Broken Skidsteer Axle Tube.

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well good morning guys it's the next project for the day a little problem here what size is this what size is this that's 175 s 175. what's the problem well there's a chain that's loosened we couldn't figure out why but as soon as you do a little more research you find out that's why and baby Bust It Loose and it's hard to tell because you know you got the tire here everything's covering it but as soon as you start doing a little bit more looking into it then you start realizing that's where the problem is and so uh the goal is to cut this off close that Gap and hopefully that'll be enough to be able to tighten this chain up I'll get my buddy Ken here who does all the wrenching he did a fantastic job taking all this apart thank you very much that's going to help out a lot so that'll help me get some access to the back side of this tube as well done here you can't see it and I won't hardly be able to see it either but we'll get it so a little bit of work a lot of acrobatics but uh it should be fine so need to quit yep and get started okay so the first order of business is to gouge that off and see if that will pull back tight enough to tension to change I'm hoping that we don't have to cut all this off but we just might but we'll see so we'll find out here in a minute if that'll be enough and then that way I can just weld around the corner so let's uh let's see if we can get that done [Music] thank you foreign do you think that this whole thing is I don't think attention but I'm just saying like if we try to pull on it and we can try it I mean it ain't gonna hurt nothing right no we've been hooked onto the deck end over there yeah and see if it'll close this up a little bit yeah let me go get that voice yeah let me cut a little more because there's a little speck of something that's going to hang us up okay yeah okay okay so um I cut that weld loose and you can definitely see the Gap now uh playing this day and so hopefully we're gonna be able to try to what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a chain around here and pull this backwards and hopefully it'll close up that Gap so that will get our tension back then I can put a little gouge around the perimeter of that axle tube and weld it up there and we're quick [Music] all right oh yeah look at that wow let me hit it with a hammer give another shot you know yeah yeah feels pretty loose it's not hitting the bottom anymore yeah give it I'm gonna hit the end of this uh bolt is that right okay yeah okay hold on to that what may need to happen now because it looks like there's a bit of a gap here yeah yeah like it might be too far back yeah is that a cap okay but we can uh you probably put some text here roll it in place put some decent packs you know and then cut this guy loose and shift it forward a little bit see that'll help pivot just a little bit more I'm Gonna Leave This one where it's at yeah and we'll get another come along from the front half quite a bit of tension on there so yeah it's too loose all right okay so we pulled some tension on it and it turns out that there's a little bit more of a gap here than it is over there so this with this sort of telling us is that this axle tube is pointed that way uh it's doing fine there but not up here in the front and unfortunately they welded it all pretty good so now I got to cut all that loose so that this guy can move forward just a little bit and with that little bit it'll pivot this whole tube enough to pull this chain a little bit tighter because it tightened up some but not enough so a little more work a little more digging but no big deal all right let's see if we can cut this guy loose here eek right foreign so far so good I could see the separation Gap and you know just that little bit there may make a huge difference pivoting over there so we'll keep doing it foreign [Music] okay so that doesn't look all too pretty but I had to get that weld off so I'm hoping that when we shift this forward it'll tension it just like we need uh Ken's gonna take the wheel off so we can use that other axle tube as leverage to chain this guy together and pull it that way there is a gap on this side here that may help in tightening that so we shall see here in a moment so let's get that wheel off and get that pull tighter foreign okay yeah I want to put it here in here because it came up with me okay okay so that did a good job in tightening that up uh turns out that that's still got a gap more so than what I would like yeah it just was beating around and uh you know it wallered it out a little bit so if anything I'll get good penetration at least right so now this this plate is not flush with the top so we're gonna try and push down from here onto there just a little bit suck that back down a little and I think we're good it's looking really nice so uh we're getting close it might just work out eh I learned very early on not to say oh it's a piece of cake like because you open up a can of worms that you don't realize and yeah [Music] and you're there all day just need a little tension just to kind of push so as long as you can see the the top edge of that plate over there semi-flush right in this area yeah just a little bit it may not need much right oh yeah right on okay so that popped into place just like we wanted it I can't see it but now it's starting to welder up now because the fun part yeah oh yeah this this Gap closed up really nicely okay perfect okay let me weld that up on the bottom of the saxo first kind of see you around the top half sometimes it's a guess of whether or not I got the right footage again yeah that's the thing I'm not I'm not a good picture taker so I don't think I would be a