restaurant and say do you have water and I'm like and I was like yeah oh this is our restaurant no we thought of any water ah the potatoes they boil themselves the tea has no matter the carpet no water is made out of dirt we're assessed on your holiday yeah I went to Paris did you have a nice time back you better pass I lived in Paris did you I got sent there you went there for a while do I do yeah yeah so friendly with a girl over there you were yeah and when I say friendly you know with the French girl yeah you too I left there with the IRA general it seems I left there with girls from all over the world miss Illinois miss gottenberg really was a beauty pageant I got sent there by a by elite you know the model agency Oh although I lived there with people from all over the world idols from all over the world knew were one of them all living in the same home every three days someone you would arrive drinking beer in Glasgow going on this is the greatest thing ever you might have been there at the same time no I would have remembered that's lovely do you spend any time in front then I do now I've shrugged off the bad memories and now I like it no right yeah what do you eat when you're there do you love it I eat steak frite every night I love it yeah yeah fishing and I mean steak and fries yeah you have to say fried yeah you can't say can't say french fries cuz no could be like oh it is wrong all the fries are prime remember it became freedom fries the only they became feet remember that yeah do you want a french fry I was wondering a truckstop bathroom don't ask and it was then it was during all the time when the anti French feeling was very high and there was a condom machine and it's all condoms and also other pleasurable items right except in a truckstop bathroom I'm like oh yeah great odd but in it there were instead of French ticklers it had freedom ticklers no i would use a freedom take a look I don't know if reduce aggression if you're having a deja vu and you couldn't be French about it you never and already happened they already happened they just happen yeah yeah happened what would you do if you were having a deja vu and already happy no don't is that you know you do you get naked I do actually have to change on stage because I don't really need to leave the stage much so I change on stage that's as close as naked as I come but it's what I don't know your underoos almost well you like don't eat your foot your outers unperfect well that's pretty conservative right there get a change done to my trousers yes off stage I thought yes it's a little embarrassing because you Marini isn't the play that lovely French actor who brothers and sisters lovely met and he walked by as I'm changing is a little embarrassing there's a lot of kind of pretending not to notice that other people are getting undressed as you walk on stage and I'm so terrible of that yeah I stop and stare and then drool then you feel late for your entrance no I have been late for my I always have in his life yeah my mom came to see the play last week oh and she she's his teacher from London and she's English too she's English too and she likes a little bit Irish English you know she likes a quiet theater about 20 minutes into the play I hear a very loud shushing going on my mum is shushing the audience I was mortified think you can get her to come here quite like them just old it's just we're out of time we are yeah so it's mouth organ touch my glittery bowler awkward pause go down what do glittery ball I'd not really sure what it is you're not what do we each have a dirty ball sure we could try I'm done man I'm trying to figure out what the glittery ball got a pair of kangaroo testicles I don't know where they've been at all I got two glittery ball and then I've got these two things here and the the and we have to go with these ones theory yeah well one slightly lower than the other but that that's perfectly normal I'm saying that I don't really know what to do I mean we could you know I have a nobody can do an awkward pause and the case people well okay do that right here alright if you thing is though this is too exciting I'll turn it off now you know john goodman was here the other way he's very good at the here you're better look at them i'm not good at it could you make me laugh i like making you laugh it makes me feel like this summer burger [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 662,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, saffron burrows craig ferguson, saffron burrows interview, saffron burrows hot, saffron burrows movies, saffron burrows the finder, saffron burrows scene, saffron burrows actress, saffron burrows model, modeling, france, funny
Id: reZ0SvFnKGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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