Broken $20 Yard Sale Mercury outboard, is it Worth saving?

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hey guys and how's it going hey I picked up this outboard actually a couple of years ago uh for those who don't know one of my favorite pastimes is kind of going around yard sailing on Saturday mornings and seeing what I could dig up and uh generally check look for anything that's kind of gas powered this is one of the things that was there it was an outboard is an outboard and uh it was it seemed kind of cheap for what it was they had $50 on it first time I've ever seen anybody R out dollars on a price too but uh as I was looking at the guy came over and said he goes that thing has been a bane of my existence he goes just being honest with you I it would run die run die I've never been able to figure it out I've taken it all apart several times and he goes I've just just given up on it and without me saying anything else he goes you want it for 20 bucks you can take it so he really wanted it gone uh so we have it again it's been sitting up in the rafters for a couple of years and I figured maybe uh we're getting into the warmer weather might be a good time to try to get into it has some cobwebs kind of foaming on it this is something that you would use like on the back of a rowo it's got its own self-contained fuel tank and I think you could do an external one too yeah right there it's got a dead man switch I think that's what this red cord is you hook it to you if you fall off the boat it shuts the uh the motor off so the boat doesn't leave you uh I'm guessing like late 90s I'm sure we can find a number on it somewhere to go look it up but JY I think the stripe on the tanks I know on the older Motors every year they change the color of the um the logo and the coloring of the color of the cover would denote the years especially on like the 50s and 60s stuff so possibly it's the same with that it looks pretty good it doesn't look too beat up the uh propeller does not look like it's totally chewed up the skeg looks okay in place and uh who knows yeah the thing is he said that it had it all apart several times that a little bit of a that could be a little bit Discerning but no promises on us trying to figure out if we could figure out what's wrong with it and we'll get it running but I fig we'll go have some fun with it and see what we can do all right without further Ado let's get you in a stand let's get the cover off it and see what we got yeah I don't even know if they put it away with fuel in it or not we have to get rid of the gas cap to get cover off I think I would think and might be able to pull that right out of there there we go there should be a lever on the cover somewhere that locks it in place yeah looks like right here a bees nest compl flying out of it coming shimmy It Forward I think there it goes looks pretty clean no mouse Nest or nothing in NE good that's I think he even said he had like the cylinder head and stuff off of it too which is like really getting into it let's see if there's anything that pops out where way to us we got throttle should be on here tell that's been a part a couple of times it shouldn't have an air cleaner just maybe a diffuser let's get that out of our way couple of screws yeah there's generally not much use for an air cleaner on something that's in a clean environment which is you know you're pretty much running in water so there's not that much dust in water there if there is you need a better Pond snow blowers too same idea snow blower doesn't have plus um water like if you did a paper filament if it got wet it would choke it off and kill it and nothing there all right uh let's go take a peek inside that fuel tank see if there's anything left behind and some remnants of something in there it doesn't look terrible you if you tell it has the uh two-stroke oil mix in it looking red like that so you could probably take that tank right off and clean it but before we do that let's get the plug out of it and see if we got spark actually let's just take the gas tank right out of our way it's been uh is that broken yeah it's got to come off and get cleaned anyway so just take these two off the front should be able to lift off with a fuel line going to it these are actually fairly expensive they could almost be as expensive as like the larger like say like a 40 horse something that's you know not meant to lift off the back of a a boat and you know put it in your trunk and you would to call it carrying the suitcase a lot of stuff's like that even like sometimes tractors and skid steers and things once they get so big they're a burden to move around the smaller stuff actually has a better value it looks like we have a fuel line on the other end yeah I'd say like um you know all those like five horse you know somewhere between four and 10 horsepower they're all like 500 to, 1500 bucks let's get that off right there it's a little manglo piss gas out when I do it too all right that's over way doesn't look too bad definitely it was probably like that bottled fuel you know like the um what they call that but biting a can out like Home Depot see if that settles any water or dirt out I somebody pain think that's Factory somebody touched it up plug looks brand new whole thing actually looks pretty clean so we're going to dribble a little bit of oil down that cylinder and I don't see anything f actually does that have a broken going look better at it the insulator looks kind of weird and look at the insulator kind of got a weird that's better a weird bird pattern on it I thought I was where that real dark spot is right there I thought I was missing a chunk right there kind of odd huh I'm going to DRP a little bit of oil down the cylinder and uh we'll