Can we Farm with an ABANDONED Tractor?? PLANTING THE CORN!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of junkyard digs today a fan favorite the annual tradition of finding an abandoned tractor bringing it back to life and using it to put corn in the field in the past we mostly found fals this year we decided to go green not a very big tractor but it does have a six-cylinder engine and we're going to need Oliver see what I did there I see what you did there that was very clever thank you thank you Angus hi for the first time since we started this you actually get to join us for the whole week of farming Adventures it's funny you say that because my family's also farming so I might not Ste so like I just said Every Spring Angus and I go find an abandoned tractor pull it out of the weeds and get it working again hook it to our previously abandoned equipment and use all of that to put corn in the field for next to nothing this year is no different except for the fact that instead of a farm all for once we have an Oliver 77 do you know anything about these oh they're green you know as much as I do perfect they're green and they have a lot of fairings yes they're very aerodynamic tractor which is exactly what you're looking for in a piece of farming equipment more efficiency in the field yes absolutely also besides changing the color we for once finally have a wide front end instead of a narrow supposedly this is a 38 horse motor so it's pretty much right in line with a Farmall M as you can see six cylinders a generator which talking to Tim uh this has been converted to 12vt fully but it still uses a generator H 12v generator it looks to be about a 8year old walnut tree growing through it so that's it's been that long how about that also there's a hole in the axle there's a hole in this side too like cut into it no looks like mine was beat into it with a rock and there's a bunch of duct tape all over mine yeah this one this one too um well does this thing even get good we screwed all right well what do you say we throw a battery into this and try to figure out where the starter button is yes all right there we go farmer Angus has installed an AMC Eagle Battery that'll do it let's see if she goes oh do that again one more she thinking about it yeah my terminals are hot that says they're thinking about it too give her another she'll go there we go there we go she was just a little sticky engine oil actually looks really good it's textbook to the Mark it's pretty thin though doesn't smell too gassy though like the motor's letting it all let all the fuel pass the Rings oh wow that's that's a fix right right there holy crap look at this so to hold our exhaust manifold on we have these like tea head hold Downs right here these ones have bolts chilling jam between washers on each side hey whatever works all right well let's start at the top Let's uh clean this guy up here and see if that makes a difference and then work our way down to the starter and eventually determine that the whole thing's bad easy do there how's that look way better yeah rub the nut around on the concrete a little he's good to go let's see if this makes any difference as well every little bit we'll take it we're getting somewhere come on girl hurry up all right I think that's enough to start moving on to the next step which is as is tradition fan the points for shits and giggles I'll check for spark beforehand I think we know the answer nothing nope pop this guy off yep sure enough hey I have a question where's the rotor apparently stuck in the cap is the answer that's exciting it's like part of it I'm just going to leave that alone stick some sandpaper in here pull those open wipe them off with my finger if you can't do that use a dollar bill works pretty well and with the ignition back on and a stick there we go give a little more going up and down and rubbing the points together right now all right and with that we should have a spark we can check right here with the coil yep as you can see coil's good points are good condenser is good all right drop this back into place oh hey a date 11:30 2013 yes so 10 11 years let's go find some gas or some brake clean and see if we can get this to make any noise okay these covers are cool looking at all but God they're annoying there's our fuel tank there's our sediment bowl yeah uh-huh oh yeah no idea what any of this is yes they know everything comes off with a pliers on a tractor cuz it was put onto the tractor with the pliers come here you nice nice and we can just get the crank get spark and get fuel we won't even need the brake clean right all right let's uh let's get this cleaned up I think this one will still work spent a little time with this guy it's all cleaned out good to go he moves liquid Angus found a crank handle in the garage yeah weird Oliver guy has a lot of Oliver cranks it do be working yeah maybe us plus the starter all right let's get this guy in place and see how bad the carb rator leaks which is probably zero it's an old tractor they don't care drink up old girl it's been a while you're not done yet we got another field to plant