Broken Trusses... OH NO!

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what in the world kind of zombie apocalypse tool are we building let's just show you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] you might be asking what on Earth are we doing well we had a dream and we did about half the dream because dreams get ruined this is a nine inch I-beam by 11 feet long original plan was to have two of these side by side and if a guy to ever get into some kind of frame straightening that I'd be you know like a truck width frame but kind of figured for what we're doing we'll be doing more fabrication and Welding in here so we welded some augers to the bottom of this I-beam post hole dug down hole so we're going to do is we're going to fill this hole with concrete and then the concrete kind of funnel down the auger and then obviously there's going to be Concrete in all this area right up to there that's going to be flush with the floor so as he sets this pipe in here or this bar three inches too short we'll need a shim we need to shim up the I-beam so it's we're gonna do this pad flush here so it'll be flush with the bottom right there we gotta raise it up about two three inches and if we ever need B you weld on there to fabricate something hold something be a third arm grind it off you don't even know it's there it's a part of the floor so that's why we did these augers so then you got all that extra weight concrete down there bored into the ground so it should never pull itself up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we are finally putting equipment away like good Farmers on July 4th the 9430 and Loch Ness get it unhooked here in the shed so uh this is actually gonna be for our remembrance because we're gonna forget next year when we go to hook it up how's everything on here is pretty much labeled as far as where the hydraulic goes good with colored zip ties and all that most these plugs are different so you know where they go but there's two plugs that have the same Outlet one's for the Clean Sweep power and I think one is I prefer the hitch box or something maybe for the hitch box yeah so in all that way we're gonna remember is that the one with the tag goes to the top TT tag top and the one with no tag goes to that bottom plug and that should be pretty self-explanatory next year yep would you say that and then we forget how we had everything labeled it's like oh what does that mean right so that's why we video stuff yep adding coolant junk junk deer today's obviously July 4th like I said I will be having kind of a a video coming out here maybe in the next couple weeks explaining how our experience was planting with a four-wheel drive tractor and then also just kind of a crop update here in central Iowa well the equipment shuffles over this guy and then okay we're gonna pack this down one more time and then we're gonna start laying our re-rod in and we're gonna do some extra bracing on that I-beam to uh panel it out or I don't know toughen it up oh what a stud what an animal [Music] [Music] look at the size of that plane foreign [Music] 2.0 we got our re-rod welded to the I-beam we got some extra re-rod going which way we got some cattle panel in here and then we need to get our grade set on the rest of the building so we can fill in the holes between the posts with the extra concrete from the truck and step one of four will be done America unless you're an iron eye or plumber hopefully I get some good shots or razor back rolling cold that gamut I got stopped and he didn't so he's probably gonna be Gonzo unless I catch him later boss Grimes store location very nice clean neighborhood newer store I like this one a lot just got unloaded and I didn't film it it gets a little chaotic around here I want you guys before close start bumping around I'm getting straps out of the way I'll eventually get a time lapse or something of us unloading oh kind of cool actually all the stuff coming off anyway we're gonna head back do another short load and then we'll probably go most more hey great that's what you call a good eye mate I saw that thing whip it around the corner here I'm like you know the mower probably would have went right under it or over it but the raker guy if he doesn't pick that up then it goes in the baler and that messes things up so we're gonna take it with us and get it out of here [Music] we go we got the G team [Music] s [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we go we just finished a 16-yard bore we literally have The A Team here we got delves in the middle there's DJ there's Bucky there's Gadson Garrison there's Wilson there's Miller there's G note there's three wives over there Leah Megan Carolyn or edgin doing crazy look at these guys they're like a little ants around here now here's the best part 16 yards this is all we have left one wheel barlows are you kidding me and don't forget AKA Kirk Gibson give it a pull give it a double pull Gibson later there he goes he does it look at these little Shavers that work they're cleaning the trowels look at this little guy look at that no no don't do it don't do it Gibson Kurt Gibson right there Garrison Gadsden little Shavers that work while we're waiting for some concrete to dry so we can power trowel we're gonna start uh putting our boards up for our perimeter leveling off some of this gravel and packing it down here's our new concrete branding logo what is that thing need a hammer [Music] apocalypse yeah foreign need a hammer to punch it yeah I want to make it smaller so you could always carry it in a concrete bag too long all right let's see how it turns out [Music] [Applause] [Music] promise [Applause] [Music] what is going on we're up here by Algona Iowa guys look at that area 20 21 look alike wow those bins are definitely bigger but pretty similar we're up here in Northern Iowa doing a job site trusses oversized hanging off quite a ways at least 12 wide and I gotta say this road is kind of kind of crappy it's like a it's wants to be a blacktop but it's old kind of mangy looking lines are almost non-existent but we've only got about 10 miles left we'll beat it to our destination so this shouldn't last too long it's been raining most of the way up it hasn't been too bad just kind of sprinkling so really ain't been ain't been terrible but we'll get her whipped well we're about home as you can tell from the short little Clips I was so short he was recording and didn't realize it was recording and then he clicked it on but anyway we got a short little clip and unfortunately some trusses broke and I mean it's not not really my fault you know you hate to really blame it on anybody it's just a combination of a lot of things you know the way they were stacked the way they were banded you know the trajectory of the trailer lots of lots of factors going to Broken trusses it's just the way it goes you stack a bunch of trusses on a trailer roll them off the back I mean nine times out of ten it's okay but that one time something might happen not a big deal you know they'll take care of him they'll get him some replacement trusses for the ones that are broken and uh we'll haul them back up there at some point probably sooner rather than later I don't know if I'll be able to haul the load or not it might be somebody else it doesn't matter but yeah so I mean that happens it's it's fairly common I would say on very large loads especially house trusses because they're very intricate they're hard to stack they're hard to band if you're talking like just regular building trusses Boulevard trusses you're rarely ever going to have that issue but you start getting house trusses on there it becomes more of an issue so it is what it is and you move up answers it scared me oh make sure that make sure the gate doesn't go down oh I think he's gonna make it he's gonna make it later put the smooth down on her foreign [Music] [Music] thank you sir see you Wilson [Music] prep for poor number two we're gonna do 60 by 60 and three pours so roughly like 19 six each poor 60 by 160 shop pad one got our I-beam in there we got an anchor down in there doing all kinds of neat stuff later on [Music] thank you
Channel: Mann Family Farms
Views: 18,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O0iLhVwkXYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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