pull it over yeah we just get a little watch it doesn't even pull over I was like kidding it's locked up it's not turning that was supposed to be a joke well there's that all right maybe it's the um maybe this rust up on the uh actually I think it's in gear shouldn't make any difference so there neutral I got a there you go just a lock to keep you from starting in gear and falling out of the boat I guess let me go yank that over a few times let that oil and we should be able to put it in that should be off with no spark and that is kind of like start position I think let's go throw the plug in it and give her a couple Yanks see if we got any spark out of it zap myself let got got good spark let's go throw that plug back in and we'll see what we got for um compression so my guess we got good compression is that we are dealing with either a spark or a fuel issue right let's go uh see how it feels that compression's fine um let's go look see if we can get the float Bowl off of it I'm going to try fireing it yet let's go see what we got what's our best way to access that look like we're going to have to pull pull that off you get rid of a choke linkage right there allow that to come out of the way and we got a throttle cable got a fuel pump hanging on the other side maybe we could leave that on for now see if we can get these two out and just kind of turn it up where we can get to the floal we see kind of crudes are happening inside there let's mark where that cable was looks like it's had a couple different spots it looks like it it was clamped here originally we'll throw that on there let's go see well there's yeah I think the ca's pulled a little too TP cuz all the way off the throttle is not hitting the stop screw you would think it would but we'll deal with that later that might have been someone's U attempt to try to keep it running pissing a whe out of a weird that plate off we got it dripping out of there I don't know what to shouldn't be anything there really we didn't dribble anything on that right yeah cuz that was on the back of that I put clear oil in it too it wasn't like I put colored oil in all right let's see if we can get that n okay let's get a rag work on the bench we'll pop that off we're going to probably want to go clean that anyway we got going down here a little bit of little bit of sludging crap in the bottom but not terrible I wonder if um should leave that alone I wonder if um it starts sucking air if this is on here it's got a fuel pump draws fuel through a pet through a fuel filter and in look like it's got another little fuel filter underneath it or if that's a check valve that one down below I just wonder if this is leaking a little bit this has a fuel pump on it if it um starts suck in the air when you get on it probably shouldn't have touched that huh now we don't know let's crack it open and those are not Phillips screws they got the little dot on them Japanese industrial standard looks like a Phillips but it's not you try using a Phillips don't want to strip out if you ever work on Japanese motorcycles you're taking the side covers off and you wonder why the screws are all stripping out calling them crappy screws nope you're using the wrong screwdriver hope there's any gas in here make I'm pissing out in a second going in don't even have to hit it pretty clean very clean actually can see if our float's working it's your main jet going in it's loose it's not tight did that vibrate all the way out that do it let go grab a regular screwdriver see how far that spins in that throw your mix off big time unfortunately somebody says they had everything apart you have to check everything let's go see what we got a half one one and 1/2 two 2 and 1/2 three three and 1/2 four 5 five and a half turns yeah that was not going to run right you think that would do it see if we can get the emulsion tube to pop out of it here we go sometimes they have an o-ring on the top top too looking up inside see if I see anything I do not um let's go get we got this far apart it's good to just make sure the needle is clean as it turns the fuel on and off that' be good if it was just that huh yeah looking at this surface right here seeing it's clean and then the hole looks pretty decent fuel pump I don't know if you IA just leave that alone not quite sure how it has to get a pulse from somewhere my guess is one of these holes goes up it's got to have a hole going up in here somewhere and as when the engine runs Air's flowing through here but it's not an even pulse it's on off on off on off and what that does there'll be a diaphragm inside here it'll make that diaphragm move slightly and that just runs it pulse pump very best way to call it you want to look inside why not we're here especially the fact that he said he has he's had everything apart so my guess is if you're run having run issues you're can to take that fuel pump apart too yeah so there's the two little plates in there and my guess is where we open to right there yeah so there's a passage going through here down here and probably that hole right there runs up through the base of the carb and it's going to run up through the base of the carb through there and right into the center yeah so there'll be a a port we'll be able to see it there'll be a little hole right inside here that causes that air pulse to run that fuel pump I'm going to rinse stuff out make sure I'm going to be dainty with these you don't want to um these are like little check valves you know we just going to make sure they're not stuck that one's not and this one yeah that one's okay too all right let's go clean some of this stuff up no sense putting in the soaker let's see if we got um an idle Jet in here too see what happened with that one can I get with