think that's enough to drive all the way home are we going to drive this all the way home well I don't think we should fly it that's 12 miles well how else are we going to get it back with the trailer yeah no it's going to rain we got to go now yeah you're right you're right we'll do this together as a team effort all right I'm ready and go let me check for sparking I wonder if this is how I finally break a bone although by the feel of it I don't think this has a lot of compression do that again that's Spar yeah that's doing it yeah she's got spark giant ant big big bugs big bugs this year let me take a look at the rotary I it was full of ants I bet they're unhappy that was the last thing I was expecting to see when I open that huh please be gone thank you they were probably getting a ride so step one to Reviving your tractor remove the ant it has a few bugs in the ignition system yeah needs worked out you know there's a single screw hole that was open that's how they got in yeah they got a little corroded in here all right let's clean these up and try it again all right while Kevin's finishing cleaning up our motor I decided to throw some oil at the forward starter bearing on the tractor or noticed it had one of these little spit valve caps for filling up with oil means there should be a wick that oil that bushing so I use this screwdriver as a as a guide rod and poured some oil down and filled up the cap everything's still full of ants over here sorry for all the noise so I took this uh screwdriver acted it as a guide rod and put my oil right up here and proceeded to overfill it immensely um right so that's wet now uh it should be lubed that's how you do that the wrong way best I can do ants who was this special guest the channel hasn't seen in like 20 years three years or something at least three yeah Jaden good to have you back in town for a little bit it's my buddy Jaden high school friend you were in the Triumph video Triumph video and the ramp or the tire Truck Yeah service truck and one other one where we there's two vehicles oh yeah the Dodge races DOD that's right I got so much break cleaning my eye I forgot about that one yeah all right there's fuel coming out of this so she's primed okay I lost my grip live you bastard oh just did something there that me I got to slowly you want me to do anything throttle um yeah give her a little more maybe I don't good throttle that was perfect okay third down it runs I just I just hand crank rival started a tractor so she wants a she wants a couple primes I guess yeah that's all I had thank you for watching this episode of junkyard digs I hope to see you next week we'll have Ben put the corn in let me pull some choke I guess try that what went [Laughter] yeah the chok's got this little flap on it f noise well that's silly that's so weird say that is definitely Full Throttle that one's yeah that's H I'd say shoot for the middle yep on you guys go ahead all right when that's a running tractor if I've ever seen one dude that thing runs fantastic it's so quiet so quiet no Eng wow maybe we should get more Olivers you're telling me sweet well do we see if it moves I'm yeah oh yeah we're going to be farming a no time well maybe not with that wheel yeah we'll see idle all the way down oh dude this this is the nicest one we've ever had for this I say we keep it sry well there we go we have the best running tractor we've ever owned uh let's start with this tire next I suppose all right we found an air compressor we're we're going to give this tire a little bit of air oh she's taking it perfect taking it now heck i' say that's probably good enough for who it's for judging by the uh the shape of this tire all right odds in it starting off the starter 0% see that's why I say the things I do all right 12 m home I did this go WR we're never going to see him again are we he's he's dead now proba not W buddy hang in there Mr Tire and Mr tractor engine like I'm in a tractor parade but I'm going to be here all day this is not very fast also still what the hell is this what is the cannon tube that's pointing at my face what is that there he is the bounciest man alive wow all right finally leaving town everything's looking good it's like it didn't even care that it was ever parked oh you know what I got to go for an ice cream right now yeah hi can I get a small ice cream cone that was the first drive it's really good everything's fantastic oil pressure temperature perfect while Kevin fuel's up let's check on the ants they seemed rather upset oh they're all gone somebody took all the ants nope I was wrong they're coming out of the park plug wires that's incredible once we had the fuel tank full we cranked her to life and hit the road once again there we go she's a little bumpy but it runs absolutely fantastic our gauges all look wonderful the steering's not even that loose there's no smoke whatsoever out of that the road draft tube none of it this thing is magnificent for the rest of the drive home we took turns swapping out on the Oliver enjoying our onean old tractor parade I've never been in a tractor ride before but honestly after driving