good video taker ah you gotta give her a shot I got a friend that's really good at that and he said he wants to come along and help out oh that'd be cool I don't understand oh yeah no man it's crazy so many things you laying on everything you know it's aggravating after a while I have to just push it all away yeah and I put like 17 feet apart on this one but that's not a range I think my deal is I always roll over on the floor right in the middle of my back that's always right now of course [Applause] foreign I just kind of wanted to line this guy up here I'll be able to make it work S A little better you know this actually does need to blow in it's a problem but not anymore because I welding no last time we put a chain here I know what that box is for oh yeah thank you I guess just hook it onto that somewhere yeah and then um go back around real quick okay go ahead by the aromatic one I like it I don't know what you got it yesterday oh friend I've seen I've seen yeah but I know a guy in California Don't Blink [Music] bend over it right there laughs yeah no kidding right it looks like this guy wants to jump off uh how about let off on that come along just a little bit now quite a bit yeah sure oh really yeah I saw it move a lot I guess if you like what we're saying which is really where it's at work there okay yeah I think we're good okay okay so after all this contraption we're stuck this little guy has a shoulder that's sticking out a little bit the uh axle tube is slid out about a strong eighth of an inch but that's more to weld onto right more affili weld now so um he's happy with the chain tension there and that's pulling it backwards that way so I think we're gonna be good so we'll just call that good and start welding on it it's more Aesthetics I guess for now yeah it's looking good everything's looking really good okay let's keep going okay there's uh some tax right in that area there look really good I mean it looks like it's going to penetrate really nicely so we're gonna leave that at that we're going to loosen these chains and stuff so we can get it uh accessible right because I don't want to climb underneath there inject ball I mean that kind of stuff go ahead and take this come along off and then start welding the sheet metal on this outside outer edge and I'll do that inner stuff last that way I'll have more room in this area to work around so let me move this stuff out of the way okay okay so I made a heck of a mess turns out when we shifted this forward it created more of a gap because that God's a little too deep so uh we at least got it covered I ended up using some 6011s or 1109s kidding and now I will put some 718 okay so I had a little bit of camera malfunction up to where the battery died on this one tried using the other one didn't work anyway so you missed out some of this but this guy is about as good as it's going to get because that was pretty tough but it's closed up so now our goal is to weld up that area there and finish welding that over there I think we can go ahead and let go of that chain which is good so I can get more access around it so next is this guy right here one guy yeah exactly [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so I got the first pass down on there see if they do all right I'm gonna keep having to reach through these openings right because that's the only access so let me continue on with that 'll do it there next step goes like this you know like you can see it with a camera oh yeah man it reach anywhere [Music] again I try to save I can see it I can weld it but sometimes I open my mouth too much yeah I talk too much you know that region sometimes if it's just a four inches longer yeah man very good the welding rod electric holders in the way all right yeah I can see bro here just can't reach it oh here like I'll say it Plastic Man foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign all right well these were fancy [Music] foreign all right got about as much as we can get welded around there I think I got oh man that looks like the seven o'clock seven o'clock hopefully it's six o'clock so now I got the six to the three the fun part somewhere in there I can't even see it maybe we can see it over here uh maybe nothing no it smokes that's gonna be tough okay oh look at that uh we had some good penetration even with uh I don't even know what the big old Gap so that worked out all right okay let me see how I can do this one this one's gonna be a little tough [Music] foreign [Music] foreign that looks good there this is tough let me see I'm gonna play this back right quick and if it's uh sealed and I'll show it in the video so let me check it out okay so after doing a little research it looks like we did get around it pretty good so that's done but we found another little crack over here that we need to take care of right in here oh can't see that can't see that either right in that area there so we'll take care of that right quick and we'll be done all right well it looks like this is gonna be it I didn't like these cracks in here but it is what it is especially at this point this machine is actually pretty beat up so make it last in a little longer and they should be happy but as far as the main stuff the tube that was broken that worked out really well I think that'll do it I think that'll work on well thank you Ken thank you very much yeah so that'll wrap it up I guess and he'll put it all back together hope you guys learned something uh if anything what not to do maybe but thanks for watching we'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 43,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: tDRk2vCVGUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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