the screwdriver let get some with no shoulder on it that one's tight yeah the throttle cable being pulled this kind of so I would think it would run super like if the jet falls out I would think it would run really rich would be its issue I don't see any contamination there looks pretty good so my guess is maybe that's why they pulled that throttle cable because when it was backed off it should have went down to the idle stop and it wasn't was being held up about about that far up off a idle try to keep it going all right I don't see anything else worth exploring could probably take that side of it off there's the diaphragm I am not going to beat it up yeah yeah I'm not going to beat it up I don't want to distort it all right as you were [Music] black chunk came out of there when I blew into it not sure if that was anything putting it together another thing that I noticed was putting the idle Jet and then the main jet so the idle Jet does not draw from the bottom of the carb like the mainjet does it it draws to the this circuit I don't know if you'll be able to see would be a plug over that so it can't draw fuel up idle circuit mean circuit what it does have has a hole right there that Bridges across and is what is allows the fuel to go into the idle circuit well if this was hanging down that would make the emulsion tube seeting in normal position this right here was going to block off that passage so the reason probably why that set screw up there on the throttle while the um while the cable was pulled so high was because it had no idle circuit and had no idle circuit because that jet fell out allowing the ulion tube to drop down and clog off the passage so same as it being clogged it just you know no access to it no no fuel couldn't access the that side of the carburetor whether that was the main problem why he was having issues of it dying on him I would think if you went to like when you went to go on an night like cruising across the lake Full Throttle might have been okay and then when you let off it died on him would be my guess again it's a guess we don't know we just I didn't get that much information from plus it was two years ago I just remember him saying he tore it all apart I want to say he took the cylinder head off too it was like that much into it all right going to continue to uh put the pieces back together on this and we'll call it a win nice I don't have to drop it in the ultrasonic cleaner it's not a usually every carburetor we take apart is got stag ties growing in it you know get in there there you go I'm also going to check that too so when actually this one's going to be a little difficult because you got to go through a fuel pump just to make sure that this circuit is working correctly generally you blow through the uh the inlet of the fuel and you say it's open that way you flip it over you see if the fuel shuts off but we're going through a fuel pump so that's not going to work for us we put that car back on I'm looking at the side of the uh engine here and it says um remote fuel system shut off and internal so if we were running internal would it be like like that like that which one's which I would say it's hard to say let's go look into that because it it has a little float a yeah a little um settlement set sediment yeah that's it there's a little sediment bowl underneath there let's go get it's probably got two screws holding it let's see if we can get that out of there we'll pull that up and away we'll look at all this stuff and we'll see if we have any issues going on with something not being right you know not put together correctly all right let's see which way is the passage going through on the valve so can't blow through it I can blow through it so down is internal tank is that what it says yeah and if we want to shut it off then we could draw through here let's see if I can blow through this side of it there's a lot of resistance so it should be a lot easier to get through than that I think they're both the same way is that's going to indicate the fuel filter yeah that puts up a decent fight let's go get I believe there's going to be a filter off of it be is that loose yeah it's loose too about stuff being loose huh what is that that's got a bunch of crap in it I would think that was supposed to have a little filter in there though yeah that'll make it hard to kind of blow through huh oh yeah is that bugs what are they the whole thing's full that'll make a mess let's go clean that out and uh kind of it look like like gats to me like little little let's go see what we got for fuel filter issue I'm a feeling this is on the way out no not too bad I wonder if we should get some compressed air let's blow through that that might have more crap that is lodged inside here causing it to have that drag least we're finding a couple problems in other words taking stuff apart and saying and seeing nothing all right let's go see if it sneezes out some boogers that is still am I in the closed position there we go okay I say that's better go blow out the fuel filter too so I don't think it's a bad filter I'm also going to go check this this should be my guess is a one way it's like a blow through but if I go to draw the other way I can't and that's the correct direction is it if I am at a fuel pump on this side right I'm drawing I don't want to be able to draw through here well maybe that's what this valve is though this valve should overcome that I'm going to go put a piece of hose on that and draw through and make sure that I don't have an air leak going through that these alternate fuel sources let's go put a hose on that and right now I should not be able to but I can so right now this is leaking somewhere I should be not be able to draw through that cuz that's