this all the way home I I think it would be a lot of fun there's always been something special to me about traveling gravel roads in Iowa with an old car but when you do it on an old tractor it's kind of Next Level you're only doing like 12 mph so you have plenty of time to soak in the scenery and enjoy the view shortcut holy hell oh I just came off the tractor oh god that hurt oh she's running a little goofy come on girl you got to go that far oh come on starting to think my property is cursed every tractor that comes out here has fuel issues no sh doesn't seem like it huh oh oh no it's after I hit that big bump so you can't park here there's something cursed about this land this thing literally drove like 12 miles and broke down in the backyard so about that crank can you give me a ride yeah all right well it seems to be totally fixed again I tapped on the carburetor turned the fuel threw all the way in and all the way out on both that and the sediment bowl and must have been a piece of rust I knocked loose when I hit that ball yeah it's totally fine I'm sure this definitely will not come back to hanas at any point tree yep sure enough that is way too damn wet to till it's been raining every day for like a month which the good news is we're probably almost out of the drought all the rivers pods are up the bad news is I can't get the damn corn in now we've officially made it home let's get this sucker parked wait for the ground to dry up and put the corn in Farmer Gus good morning good morning as you can see we're back with the tractor doing a little pre-field maintenance it's been a couple days since the camera was last on WE immediately had five in of rain the next day that was incredible and then a tornado that like leveled houses a couple miles over so that wasn't fun regardless we're still here we're still alive we still have a tractor and we still have a field that needs till and it's still pretty wet everybody else's corn is like this tall but it's all under under water so they going to start over we're back on track baby that forward Fields mostly sand which means it dries up really fast so does the corn that we plant in it believe it or not tomorrow rain the rains are coming again it won't stop raining so we have like today to do the field let's see if we can get it done I guess I don't know ready begin well I set to work on the engine oil change by dropping the old oil and get started on draining the transmission and r axle our best guess is the holes in the axle housings were from a loader that clamped right here and at one point must have been overloaded and popped a couple holes in the housings regardless this was an easy way for water to get in for the last 10 years so it was looking a little soupy in the rear end once everything was drained I pulled off the oil filter and Angus refilled the trans axle all right our axle is all filled up everything's looking good back here we need to keep the water out of it though we've got holes in the front and the back kind of just need to recover the whole area to keep the rain off it for now now and what better thing to use than the handyman's secret weapon duct tape good as new with that fixed we greased all the grease points threw a new oil filter on and set to filling up the motor she is not a race car but she is a flat Tapp of cam shaft and they no longer make zinc in oil and she's still going to want some zinc in the oil to keep that can from wearing out usually we use the STP I don't know we just had this one sitting around zddp is what you want to put in all of your flat taet Vehicles all of your 80 mid 80s cars in back have flat Tapp cams and they're going to want that sacrificial layer in the middle I almost made it do we put the side covers on I would like to me too but I feel like we both know what's going to happen if we do well we know how to take them off now so what's the big deal that's true that's true get in there you wobbly piece of anyhow cover's on oil's changed can't wait to find out what the next problem is probably fuel related now that we put the covers on oh come on girl man we really should have registered for cover drop this year we got it I don't know where all the shepherd's first came from but here it is I think it's drying up what about you definitely not wow Jesus for more power all right let's get our cylinder and everything hooked up and see if we can get this out of here get in there I believe I believe told we had some really big [Music] pliers oh we did it yeah there we go I never doubted it yeah never once probably helps if we have hydraulic fluid oh yeah no it's completely bone dry like not a drip there we go I bet this makes a difference what do you think well I bet it leaks more now I bet you're right I don't know how much it takes but we're going to use alliv her what did you say happens if the seal goes bad between this and the trans uh it just dumps all this into the trans oh okay drink up transmission hardly have to turn it it's alive ah yes welcome back Mr disc and your very flat tires okay that's cool the good news is if we put it down on the discs we don't need the tires let's do that all right so before we get things started we want to make the perimeter of our field so we can figure out where to messed things up this year I've done that and stopped to add a little more hydraulic oil and whatnot and it's just pissing fuel all over the place already which means we have a sunken float or a bad na1 state which is basically what we fight every year oh yes as you can see such is our issue if it runs it runs should be able to take that carbo part and clean it up pretty easy handle that so we fight this every year let's just take it off and do it now things are pretty easy here got a fuel line choke survival cable and two bolts on the top holding it on and then we got four screws to pop off the top and we get inside and we'll take a look what's in there Yeehaw Yeehaw well as is tradition it looks totally fine always looks so good but we always have needle and seat troubles every year the needle looks perfectly clean the seat looks perfectly clean the gasket looks like a little reeal what what is the issue why you do I don't hear any liquid in these no there's no in the bowls a little rust in the bottom here but everything flows [Music] fantastic you don't say little buddy yeah I I do say actually I don't know why this doesn't work okay well I'll spray everything with braake clean stare at it a little more we'll put it together the words of whacker I don't know if it's fixed but it's different we slightly slightly adjusted the float all right let's get this hooked up and see how far we make it this time there we go I say we don't put the panels on yet I agree let's go get ourselves a perimeter and start turning the field with our fuel issue fixed we hooked up the disc and hit the [Applause] field she's doing pretty good the disc is as shitty as it's ever been and this thing's pulling it with no issues [Applause] you know what we might actually be dry enough to be doing this might pull this off today I don't think we'll be able to plant because we W have enough time but eh such as life that's for the Oliver yeah that thing's doing really good no fuel issues it went down to idle just fine so we seem to have that picked running strong she's a good old girl I don't know how much life is left in it but we'll probably use alliver [Music] [Music] I start to think this guy might be drunk what it's suppos to set this up for a nice clean back and forth shot he's drawing penises in the [Applause] field hell yeah it's really wet it's fine dude I got stuck like three times a it's just the big piles of dirt you got the birds all excited oh yeah the birds are excited cuz I kicked up a bunch of bugs cover crop by the way pain in the ass yeah let's not not do a cber crop ever again we never did it the first time that's what I mean I just mow the corn field all right well we got a little finish work to do here but let's wrap that up and go out to the rear one all right so there's the first field done went and had ourselves a little bit of suffer it is time now for the rear field things should go pretty well this one far less cover crop uh just ftles I guess let's see how she fires after sitting thing of beauty let's get get her going [Applause] she's working but it'll do it in fourth holy have to in in no time no way is it going to do [Music] it it might have but there's no point there we go the down good girl this thing this is the perfect size for what we're doing [Music] well I suppose it was only a matter of time before we filled out this section of our Farmer's bingo card get stuck here's the deal I think if we can get more oil in the hydraulic Reservoir which is empty it doesn't move at all we haven't mentioned that part yet but pretty much immediately it stopped working so I think what Angus said about the seal between the trans and that being bad is true and it's just dumping it all into the transmission so if I can get some in there and I can get some weight off these tines I think I can drive right out of here and then we have to fix the disc CU cuz it fell apart I don't know how that happen it's kind of weird you know Pi up little buddy think we can get away with doing one Court how Fu over come on that's a tractor right there Angus I don't mean to alarm you but the rains are coming nothing it matters 3 minutes get the corn Inus feel's already wet what where well there we go she's all fixed ready to go again Angus is surveying wet spots what do you see sir it's wet actually this part's dry it's like a cake you stick it with a toothpick if it comes up dry it's done what about you that's wet that's Hit and Miss Wet there's no straight shot well there you go that's your official wet Field Report from Angus despite the Oliver running absolutely perfect and having no issues all day long despite us hammering on it to get out of the hole here we are going to have to call it because that right there that is rain that's wet in fact it's actively beginning to rain right now around me so we're going to put this away in a few days when it's all dry we'll be back to finish we'll see you then today's video is brought to you by Sunday the DIY lawn