going to suck air it's got more than one problem kind of what I was possibly thinking in the beginning so wherever this check valve is is not shutting not shutting off what holds that in place can we so if we are selecting no because the valve is over here it doesn't it's not going to influence so the fuel pump is here right so there's our fuel pump machine's running whether this is on or off if it's in the off position for here it's it's going to want to draw through here but even if I have this in the on position if I have resistance here which we did we had that the bowl was all full of crap in the center and I could draw through here if there's nothing here there's nothing connected to this we're sucking air so that is a problem I think we're starting to kind of Chase down what the uh the issue was here if you want to try to look into this we can see like my guess it's probably got a like a bad o-ring on it how does that come out of there looks like it's got a screw down below here it's not even tight of course it's not tight I think we may have to go around this thing and hit everything with a wrench that tight yeah so the check valve if we turn the Checker valve around would that work for us or no would that cause cuz right now can I blow backwards on it hold on yeah it's I a pull forward and back through that so that's a fuel leak right there too all right there you go yeah nothing weaker really it's all like one piece let's go clean it off real quick see if there's a there's a crack in it that's what's doing it all right there let me clean it off don't if it's going to show up let me see if I can get you on the right right there there's a crack going through it that's where it's sucking air from and that's why this valve is no good so I'm kind of thinking maybe that's more the problem maybe you know I think he introduced used a couple of problems too he took it apart of course the jet fell out of it you know a little bit of crap that was inside there my guess so far is seeing that this is possibly the original problem and he just didn't catch it yeah so what can we do can we just if we flip that around I just want to disable this it's not working anyway we flip that check valve around maybe we just pinch it off we just pinch it off and put like a bolt in it or something for now and we'll tag it saying that this is no good all right I'm going to go and reassemble some stuff we take a quick peek and see if there's anything else that's kind of goofy on it I'm also going to run take a 10 mm wrench I'm going to run around and see if there's anything else that's um not bolted down like it should we already found a couple things that were loose so you see had the you can see there was a wrench on the cylinder head bolts I don't see anything else we still have the you know make sure the rest of it is still working but let's go get all that back together and uh try to get some fuel in it I have a barrel set up I'll bring over we can put some water in that we'll set this on there uh fire it up see what we get got a little situp here I made up sketch got got a pallet on the bottom of it and uh a barrel in this we got a support to set the engine on so let's go a filler up and stick that on there I got to get some two-stroke gas yet too that's going to take a little while to fill up but it's going so let get our throttle hooked up doesn't look like that throttle cable okay weird it should be longer oh there go it slipped um let's go try and set it so that like before you hear it like when I pull down it you hear I'm touching that screw before it was holding it open there was an air gap there like I said it probably had no idle circuit amongst other problems let's go the other way so I can tighten it uh so they're trying to physically hold it open a little bit more there you go let's see if that looks more like and that's more like get think we're almost touching I'm going to give it a little bit more slack I guess as long as we get Full Throttle right this the goal let's go something like that yeah definitely hit you can see it hitting and going cuz I want some room to be able to back off the screw too because we might have to adjust the idle speed so we got idle speed adjustment here and then there's an for the um idle air fuel mix is another one here I grabbed some ripoff fuel it's like nine bucks a CT but I am cut for time this week I don't have anything here to go put in it so we got that I do believe it's 51 on these also anything else we're forgetting I ran around with a wrench I didn't see anything else that was loose on it you would think this clamp was be a little tighter though on that uh that cable that's down there just kind of sitting in there all right so that's our forward and reverse we don't know if that has a gear box set up for it we I disconnected that plug it's not even in there right now I could probably screw it back in but I put a um a shoulder bolt in it and that sealed that off so we're not going to be sucking air through there at so if it's good it should have a um a water pump put on it a little impeller which is right about here sitting in it and then the gear rail changed in the bottom unit but we're not that far yet get in there all right so hopefully the water is deep enough cuz there's a a pickup for the water and there's a TA should be a tell little hole somewhere where water pisses out once it gets running it should piss water out of somewhere generally right around here and it just it's a visual to see that you have coolant going through it I guess we'll find out may be that tube right there I think so so that'll tell us that the water pump is going sometimes it it it is working but um it gets clogged the little tube gets clogged again we're uh not to that