care company that makes growing green grass so easy even car guys can do it if your yard is like mine and it looks like the gr is missing from grass worry not because Sunday is here to help Sunday takes the guest work out of lawn care type in your address and they will Custom Tailor a plan specifically suited for your lawn you can even go a step further and send in a soil sample to be analyzed for free and speaking of free that's exactly what it costs to have Sunday shipped right to your door in these boxes are nutrient pouches packed full of plant science and all the food that your grass needs believe it or not we have a lot of cars in the yard and when they sit for a while they kill everything underneath it but with a little tilling and the proper treatment thanks to Sunday these bald spots are coming in stronger than ever ever using Sunday is an absolute Breeze simply attach the nutrient bags to a garden hose pull the trigger and watch your yard transform from a parking lot into a beautiful luscious green bed of grass so if you guys are ready to transform your lawn as well click the link in the description below or go to gets junkyard digs and use the code junkyard digs 30 for 30% off all Custom Lawn plans once again that's gets junkyard digs use the code junkyard digs 30 for 30% off your answer to a luscious Green Lawn all right let's get back to the video all right round two dirt's dry ER we're running out of time it's going to rain again we got to go hell yeah let's get this field turned and everyone else's corn is 5 in tall and we don't have our discing done yet [Music] [Music] heck yeah what very nice very nice discing is done time to cultivate yes eager to get the corn in the ground we unhooked the disc hooked up the cultivator and put some hydraulic fluid in the tractor all right Mr tractor I'm allotting you one traffic cone full of fluid to do this first field you use it wisely [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] seems like our Hydraulics are arguably almost getting better we filled it up a second time in the front field and anged the entire rear field and it's still working so like we're going to be able to top it off hook the planter up and do everything just fine cuz that's the one we really need hydrolics [Applause] for my God we've done it we've turned dirt into dirt what do you say we go prep ourselves a planter and find some seed I that's a good Next Step let's do it see is that's the only thing we have left to do ah yes the old six row 1250 right where we left it last year and this time for once we're pulling it with a tractor of the same color not brand just color let's get her hooked up look at that for once we have color coordination all right let's go get this old girl set up for corn all right if memory serves us correctly there's mainly two things we have to do and then grease all of it last year we planted beans apparently some of them were still in here whoops wow I really did not clean this out anyway I'm sure that'll be fine last year we planted beans which drop seed down into this Hopper this year we're going to Corn which means we need to rotate all the gates inside the bucket over and then we also need to reconnect these gears so that our plateless uh seed Placer thing in here rot Ates off of the ground Drive once again once that's done we I believe make a population change which is all of this stuff here then we Grease the hell out of it ignore the fact that it's missing a couple wheels and stuff like that and hit the field oh we also have to air up the tires oh that's too much yeah sorry sorry I think it's a little late in the day to be dealing with this I think we should have a beer about it first you know what I think that's a great idea hey where'd you get that shirt I got it from junkyard digs really not actually you handed it to me the cameraman handed why do these always get derailed so quickly if you guys want to check out the shirts hats stickers Koozies everything we have check them out on the website junkyard we've got a couple brand new shirts up there another one uh scheduled to go up soon so keep an eye out with that being said I believe the pre-orders for the ihate head gasket shirt are officially done and they should be heading out the door soon if not already so keep your eyes out for that we will get them to you as soon as soon as we can it just takes a lot of time to ship a th000 shirts which with that being said to celebrate 1,000 shirts sold we're going to be including a free Koozie to everyone who ordered one of those shirts thank you guys very much for supporting the channel I hope you enjoy the free Koozie all right let's get the sucker switched over well I mean who could have for seen this one coming right uh anybody in the audience Andor your co-host as it turns out last year I uh finished planting beans in a hurry as is tradition and then in a hurry set this aside and then later moved it and put it away and apparently in there completely forgot to clean it out and prep it and cover it and all that so now come this spring after sitting outside for winter all of our little Feeder finger