point yet let's go throw some gas in it fire it up see what it does pretty sad when the fuel you're putting in it costs half of the motor cost oh you know what I got to tighten up I got a hose I didn't tighten up yet talking about the other guy talking about the other guy here I am it's kind of a weird hose setup it's got on it like a uh a hose that goes over under a hose I don't think we'll put a ton of fuel in it but we'll put enough in it so that it uh we'll put like inch and a half in it maybe that's good we'll only put $5 in it I don't know how many times you get take the start because we don't have a um you know the carburetor is empty so it may take a little bit it looks like the fuel filter already filled up let's look for leaks looks like the filter already filled with fuel so we're going to make sure that we have choke on we have no spark when the throttle's all the way down I believe it shut spark off I'm not positive of that it might be all the way down and shutting the fuel off I'm not sure and anyway let's go give her I believe start is going to be something like right there let me poping in the stand we'll give her a couple Yanks probably throw a gas cap on it might be an advisable [Applause] idea I also didn't put the there's a vent too the vent has to be open looks like it is I got do that two hands yeah so air can come into the fuel tank so it doesn't uh like you put your finger over you put a straw in your drink right you put your finger over you lift up on it the fuel stays it's kind of the same idea if if the fuel can't draw down if air can't replace the fuel that's missing so that has to be open see it's open and closed yeah it was closed okay it shouldn't be able to FL it out I don't think all right let's go back you up give her a couple Yanks all right should go all right let's go get rid of the choke CU youve got water pissing ni it quiet hey yeah so the water pump's working let's go put this over by the door open the door up and we'll let it air out and let it run for a while what time is it now 350 is said on my [Applause] phone we're at 350 go put it by the door we'll let it run for I don't know 10 minutes or so and uh make sure we're not dying or anything and then we we'll put a load on it we'll pop it in GE we'll let it go that's she go it's going to spit water can you slow it down more see where the idle let's go adjust that air fuel mix [Music] bounces so much you can't get on there we go that was way out go to it dies and then back [Music] up that sounds pretty good there we running it in again I don't like that okay let's back it up but IR Ron is is making it lean more you take it out it runs rich you want to run it in just so it starts to kind of screw up a little then back it up maybe about another half a turn past that we we'll check it again when it warms up sounds like it's deing out pretty good you want try popping just it's going to throw [Music] water good your box is working neutral let go for a reverse yeah reverse doesn't have as much thrust because the way the propeller shape all let's go we it over by the door and we'll let it run for a little while maybe we'll rev it up a little too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Just moment go that's all the way down and I don't see a shut off switch so I think we have to we can always use this I guess but I wonder if the throttle is supposed to go all the way down where you shut it off or oh you just push it okay and or if you pull it off it probably shuts off also so that's the shut off not not this go fire it back up [Applause] again good that throttles all the way down so that's that's our our idle setup if you can adjust with that go pop it in here that's more resistant than it would normally get to cuz normally the boat would start moving you not you wouldn't be pushing water against the wall you know would give her a hair of throttle I have the gra looking probably right about there would be a good idle so enough where it's not pushing the water out of the barrel we'll let it run like that what do some laundry there's much more water flowing through the system than what's that that's just a tell the rest of the water comes back out through the center of the uh propeller so there's more water flowing through it than what you see right there I have a propeller from a different one I'll show you it's for a bigger one than this but we'll let this one go I see it burning off a little bit of stuff so I do have some other ones that are going to have their turn is a larger Mercury that is here I don't even remember where it came from anymore and then a Yamaha I think somebody gave me the Yamaha and that is kind of I think it's missing it's missing a prop and you know who knows what else so my thought is I don't have time this week but we could possibly bring it to the boat that's what it looks like a little impeller down there now these are like rubber legs on them they bend over and this thing is off center so as that's spinning around the legs get bent over and then they stand up straight that's how it draws and pumps water through the system well after a while these get old that little rubber leg see if I can open it there you go so those little rubber legs Bend like that it's in a um bigger a circle but it's pretend that's the same size so it'll be against the wall something like that it'll be like that but over here they all get bent so it draws water in on a large opening as it spins around it pushes now it's got like pressure behind it because the chamber has gotten smaller and it pushes it through and that's how it pumps water through the system well if these sit for a long time they whatever one was in that parked position kind of wants to stay that way again who knows how how