things are froze up and not wanting to move so we get to take all the feed boxes off and grease all them up or oil them up or something there she is now it spins the way this guy works is as they come past this hole they open up and they go down here and they grab a seed and then they close and they stay closed and they hold that seed against this plate and they drop it in the hole and he goes down into the ground and voila a corn grows maybe this housing was all corroded could be oh bushing band screwed up is that supposed to be like that there is a bunch of corrosion in here how's it looking Dr Angus really bad oh you you would work on your bedside man matters uh what's happened is since they've corroded the band diameter has shrunken and it has seized to the outside of the fingers and thus when we turned it we're attempted to even my hand it wrinkled that band so it's Ked yeah I've been going along popping the bands out washing all the croan out scraping it out and then getting the old body hammer and flatten them back out and they seem to spin just fine that's great given my uh professional diagnosis good what would you prescribe for this selling I was going to say hammer difference in professional opinion faired off well progress is going along hangus is putting the last of the boxes on besides this one this one we still couldn't get the spin so I took them off and there was a bunch of dirt and old seeds or something up in the Box on the inside but this is how those fingers work as you can see as I rotate through they change height because down in here there is a cam on a follower or these little flags of the followers pretty intricate design for back in the day especially this piece of plastic it's uh can't believe it's survived that well for that many years this thing's a 1968 so it's pretty impressive let's get our Six Flags amusement ride back on there and wrap everything up I've consulted our medical charts we have a 36 to uh drive sprocket on the fingery dads and we're planting yeah we're planting 30 in we're going to aim for about 34,000 population we need an 18 driven or sorry 18 driver sprocket and a nine driven so I think that big green bastard and then something else below it numbers once the old chain drives are all swapped over we're going to be good to go for the night and pick this up early tomorrow morning well tomorrow morning we're going to be here in the morning to get all the corn in the ground we're still waiting on seed and stuff tonight plus this needs to spend a night to dry so all of that water we just got the seed boxes rins and everything out doesn't collect dirt and make a mess because that's not good that's my professional opinion I can Cur thank you Docker we'll see you guys in the morning okay first of all nailed it second of all if you guys are a farmer Rancher grounds keeper or anyone such as myself with a bunch of stuff to mow and there's a constant supply of in the way you need to know about this right here this is a non-paid segment this is a product that I truly love and I think that all of you need to know about in short it is the most revolutionary thing I've ever seen for a lawn mower it is a family-owned company and is produced entirely in the United States of America ladies and gentlemen the weed wolf this right here is a trimmer that runs off of the power already being distributed from your engine into your mowing deck all it has to do is simply be flicked down and lowered with the pedal behind me and it becomes a 12-in weed whip believe it or not we have a lot of vehicles sitting around the yard such as this Bronco that I still have not done a video on grass gos around it and Grass Grows under it but the weed wolf doesn't care I can throw the weed wolf down and get deep underneath that vehicle give it a nice trimmed look around the tires and all of that being careful of the paint all the time using the height control pedal once I'm done I zip around with the regular blades and we have a beautifully trimmed Bronco another obvious strength to the weed wolf is trees take a lap around it with a mower like normal and then kick the weed wolf down and it will take care of all of those scraggly weeds up against the tree to give you a beautiful trimmed look for the backyard Beyond vehicles and trees there are a couple less obvious uses that I found this is fantastic for such as fences this thing makes going underneath the bottom wire of a fence and around the post a piece of cake by throwing the weed wolf below the bottom line of a fence you can easy clean up that extra grass and have a beautiful fence line that transition perfectly into your yard not only is this thing tough and versatile but it's also great at saving your blades we wolf uses this strong plastic trimming string so you can get up next to obstacles such as this stump in my yard and never worry about your blades getting so close to something might be damaged by a rock or brick or whatever may be hiding in the grass and if you need to raise it up simply use the height pedal controlled by your foot to jump up for a second and then dive back down if you see something and for those curious because of course this is junkyard digs and you guys much like myself are wondering how this works it runs off the power from your deck these guys will send you a custom welded pulley that has a second pulley on top of it so that when you lower this down it automatically engages simply let go with your foot and the internal spring will bring it all back up shut everything off and you can keep mowing as normal if you guys want to check one of these out for yourself head to weed wolf and shoot them a call at the numbers listed or email weed wolf manufacturing all right I'm going to fire this up and go mow the rest of the yard back to the video good morning Angus good morning I see you took the old farm truck to town you know it just didn't feel right not using this old girl for planting tradition you don't mess with tradition anyway look what I found oh you got some corn like old plot seed yeah it's crazy they just left it out for free it was just sitting on a pallet in a locked shed in an obscure location weird our planter is all set up ready to go we got our population depth everything's moving now and fixed we're going to throw a bunch of graphite in it this morning and do a little test run on a spot to clean everything up get all the rust off all our components and then we're good to go I believe let's get to it after running some graphite through the planter and testing that everything works we decided we were good to go so we filled her up with seed and hit the field most importantly we have two bags that have two times broad Leo plon and the other one only has one is it a magical Leon it's a magical leoon Charlie uh old internet joke for you with the boxes full and everything set up ready to go we did a test pass to make sure we were dropping seed appropriately and accurately there we go all six are pling landed just about perfect with this old girl so let's put the field in morning hell yeah easy as she goes nice and smooth [Applause] [Music] halfway done with the first field things are going good we got an Angus in the dust might have picked up a rock well there's our first problem just picked up a rock and seized the Box let's go get that [Applause] fixed this needs a new plate really bad it's missing a whole plate actually all right well that seems to be fixed the good news is it was still dropping seeds they were just not in a great trough back to the field is new [Applause] all right that's the first field planted move on to the second so far so good careful on the fence careful on the fence note to self get rid of this tree so far so good [Applause] make sure everything's still working here this Fields way better any moment now they're tricky to find the hell where's the seat that's not good I'm not seeing anything uhoh counter pin's still in Chain's still on I was checking that one when I was digging oh yep that would be why chain fell off oh that's problem I think this grass did it when I was when I turned around I wondered about that when I got to the end here I thought yeah oh it might have been the grass along that edge too I bet we just knocked it off so there'll be one one good walking path yeah it'll really confuse us on the combine that's for sure I can tell you so bad we'll have to just remember that you're a really funny guy [Applause] [Applause] all right good luck in there little buddy why are you doing it like that amateur [Applause] [Music] there you have it folks once again the corn is in now it's time for God's turn to bring some rain down and make all this grow which I'm sure much like the first year probably will never happen and we'll wind up with 30 bushels thank you guys for joining us on this episode thank you to Angus for all his help thank you to Tim for loaning us this wonderful Oliver 77 I really enjoy this tractor this thing's really nice and it ran absolutely Flawless start to finish which we are all about at this point Angus and I will go clean up the planter much better than we did last time and prepare it to sit until next year but you don't have to wait that long to see more junkyard digs cuz we'll be right back next week with another episode best way to support the channel is check out the merch junkyard we'll see you guys next time peace well there's the planting done but man we're going to need somewhere to put this next fall aren't we B of you to assume this is even going to grow that's a good point actually I think our best use of that corn CB on your land would be to turn it into something way cooler yeah h i do wonder what we have in mind maybe we should uh have a beer about it maybe we should and maybe they should subscribe to find out goodbye have a great time see you next time thank you come again
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 167,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, classic, jyd, junk, yard, farming, corn, planting, tractor, old iron, old, iron, years, equipment, can we farm, farm, john, deer, deere, planter, disc, oliver, 77
Id: HQJaSHefsVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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