long that motor's been sitting like that so it's a good idea to uh change these every every other year or so depending on you know what scenario how much you're using it and and that kind of thing but this is one for a bigger one this is for my pontoon boat this is the kit that comes with that so that one needs to be done too you can see that one's already got like a a built-in curve to it anyways that's for another day on these and I was getting gas I was telling them I was working on an outboard and the guy's like I got a um a little one of those little engines you put a gas in the tank in the back of it I'm like oh yeah that's what I'm working on and he goes yeah I think it's silver and red CU I think it's a Yamaha so that might work out um we might have two of the same I don't know what horsepower rating it is but he may have another one of those might be able to make two out of one and that one is unknown to me but maybe we go through a couple of the engines and uh we'll bring them all to the boat at the same time and kind of run them let's go down back down there and check on that one make sure it's uh not overheating think do one should if you're able to see with the propeller out it it dumps a good amount of water in this is a tiny engine but still the water that's not all of it nice let's go in um see if on yeah I still pop it in neutral kill it I'm going to put all the covers back on it we got a cover that goes on here and then the uh the top one and we'll throw that on there we'll run it for just a little bit more as our water looking the exhaust is also going down through the center of the prop and coming out it's kind of like the the water the um coolant water and the exhaust exit down it usually comes out through the center of the prop on there and then there's a intake on the sides is where the water gets drawn up and uh you're essentially putting you know the exhaust into the water including whatever uh premix oil so that's where you see the water getting a little on the gunky side like whatever this crap is sitting on top it's probably a little bit of oil my guess but that's why they a lot of them have gone to the four strokes because of that he soone much quieter it is with the cover [Applause] [Laughter] on choke was pulled out I flooded it the choke was pulled out there we go let clear up for a second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a k no more $50 worth more than that now all right I let that run some more I was putting the cover on I hit the choke out didn't know it putting gear I'll let that run for about 20 minutes or so just make sure we don't have any issues make sure st's going could I'm running for a while you see the water flow stopped though so either the pump is falling apart or sometimes just debris gets stuck up in there that's all it was look B the crap gets stuck in there and the tail doesn't show again it's picking water up if you're in a pond or something you got to remember there's really no intake filter on that so there's Wy area that can happen very common just give her a little woohoo good still sh w't putting in anyway though hey every ready shut it Down's give it the beans we're going to splash some water out of it but what the hell awesome I thought it worked out pretty good where we at we are at uh 421 yes we got about half hour maybe we ran about 25 minutes of that whole thing and it's looking pretty decent again that's the two-stroke oil kind of sitting on top and uh hence why they started going into the fourstroke stuff cuz they do kind of you know plute the laks this one not so much it's 50 to1 it kind of burns it more uh but some of the older ones it had like a 20 one 16 one mix on them they really made a Sheen going across the pond look like I kicked out some water huh yeah so I think the original problem was that valve that was on there the auxiliary fuel intake having that crack in there sucking air right there and um that was a whole problem to begin with it was probably good when we was idling but as soon as he got on the gas and put a load on it it started using more fuel it probably just couldn't keep up with the fuel and uh would just start sucking air and then it would die on them and then he took it apart did a bunch of work on it didn't get it back together correctly and you probably just didn't run that jet up tight enough took it out again and then had another problem of you know now the air fuel mixes all over the place and he tried working with the throttle cable and keeping it reved up a little higher than the stop that it was on and you know just essentially dug a hole and gave up but worked out good that's no longer a $50 engine I'd say it's you know you're probably $5 $600 for something like this and uh I'm going to look for that on eBay see if we can go find another one put that in but you know it could just run off that tank on there that's there probably the more common way it's used anyway I don't have a tank for it all right guys with that I think we're all set we're going to go collar on this one that worked out fairly well for us and uh you know uh parts for the mg I ordered about $600 wor the parts it's going to take a little bit to come in so um that may or may not be the next video I'm not sure and again proba might go jump on a couple of Outboards you can go on them if this one does well and I have the barrel set up so with that guys I'm sign off I'll thank youall for hanging out with me doing a bit of wrenching and uh I'll see you on the next one till then later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 348,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: CxaKuRDnk9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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